In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In order to get here, I had to go through the darkest thresholds of the planet, and I know that you, My children, do not know what this means. But all of this is possible through the prayer of My children, through the hope of each heart that cries out to God. 

This allows Me to intercede and ask God for an opportunity for My children; even though this Grace, at this moment, may not be deserved.

Today, My silence speaks more than words, and it is necessary, in these times, My children, that you may plunge yourselves into the Silence of God so as to feel what He feels, to live what He lives, to see what He sees with His own Eyes.

This is why He sends Me once again. He sends Me as His Messenger, but also as His Spokesperson, to remind the world to deter the weapons, to abandon the ideas of war, of a conquest of the nations of the world that will never take place.

Woe to those who do not fear God!

Woe to those who challenge His Laws and His Will!

Therefore, all My children must keep praying fervently, just as the angels perpetually pray with their faces to the ground. This is the way through which God will grant humanity a new opportunity.

Weapons challenge the Law. Human beings do not know Creation, nor do they know where they come from. They cannot usurp the mystery because the mystery has not yet been revealed. Christ is the Mystery Himself, which will be revealed to all through His Return.

Just as the Books, the seals will have opened; so, Christ will reveal His true Face and there will be no one who can hide it; because He will come at the most culminating moment of the planet, and that moment is very close, closer than it seems.

Throughout these sixteen years that you have been with Me, moment after moment, step after step, we have built together a spiritual fortitude that not even the Church of Christ on Earth has reached.

For this reason, you must also pray for those who have not managed to respond to My Son; because the path of the New Christs is an unknown path to all, but it is not an impossible path, it is a path of challenges and transcendence. It is that Path of Christ, Our Lord, that will convert you into His true apostles, without illusions and without personal expectations.

This is what My Son needs at this moment to finish concretizing His Return. Just as He called upon you, He called upon the entire Church extended throughout the Earth to represent Him as the Light of the World, that invincible Light that many would seek in the end of these times, because in essence it is the Light of the Hierarchy, it is a Light that never changes, a Light that never fades, for it is part of the Eternal Light.

It is in the innermost depth of each being that Christ will begin to concretize His Return, and just as the first apostles and followers of the Lord, you must give your lives for the world, if you so accept.

The Christic path is not an abyss between you and Heaven. The Christic path is a bridge to all those who want to be consistent with Him, and be by His side wherever He needs it and whenever He needs it. The decision is solely within you, and nowhere else.

Allow the Love of My Son to rapture you, allow Him to convert you into what He eagerly awaiting for these times. Because in this way, His new apostles will be in places in the world they have never thought of, they will be preparing the multitudes and peoples for His arrival. And this will not be through magnificent works, but rather through true and simple examples that will move hearts to change.

I come as the Mother Who prepares that moment, for He has asked that of Me and I Am His Slave, I Am the Slave of the Lord because His Word has been made in Me.

Those who are called to be the last apostles of the last days, have decided that the Word of God be made in you?

I have seen with My own Eyes, with the Eyes of the Mother of God, that in many, the Word of God has been made, despite the tribulations and the trials.

Therefore, despite this terrifying world, regardless of what you may see around you, make yourselves available. No longer hide from God, go to meet the Eternal Father, and I assure you that you will be happy, you will be free, just as I was when I heard the call of the Archangel Gabriel.

Do not forget, My children, that I Am one more with you. I Am the Virgin Mother, the Rose of Peace, the Consoler and Advocate of those who suffer and those who cry out.

Do not become desperate, do not be distressed. No longer look at darkness, look towards the Light that Christ has left within you. In this way, you will find strength, just as I found it upon seeing My Son nailed to the Cross, by surrendering for all that which was most biggest in My life, just as many of you, and many of your brothers and sisters in the world who serve Christ,  have surrendered your families and the most precious things you have, so as to respond to the unknown call of Christ.

But the Eyes of Jesus, My Most Beloved Son, are upon your loved ones. He Himself takes care of them, He Himself protects them with His Mantle. In the same way, every day, although He is a King, He tries to protect your steps, the steps of those who claim to be His apostles.

I advise you of only one thing, My beloved children: surrender yourselves at the Feet of Jesus, just as Saint Mary Magdalene surrendered at His Feet and, with her own tears, washed the Feet of the Lord, because she was a soul that was asking for surrender.

What has this gesture meant to Jesus?

What has it meant to My Son that the Most Holy and Humble Slave of God should kiss the Feet of Jesus at the top of Mount Calvary?

But He, in His greatest agony and suffering, renounced for Me and for each one of you when, before dying, He said to Me, “Mother, behold Your son; son, behold your mother.” And today, as your Mother, the Mother of all, I am fulfilling this promise.

Have you realized, My children what it has meant to Me that you and your brothers and sisters in the world should be walking by the side of Mary and that your Virgin Mother should be walking by the side of Her children, patiently waiting for the steps of each one of you?

There is nothing more wonderful in this world than the Kingdom of the Heavens, where the angels, elementals and devas, the great creative potencies of the universe, gather to adore and praise the Name of God.

And although My Heart is wounded by what it sees of this world gone mad, when I can descend from Heaven, as on this day, My Heart finds comfort, My life becomes encouraged by all those who love Me, because love does not remain with Me, love goes directly to the Heart of God.

And He, in this way, opening His Arms and extending His Hands over the world, pours out His loving rays of Pity and Mercy, renewing through the last Christs, to the entire surface of the Earth, especially through those who anonymously serve to God.

Now I will speak to each one.

My son, My daughter, why do you suffer? Am I not here? And through Me, do you believe that you live in God, just as My Son lives through His children, through all His companions?

Make a decision, free yourself from your own burden and trust, because there is something wonderful for you, which God has written in the universe with His own Hand.

Surrender all that you have, surrender all that you are, and I assure you that you will not regret it. Because despite the deserts or the anguish, My Son renews all things; just as His Blood and His Water, which flowed out from His wounded Heart on top of the Cross, renewed the whole world.

Allow your soul to guide the boat of your life. Do not fear shipwreck, do not fear defeat, affirm yourself in the hope of My Merciful Heart and in the Merciful Heart of My Son.

Consecrate your life to Saint Joseph, and He will guide you through His Hand so that you may discover the grand Will of God, which will make you free forever, by breaking the shackles of illusion, breaking the chains of inertia and opening the portals to the great encounter, the encounter of your spirit with the Spirit of God.

I thank you for having the bravery every day, even if you do not know how, to follow the Footprints of Light of My Son. And I thank all those who pray for peace, because it is very urgent in this moment, especially peace in the hearts that no longer have it.

Never, never forget to be grateful. In doing so, you will relieve the Heart of God from so much ingratitude.

Be guardians of the Treasures of God. Be stewards of Our Messages and, without realizing it, on the great promised day, the Word of God will be fulfilled in you, just as it was fulfilled in the Slave of the Lord.

Now, we will sing again to the Lady of Kibeho, the Mother of the Word and of Speech, the Mother of Africa. Let us sing for the wounded African people, subjected to war, persecuted for their faith, condemned by the systems of this sick world, by the hunger in body and spirit.

Cry out, through the Lady of Kibeho and by means of this song, for My beloved Africa. And let us pray from now on so that Our Sacred Hearts may return to Africa next year. Are you ready for this challenge?

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the Light of Christ, I bless you so that peace may be in you and in all nations, especially in the nations that are most in need.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I love you, much more than you can imagine.

Hold onto My spiritual fortitude, and you will always see the Light of Christ on the horizon. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And now, let us sing this song to the Lady of Kibeho, responding to the request of the Most Holy Mother, so that the Graces of the Immaculate Heart of Mary may be poured out upon Africa and the world. And especially, may the Mantle of Light of the Mother of God guard and protect the children, youths and adolescents of all of Africa, and may the Mother of God grant them the Grace of relief and hope.

