Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Nazaré, Leiria, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

God will destroy the castles of sand that have been built by humans to lead humanity towards perdition. Thus, God will build, from the inner worlds, the temples of love that the souls have made fruitful through their faith in the Lord. At that moment, Judgment will begin for all humanity.

The simple of heart will receive within their hands the Legacy of the past and those who called themselves powerful will lose all their wealth because the poor of heart will come to know all the mysteries that are written in the great vault of this universe.

It will no longer be necessary to interpret the stars because the new race will know where they come from and what their true origin is. Nobody will be left without knowing what mission they have come to perform out of love for the Universal Project.

At this time, the powerful will no longer have power and the pure of heart will be crowned by the Hands of Christ.

The twelve angelical hosts will descend and a star similar to the ones of the universe will announce the signs of a new stage.

Finally, humanity will awaken and will no longer be within evil because it will have abandoned illusion and entered into the mysteries of the universe.

Later, the obstacles will not exist, neither will what we know as ego. The souls and the consciousnesses of this world will finally become free and happy during the thousand years of peace. Thus, the Eternal Father, in His splendor, will descend and make of this Earth His luminous home throughout the universe.

Prayer to be Recited at the End of Communion to Reconcile with Jesus Christ
By His Sacrifice, we were liberated,
By His Wounds, we were healed.
By His Flagellations, we were forgiven.
By His Falls, we were elevated, 
By His Cross, we were redeemed.
And now, by His Mercy, we are transfigured
and His Spiritual Light, we receive
so that, free of all adversity, we may walk
in the aspiration to one day again find Him,
in His Celestial Glory.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, now and always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Messages

Behold, from Heaven will come, as shinning as a new Sun, a star of hope. It will shine within those that open to receive Its Light and It will illumine the eyes of those who were blind, so that they may be removed from their own darkness and can contemplate the Truth that they were never able to see.

Behold, from Heaven will come a Woman Clothed with the Sun, One Who, sustained by divine silence, once occultly lived the mysteries of the Passion of Her Son, the Son of God. She will come because the passion of the planet has already begun, and the Woman Clothed with the Sun will hold Her Children in Her arms, She will protect and shelter them, just as She did with Her Son, from the Calvary to the Cross.

Behold the Woman that, with eyes of compassion, renews Her little ones after each fall. This is the One that will not be able to avoid the suffering of Her children if humanity does not open to Her Peace, but will have the cross be light and meritorious for those who say “yes” to Her.

Behold the One that, despite not being understood by humankind, keeps coming to the world to guide them. Here, children, is the Mother of Truth proclaimed by God and not by humankind; a Living and indivisible part of the Heart of the Father.

Behold, today I am here, opening the doors of My Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of Peace and of Purity for the planet, where My reign extends beyond Heaven; where the angels find a dwelling place and a refuge beyond Paradise; where souls receive new opportunities of redemption.

Children, here is Your Celestial Mother, to consecrate you and bless you, to wash you in the waters of divine knowledge, and so that in this way, you may awaken to the Truth that will emerge in front of your eyes, so that you may receive it with joy and gratitude, and let yourselves be transformed by it.

This Truth, My children, will not only be transmitted by the word, with the senses, or with the heart. The Truth will emerge from Heaven and from Earth, and all that was hidden from the eyes of humankind will be revealed. The ones who knew and were indifferent will repent; the ones who felt it and waited for it will be exalted; the ones who knew it and with diligence prepared for its arrival will be grateful and will rest in the revelation of its light; the ones who did not believe and denied the Truth will be fearful and will try to escape, not knowing where to go.

Behold, today I am here, before the eyes of your hearts, as the proclaimer of Universal Truth. For I have announced it and warned you so that you may prepare your hearts. Just receive My grace and be consequent with Me. Let devotion become faithfulness and fortitude; convert into an unbreakable faith, that transcends the human strength and will, and enter into Celestial Power and Purposes.

Behold, today I am here, renewing humanity, as I renew one of My favorite souls on Earth. My hands reach out to her, as to all that say “yes” to My Plan of Love, which is the Plan of God. And today I take advantage of this opportunity of coming to the world to begin opening the doors of the new time and of the liberation of souls; and so I do, children, because a soul surrendered and resigned to Divine Will said “yes” to Me.

If all of you said the same to Me or a greater “yes”, My Heart would come to the world to renew you every day and the Truth would not just emerge in front of the eyes of humankind when Justice and the Law of God no longer allowed it to be hidden. Truth could be a permanent reality in the life of humankind, and not only the angels would live in My Kingdom, but all of you, all of My children.

