Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through your heart, contemplate My Sacred Relics. Submerge into the Divine Mystery of God that I reveal to you today, avail yourself of this moment as if it were the last one.  

Behold the Chalice of Redemption, which holds in itself the original codes of the human race.

This is the Sacred Instrument that is offered, in the Hands of the Lord, to reintegrate to humanity the only true genetic code, that code that should be fulfilled and manifested through the race.

This is why I had to surrender My Blood and My Body in the most unimaginable conditions, so that this civilization of the surface of the Earth might recover its original code, that code which God created in the Source through the Creator Fathers, by means of divine and cosmic science., a code which, throughout the times, has degenerated due to different experiences and errors.

Just as it was on Maundy Thursday, when the Lord, through His Blood and His Body, would recover the original code of this humanity, today, through the Sacred Relic of the Holy Grail, the Lord prepares to recover this code that has degenerated again in recent times.

But this time I will recover it through My last apostles and disciples, through all those who will offer their own consciousnesses to be part of the re-establishment of the genetic code of humanity on the New Earth. I know that you will not understand this mystery today, because it does not encompass the intellectual and human part, but each one of your spirits can be the receptacle that receives this Creative Principle.

Because this genetic code of humanity will be recovered through the last servers, through all those who, in the end of times, are willing to go beyond themselves, transcending their human aspects and fully trusting in the spirit of My Grace, which is the one that grants this important moment to all.

Remember that, as a civilization on the surface of the Earth, and since the beginning of this Project of God, each one of you holds this code in their own genetics, through this humanity. And throughout the times and experiences and, above all, through the school of the degrees of love and redemption, this code, which is kept in the DNA itself, in the innermost depths of your consciousnesses, must be converted into a Christic Code, through the Grace and Love that I give you.

Thus, upon My Return to Earth, this will be My first and great planetary movement. Because a New Humanity cannot emerge without all possible consciousnesses, on the four corners of the Earth, recovering in themselves, this Christic Code, through their DNA.

However, lest you may think that this is impossible or unattainable, I want to remind you that you will be able to attain this Christic Code of Love and Redemption by means of your souls and even more through your higher beings, in which the sublime flame of the Spirit dwells, and provides gifts, Graces and virtues to souls.

Your souls must be the bridge for this to happen, so that, just like many saints and yogis of the East, your lives may also be sanctified in the Lord, just as the lives of each one of the saints and yogis of the East became sanctified in Creation.

So that humanity may awaken to this sacred knowledge of Creation, magnificently provided by the Ark of the Holy Covenant, and especially by the Holy Grail, I have worked eucharistic miracles in several parts of the world, so that you may believe.

I have stigmatized some consciousnesses so that humanity may believe that, just as I Am present at the Sacrament of the Altar at each new eucharistic celebration and adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, in the same way My Redeeming Christic Code can also be physically present in you. Because the one who receives this Redeeming Christic Code gradually transcends their consciousness and matter, detaches themselves from what is mundane and even from what is commonplace, sets themselves apart from the energies that do not allow their evolution.

Therefore, companions, believe that through each new Communion you receive, through each celebration in which you participate, you are before the doors of the Christic Code of the Lord, which transubstantiates you if you allow it, just as the bread and the wine are transubstantiated at the Altar.

This is why I told you that I carried out and permitted many eucharistic miracles in the world, so that no one would have any doubts that I Am present and hidden in the mystery of the Altar and, even more, I can be present and eternally alive in the souls that open their hearts to receive Me in glory.

I would like you to be attentive to the moment of eucharistic celebration, so that you may be conscious of what spiritually and physically happens during the moment of transubstantiation, as well as at the moment of receiving the Holy Eucharist.

Through the eucharistic celebration, not only does the very miracle of Love allow you to approach this Christic Code of Love, Redemption and Light, and to submerge in My Unfathomable Mercy, but your souls also stand before the opportunity of a spiritual amnesty.

Although I know that you can fall again many times, it is My wish that you may spiritually work on this in the times to come. Because you will not have a place or space, but only in the Heart of the Lord, which is expectantly open as a great inexhaustible wellspring, so that souls may receive the Graces of the Heavens.

Therefore, today I grant you and the world the opportunity to be before the Holy Grail again, that sacred Instrument that was a witness of the revelation of Christ’s Love for the souls of the whole world, which continues to be perpetuated at each new Eucharist.

If you opened your consciousnesses even more to this mystery, it would no longer be a mystery, but rather a revelation, and the sacred science of the Holy Spirit would give you more understanding and wisdom for your life situations, even for the impossible causes.

Just as today, at the center of the government of your souls, you receive this Spiritual Sacrament through the Holy Chalice, in the same way your guardian angels are your witnesses today, before the Laws of Creation, and register this unique and unrepeatable moment, which you will be able to carry in your souls forever, until eternal life is fulfilled.

This is the same thing that I offered to My apostles, although they were not ready at that moment.

But I come to seek that which dwells within each inner world. I come seeking this Christic Code that is in you, so that it may be at the service of Creation in the preparatory time for the Return of Christ.

Submerge in this reality, companions, just as your guardian angels prostrate themselves before the Presence of the Holy Grail. Because in this Chalice, which I carry in My Hands today, not only is the testimony of My Precious Blood, the testimony of My Love for each one of you, but I also deeply aspire and yearn that someday your experiences of love and redemption may also be within this Holy Chalice, so that when I return to the world in Glory, I may offer it to God, together with you, as reparation for all the errors and outrages committed in the world, especially to children and innocent ones.

Ask the Angel of Reparation, present at each new Eucharistic Celebration, to spiritually help you to live this mystery, so that it may be a reality in you, once and forever.

After living this Divine Communion with Me, you are now ready to live the Spiritual Communion, by means of the Eucharistic Celebration that you will now carry out.

At this moment, I would like for you to be in quietude, to meditate upon all of the impulse that I have brought to you, up to the moment when you will live the transubstantiation of the elements, of the bread and the wine, into the Body and the Blood of Christ. And especially at the moment when you will receive the Holy Eucharist, remembering the intention of all that I have told you up to now.

I give thanks for your being here. Continue to prepare for the next Sacred Week.

May My Words dwell in you, so that My Words may not just pass through you, but rather that they may concretize the Work of redemption within you.

I bless you, in the name of Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will prepare for the Spiritual Communion by giving continuity to the impulse that we have received.

And so that this may be a reality within us, as He asked of us, we will sing “Adonai, Holy Spirit”, while we prepare ourselves.  In this way, the Holy Spirit will help us at this moment, prepare us internally, just as it filled our Holy Mother and the apostles in Pentecost.

Let us entrust this moment to the Holy Spirit of God. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Light of the powerful White Mountain will congregate and gather all the Masters of the past, all those who have participated in the Conclave of the Hierarchy throughout times.

Their Presence will be visible, but the majority will not be able to reach Them, because They will be under a certain mission and task, under a certain purpose and request for the Creator.

And, thus, the treasuries of the inner Retreats of the Earth will open, and not only will the light of each one of them be seen, but so will the most sacred relics from when this planet began, as a creation, and as a genetic project. From them, a stronger and more powerful light will arrive, because the great sign of the White Light of the Mountain will bring with it many revelations and the mysteries will be unveiled.

Everything will become visible to all, but no one will be able to violate these treasures and relics, because a powerful and invisible energy will protect them.

In this way, the Masters will come from very far places of the planet. Some will descend from the Himalayas, others will come from the Andes, and some will come from here, and silence will show the truth.

The Heart of God will be touched at this moment, because the Masters of the past, the Masters of Light, the instructors of the planet and of humanity will prepare the Return of Christ, and this will be the great compensation and inner sustenance for My Church.

All that is written in the Universe throughout the stars will be shown. And that which is written in the Universe will descend to the planet, like something very similar to the comets, to the shooting stars that illuminate the firmament at night.

Those who aspired for so long to ascend to the mountains to find their inner world will find it after having struggled for many centuries against themselves, to transmute their desires, their temptations, their duality, their imperfection.

In this hour the Sacred Chalice, the Holy Grail, will emerge, just as it was once here, in this Sacred White Mountain.

Again, the table of redemption will be prepared.

The tribes will also arrive, just as Israel arrived after it was liberated from the slavery of Egypt. But the people of Israel, the ancient people, will no longer take 40 years to find me, to find the Second Person of God, the Son, but rather they will know the path because the Masters will be their very stars that will indicate upon the firmament, just as it was in Bethlehem, the coming of the Messiah, the Savior and Redeemer.