Song: “Our Lady of Kibeho”.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We want to conclude this Vigil of Prayer by making an account, at the request of our      Divine Mother. We will try to repeat all that happened, without losing a word, because     today the approximation and the Presence of Mary were very strong. The first thing I     would like to say, before I forget it, is that She felt this Vigil of Prayer to be true, very     sincere and very honest on the part of everyone.

When She arrived, She asked if we, as the Work, as pilgrims, as prayerful beings, will     be willing to accompany Mary on the 24th of each month, through this format of the     Vigil of Prayer. Because She told us that, with all that humanity and the planet are     going through, the only thing that our Mother has to offer to God at the moment are our     prayers, that we may gather as a group and as souls in prayer with Her.

And I feel that all of us are internally giving this yes, so that from now on, we may     resume this format of the Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the Nations, so that we may,     together with Mary, strengthen this school of prayer that She has taught us and,     especially, that we may pray for all urgent causes, responding to Her request.

Today, when the Divine Mother arrived, as She always does, crossing the portals of the     Heavens in a gradual manner, She took us, as consciousnesses, to the darkest places     of the abysses of the planet, which are spiritual abysses that cannot be seen with the     physical eyes.

And She carried out this movement and presented this situation as She did in the third     secret of Fatima. The Virgin Mother crossed a city totally destroyed by war and     weapons, screams of suffering and pain could be heard, there were people without     legs, arms.

She was the only Light shining there, and that Light was shining through Her due to     our prayers of today. She was collecting each bead of prayer of this Vigil and also all     the prayers that we have said in these sixteen years of Apparitions, to offer them to     God as an act of atonement and mercy.

In my personal case, honesty, I was deeply impacted by what I saw. I thought I would     not be able to continue with the task. When Our Mother perceived it, She withdrew this     scene and brought Heaven.

As She spoke, She gradually approached each one of us. I could say that today She     was closer to us then She had ever been before.

And She, not only spiritually, was She raising the planet and humanity from where they     are at the moment, as well as the peoples, the nations that are suffering, but She was     also raising each one of us.

 And Her Love, that pure and unmistakable Love of Mary, was gradually transforming     the miseries of the world and our own miseries. And Her Love, in a form of Light, which     emanated from her Immaculate Heart, gradually entered those spaces of our cellular     and spiritual memory where there are many marks, where there are many fears.

 What She did was encouraging us and, with Her Love, She was enveloping and     transforming us into something new, She separated us from this darkness, which we     sometimes go through and She gradually did this to the planet as well.

Today, She was like a Great Pilgrim and Server, and Her Eyes could see everything.     She could see us as we are, not with judgment, not with condemnation. Seeing Her     Gaze was intense, because it was a Love not of this planet. She emanated that Love     of God and gradually closed, in that way, many doors within us and in the world. And     Her Word, which was the Word of God, built new inner bridges for each one of us, so     that we might dare to cross those bridges, in these times, toward that hope that She     spiritually brought to us today.

 Then, She carried out an important spiritual task for Africa. There, another very hard     scenario presented itself again, where children were dying from malnutrition and the     mothers of those children were desperate. Mary would nourish those mothers with Her     spiritual strength, She would relieve the heart of those mothers and also the Divine     Mother gradually collected all the children in Her Arms.

In short, that was what happened. Many other situations presented themselves during     the Apparition, but the best way to remember them is to watch again the moment that     we experienced with the Divine Mother.

So, we have this commitment, as from today, to pray together in these Vigils of Prayer     for Peace in the Nations every 24th.. On the 12th of each month there will also be a     Vigil of Prayer, just as Our Lady established it so many years ago. On the 12th of each     month, Mary wants Her children to keep praying, just as they do every 12th.

Let us give thanks once again and bring the Words of Mary to our hearts.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

 In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My Presence replicates Itself within those who love Me.

My Voice echoes in those who heed My Call.

I Am present in the desert, as well as in Paradise. I Am present in the falls as well as in the triumphs, but My Silence is that which makes Me invisible to the eyes of those who claim to be powerful.

My Love is like a spear that pierces the human heart, transverberates and illuminates it, making it all for Me. This is why I Am here.

I Am the One Who thought of you, but also the One Who created you.

My Word reverberates in those who live My Message, and even though they may be imperfect, I sustain them through My Life. For My joy lies in those who seek Me, in all those who trust in Me.

To each one I give that which they must learn, that which they must endure and sustain, but I will never give you something you cannot cope with.

Learn to walk through what is best from that which you have attained.

Do not see the universe as empty, but rather full of experiences of love and forgiveness.

I Am the breeze that blows in the morning.

I Am the Sun that rises through those who live in My Faith.

I Am the triumph of Love in those who transform themselves.

In that which is small, I Am Big. In that which is Big, I Am Invisible. This is the keynote of My Humility.

My Signs indicate that I Am always here, and the Rays of My Consciousness embrace those who invoke Me. For in what seems to be a loss lies the triumph, in resignation lies loyalty, in obedience lies fidelity, in service lies the opportunity to love and the opportunity for Me to govern your lives forever, regardless of the battles and the uncertainties.

I need you transformed, just as My Son is. He drank from the Chalice without fear of failure. He surrendered so that all might be rescued, up to today.

His Reign is in the Crown of Thorns. His Will is in My Divine Scepter. His Infinite Love is in all whom He untiringly loves.

What about you, My Children, will you do the same?

Each one has a share with Me in this universe, which I have created with protection so that you may recognize My Love and the happiness I have in being with My Children. This is the reason for My Creation. This is the purpose with which I work and manifest, concretize and accomplish throughout the times.

You were called to live these times. This is why you are here and nowhere else. The Creator Universe guides those who obey.

There is still a wonderful Work to be carried out, even in these critical times, when impunity and indifference try to replace love and unity. However, I will not allow this.

My Name is written in all dimensions.

My Love is present in all beings, even in those who are far from Me. For the Love of My Son will make the cross of these times triumph. And those who cling to the Victorious Light of Christ shall not perish.

Today, I gather you again just as more than 2,000 years ago, when the people of Israel would listen to the prophets and follow the Scriptures.

But now your souls are the new Book for My Son in which He expects to write the new triumph of His Love, beyond all dimensions and consciousnesses, beyond all evil.

And He knows your true names. Before His Eyes, nothing is hidden.

Follow Him where He calls you to go, because this is the time of His Return.

After He returns, His Celestial Father will return. It will be more than the burning bush before Moses, more than the waters that split so that His sacred people may be liberated from captivity, more than the very transubstantiation of the Body and Blood of Christ.

I will come with the Power and Love of the Heavens, more than all praises and songs of the angels, more than the very Presence of the Brotherhood.

My Love, at that hour, will multiply more than the bread and the fish, more than the healing experienced by the paralytic and the blind, more than the very resurrection itself of Lazarus and the dead.

My Love will re-establish the Laws on Earth. More than all elements, I will gather all the Kingdoms. More than at the very Cenacle of the Pentecost, the languages will become one, understanding will bring wisdom and Divine Justice will re-build the Earth, from North to South, and from East to West.

And at that moment, the Cross of the New Humanity will be made manifest. The synthesis will spiritually be completed, and the last veils will fall from your eyes so that you may see Who I Am.

My Love continues to be unknown, but after the Return of My Son, all will be consummated, as it was on the Cross. And the law of suffering will no longer exist, souls will no longer know their pains and guilt, but they will rather be allowed to know the happiness of the Kingdom of the Heavens, which the angels will show them.

At that hour, the new human being, the new consciousness will re-emerge, because they will no longer be united to the spiritual debt, but rather to the gift of the Heavens.

Build this event with hope. Do not seek it, wait for it, for it will come.

Once again, the hour of My Son draws near. Therefore, it is time to pray with mercy and piety.

Let war and division no longer exist between beings.

Let no one evermore foster the culture of discarding and indifference, not even with the very brother by their side.

Be worthy of the gifts from Heaven, for Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Message will remain alive in those who trust in Me.

My Heart is full of Graces for all. My Arms are open for those who want to feel My consolation.

In silence, I hear your confession.

