Dear Children,

The Most Chaste and Venerable Saint Joseph is preparing, in this month of July, to finalize His task with humanity.  But His teachings and words will resonate within those who throughout the years have known how to recognize the impulses that He left for the transcendence of humanity.

Children, I would like to announce to you that on July 19th, the day of the last apparition of Saint Joseph, the monthly Feast of the Heart of Saint Joseph will be instituted, in which every 19th of the month, from the Heavens, Saint Joseph will intercede for impossible causes and for the most difficult purifications of the human heart.

This Feast of Saint Joseph will not only be to remember His paternal presence in the life of His apprentices, but it will also be an opportunity for hearts to plead to Saint Joseph, for Him to grant the necessary Graces.

On that day, those who stand before the Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph will have the joy of being blessed by Saint Joseph, and they will be able to begin finding the path of humility.

This Feast of Saint Joseph will not only be for honoring the Holy Name of the intercessor for the human hearts, but it will also be a day in which the souls that are praying to Saint Joseph will be able to renew their vows, and the missionary lives will be safeguarded by the light of the Chaste Heart, month after month.

May the monthly Feast of Saint Joseph be for remembering the impulses of each one of His words and instructions.

Every 19th, each soul will be able to offer Saint Joseph not only their imperfect hearts but they will also be able to light a candle so that the Grace of conversion may transform the hearts of humankind and the healing of humanity may be granted.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Do not fear, because in spite of all the adversities, in spite of the misery overflowing from your hearts, and sometimes your lack of hope, the Heart of God, children, still beats within each one of you.

Feel this inner universe, which is behind all the layers of illusion that this humanity constantly experiences. The time is now approaching for the revealing of the truth for all children of God, and may they recognize themselves as His children; may they perceive the likeness that exists between the Creator and His creatures.

Thus, do not fear. Do not fear the illusions of the world; only fear being far from God, for this is a Gift of His Holy Spirit that will not allow any of you to abandon His path.

Greater than all the illnesses that circulate throughout this world is the illness that dwells within human beings that does not allow them to come close to God. And this illness, children, must begin to be healed, for it is only this which will stop you from living Divine Will.

It will not be any plan of the adversary that will separate you from God if, within each one of you, this union is preserved. For this reason, you must begin to work from the inside out, seeking the connection with God in the depths of yourselves, this doorway to the Universe, to the infinite that is within your hearts.

Today I do not come to speak to you about the illnesses of this world, nor do I come to tell you about human miseries, but rather about the perfection that hides within each one of you, as well as the perfection that hides in the depths of this planet that must be revealed to you.

I come to elevate your consciousnesses, once again, so that you may move from the point where you are found today and you may place yourselves in the celestial dimensions, which are not far from you, but rather they are within you, which are invisible here, which hide underneath your feet, in the depths of the heart of this Earth.

Today, children, I do not come to speak of that which you do not deserve to receive; I do not come to point out that which you must transform, because I deeply know the human heart; it still beats within Me, for this is the Will of God. My human Heart will only merge with the Father when each heart that beats does so.

Thus, I understand you ever more fully. I know about your weaknesses, your limitations and your difficulties; but I also know of the mystery held within you, which is unknown to you.

With My eyes, I see your transparent beings and contemplate the divine essence within you. I do not need to look up to Heaven to find God; today I look at each one of you and I can find Him. Your essences are living mirrors of Divine Consciousness, and many believe that they already know, that they already understand, but it is not a question of understanding or of knowing, because humanity knows many things and, meanwhile, they remain at the point where they are.

The time has come to allow this Living God to be expressed in each one of you, and this is done with surrender, ceasing to observe the human miseries, no longer pointing out the errors of others or the errors within your own hearts, but rather, seek the truth, children, that dwells in the depths of your hearts.

This silent truth can also be found and revealed through silence. But to become silent and seek God in your own hearts, you must be brave of spirit, because the Creator does not look like what you think; He does not express Himself like you express yourselves every day; He does not aspire to stand out in anything or in anyone, so much so that He has kept Himself silent within you from the beginning of Creation. But now this Heart beats, this Word wishes to express, It wants to reveal Itself, first for each one of you and then for all Creation.

