Through My Wounds, I illuminate the dark abysses of the Earth, and each time I descend here, I release the fallen prisoners, carrying a great part of souls that are lost into the deep oceans of My Mercy.
Through My Wounds, I exorcize the psychic sphere of the Earth, and the Elohim purify the crust of the planet in order to detoxify it of the perverse currents of My adversary. Once again, the Archangel Saint Michael buries his powerful non-material Sword of Light and all the shackles of perdition and of damnation are dissolved on the coming of the extremely powerful transmuting cosmic fire.
Through My Wounds, the innocent are protected, as long as someone cries out for them and pleads for Mercy. Thus, all who are exploited, at some point, will be freed from their slavery and, once again, Mercy will triumph.
Through My Wounds, I establish the beginning of the Kingdom of the Heavens and souls are freed from the spirits, that wander the world, in order to condemn consciousnesses. What is most impure on Earth is cast out and the spirits in constant sorrow are consumed by fire and in brimstone so that any vestige of malice may vanish.
May the light of the power of My Wounds and the Glory of the Archangel Michael triumph again, so that peace may be established.
Thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Teacher, Christ Jesus
To My little and adult children of Africa
Calm your little hearts in My paternal and meek Heart so that I may give back to you peace and hope, and in this way, you do not become discouraged by the challenges of these times.
The paths of God are unknown and the ways He conducts this, which is His Plan, have always been incomprehensible to humanity.
The Creator Father honors and loves the peaceful hearts that do not fear to surrender their own lives in order to establish peace, that do not fear to encounter chaos in order to manifest the truth that dwells within them.
Each soul on this Earth has a unique learning experience to live, and there is a time and a place for it to be fulfilled. On this day a child of God fulfilled his cycle and entered other schools, where he will continue learning about love and peace.
Place your hearts only upon the Love with which God welcomes His children, and have the certainty that a time of greater peace will come for those who in life aspired to fulfill the Will of God beyond their difficulties, beyond their suffering and the weight they carried in their hearts because of a thousand-year history of anguish and pain.
Today My heart expresses itself because every day I see the effort of My little children of Africa who, in spite of everything, love and serve God. The merits of this service touch the Heavens and open the doors so that a child of God may reach the Father.
Do not be sad, nor fearful.
This is a time of purification of the Earth as well as of the human heart, and many tests are about to come, but if you are strengthened in love and permeated by the aspiration for peace, you will always have, as today, the doors open to Heaven.
I dedicate this message to the souls who make an effort to transcend the human condition and transform the history of this world with their persistence, and although I know that many will not understand Me, I speak for a Divine Will, because the Lord wished you to know of His Love for the children and young people of Africa, for the servers and adults who seek Him. The Lord wished to express Himself in the voice of His Humble Servant because as Father of service and charity, I come to protect those who serve this world, although they do not know it.
You, My little children, serve the world in prayer; you serve the world by establishing peace; you serve the world by being firm in your purpose of healing the human heart, through your own heart; you serve the world with the joy that is still born of your spirits in spite of so much pain that you have already experienced; you serve the world because daily your love and hope touch the Heart of God.
Your prayers are heard, and today not only one but many souls arrived in Heaven through the merits of those who departed trying to establish peace.
Calm your hearts in the Peace of the Creator and do not give up serving; do not give up smiling and praying; do not give up forgiving and healing your hearts, because the Heavens open with your effort and the blessings of the Father descend upon Africa and upon the whole world.
Just as God does, I love you and bless you so that you may find peace and hope.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the hour of My Mercy, I have much to give to souls, but the majority are not encouraged to drink of My prodigies, from the Fount of Living Water, because in many cases they put their attention in other places and not upon Me.
The souls of the world sometimes wonder about the reason and the motive for their suffering, and the first thing they do is blame God for the consequences they live, when in reality, they are the result of their own acts.
But in the Hour of Mercy, My prodigious Heart has the power to reverse many evils and misunderstandings, as long as souls trust in My Merciful Heart.
I encourage My true followers to spread the redemptive Work of My Mercy so that souls may learn to not make hasty decisions that affect humanity.
I invite you to seek humility within your beings so that the Truth may someday set you free.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
With the Light emanated by the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can bring to the planet the ruling Principles of the Consciousness of God, and from the Mirrors of Light, pour out these inner attributes into the consciousness of humanity.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can dissolve the contrary forces that impede the awakening of humanity.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can grant the spiritual healing within souls so that afterward material healing may occur.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can regenerate the consciousness of humanity and withdraw it from spiritual illusion so that hearts may find the Christic path.
With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can encompass large regions of the planet, and from the most natural and sacred places of Creation in this world, She can help elevate the consciousness of human beings so that they may awaken to their inner reality.