Let there not be fear, but rather faith.

Let there not be grief, but rather hope.

Let there not be suffering, but rather liberation.

Let there not be evil, but rather love.

This is My Message for those who will experience the next meetings with My Son, as a unique opportunity to be before the Portal of My Mercy, which shows like the Water and the Blood of Christ.

The One Who rejoices and blesses you and the world for this meeting,


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I Am here, not only where you can see Me and contemplate Me through Nature, all that I Have created so that you might be happy through My spiritual wealth; but I Am also within you, strongly calling you towards the innermost depths of your being so that you may listen to Me and follow Me.

I Am not a God of Justice, I Am a God of Mercy.

I Am a Father who, with a sorrowful Heart, contemplates how His Children behave, how His Creatures not only act against My Creation, but also how My Children do not respect one another and would rather wound one another by causing wars, destroying families, displacing millions of the innocent, separating parents from children, so that they may go to war.

O, what intimate and unknown pain this whole situation generates for Me, a situation that distresses My Eternal Fatherly Heart, of a Father who is no longer heard today, even while I send My favorite Messengers from Heaven and from the Stars.

Look at what My Creation has been converted into, to the point of wanting to conquer space, only to demonstrate who can do more.

My Creatures, I assure you that you will never find Me amidst wealth, you will never find Me in what is comfortable or pleasant for all. My Essence is perpetuated in silence and in Love.

I created you for you to bear fruits in Love, in service and in fraternity. Without these three essential principals, My Children will not be able to be happy because I created you to love Me, I made you grow in order to serve Me, I united you as brothers and sisters for you to live in fraternity.

And in a planet of inequalities and ambitions, My Children were led astray in darkness and vices, forgetting Me and believing, due to the deception of My adversary, that I abandoned you.

How do you believe that an Eternal Father could be capable of abandoning His Children or of punishing them?

I know that, throughout the times, many of My Children, even those who claim to be spiritualized, have lost the ability to hear Me and recognize Me. I always try to send you signs of My Presence so that you may know that I Am here, not only in the beauty that I Have created for you, but also within you, which is many times censured by your points of view or your ideas.

Thus, those who I once chose with My own Hand have distanced themselves from Me, they have believed in themselves and ceased to believe in My Consoling Love.

How do you believe the Celestial Father may feel when brothers and sisters treat one another inadequately, fiercely wounding one another, destroying the house that I gave you with so much love and care?

How do you believe that the Heart of your Eternal Father might feel when bombs are launched, lives are annihilated, Children are discarded, families are separated and hatred and impunity are sown?

How much more will My beloved Children make My silent Heart suffer?

Children, this is not the world or the humanity that I wish for you, you have lost the way to the Promised Land, for this reason, I Have, up to these days,  sent you My Resurrected Son and the Mother of all, a Mother who only asks Me to allow Her do more and more for Her little and ignorant creatures.

I ask you to tell the whole world to turn towards Me, because My Heart needs to be repaired, but My Arms are constantly open to receive you, to listen to you, to call you to the path of return to the House of your Loving Father.

If souls do not turn to Me, hearts will keep suffering, families will be the social fracture of the times, wars will keep being in the news and a source of commotion to all.

I did not create you for you to be converted into instruments of evil, I made you emerge so that you could be witnesses of My Love.

In My eternal silence, I pray for you, together with My adoring angels.

And for those who offer themselves to Me, as postulants to be victims of My Love, let them keep aspiring, every day, so that the lives of the New Christs, anonymous and selfless, may keep being the cause and reason to placate all errors of the world.

That, by the merits achieved in the countless sufferings of My Son, more consciousnesses may someday realize, by themselves, that they have forgotten the Love that created them.

Who always blesses you eternally,

Your Celestial Father,



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From My Heart, I emit the Silence of God for the world, the Silence that speaks about many things, the Silence of God that brings many reflections to His children.

Behold the Silence of God that comes to call humanity towards its inner quietude, to abandon the noise of this world, to listen, in the silence of the heart, to the Word of God that emits the power of His superior energy that transforms all.

Behold the Silence of God through the First-Born Son, who today comes to this world, once again, to rescue lost souls, to remove the chains of oppression from many of My companions, who, spiritually, are prisoners of evil. But I open the doors for them, to the Silence of God, because this is where they will be liberated.

Evil does not know silence, because silence will lead you towards inner unity, and in inner unity you will be strengthened to face the battle of these times so that you may have enough courage and bravery to face this planetary reality.

The Silence of God is unchangeable. Through the Heart of His most beloved Son, He brings to the world a Message of Peace, but also a Message of reflection so that the majority of His creatures not lose the sense of the Divine Purpose and may perceive that this planet is agonizing because of humanity, for all that it does, day by day.  

The Silence of God, through My Merciful Heart, comes to announce to you, for the last time, the repentance of the heart, to make penance, to no longer transgress the laws of nature, because no being upon the surface of this planet knows them.

The Silence of God, through My Glorified Heart, comes to tell you not to challenge the Laws and not to challenge the times, because no one knows what will come tomorrow.

Through My Heart, the Silence of God speaks to each inner world, because the most culminating time is arriving. The pandemic and the climatic situation of this planet are the preamble of the end of times, the last part of the Armageddon.

The door of the Apocalypse is now very open, and, as you do not know what the Apocalypse is, I invite you not to challenge the Apocalypse, to not degenerate the Apocalypse with the evil actions of the men and women of the Earth, because suffering in this world has multiplied throughout the times, and there are still consciousnesses upon the surface of this planet that enjoy the suffering of others.

I ask, through the Silence of God:

Where is human sensitivity and dignity? I do not speak of anything spiritual, but rather of something deeply close to you.

Where is human fraternity?

Where is the human love that, although it may be imperfect, will never be capable of doing evil?

All that the world faces today, the universe also faces it with you. The Central Sun of the Galaxy, more and more, emits powerful and transforming rays throughout the three planes of consciousness.

As you do not know the powerful currents of the universe, the Silence of God also speaks to you and tells you not to challenge these currents, to not oppose these currents, but, unfortunately, I know that many will still challenge them.

I come at this moment as the great spiritual amnesty for your lives, and I expand My offer throughout this universe and in this Creation even more so that not only the merits of My Passion may help you, but also the merits of My Ascension and My Spiritual Government may justify, before the universe and the Law, all your errors. Because the human being is not only a being of errors, this is an illusion. The human being does not know its inner universe, because it completely contradicts it.

The inner universe is something that God gave you with much Love. This inner universe is the Temple of God, it is His sacred Tabernacle, where the Most Holy Trinity can be present in your lives. But it seems all that We give you is not enough, and I know that this does not correspond to most, but it does, however, correspond to all of humanity. For this reason, throughout the times and all generations, there have been great saints and consciousnesses surrendered to Me, who not only justified their own sins but also the sins of the world.

Who else will offer themselves to My Heart and to the Heart of God, to be a victim of the Love of the Universe? This is nothing poetic nor mystical. This is a step of the consciousness, of the one who takes the risk of living in Christ and for Christ, of the one who, in spite of their miseries, errors or sins, stands up again, every day, to begin anew, as if nothing had passed.

This is the Christ who becomes consecrated to Me. This is the consciousness that Christifies itself for Me, not only by giving itself for others, but also by living for others,  serving for others, as well as surrendering for the Kingdoms of Nature, because not only the human being needs love, the Kingdoms of Nature also need love and redemption.

With the world view that presents itself to the Silence of God, I invite you to reflect upon all these teachings. From beginning to end, I invite you to meditate upon this Message, because My Words are finalizing, and the universe is preparing for My Return, a Return that is unknown to the human being of the surface because only God knows how I will return and My Celestial Mother, who has been your Mother since the moment of the Cross, and who is the Guardian of My Return to humanity. She is the caretaker of the secrets of My Heart.

For this reason, My Mother, who is your Mother, always asks you to pray so that My secrets, which are My Prophecies, may not be fulfilled, but rather that only the great promises of My Heart be fulfilled, for each one of you, for each one of your brothers and sisters.