There will no longer be any consciousness upon the Surface of the Earth, a nation, any human power or any person that can hide from what will happen because all this movement and this event will be through the greater impulse of Cosmic Love, which has created you in the image and likeness of the Father to be able to fulfill, in this material and spiritual plane, His Designs and Wills.

The winter will pass, the dark night will end, because the powerful light of the inner Retreats will bring the new, that which no one has been able to see since this planet and this genetic project began.

And, at last, before the Son of God arrives, the Confraternity will gather. From their essences will shine the great stars of their origins.

The faces of the just will no longer cry for lamentations and guilt, but rather they will rejoice. The cry will be of joy, of rejoicing and bliss, because the Holy Grail will be there, resplendent, on top of the White Mountain.

And the synthesis and the legacy of all the love lived by Christ, your Master and Lord, will open the great portal between Heaven and Earth, for the glorious and victorious descent of the Son of God.

The great Light of the White Mountain will be the one that will open the door to the new time. But, afterward, many signs will be shown, even though the planet and its humanity may be touched, stirred or disturbed.

Those who were assigned to fulfill a task and a mission in these times will be consciously called and the Eternal Father will no longer have to wait until His children awaken and become aware of the truth.

Just as I speak to you today, from the top of the White Mountain, so will that event be, but even more striking and revealing.

The Masters of the mountains who will descend from the Himalayas, from the Andes, and who will emerge from the inner Retreats of the planet, will bring with them their entire legacy and all learnings, and, above all, the experience of Christic Love, lived as great universal and cosmic consciousnesses.

No one will be able to say that this will not be true, because God needs it this way and determines it for the construction and the advent of the new race, which will no longer violate nor outrage the laws, the principles or the attributes that are a part of a Higher Will and a Design that comes to the world and to your consciousnesses in order to elevate them toward the Higher Purpose.

Meanwhile, and when all this happens, the Woman Clothed with the Sun will also come after Her Son, and those who did not believe in Her will see Her in glory, just as She ascended to the Heavens, surrounded by angels and stars.

Her great Universes will be shown, Her Faces will be revealed, and in the end She will show the last path along which to return to the Father, to be in communion with His Spirit and with His Consciousness, for all eternity.

Suffering will no longer be the cause of all evils and anguishes, of so many sorrows and tests, because in this hour, My enemy will be defeated, and his head will be under My Feet.

I, Myself, and the Archangel Gabriel will redeem him, and all his fallen armies that sentenced all the civilizations and peoples of the planet and of the Universe throughout the times. And, thus, Creation will be recreated and everything will again have a meaning for God.

A great many, indeed many souls will recognize their mistakes. But the Light of Divine Mercy will come as the last lifeline at the moment of the great universal Judgment. 

At that hour, all will be defined. This is why I prepare you with these announcements and words, because you must not forget them. There will no longer be another moment when I can repeat and announce them, as I do today, on this day.

Because when all this happens, you, as a part of the extension of My Will and of My Work upon the planet, will understand the meaning of all that you have done, of all that you have lived and experienced, of all I have asked you to faithfully fulfill.

In this way all will begin again, and souls will rejoice, they will no longer lose the path nor the meaning of their existences because, when the King returns through the powerful Light of the White Mountain, at that moment, all will be accomplished, and the new scriptures will be fulfilled.

The Bible will be renewed and restored from the outrage that humans have made towards it, because a new history will be written, not only in the Heart of the Father, but also in the heart of His children.

The cycles will close when the inner Retreats become visible, and, everything, absolutely everything, without much time left, will begin from scratch.

Be ready for this moment, be conscious of what I tell you.

Spread My Words throughout the world, because as they are the last, they are the most revealing.  There is a part of these signs that you must understand for yourselves, in attunement and love with Me. In this way, you will keep growing in love and truth, in justice and in service for all those who do not do so, and who, someday, in the next time and in the next world, must do so.

God created His children for them to serve one another, to love one another, to grow together and in unity.

Keep praying for your Master to be able to continue speaking and announcing the Word, which is no longer His own, but is the Word of God, which comes from His Source, and, above all, from His Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.



Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 70th Marathon of Divine Mercy, in Fatima, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

This is the time to reconcile humanity with God before everything happens. This is why I chose again to come to Portugal, not only because of its history, but also because of its events with other peoples and nations, and thus, I come for the other nations of Europe.

I will continue on pilgrimage through these lands, as My Holy Mother did together with the Holy Grail. I will come with My Heart to illumine the darkest spaces of the European consciousness, and your help will be essential for Me.

So, in My Heart and on this afternoon, I bring the treasures of Heaven that will illuminate souls and their paths, so that all consciousnesses may learn someday to live the Will of God and can overcome and transcend human suffering activated by their own will, rather than the Will of My Father.

I know that sometimes the world does not want to listen to this need, to realize this truth. But a very definite time is drawing closer, it is very close, more than it seems for humanity, and it must not take you by surprise. You must be aware and awake so that, at the indicated time, your hearts will dictate the moment of this great event that will place humanity by the side of God, or far from God.

For this reason, from the Celestial Universe, Our Sacred Hearts ask for so many prayers for the world, in order to be able to rectify the errors of humanity and of the peoples, not only the historical errors that have become indelible in many consciousnesses, but also to avoid future errors, so that the harmony and equilibrium of God may be established on the planet.

Your attunement with My Heart is very important, not only through the practices I have taught you over time, mainly through the Communion that I offer you daily, so that your spirits and souls can be nurtured by the Source, but also through all that comes from the Celestial Universe and descends to the world in each moment of prayer and of supplication, of service and of surrender for your fellow being, in each opportunity of again experiencing a Sacrament, and of freeing your consciousness from perdition, from the temptation of these times, from the illusion of the world, from spiritual blindness and from indifference.

On this day, companions, your hearts reached a new step in their awakening. Thus, I bring you this request of continuing to pray from the heart for those who most need it, for those who do not listen, for those who close their ears to the Voice of God by means of His Divine Son.

Today I come to rest in your hearts. Today I come to repose My Spirit in your spirits so that the inner alliance may strengthen between souls and the Plan of God, for all that still must be done and be manifested on Earth, for the Greater Will to be fulfilled.

Humanity must continue to seek the perfect union with the Ark of the Holy Covenant, with that sacred symbol of spiritual ascension that descends from the Kingdom of the Heavens through the intervention of the Divine Son, so that His sacred treasures and His divine impulses may descend over the human consciousness and to the nations, so that the errors may be erased, the deviations may be avoided, human perversion may be stopped, and souls may find again the path toward what is sacred and toward the upliftment of consciousness.

All this may be possible because of the continuity of your daily prayers, the commitment with the school of prayer of My Mother so that more souls may be able to awaken in time, and may find within themselves the meaning and the answer of being here on Earth, not for something material, but for something profoundly spiritual, for a mission, for a principle and a purpose, for a Greater Plan. 

My Heart contemplates your inner needs. My ears hear all your pleas. But it is necessary, companions, to take another step so that the Higher Universe may come to meet you and the Greater Source of all the impulses of God may continue to guide you and lead you toward the goal of being able to be part, someday, of the new flock of God that will be born from the miserable and the imperfect, from those who are learning to be redeemed and to forgive. Because it will be the New Jerusalem, the city of light that will descend from the Universe to welcome you all in the Sacred Temple of the Heart of God, in profound communion and alliance with the Father.

The nonmaterial treasures of the Universe must be part of your lives, the attention of your consciousnesses, the reason for living and for existing and for carrying forward a part of the Plan of the Father, in this way you will be helping your Master and Redeemer so that His Work may continue to expand on Earth in this time, outside of His Church, given the need of millions of souls that experience great suffering and infinite agony that only the Love of God will be able to heal and alleviate.

For this reason, your Master and Lord needs intermediaries, not masters but disciples, servants of His Merciful Heart that can represent Him in this time, just as the apostles represented Him in the past.

In truth, I tell you, I come to bring continuity to what I once did on Earth. I unite past time with present time through Real Time, so that your spirits and consciousnesses may receive the same Christic codes that My Apostles from the past once received, as did all those who followed Me with faithfulness and love, with sacrifice, in surrender and in redemption.

You must be part of the story of the Book of God. The Celestial Father still hopes to be able to continue writing a new story in humanity. A story of all those who listen to Christ, who follow His steps and experience perfect communion with Him, responding to His Call without conditions or rules, in obedience, with faithfulness and in profound unity.

I am still waiting for the definition of many of you as well as many of your brothers and sisters that are on this planet, who are a part of the 144,000, who will proclaim My second return to the world, the second Glorious coming of God through His Most Beloved Son, in the presence of the Holy Grail.