The moment has come for humanity to express Divine Thought and, more than this Thought, it is time for humanity to express God Himself, because only in this way will it be able to go beyond the union of times, that which is called the transition of this planet.

Thus, become silent, each one standing before God. Let your souls yield, may they be able to move beyond the thresholds of human miseries and difficulties, both in you and in your neighbor. Because it is not true that you are not perfect. Yes, you are perfect, but you still have not discovered what you are, because you did not express that, neither in the Cosmos nor on Earth, in spite of you having once seen, upon the Cross, He Who was a mirror for you, of what you truly are.

Set aside your fears and your aspirations as well.

Do not look for the places that are not where you belong; seek your own place in the Heart of God and not in this world.

Do not be looking for roles in the theater of this Earth; seek the truth within your own heart and want to express it.

Do not look for the truth in your neighbor, do not want them to express God, because this is as human as you know humanity.

It is time for each one of you to seek God within yourselves, to contemplate the celestial altars before yourselves and, bowing down before this altar, you may be able to surrender to God.

Today I tell you all this, children, because My Heart was also ill, lost in the human illusions, believing I had a mission, a principal role in the history of this planet, because God made Me the father of His Son; and at a certain moment, He called Me to His Kingdom and He asked Me to leave Him behind, which for Me meant to abandon Him, because I thought that this was My mission and that this Plan would not be accomplished because the Son of God would not be protected, and the Mother of God would also not be supported.

But at the moment when I was in the arms of Mary, and without Her saying a word to Me, nor was I saying anything to Her, I found silence, which showed Me the likeness with God. In the Heart of Mary I saw reflected the Celestial Universe; this same Universe was reflected within Me. I recognized the likeness with God, who I was and who He is. In this way, I did not fear to surrender My Spirit into His Arms and enter into His Eternal Time, walking toward the Source of Creation, into eternal service to the Heart of God.

You, children, do not need to leave this world to understand what I tell you, because it is not necessary. Today the Creator is calling you to something different, He calls you to find this mystery through striving and surrender, through silence and inner solitude, which is so feared by humanity, because sometimes it seems that you are afraid of finding out the truth, because you become lost from yourselves, from all that you believe yourselves to be.

If for an instant you could contemplate Divine Truth, you would not hesitate to set yourselves aside in order to be what you truly are.

Remember that you are still going through Lent, this moment of finding yourselves and of finding Christ, first within you and then before you when, because of His infinite Mercy, you will be able to again find Him in this world.

Do not fear the desert; do not fear to perceive that souls become weaker, because the Creator has a Will for each being of this Earth, and this Will is not fulfilled the way you think, but the way that He leads, according to the permission that souls give Him. Thus, stop looking all around you and begin looking inward.

The Plan of God is manifesting; it is seeking to gain space within you, that space that humanity has never given it, but now this is the time to do so.

Let this desert be fertile, the opportunity for being transparent, of living this so feared transparency. Prepare for Easter, prepare to surrender completely without fear, to be empty in light of God.

Planetary events can many times be used to fulfill Divine Will. Know how to make the adversities a time for becoming stronger; know how to make the next Sacred Week a moment for standing before Christ, in the very depths of your hearts, for truly participating with Him in His Easter, for feeling His solitude, His agony and His surrender, and live this solitude, this agony and this surrender, because this is what your humanity lives, it is part of the path that you must tread in order to surrender to God, to defeat that which humanity fears most: surrender, sacrifice and that which is called death; and, in this way, you will discover who you are and who God is, within you and within all Creation.

While I speak with you, My Heart opens and all the deepest codes that I achieved in the name of humanity, the whole path that I trod in order to be here, I place it all here within these sacred Reliquaries, these which I bless for each Marian Center and for My beloved Africa.

This is the seventh Reliquary, which I aspire may reach there, so that you may understand that My Heart remains with those who are most in need. I am with you, My children, as well as with each child of this Earth; I am in each home and in each heart, because My Heart is united with God, and this same Divine and Celestial Heart dwells within you.

Contemplate the Reliquaries to discover this truth, to be in front of a mirror, just as I was in front of the mirror of the Heart of Mary. Today I give you the mirror of My Chaste Heart through each Reliquary consecrated by Me. May this Grace expand throughout the four corners of this world, so that all beings may have the opportunity of discovering the truth about themselves.