Like the light of the sun that illuminates you today, thus, I come from the universe. Thus, I bring My Spiritual Government, from the heart of this universe called Andromeda, the favorite dwelling of the Supreme Divinity, to guide, accompany and rule all Its material universe.

I come from Andromeda, this is the place that God has given Me after My Ascension, because to be at the right side of God, sitting in His Throne, near His Heart, is to be fulfilling His Will, as His Son fulfilled it, since the beginning of His Birth on Earth.

For this reason, I come to tell all My companions, to all souls that postulate themselves to be victims of My Love, at some moment of their lives, to keep moving ahead, to be brave, persevering and determined, for their hearts to never become cold, and for their hearts not to become tepid, may their hearts feel the fire of My Love so as to be able to renew this wounded and outraged Earth, to be able to heal this humanity that is sick and lost due to the lack of spiritual guidance.

But I reappear in these times to bring to the world the Message of preparation of My Return, but I also come to bring, through the Silence of God, the Message of warning to humanity because the doors of My Mercy are still open but souls still continue submerging through the doors of the abysses.

Children, do not let yourselves be dragged nor pushed by evil, however, do not challenge it. May each blow you receive be an act of resignation and of a profound renunciation for those who still flagellate My Heart, especially for the priests of the Catholic Church who are the shame of the whole world, because to them I have entrusted My flocks, the most innocent and small flocks, and, due to the events experienced in these times within the Church, they have caused the smallest ones to lose the possibility of Christification throughout time.

Who will do something for this to be reversed? Who will be able to overcome the indignation and injustice in order to understand the sinners, just as I understand them and love them? You should know, companions, that you are in the times of experiencing great daring things so that My Love may triumph on this planet.

But I do not invite you to be unconscious or for you to lack discernment, because my ruler measures each sin, but My Heart, and, above all, My Mercy, transforms all and heals all in the hearts that repent before Me. Thus, you will be able to understand how sin dissolves before Love and how Love leads the consciousnesses to reconsider and remake their lives, in spite of what may have happened.

I would like to speak to you for a much longer time, but I know that your inner worlds and consciousnesses need some time to understand My Words and, above all, to grasp the vibration of My Message, because I do not come to be a judge, I come here to be your Savior and Redeemer, because, remember, I gave My Life for you up until the Cross, until the last moment of My expiration.

Each second of My Passion was offered for you, for humanity, therefore, I invite the faithful devotees of My Sacred Heart to invoke the power of My Blood.

I invite you to pray all the prayers that may attract to the world the powerful Blood of Jesus so that the Christic codes of My universal Consciousness may enter the sick cells of humanity and all may be reversed.

Place your hope and faith in the power of My Blood, but do not expect results.

In a resigned way, offer each moment of prayer and allow Me to place the fruits of the prayer of the heart where it is most needed, and for the ones who most need it.

But as I say that you recognize the planetary situation and all the aggressions that the world is experiencing, I invite you to renew your faith and, above all, your confidence in Me.

I ask you not to do the same as the apostles did, who, by lack of faith and confidence, were besieged by My enemy. Fear embraced them and they doubted Christ, leaving Him alone and hanging from the Cross.

Be like the holy women who transcended all situations and difficulties, be like the first helpers of Christ on Earth, who never doubted, who did not fear to face any adversity to be close to the Lord and heal Him with their kisses of love, because it was their kisses of love, the love of the holy women, that, on the second day of having been at the sepulcher, closed the Wounds of the Lord. This is a mystery that I reveal to you today, the simple yet true mystery of love that surrenders in faith at the Feet of the Lord.

Today, I again receive within My Heart all prayers and intentions.

I know that each one of you, and also your families, loved ones, friends, companions and nations, face the end of these times, a very unknown time to all, a time that many do not even know how to go through.

However, do not fear, because the victory of My Kingdom is approaching, and the New Earth will rise in the hearts that believed in Me.

Let all those who listen to Me be aware that I know your intentions, your requests and even your pleas. Be patient and persevere. My spiritual priesthood blesses you and illuminates your steps so that you can cross the darkness of these times with the absolute confidence that I am returning.

For this reason, I need to dwell in your hearts, I need to be present in many more hearts, just as I was in the hearts of My apostles, and of the holy women.

Today I again give you the Commandment that I gave to My apostles and to the holy women: “Forgive one another and reconcile, love one another as I have loved you and as I love you today, because, in the Love of the Almighty, you will overcome everything, but if you step out of this Love, you will take a long time to reach that, be patient in Love, and all will be healed.”

I will now leave you the greatest experience of My Love, through the Spiritual Communion, and remember that in the Sacrament of the Altar lies your redemption and your renewal, for your entire lives.

The Son of the Father now retreats into the Silence of God so that many more may enter the Silence of the Father.

I absolve you, but I also bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


When I was on Earth, in Nazareth, and while My fragile human heart was tired, I would distance myself from everything and everybody and, alone with God, I would pray.

Many times I had no strength to pray, and anguish silenced, not only My voice, but also My thoughts. And so, kneeling before the Lord, I would become silent. I remained in silence, feeling His Breath entering My body through the air that I would breathe. I sought peace.

I did not ask the Lord for anything, and everything I had already belonged to Him; so I just became silent and waited, emptying My heart of fear and anguish, and I found strength in that deep silence that I shared with God.

Why do I tell you this today?

Because I know the depths of your hearts and I know that under the pressure of these times, you feel tired, anguished and always moved toward a greater transformation, to a more profound step into the unknown. 

This is why I teach you, children, that even in weaknesses, your strength is in God. And when you have no words or feelings to share with the Lord, simply become silent and seek peace, sharing the Silence of God. His Divine Breath will reveal this peace to you.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come with the little Child Jesus in My arms to carry you into a new state of consciousness, a state in which you can see the world, not with the limitations of humankind, but rather with the perfection of God, contemplating the true need of these times, contemplating the Laws that are moving, that enter the Earth, Laws that have never before been active on the planet.

Many believe that they have already known Divine Justice, from back when the era of the patriarch's God had spoken to them with Justice.

Throughout the centuries, this Justice gradually developed, deepened, and as the human consciousness transformed, all of Creation transformed.

The Laws and the Rays are no longer the same as those of the beginning times on Earth or the beginning times of this Creation. Each cycle is new, and even if it has similarities to previous times, everything is renewed.

The time of Mercy has come, the New Covenant between God and humankind, sealed by Christ on His Cross, confirmed by Him in His Ascension into the Heavens. And in spite of this Covenant being eternal, to live it you must respond to it.

So that you can be under a law, you must attract that law into your lives. When you do not do so, children, you do not justify the Blood that was shed on the Cross, and even though that Blood may be available, eternally given to all creatures, if your hearts are not open to it, it flows from the Heart of Christ and does not transform your lives.

The cycles will continue to pass by, and the Law of Justice has come, a Justice that is not the same as in the beginning times. It does not come with the wrath of God, because God is simply silent. The Laws work by themselves, because the time has come in which humanity itself, as a potential co-creator with God, may also be the one responsible for its own evolution.

In past eras, God spoke to humankind with Justice and with what you know as wrath, which is actually the profound Ray of Divine Will, which humanity could not understand. This Ray descended on Earth, with all its power, to break the hardest and most archaic structures of humanity. But when human beings began to open to love, the Laws began to work in a different way, and the Creator found room to transform the world in another way, through a greater Love, which transcended all laws, all forms, all life.

That was the Love of God in His Son.

That Love is still echoing in the four corners of this world and in all life. Many times it is poured out upon the Earth without you being aware of it.

God constantly provides opportunities for each being. He gives them His best, that which is most perfect in the universe, the best opportunities for the evolution of those who least deserve it, because His Love does not act according to the justice of humankind, but rather to the Mercy that is born of His Heart.

Today I come with the Child Jesus in My arms so that you may understand this new cycle in light of His Presence.

