In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Once again, I come from Heaven with a Message, but also with a call to the consciousness of humanity.

Today, with My gaze turned toward the ground, I share with you the lamentation of the Heart of the Mother of God, because humanity cannot understand Our Message, the Message of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.

This is why Saint Joseph, My Most Chaste Spouse, is offering Himself before the Celestial Father to return to this world, to bring a message to this Humanity in an extraordinary way. His visit to this planet will be unexpected, because He will intercede, as a Guardian of Souls, at the most culminating moments of humanity, and one of these culminating moments is this very moment that humanity is experiencing.

For this reason, My beloved children, Our Divine Celestial Consciousnesses expand their offering before the Creator Father, because humanity cannot understand, and, as it cannot understand, humanity does not want to change.

Today I would have many reasons, not only to be here with you, so that you may feel My Heart, so that you may live in My Heart, but also to express to you, from the depths of My Heart, all the situations that the Mother of God observes in this humanity.

How do you believe, beloved children, that the world will not precipitate upon you, if the change has not yet arrived?

How will you believe, beloved children, that the Kingdoms of Nature and the elements will not show their strength and power to all eyes of the world, if the change has not yet arrived?

How do you believe, beloved children, that the climate change will not be unleashed upon this humanity, if the change has not yet arrived?

How do you believe, beloved children, that the injustice, the annihilation and the destruction between brothers and sisters of the same race will end, if the change has not yet arrived?

There are so many more things that I could say to you tonight!

There are so many more truths that My Heart could present to each one of you!

A few days ago, I told you not to fail to pray, in spite of what may happen, My beloved children, even though the opposing winds may be stronger than the expression of your supplications.

I ask you not to challenge the laws of Nature, because if you challenge these laws, you will challenge the Universal Laws, which is what many of My children in the world are doing, without being aware of it.

All that which is taking place in the world, all that which is presenting itself in current times has a motive and reason in order to accelerate the Return of Christ.

However, My dear children, where do you believe Christ will return first?

Upon what place will He descend and where will He present Himself to begin to correct this humanity from its mistakes and faults?

Where do you believe, beloved children, that Christ will show and reveal Himself to the men and women of the Earth when He returns to this world?

Have you ever thought of this?

I invite you, My dear children, to meditate, in prayer, upon all the Words of the Heavenly Mother, because this Message is not Her own, it is a Message that emerges again from the Source of God, from His compassionate Heart, which is infinite and invincible. All the causes that present themselves in this humanity today are the reasons to move souls away from the Compassion of God.

Who will have the bravery and also the determination to go above themselves, to place the needs of the world first, before their own? To be aware of the importance of gratitude and reverence, which have been lost in the world so quickly?

How do you believe My Graces will come to the Earth like the flowers of Light that I deposit within the hearts of each one of My children, to again give them life and renewal?

How do you believe that My Light will come to the world if many among My children close the doors to Me and do not allow Me to pass into their dimensions of suffering and agony?

God is also experiencing a riddle with this humanity.

For this reason, with this Flower of Light that I bring in My hands today to offer to each one of My children, I ask and supplicate to you: return to the Heart of God, return to the Essential Origin so that you can return to the Primordial Source. Because while millions of souls absolutely do the contrary, My enemy, the adversary of all, covers greater planes of consciousness. Do not allow this, beloved children.

Sustain yourselves, in these times, through My prayerful Heart.

My supplications will never cease to be pronounced, My Voice will never cease to speak to you, because I will fulfill what I promised to the Celestial Father, in spite of the time it may take Me to carry it out in this world. Therefore, I tell you, while still holding within My hands this Flower of Light that I offer to you, that all those who have already awakened should help those who have not awakened.

I do not ask you to instruct them, I ask you to give them the example, the example that is born from the heart, an example that leads you to the truth, to experience simplicity and humility, the example of the unconditional self-giving that allows you to make Christic Love bloom within you.

With love and even with celestial sweetness, receive this immaterial flower that I offer to you today so that, by holding it in the innermost core of your essences, you may once again commune with the Source of Creation for those who do not commune with My Son, for those who do not experience My Son, for those who contradict My Son, for all those who deny My Son, for those who, out of ignorance, wound the Heart of Christ, day by day.

May your lives be converted into flowers of light for the Mother of God, because I do not speak to you of an unattainable perfection, I speak to you, My dear children, of a simplicity that is near each one of you, the simplicity that the power of the prayer from the heart gives to you.