While in omnipresence, My Heart multiplies to enter into each of these Reliquaries. I ask you to sing, to bring incense and blessed water here so that, together with Me, we may consecrate them and offer them to God.

Song: Sacred Reliquary.

And now, contemplate the greatest of all Reliquaries, which holds the Body and the Blood of your Lord, He who is the eternal mirror of what you should be, of what you must discover.

By the authority that My Son once granted Me, as a Priest in light of God, I consecrate not only this Eucharist, but also each priest of this planet. May they receive the chastity, the humility, the surrender and the void of My Chaste Heart so that, in this way, they may be living chalices for the Consciousness of Christ.

Let us pray together with the Angel of Presence, not only for the consecration of these elements and the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine into the Body and the Blood of Christ; let us pray in reparation to the Heart of Our Lord, for all the evils caused by this humanity; let us pray, crying out, in the name of each being of this Earth, so that all may see the Celestial Truth before themselves and merge with it, seeing it revealed within themselves.

Let us pray to the Father, crying out for His Mercy. And this same Mercy, which gushed out of the unfathomable Heart of God, consecrates these elements and restores the human consciousness. In this way, children, in this divine mystery, the very Heart of God is repaired.

Prayer of Our Father in Portuguese and in Aramaic.

May seven sounds of the bell proclaim peace within you and in this world.

In this way, I bless you, and I thank you for listening to My words, meditating upon them and finding this truth within your hearts.

I thank you and I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sister Lucía de Jesús: We are going to finish, at the request of Saint Joseph, with the Hymn to Saint Joseph, feeling this whole story that beats within each one of the seven Reliquaries, today consecrated by Him

Song: Hymn to Saint Joseph



In the company of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, your Master and Lord announces that on March 19th and 20th, 2020, the two Sacred Hearts will carry out a planetary task.

For this reason, Our Words will be shared live through the audio clip that Misericordia María TV will transmit to the whole world.

In this way, Our instructions and blessings will reach the whole world and thus, at this moment of planetary transition, hearts will unite with the love of the Voice of the Spiritual Hierarchy so that souls may be strengthened in faith and in trust in God.

The next March 19th, the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will bless all the sacred reliquaries that will go to the Marian Centers.

It will be in this way that everyone will be able to celebrate the anniversary of the Apparitions of Saint Joseph through the program and the prayers that will be offered.

In the same way, on March 20, 2020, all pilgrims will unite from their homes and their groups of prayer to follow the important moment of the last presentation of the daily Message of Christ through Misericordia María TV.

Thus, the Voice of the Master will also reach the whole world through the audio clip that will be transmitted to everyone by Misericordia María TV.

Although we cannot be gathered together with you, the omnipresence of Our Sacred Hearts will also reach each one of your homes.

And lastly, the Divine Mother, on March 25th, 2020, will also transmit Her words to everyone.

I invite you to prepare with devotion and faith for the peace and the healing of the world.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Today, children, with the Child Jesus in My arms, I come to make a special request to you.

There is not much time left before My words echo within the world. The moment for My silence has come so that, in this way, the voice of this little Child may speak louder, so that His designs may be heard and His Word may become Law.

But before silencing My Chaste Heart, I come to request the coining of the Medallion of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. A medallion that will hold within it all the merits achieved throughout My life and throughout the eternity of My Heart; a medallion that will be the protector of families and a guide for the evolution of souls; a medallion that will remind you of the purity of your hearts and will protect your essences so that you not lose your peace during the times of transition.

The Medallion of My Chaste Heart will be engraved with My image, with the Child Jesus in My arms. He will be on My right arm, and the lilies that I carry as a symbol of chastity will be in My left hand. At My feet you will write: Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, pray for us.

On the back, the Medallion will have My Heart, as a bridge to My spiritual Reliquary. My Heart with three lilies will represent the union that I experienced as a servant of God, with the Divine Trinity.

With this Medallion, children, the legacy that I must leave to you, as Father and Friend, will be fulfilled.

Those who hold this Medallion with them will carry around the world the Gifts and the Graces achieved by My Heart.