His Mercy continues to resonate; His Blood continues to be poured out over the world; God continues to give opportunities to humanity, but each being in these times must choose the path that they will follow.

Thus, children, this is a new era of Justice. Mercy will not cease to exist, but the Creator will no longer intercede for His children as before. He will remain silent, a silence that will speak deeply to all of Creation, because the silence of God means a profound prayer, unknown to all beings, including those who, in the dimensions of the angels and archangels, are constantly at the Feet of the Creator.

In the silence of God, His Love for creatures expands, and those who open to hear Him, to let His silence resonate within them, who open to that infinite Love, enter the dimensions of that Love and live an experience of unique transformation, recognizing the true potential of human beings, recognizing the unity that happens between the Creator and His creatures, understanding what it means to open the doors between dimensions and live in likeness to God.

All of this happens when beings simply respond to the Love of the Creator, setting aside their smallness, their imperfections, and strive to transcend themselves each day to leave the human condition and come to know the condition of the children of God.

Thus, you attract the sublime Laws into your lives and, taking a single step, these Laws lead you and elevate you to ever greater, broader and more profound steps.

But, when beings know that God is silent, when they already know His Mercy and ignore all the opportunities that He gives them, the laws that they attract to their lives are different: the law of justice, the law of suffering, the law of loneliness, of abandonment, of anguish, of hopelessness.

I want you to thus understand, children, that it is not God who is designing your lives, but you yourselves are doing so.

This is the cycle of the definition of humanity. You can no longer live as ordinary creatures, when you were designed to be children of God, in likeness to Him, co-creators, who bring within themselves, in their deepest essence, a possibility for transforming Creation, as not even the Archangels can do.

In this way, understand the responsibility that you have for all life and therefore, do not remain any longer in the small things, those that bind you and attach you to this world. Meditate on what I tell you and on what God says to you through each Divine Messenger.

We came to the world as an echo of the Voice of the Creator, which is speaking for the last time in this cycle of humanity. Not because He does not love His creatures and does not wish to speak to them for all eternity; but if it were not this way, you would never discover who you are, and this Earth will self-destruct through the ignorance of humankind.

It is possible to repair suffering, it is possible to awaken beings through love, service and constant prayer, but it is not possible to enter someone else's consciousness to define their steps according to Divine Will. Each being must experience their own definition.

The greatest service you can render today, in the name of all humanity and for the elevation of souls living in ignorance, is to take your own steps towards the Father, to live that infinite Love, discover this mystery that is hidden within you, let that Love expand and transform everything around you. Thus, give an example to the world through your own life, because in this way you will be generating an opportunity for redemption, not only for your own souls, but for all of Creation, for worlds and universes unknown to you.

You are a drop of water in the infinite ocean, but not just any water. A living water that, when it enters this ocean, is capable of transforming it, transforming all the other drops, seas and all the life that dwells within it.

I know that many do not believe in what I say and do not even believe that I am here; but I did not come for you to believe in Me, I have come to give you an instruction, that you live for yourselves the experience of attracting divine Laws or human laws toward your lives.

Go through the experience, children, of letting yourselves be transformed by the Love of God, which descends upon you when you pray, when you serve, when you are silent before something that causes you anguish, that wounds your human egos and contradicts your personalities.

When you allow someone else to express themselves, allowing some else to grow, you grow from the inside out, because when you renounce being a protagonist in the world, it is God who finds a space to be a protagonist within you, and no one will see you, but it is there that the true meaning of life is accomplished.

Give thanks for everything that you have received. Permanently thank the Creator and elevate your consciousness beyond human needs, beyond your aspirations and your wills, beyond your plans and goals for life on this planet. Elevate yourselves through gratitude.

Today the Child Jesus, in My arms, points toward infinity, and within it beats the Heart of God, which calls upon you to return, to return in essence, to return to Him without ceasing to exist, to return to God, being in the world and making this planet part of His Heart.

This is what you are called to live.

Today, on this altar, yet another mystery of God is revealed to you. A rarely understood mystery, because many do not know what a sacred object signifies. Many question and ignore the different Graces that God grants to humankind.

A sacred object, magnetized by the Creator, is something that constantly reminds you what your true mission is, what you are called to live and what the path might be for doing so. 

A sacred object is like a seal that makes you recognizable to the angels and archangels.

It is like a sign, a sign of light that in the darkness of the world will let souls recognize it and know the way.

It is a symbol of protection and of Grace, a symbol of adherence and faith. It strengthens your faith every time you put it on and believe in all the promises we have given you.

A sacred object is a symbol of healing, of reconciliation with God, when a lost, sick soul receives it and they believe that they have received a divine gift from the hands of their Creator, to remind them of how much He loves them.

A sacred object is a mysterious symbol of God drawing closer to the hearts of His children. He is silently there, in each little medallion, in each little scapular, speaking to your hearts, reminding your essences where they came from and to where they must return. That, children, is a sacred object.

For this reason, today, here on My altar, there are medallions of My Most Chaste Heart, which together with My little Son, I have come to bless.

This blessing will resonate and remain, forever and ever, in every medallion coined in honor of My Most Chaste Heart, and the mystery that I bring you today will remain in them and in all those that will come, strengthening the faith of those who believe that the Love of God is there.

With My little Child Jesus, I lay My hands upon these medallions and decree, in the name of Christ and by the authority that God has given me, that the Gifts of His Holy Spirit will remain within them.

May all the blessings and promises that I have given you be fulfilled. May all those souls who will receive them be strengthened, awakened and reconciled with the Father, finding their way through the darkness and no longer remaining lost. May their suffering turn into hope, may their pain turn into reparation for the greater and deeper pain that the Heart of God feels while contemplating the world in these times.

May the souls who receive them hear the silence of the Creator, feel his deep love and choose to live under the law of Mercy, rather than Justice.

May the souls who receive them draw the rays of Grace, healing and compassion to their lives, and may they be consistent with them in all their actions and thoughts.

By the Grace of My Son, today in My arms, I give peace to all those who carry this small medallion with them.

Listening to My words, I know that some souls have asked themselves how to attract into their lives what I have told them in order not to live under the law of justice, of suffering or of pain, but rather, of Mercy, of Grace and of Divine Love.

And I just say to you: serve, be grateful, live each word that we have already given you, study what we have said to you, because with a simple reading of them, each day, the vibration of our words alone will transform you. Adore the Eucharistic Heart of Christ and open the door for Him to express Himself within you.

Do not seek things for yourself, do not desire to accumulate the treasures of the world, but in the silence of your souls, in the depths of your hearts, in a dialogue and in a contact with God, let your celestial treasures manifest.

We have already taught you what to do, we have already poured out blessings, graces like rain over your lives.

You need only create the conditions for them to manifest each day, and I do not tell you to be perfect, but rather to observe yourselves and whenever you are leaving the path of fraternity and of love, stop, ask for forgiveness, and try to do it again in the right way; and it does not matter that you may fall many times, because the calvary of these times also has many falls; you just need to get up from them and continue walking toward the goal of overcoming yourselves in love, every day.

This is what I have to say to you today, but I must also fulfill a request of the Creator, that His children spiritually commune so that they receive His Graces and be strengthened, that they feel His Presence and commune of the Body and Blood of Christ, which manifests in all your cells at this time.

You may bring the altar and Friar Yesua here.

I would like one hundred of these medals to go to a daughter of mine who, trusting in my call, day after day, attracts the Law of Grace, not only to the country where she lives today, but also to the whole of Africa.

I would like two hundred of these medals to go to the House of Saint Isabel, carrying not only My protection, but the Love of God to those who generate merits for the salvation of so many children in this world, through their prayers and their purity.

I would also like the members of the Light-Community Fraternity to receive My medallions, because in their silence and striving, in spite of their imperfection, they also generate merits for the transformation of humanity. And, little by little, let each of the devotees who aspire to answer to this call and receive this teraphim from My Chaste Heart also be able to do so. This is what I most want for these medallions and for all those yet to come.