I still need, My beloved children, through all those who support Me and follow Me as praying beings and children of Mary, to carry out many works in this humanity.

Because humanity is not ready for the Return of My Son, it is more and more submerged in illusion and chained by certain spiritual forces, contrary to the Plan of the Father, which only subject and chastise souls.

I am also the Mother that liberates the chains of oppression, the chains of spiritual prison, because it is in that which is spiritual where everything begins, and it is in that which is spiritual where everything ends.

In this Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, when you have again prayed with My Immaculate Heart, in the name of Christ, My Son, I come to thank you, and I ask you to keep persevering, in spite of your purifications and your trials.

When everything becomes very difficult for you, as well as for your families, or even for your nations, remember the flower that I gave you today: it is the Lotus Flower, the Flower of Compassion of God's Consciousness, which is that which souls need at this moment so as to heal their deep wounds, to dissolve their deep episodes of incomprehension, to be worthy of again receiving the Grace of God, which will elevate their consciousnesses, will expand the love of their hearts.

Because through this Lotus Flower of Compassion of God's Consciousness, you again receive His Higher Love, which is what humanity needs in order to heal itself, in order to be liberated from the chains of oppression.

Children, the world lives its hardest moment, not only with the thousands of lives that have become lost through this pandemic. I assure you, My beloveds, that I have prayed for each one of those souls, who have been taken to the fire of hell, which My Holy Angels of Heaven have liberated from this oppression, so that they might achieve the Grace of Celestial Glory.

How many souls, how many people, known or even unknown to you, have been carried away by this pandemic!

Once again, I say to you that the cure is waiting to descend onto the whole planet, but if men and women do not repent, if they do not place their knees on the ground to ask for forgiveness and Mercy, how do you believe the change will come? How do you believe you will be worthy of Divine Healing and Divine Grace? In this there is no mystery and no science.

Children, listen attentively, I come to teach to you the same way as I learned here on Earth, while being a Woman and a Mother who assumed all the children of God, in the great promise that I made to My Son at the foot of His Cross.

Therefore, I again say to you that while this change is not made, while penance and repentance do not become present in the depths of the consciousness of human beings, I ask you to implore to the Divine Blood of Christ.

Because when a soul invokes the Blood of Jesus, His Heart opens up as an infinite fountain and, from the depths of the abyss of His Mercy, the Divine Grace emerges, which, with Codes of Light, bathes like rain the prayerful soul and all the situations for which the soul makes requests for in its prayer.

It is in this way that the apostles of Christ, the prayerful armies of Mary, learn, in a gradual and careful way, about the path of redemption, not only by living their own redemption through the power of the Blood of Christ, but also by opening the door for those who have condemned themselves to the ignorance of this humanity.

It is this ignorance, My beloved children, which since a long time ago humanity should no longer have been living, which does not allow for the changes to come, not only the material changes, but also the spiritual changes, which are so fundamental and urgent, and which, if you could see beyond that which is material, you would, from one second to the next, make this change that is so much awaited by the Eternal Father.

Therefore, I again ask you to pay attention to My Message, because what your Mother comes to ask of you is not impossible, I come to ask that which is closest to you, I come to ask you that which is most real.

While the changes in the majority of humanity do not arrive, My sorrow will be very great. My Heart is pierced by the indifferences, sacrileges, heresies and outrages of the men and women of the Earth, which must be transmuted, which must be relieved by the prayer of My children, strengthening the potent network of planetary prayer, to sustain, to the greatest extent, the axis of the Earth. 

The impactful expression of the volcanoes in these times is the deep cry of the heart of the planet, it is the warning that the axis of the Earth today is sustained by an extremely thin thread of spiritual light, which could break if My children cease to pray.

I know that all are responsible for this, and I know that the majority of peoples and nations are subjected by those who rule them, for all that they decide and lie about, for the false promises that they announce, because they are empty promises, empty of love, empty of truth, empty of true solutions.

For this reason, your only path, My beloveds, is to turn your consciousnesses towards God, because the more you are in God, the less you will lack.

Although at some moment you might experience needs, learn to understand the signs of God. Because God is not poverty, His Love is abundance. And it is this Love, which is present in the whole universe and in all of Creation, that allows for the expression of the Laws of the Most High Father, and these Laws do not allow for anything to be lacking.