As divine promises, I tell you that those who hold the Medallion of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph:

1. Will find peace in the times of tribulation.

2. Will achieve inner wisdom through humility and surrender.

3. Will find the path to return to the Father through simple prayer.

4. Will be protected from all darkness.

5. Will achieve Grace and protection for your families.

6. Will live under the spirit of humility and meekness of My Chaste Heart.

7. Through silence, you will discover the unfathomable Love of God and drink of His Divine Fount.

With joy in My Heart, I leave this request to you, which I would like to see accomplished by March 19, 2020, when you will receive from God a special Grace and a divine atonement.

I leave you My blessings and My peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Stand before the Reliquary of My Chaste Heart so that it may silently reveal to you the love that is within you and lead you into unconditionally loving God.

Let your soul express, without fear or shame, without the fear of being new, different or unknown. Plunge into the mystery of your inner world to express what humanity does not know. Seek the reference of your evolutionary path in the depths of your essence because it is there where the Truth is held, that which you so aspire to find.

The greatest of all contacts is the one that is established with one's own inner world, and the greatest of all revelations is to discover that the Universe and its mysteries are within you. The understanding of inexplicable things, the revelation of invisible things, contact with life and eternity, knowledge and awareness of the Truth, all of this is within you.

But this world has taught humankind to not seek answers within themselves and to go through life looking for guidelines of mundane things outside of themselves. They seek for intelligence instead of wisdom; they seek vanity instead of inner beauty; they seek pleasures and happiness instead of the transcendence of all for being in the fullness of God.

Stand before the Reliquary of My Heart, in prayer, because it will silently show you the path to your own inner being, and you will know who you are, even without knowing, seeing or hearing. It will be a feeling, it will be the expression of the truth in your heart and in your life.

Stand before the Reliquary of My Heart and feel the peace and the freedom that I felt on discovering the path to be in God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray, and in prayer, take the Reliquary of My Heart to go on a pilgrimage around world; let Its Rays of compassion and humility penetrate the hardest of hearts, hardened by its pride and arrogance.

Pray, and in prayer, take the Reliquary of My Heart to go on a pilgrimage around the world; let Its Rays of peace and unity with God permeate the souls that are more lost and distant from the Creator.

Walk with Me, with your praying heart, throughout the four corners of this world and do not forget, son, that prayer is the bridge to the union with God, not only for you but for each being of this Earth.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and, running through this small and humble wooden Reliquary, come to My Spiritual Heart of Servant, Companion, Father and Friend, so that you may learn, from Me, what I learned from God and that, in this way, you may receive the virtues that will make you an instrument of the Heavenly Father, just as I was and I am.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart so that you may learn to intercede for the souls and, in silence, not only tell Me what you need, but ask God, through the intercession of My Heart, for all the needs of the world, those real and urgent.

Pray and, with your prayer, take the Reliquary of My Heart to go on a pilgrimage around the world and, in this way, let each one of your brothers receive what they need from God; receive mercy, forgiveness and grace, receive hope, faith and joy, receive healing, faithfulness and strength, in order to fulfill their spiritual commitment.

Everything the Creator has given Me, I give it to the world, through the Reliquary of My Heart.

So, child, receive what I give you, and in prayer, give the thirsty to drink from this Fountain of Graces.

Your Father and Friend, everlasting Companion,

Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Weekly Messages

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart in the depths of the divine dimensions and find there the door for your own redemption.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and find in it an example of surpassing and humility, a path for you to follow and find Christ; find God.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and find in it an example of service and charity, the Christic charity that, more than to acts of compassion, leads you to the awakening of Love, that makes you a faithful imitator of Christ.

Contemplate the Spiritual Reliquary of My Heart and find, in the reliquaries of wood that I have consecrated and will consecrate in the world, a bridge for the Heart of the Father, an inspiration for your small life, a fortress that is kept within you and that you have not yet been able to find.

Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart and know, child, that in the humility of this Heart, before your eyes, divine and spiritual Gifts are to be found. Gifts that come from God and that call you to the awakening. Gifts that invite you to express the likeness with the Father in the eternal transcendence of your human condition so that one day, finally, you may return to your Celestial Origin.

Receive the Grace of contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart, not for Me, but for all that God has given Me and that today I offer to humanity as a symbol of My perpetual service to His Heart of Love.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph 


If you wish to be tested, transformed into that which God expects of you, He will test you, but He will give you everything, so that each test may have its Grace, its merits, and its reason for existing.