With the Light of the Mirrors I can reflect upon the planet all the Love of God, so that souls may feel and perceive that it is time to change, so that the world may change and the entire Earth may be redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As a response of the Celestial Universe, today I carry in My Hands a Rose of Light. It is the tribute of the Love of My children for the Mother of God, of all those who pray in Argentina who have responded to My call of love in the face of these critical times.
This Rose of Light that I carry in My Hands today is the essential testimony of each praying heart. It is the loving response of My children of Argentina to the Mother of God.
With all the tenderness of My Heart and My Soul, I will carry this offering of the souls to the Kingdom of God.
I will be able to intercede not only for all beings of the planet, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the most marginalized and sinful; I will also be able to intervene for the souls in purgatory and in hell that scream for light and for peace.
All of this is possible, dear children, when your response is true, when from your hearts is born a tenderness for My Maternal Heart.
In this way, Heaven communicates with Earth, the Mirrors of the Universe communicate with the mirrors of the hearts, and the divine energy of Peace is established through this spiritual science, which comes from the Universe to aid all beings, especially the nations most in need of Light and of Redemption.
I invite you, dear children of Argentina, to continue working through effort and service so that each human heart can be the New Kingdom of God, which will arrive with the second coming of My Son.
Today I come from the mountains of the Andes, crossing the lake Nahuel Huapi, because I also am the Mother of Divine Nature, and I want My children to learn, in these times, the importance of being able to take care of and protect the Creation of God, all that He manifested for His creatures from the beginning, thinking of each detail, so that the souls of Earth should feel welcomed and whole, and that in each place they would observe or contemplate, they could feel the Presence of God.
To value the Kingdoms of Nature will be of important significance for humanity, and the response of this protection of the Younger Kingdoms on the part of this current race will allow the continuity of a new race, with a new consciousness and a new energy, which will begin with interest in the sacred and in reverence, in the preservation and the care of all that is manifested by the Creation of God.
You here, dear children, as in all of Argentina, have great spiritual treasures held in this natural beauty, that are part of the Gifts of God. As much as you may not see them or feel them, they are present there since a long time ago.
Open your consciousness to an interest in the Universe and Greater Life will descend into your lives, to that you may recognize in these times that you are not only material beings, but also spiritual, that have come to Earth to fulfill a mission and a purpose, not only as individual beings, but also as a nation.
Each response of My children to the Mother of God is a new opportunity for intercession for souls and for the planet.
From now on, dear children, live this new inner culture of preservation of the Kingdoms of Nature, and sacred values of Light and of Love will awaken in your hearts; you will feel the compelling need to take care of the Creation, for the coming of the new generations.
That is why I come today from the mountains of the Andes, crossing the great Mirror of the lake Nahuel Huapi, radiating from here the Attributes of God to all Argentina.
This was the place chosen by the Father for the Heavenly Mother, in this new stage of the pilgrimage, to descend from the Universe to this sacred place, in order to establish again in Argentina the necessary values that will protect it spiritually and that will allow the emergence of a new consciousness based on goodness and on fraternity, on love and on brotherhood among beings, even in the Younger Kingdoms of Nature.
My wish, dear children, is that you feel God in each space present here, that you are able to discover the wonders of His Eternal Heart, lovingly manifested through the Kingdoms of Nature, because the healing of Humanity, dear children, is in the Kingdoms of Nature.
I will carry this Rose in My Hands to the Kingdom of God as the offering of each one of your hearts for this new stage that should begin in Argentina, first on the spiritual plane, and then take place on the material plane.
My Son has already given you the first impulse for this to happen. The foundations are already built in your consciousnesses. Now it is time to erect the inner temple in each human heart, so that the joy of living in God and feeling His Celestial Kingdom on Earth may again blossom in Argentina.
So, dear children, today I bring you what is most sacred in the Universe of God and is also within you, which is that Divine Essence that will cause you to understand the Mysteries of God simply through the prayer of the heart.
In this way, you will open the doors so that the secrets may be unveiled that are to be found in sacred places such as this one and which come to assist humanity, so in need of light and love, in a silent and imperceptible way.
I place you, dear children, before the sacred Flame of the Love of God, before the burning Fire of His Heart, which gave impulse to the Creation of the worlds and of the stars and of all Universal Life.
I place you before this Divine Sacred Fire so that you may recognize your spiritual filiation with the Celestial Father and discover your origin within yourselves, which will make you be born again and find meaning in your lives.
That is why I have come here, dear children, not only to take to Heaven the Rose of Love that you have given Me, but also to give you the Flame of Love of God, that Flame that vivifies the spirit and the consciousness, that brings understanding and wisdom, wholeness and trust in the Will of God.
