Souls do not know in depth the unfathomable mystery of My Love because this is only revealed and becomes known when the soul yields in totality and surrender.
When the soul comes to know the unfathomable mystery of My Love, they can never be the same again, because, although small and imperfect, their consciousness begins to be part of My favorite spiritual helpers who, through prayer, collaborate and assist in the trajectory and destiny that all other souls must go through. The souls who are helpers of My Heart also have it clear that their service is inner and anonymous.
In this time, when the attention of many souls is placed far from My Heart, I prepare them, after almost twelve years of Messages and Instructions, for these souls that are chosen by Me to finally decide to not only be victims of My Love but also to be simple instruments in the blessed Hands of Christ.
Therefore, be attentive to the moment that everyone is living in this cycle, internally and externally, so that the transparency of heart and purity of intention may be the guiding star that indicates the next paths to go through and learn.
In His silence, Your Master and Lord prepares this moment so that as many souls as possible may abandon the zone of imperceptible spiritual risk and enter the perpetual state of Grace and Mercy, without losing the sense of wisdom.
However, to reach this, the souls who offer themselves must purify their most intimate intentions; they must be honest with themselves; they must practice truth by example because there is absolutely nothing that can be hidden from God, for His Science and Understanding know each one down to their innermost and most unknown depths.
For this reason, so that you may be truly deservers of Grace, you should identify how many times the Law of Grace has embraced your lives and consciousnesses, and even everything around you.
However, the world insists on learning through suffering and guilt. This paralyzes the consciousness, leaves it immobile and uncertain about the next step.
But just as I did with Lazarus, one of My best friends, I invite you and call you to resurrection, so that your lives, as well as your feet, may be purified and cleansed of the dust of the past. Thus, you will learn to be reborn by yourselves, in attunement and unity with the celestial spheres.
The most magnificent thing that exists for an awake, selfless, and self-given soul is to find the path to the Infinite, this sacred pathway thought of from the beginning by the Eternal Father so that, through Me, all might have Life in abundance.
However, it is necessary that souls, in this material life, learn to love and grow through the goodness that the universe can teach and instruct them in.
Know that in this life there are not two realizations but only one, which for you should be to be in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Thus, you will be under Grace and the Will that still waits to be fulfilled in most.
Be brave and become divested of yourselves. Seek to be nothing so that, at the end of these difficult times, you may be guided toward the sacred goal of your lives.
I Am here, opening the Tabernacle of My Heart to those who, decidedly and without delay, accept to bear with Me the weight of the cross of the planet, which is transformed by Redeeming Love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts.
Who blesses you and blesses all of Spain,
Your Master,
Christ Jesus
Contemplate your Lord, bound by His Feet and Hands in the feared and sorrowful square of flagellation, where the cruelty of the executioners set them apart from all union with their own divine essence; because in a similar way, some inner situations of souls leave Me subjected at this moment.
Sometimes, souls forget that I Am all Mercy and that, in the Sacred and Sovereign Name of My Father, I would be capable of making any offering again for Mine, just as I Am making at this moment.
Look at how the Lamb of God is today, the One Who was condemned and sacrificed for all sins of the world.
Before your eyes, behold the universe of the Love of the Living God, which returns at this moment of personal and planetary crisis to give life, light and hope to that which would now seem half-dead.
Oh, if souls dared to come to know and submerge themselves into the abyss of Light of My unfathomable and infinite Mercy, surrendering to the humility of My Heart, many, many situations would change overnight!
The Lord comes presenting the square of flagellation so that you may remember that I continue to pour out Blood and Water for all souls of the world; so that, before the end time, as many hearts as possible may come to know internally the ocean of My consoling Love, before the favorite door of My Mercy closes to the world and the wise and sacred door of Divine Justice fully opens; the door that, at this time, represents the fundamental spiritual principle for correcting humanity through its reentrance and attunement with the Higher Law of Love.
Look, just as I look, at the sorrowful scenario of the world. The events announce the coming and Return of Christ, when the sacred and divine intervention will act to prepare this expected and unknown moment for all.
I want and wish, from the innermost depth of My cores of Mercy, that the planet and humanity may recover peace, which has disappeared from many nations and peoples.
This moment of prayer offered by hearts grants the intervention of the angels in the face of the darkest and most unknown scenario of the planet. However, the strength of faith of the devout hearts and of those who, in this time, practice that which I taught you in the first Message of this current moment of Marathon of prayer, will facilitate that vast populations and many families may no longer be embraced by conflicts, by unexpected effects of nature, and by that which no one on the face of the Earth could imagine.
For this reason, I come as a Watcher, a Guardian and a Steward of the Higher Will, which needs to be fulfilled and concretized in souls, in all those who confirm their vows before the Plan of God every day.
This is the moment expected by the Eternal Father so that each creature upon the surface of the Earth may be and represent an extension of Mercy and Pity, which are so necessary to humanity.
Remember that which I asked of you in the first Message. And now, more than ever, submerge yourselves into My last Instructions.
I thank you for keeping each one of My Words in your hearts.
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Message
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I rejoice in the sacred reencounter with My spiritual family of Aurora.
Despite the critical situations of the planet, despite the times of tribulation, My Presence is here today to bless you once more, through My Light and My Peace.
How many inner storms you have gone through during these last three years! And how many tribulations humanity is facing today!
And today you are here in the name of My Love, just the way you are, just as I can contemplate and know you, regardless of any imperfection, regardless of all the great spiritual or inner desert.
Today you are here in the name of My Love, and thus, I congregate you around My Divine Spirit, the Consoling Divine Spirit of God, who, in this final time, tries to flood souls with His Love. However, souls do not listen to Call of God, souls listen to the sound of wars and bombs, and to the catastrophes of nature.
This is the time that had been foreseen for humanity to live, a very unknown time for all, yet a time filled with opportunities and Graces for the hearts that are open to inner transformation so as to achieve redemption.
Today, I am standing upon sacred ground, the ground that has witnessed the descent of the Mother of God, who brought Her Message of Healing to the whole world. And today, I Am also a witness of all this, all the Legacy that the Hierarchy has transmitted to you throughout the ages, and the time has come for the synthesis of this Legacy to be lived.
Therefore, companions, you are also called to live this spiritual synthesis, in which you must meditate, for a moment, upon all that which the Hierarchy has done in the last few years, preparing you for this time of tribulation, and preparing many of your brothers and sisters to go through tribulation.
If I brought you a different promise, it would not be real. I bring you the truth of these times, which is hard to go through for many of My companions. But do not forget that I have granted you the gift of faith, so that you may continue to be My witnesses of Love, of this Christic truth that can emerge from each heart and spirit. This will help you to live this cycle of definition, because each cycle will bring you a new definition and a new step.
And now, after all that that has been learned and lived through Our Sacred Hearts, the time has finally come, companions, for each one to live the mission they have come to fulfill on Earth, so that this is no longer just a promise, but a reality, the reality of living the Will of God the way it is written for each essence of the planet.
Despite the painful times which humanity is going through, this is the moment for you to cling to Me, to be instruments of My Mercy, so that My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, which is so necessary in all parts of the world, may spring as an inexhaustible fountain for all thirsty and needy hearts, for all the nations in the world that are going through their own tribulation, for the peoples, cultures and religions that are also going through their tribulation.
This is My Message of maturity that I give the world. I have told you once not so long ago, that you are at the same moment as the holy apostles were some time after My Ascension to the Heavens. This is the moment that each one of you will be facing, that of doing what I need you to do, of living what I need you to live, of manifesting what I need you to manifest and concretize on this material plane.
Because My Word, which are the Words of God, must not remain just held in the memory. My Words must be life in you, so that your lives may be in Me and I may be in you, even in spite of the time of the great planetary purification, in which, through your own eyes, you can see the reality of humanity, realities that are very painful and traumatic, in which hundreds of souls are at spiritual and material risk.
Therefore, now more than ever, your hearts must unite to the Supplicating Network. Your lives must be prayer itself, in your acts, thoughts and feelings, and in the innermost depth of the essence of each being.
This will balance the scales of Justice on the planet, in the face of so much imbalance and wickedness, and so many outrages in the world, in which the blood of the most innocent and pure continues to be shed, and this has a great weight before the Law.
For this reason, I tell you once again that your lives must be a prayer, an untiring conquest day by day; try it at each moment and each step. In this way, the Law of My Grace will be more present in the world, and My Unfathomable and Infinite Mercy will act and intercede before the grave errors of the world and humanity.
Uniting to the Supplicant Network is the premise of the apostles of the end times.
Uniting to the Network of Adoration of My Eucharistic Body is the priority of the apostles of the end times.
Because the evil energies that circulate on the planet and that cause whole nations and peoples to succumb, and destabilize the elements of nature, all these interferences must be expelled, so that balance may reign in humanity and, above all, on the consciousness of the planet.
I come to speak about all this for the last time, because the teachings have now been transmitted and shared, and now is the time for My apostles to be mediators between humanity and God, just as My Merciful Heart is the mediator between your souls and God. While this does not happen, innocent souls will continue to suffer, wars will continue to take place, and the imbalance will be greater.
However, even if in the end of times, you see things that you have never imagined or never thought of, do not be afraid, do not be disturbed, because the hour of the Return of the King is already written. This will be fulfilled, and I have told you that this is not very far away.
And through these last meetings with Me, I am preparing you so that, at the great moment of the planet, at the most definitive, the culminating hour of humanity, you may remember all that I have told you throughout the times and years.
Out of love, I want to tell you that My Divinity, My Soul and My Spirit will always bless you, but they will not force your own transformation, the need for change in your lives that I have. Because if you are here today, listening to Me, this is not by chance, which does not exist for God. What does exist is a cause, which, although it is unknown to you, has a Greater Purpose, a Higher and Infinite Purpose.
Aurora, throughout the times, has offered, on behalf of the planet and humanity, to be the Great Spiritual and Inner Consciousness that impels the revelation of the end times, impels the definition of hearts, impels the revelation of the prophecies and last Words of the Hierarchies.
This is why Aurora has come from very far and, in this last phase of the end of times, it will complete this last stage of its universal and planetary task. The Hierarchies are preparing for this.
I wish that you may always live in goodness and in peace, in the absolute trust in My Heart, knowing that this is a time of great efforts, not only material, but also spiritual; knowing that this is a time for each one of you to face your own reality, not fear it or retrogress, but rather go through it with bravery and courage, with a touch of Divine Hope so that agony may not establish itself, but rather that the great higher impulse of transformation may take place in as many souls as possible, toward an encounter with redemption, to live the encounter of inner healing, of liberation from the ties and chains of oppression, through a profound acceptance of My Mercy.
This is what I can give you, My Mercy, every time you need it and invoke it. Because the promise of My Mercy is to save the world and liberate humanity from its own captivity.
This is why My ardent wish is that, in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, your hearts may be converted into supplicating hearts that unite to the Network of Mirrors of the Universe, so that the great Spiritual Hierarchies may intercede again for this grave planetary situation, so that the Light and Love of Christ may triumph, and souls may no longer suffer, because they make My Heart suffer.
As My Mother told you the last time, the door to Christification is open for all those who want to cross it, without knowing what this Christification is.
And through this Marathon of Mercy, may weapons be silenced so that peace may be established, especially where it does not exist, especially where it is not felt and where it is not lived. Because the one who is in peace and lives in peace is in the Kingdom of the Heavens, even while living on Earth.
Now, I gather Myself in the hearts that open the doors of their souls for Me to enter, live and rule through the holy celebration of the Eucharist, which you will celebrate today, in My Name and for My Name, for the peace of those who do not have it, and in the name of the Light in the places where it no longer exists, above all the Light that has dissipated from many hearts.
We will celebrate so that the Divine Hope may descend and this Marathon may be a Marathon of supplication and glory, in which all the guardian angels may intercede and work to unite consciousnesses, reconcile hearts and protect all families under the Mantle of the Celestial Father.
may Your Light reign, despite the darkness.
may Your Sacred Sword cut the bonds with evil,
so that the souls in the world
may be liberated from spiritual captivity.
may Your Light be reborn in the thirsty hearts.
may Your Healing be fulfilled in those who aspire to find you.
open the doors of consciousness,
so that all may achieve relief and peace.
Hail, Aurora of the Lord!
I thank you for this loving and simple welcome. I thank all servers who live here and sustain, day by day, this Center of Love through the efforts of their hearts, through the giving of their lives, through the surrender of their hands to build a Divine and Higher Plan, which many still do not understand.
For this reason, I bless the bravery and courage of the consistent in Aurora.
And do not forget that, despite everything, I Am always there, in the silence of the stars, in the sunrise, in the prayerful and adoring heart. I Am there, because I Am that I Am.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Place your hands in a sign of reception, to receive the blessing and Light of Christ, Our Lord, and thus enter into Communion with His Divine Consciousness.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Some have already dared to enter the desert I am offering you during this week. I walk beside those who persevere and who, however much they know it is unknown, keep going forward, knowing that I do not wish any harm for you, but rather the victory of My Kingdom in each one of your hearts and lives.
For this reason, I am here, offering to you this spiritual exercise of entering into the very depths of the inner desert so that, in the void and in solitude, you may only find God, Who will give you His abundance and His spiritual riches so that, in the coming months, your hearts may be more ready and more decided to follow the paths that the Lord has planned for these times.
Do not forget that here My Sacred Heart is exposed, the Heart that emits the Rays of Grace and Mercy at this very moment for all painful situations of the planet, for the regions of the world where darkness and evil reign. This is the opportunity you give Me when you respond to My Call, in this second preparatory meeting with Me, because the aim of all this is to establish My Peace.
I want to leave three keys to you today, three keys that will always open the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens so that your souls, in spite of what they may live or go through, may be elevated. Three keys that are important in these definitive times, when great spiritual pressures meet in the consciousness of the planet and of humanity.
Your Master and Lord used these three keys during His Passion, during His Calvary and above all at the moment of His Death: the key of meekness, the key of serenity and the great key of the peacemaking spirit.
Without these three keys, companions, it will be very difficult for you and your brothers and sisters to go through these times because the unknown comes to meet you not to confront you or harass you, the unknown comes to meet you so that you may learn to overcome yourselves in Love, in the same Love that I lived for you and that I live today for the whole world.
So keep going forward, in this intensive and preparatory week, crossing this desert that each one knows within and that God contemplates with immensity and Mercy because, in the end, My Sacred Heart will attain victory in those who say ‘yes’ to Me.
The Universe is attentive to the movements of the inner worlds, to the steps of souls, to the self-giving of hearts, to the surrender of each one of the spirits that join Me at this hour, to be a part of the great Network of Mercy for this planet and this humanity.
May that which you cannot transform no longer weigh on you. Come to quench your thirst in the Fount of My Heart, which is Living Water, through the Words and the Messages that I deliver to you in these times.
In this Hour of Mercy, at three o’clock, when you contemplate the moment when your Master and Lord expired on the Cross, may this not signify a defeat, but rather the possibility, through Me, for you to love the symbol of sacrifice and surrender to what is Greater, knowing that the Father has planned all that will happen in these times, and that He needs souls in order to carry it all out.
It gladdens Me to meet you, once again, at this special moment when the Celestial Father has given Me permission to come here to contemplate the souls that make their efforts to live Christic Life. But have faith and a lot of perseverance, patience in the transformation, solidity in the decisions, temperance in the battles, love in the agonies, silence in the tests, confidence in the storm, bravery in the challenges, unity in the harassments and much Light in times of darkness, because in this way you will open the correct door for Me so that I can help and assist you, both you and your brothers and sisters.
With the keys of meekness, serenity and a peacemaking spirit, may your consciousness climb one more step on this stairway of Light that I offer to you toward the universe, toward the higher worlds, so that the Christs of the New Times can awaken and be in the place where I need them at this moment.
In the next Sacred Week, once again, I will give you the Codes of My Passion so that, on that occasion, you may see the Victory of Christ through the attributes that I once revealed to you in the Spiritual Trilogy.
Drink the impulses of the Spiritual Trilogy, nourish your consciousnesses with the Spiritual Trilogy, and I assure you that you will have the same strength and the same courage that I had when I lived here on Earth; all that I lived for you and all that I keep living for you until the current times.
Remember that within the Communion always lies the opportunity of forgiveness and reconciliation, not only with the Eternal Father, but also among yourselves, brothers and sisters of My Path.
I infuse My Peace in the world and I make, of this humanity, rescuable souls, redeemed spirits, Christic consciousnesses that work for peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Humanity must still learn how to search and find the Light, the true Light that comes from the Source and not from other places.
In this Light, you will find the synthesis of all Creation, the life of all the universe.
As long as you do not aspire toward this Light, evil will keep being active within humanity and in the nations. There is no other key for this time. You must only place your consciousness in the Divine Light because there all will be solved.
The souls of today move away from this Light, from the Light of the Source, and they seek other paths, they seek other experiences.
I need you to keep this in mind, at this moment, because the Light will always triumph.
The Light of God will lead you to peace, to the peace that you need, to the peace that many hearts do not have today due to different circumstances.
It is in this Divine Light where your consciousness must remain, as long as possible, even though you live material life.
Although you go through the experiences of life, the tests, the deserts, adversity and chaos, your consciousness must be merged into the Divine Light so that your inner faith may be nourished; and thus you can go through the end of these times.
In this way, you will understand why these times develop in this way.
In this way, you will know why humanity has moved away from the Law.
Being within this Divine Light is so simple and profound, but souls often do not do so, they rather seek their own fulfillment or even their own light.
Yes, God has left Light within everyone, but it is towards Him that you must go, and not towards yourselves.
Therefore, companions, do not be confused. Do not let yourselves be deceived at the end of this year, when many spiritual events are promised to humanity, which are the reflection of a fantasy, of an illusion and of adversity.
If you are in the Light, you will learn to be in the Law of the Hierarchy and you will not open the doors of your hearts to be invaded by ideals and spiritualities that are different from those of God, because the world is full of many gods, of many idols.
Your reference, companions, is only in the Lord, because His Light is eternal, It is invincible, It is unchangeable and It will never perish. In fact, the life of the world could perish, but the souls that are in the Lord and that seek this Light will never perish because their inner worlds will be nourished by faith, and faith will give them strength and provide them with understanding and science.
The world offers many options in this time of despair, in which souls seek solutions and seek to have many experiences in order to find a way out, a solution.
But everyone must live what corresponds to them, that which is written. And that which is written may change if their adherence to the Heights is always true and does not change due to other events, due to other options.
At this moment of humanity, the situation is dizzying, and it is quite definitive.
The moment will come and it will correspond to each one to know where they should place their consciousness, in which path they should insert their consciousness so that they may be truly led and guided.
Behind the stimuli that the world sends to the spirituality of this time, there are many intentions that are deeply unknown to you.
At this moment, your refuge is in prayer and in the active participation in prayerful life, to be in communion with Me and with the universe so that your lives may someday be a sacrament, a representation of the living Love of God, testifying through your redemption and your conversion.
You must only aspire for this and remain in the higher spheres of the Divine Light and not in others.
Your inner worlds do not wish for nor wait for your life experiences, the various stories that you can create along the path of spirituality that the world offers.
When I came here, to humanity, it was to found one path that is the Christic Path, a path of service and of selflessness, of simplicity and love.