I was not only tested by God; from Him, I received the greatest treasure of His Creation, which was His Son and His Servant, Who taught me to be tireless, just as today I teach each one of you. She also taught Me love, just as She teaches you; She opened My heart to a truth which was unknown to Me, in spite of My knowing that God was preparing Me for something since the beginning of My life in this world.

God will test you, will purify your consciousnesses, and will cause to emerge in you that so hoped-for new human being for which you cry out every day in your prayers. I too cried out for a new human being, because I did not feel worthy of being part of this very Sacred, Divine family on this Earth.

But I learned, children, that human dignity does not come from its condition; it does not come from what humankind has built on this Earth. This is not being a human being.  

The human being is that one prophesied in the Scriptures, clay which comes from God, in deep likeness to His Heart, to His Divine Source. And this is what, little by little, I come to have you know.

Today I humbly reveal My Aspect to you, so that you may also see Me just as I want to express Myself to the world in these times. I do not come to be worshiped. This image exists so that you may unite your hearts with Mine, so that you may recognize this moment in which My imperfection was set aside to give room for the perfection of God. This image exists so that you may understand the essence of human existence and the path you must follow in these final times.

I am not the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  I am on the Way, in the Truth, in the Life. I feel Myself to be part of the Heart of My Son because His Mercy opened the doors to me so that I could enter His Heart. That same Mercy presents Itself in your lives, that same Way, that same Truth, that same Life, which transcends life in this world, is also here, available to your hearts, to your spirits, to your human condition.

This image represents the impossible, the moment in which this dried, dead, staff blossomed. Humanity is also like this, it seems dead and dried; but in truth, children, unique seeds of flowers still unknown in the Universe, are held within you so that they may blossom in a truth which should no longer be unknown to you. Let this image be the water poured out over the seeds of your hearts so that before it, the truth may blossom and each of you come to know your true being.

May this Reliquary, small and simple in light of the Greatness of Creation, be the symbol, children, of the treasure that is held inside each one of you.  

Today I bring the patterns of a new life, which in truth, is that which God thought of from the beginning. Today the Creator observes you with joy, with deep happiness, because He will be able to awaken His Gifts within those who say 'yes' to Him. His heart is offered to the world through the humble Reliquary of my Chaste Heart. This wood allowed itself to be transformed, in spite of its imperfections; it gave its life for something perfect, for a new life that will resurrect those who have died, even though they still walk on Earth, because their spirits are empty and their lives have no meaning.

From all over the world they will come to contemplate this Reliquary, because its Graces will speak through the testimony of the transformation of beings, and that which seemed impossible will manifest.

The Creator granted me the Grace of placing part of My Heart in this small Reliquary, because everything I received belongs to God, and today He wants to give it to humankind, to His children, to create a bridge to His Divine Heart.

The Creator gave me a part of the Heart of Mary, a part of the Heart of Jesus, so that I could transcend My human condition, grow in spirit, manifest His Will, multiply His Graces, and today could be here, uniting these three parts into a single Heart, which in truth is His Heart, and which today is kept as a treasure in this little Reliquary. Believe this. Believe that this Heart is a bridge to the Heart of God, and pray before it for the world, for peace, for the end of wars, for the union of religions, for understanding among cultures, for respect among beings, for love. Pray that the children of this whole planet may accomplish their mission in this time and do not lose their purity. Take from this sacred Reliquary the purity of My Heart so that it may reach those who have lost it for some reason.

Let the service multiply through sincere prayer; the Father will thank you.

I shall ask you now that, for an instant, you again sing this little song that with much joy, you prepared for Me to honor the Reliquary of My Heart. If you sing with love, you will demonstrate to the world and to God that you have understood the grandeur of the Grace that He grants you through the intercession of My Chaste Heart.

In the same way that the tests of this world will be unknown, so also shall be the Graces. In the same way you will not believe the atrocities which you will see on this Earth, the grandeur of God which is expressed among humankind will also be unlimited. For this reason, do not think it is too much if the Father wishes to place His Heart in a little Reliquary on this Earth, through the intercession of My Chaste Heart. Let God express His Greatness, for He can do all things, just as He could give His Son on a Cross in the Calvary of this world. 