But the imbalance that the surface of the planet lives is generated by greed, distorted throughout the times, a greed not only for what is material, but also for the power that has expanded, throughout this world, the level of poverty, misery and hunger.

But all this is what My Son must correct soon in this humanity.

I invite you to pray for that which you know and for that which you do not know, just as the Mother of God prays for all causes and situations of this world.

I would like to speak to you about how wonderful it is to be close to God, how wonderful it is to be a part of His Kingdom and to be able to unveil His mysteries to the whole consciousness of the Earth. But humanity, out of ignorance, and also out of ingratitude, has not yet learned how to appreciate Our Words and even less the Treasures of the Father.

However, as His Mother and also as His Servant, I do not come to judge you nor do I come to claim anything from you, My Love is present here so that you can overcome yourselves and help all your brothers and sisters overcome themselves in love, especially those who have greater difficulties, difficulties that emerge from deep traumas, from unknown sufferings, from guilty feelings that have not been dissolved from within the consciousness.

Therefore, you should never criticize, you should only contribute and contribute more so that the inner unity between souls may be possible, and that this unity, beloved children, may be converted into a great mirror that is the depository of the Grace and Mercy of God for all hearts.

Do you understand now how simple it is to change the world?

It is not through wars or through clashes that the problems of humanity will be solved.

Will the rulers of the nations of the world keep ignoring the existence of God?

How far will they go?

How much will they lie to people and not give solutions to all peoples?

I just pray, every day, for all rulers, who are also My lost children, to have the Grace of feeling what a hungry child feels, of hearing the cry of a poor child, of hearing the despair of an exiled refugee child in another part of the world, of being able to feel and know what is felt and experienced by a family that is rejected, despised and insulted on the borders of the countries of this world, because they cannot rebuild their hopes or their human dignity.

If God gave you Creation, all that exists in the universe, if God gave you nature and its fruits, the mountains, the rivers and oceans, the birds, the sun, the dawn, the stars and the firmament, how is it possible for human ignorance and the lack of fraternity to exist? I do not ask you to convert into assistant workers; I ask you to be kind souls, in service and love.

May My silence allow the Words that I bring from the Source to echo within the heart of My children, because the cup is more than overflowing and the world still challenges the Wrath of God.

I again ask you not to attract the Angel of Divine Justice toward the Earth, because, just as it was in Fatima, more than 100 years ago, I must again place myself before the Angel of the Justice of God to avoid world punishment.

Therefore, I again ask you, for the upcoming time, every 13th, until I indicate, to consciously work in the meetings of prayer with the prayer of reconsecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that difficult events in the world may be avoided.

Because, just as I am the Mother of Love, I am the Woman of the Apocalypse. Because a sign will appear in the sky: a Woman clothed with the Sun, crowned with stars and with the Moon at Her feet, will come like the dawn to announce the end of times, a time that is being fulfilled.

Children, I am very grateful because I have felt and I seen that you have listened to each one of My Words with bravery and courage, sustained by the Inner Christ.

At the request of Archangel Gabriel, I come to accompany each one of you so that, together, we may live the greatest sacrifice of Love through the Eucharist, so that My ardent wish may be fulfilled within souls.

May this Message echo in as many hearts as possible and not be just one more Message.

Beloved children, before the angels of the Kingdom of Lys, in the simplicity of this moment, let us make Our offering to God for the triumph of His Love and His Truth on the planet. Let us prepare ourselves for Communion.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Brothers and sisters, responding to this request of the Mother of God, before the Presence of Her Immaculate Heart, we invite everyone who can, to kneel down or stand up, to begin to offer this sacrifice of the Son of God, to relive it within each one of us so that, as the Divine Mother said, Her Message may echo in as many hearts as possible throughout he world.

Therefore, before the Angels of the Kingdom of Lys, like them, we invite you to symbolically prostrate yourselves before God so that His Celestial Universe may approach, and this offering, which we will make today as one spiritual family, may be received with love and gratitude in the Celestial Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, we reveal at this moment the mystery of the Love of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the night when Jesus would be handed over, before that moment, He gathered with His apostles at the Cenacle to give away His Greatest Legacy of Love, through the Eucharist, the Body and the Blood of Christ.