If you give continuity to the story that God wants to write through your lives and hearts, nonmaterial treasures will descend from the Universe and will cease to be a mystery to the majority of humanity.

You will know how to work with the sacred tools of God, you will learn through prayer and through the sacred instruments to support this planet during its three days of darkness, and you will be by My side, although you may not believe that I am there, because My Presence is eternal, unmistakable and undeniable.

And thus, you will fulfill My promises, the promises that I once made to the Celestial Father of being able to again, through My Soul and My Divinity, rescue this sacred people that is humanity, who again were perverted and got lost through the influences of My adversary, which someday will be defeated by your own Master and Lord, with the authority of the Archangel Gabriel.

Celebrate the opportunity, companions, of being conscious, and do not let the planetary inertia absorb you or that the deep sleep of millions of human beings may affect you.

You are now within the great awakening, the opportunity to transform your lives completely, to be the new wineskin in the Hands of the King, purified and sublimated by My Spirit.

As long as humanity does not take the necessary steps to reverse and balance human perversions and all their misalignments, the treasures of the Universe will remain in the Universe until they can be revealed to the entire human consciousness, regardless of religion,  color, or nation, because the knowledge of God is for all. The knowledge will make you more aware and available to be able to carry out the Plan of God, to fulfill the great promise of being a sacred people under the principles and the attributes of God, which many call Commandments.

We are still in the time of Grace. We are still in the time of Mercy, with the opportunity of being able to cross the portal toward redemption and of becoming worthy children of God by means of prayer, daily charity, love, and peace with your peers.

As a testimony to this love that I continue to unconditionally give to the world, today I will again consecrate new adorers of My Eucharistic Body, because in them must be the pillars and the great divine structures that will support humanity and the planet when it moves, through the perfect practice of adoration.

Through My Eucharistic Body, find the portal for your ascension and transcendence, for the sublimation of your thoughts and feelings, in order to be able to make amends for all your debts and faults in face of the Celestial Father, Who mercifully loves you.

Through this consecration of new adorers, I again give you the Gifts of God so that you may learn to conceive them within you, through an example of life on the path of prayer, of service, of instruction and of healing.

Those who adore My Eucharistic Body are the ones who will, in the end of times, allow divine revelations to continue in humanity so that all may be more aware and available to be able to serve God.

Those who adore My Eucharistic Body are the ones that balance the planet and humanity in this time and do not allow errors to continue to be generated so that they do not lead souls into perdition and spiritual blindness.

Adoration is a path of reconciliation with God and of profound contact with Me, from Heart to heart, from Soul to soul, and from Spirit to spirit.

Between us, the adorers and My Heart, only the Light that emanates from the Source can exist, which brings healing, forgiveness and renewal to hearts.

Adoration is a permanent practice of concentration and of alignment to be able to stabilize the psychic plane of humanity, from all that it generates in this time, because of what it thinks and what it experiences.

Adoration is a permanent portal of transmutation in which the angels are able to maintain all the balance and the harmony when the adorer simply opens to being before My Eucharistic Heart.

Today I bring you these opportunities and Graces, knowing that this meeting will not be enough for everything that Europe needs today as a continent and as a people, in light of so much history and so many events. Because the salvation of the rest of the nations of the world will depend on Europe, on its charity, on its contribution, on its giving of self and its fidelity to fellow beings, to the one who suffers, the one who has nothing.

That is your main commitment: to step out of yourselves, to completely empty yourselves so that My Love and My Light can enter, so that My Message and My Word not only continue to come here, to Europe, to bless you, heal you and redeem you, but also be able to reach the whole world through your conscious collaboration.

The manifestation of My Second Return will depend on the conscious contribution of humanity, on those who believe in Christ, on those who work for Christ, on those who live in Christ.

There is a part that is up to you all, in perfect equality and balance, in cooperation and in brotherhood. This will allow humanity to not be without a guide, without help in this difficult time on Earth, in which everything, absolutely everything, is at stake.

Unite with My Heart and you will understand what I tell you today, because God does not need your material goods. The Universe needs your giving of self so that you and your material goods can transform into what God needs, just as He conceived it in the beginning in unity, in equality, in fraternity, so that the Divine Spirit, the Love of God may always be present.

Let us celebrate this meeting, Let us internalize the Words of God through His Beloved Son, so that the words do not go unnoticed, but rather that the Words of the Father be conscious within you, especially in your hearts, where the Living God must always have a principal place in your lives.

Opening the Celestial Church, summoning all the Angelic Choirs, we will experience this consecration as if it were the first time that Heaven touches your lives to redeem them and change them into light. Amen.

We stand up.

At this moment, each one of you will make their offering before the Celestial Father. In the silence of the heart, you will tell the Eternal Father what it is that you need so that My merciful Heart may gather up your supplications and intentions, and your lives again be transformed.

"Father of the Universe and of Grace, just as You gave Yourself through Your Son on the Cross for an immeasurable and infinite unknown Love, today surrender, Lord, through Your Son, so that souls may vivify Your Spirit and live the experience of Your Love, which will raise them and bring them the awareness of accomplishing Your Divine Purpose. Amen."

By the water that emerged from My Side, today may souls be washed so that they can experience spiritual communion, and in this way, achieve redemption.

Now bring here the elements for the consecration of the adorers so that the Lord can bless them.

Just as My Mother lived Her virginity, I invite you to live My immaculate Spirit, the immaculate Spirit of God that emerges like a Fount of Love through His Son. Because My ardent desire is that your hearts learn to be pure, not only in consciousness but also in intentions, because if your hearts are pure, you will achieve the Kingdom of God and will enter into It without any impediment.

Each practice of consecration, each new step that is taken by the children of God is an opportunity to awaken, to be committed to the Plan of God and to surrender to the Christic life.

This is why today I especially bless these elements that will represent a stage of your lives on the path of the consecration of the Spirit, of the conversion of the soul, and of the transformation of life.

May the Grace of God descend into them and may that Grace be reverently cared for and protected by each one of those who today will be consecrating themselves, as well as by those who are already consecrated, because in the simplicity of all that exists is the Living God.

Be the example of My Life on Earth, testify to My Message for the world, represent Me in truth, without fear and without obstacles, because I take you into account, I contemplate you with My Heart, and I hold you in the temple of My Spirit.

May the instruction elevate and redeem you.

For those who also adore Me, I make the sacrifice of coming to the world again, so that souls do not lose the joy of living in God and of finding the meaning of being here on Earth, fulfilling an unknown Divine Will that, for the heart that opens, reveals itself in life with clarity and precision. 

Today I come to renew the sacrifice of the Lamb of God through the transubstantiation of the elements, of the bread and the wine.

At the Table that was consecrated by the Father and by His apostles, we will again celebrate by giving the world the Blood and the Body of Christ, for the salvation of humanity and the planet.

At this Altar, consecrated on this day, where the men and the women of the Earth recognize the Son of God through His Eucharistic Body, I invite you to kneel to remember the last Supper of your Lord together with His apostles.

In deep joy and love, I took the Bread, giving thanks to God, His Spirit blessed it, I gave it to My apostles, saying to them:

"Eat all of It, because this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

I then lifted up the Holy Chalice to the Heavens, the Father blessed it with His Spirit, I gave it to My apostles, saying to them:

"All take and drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be spilled by your Redeemer and by the martyrs for the remission of sins. Do this in Remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

In union with the Most Holy Trinity, repeat the prayer that with such Love I taught you:

(Our Father (in Portuguese)

"This is the Lamb of God, who redeems and forgives those who are lost, who with His Fire of Love, vivifies and reignites those who live in Him and proclaim His Name. Amen."

I taught you to love one another, and it is something that humanity still has not understood, but those who are awake in Me know the importance of unconditionally and truly loving their fellow being.

For this reason, I invite you to renew yourselves in love so that your wounds may be closed and the inner sequels be dispelled, and you feel the joy of living in love and for love, just as I live for you all of the time.

Today I not only leave you My Peace, but also I leave My Love so that the Peace and the Love of God may be in you and in the world.

In fraternity and in love, you will give one another the greeting of Peace.

I thank you for being with Me today.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

The Ark of the Holy Covenant was in Noah's Ark, just like in the hands of Moses and in the Temple of Solomon.

Today it is in My Hands, to bring a spiritual impulse, definitive and precise to the world, within these times of chaos.

This Ark, contemplated by the angels and archangels, holds within it the revelation that humanity needs, the most sacred writings of the Universe, the thought transmitted by the Mind of God, within Divine Purpose.