As from now, My children, feel different, feel yourselves to be other people, souls renewed by the Love of the Father, that have rediscovered the path you had lost to your spiritual trajectory.
In light of the invisible Sacred Kingdoms of Creation, held in the natural landscapes of the Earth, I come to testify to My children of Argentina on the Love of God through His Divine Sacred Flame, so that souls may re-encounter the sense of purpose and of life, without the need of changing evolution or of modifying Universal Laws, which are a part of your planet and your humanity.
In respecting the Law of Hierarchy, you will be worthy of the Grace of God as consciousnesses and as a people, and you will be able to embrace the call of God as you have done at this moment, as much as you do not comprehend or understand it, feeling the truthfulness of the Love of God in your hearts, which comes to guide the world toward the path of the great awakening.
May the advent of the Purpose of God be accomplished in Argentina; may souls be participants in this advent, and taking refuge in the Love of God, they may participate in the coming of Christ, being worthy of His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, to represent the new Christs on Earth.
Today, in light of My Celestial Presence, souls are being consecrated that are as special as so many others that have heard My call, to continue living it and fulfilling it in the end of these times.
I want those who today will be consecrated as Children of Mary to come here, because in a few words, My children, I have told you all that God needed you to hear for the spiritual growth of your inner worlds and the awakening of your consciousnesses to Divine Life.
You may kneel.
This "yes" means an important response to the Universe. That response is welcomed by My Immaculate Heart, not only yours, but rather of all the souls that are part of Argentina and that one day will receive the awakening of consciousness, to realize that life does not end here, but rather that it is eternal.
Through this consecration, enter into the new Laws of the Universe, so that your lives may be governed by new principles and your spirits may always be entrusted to the magnificent Work of the Holy Spirit of God, so that His divine gifts may be accomplished in you and you may find the path of service, so as to concretize on the Earth the second coming of the Redeemer.
Placing your hands in a sign of reception, dear children, receive this spiritual consecration for all the souls of the world, as from now vivifying the sacred commitment to prayer, so that your souls may be healed of all that you have experienced in the past, so that your consciousnesses may be embraced by the Fire of the Love of God, and thus the Promises of Christ may be fulfilled in you.
Listening to the Hymn of your Consecration, lifting up the flame of your heart to Heaven, receive this blessing directly from My Immaculate Heart, for you and for Argentina, for the favorite love that I have for this people and because here a great missionary of God has emerged, the Pope Francisco, ambassador of Christ on Earth; a peace-bringer that learns to live the Word of Christ and have his Church survive in these critical times, so that the Celestial Church of Christ may triumph in humanity.
Let no differences exist, let no barriers exist, let no disunity exist. In the essence of each soul, may all consciousnesses be united under the same purpose, knowing that the Love of God must always prevail so that His divine Kingdom may triumph throughout the centuries. Amen.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you for having responded to My call.
I new light will come to humanity and it must be born through all the Children of Mary.
Although some are no longer with Me, the commitment to the Mother of God is indelible in the Universe.
But I will gather the flock of Christ again so that you may discover that behind all that Mystery of God there exists something essential and paramount, which is Love, that triumphs over all evil.
I am listening.
My Heart is like the flame of a blue fire that re-ignites in spirits the Flame of the Original Purpose, and those who have the grace of receiving this impulse are led to experience the purification and the consecration of their lives.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose, a Heart that offers Itself for the intervention and the healing of the errors committed by all beings throughout the ages.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose because the Light of My Flame penetrates the depths of the spirit so that creatures may learn to live the Law of Love.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose, a Heart that, in an offering to God, gains the action of forgiveness and of Divine Mercy in the heart of beings.
My Heart is like the Blue Flame of the Divine Purpose because, through My Heart, souls will be able to reach the path to live the Will of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Today, contemplate the Eyes of God, which are set on the world. The Father observes the lack of love and ignorance of His children, but moving beyond all of that, with His Gaze, He touches the purest essence of His creatures.
Contemplate the Eyes of God, which are set upon the world, waiting for souls to perceive the collapse of nations, which announces the beginning of a definitive cycle for humanity. The Creator Father waits for the eyes of His children to also lift up to the Heavens, and in a sincere prayer, understand, within themselves, the true meaning of life.
Do not seek outside yourself for support and sustenance for these times. Seek your sustenance, child, in the gentle and compassionate Gaze of God, which reaches the four corners of the world, impassive in the face of the atrocities caused by humankind, because the Father, Who sees all things, penetrates far beyond your miseries and stands firm in the truth of hearts.