Sing and let the portals open to the Heart of God, of Mary and of Christ, because I am a small part of each of Them, and it is with these rays coming from the Sacred Hearts that I complete this Grace given today to the world.

I hear many minds sometimes thinking: “How is it possible that the greatness of God is placed in material things, such as images, such as this Reliquary?” Do you perhaps doubt that God is in all things?

Sometimes I help you with such simple, everyday things, not because of these things in and of themselves, but because I learned with the Child Jesus to transform this material life and awaken faith with small services, with the little things. He opened My Heart when He helped me in the carpentry work. He, Who was a child, taught Me to be a carpenter while it seemed as if it was I who was teaching Him.

In this same way, I come to the world to bring you these Graces, and teaching you material things, being in your daily life, I gradually transform your lives, like Christ and the Most Holy Mary transformed Mine. Who knows, one day, children, in the new humanity, you may be helping others, you will be learning about life, about the renewal of Divine Consciousness, and you will remember this moment when you were little children in the human evolution and I had to come to the world to teach you these things.

In the simplicity of My Heart, a greatness is held, which is the same greatness hidden inside of you. Let yourselves be guided by My simple words. Let yourselves be guided by My silence, just I did with the Most Holy Mary.

Today I bring you the memory of My life as the Most Chaste Saint Joseph to place it in this Reliquary, as in this image, and in its multiplication in all the homes of this world. The same Grace which I grant you, I will multiply each time you multiply this image. Believe in this.

Today I had you understand, with the sun and the rain, that I need you to expand My house. I hope you have understood My message. I want many more than those who are in it today, because they will arrive here as pilgrims and will need to be welcomed. They will transform your lives as much as I have transformed them. Someday, among them, I too will arrive.  I hope you will welcome Me as I today have welcomed you.

Give thanks to God for sending His Messengers to the world.  Do not be like the humanity of My time, the majority of which did not understand the Grace they were receiving. The human indifference was so great, that today the world is how it is, asleep.

Let yourselves become new apostles, renewed in your faith, in a faith that is built in silence, in the invisible, a profoundly spiritual faith, whose only miracle is the transformation of the consciousness.

I thank you for expressing devotion to My Heart. May this devotion transform into a source of redemption and salvation for the souls that today are being withdrawn from the abysses of this world, even though no one sees it. 

Keep in your hearts a little Reliquary of My Chaste Heart, a Grace that is born of the gratitude I feel for your being here and for listening to Me in the four corners of this world. Receive this Grace with faith, for the gratitude of My Spirit unites Me with God, and this Grace that I give you, I received from His Heart.

Hold My Words within yourselves, as well as all the impulses that I brought you today.  And as if this were not enough, I grant you something greater: Communion and union with Christ through the priestly intercession of My spirit.

Together let us pray the Our Father in Aramaic, offering the Father not only these elements but each of the Graces that He has given you today; through the priestly intercession of My Chaste Heart, may the angels of the Presence come here to change these elements, fruits of the soil and the work of humankind, to the true perfection of the human heart in the Body and the Blood of Christ.

Our Father in Aramaic
(transliterated into English)

Abwoon d'bwashmaya
Nethqadash shmakh
Teytey malkuthakh
Nehwey sebyanach aykanna
D'bwashmaya aph b'arha.
Habwlan lachma d'sunqanan yaomana.
Washboqlan khaubayn
Aykana daph khnan shbwoqan l'khayyabayn.
Wela tahlan l'nesyuna
Ela patsan min bisha.
Metol dilakhie malkutha
Wahayla wateshbukhta
L'ahlam almin.



Through your spirits, may peace come to this world. With this, I thank you for being here, for listening to My voice, for making My Presence alive.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Multiply these Graces into the world and sing so that I may rise up to the Heavens. May the Reliquary of My Heart expand so much that it will not fit on the Earth and reach the four corners of this universe.

I thank you.


The Image of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph

The Image of My Chaste Heart must be contemplated by those who seek humility, simplicity, the maturity of spirit and the awakening of the spirit of service and charity.

This Image represents the moment in which My Chaste Heart pronounced Its “yes” to God and accepted, despite Its imperfections, to fulfill the Mission that God had entrusted to it.