Thus, at that moment, Jesus took the bread, and, raising it to God, He offered it with His whole Heart and His entire Soul, and asked the Father for this bread to be converted into His Divine Body. Then, Jesus broke it, and, offering it to the apostles, He said to them, “Take and eat of it, because this is My Body, which will be surrendered for you, for the forgiveness of sins.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 


Before finishing the Supper, Our Lord took the Chalice in His Hands and, carrying out the same exercise, he raised it, offering it to God for the wine to be converted into the precious Blood of Christ. Then He, passing it to His apostles, offered it to each one of them, saying, “Take it and drink of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me, until I return to the world.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.



Behold the Body and Blood of Christ. May hearts rejoice at again participating in the Supper of Our Lord. Amen.

In union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we ask for the Most Holy Trinity to consecrate these elements that we offer at this altar, for the glory of Its Kingdom.

Let us say together the prayer that Christ taught us, the Our Father in Aramaic.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

May the Peace, the Love, the Light and the Mercy of Christ descend upon the planet.

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.

With love and reverence, we announce the Spiritual Communion of all souls on the Earth with Christ.


Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the Tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences
 by which He is offended.

And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion of poor sinners.



And now, brothers and sisters, responding to a second request of the Divine Mother, to conclude this task She has entrusted each one of us with, we will prepare to make a short moment of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament so that, in this moment of silence, each one of us may make deep contact with God, through the Eucharistic Heart of Christ. And, once more, let us offer this moment, so that the Message of the Divine Mother may echo deeply within many hearts.

Let us prepare ourselves for this exercise.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In reverence and gratitude, we begin this moment of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament.

We revere the most precious Eucharistic Body of Christ.

We pray, phrase by phrase:

Who is in God, fears nothing.
Who is in God, does not retrocede.
Who is in God, lives from the Love of God.
This is the force of today.
In God, In God, in God.

We revere and thank the Eucharistic Body of Christ, and hold Christ in our hearts.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Córdoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the Peace and the Love of Christ be in your hearts, dear children.

On this day, and for the second time, I return from Heaven to talk to you about My Projects of Love. Those projects that God has asked Me to disseminate throughout the world through My living and maternal Word.

The new Community of Mary will not be only one, but rather many; and it will be the prelude for many events.

This is why it was a project prepared for this time, because the Designs of God had to be generated in your hearts first, so that you could accept them and then live them.

Each Community of Mary will be a flower in My Garden; there will be a gift that I will leave for each one of them, knowing that they will have their doors open to receive My children of the world, who will need much consolation and protection.

Thus, I need you, dear children, to understand My Projects beyond the material plane and to know that all Designs of God come from the Source, brought by the angels of Heaven through My messages, through My Words that can echo in the hearts of humanity when they hear them openly, within their consciousnesses.

The Communities that exist will be the foundation for such a manifestation. I want you to understand, dear children, that I will bring the refugees of the world to the Communities of Mary; not only those who experience wars, persecution or death, but all those that will take refuge in My Maternal Heart in the end of times, when everything will be seriously unleashed throughout the world.

The Communities of Mary will also be islands of salvation, they will be refuges in which peace may be found, and you will be the precursors of that movement. This is why I need your response to not only be concrete but also deeper, a response that is born from within you and that is free of doubt or of questioning.

How would the world find its salvation if there were no islands of salvation?

The founding of My Projects first begins in you, in your inner universe and in your consciousness; from there, everything will unfold and many will be able to tomorrow see an opportunity to return to the House of the Father and, especially, to be in the Arms of God, receiving His Divine Consolation and His Calm.

Remember what My Son told you a long time ago: "Everything you do for the least of your siblings, you do so for Me, twice."

And this is not a theory, My children, it is a living reality for whoever aspires to achieve the ministry of Christ in these times.

If the Communities of Mary manage to be expressed according to My Designs, the Gifts and the Virtues of God will descend upon them and, especially, upon the souls that are in most need of inner healing and peace.

From that point on, each one will mirror its attributes for the whole world, in the most crucial times for humanity, in which despair will reign due to the lack of inner serenity or tranquility.

But those who pray to My Immaculate Heart every day will know what to do and, during the severe movements of the planet, they will have direction and guidance to continue forward, helping other souls to find the path; souls that are so different and heterogeneous from your own souls; souls that have not known peace or any respect for Creation.

Just like at Calvary, I worked for a lost world, for a self-destroyed civilization, in this time and in the end times, I am working for a future and New Humanity that must not only be present in spirit, but also in matter as something concrete and realized.