This is the Ark that will be part of the New Humanity and will no longer be kept in the inner confines.

it will be placed upon the surface, soon after My return to the world, when I will have already assembled all My flocks, from all times and from all generations; when I will have overcame evil through love, and thus transcended duality in each human consciousness.

That will be the prelude to the advent of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which will carry the Holy Grail to humanity, with all the Divine Codes, with all impulses transformed, sublimated and elevated by the Consciousness of the Son of God; with all the divine experiences that once lived on Earth among the apostles and followers; with all the codes of the Resurrection and of the Transfiguration, as well as the codes of the Ascension.

I know that you do not know what this means and what this represents, because it is something that will take place in this humanity.

Meanwhile, companions, may your perseverance with Me not be poor, nor weakened; may your trust in Me not be mediocre, nor indifferent; because the difficult times will come, but for those that trust in Me, the treasures of Heaven will not be lacking.

Just as from the planes of the Divinity, today I bring the Ark of the Holy Covenant, the Lamb that was sacrificed and that rose among the dead, bringing the victory of Love and Truth, glorious and resplendent, which will return to the Earth in His great Divine and Universal Consciousness, never before seen by any human being of the Earth, only contemplated and admired by the Mother of God.

This is the Divine Consciousness of the Firstborn Son, of the risen and glorified Son, Who will return to the world for the second time.

Keep vigil and be in adoration for this revelation. Continue to wholeheartedly and constantly pray, and the fruits of the new time will come to your hearts and lives.

But the time of darkness, which the human race has generated for this time of Armageddon, is necessary and essential because souls must learn to overcome inner duality through the strength and the power of Love.

It is no good to Me, companions, if you give up. After everything that I have given you, your thought must be in My thought and your feelings must be My sublimated and uplifted feelings.

Thus, you will not perish and you will not lack the keys for opening the doors that will lead you to the Kingdom of My Heart, to the House of the Celestial Father, even though you are still on the surface of this planet.

Today, in My Hands, I bring this Universal Teraphin so that it may be contemplated and admired.

In this material Universe, the Ark of the Holy Covenant represents the Will of God manifested for this Universe and for all of created life within the physical plane.

There, in that Sacred Ark, is to be found the pure story of God before He thought of and conceived the Creation, as well as the most evolutionary story of the Universe: the triumph of many humanities and the story written in many stars, as well as the story of His Firstborn Son and of the Divine Conception in the most pure Womb of the Universal Mother; the story about the accompaniment of all the angels and the defeat of the great hells of evil; the story of Archangel Michael in humanity and the divine fusion with the Divine Son, as well as the incalculable and unalterable presence of Archangel Gabriel within the Consciousness of the Mother of God; the presence of Archangel Raphael and the humble and simple experience of Saint Joseph.

And furthermore, companions, this Sacred Ark holds the evolutionary story of the first humanities, of those who were able to represent God in a simple and true way, those who were able to experience the mysteries of the Universe and draw a fraternal life of brotherhood toward the Earth, those who learned to sustain the Plan of God through the difficult times, both in the past and in the present, the story of love experienced by the great patriarchs, the experience of redemption of the apostles, the sanctification of the women of Jerusalem and all of the commitment relived and lived again and again throughout time, until the present time, by all of those who committed themselves to Me, throughout the whole history of humanity and the planet, to be a part of this Divine Covenant with the Sacred Ark of the Celestial Father.

Now this entire history will not be able to be interfered with, nor stopped. It depends on you, on your willingness, your adherence and your unconditional commitment so that your life story, your story of redemption, forgiveness and rehabilitation may be part of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, like the triumph of the transfiguring Christic Code in each human consciousness, in each human heart, in the spiritual life of each being.

For this reason, I encourage you to continue onward. The weight of your cross will pass and My Word, which is eternal, will triumph.

The only thing that I ask of you is that you be constant, consistent and responsible with the Divine impulses you receive, because I tell you again today, companions, with the humility of My Heart, that My time with you is close to coming to an end so that the New Christs may be seen on Earth as the bearers of Peace, Mercy and Good.

You are called to bring continuity to My divine Work and to submerge in the chaos and the tribulation to save souls, and even though it could be necessary to give your lives for Me, I will then be able to testify that your surrender has been real.

I have not come to ask you for the impossible, nor what you still cannot give me. I only ask you to walk by My side, that you be sustained in Me, that you trust in Me, and that you ask for My Mercy, just as the Apostle John did constantly, availing himself of each moment to be close to the Lord, to be close to God, in communion with Life and the Spirit of God

May the Ark of the Holy Covenant represent for you the symbol of the elevation of consciousness and the permanent aspiration to achieve the Kingdom of God, knowing that nothing that happens is by chance, that everything has a meaning and a goal for the Celestial Father.

If your inner hells are very large or if your joy is infinite for your souls, there is nothing to fear, because everything has its reason. Unite with this Creator Principle and, from the Ark of the Holy Covenant, receive today the last impulse of the Redeemer, for the transformation of your lives and the redemption of your beings, in the name of the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Standing before the Celestial Church that today gathers you together, before the priests of the Universe and the patriarchs of the Divine Word, before the angels of Heaven and all human beings who throughout history became sanctified by means of the experience of My Love, before the thorned Heart of Jesus and the silent agony of Mary because of all that is happening in the world, before the strength and the power of prayer, before the trust of all My disciples and pilgrims and the Love of all My kin, before the presence of the throne of the Celestial Father and of His Non-material Source, I accept and receive the re-consecration of Brazil to My Sacred Heart and today I extend to this people a special and atoning Grace that must be cared for and protected by each one.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Master is lifting up His right Hand to bless Brazil and placing His left Hand over His Heart.

Christ Jesus:

Today I beg you, Father, that you rest in the love of Your children, and that you rejoice in the purity of the souls that consecrate themselves and that You may be alive and present in each human heart, so that the beat of Your Spirit be the pulsating of the heart of each being, the infinite beat of Your Love and the glorious expansion of Your Grace.

Bless this people, Lord, and all the humble beings that, in the silence of their simplicity, represent Your Work on Earth and live the ministry of My Heart.

And before the higher Universes that grant this Divine intervention, I re-consecrate Brazil to My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, so that the Christs of this people may sustain the end of times, the three days of darkness, as true witnesses of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

May the strength of their faith never break, may the temperance of their hearts be supported by the temperance of My Heart and may the Fire of the Holy Spirit place the divine word upon their lips, so as to defend My Redeeming Work in these end times.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before blessing the elements that souls will avail themselves of to receive My Grace and My Mercy, I wish to announce to the whole world that the continuation of this Work with the Divine Messengers will experience a pause towards the end of this month of December and that it will continue on when all has been fulfilled, not only on a spiritual level but also on a material level.

It depends on you and of the whole world that My Word and My Presence reach more places in Brazil in order to support it and assist it, as well as My Divine Word reaching other nations of the world and other continents.

God recognizes the efforts, but the efforts must be balanced and just.

All are deserving of the Grace of My Presence in this end time and in the nations of the world it will not be easy, and you know this.

It is a commitment of humanity that My Presence and My Message may be in other places of the world until the Celestial Father may indicate it and consider it thus.

I still have plans to fulfill with you and with humanity, which are the plans of the end times and of the last spiritual impulses that each Sacred Heart will give the world before the most difficult moment of humanity.

We thirst for good souls and also for repentant hearts.

The Rescue Plan will be built with the cooperation of all, under the Law of the Brotherhood.

At the request of My Father, I am announcing this pause and this break.

And the response of everyone and of the whole world will be what will allow Me to continue onward. Otherwise, in the name of the Law of Divine Justice and of the Law of Equilibrium, Sacred Attributes for the Universe, We will only be able to continue until the end of this month, but you will not cease to receive Our Words.

We will not be able to be present in those spaces where we should be. You know that Our Consciousness is omnipresent and it would not cost anything to be in any place that is necessary, but I am giving you the opportunity to serve God and of lightening your spiritual debts so that you may finally be reborn in Love, and may help others to be reborn in Love.

I will patiently be in the heights of the mountains so that in these next months I may hear your response.

God bless this moment, so that each being may become more aware and take up what they have come to fulfill in the name of Love and of Unity.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We can stand for the consecration.

Christ Jesus:

Lord, you know that souls love You. That is why I ask you, Father, to accept all the offers that are made to You today, so that Your Project of Love may triumph. Amen.

Bless this water, Lord, so that Your Grace may spread throughout the world, and like the water that falls on the planet as rain, it may turn into a rain of an infinite Grace of Love in souls, so that all may be fulfilled. Amen.