Contemplate the Eyes of God, fixed on the truth that exists within beings, and see, reflected in them, what you truly are. When you seek God, you find yourself, you find your true self, you find what makes you like the Father, you find the meaning of your existence. For this reason, child, in this cycle of doubts and confusions, when souls walk lost and directionless in the world, place your gaze on the Gaze of God and, like Him, hold your heart in the truth.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The inner voice of My Heart speaks to you today so that you may feel the depths of My Words and the importance of My Message.
What I want to say to you today is something simple, but full of love, especially to those who, because of different circumstances and reasons, have abandoned their participation in the redeeming Work of My Son.
I want to say to those souls that they still have some time to repent and correct their paths; they have some time to perceive the opposite they have generated for themselves with their actions and emotions.
Before the planet continues to become violently purified, I want to tell these children to reconsider, to not defy the Will of God and, even less, modify the Projects of My Son, because what before was full Mercy for you, could change into an inexhaustible stream of Justice.
I want to tell these rebellious children not to flaunt something that does not belong to them, and also not to seek allies at this planetary moment, in which the reality of the nations becomes more serious. I ask that they leave what is petty, that they not continue to condemn their souls to the earthly abysses nor compromise the mind and the spiritual lives of their brothers and sisters through their comments, actions and disagreements.
As a Mother, I ask all the rebellious children to stop; they are provoking the wrath of God. You do not know it nor have knowledge of it. Repent from the heart and abandon that rebelliousness and indifference that has consumed you like fire.
Do not continue to stain the paths or souls of your brothers and sisters. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by My adversary. If today you are in this situation, children, it is not anyone else's fault, the responsibility is yours. You moved away from the Love of God and do not want to recognize It. You support your emotions more than the very Plan of God.
No longer hurt the Heart of My Son. He is in silence, just as God is in silence, but the Celestial Father, at some moment, will respond to you in the way you least expect. Thus, cease to vilify the Plan of Salvation. Leave in peace your brothers and sisters, all those who chose through wisdom to follow Christ rather than to follow the resistance of those who rebelled.
I ask that you to no longer blame anyone. Recognize your errors and repent. I do not want to see you in purgatory.
No longer look for justifications. Do not abuse the power you believe you have in your hands. I know you will think that the Most Holy Virgin would never tell you all this, but here I am as your advocate because you no longer have any merits for being saved.
For this reason, I also come for the miserable in spirit, for those who believe they know Truth and yet do not have it because their hearts are empty of Divine Love.
Retreat, retreat in time. Humble yourselves and ask for forgiveness, the Mercy of My Son can still safeguard you. Be humble so as to be able to hear.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Songs of Figueira - "Come brothers"
In this song we find several keys that reveal to the consciousness the correct procedure to be able to access, in an appropriate way, the subtle vibrations of the Cosmos.
Beyond being a procedure itself, the song "Come brothers" represents an inner invocation, a call of the souls of the Earth that aspire to reach that union with the infinite and with all of its spheres.
In order for that to be possible, the song points out a few basic rules to be able to contact all that exists and all that inhabits the Greater Universes.
The first key is to change the attitude, to say "yes" through prayer, alignment and elevated singing; to change the vibration in order to be in the correct attunement and on the correct plane.
That door will open through the channel of devotion, because devotion will take us to express what we truly are, beyond appearances and methods.
When the consciousness manages to change plane and vibration through prayer or elevated singing, it is from that point that other Laws, attributes and principles, held in the inner world of each being, begin to be visible and available for the materialization of the Divine Will. Because on changing planes, the consciousness distances from errors and their consequences.
The second key presented in the song is the act of sharing, from inner world to inner world, all the good that each consciousness has, transcending the limits of their own provisioning and the distrust that may exist.
In that sense, dying to self, at each moment, the soul incarnated on Earth will be able to serve with joy to the inner siblings, and thus, the consciousness will be granted the cosmic grace of freeing itself from debts, breaking the ties and the limitations of matter, attaining, little by little, the phases of inner transcendence.
This awakens in the consciousness a sense for the reverent and for the sacred, merging its spirit into the song and into the honor to the inner siblings, creating in this way, an alliance with the Universal Brotherhood and opening the spaces to continue towards the infinite.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I am the Guardian of the Eucharist and upon My chest, I carry the Shrine of the Heart of the Lord.
I am the Guardian of the Eucharist and I bring souls closer to the mystery of the Love of God.
I am the Guardian of the Eucharist and I elevate adoring hearts to the House of the Celestial Father.
I am the Guardian of the Eucharist and, through adoration, I attract to the world all Graces of God.
I am the Guardian of the Eucharist and I renew the consciousnesses that seek permanent union with Christ.