If you leave these pillars and abandon them for other offers that the world makes you, what will be made of My Project in you and in your brothers and sisters? How many doors could you close to Me, preventing Me from continuing to work through your hearts and essences?
At each step that humanity takes, it falls towards the abysses of its own consciousness, and that is when the angels of God work most so as to be able to rescue souls from hell.
Today I speak especially to all those who follow My path, to all those who participate in this Work that I founded many years ago, and that I have waited for many years to reach here, to touch your consciousnesses so that you may live this moment with Me, this event that is preparatory for the Return of Christ.
I only need you to be within the constant void, because if you are not in the void, companions, in the void of experiences, I will not be able to give you My treasures. Because My treasures are spiritual and wait to be given so that souls may fulfill themselves in the Spirit of My Love and My Truth.
You must not let yourselves be deceived by all that the world offers you at this time.
You must not confuse your spirituality or the paths that, with effort, you try to build in order to come toward My Heart.
You could not imagine what it is that I feel when souls move away from Me.
In this time, I am trying to bring you the knowledge of the universe, true cosmic life, so that your gifts and virtues called lineages may awaken and be at the service that prepares the Return of your Master and Lord; because, companions, chaos keeps advancing throughout the world, in the nations, in the peoples, in those who suffer the most and have nothing.
If you place your consciousnesses on this level, you will understand how what you choose hurts My Heart, because you close a door to an opportunity of Mercy, which is necessary on the other side of the world.
The apostleship that I offer you is of fidelity, but it is also of demands, of loyalty, of sovereignty and transparency.
I do not expect that you will be perfect in three days; because your imperfection will be transformed when you love more than I loved the world, when you serve more than I served the world.
Your daily overcoming and transcendence will be the proof and the justification before My Celestial Father so that I return soon to the world and not continue on waiting.
I want you to take this Message as a reflection, as an opportunity to grow inwardly and not externally, of not letting yourselves be dragged by those spiritual forces that are against My Project and make of the world a scene of horrors and suffering.
I come to tell you this, refraining from saying what I must tell the world because it is the last time that I can do it, companions.
I need you to understand that My Call is not fleeting nor transitory, that My summoning is not a moment of emotion nor of fanaticism; because what I bring to the world is a truth, but it is also a commanding need that the New Christs may awaken.
My Words come to be able to purify you and so that within the purification you may find the Divine Light that I bring today from the Source, a Light that will always consecrate you, a Light that will always elevate you and allow you to be removed from this coordinate of chaos and adversity that is lived upon the surface of the Earth due to stepping out of the Law.
From the beginning, God promised eternal happiness to this race and yet it chose to live free will.
Do you now understand, companions, that you have been living in a parallel world since ancient times? That you live in an alternative time that is not real but rather created by yourselves?
But the Hierarchy will bring this Real Time so that, beyond that which is material, you may see with your own eyes that which exists in the universe and the active life that is lived in the stars.
When that day comes, you will understand Creation and the meaning of this Human Project on the surface of the Earth, and you will realize how much time humanity has lost due to neglect and indifference.
Only allow the true Divine Light to awaken within you, and not the supposed light that the world offers to you in its spiritual inventions and or in its ideals.
God does not get entangled in these things, neither does the Law, let alone the Hierarchy.
The impulse of the Hierarchy is constant and eternal, it is rhythmic, it is dynamic, it is real, and it will always direct you so that you can take a new step and not stop, so that you do not become complacent, so that you do not become indifferent.
Do you perceive now what is real and what is unreal?
Your souls must not lose this opportunity, how much longer will you wait?
The step depends on you and not on the universe. The universe can always help you, give you an impulse and assist you, but the door to Christification is open to the brave, to those who say ‘yes.’
Be consequent with what We have given you and the Divine Light will not be lacking for you in your evolutionary path, because when the moment comes for the stimuli of the world and the offerings that humanity itself makes, you will realize that they are not real.
No one in this world understands what the alignment of the universe or of the planets means, or even the activities of the stars themselves.
The science of this Earth cannot understand this meaning, let alone those who do not know about science.
How is it possible for you to believe in something that they promise to you and that they do not know about?
Open your inner eyes, open your inner ears, open your hearts and live My Word, so that I am in you and you, someday, may be in the Father, as the Son is in the Father and the Holy Spirit is in the Son.
I leave you My Word as a balm of consciousness and of light for the world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (in Latin). Amen.
Let us greet the King of the Universe.
I ardently wished that this day would come because the triumph and the victory of My Heart are near and nothing will prevent it.
Happy are those who trust in My Word. Fortunate are those who follow it. Blessed are those who fulfill it, because Heaven and Earth will pass but My Word will remain in the memory of My chosen ones.
This is the time to give everything for Me. It is as I said in the past: I want you cold or hot. Far from Me the tepid at heart because in them My Work is not built.
In the tepid ones My Work does not evolve. It is in the warriors that I build My Truth and in them I leave My Message, My Flame expresses itself, My Love penetrates and transforms all that is corrupt. This is why I wished for this day to come and that you would be exhausted and tired, in order to be able to represent and to live what I lived for you in the culminating moment of My Agony, in which solitude abounded and the strength, despite the darkness, was in God.
I know it is not easy to live what I ask of you, this is why I respect the timing of each one of you. But it is up to Me, as your Master and Lord, to observe you and contemplate you so that you learn to follow My Path, so that you do not lose sight of My Purpose, that goes beyond the material and the spiritual. Purpose of which you are all part. Purpose in which you were all congregated, to fulfill it and to live it in these times, for a greater and widely unknown goal.
What I need from you is something more than material and, I could say, something more than spiritual. I need you to deepen into this existence that is within you so that the world may, day by day, continue to learn how to overcome mediocrity, indifference and all that omits the Truth of My Heart. This omission comes from humanity for being blind in the illusion and for not having heard, not even once, everything that I have said in these last times.
I still await the redemption of these human beings and the collaboration of the souls who, beyond their possibilities, their sacrifice or their surrender, are ready to suffer for Me.
But I do not bring you the suffering of the Cross, not even the tiniest cells of your body would bear it. Because what I lived for you was very great and it still has not been reported in any sacred book. The time will come in which I will tell all the truth.
I hoped that, on this night, those with an open heart would be preparing for the next encounter with Me, which will be a determining Sacred Week, in which many definitions will be made, steps will be taken and many will determine what they will make of their lives, based on these impulses of light that will come from My Heart.
All that I tell you today, companions, is to encourage you to continue forward, it is to encourage you to burn in love for Me, in a love that is capable of doing anything, under any circumstance or situation, in a love that lives in silence the aspiration of meeting Me day by day, and of someday seeing My Sacred Face.
If today you are not pervaded by this love for what you are living or for what you are learning or suffering, what are you doing here?
I need a real and sincere truth, I need your hearts to be torn for Me and your souls to be surrendered for me, day by day.
My Cross had an incalculable weight, a value not yet valued, a surrender still unknown. May My Cross be your breath, your strength and your aspiration. And when you feel the weight of your cross, feel that you will be in My Truth, and My Spirit will blow in you and I will inspire you in the Sacred Word, I will give you the answer and you will reach the aim.
Not everyone is prepared to live what I need. But if I ask, companions, it is because it is possible and only something within you could prevent it. But whoever surrenders at My Feet surrenders to God, to His Will and to His Purpose. And this surrender is priceless, it cannot be measured nor is it conditioned, because it is a surrender that donates the heart of each being who clings to Christ.
Today is a special day, but also a decisive one, because all the souls that hear My Call, after these last times, are for the first time before two paths in order to choose, and this answer will emerge from within you.
This is why I contemplate you. This is why I pray. This is why I adore My heavenly Father so that His deep and infinite Wisdom may be in you, within you and in your essences at the moment of deciding, of confirming yourselves or of defining another path.
At this moment, in the face of your spiritual and universal decision, I cannot intervene. My Father and My Mother made you free in spirit, in action and in word.
As before I surrendered to the Cross, before I was martyred and humiliated by those who were cured and healed by Me before My Blood was shed, and although up until today it has not been recognized, it was in that time and in that hour that the apostles also lived their great definition for their following stage.
My disciples must cross this threshold and learn how to cross it as I crossed it for you when the Father presented Me the Chalice and I said: "Thy Will be done."
This is the Chalice that I am offering you today. Beyond your possibilities, your limitations or your trials.
This is the Chalice that witnessed for you the Love poured out in each drop of Blood, as well as in the Water that flowed out from My Side.
This is the Chalice that witnessed the descent of Mercy, of pity, of compassion and of redemption in humanity.
This is the Chalice that I offer you so that the world may not destroy itself, so that the continents may not suffer, so that the wars may end and so that the enemies and antichrists may be defeated by My Light, the Light that comes from the Love of My Heart.
I warn you and I call you to awareness. Everything that you truly offer Me I recognize, however simple and small it may seem, however silent it may be, even if it is between you and Me and no one else; everything is recognized, contemplated and accepted by My Heart.
It is there, in this small offer, that you will find strength, impetus and determination. It is there, in the small and in the simple but true, that you will find the key of the love which will transform your being and all of your consciousness as I still expect so much, according to My Projects.
Keep these Words as something that will never be repeated again. The Lord of the Universe also has His time for saying things because this prepares you and guards you from the danger, the perdition and the deception that My adversary can propagate.
But I will step on his head and place My Sword. I will transfigure his essence and all the essences of evil. And My Celestial Kingdom will descend on the four points of Earth, the great Mother Star will come and the Masters will descend to regenerate and heal the Earth, and thus the New Humanity will emerge.
Offer this moment of decision at the Altars of God. He is attentive to the voice of your pleas, just as He was attentive in Fatima through the heart of My Celestial Mother. We are in a moment similar to that one, beyond your matter or your bodies, your mind or your intellect, beyond the spirit, the soul or the essence.
Offer to God this moment of decision. This will allow My Work to expand in the world and My Love to continue to triumph above the adversity in the hearts that congregate to live My Brotherhood.
Let us stand up.
Lord of the Universe, Creator Father-Mother, participate in the Communion with Your children at this sacred moment of definition in which Your Doors open and the souls cry out for Your Love.
Light in them Your Trust, the gift of Your Wisdom, the infinite Compassion of Your Heart, so that all the Christs of the New Time may awaken and take part in the victory of My Kingdom in humanity. Amen.
Let us now invoke the Celestial Father, His Sacred Name Adonai, so that His Wisdom may descend on the planet and on all those who participate in the Communion with His Spirit.
Song: Adonai.
Let us inhale.
Father, convert this element into My Body so that the souls may nourish themselves from the essence of Your Spirit and of the Universe, of Your Truth.
At that time I raised the bread to the Father so He would bless it and give Me His Grace, and I handed it to the apostles saying: "Take this and eat it, all of you, for this is My Body that will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins."
Father, convert this element into My Divine Blood so that the souls may drink from the essence of redemption through the infinite Power of Love.
At that moment I also raised the Chalice, the Father blessed it and gave Me His Mercy so that it could be poured onto the whole Earth through My Blood up to the highest point of the Cross.
At that time I handed it to the apostles saying: "Take this and drink from it, for this is My Blood of the New Covenant, that will be shed for all human beings for the forgiveness of sins."
This is the Body and the Blood of Christ. Blessed are the merciful because they will live in the Mercy of God. Amen.
Prayer: Our Lord in Portuguese.
Whoever lives in My Word, lives in My Love. I taught you to love yourselves, one another, beyond the flaws and the differences. May this Love spread in the world, the Christic Love of My Heart, in all peacemakers, in all missionaries and collaborators of the Work of God.
May the Peace of God be in your hearts and may He always make you partakers of His Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In fraternity and love, gratitude and joy, you will give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you!
My God, I believe in You...(x3)
My celestial victory is within each one of you and no other place.
Those who have decided to surrender their life to Me, know that from now and forever, you will belong to Me and will not belong to any other presence, because My Presence is unfathomable and infinite.
I want to make of your lives humble and peaceful hearts, that may be able to testify the Presence of the Son of God on Earth for these difficult and critical times.
For this reason, I have come to the world again with the Ray of Transfiguration, because the human consciousness will still have to be sublimated, so that its chains and all of its prisons may be released and the spirit may be free again as it was in the beginning, as it was from its origin, since its existence. That it may work and live again in God without being in the chain of suffering and agony.
What I offer you in this time, companions, is a great sacrifice and a great service for humanity, because as you know, humanity is out of balance not only from the psychic point of view but also from the material. And the balance that humanity has lost will have to be recovered again through instruments of My Mercy and My Grace.
This is why these times are difficult and definitive, in joy as in happiness, in battle as in challenge.
You will cross many bridges and go through many challenges, but you will also go through many abysses, within and outside of yourselves, and you will also see it in the whole of human consciousness.
It will not be enough for Me to describe today what is occurring in humanity, because you are seeing it daily.
The Fire of My conviction must reach you all the time. This will allow the Higher Laws to be active on Earth, and that the so awaited balance may be generated and presented in humanity.
While I am here, I am also with those who suffer, with those who are in agony and with those who despair, day after day.
Through the channel of Divine Mercy that has been opened, I am able to intercede today for each one of those souls, so in need of the Love of God, so in need of healing and redemption.
The only thing I can offer you today, companions, is the persistence that I achieved on the Cross, persistence that you will need for this critical time, for this definitive time, where the tests will be the schools and the learnings for everyone. Great moments of definition of your consciousness and of being able to take secure and firm leaps in the evolution of love and truth.
The tests will not come to intimidate you, but rather to strengthen you so that you may continue to be firm on the path I offer you. This will make you more real and simple, because it is what God expects of all His creatures, that they may be able to penetrate the Mystery of His Love and the Infinity of His Grace, principles that are still available for humanity and the planet.
But it will depend on the adherence of My companions and of My followers for those Sources of God to descend to Earth and things not become destabilized as quickly as the moving hands of the clock.
I need the world to be able to recuperate and be redeemed.
I need, upon the surface of the Earth, mirrors of prayer that are able to reflect towards all of the planet all the love that I give to your essences and spirits, because this will not allow chaos to win, but rather that love may overcome as it has always overcame throughout time, beyond errors, failures and all human actions, which have transgressed the Plan of God again and again.
But now a very important time for the planet has come, where that inner definition will be clear to all, and this will depend on you and God; He, not as a Judge but as a Father of Mercy and Grace Who thirsts for His children, for the love of His creatures, for the transparency of all the lives of the Earth, because this will defeat the principles that evil has sown in humanity, leading to the perdition and the despair of souls.
But you know, companions, that through these meetings I prepare you for My return, because first your spirit must be prepared, so that all of your consciousness may be ready to see Me and recognize Me.
In the most difficult moment of humanity is when I will return and will reveal My Face to everyone.
I will not set a time, nor a date. I will arrive at the most climactic moment of humanity, when everything is in great agony.
This is why I need you to be firm, clear and aware, in order to be able to recognize My commands and so that the doorways of Divine Mercy may still be open.
Meanwhile, persist through My Heart and do not have your lives become like the lives of others, which have lost the sense of the mission and the purpose and even of their own experience of life on Earth.
This goes beyond something spiritual. It is to be on the correct path that the soul came to fulfill on this planet, in order to be worthy of the Grace and the Mercy of God, in order to reciprocate with the Divine Purpose that has brought it to Earth, beyond the errors committed in other times.
Today I do not come to speak of the failures or the errors, but rather of the talents that you must still offer and give Me; talents that wait to awaken within you and that your souls cry out to put in service.
Thus, companions, perceive the end of the times with a profound clarity and wisdom.
Know how to differentiate the situations and the forms.
It is not for you to omit them, nor to reject them, because transformation is eternal and infinite. But in that transformation, the consciousness is uplifted and awakens and increasingly finds the meanig and the reason for having existed in this Universe and within the Spiritual Universe.
Everything has its communication and its inner and outer reflection; this goes beyond the mind or intelligence.
The meaning of the soul must be deep and true. It must be able to express its task in this end time. It cannot be disturbed by its miseries, by its doubts or incomprehension.
You must allow your souls to have the opportunity of serving and of loving and of managing to express the value they have so that they may fulfill the Will of God.
While this situation of souls in the world is not defined, the opportunities for Universal intervention are limited.
For this reason, I bring the balm of My Light to the whole world and the deep healing of My Heart so that souls may dare to take the steps they need to take, knowing that a definite commitment is still unknown to everyone and that you are still on the way to being able to find it and see it.
Dare to define your lives in the simple way of life, in love, in service and in charity; in the consideration for others and for your fellow being, such as for the Kingdoms of Nature.
The school taught here must remain eternally in the human consciousness.
The attributes that were sown here through instruction and the path of group living will have to be the pillars for sustaining the great planetary transition and the whole human crisis, knowing that in spite of the errors, the sufferings or the wars, the ignorance or the indifference, there is a place in the world where the attributes of God are lived in a simple but true way, just as they were lived by each one of the representatives of the peoples of the desert together with Moses.
You are the bridge, dear companions, for the Sacred Project of God, reflected and manifested in the human consciousness through divine and cosmic intervention, to have its continuity and above all, a future.
But it depends on the decision of the souls of these times, on the awareness and the attention before the call that is proclaimed from the Greater Universe, on the interest of each one of the souls of the world and above all, on the unity that may be generated among your consciousnesses, in spite of the differences or of the schools, beyond all learnings.
Because where love is, God is present and so His Divine Project is, My Heart and the Heart of My Mother are and that of each Universal Hierarchy that contemplates and observes the humanity of these times, and how it loses its codes and its experiences of love because of having become submerged in the current modernity and in global indifference.
These are the roots of the great worldwide illusion.
But you, companions, as well as each one who hears me, do not have these veils on the consciousness; you have awakened and have felt the call of the Hierarchy.
I hope you are able to make the most of My Words, because My Cycle with you is coming to an end. And when it ends, everything will happen, and they will not only be messages or words, or things invisible or far from your material reality.
You will have to seek again the Source that opened here through instruction and knowledge, to help support those who cannot support themselves, those who are more ignorant and foolish; in order to help heal and redeem, opening your arms and hearts to take in the world, the nations and their peoples, beyond their cultures and their beliefs.
The great challenge of Noah and his Spiritual Ark will be repeated again.
Here the peoples will assemble if the doors are open.
Here those who suffer will be received if love is present.
Here the Hierarchy will be present if adherence and response are sincere and true.
This will allow that our Fire may never lack, that our Light may always guide you, that our Consciousness may always reflect discernment and wisdom for you.
But the time has come, companions, for you to definitely live the new cycle so that everything that is in the Spiritual Universe may be able to descend to the Material Universe and thus, the Plan of Rescue may be carried forward in the end of these times.
I accept your offerings, I hear your hearts and receive your intentions in union with the Hierarchy.
May the sacred mission that you have come to carry out be accomplished in you.
May your inner senses open so that you may perceive the emergency of these times and the immediate call that comes from Heaven, to uplift human consciousness in state and condition.
Let us celebrate, at this hour, the communion with the soul of each being, and before the presence of My Celestial Church, that not only takes the elements of this Altar that are offered today, to the Heart of the Father but also the deepest and inner intentions of your spirits, in this donation that your souls can do for these times for many, many more souls that do not do so, nor live it in this time. Thus, you will also alleviate My Heart of the great human blindness that I am seeing in humanity and how this submerges souls in illusion and in indifference.