Father, baptize those who have suffered with Your Spirit, so that the spiritual illnesses may dissipate and disappear from the human consciousness.

May the infinite flow of Your Love, may the spring of Your Grace, of Your Forgiveness and of Your Healing sanctify those who today will be baptized by Your Spirit, in union with Your infinite Love. Amen.

Pater noster....

Abhun debashmaia....

Lord, anoint, with this oil, sick bodies, exorcize possessed souls and free souls from the currents of evil.

Through the powerful union with the cross, may all evil be defeated and removed. And just as the Son of God was anointed by the Women of Jerusalem, today may those who will be anointed be restored and repaired by divine healing. Amen.

By the power of the Ark of the Holy Covenant may the codes descend.

And we make a memory of the Mystery of the Love of the Son of God during the last supper, when He took the bread, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice, the Father blessed it and giving it to the apostles, I said, "All take and eat of it, because this is My Body that will be surrendered for humankind for the atonement of sins."

In the same way, your Master and Lord took the Chalice, not only to radiate peace to the world and the redemption of humanity but also so that the Father sanctify it and bless it, and, giving it to the apostles, I told them to drink of it because "this is My Blood that will be shed for humankind and for the martyrs for the forgiveness of sins."

Do this always in My Memory.

Here is the Body and the Blood of Christ, Fount of Mercy and of Salvation for all the souls that trust in Him.

Happy be, My companions, all those who will avail themselves of this Sacrament. But before, confess and repent so that the Divine Body and the Precious Blood may purify your souls and sanctify your hearts. Amen.

Trust that all will be fulfilled as God has foreseen.

In your trust is the key to the concretization of the Plan.

If as from now you begin to live and to deeply feel, the Plan will be fulfilled, as has been written.

May your hearts be glad, because Brazil has re-consecrated itself to My Merciful Heart, and it will deepen its re-consecration in the coming months, with the constancy and the devotion of those who pray and the cry of all the people of God.

Glory to God in the highest, Peace on Earth to all beings of goodwill.

Stretching out My Arms in the sign of the cross as a testimonial to the true Love of God for all His creatures and the planet, I unite you with the Power of the Sacred Cross and the infinite mystery of its exorcistic impulse.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen (x3)

May peace be in all the inner worlds so that it may be in all humankind on the Earth, as well as in all the nations of the world.

Let us continue to pray for Peace, for the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

So be it.

You will fraternally give each other the greeting of Peace, so that Peace may be in the families of wars and in all the families of the world that are not able to live Unity on this Sacred Christmas.

I thank you!


Today, Africa beats in My Merciful Heart. And I do this for all who have offended it, those who mistreated it, those who colonized it, and who opened uncertain doors for the perdition of souls.

But today I do not come to speak to you of the abysses, but rather of the infinite purity that exists in each child of Mine in Africa, that through the ages I have venerated and contemplated with love.

For this reason, the hour and the moment have come for your King to return to Africa, to close the last doors and have the Heavens and the Universes descend and put an end to human suffering.

My Blood was also shed for them, to generate salvation and freedom in their souls from all the abysses of the Earth. It is to this end that today I bring the Holy Grail in My Hands, to give you My divine Blood, so that you may commune of it and put an end to suffering, hopelessness, affliction, and human pain.

I come today to pour out My Blood over Africa. In this way, I pour out My Blood over Portugal and Europe, to put an end to human discord, to the exploitation of these times, to the indignation that the children and young people of Africa feel on being mistreated throughout time and the years.

Today, I come to open My Arms and to stretch out My Hands for a sorrowful and suffering continent. I come to offer My Sacred Heart as a universal atonement for all the causes that have taken place on the African continent throughout the last decades.

I come to give the Light of My Spirit and of My Divinity. My Heart rejoices today on having received a humble basket of intentions and entreaties on My Altar. In this way, I want My littlest children of Africa to have the total certainty and assurance that their King is pouring His divine and infinite Mercy over them.

Thus, when I arrive in Africa the next time, I will again consecrate it to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; because, companions, we must give thanks to this great Maternal and Universal Consciousness, which has generated the means and the spiritual conditions so that My Sacred Heart also finally triumphs in Africa.

I come to place the balm of My Healing in each African heart; to seal the evils, the sorrows, and the sufferings generated by the hearts of Europe towards that so wounded continent.

I come to ask of all Europe, that they pray every day on their knees, an Our Father for the re-consecration of Africa to My Sacred Heart. In that way, dear companions, you who are from here, from Europe, and all the souls of the whole world that are aware of the adversity that the African continent lives, generated by other nations and peoples, may open the doors with their prayers and hearts, so that My Celestial Victory may descend over that continent and over all nations.

Today I come to offer this Chalice, this Sacred Grail, for the innocent, for the victims of exploitation, martyrdom, and annihilation.

Today My spiritual Blood is poured out, the codes of life and of renewal, as a great tributary, as an inexhaustible spring, over all those souls that most need it. Here there is a life story; souls that belong to the Project of God and that are trying in these times of crisis, to live hope.

My wish is that each European spiritually and materially take on each one of these "crianças” (little children). I say "crianças", from the Portuguese, because this mission is especially for the Portuguese; for those who are here and those who are not here. I want to be clear, so that you may understand the importance of fulfilling this request of your Master and Lord of the Universe.

In each one of these intentions, as in each one of these photos, there is a story, a past, which must be redeemed, renewed, and restored by My Sacred Heart, and all the entreaties of those who unite with Me in this mission to generate, at the end of times, a healing, love, and unity in all the souls of Africa; especially for the souls that are in this basket, entreating My Merciful Heart for a divine intercession of the Celestial Father, that today I grant by the authority that He gave Me, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Here are one hundred and twenty-eight essences that offered to incarnate in Africa, so that humanity may learn about the suffering of others, about human pain, about torture, exploitation, and indifference.

I desire that all the hearts of the world not forget My beloved Africa and look towards it, because it is still silently suffering.

 The reason for this pilgrimage in Europe is not only for your souls and hearts, which have already received so much, but so that your spirits and your consciousnesses unite with my universal Ministry, and so that you may go two by two, to help those who most need it, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature.

At this sacred moment, when Adonai hears the plea of His beloved Son and the intentions of simple hearts, your Master and Lord will pray for each one of these souls, representing all the souls of Africa and the Middle East.

We will now listen to "Thus spoke the Master."

We place our left hand over the heart, on the chest.

Father, Adonai, Eli, Yahve, You Who has generated life, give it again to Your creatures, so they may vivify You and feel You in the very depths of their spirits.

Eli, listen to the Voice of Your Son, who pleads for His beloved Africa. Dispel the sufferings. Erase the anguish from hearts. Bring alight in the littlest ones the hope of continuing to live You until the end of their days.

May Your angels descend, Eli. Eli is Your Holy Name, Your Holy Name for all of Africa, for Your beloved people, marked by the wounds and imprints of persecution.

Today I return to that people, Eli. Today I return to the origin, where everything began on this planet; to the place where Your first civilization of love, of service, and of surrender was launched, when You poured out Your divine Codes upon them.

May souls recover the trust of being able to live. May all be healed, so that no cell and no body feel the suffering, nor feel the pain, nor lose the faith of believing in You.

Just as you asked Moses to take care of Your People, today I hear Your Voice, Eli, beloved Father; I take care of Your flocks, so that the seeds of life, of regeneration, may be sown in the souls that have been subjected to human punishment, to exploitation, in these times.

May Your Source of Love and of Light descend upon them. May all recover the joy of being able to feel You and may they live in the fullness of Your mighty Spirit, Adonai. 

Adonai Manu, Father, listen to the voice of Your People.

Adonai, Elah, may Your Will be fulfilled.

Eli, Eli, Eli, may all be consummated, so that humanity, which is suffering, may achieve peace. Amen.

These intentions and these photos will return to those they belong to. I will take them to Angola, to deliver them to each one of them, and thus to give them My deepest embrace of love.

So be it.

And now, in honor of the Most Blessed Mother of Heaven, your Advocate, Intercessor of souls, and Mediator of all hearts, in thanksgiving, gratitude, reverence, and devotion, and for the consecration of these elements, which will become the Body and the Blood of Christ, today I will ask you to call and invoke Our Lady of Kibeho.

And thus, I take you toward My Peace, because in the Peace of God, everything is done. In Peace, you can live eternal life, renewal and faith in all hearts that believe in My Sacred Heart.

May the good and love reign. May humanity live the Project of God. May the Kingdoms of Nature be healed and may all essences of this world achieve redemption, so that when I return in Glory, we may all experience the joy of Paradise. Amen.