I am the Guardian of the Eucharist and through it I sanctify the hearts that consecrate their lives to God.
I am the Guardian of the Eucharist and through it I make the luminous principles descend, those which the beings of Earth need in order to become aware of their process of redemption.
I am the Guardian of the Eucharist and I pour out all the Light that the Sacred Body of Christ can conceive so that the planet may achieve its complete liberation.
I am the Guardian of the Eucharist and through it I allow the Kingdom of the Heavens to descend so that souls may be consecrated to the Plan of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
It gladdens me to know and feel that there are still souls that are confirming in My path of redemption and, even if they go through challenges, they still feel this profound union with the life of the spirit.
It gladdens me to know that there are souls that are confirming to Me, every day, and work tirelessly to demonstrate their true love for the Consciousness of the Son of God.
It is time to gather up all of this self-giving and spontaneous strength that will make the planet become worthy of Grace and move away from the Law of Justice, which will correct the mistakes made throughout time.
It is time to appreciate everything that the Universe is presenting to your inner evolution and its great process of redemption.
Be encouraged to go through this challenge within yourselves because I will always show you the sign so that you may find it and experience peace within it.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The joy of Jesus was in the inner and spiritual miracles that souls experienced when they came out of misery and went on to be in glory.
The joy of Jesus was also in the smallest, in the humble and in all those who, in absolute and total trust, would embrace the call of the Kingdom of God.
His Joy imprinted in His fellow people the true spirit to be able to live the Kingdom of God and be part of it.
Jesus reflected His Joy and also His gratitude for the Instruction that brought forth and manifested the sacred knowledge through the parables, which throughout His preaching, formed what we know as the Gospel.
Jesus was the Gospel itself made person and spirit. His Presence would grant souls the possibility of coming out of ignorance and experiencing the first steps of awakening.
The whole work of Joy of Jesus was based upon Love for God and His Divine Will.
That nonmaterial Love which Jesus expressed for His Eternal Father was visible by means of the momentum and strength of each word pronounced in the Gospel. And also, through the events that occurred in the healing of the sick, the leper, the blind and the paralytic; as well as in the conversion and redemption of the most hardened hearts.
It is evident that the physical events, of which Jesus was an intermediary instrument for souls to liberate themselves from their own ills, were not intended to generate fanaticism nor sensationalism.
The miracles occurred to try to awaken humanity from its profound and petty ignorance. They intended to elevate consciousnesses, from such an earthly state to a more spiritual state.
In this sense, miracles taught the true actuation of nonmaterial Laws that interceded, through Jesus, in serious and complex situations.
The fundamental message that the Messiah wanted to leave is that all material life is governed by a spiritual life, and that our foundations, actions and deeds committed start first from what is absolutely invisible and that we are led by the Source of Creation.
Jesus used all spiritual means so that, through His joy, warmth and Love, the simplest and least prepared consciousnesses would learn to find the true meaning of being in incarnate life and thus discover their personal mission.
The joy of Jesus, His smile and impersonal affection for each being could heal the most profound corner of any consciousness, where the most hidden wound existed.
Just by looking into the eyes of the miserable or the arrogant, Jesus changed their destiny and altered their evolution forever.
I thank you for imitating the joy of Jesus!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Your prayers are like small stars that try to shine within the celestial firmament.
Every prayer that is offered, as it is elevated to the Heights, joins a great stream of light, high voltages of divine energy that nourish, time and again, the Divine Purpose.
Each time your hearts and your thoughts are sincerely directed towards the Heights, you will be united to this flow of light that gives an impulse, from cycle to cycle, to the concretion of the Divine Plan.
See, children, the importance of the daily recitation of prayers for these times. You will be supporting, within the world, this current of spiritual light that brings souls the revelation of God for every being.
There is no other way to find the powerful Face of God.
Prayer is this direct bridge that will unite you to the great Existence, and there your souls, thirsty for the Love of God, will be satiated and fulfilled by His Eternal Love.
Prayer, in this time, is not only a weapon of defense and of protection against the adversary, but it is also the spiritual medicine that dissolves any evil. It will be enough to believe in it and in its hidden power.
Prayer is something more than repeating words.
Prayer was and is the first mantra of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Love to pray, not only to ask something to God, but above all to repair His Heart.
Love to pray, not only in order to rise to the Higher Universes, but so that, when in Celestial Heights, you may offer reparation to the Heart of the Father.
Love to pray, not only in order to build Sanctity in your inner self, but above all to console the Heart of God.
Love to pray, not only to feel peace in your heart, but to offer peace to the Heart of God.