May the love that your hearts will offer today before the Universal King be able to dissolve the contrary currents, and souls may be able to be reborn to life in the perfect encounter with the Divine Essence.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Our Lord, we will listen to the Our Father sung in Latin, so that the doors of His Celestial Church may open and His Grace descend to all hearts.
We may stand for the consecration.
Pater Noster...
Christ Jesus:
At that time, I gave you My Body so that you may resurrect.
At that time, I gave you My Blood so that you may purify, consecrate to Me, in order to consecrate to the Plan of God.
At this hour and in this moment the sacrifice of the Lamb of God is relived.
When in that time I took the bread giving thanks to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blessed it. I gave it to My Apostles, saying to them, so that they may tell humanity, that "this is My Body which was given for all for the forgiveness of sins."
I took the Chalice and lifting It up to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit blessed It. I handed It to My Apostles, saying to them: "All take and drink of It; this is the Chalice of My Blood, that throughout time and generations will shed the most precious Blood of the Lamb of God, so that all may receive Its Codes of Light and be redeemed."
This is the Body and the Blood of Whom gave His life for you up to the heights of Mount Calvary and suffered for humanity so that it may not lose the meaning of its existence and the perfect path of its soul.
Glory to God in the Highest, peace on Earth for all beings of good will.
And now that the Father has received the offering of the elements on the Altar and the offering of hearts, the time for the blessing through the divine infusion that the Father spreads for all the souls of the Earth and through the Work, the Science of the Holy Spirit, has come.
May the Peace of My Heart be in you and in all the beings of the Earth, so that you may be carriers of the peace and the Mercy of God, in order that wars, hunger, suffering and the despair of hearts may end.
For the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in this country and in the world, I declare you My apostles and My companions and I give you My spiritual and paternal blessing.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. (x3)
In fraternity and in compassion you may give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you!
Through the prayer for peace in the nations I come to institute in humanity the New Covenant between humankind and God through this spiritual practice; I come to grant souls many more opportunities in their lives, so that more consciousnesses are able to be redeemed.
A great planetary network of light is being established between the inner worlds of all those who adhere to this practice. Difficult and chaotic situations in the end of these times are resolved, and the spiritual Hierarchy, through that impulse that souls give towards the Universe, can intercede in a great operation of planetary rescue.
Through that spiritual practice of prayer for peace in the nations, the faith and the conviction of hearts in the Spiritual Universe make the defeat of great involutive forces possible and consciousnesses that oppress great nations of the world, as well as all its populations and cultures.
This is the prelude of the preparation for My second Return to the world.
It will be through all the conscious beings, available for the Plan of God, that the most impure that exists in humanity and the planet will begin to be removed; thus, souls will also be purified, and without perceiving it, will transcend their fears, difficulties, and doubts, because they will have the supreme support of the Universal Hierarchy.
Each time this work is strengthened and is consciously taken up by each praying person and collaborator, the opportunities in humanity will expand even more, and even though you may not believe it, nor affirm it, this practice will have repercussions in several places in the world, in the most faraway places of humanity.
Thus, the Hierarchy has the support of all the servers of the Work. Because they always and forever will be the foundation for all of this to happen and they will allow more souls to draw closer to this powerful current of prayer, which goes beyond any religion or culture.
Because souls, in the end of these times, by joining the purpose of the rescue and the redemption of the nations, will allow the discovery, through the power of prayer, of many more attributes and their lives will change from night to day. They will no longer be forged by the forces of chaos, because their faith will be strengthened in Christ and by Christ, and they will be pointed out by the Greater Priest when He returns to the world for the second time.
But first, you must prepare yourselves in your inner world, in order to be able to know the real Aspect of your Lord, Who will come among the clouds announcing the return of the Kingdom of God.
And this will be heard as hundreds of trumpets and the being will hear within itself the call of the Word of God, that will sustain them in the end of times, and will draw to their consciousness what truly exists in the entire Greater Universe.
Therefore, companions, assume this commitment as something essential and indispensable. Thus, you will allow many things to take place in humanity and on the planet, and the energy of Divine Grace and the power of Divine Love may continue to convert the lost hearts, and they will reencounter their origin; they will not feel alone, but rather within the great spiritual family of the Hierarchy.
I invite you to go through these times by means of this practice of prayer for peace in the nations, because the unity among souls and hearts will create an invincible protection, which will first rise up from your consciousnesses, because it will have received the impulse from your higher spirits that will finally wake up to cosmic life.
The veils of consciousness will fall from your face, you will recognize your mistakes and will recognize your successes.
But the Law of Mercy, which will still be active for some time, will balance all the debts and all the undertakings, because the sincere unconditional service of your hearts will open the doors to redemption and the healing of your consciousnesses; you will awaken to your attributes and gifts, you will recognize your talents and lineages, and in that perfect union with the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy, you will no longer lose any more time in this humanity, because you will consciously go toward the same purpose and the same goal, knowing that help will come from the sublime Spheres of the Universe, and your hearts, your inner world, will unite in that perfect spiritual alliance with the Hierarchy.
The most difficult times have not yet come. But in your hands, you have the power of prayer to be able to transform everything.
As humanity you are unforeseeable consciousnesses. You still have time to change the events of the planet. And even if the planet is greatly purified, the spirits on the Earth that may be united with the Hierarchy will not lose their faith, their trust will not be dissolved. They will experience fortitude through the impulses of the Holy Spirit.
And finally, companions, in that truth that you will live, as from the new cycle, you will be fulfilling your mission and your task in this humanity, and serving this planet in this school of redemption and of forgiveness.
You must be able to reflect what in essence you really are. For this reason, you must set aside the habits and customs of the human life so that the sublime energies of the Universes that the Hierarchy give impulse to, through their presence and their tools, may be able to completely transubstantiate and transfigure your consciousnesses, knowing that the matter will continue being matter; but human matter, especially your cells and atoms, will be able to be alight, once more.
If you seek inner transcendence, you will help to uplift the consciousness of lost humanity. The times of chaos, no matter how difficult, will be able to be transmuted and purified, because the purification of the planet and of the human consciousness will be up to everyone.
And like the great stars of the Universe, the Hierarchy will come to the Earth, in Their sublime Consciousness of Light, in order to once again reestablish the Project of God as it was in the beginning.
But you are still in a time for conquering duality and of being able to draw to Earth the attributes that humanity so needs for these times.
You are presently a humanity in transition and redemption, but know that you may count on the support of the Universal Consciousness of the One, of the All Powerful, of the Highest, of Adonai, Abba, and Emmanuel, in the way that you may identify and feel Him.
The Primordial Source will come to aid the human consciousness at the end of times and all will have the opportunity and the Grace of reencountering their true and deep being.
While I am here with you, I also speak to the inner worlds of all the souls on Earth, and My Divine Spirit embraces many consciousnesses.
In this moment, Divinity descends so as to be able to transform all beings, who sincerely and honestly open themselves to experience it.
Thus, the elements of nature also accompany Me on this day, because everything is a part of a sublime purification of the consciousness, until finally they are able to consecrate themselves.
May your souls receive this impulse of Christ as one of the last, and may you be able to receive from the Source what you truly need so that you may continue to grow within rather than on the outside.
Today I am not alone here. The Spiritual Hierarchy is contemplating this moment, one in which the inner worlds hold themselves ready to take a new step in consciousness in the face of the scenario of the end of times and the next events that will take place on the planet.
The whole Hierarchy evaluates this moment and the sensitivity of hearts before the Kingdom of God.
The Spiritual Hierarchy reflects and accompanies this moment at the request of God, knowing that this is not happening only here but also in the world, in all nations, and in all peoples, in those who have applied to experience the Plan.
My impulses will remove many things, but be sustained in the Divine Mercy of My Heart, because what I have thought of and designed for each one is perfect; you only have to open the door of your heart to Me so that Divine Energy may be able to enter and be a part of your spirits, of your essence, and of your souls.
Positioning your hands in the sign of receptivity, receive then this Grace, that today will not be comprehended or understood, but rather time will reveal it when the Designs of God are fulfilled: that you came to live as souls, as eternal servants on the surface of the Earth within this great universal brotherhood.
My Silence also draws souls towards Redemption and I heal an infinity of miserable souls that, after so much time, receive this opportunity, an unfathomable effect of Divine Mercy.
You can place your hands on your heart.
In this communion with infinite Life, that tries to regenerate the human life, the planetary consciousness, and all the Kingdoms of Nature, severely assaulted by humankind and today being healed by My Spirit, may a new offering to God be born of your hearts, that in the silence of your inner temple you may proclaim for the Creator through the blessing and the consecration of all of these elements, that will not only transubstantiate Brazil once more, but also the world and many more who wait for this Grace.
All of this is generated by the Love of My Heart, that opens the doors to millions of miserable souls who are in need of the compassion of My Heart to survive, that they may be able to experience healing and forgiveness.
At this moment, companions, I have received into My Hands, from your inner worlds, your offering, that it may be contemplated by the Source of Creation and be uplifted to Heaven by the impulse of transcendence of all the angels.
In this communion with Life, may human life be respected and above all, those who will be born be respected, so that the world become conscious someday that the life of each being is the greatest Project of Love of God.
Today, I pity the mothers who have aborted, the children who were never born, and the souls that were assaulted.
The Mercy of My Heart reaches all lives, also on the inner planes, so that these souls may have a new opportunity in this Universe and feel themselves to be loved, just as My Mother loves them in every moment and at each instant.
Thus, today I have come especially to ask the mothers of the world for a prayer for the unborn, so that the Father may pour out His Grace rather than His Justice, and so the mothers who have not understood what they carried in their womb may have the opportunity of loving and forgiving again, just as today I forgive them and absolve them, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
This prayer will be done twice a week: on Mondays, in honor of the Mysteries of Joy, for the birth and the rebirth of the inner Christ in all beings, especially in the mothers of the world who got rid of their children; and on Fridays, to remember the sacrifice and the pain of your Lord for this sin, so great in the world, that tries to spread throughout the nations as if it were a new method.
May the spiritual life be respected so that the material life may be loved. So be it.
Prayer of the Angel of Peace:
My God, I believe (x 3)
Just as My Energy transubstantiates your consciousnesses, may these elements that were placed at the foot of My Altar be transubstantiated for the benefit of the souls and the Light on the planet.
So be it.
Celestial Father, who leads us all ... ( x 3)
For the water that was spilled on the Cross, all those who today will take the sacrament, receive the energy of My Grace to that this Grace may expand in humanity and souls feel drawn to My Heart. So be it.
How many Graces are poured out today by My Spirit upon all those who need it, so that they may truly find the joy of living in God!
Bless these elements, Father, so they may be of assistance for all souls and hearts to be able to rise in spirit to Your Kingdom. Amen.
With the same power of Love that was anointed by the women of Jerusalem in the Sacred Sepulcher, today may the children of God be anointed, that they find the path of the purpose and of eternal life, Amen.
Friar Elías:
Let us stand.
Today the angels of the Universe especially remember the Passion and Death of Your Lord.
At this moment and through all of these elements, the bread and the wine, may the great mystery of this Love that gave life to all human beings on Earth be constituted once more.
At that time, I took the bread and knowing the great pain that I would suffer for the world, I offered the All Mighty this sacrifice and He, in His Triune name, blessed it.
I gave it to My Apostles, saying "this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the atonement of all mistakes."
In the same way, I took the chalice and knowing the suffering, the flagellation, the calvary, and the Cross, through the Blood that I would shed, I offered this sacrifice to God, and He blessed it in His Triune Consciousness.
And I said to my apostles, as well as to many others present: "All take and drink of It, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, of the new covenant between souls and God until the end of times."
In the name of the Most Holy Trinity these elements may be constituted and transubstantiated in the name of the Lord, into the Body and the Blood of Christ.
Our Father...
And with the Breath of My Spirit, I leave many opportunities on Earth for souls, leaving them My Heart as a living witness of My Love, which comes from the Heart of God.
May those who will receive the sacrament and avail themselves of the Body and the Blood of Christ be blessed!
Today, once more, I leave you My Peace, and My Peace I give you, so that you may be peace on Earth and in all the nations of the world.
May the Celestial Universe and the infinite power of Love, represented in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless you and fill you!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the good, of charity and of compassion, you will fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.
I thank you for having accompanied me in these days, because it has been very important to Me.
I thank you!
Today I was called by the sweet voice of your hearts; that is what truly drew Me here to be close to your spirits, to be able to engrave in your consciousnesses My Impulses of Light.
Through this scenario, we can understand and feel how much beauty God manifested for us.
The human being only needs to love in order to open the door to the Will of God, and through the steps taken in life, learn to live it.
I wanted so much to be here in Brazil! I counted each day to be able to be here with you. Because you know that I love you and I understand you and I hope for the best for your lives, what you really came to do here as consciousnesses, what you really came to fulfill and to manifest through the Gifts of God.
That which is so sacred and sublime, which is found in the inner world of each being, is what I have come to rescue from the human consciousness, especially from Brazil.
Because that inner and spiritual force of each human heart is what allows Me to be here, just like the other Spiritual Hierarchies, which come with the Silence of God, in complete neutrality, in order to aid the planet and humanity.
The human being of this time, within the end of these times, must establish in itself what it is, what God deposited in its essences since the beginning. That is what will cause the Earth to be repopulated with new attributes.
Good works, cooperation, the good, and the love of all beings is what will repopulate the Earth with new codes and principles.
Because while the world suffers and a large part of humanity is in agony, you have the Grace, companions, of having Me close as Consciousness and Spirit, as Soul and Divinity, that comes to the world in the name of God to awaken the human consciousness to its true reality, which until now it has never seen.
And through your prayers and your love, I have the permission of your souls and inner worlds to be able to help the planet, and the energy of Divine Mercy is able to reach places very unknown to you, where souls are thirsty for My Light and fervently plead for My Redeeming Love.
I come from the Universe, bringing the Consciousness of the Eternal Father so that humanity may become rescuable and does not miss the opportunity of growing inwardly, knowing that the values of faith and the principles of prayer will be what will transform the Earth and make of souls true Temples of God.
While I am here with you, I not only contemplate Brazil, but also the whole world, and I listen to the pleas of My servers and companions, calling them and elevating them through the Consciousness of God; because when I hear the prayer of My companions, I go to their aid.
When the prayer is fervent, it transforms many situations on the Earth, unimaginable things within and outside of the consciousness of beings, because the power of prayer is still unknown. For this reason, do not stop immersing yourselves in this school, because in this way, you will become rescuable beings and instruments at the service of God, collaborators in the maximum work of My Heart.
Today I have also come here to give you My blessing through the Sacraments. Because each time this spiritual practice is renewed, the greater the opportunities of redemption, of conversion, and awakening of the consciousnesses, and a Grace draws close to your lives to transform everything into something sacred, just as the Father needs it.
Today I want you to live this legacy as if for the first time, knowing that through it, you will be able to be renewed, healed, redeemed of your spiritual and inner ills, and as a result, you will heal humanity through the sacred offertory of your prayers and lives to the Kingdom of God.
Let these spiritual treasures be revived today by everyone.
May lives be restored through the Foot-washing, may history be erased so that the power of the spirit of each being be reborn, and that through the Communion with My Body and with My Blood, the codes of My perfection may enter again into your essences and the temple of your souls, for this will allow you to understand many more things of the Spiritual Universe, of the Sacred Will of God for these defining times. From here is radiated the great Mirror of My Heart for the world.
The oceans do not only cry out for healing, but they also radiate their sacred energies to transform and sublimate the human consciousness.
The Elements unite with this divine conjuncture of the entry of the Spiritual Universe to the Material Universe so that many more souls may be assisted, as well as everything that lives within this planet and that is greatly suffering.
Through the Sacraments, I come to restore your lives and give you the possibility of finding the true love, which will bring Redemption to the world.
So uplift your hearts before My Celestial Church and may your souls, in a deep silence, proclaim the offertory to the Celestial Father, so that more situations may be redeemed and restored, and especially, may Brazil not lose peace. Because the devotion that this people has before the Celestial Universe is what allows peace throughout the times and the generations, and thus, your spirits are also carriers of My Peace.
Today this peace is radiated to the world from the great Mirror of these oceans so that the angelic consciousness may descend, transfigure, and transform what has been corrupted; so that in the transformation of matter and of the spirit, the human consciousness may unify in God and thus, the Divine Grace may descend, which will always bring you gladness and the joy of living in the Celestial Father.
So let us begin, companions, with this consecration so that your lives may also be consecrated to My Sacred Heart, so that an extremely powerful Mercy, like an infinite tributary of Grace, of Compassion, and of Pity, may descend in this moment over Brazil and the world, so that peace, prosperity, and justice for this people may continue to be strengthened.
I have not lost hope of Brazil being the Eden of the New Humanity and that you will be part of this new Eden, which is not something physical, but profoundly inner and immaterial that can be reflected in a spiritual way upon everything created within the material Universe.
Brazil is the cradle of this future emergence. You are a transition so that this can take place.
God wants to establish Genesis here again, as it was in the beginning, so that everything that has been lived throughout the times and the eras may be erased, and the human being, in a profound rehabilitation, may again take the place that it lost after so many errors and deviations.
That is the work of the infinite Mercy of God and it is possible for these times. But first, companions, this will begin within you, in coexistence with your families and loved ones, in the days of work and labor and in the important moments of prayer.
Draw to the world the Attributes of the Universe, because humanity is sinking in a great abyss, and during the most difficult moment is when I will return. You should no longer hear My words, but rather feel and see My Presence; it will come from the Glory of the Celestial Father, from the Universe announcing the new time, the resurgence and the advent of hope.
May your faith be sustained by My Love and may your love be sustained by My Spirit, so that you may always be connected with Me in that perfect inner attunement with the Greater Universe.
Let us begin the ceremony.
We stand up.
Father of infinite life, Divine Breath of Spirit, Creator of all that exists in what is visible and invisible, through My Plea, the Plea of Your Divine Son, pour out all Your possible Graces, so that souls may be restored by the balm of Your Love and for Brazil to be constituted as the Promised Land. So be it.
With this water, Lord, bless all those who plead for You, through Your Grace and Your Mercy; that those who cry be consoled, those who suffer be relieved, the ill be healed, and the pain be erased, and may Your Divine Love and infinite Joy return to those who believe in You, so that Your Peace may be established for ever and ever. Amen.
Lord, You who are Life and Mercy, Who vivifies everything You touch and in Your Love re-ignites all who plead to You and also hear You; deposit Your Gifts in these elements so that souls be washed by Your Spirit and souls be healed by the sublime joy of Your infinite Love. So be it.
Wash the feet of the past, activate Your disciples, Lord, so that they may walk in faith and in love, they fulfill , Father, Your Divine Project in the four corners of the Earth. Amen.
And more than two thousand years ago, I left you an indelible spiritual legacy that reverberates throughout time and the generations. It is the great mystery of My Love for humanity through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
I remind you that at that time I took the bread, gave thanks to God for this Sacrifice, and told My apostles: "Take and all eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in Remembrance of Me until the end of times."
And upon this bread I leave not only the transubstantiation of My Eucharistic Body, faithfully adored by all the adorers on the Earth, but also I leave My cellular Christic Code, that which achieved perfection in the Passion and the Death.