Just as God granted me the authority to pour out Graces onto the world, He also did so for every priest consecrated by Him. It is thus that in My presence and for the consecration of this Eucharist, you will pray for all the priests of the world, for all those who feel hopeless for not being able to share the Graces of God and for all those who ignore the Presence of the Creator in their vocation and the possibility that they have of drawing the Graces of God to the world.

Spiritually communing of the Body and the Blood of Christ, allow the Mercy of Christ to reach not only those who commune, but also those who share the bread and the wine transformed on the altar, so that this abundant life that is revealed in the Body and the Blood of Christ may permeate their priestly hearts first. Amen.

Friar Yesua:

In union with the Heart of Saint Joseph and the Heart of Our Lord, we unite with the Celestial Church of Christ and humbly offer this Communion to all the souls of the world, to all our brothers and sisters who at this moment are in need of the Love and the Presence of Our Lord.

We remember that moment when Our Lord took the bread, elevated it to the Father, giving thanks, and broke it and gave it to His disciples, saying: take and all eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for each one of you, for the forgiveness of all sins.

We hear the three chimes, consummating the consecration of the bread into the Body of Our Lord.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


And in the same way, Our Lord took the Chalice and, elevating it to the Father, passed it to His Apostles, saying: take and all drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and eternal Covenant, which will be spilled for the forgiveness of all sins and the salvation of all mortals. Do this in remembrance of Me until the end of times, until I return.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


And together we revere the Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord and, in profound union with His Heart, together pray the Our Father in Aramaic.

(Our Father prayer in Aramaic).

May the Peace and Mercy of Our Lord descend to Earth at this moment.

And we ask You, Lord, that through this Communion, our brothers and sisters in the world may also spiritually commune of Your Body and Your Blood. Amen.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

And all of us who are in their homes will, at this moment, visualize Saint Joseph with the little Child in His arms, and from the little Hands of the Child Jesus, we will receive the Eucharist, of which our souls commune in the name of all humanity.

May the Peace of My Chaste Heart, all the Graces and the Love that are born in the Heart of My little Son, the Son of God, reach all souls, transforming and healing hearts and spirits, their sick bodies, so that they may find peace.

With My words, I bless you and thank you for reflecting with your hearts upon all that I have said to you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And with the intention that the Healing of God may reach the four corners of this world, we will end this prayer with a song that attracts divine Laws, Grace and the blessings of God toward the planet.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

At the request of Saint Joseph, we will sing “Rains of Love”. Thank you all very much.


Withdraw into the desert with God, trusting in His silence and in His Presence.

Let all spiritual and human sensations, which were once before confirmations and inner impulses to you, now be substituted by the fortitude of faith that, in a simple and pure way, unites you with God.

Accept the miracle of the desert with love, for God calls to the desert those in whom He hopes to place His trust, His Cross, His Grace and, above all, child, those who have been willing from the beginning to redeem their own lives, surpassing the Love of God.

My voice is an encouragement for the souls that walk into the void, for I simply say: "Go into this void and this desert; walk far and go deep into it, for it is there where you cannot recognize yourself  that God will reveal Himself, and will finally show you who you are."

Your Lord used to withdraw into the desert to pray, because it was there where He left behind His human condition and embraced His Divine Condition. And thus, the desert must be a hope for you.

Let the pain of renunciation become freedom from what holds you to the world.

In the desert, you can suffer with heavy footsteps due to the chains of the slavery of the world that are fastened to your feet, or you can bow down before God, place your face on the ground and know that, with your clamor elevated into the void, these currents are broken and you can walk free.

The desert will not cease to be arid and lonely, but your steps will be free and your heart light, so as to reach your own destiny.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Everything you search for is within you. The Universe is revealed in the human essence. Happy are those who believe in this and do not search outside of themselves for the answers to their questions, but use the Word of the Hierarchy as a path to enter their own heart.

Happy are those who know how to welcome the ancient wisdom that God handed to humanity throughout the centuries, but who do not hold their minds and hearts in what is written in the books but rather make of knowledge the motor for their liberation and discover that the narrow Door is in their own heart.

The science of life is self-knowledge.

Happy are those who know how to drink from My words and from all the impulses that I have handed to the world. And still happier are those who know how to make of My silence a cycle to experience all that I have said to humanity.

I speak to the essence of hearts. I speak to the truth within each being, because there you can understand all in which I tell you. Therefore, listen to Me with your heart, feel My words and meditate upon them as a prayer, more than as a study. Pray the divine instructions, and they will be life.

Your Father and Friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Open your heart and I will show you that My Presence is beyond what your eyes can see and My silence reveals more mysteries than a thousand words pronounced every day.

Open your heart and I will show you that the path of renunciation is a bridge that the soul creates to cross the abysses of the world and reach God.

Open your heart and I will show you that universal mysteries are to be found when you allow all concepts about yourself to be lost.

Open your heart and I will show you a silent and humble path, revealed and deep, the same path that I indicated to the Most Holy Mary when I expired in Her arms: the same path that She showed Me through Her seeing, when She said to Me: "go."

Open your heart and let the freedom of the void enter within you, the depths of knowing oneself united to all things, beyond the senses, the feelings, or the thoughts. Let the meanings of God, of His Essence, of His Heart be revealed to you.

I want to show you a new path, a new cycle, in which My Heart will be with you and will teach you to find the infinite in your own heart, through silence and a simple union with God.

Feel, child, in your heart, the same love that your Most Holy Mother and the little Child Jesus felt when, in silence, they saw My Spirit merge into the Divine Spirit and discovered the essence of Eternity, of Omnipresence.

My Heart breathes the Breath of God and lives within His Grace; thus, you will always find Me, silent as the air, in all the instants of life.

Open your heart to a new cycle, a new time, a time that will be experienced by all of humanity, a cycle that will be experienced by all of Creation.

The time has come to climb the Calvary of this world, to discover what it is to be a human being. You already have all the keys for this; now walk toward the cross, toward the revelation of Love, toward God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



When a new cycle begins, look towards Heaven and thank God for the opportunities to begin again. Look inward, into your inner world, and consciously renew your commitment with the Heights, with the Plan of the Creator, with His Will.

Thank the Father for being on His path; give thanks for hearing His Voice; give thanks for being part of His Plan, for being part of His Will and a fruit of His Grace, of His Light.

Contemplate the Word of God, which echoes in the Universe. His Silence gives way to the profound sound of His Voice and, with His Word, the Creator sends impulses to all life, redesigns His Plan, renews His Intentions and His Will, renews His Presence within His children and sends new designs to all creatures.

Listen to the Voice of God that moves Universes, recreates Creation and gives His children an opportunity to begin again.

A new cycle always comes filled with new hope and Grace. Welcome these impulses with love, experience within you a synthesis of that which you walked until reaching this point. Contemplate the new goals and undertake a new path, always toward the Heights, always inward.

Walk towards God within you and in the sublime dimensions. To elevate is to know oneself.

Give thanks also, child, that among so many renewals and impulses, the Presence of your Divine Mother is also renewed in your life. Her Plans of love manifest more and more in humanity. Her Word of peace gives way to the living presence of Her Son and Her Heart becomes silent so that Christ may speak loudly and may draw closer to all beings.

Contemplate the cycles, observe the facts, learn with the movement of the stars and with the words of those who guide you. Everything has a reason, everything is part of the Divine Will.

Feel how your Most Holy Mother renews Her "yes" that same "yes" of the first Mystery of Joy. Live this Mystery of Joy in your own life and you too shall give your "yes" to God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My Heart's feeling of Love during the Birth of Jesus

Since My first years of life and before them, I was prepared by God to fulfill His Will and to manifest His promises, those that were kept in the words of the Prophets in the sacred books of our people.

My Heart loved the Lord with fervor and this same Love allowed that, in My prayers, My Consciousness could cross dimensions in order to be before God.

Thus, I contemplated this eternal Source of life and silence; I observed how all of life was renewed through the rays, sounds, and colors that came from the Heart of God and were led by the angels and archangels to the different Universes.