Love to pray, not only in order to experience Love, but so that your love may be a hope for the Heart of God.
Love to pray, in order to repair, console and bring peace to the Heart of your Father and Lord.
Love to pray, in order to clamor for the souls that, day by day, outrage the Creator with their ignorance.
Live, in a way that you may not also be a reason to hurt the Heart of God.
Remember, at each moment, that the Eyes of the Father lay upon the world and how a simple and true action of love can console His Heart.
Love, child, to pray, and to live in order to offer God a hope; hope to renew yourself in Love, hope to triumph with His Redeeming Project, hope to see His children return to His pure and grand Heart.
May God not be a reality distant from you. Discover a Father who is close and accessible to your inner self; a Father who not only has everything to give you, but who also waits for you in a sincere prayer so that you may repair His Heart.
Contemplate a silent and humble God Who makes Himself small amongst men, within their hearts, and hides His Greatness and Power in the occult of human beings, to give them an opportunity of growing and finding Love for themselves.
Love to know God, love to seek Him and, above all, love to repair His Heart.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I like it when the most sinful souls approach Me, contemplating the Way of the Cross.
That comforts Me a lot, because I know that souls are searching for the path and the way to be able to return to My Heart.
My words may sound determinant, but you must know that they are full of the most true love, the love that you need, day by day, to be able to perceive the reality and to not deceive yourselves.
Those who seek the means to reach My Heart, either through the Way of the Cross, Confession, repentance or Communion, will never be alone because they will be trying to open their heart to Me so that I can rule it.
My Love for souls is so strong that, at the same time, it is determinant. I always wish souls to know the Love that was able to give everything for their salvation.
Relive the Way of the Cross as many times as necessary, because those facts of the Lord hold the codes of Higher Love that you need, again and again and thousands of times in order to take the steps toward My Noble Heart.
I offer you everything that I Am.
I give you everything I have, because I know it is possible that more hearts will surpass the Master in love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
In this world and in this humanity, the school that enables you to go through human suffering is one of the greatest tests for souls, since this school represents the overcoming of difficult moments and experiencing greater learnings.
This is the reason why the school of prayer helps and intervenes in the deepest aspects of suffering, reaching the unconscious spaces of the human being in order to uproot that which caused suffering and keeps the soul imprisoned.
Therefore, the prayer from the heart attracts the action of the Laws of Healing and of Redemption.
In these times, in which most of humanity has chosen the school of suffering, it is the moment to act through the power of prayer so that souls may abandon that state of pain and rediscover the path of love and peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On this day, in which My beloved Son will once more carry out a planetary task, I invite you to accompany Him inwardly and to be present in the Marian Centers so that, in this union of souls, the Universe is able to act and work once more.
I invite you to sincerely follow the steps of My Son so that your lives, as well as all of humanity, may also receive the divine impulses they need.
In this way, through inner union, My children, you will allow the bonds of union and love to strengthen among human beings.
Because for this cycle it will be important to keep, not only this spiritual alliance with the Heights, but also the inner unity among souls of this world in order to awaken a greater interest to help and mercifully collaborate with your neighbor.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the new story of Love that God introduced through Creation and all existence be rewritten.
May the souls recover the meaning of living in God and remaining in His Kingdom.
May humanity recover the innocence and purity it lost so that it may be worthy of a new opportunity.
May the Suns, who are asleep, now awaken so that the phases of Divine Will may be fulfilled.
May the hearts receive the awakening they need so that the consciousnesses can define themselves to take a new step.
May the civilization on the surface of the Earth be rebuilt through the values and the attributes that reignite humanity in Truth.
May the experience of the New Christs be a reality.
May each human being find a spiritual meaning for what they have come to accomplish.
May each phase of life be an opportunity for redemption.
May the past be dissolved.
May the evolutionary be kept in the memory of beings.
May the ideas of destroying life disappear.
May each creature find, someday, the Truth.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Place in My Heart what you need most.
Open your heart to receive My Mystery, the deepest revelation of My Love for you, and quench the thirst of your spirit from the Fount of My Heart.
Shelter yourselve in My Mantle in the harsh winters of the desert.
Warm your soul with My Fire and transform all doubts into Light.
Remove from your interior everything that weighs on you and hold me tight to feel My Strength.
Abandon me, but not as you think.
Embrace me with joy so that I may empty you.
Dissolve from your interior everything that does not want to be transformed yet.
Take refuge in Me and feel the joy of living in God.
Leave the world and enter into Me, because in this way you will know what I need, so you will receive what I have saved for you, and your soul will vivify the greatness of being in God and receiving His Kingdom, from time to time, without limits or forms.