I need you to love My Mysteries, because in My Mysteries, which are the Mysteries of God, are My Designs and, through your lives, I will be able to write the Projects of God.

With My own Hand, I will guide you along the path and will lead you to meet the Will of the Most High, in which everything can be expressed and realized, just as He wishes from His deep and eternal Heart.

Meanwhile, and while the Communities of Mary do not manifest, I ask you to pray with Me so that God may express His Will within the humanity of the Earth and the ideas of human beings may not prevail; ideas that have led them to perdition and deceit, stepping out of obedience.

I need you, children, in the firmness of your hearts, and I tell you again: it is time to live the Plan, just as God has thought of it from the beginning and for this cycle of humanity.

If the Communities of Mary manifest, sacred tools of the Universe will come to the Earth from the spiritual and cosmic plane; and souls will be able to continue walking on the pathway of trust, protection and peace.

Although wars may shake the world, a part of the race will be protected because it will have, in obedience, understood the Will of God and not that of humanity.

Secondly, My maternal, spiritual and divine Principles will be projected, which are attributes that I live in the Universe and that I reflect to all the worlds and all the galaxies. Something that is still unknown to humanity, because the Church, and, above all, the race, has detained itself since My Assumption.

But after this event many more things happened, which I come to reveal outside of the Church so that any being of the surface of this planet may have knowledge of Truth and of reality.

A reality that the Mother of the World lives, since the moment of Her Assumption to the Heavens and within this local Universe, which is a living part of the manifestation of God.

The Communities of Mary will be a Mirror of these higher realities, and still, you will not understand everything that I tell you, because it is still a mystery that will be unveiled in these end times.

I ask you to take in My Words as true treasures because this is the last universal impulse that your Heavenly Mother will give for humanity and the planet.

And, from these Christian Communities of Mary, the Source of happiness will emerge, for serving and experiencing God in the heart of the simple and the humble; for carrying forward each daily task, knowing that it is a part of the Plan that is being built in the human consciousness and in those who participate in It.

I have waited for this moment for so long and I know, in the depths of My Spirit, that still humanity will not understand what I tell them; but those who love without understanding will understand all things and will not hesitate on their path nor in their spiritual decision to follow the Steps of the Celestial Father.

In the name of My Son, I come to build new things, new spaces, granting renewing Graces and renewing impulses that will remove souls from the planetary inertia and from indifference.

You are participating in the same timeline as God, the one the Father has built throughout times by means of the eternal time, the eternal present; and in this eternal time, He has called His children so that they may carry forward His Will and fulfill His precious Designs.

You, My children, become aware, awaken; you are in this story that the Father Himself writes with His Hand in the Book of the Soul of the Earth.

Remember that Heaven and Earth shall pass, but the Word of My Son will reign.

And the Communities of Mary will be a mirror of the Attributes of Christ, once given to the first Christian peoples that lived the spirituality of the Lord after His Ascension to the Heavens.

The story of the past is again being built with souls so different from one another, with hearts that try to mature on the spiritual path and carry forward the Divine Purpose.

A new opportunity that the Celestial Universe is granting to the humanity of the Earth is again being built, in spite of their serious errors and the assaults made upon Creation and the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Mercy granted by Christ to the Mother of God, at the foot of the Holy Cross, is poured out through this project of the Communities of Mary; happy will be those who live in them, empty of self and free from expectations; for they will allow the Gifts of God to descend and, in the souls, the true Christic path will be built, which will take them to the formation of a New Humanity, far from error and self-destruction.

Thus, the angels offer themselves to carry forward this design that flows out from My Immaculate Heart today and which is a spark of the Fire of the Love of My Heart, of the living Love of a Mother Who loves Her children unconditionally and Who never loses the hope that Her children will take their steps toward the Lord, knowing that there is still much to do upon this planet, and with this sick humanity.

On this afternoon, I come to confess My great aspiration to you and I leave for My children the ardent desire of a Mother Who will only try to establish peace in these critical times.

May each flower from each Community of Mary express itself, and may that flower first open in the hearts of the simple ones who hear the Word of the Mother of God.

I leave you My Peace and My Blessing, knowing that My Plan must first mature within you so as to later be able to manifest upon this planet.