Today I open the doors of Lis, My Kingdom of Love and of Peace on Earth, so that the Purity that is so lacking in the world may give you the grace of living the Peace and the Will of God.

Today, beloved children, I take you by the hand to My Kingdom on Earth, which balances and repairs – as much as it is allowed – the indifference and ignorance of the souls that so wound the Heart of God.

Behold I am here today as a Radiant Sun, Mirror of the Heart of Christ, to reflect His Mercy for you, and to bless and renew not only this daughter of Mine, who opened the doors to Me to transmit the Truth to you, but all those who listen to Me from the four corners of the world and who open the doors of their hearts and of their homes to Me, so that I may reign.

I Am the Queen of your lives and with the Love of My Heart I thank you for being before Me today.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary


As the Lady of Mount Carmel, I come today to renew the consecrated monastic life, because many of My children deviate from the Purpose of God due to the tendencies and inventions of the world.

I come to remind you of the monastic rule and of the importance that the groups of prayer be guardians of these monastic nuclei; thus you will allow the Laws to be fulfilled and hearts to lean on the spirit of prayer.

The consecrated life is the principal column for the support of the planet, and it is followed by all the groups of prayer, which must be the firm pillars so that the spiritual task may be fulfilled.

The priests and the monasteries consecrated to My Son must generate a significant vortex of prayer so that the divine Laws will be established, and that these fill all hearts. The consecrated life throughout the world is one of the points of attack of My adversary; nevertheless, vigilance, discipline, and the training for prayer create the strongest and most resistant walls to any temptation.

Around this rampart, which the monastery itself must build, are the groups of prayer of all the pilgrims; such groups are the spiritual bearers of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which allow the generation of a true setting, ready to respond to the Plan of God.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the divine protectress of the whole monastic life, the Star of all who must sail on the high sea until they find the harbor, which is Jesus.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who guides you toward God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I come from Heaven as a Star of Confraternity, of Light and of Prayer.  Today I come to the world in order that through an act of repentance and of forgiveness it may be a repository of the Kingdom of My Peace.

I have come holding between My sacred hands the knots that are tying your lives.   Only through your faith and determination to achieve sanctity in this planetary life will I be able to help you to untie the knots that drown you and that do not allow you to breathe My celestial air. 

By means of My Maternal Grace and by the divine authority that My Son has given Me, I come to untie the knot in order thus to liberate humanity.  For it to be possible, your prayers and sincere offers to My Immaculate Heart will allow the doors to the redemption of the hearts to be open.

Again and again I have descended in Glory upon this blessed hill, that which has been converted into the point of light for this region.

But I need you, I need your hearts to be bright stars of love and of peace for the world.  In this way you will be able to dissolve the knots that are held in your little and simple consciousnesses.

Only by means of the power of the Holy Rosary will you manage to live the path of purification and of sanctity.  Your souls must convert themselves into living mirrors of the Will of God.  In this way, by means of My intercession your steps and footprints will be more luminous, they will be the footprints of the apostles of My Son. 

Today I untie especially the great knot of incomprehension and of bad feeling.  The knot that the enemy has patiently dedicated itself to create in the minds of those who do not dedicate time to the prayer of the heart. 

Now, as mature souls by means of My sacred instruction, the moment has come to you, after seven years of Graces, for you to meditate about the steps that you have taken with Me.

Beyond all that this world goes through and suffers, I bring you the Grace of being able to recognize My Maternal Love, the Love of God, the Love of Mother and the Understanding of all the problems and spiritual conflicts that many of my children live today.

For this, beloved children, see in your horizons the Saving Light that comes to aid you and that passes through here for the last time.  See the splendor of the Divine Love that wants to liberate and purify you so that you may be true humble servers of Christ.

To whoever supplicates to Me with heart and with soul, with faith and with spirit, I promise to help to untie the knots by means of the following charismatic prayer:

Charismatic Prayer to Our Lady Untier of Knots

Lady of Celestial Power,
untie from our consciousness
all the knots that oppress us
and close our paths.

Lady Untier of Knots!
Cut and liberate the ties of our lives,
may Your Light of Divine Wisdom
banish and dissipate the abysses of this world.
May Your celestial mantle of protection and shelter
guard us eternally
under the power of Your Love and of Your Guidance.

Sacred Mother who unties all knots,
may our lives, together with Your Angels and Archangels,
be untied by the imposition of
Your sacred hands.

Pray for us
 for all days that will come
so that, united to Your Maternal Consciousness
we may see, coming in Glory, the day of our redemption,
the day of the Return of Christ,
Our Savior.


       I thank you for answering to My call!

Peace and Blessing.

Mary, the Lady Untier of Knots

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