I want you to deposit in My Heart what you still do not understand, I want you to remove from you what you still do not accept, because all that you live is what you have cultivated in your life, nobody has responsibility in that.
Everything you experience is part of a transformation, just as I transformed the human condition.
When I ask you to abandon Me, it is not for you to leave me, but so that you surpass Me in love, because someone must do something greater than what I did.
And I will stop being your Master when you have learned what the Universe needs, and in this way, you will open the door so that new masters are able to guide you, who exist in the Universe and are part of My Brotherhood.
Until you reach the great Avatar, you must go through many masters, because many schools are experienced in the souls that choose to follow me.
Never miss the opportunity to learn and to grow, in the sincerity of the works, in the purity of the feelings.
Never miss the opportunity to learn and to grow, in the sincerity of the works, in the purity of the feelings.
Great Masters wait to guide humanity. Their Silence is already eternal, but it is time for them to speak to bring the great revelation, in the end of these times.
They know their dwelling places. They obey My Principles and thus unite with all the Laws. They live in perfect harmony with the three planes of consciousness: spiritual, mental, and material, and are part of that great chain of Light that vibrates in the heights of the Universe, in the heavenly vault of the Hierarchy.
They have intervened many times in humanity. Many in the East and some in the West.
The mastery of the great Masters is sovereign because their essence is based on Love-Wisdom.
Each one comes from a special sphere of the Universe, each one has emerged from a great experience they had in recent times.
They are the masters of loyalty and of wisdom.
They make up one of the seventy-seven Wills of God and in their inner world envisage the expression of one of the Holy Names of God, Adonai.
For the Masters, Knowledge emerges from the Source of Wisdom.
Service for the Universe makes them humble and resigned, in likeness to the Master of Love. They have prepared for this planetary moment and have visited the world many times, to learn about the existence of this humanity and what My Father has conceived of for this human Project
And so, you are all part of a story that is being written in a Sacred Book; you are part of a story that tries to be corrected, aligned, and be united with the Universe.
The Masters are emanations of Love-Wisdom and they know through their experience, the christic life.
They were in Shambhala and then in the heights of Peru.
They know all human history, so similar to the palms of their hands, or the lines on their faces.
Wisdom has been achieved by them; It is the fruit of the Love of God, because they try to carry forward His Will: holy, full and peaceful.
They will come to the aid of those who say ‘yes’, no matter where your find yourselve or where you are. They will meet you to take you to the Truth.
They have been designated by the Eternal Father, through the Archangels who created them, to help the humanity at the end of these times, to safeguard the Project of God, as well as the Father once protected you through the incarnation of his Divine Son in the humble manger of Bethlehem.
They had knowledge of My Birth, they honored My Presence and bowed down before the Son-God; there they were initiated for this moment, for this transition of the Earth and this change of cycle in humanity.
Now they will call everyone by their origins and thus awaken the talents of Creation, they will teach deeper things than what I have taught because they already live them, they are part of them.
They have something inextinguishable on their breasts. With their hand they trace the line of the Brotherhood. They are known for their wisdom and discernment.
Any humanity existing in the universe knows who they are, because they emanate what they truly are and what they have transcended throughout time, everything that has unified them in the great chain of the Confraternity.
They know the planet because they have contemplated it many times and they know about the history of this civilization.
In essence, they know what God thought of in the beginning and today they work in silence and in harmony in order to be able to support the ardent desire of God in humanity, that the men and women of the Earth come to know true happiness, which is not physical, but internal.
I Am one of those Masters of Wisdom and I have been present in the East as well as in the West.
Through My Words I am revealing to you a story written in the Mirrors, something that is being refracted to Earth at this time through the doors of the Universe that are open.
Aurora welcomes this information and this knowledge, and all internal beings prostrate themselves on the ground, for being in front of the Source of Wisdom, which has manifested many times in the world and in their humanity through the Masters who have incarnated to teach the true essence of Love and the Sacred Spirit of Unity, which is something that comes from the Eternal.
Today, the Lord of lords and the Master among masters brings you the synthesis of everything experienced on Earth and the loving contributions of Love that have come through the Masters to this humanity.
That is why there is still time to be able to rescue the world, even if the abysses are shaken in the world. Mercy is leading souls to redemption.
Receive this knowledge and remember it. This story is to be found in the memory of your cells, this legacy is in the depths of your spirits.
In truth, you are something totally different from what you truly believe you are.
The Masters will gather their disciples together and will emit their great summons to humanity.
Different races and people will be assembled and they will all be gathered together for prayer, when the world is in its great definition and the moon will be clothed again in the color of blood.
From Mars will come help, and relief will come from Venus.