In the same way, I took the Chalice that the holy women had specially prepared for Me, and God blessed It. I gave thanks for that Sacrifice and said to My apostles: "Take and all drink from It, for this is My Blood of the new covenant between beings and God; Blood that will be preciously spilled by humankind, for the forgiveness of all errors. Do this also in Remembrance of Me until I return in the end of times to give you My living Word."
I transubstantiate this element into My precious Blood in the presence of the Celestial Choirs and in offering to the Celestial Father for the sincerity of all the souls present and united with Me in this moment, for the Redemption of humanity, the conversion of hearts, and the renewal of life. So be it.
In gladness and joy, companions, avail yourselves of these sacred elements that manifest the Sacrifice of the Son of God for humanity and the inextinguishable opportunity for each one of you to learn to love more each day, just as I love you for all eternity.
May the Unity, Love, and Peace that come from the eternal Heart of the Celestial Father be in your hearts, in all of Brazil, and humanity, so that the new Christs may emerge that will repopulate the Earth with the infinite Codes of My Love.
As I said to My apostles, today I say to you: "I give you My Peace so that you may live My Peace and take peace to all the corners of the Earth."
In remembrance of My spiritual Legacy, for the Sacrifice, Passion, and Death of Our Lord, I fraternally ask you to give each other the greeting of peace so that Peace may be in Brazil.
I thank you for having been with Me today.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We give each other the greeting of peace.
Place in My Heart what you need most.
Open your heart to receive My Mystery, the deepest revelation of My Love for you, and quench the thirst of your spirit from the Fount of My Heart.
Shelter yourselve in My Mantle in the harsh winters of the desert.
Warm your soul with My Fire and transform all doubts into Light.
Remove from your interior everything that weighs on you and hold me tight to feel My Strength.
Abandon me, but not as you think.
Embrace me with joy so that I may empty you.
Dissolve from your interior everything that does not want to be transformed yet.
Take refuge in Me and feel the joy of living in God.
Leave the world and enter into Me, because in this way you will know what I need, so you will receive what I have saved for you, and your soul will vivify the greatness of being in God and receiving His Kingdom, from time to time, without limits or forms.
I want you to deposit in My Heart what you still do not understand, I want you to remove from you what you still do not accept, because all that you live is what you have cultivated in your life, nobody has responsibility in that.
Everything you experience is part of a transformation, just as I transformed the human condition.
When I ask you to abandon Me, it is not for you to leave me, but so that you surpass Me in love, because someone must do something greater than what I did.
And I will stop being your Master when you have learned what the Universe needs, and in this way, you will open the door so that new masters are able to guide you, who exist in the Universe and are part of My Brotherhood.
Until you reach the great Avatar, you must go through many masters, because many schools are experienced in the souls that choose to follow me.
Never miss the opportunity to learn and to grow, in the sincerity of the works, in the purity of the feelings.
Never miss the opportunity to learn and to grow, in the sincerity of the works, in the purity of the feelings.
Great Masters wait to guide humanity. Their Silence is already eternal, but it is time for them to speak to bring the great revelation, in the end of these times.
They know their dwelling places. They obey My Principles and thus unite with all the Laws. They live in perfect harmony with the three planes of consciousness: spiritual, mental, and material, and are part of that great chain of Light that vibrates in the heights of the Universe, in the heavenly vault of the Hierarchy.
They have intervened many times in humanity. Many in the East and some in the West.
The mastery of the great Masters is sovereign because their essence is based on Love-Wisdom.
Each one comes from a special sphere of the Universe, each one has emerged from a great experience they had in recent times.
They are the masters of loyalty and of wisdom.
They make up one of the seventy-seven Wills of God and in their inner world envisage the expression of one of the Holy Names of God, Adonai.
For the Masters, Knowledge emerges from the Source of Wisdom.
Service for the Universe makes them humble and resigned, in likeness to the Master of Love. They have prepared for this planetary moment and have visited the world many times, to learn about the existence of this humanity and what My Father has conceived of for this human Project
And so, you are all part of a story that is being written in a Sacred Book; you are part of a story that tries to be corrected, aligned, and be united with the Universe.
The Masters are emanations of Love-Wisdom and they know through their experience, the christic life.
They were in Shambhala and then in the heights of Peru.
They know all human history, so similar to the palms of their hands, or the lines on their faces.
Wisdom has been achieved by them; It is the fruit of the Love of God, because they try to carry forward His Will: holy, full and peaceful.
They will come to the aid of those who say ‘yes’, no matter where your find yourselve or where you are. They will meet you to take you to the Truth.
They have been designated by the Eternal Father, through the Archangels who created them, to help the humanity at the end of these times, to safeguard the Project of God, as well as the Father once protected you through the incarnation of his Divine Son in the humble manger of Bethlehem.
They had knowledge of My Birth, they honored My Presence and bowed down before the Son-God; there they were initiated for this moment, for this transition of the Earth and this change of cycle in humanity.
Now they will call everyone by their origins and thus awaken the talents of Creation, they will teach deeper things than what I have taught because they already live them, they are part of them.
They have something inextinguishable on their breasts. With their hand they trace the line of the Brotherhood. They are known for their wisdom and discernment.
Any humanity existing in the universe knows who they are, because they emanate what they truly are and what they have transcended throughout time, everything that has unified them in the great chain of the Confraternity.
They know the planet because they have contemplated it many times and they know about the history of this civilization.
In essence, they know what God thought of in the beginning and today they work in silence and in harmony in order to be able to support the ardent desire of God in humanity, that the men and women of the Earth come to know true happiness, which is not physical, but internal.
I Am one of those Masters of Wisdom and I have been present in the East as well as in the West.
Through My Words I am revealing to you a story written in the Mirrors, something that is being refracted to Earth at this time through the doors of the Universe that are open.
Aurora welcomes this information and this knowledge, and all internal beings prostrate themselves on the ground, for being in front of the Source of Wisdom, which has manifested many times in the world and in their humanity through the Masters who have incarnated to teach the true essence of Love and the Sacred Spirit of Unity, which is something that comes from the Eternal.
Today, the Lord of lords and the Master among masters brings you the synthesis of everything experienced on Earth and the loving contributions of Love that have come through the Masters to this humanity.
That is why there is still time to be able to rescue the world, even if the abysses are shaken in the world. Mercy is leading souls to redemption.
Receive this knowledge and remember it. This story is to be found in the memory of your cells, this legacy is in the depths of your spirits.
In truth, you are something totally different from what you truly believe you are.
The Masters will gather their disciples together and will emit their great summons to humanity.
Different races and people will be assembled and they will all be gathered together for prayer, when the world is in its great definition and the moon will be clothed again in the color of blood.
From Mars will come help, and relief will come from Venus.
The Moon will be a witness to that moment, because its aspect will be completely transformed, as it never was transformed before. At that moment everything will have been said, the Masters will already be present on Earth to guide the last tribes that were self-summoned.
At that time no color, race, or nation will exist, all will be recognized by what is inside of them.
Thus, in this moment let the great Master polish you, for the Light within you must shine again.
Recognize the Master that you have so long searched for within you and carry out your great mission on Earth, because you will be called to serve in unexplainable situations and in climactic moments of humanity.
There is when I will see My Church emerge from the depths of hearts and My Word will be alive in you, My Fire will be eternal in each one of you, and that will move you to live the Plan.
Transform humanity with your acts of love, redeem the Earth with your examples of peace, and thus, with My own Eyes I will be able to see the New Christs emerging from the imperfections and the miseries, transformed by the Fire of the Holy Spirit, colonizing the Earth with new attributes, carrying the message of the great revelation and being carriers of peace.
For this reason, do not let yourselves be carried away by any message other than Mine. You must have discernment in the moment of hearing, that makes you grow in the Truth and will have you mature in Love.
In My Words are kept the vibrations of your destiny. Happy are those who adopt them and live them because they will be transformed and will not allow themselves to be defeated by anyone.
Be intelligent and you will be able to live the Plan.
If I am here, it is because the Plan continues, otherwise, I would not be here and the Plan would not be fulfilled.
Follow the Law of the Hierarchy and you will be in the necessary protection.
Those who are not here is because they have not understood Me, but I will be the one who will judge them.
Now it is time to move forward and to advance.
There are still souls that die without seeing the Light, there are still hearts that do not receive love, I am still in sick bodies, that need healing.
I am still in the world waiting for you to recognize Me in the one who has been forgotten, in the brother or sister who is imprisoned, in the heart that has closed, out of fear and apprehension.
I give you the authority to love the world much more than I loved it, I still hope that you can take that great step.
The Kingdoms of Nature still wait to be more loved.
The New Christs will not just be human, the Creation that already exists will also be able to be the new Christic life on the planet, completely redeemed and healed by the hands that give of themselves to serve it, and the hearts that surrender to love it.
The planet waits for your unconditional love and for your great awareness in support of its restoration.
Everyone has a place to serve and to be able to grow in love. That is why My Arms are open for all, and My Heart is expanded for all. It offers itself as a refuge for your redemption, for the dissolution of doubts and blame, of the misunderstandings and incomprehension.
Whoever is in Me, will be in the Light of God and will be able to renew yourselves until achieving your great awakening.
Closing the doors of universal knowledge, I open the doors to the sacramental ceremony, so that the celestial Church may descend and the Sacred Will be carried out.
The time is coming when you must review My Words many times, because I will no longer be able to continue speaking to you.
All I have given you is all that I Am, but there is still to be revealed the great mystery of the Son of God, of Who He truly is. When I returns to the world for the second time, there you will get to know this revelation, and everyone will be aware of this.
Let us be immersed in the Celestial Church.
Let us adore the Sacred Heart of the Father, let us glorify His Name together with the angels of heaven, so that souls may merge into your pure and original essence. Amen.
We can stand up for the consecration.
This is the Body and the Blood of Christ that always renews you, unconditionally offered for the healing of souls and as a balm of peace for all hearts. Happy will be those who avail themselves of Them in this Sacred Sacrament of the altar.
Lord, I am not worthy of You entering my house,
but one Word from You will be enough to heal me.
Our father...
Please come up here, Guissepe, Luci, and Mateus.
May Your Power, Father, descend through My Body so that souls may vivify the wholeness of Your Spirit.
Father, may Your Grace descend through My Blood, so that souls may be washed of everything and be reborn in the sublime Fire of Your Love. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will go to Heaven with My task accomplished, full of the love of those who are self-summoned in My Name, carrying this experience of transformation to the Thrones of God, so that He may contemplate it in His infinity of Grace and of Mercy.
And now, in the name of love and of sacred unity, you will give each other the greeting of peace so that peace may expand to the Earth.
I thank you for having been with Me on this special anniversary.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
If you do not understand the Works of the Lord, join them, because someday you will understand them. I only need that you love what I ask of you and that you always do it well, so that the Father, who is in the Universe, may be honored and glorified, and souls may be participants of His Grace through those who respond to His call.
Do not try to understand what is happening in this time because you will not succeed. Hold on to the sweetness of My Heart, because in this way, you will understand all things in its proper time.
The signs that I bring to humanity are to generate the great change of consciousness and in some cases, it will be painful and difficult, but every change has a reason and a meaning.
What I need, companions, is that you immerse yourselves in Communion with Me so that you can always have My Gifts available, which will be guiding stars on your paths, and above all, in your inner world.
Today I come to seek rest in those who do not tire of being in Me.
Today I come to seek refuge in hearts faithful to My Presence, in those who unite with Me every day in an unconditional spirit and under the protection of love.
Today I come from Heaven to give you something. Through Me, I bring the prophecies of Heaven, which today I show to some so that they can understand what is to come.
After I have left here, after having blessed you, this will come and will be manifested; for this reason, seek to live in Me and unite through Me with all the Universe.
Up there is what you really need. Up there is what you will experience afterwards, but in order for what is above to descend, you must be connected with the Source, and solutions will come.
There is no test in this life that does not have an answer; thus, I bring you that answer, and through prophecy, I bring you revelation.
I have asked to come to this humble place to be able to tell you this, because here nobody who is contrary to Me will find you.
In the refuge of the Communities, I protect My sheep. When My sheep are scattered and do not hear the call of the Shepherd, I cannot protect them and have to reach them in some way, through some sign or some message so that they may return to My Path, so that they may return to the Dwelling Place of the Celestial Father.
The flocks in this time are present on this Earth not only to learn to graze upon new attributes, but to experience a transition and a purification; something that nobody has experienced in any other time. That is why souls fear the pressure of these times. But I come to release that pressure that you may be experiencing in this time.
If I am here, it is because My Father wishes it. If I am here, companions, it is because I have come to offer you My Heart, as that inexhaustible Spring that will renew, purify and relieve you.
Through the Word of the Son of God, I bring you prophecy, something that cannot be understood with the mind; it can only be felt with the heart, although it is a mystery.
Something grand may be experienced here in Europe, but it will depend on that unconditional adherence to the great Messenger of God.
If you are here, it is because it corresponds to you to be here and not in another place. Those who are not here today are supposed to be someplace else, which is to say, in another school and in another learning.
Everything you experience has a meaning and a path. I come to reveal to you through My Word the meaning of this Path, even if it may be a painful path or a joyful path.
I invite you, companions, to find meaning in everything that you experience in life, because you will then not be intimidated; you will find an answer to all that you need and will understand the reason of all that happens.
I feel that you are not understanding what I am telling you; your inner worlds do understand; your souls do hear.
Your hearts may or may not feel My Words, but if I am here, it is because I am indicating to you where you must be, which is here, in this part of the Work that I carry forward with you for a Will still unknown to all.
In that serenity that I bring you today, I ask you to open to an understanding of My Words, because there is no time any longer.
What must be built for the next cycle is important. There are still many souls in Europe that wait for your service. Go out of your homes, of your ways of life, to meet each one of them, just as I, in these two last months, together with My Mother and Saint Joseph, have gone to meet these souls. And here you have a living example of that.
It is time to mobilize for the Plan, because the movement itself and the flow itself, in the very sense of the energy and the universal current, you will transform imperceptibly and will help to build what is new in what is already old and archaic.
The Plan of God is not hermetic, the Plan of God is not solid; it experiences a constant dynamism, because the Higher Source feeds it so that it can be fulfilled.
The Plan is still to be accomplished and you must be aware of this in your effort, in your dedication, in your unconditional service, in your presence and in your adherence to what is asked for, as much as it is not understood.
The Plan as a whole is based on love, and it is that love which gives it its own intelligence so that souls may awaken and live it.
Today I bring you the Ray of My Sovereignty and of My Fortitude, the Principle of the Governor, because it is time for the Divine Purpose to be correctly aligned in your spirits, so that what is up there in the Universe can descend. It will only be able to descend through instruments, by means of vehicles, of souls and of essences.
The help of the Universe is available to all, and answers to all questions are available. God is full of Wisdom and also in Science. Learn to overcome the doubts in life, the barriers and the obstacles that your lower consciousness may be imposing on you.
Place yourself at the epicenter of Universal Love and let your cells expand through the fluid of that Universal Love that comes to show you the correspondence and the meaning of the next steps of the Divine Plan of Love.
I just hope that you do not miss the opportunity; I will not tire of warning you up to the last moment, because behind everything that does not seem to materialize, in the inner worlds a great work is being built that the glad in spirit and the humble of heart will experience, and will be able to see with their own eyes what has been built with so much effort.
No one has the power in all this that I ask of you, not even I have the power in all that I speak to you. Do you understand what I am telling you?
Everything comes from God and if He thinks and feels it, it is concretized. But His children, His smallest creatures of this humanity are called to be participants in this Thought and in this Feeling of God, which wants to lead you to expand your consciousness beyond what is normal and superficial.
If I am here, it is because I am offering Myself for that.
The foundations of this community should already rise in the firmament. The pillars of this Marian Center should already be erected, because it will carry its task and its spiritual mission as the counterpart of the Sanctuary of Fatima, to give shelter to all the souls that are not understood, that are rejected, that are discriminated against, and that are expelled because of their spiritual or material poverty.
The essence of Lys and the purity of Lys is in its humility and patience; this is what makes it true, this is Lys in the Mother of God.
You must be the hands that offer this mystery. That is why you must release from within you that which no longer helps you spiritually. It is time to renew the bases of this pillar in Europe; not only for Europe, but also for Africa.
Africa waits for you. We have already given examples, companions, of how urgent the help for My children of Africa is. When you take the step, I will be able to reach Africa to carry all toward My Mercy, just as I have carried you since the beginning.
I just hope that this will come about and will materialize. Africa must be part of the pillar of My Mercy. And although I know that there are valuable missionaries there, and serving souls there who relieve the suffering, Africa still lacks its main spiritual pillar, which is a next Marian Center that will depend on this, so that it may manifest according to Divine Will.
This will take many souls from the abysses toward My Mercy, from slavery to freedom, from exploitation to the eternal gladness of being able to find God again through the spiritual Centers that serve the Hierarchy.
You have already had thirty years to understand this. It is time to unite for the love of My Sacred Heart; it is time to build rather than to divide; it is time to join forces, to fraternize; it is time to be illuminated rather than become darker; it is time to carry forward the design that God gave you by means of My Heart, through the Source of instruction.
The bases of your knowledge are already erected. It is time to finish building the Temple so that God, in His most infinite Wisdom and Compassion, may dwell within you forever and thus the Plan may be realized.
Do not get stuck in the human. Do not remain in the mental. Ask your hearts: "Father, what am I doing? Father, give me the answer I need. Open my eyes to Your Will and help me to accomplish it, according to Your wish and your divine thought," and in this way, you will know to love more, as I love you, as I understand you, just as I accept you.
I will not have another day or another hour, another cycle or another future time to come and tell you this. This is the only time that I will be able to say it. This is the only time in which you will be able to deeply penetrate My Heart so that you may only accept what I need, which goes beyond human life, the incomprehension or the doubts that My enemy may be imposing.
That is why today, the Governor of Heaven, the Spirit of Wisdom and of Love, comes to bring spiritual clarity and transparency to your inner worlds, so that you may be filled by My restoring Spirit.
I take this time because I will not have another and these words apply to everyone, irrespective of the school you are in, or live. The words are for the awakening of love in beings, for the expansion of the consciousness of the last Christs of the last days.
I do not want more souls to go through the doorway of Justice. I want many more souls to go through the doorway of My Mercy, because in this way, My Heart will triumph, just as it is written in Heaven.
I have chosen this blessed place to tell you this. God still touches this place with His Hand and I want you to never again forget this, because in spite of your being purified or suffering, God has His Hand in this place and under His Hand are all of you. Do you understand?
If God has His Hand here, it is because of something greater that your minds still will not understand. You must love the Will of God to understand it, otherwise, you will experience many obstacles in order to understand it.
Be participants in this mystery and in this revelation that I bring you today.
Here today, through His Son, God gives shape to His Will, so that someone may accomplish it, so that many more decide to accomplish it, not only for this place, but also for all of Europe and Russia; because Russia still must participate in forgiveness and that is in your hands.
In My Silence you will be able to feel My Words and in My Words you will find the keys that you need to open the doors to the new, to what is still to descend from the Universe.
So today I offer Myself in Body and Blood, so that you may experience this Mystery in Me and make it part of your beings every day, knowing that there is something higher and greater that moves everything, that leads you and guides you in these crucial times in which love struggles against indifference.