I thank all those who will carry Africa in their heart, so that My Designs may be fulfilled; and My Mercy, which is the Mercy of your God, may expand throughout the whole world.

So may it be, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Let us continue singing, because today, your beloved Son, will carry the pleas of all those who have invoked for Africa to His beloved Servant, Mother, and Lady of Heaven,.

I thank you. Amen.

Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the Sacred Week, Day 2, at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today My Celestial Church is here and I came to administer the sacraments to you first, so that like Me, you may achieve holiness.

See, companions, how important the sacred elements of My Altar are. They are part of My Celestial Church stretched out to the ends of the Universe, between the dimensions and in all the planes of consciousness.

This is the true Church that I want you to achieve, because you can be part of the people of God and thus be within My Celestial Church. How important these elements are, so that souls may receive the Graces, spiritual healing, and more importantly, redemption.

Today I have administered the sacraments to four priests, representing many more who serve Me throughout the world. Because if the priest is not united with Me with all his heart and soul, the Celestial Church cannot descend nor approach souls. 

These four souls to whom I have administered the sacraments today, represent the shepherds of Emmaus, who trusted in My Resurrection and who in the last instant of their lives, when their consciousnesses were awakening, received Me without perceiving it and confirmed in themselves a trust in God, in the Eternal Father.

Today I want to extend this Church of the Universe to all, because it is necessary that all enter into it, so that once again, companions, you may be baptized, anointed, and blessed by the Holy Spirit, who is the one who brings together the value of all the sacraments that are offered on this planet.

I want you to feel the angels of God within My Church, that come to participate in this meeting with Me. Open your hearts and enter into My Celestial Church, so that you may meet the Celestial Father in this very acute hour of the planet, when many souls submerge many others in the abysses of error and sin.

As a Greater Priest, today I want everyone to feel they have received the sacraments of My Spirit, remembering that the main sacrament for your lives is the Eucharistic and that all the value you are able to give it represents an incalculable faith in these times. 

Now, I will have My Celestial Church rest upon your souls. I want you to kneel and let us go to meet It.

See the angels descend from Heaven and bring in their hearts the Glory of God, so that it may be expressed from on high in all beings of good will.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus is asking four Helpers of the Divine Mercy to place the four communion baskets that are on the Altar.

While My Church is open to all, the moment of the great invocation has come, because He who is in the Heavens and gives us eternal life must be praised and honored always.

Powerful is His Love. Great is His Mercy.

Blessed are all those who unite with His Original Source.

While the angels approach My Church, we will praise God and His Holy Name, through the sacred words of the melodic Kodoish.  Let all sing from the heart while the doors open, to reveal the mystery of My holy Celestial Church.

Song: melodic Kodoish

This Celestial Church is based on a great treasure of the Father: The Ark of the Holy Covenant, which holds the greatest experiences of love lived since the beginning of this creation.

The Ark represents the synthesis of all that is created, and expresses the Gifts of God, given by the Holy Father to the different humanities.

This is the Ark that is contemplated by celestial beings and by all the angels of Heaven, who participate in this perpetual communion with this sacred symbol of God.

See also within It, the Holy Grail, a faithful instrument that was held by My Hands during the Last Supper, when I was able to institute an unbreakable covenant between humans and God.

Holy is the Almighty Who has permitted these relics, which come from the Universe and from the Earth, to be kept in the Holy Ark.

The faithful patriarchs of the history of your humanity had contact with this spiritual symbol to know how to achieve union with the spiritual essence of God, something that is kept in His infinite Heart, and which is extremely invisible.

Four Angels guard the Holy Ark so that it may be protected, and at the same time adored, because God placed within it the spiritual, as well as non-material, instruments that He used to generate the Creation, which are His deepest Gifts, His pure and real desires that in this Universe a sacred humanity may exist that is able to love Him much more than He loves all of Creation. That is why I came to the world, to extend the mystery of the Holy Ark, through My incarnation on Earth, as one of the main Aspects of God, expressed through Love-Wisdom.

The Ark was also filled by My Sacrifice on the Cross and at each step of My Passion.

From this Ark came the new knowledge for humanity of the surface, because when My Blood was spilled, the holy Angels, at the foot of the Cross, gathered it up to spiritually place it inside the Ark that holds the history of this Creation and which only God and the Archangels know.

Why do I reveal this to you today? My loving friends, it is so that your spirits, which have been victims of suffering and also of many errors made throughout time, may bathe in the Divine essence of the Holy Ark, and thus a new opportunity may arise in the next six months that will be inexplicable for your lives. 

If this aspiration of God, which He pours out today through His beloved Son present here, giving you the revelation of the Holy Ark, and if all the aspiration and the project thought of for this Sacred Week, were truly considered by your hearts, and valued like you have never valued anything before, I could say that at least a part of the world will not tremble.

If your trust were complete, in this mystery of the Holy Ark, kept in the Center of the Spiritual Church of God, souls could receive a maximum grace that they have never received, so that your consciousnesses and the planetary life may be regenerated in this final time.

The Sacred Ark, contemplated and adored by the Angels of Heaven, is safeguarded by two menorahs. When the fourteen candles lit on the two menorahs are completely consumed after these seven days with Me, from the Universe will come a great announcement for humanity, so that many more may awaken and respond to the Call of God, uniting as a single race and rebuilding the foundations of the planetary consciousness, so that the first impulses of a New Humanity may finally emerge.

The Celestial Church is permeated by the Sacred Presence of the Holy Ark, so that the covenant between souls and God is vivified in these times, and may awaken new patterns in the behavior of humanity.

Now we will give sacred significance to the elements placed on the altar, so that they may be a source of salvation for souls.

You may sit down.

The Lord God Almighty made Himself small and insignificant through His Son, and His Son, at the same time, made himself even smaller and more humble among the humble, so that many could attain Light and redemption. In this mystery that I reveal to you today, the bread and the wine represent the effort of humans of the Earth, to generate in themselves, the merits of being able to enter into the Source of Divine Life.

Valuable are the sacrifices offered at the altar of Our Father, because no matter how small they may seem, God contemplates, through them, the absolute love that each soul can give with each new step it takes.

Thus, the bread and the wine, converted into the Body and Blood of Christ, represent for souls of the Earth, a great Source of eternal Wisdom and the possibility of incarnating in the self, with much faith, the Gifts of the Creator. That is why the angels participate in the moment of the transubstantiation: so that life, all human life, also receive this transfiguration of their cells, just as Their Lord, Jesus the Christ, was transfigured on Mount Tabor, to reveal to the world Who He was in truth, in essence, and in spirit.

You also, companions, have a real essence, which is attacked by my adversary. That is why I come from Heaven to take out of your lives everything that separates you from My path, because in the end, what I deeply desire is that you love one another, in the same way that I love you, through God. So be it.

Today, your guardian angels participate in this moment. Have your hearts rejoice, and smile at the life that God gave you, so that My Mercies may continue to pour out into the whole world, and in that way, the wars may end, the conflicts cease, and the triumph of My Heart be concretized in humanity. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

I bless these elements to demonstrate to you the testimony of My Love for humanity. Blessed are those who participate in this meeting, because they will be giving to God My sorrowful Passion for the salvation of this planet, its continents and oceans, everything that was created from the beginning, from the minerals, plants, animals, and every living being that vibrates in this Universe, as a bearer of Peace.

The codes that I poured out at the last Supper are kept in the Holy Ark. Blessed be those who contemplate it from the heart, because they will feel the new life in themselves.

While My Church shows itself to the world, so that the spirituality in humanity may be restored, today I want you to offer God a song originating in this community, which has born many fruits. This song reveals a mystery: the simplicity of being united with God, in the transcendence of your beings.

Today I would like all those consecrated members of the Communities of Light, the Guardians and Wardens, called ‘Light Residents’, to approach this altar to sing this song to Me, which will be taken to God. The missionaries can also be here.

Light the flames of love in your hearts, because this moment is unique for the world, and I cannot  tell you how many more times it will be repeated, because the Earth and its entire race is at its great peak of purification, trying to be brought to the doors of redemption.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing, at the request of Our Lord, "Breath of Spirit."

I would like to say to the Light Residents, that for Me they represent the seeds of the new patterns for this humanity, which being in its suffering, has turned away from love. Today, to you, dear guardians of My Centers of Love, I give a blessing, to calm your hearts and to cheer your spirits, for this sacred meeting.

Have faith, because I am closer than it seems.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing with joy.