The Moon will be a witness to that moment, because its aspect will be completely transformed, as it never was transformed before. At that moment everything will have been said, the Masters will already be present on Earth to guide the last tribes that were self-summoned.
At that time no color, race, or nation will exist, all will be recognized by what is inside of them.
Thus, in this moment let the great Master polish you, for the Light within you must shine again.
Recognize the Master that you have so long searched for within you and carry out your great mission on Earth, because you will be called to serve in unexplainable situations and in climactic moments of humanity.
There is when I will see My Church emerge from the depths of hearts and My Word will be alive in you, My Fire will be eternal in each one of you, and that will move you to live the Plan.
Transform humanity with your acts of love, redeem the Earth with your examples of peace, and thus, with My own Eyes I will be able to see the New Christs emerging from the imperfections and the miseries, transformed by the Fire of the Holy Spirit, colonizing the Earth with new attributes, carrying the message of the great revelation and being carriers of peace.
For this reason, do not let yourselves be carried away by any message other than Mine. You must have discernment in the moment of hearing, that makes you grow in the Truth and will have you mature in Love.
In My Words are kept the vibrations of your destiny. Happy are those who adopt them and live them because they will be transformed and will not allow themselves to be defeated by anyone.
Be intelligent and you will be able to live the Plan.
If I am here, it is because the Plan continues, otherwise, I would not be here and the Plan would not be fulfilled.
Follow the Law of the Hierarchy and you will be in the necessary protection.
Those who are not here is because they have not understood Me, but I will be the one who will judge them.
Now it is time to move forward and to advance.
There are still souls that die without seeing the Light, there are still hearts that do not receive love, I am still in sick bodies, that need healing.
I am still in the world waiting for you to recognize Me in the one who has been forgotten, in the brother or sister who is imprisoned, in the heart that has closed, out of fear and apprehension.
I give you the authority to love the world much more than I loved it, I still hope that you can take that great step.
The Kingdoms of Nature still wait to be more loved.
The New Christs will not just be human, the Creation that already exists will also be able to be the new Christic life on the planet, completely redeemed and healed by the hands that give of themselves to serve it, and the hearts that surrender to love it.
The planet waits for your unconditional love and for your great awareness in support of its restoration.
Everyone has a place to serve and to be able to grow in love. That is why My Arms are open for all, and My Heart is expanded for all. It offers itself as a refuge for your redemption, for the dissolution of doubts and blame, of the misunderstandings and incomprehension.
Whoever is in Me, will be in the Light of God and will be able to renew yourselves until achieving your great awakening.
Closing the doors of universal knowledge, I open the doors to the sacramental ceremony, so that the celestial Church may descend and the Sacred Will be carried out.
The time is coming when you must review My Words many times, because I will no longer be able to continue speaking to you.
All I have given you is all that I Am, but there is still to be revealed the great mystery of the Son of God, of Who He truly is. When I returns to the world for the second time, there you will get to know this revelation, and everyone will be aware of this.
Let us be immersed in the Celestial Church.
Let us adore the Sacred Heart of the Father, let us glorify His Name together with the angels of heaven, so that souls may merge into your pure and original essence. Amen.
We can stand up for the consecration.
This is the Body and the Blood of Christ that always renews you, unconditionally offered for the healing of souls and as a balm of peace for all hearts. Happy will be those who avail themselves of Them in this Sacred Sacrament of the altar.
Lord, I am not worthy of You entering my house,
but one Word from You will be enough to heal me.
Our father...
Please come up here, Guissepe, Luci, and Mateus.
May Your Power, Father, descend through My Body so that souls may vivify the wholeness of Your Spirit.
Father, may Your Grace descend through My Blood, so that souls may be washed of everything and be reborn in the sublime Fire of Your Love. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will go to Heaven with My task accomplished, full of the love of those who are self-summoned in My Name, carrying this experience of transformation to the Thrones of God, so that He may contemplate it in His infinity of Grace and of Mercy.
And now, in the name of love and of sacred unity, you will give each other the greeting of peace so that peace may expand to the Earth.
I thank you for having been with Me on this special anniversary.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Perceive, My child, the time of purification, and together with Me contemplate the unfolding of the recent events.
Perceive, together with Me, how everything is purified inside and out of beings, and how immediate prayer is, which helps to balance all the situations in life.
Perceive, together with Me, how everything happens, and how important a union of souls with God is, so that creatures may have a place to hold on to when everything happens.
Perceive, together with me, the Silence of God toward His children and the invisible help of the higher levels for the current humanity.
Perceive, My child, together with Me, how everything is about to happen and how important the change and maturity of the consciousness is.
Perceive, together with Me, the moment for giving all for the Plan and for the redemption of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more