This Image is the symbol that in order to serve God it is not necessary to be perfect, children, because Perfection, which comes from the Father, manifests in the soul and in the heart, as the being decides to walk.

Before this Image, you must ask the Father for the Grace of knowing to say “yes”, despite the apparent audacity of His Plans. Because today I tell you: it is not God Who asks you great things, but it is you who do not know your own potential, do not know yourselves and think you cannot give what God asks you.

Before this Image, pray the “Novena to begin the New Spiritual Cycles” and let My Heart inspire you so that you can say “yes” and know what is hidden until today and is unknown to you about yourselves.

The Reliquary of My Heart represents the Plan of God consummated in human imperfection. I will place in it all the Graces that the Father granted Me to fulfill His Will and before it, children, you will pray not only for yourselves, but for all humanity, so that these Gifts of Surrender and Rendition, which made this Heart become a Divine Triumph, can reach each one of your brothers and sisters, in the four corners of the world.

Through the Image of My Chaste Heart and the Reliquary of My Heart, the Creator grants you two new and unique Graces so that you may know that all you need in order to become a celestial victory is within your reach.

Today I ask you for a small replica of the Reliquary of My Chaste Heart to pilgrimage around the world and to be at all altars of My Apparitions. Because in this Reliquary I will place the Gifts that humanity needs to renew itself, the standards of conduct for a new life, which will be irradiated in the nations and on the continents, as a teraphim of the New Humanity, so that those who contemplate it and pray before it may achieve the Grace of knowing and living who they really are.

I love you, I bless you and I thank you for manifesting this Work of Miracles and of Graces in this world.

Your Father and Companion,


The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Everyone who arrives at the Marian Center of Figueira must be received at the House of Pilgrims, where they will cross the first Portal of their redemption, which is the encounter with humility. As from that moment, they will recognize their smallness and the greatness of God Who guided them to this sacred place, where the mysteries that were hidden from the mind, the soul, and the human heart can be revealed.

The House of Pilgrims must be the Doorway to Redemption for souls, where there are no restrictions for the arrival of hearts; there, everyone will be able to be sheltered by Me in the depths of their spirits.

In the House of Pilgrims, they will wash their feet for a new life, a new way of walking, on this eternal path of human evolution.

The House of Pilgrims is where My Heart waits for the hearts of the world, to receive their imperfections and difficulties and to transform them there.

In the House of Pilgrims, I will grant you a spiritual atonement and a Grace, so that you may restart your lives from a point which, by yourselves, you would never be able to reach.

I want the House of Pilgrims to be sufficiently large to give shelter to souls, their miseries and their sins, and also sufficiently large to shelter God, His Mercy and His Atonement.

You cannot imagine that in this humble place the Creator will heal and awaken many hearts; He will convert sinners into His instruments and will make so great spiritual miracles in those consciousnesses as He did in Me, when He transformed a humble and poor carpenter into the Father and Guardian of His Beloved and Eternal Son, the Redeemer of the world.

As the carrier of this infinite miracle of conversion, I remain in the world to multiply this miracle in souls, because this is what God has asked of Me. And it is in the House of Pilgrims, as in My small House at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, and in My future Houses, at the Marian Center of Aurora and at the Marian Center of the Child King, where these miracles will take place.

The House of Pilgrims will be the Mother-Source of all the Houses that will be lifted up in My Name at the Marian Centers that the world will come to know as the fruits of this Work. It is from here, from the House of Pilgrims, from the depths of the Reliquary of My Heart, that these Graces will emerge, which will cross borders, and even continents, and will touch souls.

For this reason, children, now that you have built the foundations, enlarge them physically and spiritually, and all that I tell you will come true.

I leave you My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

Most Chaste Saint Joseph


At the end of the transmission of the Weekly Message, Saint Joseph gave us an indication for the Anniversary of His Apparitions program, which will be transmitted on the 19th of March, 2018. He said:

"I want monastics, consecrated residents from the Communities-of-Light, Children of Mary and pilgrims who had or have an experience of unity with My Chaste Heart to share with the world, to do it and, in a simple way, tell everybody how My Instruction and My Blessings have reached their lives. In this way, you will be able to perceive that the purpose of this program is being fulfilled."