Song: "Breath of Spirit"

If someday you lose hope, remember that this song brings you closer to the Cosmos and to the Infinite, to the depths of your essences, so that the Sacred Will of God may be concretized in all His creatures.

I bless you by Celestial authority, which the Almighty granted Me as His Firstborn, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Today I come to be close to those who have been consistent with Me, within My Plan of Love and of Redemption for humanity.

Today I come to be with My Own, with those I most prefer for My Plan, for here is where the New Church will rise, so that new souls may assemble under the spirit of faith and love.

I Am your Holy Heart of Love, that has come to give its all for all at this crucial time of the planet. That is why I bring the Universe around Me, so that you may contemplate it within yourselves, in what I call the "inner Christ."

Today I come to ask you, companions, that you allow your inner Christ to emerge at this moment; the Christic Flame of love, which was placed by God since your origins. There is nothing more important at this time. Let this inner Christ be able to appear and be the governor of your lives, to guide you on the path of evolution and peace.

Through the merciful prayer work that you have done today, My Sacred Heart has been closer to you, more than you can imagine. For God, in His Purpose, this means that on the inner planes the Kingdom of God is being etched in those creatures who have been self-summoned to live it for many, many more.

Place your hands in the position of reception, so that I may consecrate all of you today, knowing that this blessing is the greatest that I can bring to My disciples, after all the Sacraments that I have instituted in the world. Because in the presence of your King, everything is possible.

I want the consecrated to bow down to ask for an ungrateful humanity, for all your brothers and sisters that still cannot find redemption; in this way the great portal of Mercy may open for each one of them.

Today I come with an extremely important symbol for the world: with the Holy Grail, which has travelled through many spaces of this humanity after My Resurrection.

It was your Master of Love that summoned His chosen; more than seventy-two, to carry this mission forward, until the Holy Grail should reach one of the most forgotten corners of the world, where My adversary would never find it; where souls, at the end of times, would be able to drink of that majestic energy, which is My glorified and divinized Blood.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At this moment, the Master is placing the Holy Grail in suspension.

The chosen for this mission were seven, who today are among you and have this experience stamped on their spirits. They represented all of you, so that in today's time, this conjuncture could occur, at this very instant, at this same hour, and under the congruence of many stars and planets.

And so, today I also show you universal life in this sacred tool of the Holy Grail, with which I have asked all humankind, to the ends of the Earth, to imitate My last Supper.

In this sacred instrument of Light is kept the most precious transfiguring code that is capable of releasing the human condition forever.

I want you to understand this mystery, companions, that My Sacred Heart causes to levitate over your consciousnesses.

In this Sacred Chalice is placed the maximum expression of the Love of Jesus, the man, and of the living Christ, as spirit and divinity.

Today I invite you internally to drink of this sacred Covenant, each in their own timing, in their awakening, and in their deep adherence.

This is the Chalice of Reparation. Happy are those who drink of It without weariness, for they will never cease to be renewed by My Christic codes of Love.

This is the Chalice that is now to be found in the north of the planet, vibrating in light for souls and for all the consciousnesses created in the image and likeness of God.

This is the Chalice of Renewal and is placed in the hands of the simple, in the pure hearts.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Now Jesus is showing hundreds of angels that have chalices in their hands, as if multiplied by a thousand. Over all this scene, those angels appear, glorifying the Son of God.

The angels are repeating a phrase: "Hallelujah, hallelujah, He is alive in the redeemed."

And so I also come to break the bread of fraternity, so that you may eat of it, in perfect communion, My glorified and divine Body.

You have opened the doors for this to happen. It is the door of your hearts that allows all things, grants all things, and renews all things, until the end of days.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Now Jesus is holding an open book in His Hands, an open book. And He has also left the bread in levitation, beside the Chalice.

He is over a celestial altar, surrounded by white and blue light, surrounded by all the angels. He said that these angels are our Guardian angels, that are honoring Him, are praising Him.

The angels are saying: "Holy is the Name of the Lord forever. Happy are those who live in Him, for they will never lose hope, until He comes in His Glory. May all the beings of Earth be worthy of hearing the trumpets of Heaven; those that announced the coming of the glorious King for all the Universe."

The angels request that hearts open in light of such a majestic Presence: "Adonai is here and Yahweh prays for you, hallelujah, hallelujah!"

Now you can stop bowing down, but continue in the same attunement with Me, for My Word has not ended. Happy will be those who hear it with the ears of the heart, in which the Work is sown and is carried out in the world through all souls.

I want you to peacefully light a candle. Bring the candles of the procession here so that I may bless them for each one of your brothers and sisters. And each one will light it at this moment, so that the Glory of God and His Kingdom may descend to the Earth.

While I wait, let us praise the Name of God through the following song: "Supreme Love Descends."

Adonai, grant Your children the Light of the world, the light of the world that was created by You in the beginning and from the depths of Your essence. You manifested all things.

Adonai, let that Light never go out in Your children. May they always know how to find it within, so that they may live in Your Grace and the eternal wholeness of Your Love.

Adonai, receive the offering of Your children that is born of the deepest core of each being.

Receive the love of Your creatures so that the Plan on Earth may be renewed and all fulfill Your Will, until You, beloved Father, indicate the hour of My Return, in which I will live among Your children forever; to continue to praise You, exalting You, and adoring You, just like the whole Universe adores You.

May this Light multiply in the souls of the whole Earth.

May each soul be able to recognize Your path so that it never feel lost in the hands of evil.

I ask you, Holy Father, that you separate My disciples from perdition.

Let each soul find their help in My Heart, that for all time gives of Itself so that consciousnesses no longer feel alone at the moment of their redemption.

Over the hands of Your children, who today cry out to You, place the greatest wonders of Your Work.

Let each soul, with this Grace, be purified so that it may finally achieve Your Peace and a final alliance with Your Divine Spirit.

Consecrate each heart, just as each heart offers itself at this celestial altar that today I show to My Own.

May your Guardian angels definitely guide your steps so that humanity, as a race, be freed from the planetary indifference and love reign, Mercy reign; so that peace may reign within each one.

Father, today I Am Your Priest. I offer My Heart for Your children, because I know that many more are able to trust in Me. And although they do not have the grace of seeing Me, they have the Grace of being able to feel Me within themselves.

May all the beings of the world, like the children that are here today at Your feet, love divine Will and trust in everything I have shown them, because in the hidden place of the spirit, the purpose for this humanity will be revealed.

Let it be so.

You will use these candles that I have consecrated until they are finished and you will pray with them every day, for the intention of a peer or for some Kingdom of Nature, that also suffers the slavery of humanity. In this way, you will learn to love all that God has created from the beginning of this Cosmos, in which the Greater Purpose emerged so that all souls could live it until the end of their days.

On My altar I receive your pleas from these two days. Bow down before the Lord and rest in My Arms. Trust that all will be well. Do not fear being tested, because if I experienced the test for you, I come to teach you how you can defeat it through love.

Today I dignify you before the Father.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

He is lifting His right Hand, and placing His left Hand over His Heart.

I dignify you before the Primordial Source so that you may return to It and thus the Universal Project be fulfilled. Let it be so.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The angels have also bowed down before the Redeemer. On His hands are the Wounds, almost closed, but the flesh of His Hands can be seen. From the Wounds comes light. His Heart is also lit up, as is all His aura, more brilliant than a sun.

This light that I show you today is the Love that I have for each one of you, beyond your errors, your imperfections.

It was I Who gave My life for you. I will continue to give My life until the last days, until I am finally in you, and you in Me.

While I consecrate the elements, I will bless each one of you, as well as those who will receive them.

I want you to sing Me a song, that is universally ecumenical, in which souls can feel exalted in a profound joy, with your Guardian angels.

Today I come to tell you, companions, that you are more than two and that through this Sacrament, not only My Prophecy is fulfilled; you are also regenerated with the Fount of Love that expresses through this Sacrament.

Never tire of praising God, as you are doing in this moment. You cannot imagine how many sorrows are erased in your hearts, how much suffering is released when your hearts open to recognize the love that beats in all the Universe. Be glad of this love and you will experience peace forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While I rise up, continue singing.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Holy Mary, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, dear children, we are placing the world before the Source of God, from where Our Sacred Hearts emerged, to promote the Peace and Mercy of God throughout the world.

Today, I see your hearts and the hearts of your brothers and sisters in the world like those new shepherds who, receiving the announcement of the coming of the inner Christ, walk beside the Celestial Messengers so that the great promise of the thousand years of peace may be accomplished on this planet.