My Heart only aspired to be in silence with God, to be there, in that dimension of consciousness, where all was stillness and peace.

It was like this that, contemplating the Divine Consciousness, the Creator revealed to Me the mysteries of His Creation, He showed Me the moment in which His Love expanded and gave origin to life, manifested through dimensions, He showed Me the moment in which the first Mirrors of the Cosmos were created and how they served to take Love and Divine Will to all that was created.

In His silence, the Lord revealed to Me the grace of the expression of the Divine Trinity and how, from His Heart, His Divine Spirit and His Son were born and, finally, through Archangel Gabriel, the Creator revealed to Me that His Love would manifest in life as a human body, soul and spirit, hiding all of this mystery which had been revealed before.

Before Archangel Gabriel, My Heart expanded and all the Cosmos and the sublime realities that I had been contemplating before, with my eyes, through the portals of light that opened in Heaven, I was now beginning to enter within Myself, into My womb, which kept all of this divine mystery.

First, the Creator dwelled in My Heart, then in My Consciousness and also in My body, making all the levels of My Being experience His divine presence.

The more I lived God, the more silent I became, because His Love flooded My Being in a way that there was no place for My expressions, but only for God's.

Each day that passed and the Little Child God was growing in My womb, it was like contemplating, once more, the creation of the Universes, the manifestation of the Aspects of God, the birth of the angels and archangels through the purest feeling of the Father. But now, My children, this was happening inside My womb.

An inner Cosmos was awakening in My physical body and all that I was, as part of human life, transformed into a Mirror of the Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God mirrored in Me and, as He gave life to all that inhabited the Universe, now He was gestating a new life in My maternal womb.

Today I express with words what was lived in silence so that your hearts may participate in the mysteries of life and love them in order to seek the truth about yourselves.

Each day of My gestation was accompanied by a Divine Revelation and My Spirit rejoiced in God, in the eternal presence of the angels, as if My feet did not touch the Earth anymore but constantly lived in the renewal of life, in the divine dimensions.

My Chaste Spouse Joseph accompanied My silence and, also silenced, this allowed Him to commune with the mysteries, although He did not understand them, He lived them with the same depth.

On the Road to Bethlehem I accompanied with love every test that He lived and, in My silence, I allowed humanity to be transformed and converted through His Chaste Heart. Now the moment would come for the Spirit of God to flood His Heart and, knowing that everything has its time, I only remained silent and let the Love of God, which pulsated in My Womb, expand to His humble and faithful Heart.

The Birth of Christ was felt by Me as a new creation, a new divine expansion. My Consciousness was transferred to the Cosmos and, seeing the Unique God multiply Himself, I felt His Son being born and expressing Himself in matter.

The angels sang glory and hallelujah and emanated sounds never heard before on Earth; the Silence of God expanded as waves of Love and I felt all of this in My Heart.

Having My Son in My arms made Me share the Love of God while He multiplied Himself; the first feeling of motherhood of all life came from His Heart. And, like something sublime and indescribable, a renewed feeling of Love, a Love that did not live on Earth, My Heart lived a new expansion of light.

Feel, My children, this Love that is kept in the memory of My words and, on this day of glory, allow this expansion of Love to be lived, in some degree, within you. 

Today I revealed to you the most profound feelings of My Heart and, with simple words, I let you know that which cannot be explained, but only lived.

To truly understand what I am telling you, you must allow My words to enter into your hearts and give origin to a new state within each one of you.

I thank you for trusting in the impulses that come from Heaven and for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Come close to Me and I will take you to the Non-material Source of My Graces, a place in which you will wash your feet, your hands and your head to purify and re-consecrate yourself.

Stay in that Source so that your soul may be renewed and, as a result, all of humanity may be renewed because of your having achieved redemption.

Stay in My Non-material Source so that your being may be sublimated and find the sense of My Non-material Laws.

Stay in My Source so that everthing within may be healed, and what is most old and deep may be freed, so that the essence of the new being may be born.

Stay at My side after having purified yourself. Smile at life and you will experience a renewal.

Stay submerged within My Silence so that, finding within your being the Truth of God, you may participate in the communion with divine life, and also renew the path of apostolate and service to humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Pray and unite your heart with the Heart of God, because there is no longer anything to be said for the planet, other than to go deeper in your prayers and union with the Father.

Souls still have not perceived the times in which they are living, and their eyes still have not opened to see the agony of the world and, above all, the agony of the Heart of the Father in the face of everything that is experienced on Earth.

Beings continue imprisoned in their problems and needs; they still clutch to their plans, as if time flowed according to their will.

Child, I know that you do not hear, but the Earth screams and groans, and its cry is manifested in the hearts that suffer wars and conflicts and in the souls that are imprisoned in their illusions.

I know that you do not perceive it, but in the face of all that, the Heart of God becomes silent, and in His Silence, He prays so that beings may find peace in His Heart.

How little the planet needs in order to find peace! If all beings discovered that in true prayer the beginning of all transformation and all good are to be found, there would be peace.

If each being prayed to God, the One Creator, present in all life, even if according to the understanding of each religion and true spiritual path, they could understand and respect the schools that beings experience in order to find peace; they would know that, as each being is at a different evolutionary degree, many paths that lead to the Father are necessary. But one day, Child, all of those paths will meet at the apex of human evolution, which is Love.

When the heart prays, it enters into the Wisdom of God and understands these and many other things. Through human ignorance, there are wars, disrespect and lack of love.

Pray, and you will find wisdom. Pray, and you will find peace.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Contemplate, in the center of the Universe, in the heart of Creation, the Creator Father in His silence. Source of all sources, Light that generated all the Lights, silence from where all sounds are born. The Heart of the Father observes the Earth, waiting for the awakening of humanity, which in majority lives indifferent to God.

The Heart of the Father silences with Love, a Love that you do not know in this world but that you are called to live.

In order to find the Love of God you need to seek It beyond your human lives; you need to stop and look within for the bridge to the Heart of Life, which is God.

Know that His silence has more meaning than all words because, even if they were uttered altogether, they would not express what the Father is.

Know that the silence of God expresses something unique for each being. It is not enough that God speaks to your brothers; He aspires to utter His silence to each heart so that they feel Him, live Him and know the existence of God and His Love through their own experience with Him.

To live God transforms you, heals you and renews you in the true sense of your existence. Therefore, children, rather than seeking philosophies and sciences, above all, seek God. In the humility of prayer and in the truth of inner silence, you will find Him. And thus, Face to face, you will fulfil with His Will and you will receive from Him the Love that you must express on Earth.

Who inspires you to seek God,

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Second Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If souls believed that I am already here among you, the world would change.

If souls believed that I am already returning and that I come from the Universe with all the power of My Grace, the world would change.

For this reason, the trust of the hearts in My Presence will be fundamental to carry out the Work of Redemption.

Today I come for a world that is suffering and that, day by day, opens new wounds in the Kingdoms of Nature, in humanity and in the consciousness of the planet.

Humanity cannot see nor feel many of these wounds because they are internal. In this, the Hierarchy works untiringly so that chaos may not be reproduced nor be regenerated by the action of humankind.

I come for a Brazil that needs Me very much as well as it needs My Mother and Saint Joseph and, in spite of the ruling chaos, the internal and spiritual presence of Our Hearts allows to sustain the souls that have faith in Me.

Through the Sacraments that we will impart during these days, souls will be able to be spiritually renewed and healed; but there is a part that corresponds to each being, there is a part that the consciousness will have to assume for its transformation and redemption.

The Grace of God, through the Sacraments, comes to help you, as a spiritual basis, to generate and concede this transformation, so awaited by the Eternal Father, in each one of His children.

In the same way, through the Sacraments that we will impart these days, the legacy that I left to humanity will be renewed again.

For this reason, not only souls will benefit from them but also My Celestial Church will descend to the Earth in order to unite the souls with God, in essence and in spirit.