Let us lift up our gratitude to Heaven and in your hearts receive the appeal of God, the deepest wish of His Spirit, so that in Europe what is written may be realized according to the sacred books of the Universe.
We will celebrate this communion with the Heights and with the depths of yourselves, so that more souls may be worthy of this Mystery and of its revelation, which I bring you through Communion.
Here there are souls that would give everything for Me; that is why I am here, awaiting that moment.
The angels of the Kingdom of Lys are gathered today around the Lord and all the souls present and not present, so that, entering that Universe of Love and of Purity, the doors may open to the redemption of hearts and to the conversion of the spirits that must convert into new Christs.
Through the elements of Nature, the non-material laws are manifested and the Purpose of God is sown on Earth; something that your souls receive forever and which you must care for.
Again I testify to what My cousin John once did with Me, of baptizing Me with the Spirit; but today I not only baptize you with the Spirit, but also with the Grace that converts and redeems the impossible. Amen.
This is My Body that has been given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Eat of it and be participants in My Glory. Amen.
This is My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which was shed for humankind for the remission of sins. Drink of it and be participants in My Mercy.
Our Father...
These are the elements that will give you eternal life. Happy are those invited to partake of these Sacraments, in communion with the saints and the angels from Heaven.
Go in peace and be My Word in the world.
The spiritual foundations of this Center are already manifested. It is time to work and to concretize the Plan, just as God wishes it in His deepest ardor, so that love on Earth may be realized.
After being blessed, you have to fraternally bless with the greeting of peace.
I thank you for listening to Me with heart and soul.
I love you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now I come from a place many do not know, a place where I was once received and from where I shall return to the world. You may know it as the House of the Father, the Celestial Source or the Universe.
I come from the Heart of this Universe, which has offered Itself to gestate life and Creation, so that all souls could live an experience of true and attainable love; so that souls could live an experience of redemption and of forgiveness.
I come from that Heart that pulsates in the center of the Universe and from where the Father sends Me to the world to proclaim His Word of Salvation and of Light, in order to bring you the impulses you need so that your consciousnesses may awaken to the true reality that emerges from the Heart of the Universe.
Today I show you My Face of Universality.
I am the One Who was among you more than two thousand years ago.
I am the One Who has risen, Who suffered for you and Who offered Himself to you out of love, a love that is still not known.
Behold the One Who ascended to the Heavens and Who is close to the Celestial Father to let you know the immensity of His Mercy, the great goodness of His Eternal Soul, the Infinity of His Love for each one of the creatures that have arisen from this Universe to live an experience of love and a great opportunity of forgiveness.
The history of humanity has not ended yet, nor has its past been dissolved. The Universe still needs to heal humanity and, for this to be possible, you must first heal your hearts, so that afterwards the world may be healed and finally redeemed.
With My Universal Message, I come to remove you from the superficiality of these times, from the ignorance of these times, from that which separates you from Truth and Love.
I do not wish to institute a new church in you. I wish to institute in your hearts My eternal Celestial Church, which is invisible, higher and infinite before the eyes of humankind.
Believe, companions, in the fountain that exists within you, in the universe that exists within you and that no human will be able to take from you.
I invite you to reconnect with the spirit of My Universality because, if you contemplate the Universe, you will contemplate Creation and you will attain the purpose of your lives.
I need New Christs who may feel like My Heart and My Soul do; who may know the immensity of My Works, which go beyond all churches of the Earth.
For I ascended to the Heavens for you and I come from Heaven for you, to reveal to you My new Task and the purpose the Celestial Father has placed in My Merciful Heart.
Therefore, I invite you to open your consciousnesses for you to know that I am more than Jesus, a humble man who came to the Earth to teach you about love and the importance of instruction for your lives.
Overcome the limits of matter. As you open your consciousnesses, your hearts will feel My Presence and you will know the place I come from is a special place for everyone, where all may commune with this precious Divine Energy which offers Itself from time to time, which reveals Itself from cycle to cycle so that souls may recognize the Will of God.
Do not see the Father as a judge. See the Great and Eternal One in the infinity of His Mercy. Recognize within yourselves the attributes He delivered to you out of love. Sacred Gifts of His Spirit which must awaken your talents, so that like many men and women of the Earth, you may feel encouraged to serve Him fully, experiencing service with joy and with deep bliss in your hearts.
I come from that place of the Universe so that you may know I am more than a Nazarene, and that I came here to the Earth just as I come at this time to take you to the Universe of My Truth.
In the Universality of My Heart, which you can find, you will have no restrictions or limits, because that which comes from the Source and which is in the Heart of the Son of God, invites souls to experience the Projects of the Father and to accomplish them on this planet through the donation of souls.
I invite you, companions, to find My Divine Spirit beyond forms and religions; for I come from a higher place that conceived the great opportunity for the world of bringing Love and Redemption to the Earth, so that all followers of My Heart might someday become witnesses of My Presence and of My Word.
Thus, I do not come to evangelize you, nor do I come to compromise you. I come to bring you the message of awakening, for this world and this humanity must come out of the inertia in which they have placed themselves, in order to experience their great transformation in the name of the whole Universe and of all of Creation.
Encourage yourselves to take this step and do it beyond My Name. Do it for the whole Universe, for the sake of the true experience of love that you have had in other times, and which I bring you today for you to remember it and, thus, awaken.
You are not here on this planet only for a human experience. You are a part of a Purpose and of a great Infinite Plan, which was thought and meditated by the Source and delivered to the great Archangels of Creation who, in the name of Love and of the Sacred Unity, have gestated the projects in all universes and especially within the inner universe of each being.
Therefore, recognize your filiation with the Heights. I do not ask you to become religious. I ask that your lives be redeemed and converted according to My Message, so that the Attributes of God may emerge in your hearts.
From that place of the Universe, I come to help the world, and I do not stop for those who have remained behind. I go ahead for those who accompany Me. Each soul will have its moment before Our Lord and this is something irrefutable.
Thus, with the awareness I bring you and with all the Love that I give you, establish this alliance with the Universe and continue to uplift your consciousnesses, not only through service or prayer, not only through fraternity and consideration, but also through the awakening of the consciousness to that which every being on this planet has truly committed to accomplish in the name of Creation, for the redemption of this race and the purification of this planet, for the establishment of a new and sacred humanity in communion and in alliance with all Kingdoms of Nature.
In this way, the history of this suffering humanity will change forever if more consciousnesses respond to My call; if more consciousnesses feel encouraged to search within themselves for the richness of their inner universe, which is a memory that cannot be erased.
I need, companions, that you discover within yourselves what you truly are, thus you will also help build the new times and will bring to the world the peace and the love it needs so much, so that many more souls, just like you, may be encouraged to take new steps into the sacred commitment with the Creator.
As you seek the union with your inner universe, you will be in communion with the Higher Universe and the laws in your lives will change, and you will learn through love and joy. Thus you will be My witnesses by means of the transformation of your lives.
Nevertheless, there are some consciousnesses in this time who fear to take such a step, preferring to remain in their resistance and in themselves, in order to not change. Souls believe they must suffer in order to be transformed; yet, the Law I bring you from the Universe is completely the opposite.
Feel encouraged to cross the portal I once crossed, accepting the Will of the Father and accomplishing It on the Earth according to His sacred designs from the Source.
By means of My Words and of the Universe that today I bring to all of you, I dissolve the past of Austria, the deeds of suffering and of pain, so that, through the rebirth of the Flame of Faith and the trust in the divine, souls may be encouraged to give a great "yes" to the Universe.
All of humanity is before a great choice that could change the course of events. Therefore, just as it happened more than two thousand years ago, but now in all places of the world, I come to call My flocks that come with different experiences, cultures, languages and deep histories that I come to transform and to sublimate in the Presence of the Living God, alive through the Son and His Heart.
Let us celebrate this moment when the Higher Universe enters the inner universe of hearts in order to dissolve suffering and the past, and to revive the joy of being in communion with the Heights.
Be participants of this moment, not only through the Sacraments, but also through the inner union of each one of your essences with the Son of Love.
The altar shall be blessed in order to deepen even more the inner union of hearts with the Creator, and also for His resplendent Angels to descend to the Earth bringing Grace, Forgiveness and Mercy through transubstantiation, a Law which is fulfilled today in the hearts that commune with Love.
Unique and powerful Source of the Universe, which has created everything that exists and everything that vibrates and which makes Itself present in the inner universe of each being; descend now to the Earth, so that souls may be liberated from error and may be reborn in the power of Your Glorious Love. Amen.
For the sake of the water that flowed out from My Side, may this water of conversion and of redemption spring as an immaterial source in the hearts that are opened to commune with My Spirit. Amen.
Those who have their feet washed today will be released from the past and will be granted a Grace for the merits attained by My Heart. Amen.
We offer You, Universe, the Sacrament of Redemption, so that the creatures of this material Universe, which vibrate according to Your purpose and understanding, may receive Your cells of Light, subtle and immaterial vibrations that transform the depths of beings, so that Your Will may be fulfilled.
The Immaterial Source of Love that comes from the Universe, incarnated as a human to witness the greatness of Love and of Redemption to the world.
The Immaterial Source delivers the Body and the Blood of Christ to you so that your cells may receive the impulses and merits that the Redeemer has attained.
Therefore, today I remind you of the Legacy that has been recorded in the memory of the planet for more than two thousand years.
Eat and drink of the Body and Blood of Christ, in order to commune with the universal legacy which God has expressed by means of His Son.
Behold the Living Love amidst men and women of the Earth. Blessed will be those who commune with It, in order to receive the Grace from the Source and the Mercy from the One and Only.
So be it.
Our Father...
This is the One Who gave Himself for you and Who will continue to give Himself. Blessed will be those who participate of the communion with the Immaterial Source. Amen.
May Peace be established in Austria and in Eastern Europe so that hearts may awaken to the call from the Source, in order to renew the times, to change forms, to rekindle spirits and to rejoice hearts.
In the name of the Source of Love and of the Center of this Universe, I give you Peace, for you to be peace, for you to radiate peace, for you to carry the Peace of My Heart to those who most need it.
God bless on this day, by the intercession of His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, all those who listen to My Word.
Receive the Peace and the Mercy of God.
In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you for responding to My great Universal Convocation.
Now you may give one another the greeting of Peace.
I thank you!
Jesus Christ:
Today I come to proclaim My advent, but also My thanks for the good, honest and sincere souls, that have congregated here to celebrate with their Lord the triumph of His Kingdom in humanity. This event is part of My celestial Victory on the planet.
Do not fear companions, neither here nor in any part of the world, because My rival is agitated, it is a sign that his defeat is near.
Today I also come for the souls that suffer and are not here, present like you are, participating in this intimate Communion with My merciful Heart.
Through your prayers in these two days, a great number of souls could be immersed in the Ocean of My Mercy. The most indelible and unforgiving sins were dissolved by the celestial Flame of My Grace.
Now see, My companions, My soldiers, My disciples, what is the real task for the end of these times. Do not search for greater results through this Work. This will happen if My Father wishes so.
I invite you to always live in love and in truth, because you will always know how to be free from the prisons of this planet and of all the worldly illusions.
Today your souls opened the eyes of the consciousness.
Today your hearts opened the doors to the infinite. And this is part of My Grace, of all that My Sacred Heart grants to the souls, after having experienced the sorrowful Passion, a long time ago.
Today you have made My Cross lighter. Therefore, I am here together with the angels of the universe, to celebrate with you this new Supper, today the Supper of joy. Hope is very necessary in these times. Your hearts can never lose hope, because your brothers and sisters will come to look for hope in you and in each example of love and charity.
So, I come to pour upon you My Gifts, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Flame of God, which builds the evolutionary consciousness, transcendence and ascension.
Today I come to talk to you, through the Law of Ascension, that Law that the Universe applied to raise My Consciousness to the Universe, more than two thousand years ago. This Law allows you to experience the transcendence of all that is corrupt, only when you open your hearts, as you have opened them in these two days.
The Law is broken under its own weight, and the souls no longer have unpayable burdens to experience. The chains are liberated, the ties are untied and the Ray of Will-Power is manifested in all that is planetary life.
Although the waters of the world and the nations are muddy, know that I will not abandon you. I fulfill the promises that I make, as I have fulfilled them with My apostles, with all the Christians, throughout times and by means of all miracles.
Today I come from the Heaven of My Celestial Church. May the doors open for the angels of the universe to descend and so we will praise the All Mighty, the Creator, for making humanity worthy so many Graces.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, let us listen to the song "Praise be to God, Glorious His Kingdom. Hallelujah, Hallelujah."
All together. Opening the doors to the Celestial Church.
And now, at the request of Christ, let us open the doors to the angelical and archangelical universe. Let us sing the melodic Kodoish, united to our Guardian Angels, following the exercise that Our Lord is doing.
Let us worship, together with the angels, our Creator.
Let us be accompanied by Christ before the Primordial Source.
Let us visualize, through our hearts, this luminous Presence of the Father that approaches humanity by means of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His Sacred Heart.
Let us see how our Master, within His Celestial Church, opens the door that will lead us to the encounter with the Creator.
Let us visualize through this portal of light that Christ opens to us, a great ocean of light, deep blue. Above it, we see a great sphere of golden light, more luminous than many suns and above it, we see our Eternal Father in His aspect of Wisdom and Discernment, of Goodness, of Love and of Mercy.
Let us see around our Father the different angelic winged consciousnesses that kneel before our Father and slightly bowing our heads, we will greet our Father, the Creator. Abba.
Jesus has taken us to Him so that we will hear Him, we will hear the Voice of our Father, just as the Voice of our Father has spoken to His beloved Son, many times.
In this recollection and adoration before the Primordial Source and before this Spiritual Universe, of which Christ invites us to fully commune, let us perform, at His request, an act of forgiveness and reconciliation.
And before the Primordial Source, let us deposit our feelings, our thoughts, our errors, our misunderstandings, our deviations, in order to serve the Father through Christ, from the Source of His Mercy.
Let us put our hands in a sign of reception, resting them on our legs. Let us relax our physical body for the Spiritual Energy of the Creator to enter our consciousness, through our head and towards the whole body, reaching the center of our heart.
At this moment, before the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the angels and the Archangels and our Heavenly Father, let us issue this act of pardon and of reconciliation, liberating our hearts from any bitterness, from any disturbance or any affliction that ties us, that limits us on our spiritual path.
In the silence of our heart and of our consciousness, let us put in the hands of Christ our miseries and let us receive from Christ what He will withdraw from the Source and hand us in a profound emptiness, without intention nor expectation, in a profound nothingness.
Let us surrender at the Feet of the Heavenly Father, let us see His kind and merciful Gaze, let us see how He holds out to us His Arms and His Hands as a Father who embraces His little child, and let us be in peace, in communion with the universal life.
Creator Father:
Listen, children, to the Voice of your Father. Humanity, listen to the Voice of your Creator Father.
Straighten your paths. Place your hearts in the Hands of your Lord because the innocence of the world is being lost and the darkness is advancing, distancing all My creatures from the Source of My Love.
Receive from My Celestial Kingdom the healing for your consciousnesses, the Light for your renewal, the Love for your ascension, the redemption for your liberation.
Enter My celestial Church and say to all your brothers and sisters that the time has come of the return of the Father, to give witness of what you have learned on this planet.
Today a synthesis is taking place in your lives and a new spiritual cycle starts in your small consciousnesses.
Children of this Creation, let your loving Father deposit His Gifts in your hearts and, finally, in the name of Love be others, on this planet that suffers so much, that agonizes so much and that suffers persecution of this race and the destruction of all that I have created in image and likeness of My Consciousness.
Feel the pain of Mother Earth and the request of Her Mercy. Feel the pain of the Kingdoms and Their request for redemption. Feel nature, that asks for peace. Feel the consciousness of this planet, the Great Crystal at the center of Earth that, in silence, asks for piety.
You are part of this world and of this Creator Universe. You are part of a Life that does not belong to you. You are part of an origin, a beginning and an end, thought of by My fatherly Heart.
In this profound emptiness, that I invite you to experience today, in the Arms of your Eternal Father and in a profound surrender, of love and unity, I ask you, children, to help My universal Plan, all My angels, all the Archangels, My beloved Son and My blessed Mother.
Receive from the Source, the most Holy Trinity and commune, in My Celestial Church, with these Principles. May your cells awaken to the newness, may your feelings be raised and may your fears be dissolved; the time of the Great Judgement of Love has arrived, where I will come to ask you, children, all that I have given you, from My immaterial universe.
Before My Source, and before the Universe of My Love, find in it the Divine Purity. Believe that it is possible to recover it, because if I Am your Father in Heaven, nothing will ever be impossible for His children, when it is My Divine Will.
Today receive in your inner worlds, a small spark from the Source of Original Purity and make it grow within you, as a flower grows to praise to the Creation.
Now put your hand on your chest and see how a flower of light opens itself in your inner worlds, and the reconciliation is established between the spiritual universe and the material universe.
There is no evil that opposes this, because if My Will, children, is that I am in you, it is also My Will that you be in Me, as My Son is in Me and I am in Him, in perfect unity.
With this exercise of the purest Love of your Creator, I dispel some darkness on Earth and I bring Grace, on this afternoon, of the awakening of new consciousnesses.
Children, be My Columns, so that I may erect My Temple over you and keep within it all those who suffer.
I leave you with My Son, because in My Son is Life, as part of My divine Emanation and of My sublime Consciousness in all the universes of Creation.
Today, in this place, a cosmic Law is fulfilled and Grace manifests itself to a great number of consciousnesses. This is a work of the Love that I feel for My children, but more so those who distanced themselves from Me and are lost.
Be the mirror of God in the world and My Light will be able to refract itself in humanity. Believe that it is possible, because in this way you will not recognize yourselves.
Jesus Christ:
If My Father had not sent me to the world, I would never have learned to love, because through My enemies is the experience of love and the expression of My Divine Mercy.
Today I have brought you here, to the Source and before My Celestial Father, for you to listen, to experience and to feel Him, just as I feel Him every second of life and in each breath.
May the world turn its eyes to the universe, for it to recover its affiliation with God. May the world not offend God anymore, because the Father feels very offended by so much indifference, so much evil, so much cruelty.
Be the bearers of the Mercy of God and you will reach the Kingdom of Heaven, as you have experienced today the Kingdom of Heaven for a moment.
God has pronounced Himself, after His Silence. Blessed are those who opened their ears without being able to see, because they will be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
I would like the world to experience the sublime universes, but I know that My enemy has put himself in charge of distancing humanity from its true consciousness.
Today, after you have learned to connect yourselves to God, imitate My example and do it for your brothers and sisters, for all those who are asleep.
I come to close this meeting through this union with the Creator. I come to officiate these Sacraments as one more gift for the souls. I ask you not to lose these inner treasures. May nothing or anyone takes them away, because they belong to the Creator for the experience of the souls.
Now, My angels will transubstantiate the elements and substances, for them to serve as healing, joy and bliss to the simple souls. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us stand up, at the request of Our Lord, for the consecration of the elements.
Jesus Christ:
Now, receive from My Heat the blessing of Love, the eternal gratitude for this meeting. And as this is part of the rejoicing of God and of the work of His Grace, today I want the nations of the world, beyond Brazil and the Southern Cone, to receive from their hearts the Ray of Hope, the one that opens the doors for the healing of humanity.