Those who have not felt welcomed in the communities, come back! because it will be I, your Mother from Heaven and Earth, who will hold you in My arms so that you may dare to live the Plan of God and fulfill His Designs, as it is written in the Heart of the Celestial Father.

Let no one else feel offended nor rejected; let there be no indifference or omission but rather welcome and the joy of taking Christ to the hearts of those who suffer and who seek peace.

The first attribute of the Communities of Mary shall be: "love your brothers and sisters as they are, and do not try to change them, according to your wishes."

In this way, you will clearly understand what I am telling you.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And finally, may the advent of the New Humanity be fulfilled.

Vigils of Prayer

I am here with you, dear children, because I want to be with the nations of the world, especially with those who have not consecrated themselves to My Immaculate Heart.

Each prayer uttered has an incalculable value for Me, and has a greater value when said from the heart.

In this way, I demonstrate to you, dear children, the transforming power in all things, and in what seems most impossible in your lives or in any place in the world, for when your hearts open to prayer, My Divine Consciousness can act and assist all My children, especially those who are most lost through the temptations of material life.

In May I will re-consecrate Europe to My Immaculate Heart and I will extend that consecration to Russia, thus fulfilling what I have requested, in the previous century, of the shepherds of Fatima. I do not want the third secret of Fatima to be fulfilled, but rather that the world should respond to this summons of love for the redemption of humanity.

My wish is that your consciousnesses, on the 13th of May, enter My portals of light, regardless of where you are, so that you commit to accompany your Heavenly Mother in this planetary task that will take place in Fatima, with all the faithful that will be there, together with your Heavenly Mother, to commemorate the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.

I want you to prepare your homes, as well as your groups of prayer, embellishing each place with the presence of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary.

May is the month of Her consecration and the opportunity for taking a great step on behalf of this humanity and this planet in light of so much aggression, assaults, and indifference that the souls of the world commit, without any awareness or reasoning.

I invite you to be with Me, dear children, in the concretization of this Sacred Pilgrimage for Peace. I trust that you, My children of the world, will again take that step of helping your Celestial Mother so that the doors of Grace not only continue to open here in this place, but also in the whole world, this time in Europe.

Greece needs celestial intercession, the Grace and the Mercy of God, through His Divine Messengers. There is a great wound that must be healed in Athens, through the souls that take refuge, escaping from the horror and terror.

You do not know, dear children, what it means for your Celestial Mother to observe and contemplate Her refugee children in a sea of despair and of interminable suffering.

You, who are a part of the consciousness of this nation consecrated to My Immaculate Heart and who live in My Heart day after day, I invite you, dear children, as well as My children of the rest of the nations of the world, especially My children of Europe, to take this great step for Me, helping your Celestial Mother in this co-redemptive mission before the coming of Christ.

Thus, graces, many more graces and mercies, will be poured out during the Sacred Week, so that all the hearts of the world, especially the groups of prayer, may take that great step so that this Work, this Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent may embrace more nations of the world, more nations than those I will visit together with My Son and with Saint Joseph.

In this way, I demonstrate to you, dear children, that a sacred task is thought by God, in this important centenary in which Fatima will re-open its doors so that your Celestial Mother may descend, as occurred on the last May 13.

Since May of 2016, I have been preparing this meeting, I have been preparing the essences that will need this universal impulse that the Center of Fatima will give to the world. Thus, see, dear children, how many months of work your Celestial Mother has been undertaking on this path to be able to propagate faith, renewal, and trust in God for these end times.

I would like your inner eyes to open to this mystery that I bring you today, of helping to concretize the Plan of God on Earth, so that all the angelic and archangelic armies may descend, next May 13 upon Fatima, to bring about the closing of a great planetary wound generated by humanity.

That is why I am here among you, as I am also in Medjugorje, announcing Myself as the Queen of Peace, so that hearts may perceive, in the depths of your souls, that the mission with all My children of the world has not ended.

I come to withdraw souls from the claws of evil. That is why I still need to be on pilgrimage in the nations of the world so that the balance of the planet not be lost through any consequence generated in these times, which are so difficult and of great learning for all.

I invite you to again go over this Message of Mine today through its dissemination in all the places of the world that accept receiving this call that goes out to all hearts, to all souls that experience devotion for My Immaculate Heart.

In Fatima, I will be among the most simple. And although the majority does not know that I will be there as I was in 1917, I will be with My Divine Consciousness expanded, pouring out great flows of Grace and of Love that may be able to transform the corrupt essences of the world, which were deceived by My great adversary.