Afterwards, He asked that we made a short video to spread this invitation and to prepare this special Anniversary program.*



*To access this video and all the necessary information about this request from Saint Joseph, click here.


The Reliquary of My Heart must be contemplated in simplicity by those who aspire to discover and live the mysteries of the Plan of God and who have faith in the fulfillment of His Will.

The Reliquary of My Heart is kept spiritually at the House of the Pilgrim, where wayfarers who seek the Truth and a transformation of the spirit can find It.

This Reliquary must awaken in beings a reverence for God, for His Mercy, for His Plan, and for His Love for humanity.

In this Reliquary not only the Heart of a poor man, Servant of God and adopted Father of Jesus is kept. In it My whole journey as a Consciousness is kept, from the Origin to the return to the Origin, until the unity with God, that I once lived by His full Grace.

The House of the Pilgrim received the Grace of God of having a special connection with a Sacred Place, where the Reliquary of My Heart is kept, which is as mysterious for humanity as is itself and as is the Will of God for this world.

The House of the Pilgrim must represent a step towards the new consciousness for the new humanity and, that is why My Chaste Heart is there, pure, simple and in offering to humanity, so that the hearts of human beings may find in It a mirror that reflects the truth about themselves.

The Reliquary of My Heart represents the awakening of the consciousness. My aspiration is that a simple, humble and silent place be dedicated to It, where souls can be in vigil and find God, just as this Heart found Him, in the silence of a carpentry shop.

I want there to be built, then, a simple space like the carpentry shop of Nazareth, where souls transform themselves, like rough wood, into an instrument of God, as they contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart. I will thus grant infinite Graces, so that humanity as a whole may live the awakening.

I leave you the blessing of My Heart.

Your Father and Friend,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

Today I leave in your hands the Sacred Reliquary of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, as an offering of My Celestial Spouse and in gratitude for all that has been lovingly manifested up to today.

This Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph will be your instrument for the battle against human indifference and will be the impulse towards a continuous fraternity among beings. For in this Sacred Reliquary is the Divine Heart of Saint Joseph, honored by the angels of Heaven as a spiritual model because of His holiness, humility, and service.

May this Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph that I place today in your  hands, motivate you to a continuous awakening to unconditional service, so that new souls embrace this proposal. Through the Most Chaste Heart, may you live in service to your fellow beings and the Kingdoms of Nature, building and regenerating all of humanity.

This Sacred Reliquary which Your Heavenly Mother presents to you today, is the fundamental relic that Saint Joseph constituted when He humbly entered the Kingdom of the Heavens. It was this Sacred Reliquary of the Heart of Saint Joseph that the Eternal Father received from His faithful server, after He was lifted up to the Heavens in soul and in spirit.

As a member of humanity, Saint Joseph brought to the universe a living example of love for knowledge and instruction. Saint Joseph was considered by Adonai to be the guardian of souls, and for the human race, this Sacred Reliquary represents the possibility of being in likeness to a transformed human example, as was the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

This Sacred Reliquary that the universe presents to you today, is a spiritual symbol for souls that it is possible to experience human transformation and redemption on Earth.

May this Sacred Reliquary, lovingly offered by Saint Joseph to the Divine Father, from now on represent the symbol of persistence and faith in the face of every human and materialistic condition.

This Sacred Reliquary will remain spiritually placed and displayed in the spiritual counterpart of the House of the Pilgrim, so that all the souls of the world that will come to this place may through prayer find this sacred teraph that the Chaste Heart gives you today through the Immaculate Mother. 

May this sacred teraph be worked with every 19th day of the month by the missionary and praying souls, so that in these times, there may be reparation for the grave outrages from the wars in the world, for the exploitation of children, for the women being sold on the streets, for the loneliness of the sick, for the death of the innocent, and for the harmful destruction of the Mineral, Plant, Animal, and Devic Kingdoms.

May this teraph be the bridge of communication of all with God; and in this way, He will not pour out Justice, but rather pure and infinite Mercy.

I thank you for responding to Saint Joseph, because these last four years of work have allowed this Grace that Your Heavenly Mother brings you today.

Who loves you, in union with the Love of Saint Joseph,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