I rise to Heaven, listening to "Hope Color." May your voices sing for the world, for the hearts to heal from their spiritual pain.
So be it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Thank you, God, for all You give us!
In this meeting we honor You, Lord.
In My Heart, feel the Presence of God.
In your hearts, feel My drawing closer in this culminating moment of the planet.
I have come as the Messenger of Heaven, also as the Lord of the East, to announce to you My Presence in this place and at this end time, in which many things happen without the majority of humanity perceiving what is truly happening.
That is why I come from this place with a new aspect. Today, I name Myself before you as the Lord of the East, so that knowledge and wisdom may unite between both hemispheres of the planet.
I come in this way to initiate a new cycle, bringing the synthesis of the Sacred Knowledge of everything the planet has experienced in its wisdom and also in the Fount of instruction.
In this way, companions, as the Lord of the East, I come to provide souls with the knowledge of yesteryear, that which the great sages of ancient Asia knew.
I come to fulfill a request of My Father and I come to give continuity, companions, to what your Lord was not able to finish when instructed in His youth, in ancient Asia, where there truly existed the greatest treasures of Heaven, through knowledge and instruction.
I come here to establish a bridge of Light, so that many souls, unconscious of true sacred knowledge, can awaken.
The time has come for the West to recover the values it lost through its different races and civilizations of the past. It is for this reason that your Lord of the East brings in His manifestation of Light the synthesis of all the cultures of the ancient Asian peoples, which in the beginning brought about a balanced and harmonious planet that generated a fountain of wisdom and of instruction.
I had to go through there when I was Jesus, besides going to Persia.
In Asia, I re-lived many things that My Father asked Me to find again, a time before My public life, a time before the baptism in the River Jordan.
In this way, you will understand, My companions, how the values of spirituality still exist on the planet. Thus, sacred precincts of the Father, scattered through the Himalayas, such as in Tibet and farther, in Asia, hold these principles gestated by humanity from the beginnings of the Earth.
God wanted this planet to be a fount of wisdom; that many more creatures became enlightened as He was enlightened. That is why Buddha came to the world, to demonstrate to all in the distant East the divine Source of compassion, which was the first base of the Christic instruction for humanity.
This Source of compassion generated by Buddha to dissolve suffering, pain, and corporeal death, created the bases for the coming of the Messiah.
See then, companions from the whole world, how spirituality is one in all of the Universe and beyond it, based on the Source of Love, of Wisdom, and of Truth; because it is what My Father always wanted from the beginning, when He created Adam and Eve.
That is why today I present My aspect of the Lord of the East, as the first initiation for this great mission that must take place there next year.
As of now, I invite you to accompany Me in this sacred task, because many values of human spirituality are being lost also in Asia because of the suffering, the errors, the wars, and the difficulties that the nations of Asia experience.
In the same way that My Father, through Buddha, brought the Asian peoples closer to the Source of Divine Compassion, today I deign to draw My children of Asia closer in this cycle to the Source of My Divine Mercy.
In this way, companions, such far away brothers and sisters of the planet will be able to be deserving, as you are, of the treasures that I bring you today, which are the most intimate of My Heart, that I have waited two thousand years to pour out upon Asia, and be able to find again in this people the same value that I once found, when your Master and Lord visited this region of the planet.
Thus I come to reveal and to confirm what was written in some sacred books, in which the story is told of the passage of your Master and Lord through the East. If your Master and Lord had not traveled there, He would not have been able to understand, in His phase of sacrifice, all that this people of Asia would need for the future, after My Ascension.
Thus I come to fulfill the Designs of My Father and to elevate your consciousnesses beyond three-dimensional life. And although I present Myself to you in three dimensions, My true intention and purpose is that you also achieve the illumination of your beings through prayer, service, humility, love, compassion, and unity.
In this way, I come to show you that you are capable of transforming much more and of becoming true servers of the Plan, to be able to accompany this Work, which will culminate in being known all over the planet, by all of humanity.
I will give you the gift of the heart impregnated with the gift of love, which will allow you, companions, to understand all tongues, all cultures, and all nations, according to their nature and origin.
So I come to extend what I gave to the twelve apostles when they began to follow Me in this Work of preaching the Sacred Word of God and of proclaiming His Divine Kingdom.
Your Lord of the East desires you to already keep Him present in your hearts, because this sacred aspect will allow you to understand and above all adhere to the next designs that the Spiritual Hierarchy will present to you, in this new cycle.
This is all that I wanted to reveal to you today. I still have more to say, but souls need some time to be able to truly correspond to all that is being spiritually built on the planet, beginning with the Spiritual Church of your Lord, which comes to aid souls and the regions of the planet where Mercy and Redemption are needed.
Today your Lord of the East will celebrate a world Communion integrated by all cultures, tongues, and nations that within themselves believe in the existence of love, present in all that is divine.
Bring a washbowl here.
While My children bring the elements, try to feel and understand your Lord of the East in His aspect of wisdom.
In this offering, also see how what was sacred emerged in the beginning through the Asian continent, and how the sacred mysteries of the spirituality of the planet and of the essence of Christic Love were also present in these cultures, in the faithful example of the Three Wise Men.
The water of Asia must be re-consecrated through your oceans and seas, so that its true essence and nature is not lost.
So be it.
So we now prepare for the consecration. Those who can may kneel. Let us elevate the basket for the offering.
Lord, convert these elements into the Body and the Blood of Your Most Beloved Son, with the aim that today the East can again experience its most sacred awakening and this be radiated to all of the planet, in union to Your Creation, to the continents, to the oceans, and to the Kingdoms of Nature.
So be it.
Your Lord of the East today blesses these elements, and also your hearts, so that they may be rehabilitated and achieve redemption, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us invite all of our brothers and sisters to join us in these moments, offering your prayers and hearts as an act of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Today, from here, we say goodbye, and inwardly united as one heart, let us celebrate this union with Christ, and give thanks to God.
Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us. In this meeting, we honor You, Lord. Amen.
The three Persons of God are present here today. And they come in search of the suffering world, the world that has lost the way that was leading it to the Creator, because of having been influenced by the energies of material life.
Today I come to uncover that which is dark and triggers pain within souls.
Of the three Persons of God, mainly His Son comes to bring the world a necessary relief in these times, because the whole Universe sees this suffering, which accumulates in the human consciousness and makes all things inferior, because it is a suffering that has not yet been healed and that needs conscious souls so that this planetary suffering may be alleviated through instruments of light, an extremely important potential that is born from your hearts.
Today I bring the planet to My Feet so that you may contemplate it with Me, and so that you may see how much it needs the help of all servers and of those who will be servers of your Lord.
So that the gifts may descend to the planet, there must be a correspondence that springs from humanity, responding to the call of the Redeemer in this acute time of the planet, where many events are taking place, which comprise a great part of humanity, because it is still within a deep sleep, in its illusion.
I come to remove the blindfolds of many, for My desire, as a trusting Heart, is that souls become aware of many things. In this way, you will help me to accomplish My Project, which comes in search of the last ones who may be left behind.
And these last ones are millions of souls that, throughout the times, became lost because they did not know how to find My Merciful Heart, because they accepted in their lives the confirmation of other paths, that do not lead to peace, nor love, nor brotherhood.
I need My servers of these times to be united above all else, beyond their differences, their ideas and feelings.
It will be the building of this fraternal unity that will allow My Plan to triumph on the planet, that Project that God asked Me to carry out in this time as a preparation for the souls that are to wait for My Return to humanity.
If this unity is not built first among all the servers of the Plan, how will I be able to reach those areas where suffering prevails, where souls despair for not finding relief in anything, because many look aside so as to not see the planetary reality.
This human behavior must end.
Unite your hearts in love and in faith so that My Projects may be fulfilled in the world and, as I have already told you, so that My Message may reach all nations of humanity, all corners of the Earth in which many souls still wait for deep healing and liberation.
While you still do not build this unity, I still have to wait for that moment.
Remember that I am present in the humble and simple hearts that always obey My call.
I can speak through these hearts and perhaps you could not perceive it because you need to be in Love in order to see it.
It is Love that will unite you to the Source of My Father's Knowledge.
It is Love that will unite you with My Heart and unite you all in true fraternity.
This is why I need your hearts to be open, especially those hearts that have already been following My Path for such a long time.
I need you to not forget the Hierarchy and to know that It is present in the Centers of Love, and that each one of your hearts, as well as each one of your lives, have signed a commitment with the Redeemer.
For each one of you, continuous work with unity is to be found there as well.
This unity will make every being of this planet strong and invincible, those who may be entering the planetary transition, who may be facing the Apocalypse and the Armageddon, something that is deeply unknown to humanity, because it has never experienced it.
The sacred attribute of unity will make My servers of the Plan consistent, and you will not be separated from My Love, nor from My Works, because that could happen when your hearts turn away from one another, seeking to have your ideas and thoughts prevail, which may be the opposite of what I think, of what the Master proposes for humanity.
You are at the critical point, companions, just as the apostles were in the past.
You are at the point when your King would experience His Passion and would give everything for all.
You are at the moment of confirming Christ in your hearts, of testifying to Christ within your lives through acts of love and fraternity.
Perhaps some think that your Master has already said these things several times. If I repeat them, it is through My Divine Mercy, because it is My Divine Mercy that provides the patience to be able to bear with certain matters.
But it is time to not resist anymore, and time to let the stone of the heart break so that My Light may penetrate into the depths of the consciousness, and make of all My servers true apostles of Love and Unity.
Only with the experience lived through Love and Unity will you allow Me to be among you longer, above all, to be with the souls of the world that ardently seek My Divine Mercy in order to settle their debts, their errors and their behaviors that have wounded the Heart of God.
I beg you, do not forget unity among your hearts, because this will make the difference in being able to reach other nations of the world.
The Universe is waiting to be able to have Graces descend upon the nations of the Asian continent.
So that this may happen, you must take this first step toward unity, because unity is eternally built through love and service to your peers.
Thus, I heal you of your misunderstandings, your resistances, and also of your extremely hard hearts.
This is why I gave you My Heart yesterday, as an offering for the souls who most needed it, but also for My servers, the oldest among the old, who have been walking by My side for a long time in this spiritual task that I entrust to each heart, with the objective that they may fulfill the Purpose of the Father who is present in the Heavens and must descend to Earth through your surrender and service.
I still hope, companions, My oldest companions, to be able to count on each one of you in truth, in transparency, in openness, in love, in unity, so that the healing that your spirits still need may emerge.
And this healing will be a benefit for all of humanity, although you may still not believe it. This is how I bring about the death of the human condition within My oldest servers of the Plan.
I need to avail Myself of your hearts in order to reach the hearts of the world.
I will not be able to go directly to these hearts because you have committed to being My intermediaries in all details of life, in each step that is to be taken, in group life, in the fraternal community life, which must be your first principle, so that you know how to fulfill the Will of God.
I am relinquishing this space here in Miami to speak to My oldest servers of the Plan. Do you know what that means in this moment, to set aside My task for a moment, to attend to your inner issues?
Could it be that, someday, companions, you will have the courage to overcome yourselves for Me, so that I may give the world what I have come to give to humanity?
If you take this true step, you will see My Work be carried out in a spontaneous and true way through the miracles that I expect to perform in the hearts that most need them, such as those found here today, who come to seek reconciliation with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, the Three Persons of God.
The Most Holy Trinity calls upon greater attention to the details of group life, of fraternity, mainly in unity, My servers must not lose these attributes.
I need you to build, as I have taught you, an inner fortitude, capable of removing the resistances from the consciousness.
Yesterday I gave you an example of a transcended soul. Today I give you an example of a soul that resists, because everyone comes to learn in this humanity: to forgive, to love and to be healed.
And this you will do for the rest of your lives, in order to conquer the Kingdom of Heaven, which waits to descend into your hearts to finalize this Plan of God, which is written in His eternal Heart of Love.
The Sacraments will free you, sanctify you all, and, they will allow you to live Communion with My Merciful Heart, in union with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Let the suffering souls excuse Me, but know that I am attending to your supplications.
I must care for My flocks that are closer to Me.
The fierce wolf does not rest in trying to hunt not even one of My sheep, you have already experienced this and you have lived it, there are verified examples for this.
Just as the apostles from the past experienced their purification, their transformation and awakening, I do the same with My apostles in this time.
I always use the same Laws to be able to work through Mercy and Divine Justice.
While Divine Justice has not yet come, use My Divine Mercy to make of your hearts meek and serene souls that will accomplish My Purpose.
In Miami, I must found a work, a primary work of instruction and prayer so that souls may approach My Heart and make of this place a point of reference for those who awaken.
This has just begun. From the moment in which your hearts opened to receive Me in this city, upon which I aspire to pour out, up to the last days, the Mercy of God, that Mercy which will allow the city to be purified, and allow it to be transformed.
But if hearts accept My call, some things will not happen, because the commitment of North America is to be a fraternal nation, a serving nation, in cooperation with the most suffering nations of the world, to banish war and to establish peace through service and prayer.
The aspiration of the Father is very great: to be able to correct creatures that, in different ways, have deviated from the path of Light.
Miami must be this redeemed cradle that sets aside superficial life so as to enter into immaterial life. This is My wish.
Ceremony of the blessing of the elements for anointing, baptism and communion.
Every day I remind you of My Passion so that you can transcend and thus be able to gain the inner strength to break up your deepest resistances and make of your consciousnesses luminous consciousnesses, permeated by the Love of God, by His Wisdom and by His Truth.
Through these elements, I give to the most simple, to the most hard-working, the Gift of My Liberation from the chains of resistance and the Gift of the opening of the soul to live in communion with the Creator.
I bless these elements so that they may become My Body and My Blood.
Just as God blesses your hearts every day when you seek Him in truth and in unity, so I establish the Kingdom of God throughout the world.
With the Light of My Spirit, I embrace you, and I thank all the pilgrims for having helped Me to accomplish this great mission throughout the nations of Central America, Mexico and the United States.
A great door to perdition was finally closed by your adherence to My Heart and by the efforts of everyone.
This is incalculable for the Creator Father, and, above all, for His children.
I thank you.
I give you peace and I wish you to always be peace, within each place of this world, for the Earth cries out for liberation.
I thank you.
Where it seems that nothing is happening, many things occur in the one who is united with My Spirit.
Thus, today I come to unite people and beliefs under one spirituality, which I taught in the past to My apostles and to My followers through the Gospel, the rule of Love. This is the spirituality for these times.
Many may proclaim My Name, but in truth, I will not be in them.
Many will carry out works through My Name, but in truth, I will not be in them.
It is the essence of My Love that allows all things in this time.
That is why today I bring closer to you the Grace of being in Me, and I in you. It is in this simplicity that I always want to see you, rather than in opulence, or power.
With My Hands, I banish those who say they govern through My Name.
I came to teach in the past so that you might learn to love, to forgive, and to understand your neighbor.
I came to be with you all, without exception. I sat at the table with the rich, I sat on the ground with the poor, I spoke with prostitutes, I converted atheists and rescued those who had committed adultery, because I came to see in you the essence of your souls, which is what must not be lost and is what many are losing in this time.
I come to reconnect you with the commitment you made to Me a long time ago, of which you are not conscious today, only through My Grace that awakens you to this reality. So do not fear, I am present in those who live Me, in those who truly preach Me, without anything in return.
I come here, companions, so that you may recover the filiation with My Father and not waste time on the false things that the world promises. My true Kingdom is found in your hearts and I am able to be in your hearts when you open the door of your souls to Me; in this way, I will be able to purify your lives and consciousnesses, and you will be one with God, and one with Me forever.
I come to bring you a lifeline that many today do not want to experience, because they do not accept repentance.
Many things will happen in the world, although you cannot believe it. Thus, I come to prepare you in this cycle as My new apostles, so that you may live Me, so that you may testify to Me in each corner of this world.
Thus, I come to renew the Sacraments, and to give the Sacraments to those that have never received them in their lives. The Sacrament is an opportunity of purification and renewal, of sanctity and of consecration of all your spirits before the Celestial Father.
You are before a great mystery through the Sacraments; but as much as you do not understand them, I teach you to live them in simplicity, because when you open your hearts, many things will be able to happen, and inexplicable miracles will occur in each of your lives.
After so many meetings with Me, companions, you are ready to bear the end of times, and although the weariness is great, the victory of My Heart will be greater; when it works on the nations of the world, it comes to dispel the darkness of hearts and peoples, it comes to open a door of light where it does not exist, a unique and inexplicable opportunity for all. That is why I Am the Sacred and Blessed Heart.
It is the essence of My living Heart that allows all these things. So I bring you peace and the possibility of renewing hope and of confirming in each of your lives the living of My Heart in your beings, because it will be that great treasure of My Heart that will free you from all evil and all temptation.
Through My Words, which I give you today with Love, I go freeing the restraints of your consciousnesses, I untie the knots from your spirits so that the doors of redemption can open upon you; it is through this cause that I send My angels from the Celestial Universe so that not only your lives, but also your nations can receive the expiation of My Heart and so that you do not miss this opportunity of meeting Me again in this time of tribulation.
I want souls from Costa Rica in prayer for this nation and for the sister nations of Central America, so that the equilibrium of the equator may be maintained on this planet in the place that corresponds, and not in another.
So I come to speak to you about physics and true science, because in the real science of God, the spiritual and the immaterial is always present.
If you pray with devotion to My Sacred Heart, Costa Rica, although it lives in a superficial manner, will not have the doors closed to My Grace and many more will be touched by the impulse of your prayer and of your sacred invocation to My Glorious Name.
So I invite you, My friends, My friends from the past, to be aware within your consciousness to dispel the distraction and to open your eyes to the truth that the world experiences, the truth of its suffering and its pain.
I want you to be conscious souls, available for My Service, so that I can work through your lives and hearts, and that today I not only come for you, but for all the souls of Costa Rica that so much need My Divine and unfathomable Mercy.
I come to tell you, My friends, if you truly do not live love, that I Am this Source of Love for your lives that can bring you closer to God on different paths; this is why, My friends, I am uniting beliefs and peoples under one spirituality; this is the essence of My Message for this day.
What I want from Central America is that it does not lose its beautiful Eden. My Father has created it so that you could take care of it through your generations and all of your peoples. Do not let this be destroyed, because you will have no place to take refuge when the planet moves, as has been foreseen, physically.
I do not come to bring you pressure or fear, but rather awareness and truth.
I Am the living Truth for you. Your lives can be true when you simply seek Me and are in Me.
I have been able to complete part of My Work in this place, with all the prayers of your brothers and sisters who accompanied Me under the spirit of Divine Mercy.
You do not know how much relief My Heart feels for all those who pray in the world, who prayed in this Marathon in a sincere and non-mechanical way, feeling the need for the redemption and intervention of My Source of Mercy, because as I have told you, the Justice of My Father will come.
I just want you all to be saved, just as I saved you on the Cross, giving each part of My Body and of My Spirit, assuming the sins of the world up to My last breath. Do you know what this means, companions?
Remember Me on the Cross not as a dead person, but rather as the living Son of God, Who brought victory to the lives of the world, closing the darkness and all hells.
But now the world is to be found in great ignorance and indifference. Many, a great many souls ask themselves why they suffer in this time and if it is a punishment of God.