Again, as in 1917, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Mother of the Sun and Mother of the World, with Her right Hand will take up the Scepter of God to strike it on the Earth and open the founts of the great Original Purity, where all the spirits that will be congregated there will receive an atonement that will help them throughout this twenty-first century and until My Son returns to the world.

Do you understand, dear children, the importance of concretizing this Pilgrimage for Peace?

I not only come to have you live the good in your material life, but also the good in your spiritual life. I come to open the fount of gifting and of divine providence that is held in the hearts and in many pockets of the world.

I want you to have pity on your peers, so that you may learn to have pity on the planet that suffers, day after day, in its deepest silence because of all the errors humanity commits.

In Italy, My Consciousness will visit the Church of My Son, in its spiritual as well as human context. Because all are being tested, dear children; that is why My beloved Son sends Me to re-consecrate Italy, and Rome, to My Immaculate Heart.

It will be a challenging task, but it will bear fruit in the following months through the groups of prayer that can be found there. Italy, in spite of its errors, was always sanctified by God, through the presence of great sages, of great teachers, of those so-called saints of the period. Thus, Saint Pío of Pietrelcina will be My faithful companion in this sacred task with Italy.

Spain needs My help again because many hearts are extinguishing their inner faith in the Kingdom of God, because of the superficial things they experience in the very Church of My Son.

So this time, in Spain, I will go for all the priests, so that they may spiritually reactivate the charisma of faith and of love for the great Plan of God and for all the souls that are to be found there.

In Avila it will be an opportunity for the souls of Spain to remember the surrender of My beloved daughter Teresa of Jesus. It will also be an opportunity for taking a step for all of the Iberian Peninsula.

Barcelona will be the great moment of rehabilitation for everyone, because in Montserrat and through the Black Madonna of Montserrat, souls will be able to find everything they have always sought within themselves, which I call "Gifts of God," so that souls may convert into great servers of the Plan.

All graces, dear children, will be poured out in these nations and it will be the preparation for My next visit to Asia and Oceania. Thus, I invite you to pray from now on, because these souls, in essence, have never known Me.

I will give you the gift of tongues so that you will be able to communicate heart to heart and through example, service and love, between you and the souls of Asia and Oceania.

In this way, you will also be able to see, dear children, how today My Immaculate Heart is showing you the Will of God which is accomplished through the offering of all of you.

If this does not exist, the work of God cannot descend to the planet and the horrors in the world will multiply, the nations will lose their peace, just as many nations of the Middle East are losing it. The blood is still flowing through the countries of the Middle East.

The Mother of the Thousand Veils is silently walking there, to rescue those who suffer, especially those who die unjustly, day after day, without being able to find peace, relief, or reconciliation.

You, dear children, and the groups of prayer are part of a planetary work. You are no longer just a community or souls that live the good; you are part of a Divine Plan that waits to be etched in your hearts, so that it may reach more consciousnesses that are so in need of it and have waited for it for decades.

After Fatima, in 1917, I come to bring continuity to the work in South America, so that souls may find the path to the New Humanity.

Beloved children, together with the angels of Divine Justice that support the scales of imbalance, through My maternal Love that can do all things, I leave you this reflection and this Message, with the aspiration that today you leave here, meditating deeply on My Words and praying for everything to be carried out, just as I have pleaded for it to the Celestial Father.

I want you to remember this Message and that you look at it as many times as necessary, because in it I have left examples of what My Celestial Consciousness does today, together with My beloved Son Jesus and My husband Saint Joseph.

Tomorrow I will see you more prepared and determined to take that step in the inner evolution of all your consciousnesses, so that in this way, the thousand years of peace may be established.

I now rise to Heaven, making My Words resound in your hearts, so that your minds not think, but rather your hearts open to take in My Plea.

Bringing My Hands together in prayer, taking up the Holy Rosary that unites the continents and the nations, and today unites this Marian Center with the Marian Center of Fatima, I ask you, dear children, to have mercy on those who suffer in these times. 

You will now intone a song that will bring you into contact with your essential purity. Let this song also be in the children of Mine who will receive this Message, in order to disseminate it through the world. I am speaking of the song "Purity, Soul of Lys".

I thank you and bless you under the Christic Light of My Son and of all the angels.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