Thus, dear children, with the rejoicing of the Holy Spirit, Our Three Sacred Hearts come so that, once again, the families of the world may be able to unite in love and in faith, and, in this way, end the separation and the indifference which many of the families of the world are subjected to.

In truth, I ask you, dear children, what is it that humanity celebrates today, the Birth of the King or the damnation of souls?

I want you to feel the Most Holy Light of My beloved Son within My Heart. Today I bring Him in My arms as the little Child Jesus so that He may make your hearts humble, so that He may make your lives peaceful, and, thus, the God's Plan of Love may be realized.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

Dear companions, servants of My beloved and little Son, My Chaste Heart today shines much more than a thousand lilies, because My Sacred Heart emanates the subtle aromas of the Celestial Universe, and, as Father of poor and needy souls, I send My servant angels so that they may travel through the darkest places of the world at this hour, where souls need the Light of God and the guidance of My Chaste Heart, to not fall into the same errors as always.

To you, dear companions, servants of the Sacred Family, I ask that on this evening you celebrate the Birth of Jesus, remembering this important event in humanity, in which a before and an after was experienced by that more primitive race.

I wish for you, as My sheep, to graze in new universes, where your consciousnesses can expand a little more, and where the sacred promise for your hearts to live in the Kingdom of God, and of bringing it toward the Earth, may be accomplished within humanity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Child Jesus:

I am in the arms of My Holy Mother because within My Heart I hold each soul of this humanity, which even though humanity is indifferent to My Birth, I comfort all consciousnesses with the Rays of My Mercy and My Grace so that souls may be reborn into spiritual life and peace, which will be so necessary in these times, when humanity will be intensely transformed.

As the little King of the Universe, I open My Arms over the world and mark this consciousness of the planet with the luminous sign of the cross of My Heart, which from the beginning of My Birth in Nazareth and when I took My first steps, I had already experienced the sacrifice for each one of you in Nazareth, even though I was only a few months old.

In this way, My companions, see how great the Mercy of God for the world is. I need your hearts, on this night when pride and vanity bloom throughout the world, to make small sacrifices so that My little Heart of a Child and King may be given relief, by each one of you.

Thus, we have come, on this special night, to announce the Mercy of God to the world, which is still available for those hearts that may wish to search for and experience it in these times.

Today, the Sacred Family of Nazareth tries to reflect the same principle of Its Divine Conception upon humanity. And so, from the heights of Mount Shasta, where My Holy Grail shines, the codes of peace are radiated so that souls may fulfill the promise of waiting for My second Coming to the world.

Now, through Sister Lucía, Our Sacred Hearts will provide more Words of Light for the world, but we ask you to connect with this moment, in which all the angels of Heaven bow down before the Sacred Family, which radiates Its spirit of humility, simplicity, charity and Love for each heart that, no matter how it is or what it is, wishes to receive our Sacred Presences of Love and Mercy.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, with Our Presence here, on this evening, we come to transform the meaning of the celebration of this day, in this humanity. We came to remind the hearts of the world that Christ was not just born more than 2016 years ago, He also waits to be born, My children, every day and every year, in the hearts of everyone who opens to His birth.

We came to bring the world the principles of Christic Life which were expressed in each of Our Sacred Hearts.

In this way, children, we bring a final chance to this world of expressing the universal family, of living the true Divine Thought for the human heart. This is not difficult, it is within the reach of each one of you, because we only live in simplicity, in love and in devotion to the Most High God.

Our Sacred Hearts, My children, opened from the beginning of their existence to respond to the Divine Call, and each of you that listens My Words, as well as those who do not listen to Me, opened to live this Divine Principle. Thus, you arrived in this world to follow the example of the Son of God, who became flesh in body, mind and soul so that you could feel the likeness there is between the Creator and His creatures.

Today, with My small Son in arms, and contemplating the Holy Grail which contains the codes of His passion and also of His Life, to the whole planet We radiate each second of the existence of the Sacred Family so this Mirror of Love and Unity with God will allow the mirrors of your hearts to awaken, and, thus, My children, create on this night a great network of Light to rescue those souls of My little children that are throughout the world, blinding their eyes, suffocating their souls with the illusions and distractions of this world.

I ask, children, that you open your hearts in this hour so that My Immaculate Heart, as the Great Universal Mirror, may awaken within your spirits the gift of reflecting Divine Will, so that, in these times, together with Me, you may be able to reflect the principles of a new life.

As a Sacred Family, we form a Great Mirror of Light and we unite with all the mirrors of the Cosmos to draw to Earth the great opportunity which will help you overcome the times that will come, and, more than that, to live the Will of God.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

Dear children and companions of My Chaste Heart, more than words, on this night I would only like you to feel Our Presence within your spirits, within your hearts, for in a simple way, just as We are, We would like to definitely awaken you so that you may learn to live love and unity with God, without needing to experience suffering.

It is not due to the Will of the Lord that His creatures suffer, because this planet is the planet of love, but the choices that will be made from the lessons experienced in this world depend upon each one of His creatures.

If you learned to renounce, to yield your spirits upon the Celestial Altars, humbly placing your head upon the floor, without the need of life experiences breaking you inside, you would learn, My children, how simple it truly is to reach God.

You should defeat your resistances, yielding to God, because He is the true victorious one of this world, and of all the others.

Let Him defeat you, may He make of your lives a great victory in the whole universe, throughout all of Creation.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Child Jesus:

Dear companions of My Sacred Heart, today I come as a child, as a small Son of God, so that, with this example, you may understand that God manifests in the small of heart, in those who open to live purity and who, like children, allow the Creator to enter into the very depths of their beings and transform them into worthy children of God, just as I Am.

I come on this night as an example for all the hearts of the world. Allow Me to be born within you, because for this reason, I am here. When I return to the world, I want to look into your eyes and see a mirror of My Divine Presence. I want to find Myself within you and live in the perfect unity that My Father thought of from the beginning.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, My Divine Son, high up on this Altar, beautifully made for Our Sacred Hearts with the effort of the hands that work to build the evolutionary Plan, will consecrate the bread and the wine, celebrating this Communion with each one of your hearts, in union with the Three Sacred Hearts, which, like a precious triangulation of Light, projects upon your heart centers so as to expand the Love of the Creator throughout the world.

Let us carry out the consecration.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Child Jesus:

Like a Sun that shines in the universe, companions, My Heart descends to the Earth on this night in which the darkness is dissipated and the hells are closed by the prayer of the souls of this planet, by the trust that each heart has emitted in these last nine years, through Our Presences, believing in Our Presences, Our divine and immaterial Presence.

Today, I place My little Hands, the Hands of the Child Jesus, on these elements, and in the arms of My Holy Mother and in the Presence of Saint Joseph, the Most Holy Family consecrates these elements so that they may transform into the Body of your Lord and into the Blood of your King, sorrowfully poured out for release from the sins of the world and from the evils of humanity.

Under the sign of the cross and the authority that the Father granted Me, I bless these elements so that souls may revel in My Spirit, and so that holy peace may be established on Earth, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, We carry the pleas of all your hearts, from the hearts of the world to Heaven, which through this sacred Vigil of Prayer, ignited their inner Christs, to carry on with this Plan of Redemption, in this Plan of change and rescue of humanity.

Our Sacred Hearts, under the blessing of the Holy Spirit, thank you all for having allowed the Sacred Hearts to come to the United States, and also so that they may continue in this divine mission to Oklahoma, Miami and Orlando.

We count on your collaboration, your inner, spiritual and material collaboration. This is very important for the Father, especially for this whole nation that so greatly needs Us.

We give thanks, and we wish you a good Night of Peace, for all beings of goodwill.

We thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Dear brothers and sisters, to those who are present and to those who follow us through Misericordia Maria TV, may those very valuable and simple Words from our Divine Messengers, Christmas Eve after Christmas Eve, inspire us toward igniting our inner Christ, and this inner Christ is the space in our consciousness that always aspires to be in Christ, and aspires to have Christ living within us, may it guide our lives, all our feelings, our thoughts, so our lives may be instruments of His Love, His Wisdom, His Peace, so that, daily, we can go through the world, sure of the place in which we are, in the Heart of God. That is our inner Christ and that is what Our Lord tries to ignite, each day.

Above all, during these Christmases, in which we are often distracted from the true Purpose of God. On each Christmas, the Divine Messengers strengthen our union with Their Hearts, trying to enter into our homes to bring that peace and that love that should always guide our lives.

We aspire to have a little of that peace and that love. Having been able to enter into your hearts, you were able to light up your inner Christ, and, know that, by living this lighted inner Christ, we may be able to also reach the Heart of God.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