He who created you in His Image and Likeness could never punish you, because He would not be the God of Love.
He can only give you His Justice, not the justice that exists on this Earth, but the Justice that is in the Celestial Kingdom, and in this Justice, Companions, is My Divine Mercy.
Can you now understand the expansion of My Love, which is infinite, sublime, and immaterial? This is what you must not lose.
This is why I call on you to be with Me in this cycle, because I will not be able to be with you much longer. My cycle is ending and humanity must hear My Words. You must be disseminators of this Message of Mine and of all that I have said to you throughout these years.
My wish is that each one of My Words be written in a book, for humanity must recover its origin and read as God reads, and not with the modernities that affect the evolution of the spirits. Do you now understand the global hypnotism?
I come to give My Grace to all. Thus, if you read My Words in books, you will recover your intimacy with God; you will feel the vibration of My Words written on paper, rather than on screens.
This is why I use these means of communication, fulfilling the prophecy that I gave to a great spirit, a great server from the East.
By fulfilling the prophecy of this wise server, I am closing a cycle before the world and humanity experience their Judgment and the last trumpet of the angels of God sounds in the world.
I do not come to be apocalyptic, but rather true in Love, and in the essence of Spirit.
Happy are they who understand beyond what I say, because the words will have entered their hearts rather than their minds, and I will not have wasted even a gram of energy, the way humanity wastes it all the time, creating confusion, error, and wars, because of their verbiage.
Live in the silence of the Universe, look at the stars at night and ask the Father, "Adonai, who am I?" And you will thus feel peace, you will step out of chaos, and you will be able to be united with Me in prayer and in vigil.
Thus, I need you so as to be able to finish accomplishing My Works in the Americas and beyond them.
I come to leave My most cherished spiritual treasures for you, precious pearls of the immaterial life, the spiritual life, and the Kingdom of God; those same pearls that I gave in the past as Jesus of Nazareth.
For this reason, I want you to remember on this day of blessings, a message that has become a song for Me, from My favorite daughters, who make My Message resound in the world through their voice and their union with Me.
It is through this song that I will bless you on this day, and all these elements will be spirits of Grace for souls and for the neediest hearts; because when you experience a Sacrament, remember that you will be doing so for all of humanity, which suffers from the causes of its own evils and its disconnection from God.
It is that Grace of God that allows Me to be here among you.
And now, I will bless while you sing the story of My Life.
I love you and will always love you.
Even though you may fail Me someday, My Love for you is bigger than all of that. I Love the planet; the Project of God is this humanity, which must be the new Jerusalem that shines in this Universe forever.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Archangel Gabriel:
I am the Archangel Gabriel, the Messenger of God,
I come before Christ to announce a prophecy,
Let us pray to the First-born Son.
Thank you for listening.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
In the name of the Christ of Light...
Let us again sing "Christ, You are Love" to wait for the Master
Embrace your cross and follow me.
I come from Heaven as a Messenger of Peace, to bring hope to lost hearts, to bring peace to those who judge Me, to bring healing to those who most need it.
I Am that Great Heart of the Universe that announces itself to all souls, bringing them renewal, transcendence and the transfiguration of their consciousnesses.
This is My Message for the end of times: That all may vivify Me, no matter to what belief they belong, because if the Love of God is in you, there will be the Love of the Son of God and He will fill you, He will guide you, that love will strengthen you, and you will know which path to follow in these times.
I am calling all the souls that follow different paths of light, and even more, I call those souls that are lost on dark paths.
Including within My Church. I come to banish what is already old.
My Government is Divine rather than terrestrial.
My Church is Celestial and Universal and is not made of stone, as it is in the minds of some hearts.
I come to bring everyone the Great Spirit of My Ascension, which throbs in the heart of the Universe and that has redeemed all the existing world. Thus, I also bring you My Divine Mercy so that deep in your hearts you may know My Peace.
I do not come to create conflicts among nations, nor among religions. My sole religion, dear companions, is Love, and I know that, since the beginning, when I was among you, those first did not understand My Message. And that mistaken message has come forward today; thus, the structure of My Church is very rigid.
Time and again, through My Divine Aspects, I come to bring a renewal in order to break away from all the structures that have crystallized many hearts on Earth.
Live in My Mercy and truly profess My Divine Mercy.
My scepter is not with the impious, nor with those who think to govern through Me.
My scepter of Light is with the humble, because it is nothing material. My Government is spiritual and incalculable.
I bring the Divine Mercy of the Universe for all, something which I drew to Earth when I died on the Cross.
So really feel these things, transform your hearts in time and you will not remain like your fellow beings, lost in their own ideas and projects.
May all be able to hear again, just as you listened at the Mount of Beatitudes: I Am the Son of humankind. I am that pure Heart of Love that is represented through Mercy so that all souls may achieve redemption.
In this final cycle of the planet, our message is not to bring terror to hearts, but rather, consciousness and awakening.
When the impulse of our messages reaches the whole world you will see how the castles of sand will move, of those who build their own structures and say they are doing it in My Name. But things are not like this, companions.
I invite you to live the renouncement of self, the emptiness of self, so that My Church, which is celestial rather than terrestrial, may awaken in all the hearts that need it.
Therefore, I am sending My angels and archangels so that they may testify to the world that many of My apostles are mistaken.
I came to bring you the Gospel and the good news through the simple things, through prayer, charity, and poverty.
In My Celestial Church no wealth is kept, but only the treasure of the Heart of God that is not visible to all.
Open your eyes, My apostles of the whole world, priests that preach My Word.
My real church is still descending to the world and it is spiritual and sublime.
Happy are those who adore Me in the Holy Sacrament, because they will be able to understand all the mysteries that I bring today.
Do not bother your siblings any longer; live your own transformation before the door of Mercy closes. There will be no place or space where you will be able to cry.
Repent and do penitence, priests, before it is all too late.
It has already been said and written: the Son of God, together with His angels and archangels, will separate the straw from the wheat and will come with His Divine Justice to correct humanity and also all of the church's on Earth.
Nothing will escape My Universal Justice but if you repent from the heart, rather than only in appearance, you will be able to find My Celestial Kingdom.
Again, I will not cast My pearls before swine.
Help souls so they can rescue themselves and fulfill the mission they came to fulfill.
Do not defame the things of My Work and unite in charity and in ecumenism because it will be the Love of God that will triumph in all the hearts of the Earth.
It will be that infinite and inexplicable Love that will unite religions and beliefs because when I physically return to the world, I will show the world and especially all My followers, how mistaken they have been. In this way, they will open their eyes and will be able to recognize all I have done throughout the ages, through all the consciousnesses that I have self-summoned.
Do not tempt evil, because in truth you do not know it. Unite with My Heart and you will find peace.
Do not be unbelievers, do not deny My Message.
My Heart comes to those that have not reached My Church, to all those who have not managed to attract it.
Live in love and you will be in My Divine Mercy, and you will not be touched by the rod of My Justice.
Do not deny My Message.
I do not come for the world, I come for essences, for the hearts that need to find love again and live My last and Divine Mercy, for I will raise those to the Kingdom of My Father who are fallen and it will not be My priests who will first enter the Kingdom of God.
Have you ever asked yourselves whether you may go to purgatory?
Everything is allowed in these times.
Live love, because humanity needs love, thus, you will attract peace, and in this way, the conflict on the whole planet will end.
Friar Elías of the Sacred Heart:
Christ is gone
Let us enter a moment into adoration and ask for forgiveness, for us and for our brothers and sisters, for the fulfillment of the Work of the Father.
Each one will make their offer to Christ, in gratitude and love
The Archangel Gabriel has asked us for the Holy Sacrament: Can you bring it here?
Let us keep the connection with the angels.
Let us stay in silent prayer, being grateful for the presence of the Archangel Gabriel, and all that this means.
Let us keep the contact with that reality, that Angelic and Archangelic Kingdom that comes to help us and bring us peace. And in this way, we are going to prepare ourselves for adoring the Holy Sacrament for some minutes, bringing peace to us, to the planet, and to our peers, for those of whom Christ spoke to.
The Archangel Gabriel tells us to penetrate the Universe of the Holy Sacrament with the eyes of our heart.
Through this sacred symbol, may we find the Kingdom of God and all the adoring angels who bring Peace and the Mercy of God to all the Universes.
Let us adore, says the Archangel Gabriel, for all those who have been outraged and removed from the path of light.
Let us offer this adoration for these souls, trusting in the fullness of the Mercy of God for each one of them.
Let us unite our souls with the Holy Sacrament of the Altar and trust in the Lord at this same present moment, in the Eternal Present of the Creator.
Let us adore for those who are unjust and for those who hurt the Plan of God, because in their essence, they really do not know love, but only pain.
Let us have mercy and let us be merciful.
Let us revere.
Those who are present say the prayer to the Angel of Peace.
My God, I believe...
Let us thank Christ for this moment and carry His Words in our heart, to inwardly maintain this communion we had with Him.
Let us close the program of today in this way, in silence, so that we may keep what the Archangel Gabriel and Christ built inside of us.
Thank you Lord for all that you give us!
Today I do not come from the desert, but from a place in the Universe, to contemplate My warriors, those who say they live in My Divine Mercy.
Finally, I have arrived here at this part of the planet to excise from the bosom of this Humanity and from some souls that which corrodes the spiritual life.
When facing the power of hell, your hearts must not fear. If My Government is present and alive in your hearts, the Plan of My Father will triumph.
The earth may tremble, abysses may open, beasts may emerge, but the angels of the Lord, who serve all souls, will come to your aid to banish everything that generates impurity in humankind. They will bring from the Universe and from the Heavenly Universes the Gifts and the Graces of God so that the souls may convert and participate in this defining Plan that begins to pulse in My new apostles.
When I am present, companions, there is no evil that can resist.
Remember that I suffered for you, endured for you, surrendered My Life for you, shed My Blood for you, to generate Liberation throughout the times.
Through the Merits of My Divine Mercy, believe that it is possible to transcend the abysses of the Earth, and through My Sacred Presence, by means of My Unfathomable Heart of Light, to close the doors to evil so that the souls may resurrect spiritually, liberated from their bonds, from the chains of involution, so that the real soul can emerge, the divine essence created by God that came to fulfill a part of the great Universal Purpose.
Today I have come here with My great Consciousness of Light.
After a long time, I approach you with My whole Being, so that your bodies do not tremble, but your hearts may warm up in My Divine Spirit.
All the angels that form part of My legions of Light congregate when I am present to transmit to you the message of salvation and redemption.
When the King of the Universe is present, the doors of the Kingdom of God are open and all the Heavenly Hierarchies gather as one Brotherhood, to impel the self-summoned to live the end of times with a brave and courageous spirit, with the spirit of a true warrior who does not battle with the sword to harm, but who works with their heart to radiate My Love to the world.
The Love of God that can live in you all the time will make you invincible, you will endure contrary currents that will come to My apostles to prepare them for the great final moment, when the great fallen angel will experience his judgment before the Presence of the Son of God, the Supreme Father, the Holy Spirit, the Archangel Gabriel and the Most Holy Mother of the World.
As time goes by, as the end of times approaches and the hour of judgment draws near, the most impure demons tremble, seeing the Light of Christ shine on all the children of God determined to take steps in My glorious Holy Name, to defeat the evil currents and materialize the Plan of God on the surface of the planet.
Each month, when I approach you, your hearts must be more conscious, your minds must be united to Mine, so that nothing, and no one, can separate you from Me.
I offer you My powerful Heart that is the emblem of the true sword of Light that flames in the Universe to institute, in all Creation, the Love and Unity that will never separate the creatures from God, in spite of any contrary current that comes to hurt you or disturb you. Know, dear companions, that the doors of Armageddon are already open.
Work every day, not only to elevate your consciousnesses but also to redeem each aspect of your beings and to help your fellow beings to abandon the chains of evil, to redeem themselves, to transcend, to reach love and to make My Heart triumph in each being of this world.
Be My apostles of the end of times, be this unique spirit that works for the Plan of God in the name of the Firstborn Son and the Heavenly Mother.
Do not tire of working for this Work of God that descends upon Aurora, and upon each human heart so that it may be a participant of the coming Kingdom of God, after the transition of the Earth.
Cross the threshold of this transition without fear, even though the attacks are strong, and the battles tiring.
Believe, dear companions, that My Merciful and Luminous Heart will dazzle you, it will be the light for the world, it will be the burning flame that will light the path of each one of you during the times of great darkness.
And even though on the surface of the planet the forces of evil may have possession of many hearts, I have many, many creatures who are My servers, tireless, who are by My side, following My Steps in the name of sacrifice and humility, in the name of reparation for all the outrages committed.
In all of them is My Temperance, My Fire, My Light, My tireless Love that can radiate to the world through the spirits who say "yes" to the Voice of the Great Master.
While I speak to you, companions, My Voice exorcises all things, closes all uncertain doors and brings the Kingdom of God to the surface of a sick planet, so that the hearts may be able to connect every day with the Purpose of God, which is written in the souls from the beginning of creation until the end of times.
You, together with Me, form part of a new history that is written in the Heart of the Father, a redeeming history, a history of peace and love that is known again by each one of My apostles.
Do not try to modify the times; everything will pass, but My Words will remain.
When I am no longer here, giving you the impulse of My Heart, you must experience in your lives all the impulses that I have poured out, throughout the last times, in each prayer marathon, in each monthly encounter with Me.
The soul that has profited from all the Graces poured out from My most pure Heart, from My meek Spirit, will be safe during the end time and will have the shield, the sword and the helmet to prepare for the battle.
Thus I form the armies, armies of humility, free of pride, of all arrogance; spirits in freedom who know how to find peace when chaos is present in the world.
Do not forget, companions, the Universal Laws, which I entrust you to study so that nothing may surprise you ahead of time, and thus you will know how to prepare your fellow beings when everything unleashes in the world.
The great and last knot of the resistant consciousness of humanity will be untied by your King. And when this happens, everything will develop as it was written by My beloved apostle John.
Live the Apocalypse in awareness, unveil the mysteries through the signs that come by means of the Divine Messengers.
See around you each movement of the planet and do not be indifferent, because if you are indifferent, you will be isolated from the Truth and will not have the knowledge to be able to discern things.
Live the Wisdom that is poured out by the instructors that My Father has entrusted to you. Know how to recognize in humility the Love that exists in them.
Separate yourselves from appearances, live one brotherhood, because this brotherhood, companions, will build the true castle that will support the whole battle.
But if you are firm in Love and Unity, there will be nothing to defeat it, to tear it down, because your hearts will be in the Light, in the Unity, in the Mercy of God, codes that evil does not know in these times and has never known.
Live duality, not as a conflict, be intelligent and know how to endure the currents that come from the Universe.
Our hands are extended, not only to remove you from the desert, but to separate you from the abyss that opens on the surface of this world, swallowing many innocent souls.
Be merciful. In the small details of life, imitate Our Hearts that are already sacred to you and that come to your encounter to bring you the Light of God, the Hope.
Now see, companions, with your consciousnesses of Light.
Feel, with your hearts, how everything has become peaceful. For wherever God's Love is, nothing opposite exists, only the Truth exists, which fills the hearts so they can vivify, in spirit, the Presence of the Sublime Father.
Feel how the angels help to restore all things, bringing the Grace of God to the hearts that are open to receive it profoundly in their essences.
Lastly, I ask you, carry your cross, not as a punishment, nor as a martyrdom. Carry your cross for all the souls of the world, for the horror that the Kingdoms of Nature endure while no one, not even the majority, remembers them.
Love as you have never loved before, and your hearts will be redeemed.
Trust. Because if you love, God will be present in your lives.
My Words bring the power of the new, the renewal, because I renew all things.
I come to announce to everyone that I need you to carry My Work forward. And while you are purifying yourselves, I will help you to see the aim in your inner universe.
Today I celebrate a reparative supper with everyone. I pour My Grace over the world to bring Peace.
They have prepared a special bread for Me, that I like very much because it is the bread that symbolized, two thousand years ago, the presence of My Body, in divine matter, for all the souls of the world. Whenever you make a bread like this, know that you will remember the presence of the Son in the Last Supper and His transfiguration in Light and Love.
We offer these gifts for all the fallen souls, for those who have abandoned My path, in these last times, because I will meet them again and I will say to them: "What have you done with the talents I gave you?"
The precious pearls that I give cannot be discarded. Therefore I transform you rapidly and I bring you into the circuit of purification so that you do not lose the treasures that I have deposited in you, in confidence.
Therefore, those who are today around this Work are not the same as those who were here yesterday, I teach them to work in humility, but not in the indifference of being rested, without doing anything for the Plan.
I invite you to recognize an anonymous life, a deep emptiness, so that the silence may emerge which will always reveal the sacred to you.
There is no first or second for Me. All are in the lines of the army of the Redeemer.
I invite you to take advantage of the opportunities that I give to you in the last lines, for in them is the greatest responsibility to encourage those who come to transcend their lives and to fulfill the Purpose that God intended.
Let us celebrate this Supper for the apostles who are arriving at My table and for those who will come to demonstrate to the older ones, in this apostleship of love, that humility will always keep them united to God.
And you will do as I did with My apostles: you will wash the feet of the younger ones so that they have a greater opportunity to love.
Be humble as I taught you, do not want anything for yourselves, but everything for the others. That is a soul who lives in heavenly joy.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of Christ let us sing: "Warriors of Mercy."
Mercy, Ocean of Piety...
Dear companions, I leave you My Body and My Blood as a testimony of My Faith in you, for the Purpose of God to be fulfilled in each heart that is congregated to My Spirit to live the Sacred Word and the divine example of Christification.
I thank you for enduring with Me the powerful currents that come to liberate humanity.
Know that My Heart offers Itself as a refuge for each soul that aspires to be in it.
We will see each other, companions, in the next Marathon of Mercy, in which I will visit My most beloved apostles, those who support My Work unconditionally.
See, in that sense, that the plans that I have for all are a source of Grace for the souls, an opportunity that cannot be missed.
Be conscious of this and support My holy decisions, because thus you will not be deceived.
I bless you, in the name of God's Light, under the power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Be peace for this planet and never tire of being so.
While I elevate myself, my warriors of Mercy shall sing, for the strength of the warrior is in Love.
Warriors of Mercy...
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Brothers and sisters, let us thank Christ for the opportunity that He decrystallize our consciousnesses in representation of all the consciousnesses of the Planet who live in the illusion of these times, who do not know the Love of God and who are not awake to the true task.
Let us give thanks because Christ, as a greater Governor, comes to bring us these currents so that we may know them and distinguish them and not fear them, but instead open our hearts and our spirits to be able to follow this Work of the end of times to which we are being summoned, as He said today.
Today He came with all His Celestial Government, to say it in some form.
When He appeared He had a staff in his left hand, with which He hit the ground and an expansion of sun Light embraced the whole planet in a matter of seconds, taking, liberating and expelling many evils.
He showed this deed, this exercise, not for us to know His Power, because while He did this exercise, at the same time He revealed His meek and humble Heart.
We feel that Christ came to teach us to experience determination, to put an end to a phase and start a new cycle, accompanied by His Presence.
Thus we are invited, as He said today, to follow His holy decisions.
When My Heart is flogged, It feels the horror of the world and the persecution that the souls live on losing their life on this planet.
When My Heart is flogged, It feels the indifference of humankind after the purpose lived by Me, and for each one of you.
When My Heart is flogged, the souls must console it with good works of love and of charity, remembering the importance of their fellow being.
When My Heart is flogged, It feels the transgression of humankind and the perdition lived by souls for not venerating My Sacred Heart.
Today I reveal My flogged Heart to you, because I need It to be present in your lives, so that the world does not totally lose its peace.
This meek Heart offered Itself to you, to generate the salvation of the times, the surrender of souls, and the rehabilitation of the lost hearts throughout the times and the centuries.
This meek Heart offered Itself to you to live the indifference of humankind, to endure the sin of humanity and all of the outrages that would be done up to these days.
See then, companions, how much My flogged Heart still carries the sin of the world, and the indifference of souls, which is very great in these times. That is why I invite you to live Me and to console Me, for in this way, you will console God, Who covers His Eyes with His Hands in order to not see what His creatures are doing in these times.
The angels, prostrate to the ground, plead to God for His infinite Mercy, and so that His Law does not precipitate over the ungrateful and in all those who are indifferent.
I come to show you My Sacred and Flogged Heart so that you may contemplate it.
In you I support My Works, the pillars of the new humanity, in all the members of My Church, in all My followers, in all My new apostles, who I invite to return to the path that they lost sight of, the path toward My flogged Heart.
Your love may be the balm for My Heart. God gave each one of you the essence of love and of unity, that is seriously being transgressed by the human condition in these times, as well as in all the Kingdoms of Nature.
So the Celestial Hierarchy expands Its Work in the world, so that all hearts may hear the cry of the Sacred Hearts, which come to plead for penitence and repentance, for confession and communion, for each one of the souls that do not want to look at God, nor His Holy Kindness.
Today My angels do not sing Hallelujah, but they will not stop singing it either.
Today My angels are doing penitence for every action committed in this world, in every one of the nations, in every people living their own terror and their own indifference.
Enter into penitence, at least offer it to Me one day; but know that you are not being punished, but rather you will live this penitence for each one that does not repent in this world.
Today I bring you this revelation of My outraged Heart so that you may accompany Me, My beloveds, in this transition that the Earth and all of this race is living in omission.
I would like that this indifference be transmuted by each one of you, in fasting, in prayer, in communion, in the example of a Christic life, and in the permanent search for a perfect alliance among brothers, all so different from each other, but which may be united in a single brotherhood; that brotherhood that I invite you to live in these times, and which humanity has completely forgotten.
Living this penitence with Me and offering it to God through My Heart, many souls will be saved and the Kingdoms of Nature will also be aided.
Today I invite you to open the consciousness towards this state of My Universal Consciousness, for My Heart still suffers for each one of you, especially for those who do not hear Me nor contemplate Me in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Happy are those who do so every day, because My grace will be close to them and they will not lack the consolation to survive these times, in the end times that are approaching.
I invite you to live the Law and to not forget it, to be just with one another, compassionate and merciful among your fellow beings; that is the first Law, it is the tonic of this time for each one of you, companions.
I invite you to make this effort for those that do not do so, for those who deny God, for those that do evil to their brothers of the planet.
If I gave My Blood for each one of you in the perpetual flogging of My Heart, a flogging that I lived during the passion, blood should no longer run in this world, nor should there be unjust deaths that could activate the anger of God. You do not know, companions, what this means.
But I invite you to be more aware in this crucial time, in which the battle is present in the world, thus fulfilling the time of the Armageddon.
Let My Blood not be inappropriately spilled; may It be contemplated by all so that you may receive the codes of My Peace and your lives be transformed into the perfect model that I have for each one of you.
Today My Message for the world is of contrition and of profound penitence.
Remember that I was three days in the sepulcher, saving humanity and closing the hells that humanity had created, bringing a new divine opportunity for those that do not deserve it.
For that reason, with three days of penitence, many things could be resolved; each one knows what they can give Me at this time in which My Heart pleads for you to be more awake and vigilant with Me, just as I said to My apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane.
At that moment I wanted to tell each one of you, watch united with Me always, praying so that you are not tempted, as the world is tempted in its materialism, in its property, in its false power executing many souls of the world.
That also is the flogging of My Heart, the main Wound of My Spirit that still has not healed and which I offer to God for each one of My apostles and of My followers that is united to Me in this time of purification and of great tribulation for the world.
Remember My Sacred Heart every day and do not forget to pray with Me for all the souls of the Earth, more for those who are far away from God and are imprisoned by My adversary.
Who seeks My Heart will only have peace and will never again repent of living in It, in spite of what may happen in this time. Who trusts in Me will be strengthened.
I wish to say to My consecrated that in this hour, in which My Heart lives its great martyrdom for the world, the great inner flogging that It receives from ungrateful souls, I ask you do not abandon Me, that you do not leave Me alone in this moment in which the barge of My Light, in a great storm of desperation and of pain, tries to save the hearts of the world. Take the oars that I gave you and do not tire of rowing.
The victory of My Heart in you is close, but your hearts must be clean and must accept the purification.
All those in the world consecrated to My life of religiosity cannot abandon Me in this moment. I do not want you to wound My Heart. You would not be just after so many graces received.
Hold on to My Mantle, kiss My Feet, and remain there always; I will give you the strength to continue onward, in the midst of any tribulation. Remember that you, and all the souls that follow My Sacred Heart in this time, are responsible for many more souls in the world.
Who will justify themselves before My Father when the final judgement occurs?
My Sacred Heart is the mediator between you and God; it is the maximum power of the love that shelters each of the hearts, when they live My Celestial Attributes.
I do not want you to feel sorry about what is happening in this moment. Do not enter the sea of bitterness of the world. My flogged Heart suffers enough for the souls that despair and still do not look at God.
How much grandeur there is in Heaven, how much grace and mercy could sprout in the hearts of the world, how much power and wholeness could vivify hearts in this Sacred Mission that I invite you to live with Me, all of the time.
On this Friday, companions, I sit at the table of each one of the Monasteries of this Order that tries to fulfill My Purpose, and I will consecrate the elements so that they may console My flogged Heart, the Heart of My Father, for all the horrors of the world and all the indifferences that are committed at this time.
Repeat to My Father the prayer of the Angel of Peace, that which He taught you so that all may be restored in time, before the Law approaches the world.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us sing together to Christ, "Watch united with Me always praying."
When My Heart purifies you, the doorways of Heaven open so that hearts may find the Grace of God; that Grace that you must always seek until the end of your days, so that My Project may be fulfilled in each one of your spirits.
And now, in the name of the Father, His Beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit, I will consecrate the Holy Communion for each one of you.
Remember, companions, to restore My Sacred Heart.
In these simple elements is to be found life for each one of your souls, and thus, I constitute the Work of My Divine Mercy in all those who, in true repentance and in supreme penitence, commune with Me, thus establishing the gifts and the codes of My Light in all the hearts.
The Our Father in Aramaic.
Thus, I will offer the holy Sacraments for one soul, so that in her name many more souls, in that painful condition of being lost in the world, at least the majority may again find My path, toward redemption and toward peace.
I Am the One that satiated that hearts. I Am the true sap for your lives. I Am the Sacred Heart of Jesus and I leave you My Peace, I deliver to you My Heart so that you keep It, adore It, and contemplate It.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Although it does not seem so, My Light defeats evil and so My Plan on Earth triumphs, in each open heart that listens to Me and receives at this hour the powerful flow of My Love, the one that will transform you completely and bring life, the spiritual life that exists in the Universes and forms part of each being, when he awakens to his truth.
This truth and this awakening tries to be infiltrated by My enemy. But the power of My Love defeats everything and he fears My Light and My Truth. When he faces it, he becomes confused and does not know what to do, because he does not know Love; he truly turned away from Love, the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
It is this Triune Love that brings you Eternal Life, renewal and peace for these times.
In this Holy Trinity you must keep your hearts and lives, within this triangle of light that represents the Holy Trinity; there you will be protected from all evil, you will help to protect your brothers and sisters and you will also help, dear companions, to remove the illusion of those asleep at this moment.
This worldwide illusion is created by My adversary all the time.
The souls are hypnotized and many believe in another spiritual life that is not the one I offer at this time.
My adversary confuses the souls and shows himself with splendor through a false light that blinds the hearts and makes them enter into confused paths, which lead them to separate from My Law.
For it is the Law of My Love that shows them the Truth.
If I gave My Life for you and I now give My Life for you, at this time, why follow other paths, companions? My adversary only wants to tempt you, he wants to separate you from My true Heart of Light.
Therefore, today I bring you a real example of this maximum fidelity, through two consciousnesses that gave their lives for Me, obeyed My instructions and followed My Steps with profound loyalty and humility.
They are Saint Teresita of Lisieux and Saint Teresa of Jesus, two examples for your lives that I present today at My Heavenly Altar. Two Masters of prayer, of the consecration and of the spiritual path, who can guide your steps if you only consecrate your hearts.
In all the Saints of the Universe who gave their life on Earth for Me, there is also the sacred example, the reverence, the true burning devotion.
In Saint Teresita of Lisieux you can find the example of humility, of real love for Baby Jesus and His true Heavenly Mastery.
In Saint Teresa of Jesus your will find your inner renewal, the consecrated life; each one on a different level of love and on their level of commitment to Me.
Saint Teresa of Jesus offers herself as your Instructor for this time, to guide the souls of the self-summoned, of those who are awakening at this time to the real Spiritual Consciousness of the Universe.
Today I recommend to you these two great consciousnesses because they have given a loyal testimony of My Word in the world and, most of all, of My Sacred Heart.
In both you will find the path to perfection.
All the paths that are full of love lead My Paths. This is what you should try to follow at this time and not be deceived by yourselves as the world is deceived.
Today I bring you this message, companions, because it is important that you grow in Truth.
Today I invite you to be humble, within the spiritual apostleship that I offer to all souls.
I only need you to pray with Me, that you adore the Son of God, because you will be adoring the Heavenly Father. That you contemplate this legacy that I hand you to be able to open your consciousness towards this path of redemption.
All souls are called to live on My path. The only path that I offer at this time is the path of love, that can unite you to your brothers and sisters, to all those who are around you, to all those who seek the truth, the truth of the heart.
It is this truth that will make you strong to remove from the consciousness all the lies, all illusion and all mistakes that My enemy articulates in secret behind each being; but whoever lives in My Heart and lives it truly, will not be fooled by him.
His time is approaching and My armies are preparing themselves for this.
You are called to enter into this spiritual command of the end of times and Armageddon, for you to prepare yourselves to experience the battle, a battle that is not known to the world, that was written by John, in the Apocalypse.
This hour is approaching; therefore, I invite you to adoration and prayer for you to be ready, firm and secure, in each decision you take in your lives. This will determine your destinies and the goal you will reach after it all happens.
Today especially, beloved children, I come to remove the veils of blindness for you to be able to see beyond this place and its consciousnesses, for you to be able to see the Heavenly Kingdom that is approaching, with all the splendor of the Divine Mercy, for the souls who need it the most.
My Heart suffers for the ungrateful, even more for those who hurt and wound the Heart of God. Only Love can repair it and the offering of each soul before the Heavenly Son.
If you are as you are, you must not fear being imperfect. I want to see you real, transparent and clean of heart. Because as much imperfection as is in the consciousness and in spite of each test not surpassed, My comfort is infinite to the one who truly calls for it.
I repeat: truth, because it is truth that you must live. It is the truth that makes the world lose itself, the truth that makes the souls lose themselves from their real purpose.
In truth there is peace, calm, quietness, inner strength, victory in each heart. It is this truth that I taught My apostles, that today I recall once more for each one of you.
It does not matter how many fail Me, what matters is how much they let Me live. In the living experience we might have together, brotherhood is built between Heaven and Earth, between God and His creatures and among their fellow beings.
So you will be free of yourselves and the sin will disappear from the world, from the beginning of Genesis to the present, since Adam and Eve committed the original sin. This can be erased from the history of the planet when the New Christs awaken.
Today, I unite My Hands in prayer to ask the Heavenly Father for strength for the weak, love for the hard at heart, faith for those who lost hope, healing for the sick, mercy for the ungrateful ones.
Today I come here to ask the Father for you and the world, because I need you at this acute hour on Earth, in which all is about to happen, beyond the capacity of each being.
When everything happens, there will be no return because everything is being fulfilled, as it is written.
Christ asks for a Bible.
On these paths that I invite you to travel, My Word, the Teaching and the Instruction is always there, moving all spirits to perform the Work of the Plan. If anybody does not fulfill it, it is not for lack of Word, Teaching or Instruction; it will be for inertia, disobedience or indifference.
In this way there are many souls in the world and even so, I send My Mother to Earth for Her Consoling Spirit to be the main force that moves the Universe, generating all possible Graces for those who do not deserve it.
You, companions, be deserving of this Heavenly Grace for the gifts that I handed you in the past to be at the service of My Heart, of My Redemptive Work.
In each step you take I accompany you.
In each breath you take My Spirit is present when the soul is really united to Me, and wants nothing for itself, only the good for the world, for the whole planet and Creation.
I invite you to live in fraternity. This will be your next step for the following months. To transcend the judgments, the indifference, the evils, the commentaries, the blasphemies and all the insults that the souls of the world are able to do.
If you search for the spirit of fraternity, you will only find it in My Merciful Heart, because My Heart is this great universal powerhouse that many consciousnesses use in the Universes.
If My Heart had not been offered on the Cross for you, in the present none of this would be possible.
I suffered the strongest pain in humanity through human indifference, negation and pride.
I come to banish from those who want to experience Me, all the patterns of evil that lead to the decadence of humanity, to war, to the division through times.
I come to build, in the solitary hearts, a new brotherhood for you to not feel lonely anymore and to count on each brother and sister of the journey.
That way, I can be among you when I do not come back anymore, because the time is approaching in which the world will purify itself and will see a reality it never wanted to see by itself.
I pray kneeling before My Father for all to be light at this crucial moment. Therefore I give you all these Graces.
Do not miss this moment with Me.
Make use of My Presence and do not think about when this all will end. That way you will not have understood what I am saying.
Even if I do not show Myself to everybody, I make Myself present in the peaceful hearts. Thus you have been able to see in this material life.
Many believe that there is nothing in this Book and that those who wrote it were retarded.
The apostles who followed Me had no spiritual nor mental instruction, but I taught them, as I teach you now, to write the Words of God through the heart.
Even if there are faults or little understanding for those who think they are wise, the true Presence of God, companions, is in the simple hearts, who write through their examples, who give witness of My Presence in these times, where light and peace are needed.
Here there are inexplicable codes. This belongs to My spiritual legacy and not to the beings who follow Me.
Men and women must follow My Commandments and not possess My Words.
This book, which was written with so much love, from the beginning of Genesis, shows a part of the Truth that has not been discovered yet by any theologian.
First, you must feel in your heart the message for it then to become real and to be fulfilled in each one of you.
I left you the basic Instruction for the times, the parables, which many still are not able to experience, even more so those who pronounce them in My Name.
I invite you to be simple, as the scripture of the heart is.
Because God manifests Himself on three planes of consciousness: in the spirit, in the mind and in the human.
Once more I leave this present from God. Although the Sacred Bible has been changed, do not get lost in details, but in the essence of the instruction that gives the spiritual Hierarchy to all souls in the world.
In each parable there is a superior key, a portal that can be opened in your consciousnesses. You will be invited, this way, to experience the different levels of love, as I taught you in the New Testament.
I place My Hands upon the Sacred Word of God so that when all is finished, nobody will have missed not even one enunciation of it.
May the instruction be revered and valued by the simple hearts, because there will be peace, in the knowledge of the heart that loves beyond what is thought, because the Word of God, the Word of the Hierarchy, is a living witness for the world, to reach the promise of the New Humanity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Jesus will pray with us at this moment and asks us to follow Him in silence and in union with Him.
Jesus Christ:
Deposit, Lord, Your merciful Teaching for those who have fallen.
Write Your new history in the impure hearts, for each soul to be able to purify itself and to find Your Peace and the maximum consolation of Your Heart.
Lord, do not look at the faults of the world.
Glimpse at the Power of Your Word, of Your Sacred Instruction in all those who hear it, while their hearts transform themselves in potent streams of light.
Through Your Word, Lord, You created all.
I was born from the Source of Your Heart, and so Your Divine Spirit appeared.
You created the Universes in seven days and you made things in Your likeness, in the great splendor of Your Love and of Your Infinite Life.
Constitute, Adonai, Your new Teachings in the world, and may the souls awake to Your Love, which is pronounced like the Living Word in all You have created.
Transfigure, Lord, all that has strayed from Your Path.
Make Yourself alive and present in those who have not heard You yet and who negate the Power of Your Word.
Beloved Father, Holy Lord of the Highest, Unique (One) Universal Source, You have taught us to pray with the heart and to implore Your Sacred Name for us to be able to live as Your worthy children, Your beloved creatures of this existence.
Erase from each hurt heart the blasphemies committed and all words that have hurt Your Heart in the great indifference of the world.
Revive Your Sources of Instruction as a divine inspiration for the consciousnesses.
May each soul find the path that will take them towards You, to be able to vivify You forever and ever.
Make Yourself present, Lord, in all those who cry out to You. Do not look at their faults but at the kindness with which they look at You to find Your Mercy.
Unite Your Powerful Heart to each being and remove the spiritual evil from each consciousness on Earth.
Regroup Your flock, Lord.
I am Your tireless Pastor that leads the souls to Your Heart for them not to get lost nor be unable to find You.
Lord, accept My Kindness and the offering of all Your children who pray to Your compassionate Heart to ask You for an opportunity,
I promise to take Your Kingdom to those who have transformed themselves, through Your Holy Word, in sacrifice and in love for the goodness of the whole Creation.
So let it be.
My prayers are not heard in the world. Who will open their heart to listen to what I say and will not think about what each one wants for himself?
Ask every day to your Master what He needs. The Plan is near you. Recall it so as not to lose sight of it.
Now I will consecrate you again for the third time so that in the coming times all that has happened here can bear fruit.
I do not want My pearls in the stables of the pigs.
Each light that I bring is precious for the souls that know how to revere it.
I bring you the food of the spirit and the hope for all the planet.
Trust Me and never close your hearts.
I will return to the world to end this horror that the whole Universe is seeing.
Our Silence brings strength, our Prayer brings constancy and our Word, Mercy.
In these elements, companions, I hand you My Life, My Forgiveness and My Love, until I return in the Glory of My Father.
And with all My angels I will come to call My flocks and I will give all those who followed Me the Eternal Life and Grace of being with Me forever.
I hand you My Heart, as a flame of life that will never be extinguished.
Today, I raise to My Heart all the intentions that have been offered to Me during these days.
Know that I love your souls more than your errors.
Look into My eyes whenever you need it and remain in Me, in My Arms, as John remained until the last hour of My surrender. This way you will also be consoling Me and pride will distance itself in order not to confuse your hearts anymore.
So I will hand you My Peace and My eternal Grace after this life.
Today I spend more time with you for you to engrave in your cells this moment with Me, because although the world rejects Me with all the faults it has committed, My Love will never fail, because I am your King, and I am the Path.
Go in peace. And for Me, be the peace wherever you go.
By the Grace of God, be blessed.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you Father for all that You give us!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more