The Sacraments that I can impart to the souls that request them are means to reach My Celestial Church, they are paths to reach the Center of My Being, the Temple of My Spirit; of this Divine Spirit, Pure and Immaculate, created by God, that descended to the Earth in order to bring to the world an opportunity of love, an opportunity of light and an opportunity of hope.

Although My Church on Earth is very lowered, I revive the spiritual legacy once delivered to the Apostles, through the New Christs, through the last apostles of the last days that I am calling to serve Me.

Because My gaze is not placed on miseries, on imperfections or in faults.

My  gaze is placed on the transparency that each serving heart can give Me.

It is this transparency that you can give Me and this trust that you can deliver to Me that will make the Work of Mercy and of Redemption happen in Brazil and in humanity.

There is no more place on Earth that is free from evil or from sin; you know this, because you can see it.

Only in certain sacred spaces, where the Spiritual Hierarchy concentrates in its profound silence and contemplation, will you find the doors to cross towards the consciousness of the Great Universe and commune with the Supreme Fountain.

In these spaces of South America there are sacred precincts in which humanity, silently and in prayer, can find itself again, in its essence, in its origin, in its state of light and of transcendence.

But while these sacred spaces, which are not visible to physical eyes, are not protected and respected, this Fountain will close.

All souls in the world need this spiritual nourishment, although they do not know these sacred places.

But you, who are conscious of this reality, foster, through Mercy, this approximation of souls to this state of consciousness which is something internal and sublime, it is where they will be able to be in communion with the Hierarchy and find again this path that humanity has lost toward Truth.

For this reason, My Merciful Heart does not cease to pour out graces, goodness and light, although It is in silence and in reflection, just as the Eternal Father is at the moment.

The Universe contemplates this moment in which God withdraws from Creation.

A new time comes, a new revelation will be manifested.

All the Universes are concentrated on this state which God has entered a few days ago.

You, through prayer and mercy, must be part of that movement so that you can perceive what the Universe will make descend in the next cycle, when the Hierarchies of Light are in more silence, in a deeper and more internal silence.

As you know, companions, I will not carry out My Work of redemption with multitudes but with few disciples, as it was in the past.

If only eleven consciousnesses, in spite of their imperfections, managed to carry out My Plan and testify My Presence as Son of God in the world and in the four corners of the Earth, what could more than eleven consciousnesses do in this final time?

All spiritual life is congregating and uniting.

All the force from the Immaterial and Divine Universe is uniting to impel in spirits the concretion of the Plan so that at least a part of the Earth may become rescuable and may turn into an Island of Salvation.

On this afternoon, I could say many more things for your hearts, but I know that the human being still needs some time to understand the Hierarchy.

Know that Our trust, as Celestial Brotherhood, is placed in everything we do because Our Mission, in the name of the Heavenly Father, goes beyond the forms and humanity, it embraces an infinity of universal consciousnesses and spaces, because there is a Project to be fulfilled and to be manifested.

I hope that, with the consciousness and discernment of Brazil, which could someday awaken, this land may be part of the Eden of God again and, thus, the New Race may be able to express as God has wanted so much.

I invite you to live this Marathon as a step for your consciousnesses, without leaving behind any Word of the Hierarchy, knowing that everything we say has an objective, a principle and a mission, knowing that it is time to understand the Creation as God needs and not as men believe.

If humanity began to respect the Laws of Creation, many situations would not happen.

The transgressions and faults are very great before the Law of Divine Justice, but I come to place My Heart as intercessor and not as a judge, as mediator and as advocate of all souls that in truth want to repent and transform.

Because the most beautiful thing that could happen to your lives is to live in God, is to feel God and is to commune with God all the time.

May My Passion, once lived on the Cross, in Calvary, in each moment that your Master and Lord suffered, be revived as a means for the salvation and the redemption of humanity.

We have come to the south of Brazil because Brazil needs it very much. It is the country, it is the nation, it is the people that will have to keep its heart open so that it may always know how to hear God.

I bless you and invite you to the reconsecration of your homeland, on the 5th and 6th, to My Sacred Heart, during six months.

If this consecration is true, in response and adhesion, you will give Me the authority to intercede in very serious situations of your people.

I love you and bless you with the Light of My Spirit, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


First Message 

Children, in the silence of My Heart is heard the introspection of God, a moment in which the Universe reflects upon the coming times. 

This is why My announcement is precise and cogent. My Word is clear to bring wisdom to the hearts. 

We have no time to lose, there is much more to mature and grow internally. 

I need you to know that the Universe contemplates this moment, above all, the beginning of this Pilgrimage in which the gathered Hierarchy will establish the new guidelines and the new principles for all those who want to adhere and be ruled by the Hierarchy. 

The Universe will not stop the steps of those who may want to continue to be free, because the Father has given them freedom, has given them the conception of life, has given them the opportunity and the joy of being able to live the Creation. 

The Universe contemplates the steps that the nations and all of their representatives take. This restricts the awakening of the Plan of God in the consciousness of humanity and the responsiveness of all creatures. 

It is time to see duality manifest and how everything is at stake. 

It is time to overcome this duality and to transcend it by means of love, a love that you have never lived, a love that you have never achieved, a love that you have not yet discovered and that you are on the way of being able to live. 

While I am here, I am with this part of humanity that needs much of the Mercy of God to be able to have an opportunity of redemption so that a door may open to the conversion of hearts and the transmutation of many lives. 

The Silence of My Heart represents the Silence of God, Who contemplates the whole Universe and especially this planet, which He created with so much love through the archangels and the angels as well as the great devas that today are banished by humanity through its actions and a great ignorance that corrodes the Kingdoms of Nature. 

But, although all these situations occur, the Kingdoms of Nature do not fail to express themselves and demonstrate what they truly are. 

When all of humanity values the Kingdoms of Nature, it will be able to find in them the regeneration of life and the healing for many illnesses. 

But still, the humankind of the surface has not understood the Creation nor the system of universal life; otherwise the effects would be different and the opportunities for souls would be different. 

In the meantime, the Spiritual Hierarchy tries to seek a solution that can benefit all of humanity, although in this time there are many who are present who offend God and destroy the Divine Plan with their actions, not only within the nations, but also within the societies, within everything that should be harmony and balance for humanity, order and justice, equality, solidarity and cooperation. 

But humanity has not incarnated these attributes in a just way yet. It believes it lives and understands them, but in its essence it has no foundations, because humanity must still learn to evolve and grow internally in order to be able to express the Divine Will, that goes beyond ideals and forms, constitutions and laws of the Earth.

When the human being decides to live the Will of God, everything will change. 

Who maintains their own will, will not be able to survive. 

I am being just and clear so that there are no misunderstandings. 

It is time to know that the Universe needs awakened consciousnesses that are capable of reflecting the Plan of God on Earth, that are capable of helping to correct everything that humanity has diverted throughout times and generations. 

For this, much effort, surrender and sacrifice will be necessary; something that is not seen in these times, because humanity is distracted and its attention is placed on other things. 

For this reason, love is what will help you to overcome this duality, and when this duality has been overcome within you, you will generate opportunities for other souls that also wait for a next step, for a next opportunity, for an extraordinary grace. 

As Higher Priest, I have come to the South of Brazil to be able to correct the deviations of this part of the country which are reflected in many more souls. 

For this reason, it is time to walk with the consciousness well awakened, letting yourselves be impelled by the ardent vigilance that the Hierarchy can imprint upon you through their impulses and their cosmic currents. 

I come to warn that there is still time to be able to correct the path for millions of souls; that there is time to be able to unite to the Will of God and to vivify it through the plan that corresponds to each one. 

When we are present, as Hierarchies, possibilities for souls and unique opportunities for consciousnesses are constructed; because what would take you years to transform can be simplified and solved in seconds by the presence of Our divine energy that comes directly from the Source to bring the energy of redemption and renewal to souls. 

The deep nucleus of the Truth must awaken in the human being of these times so that they can perceive that there is something which must be changed and it is urgent.

This will help so that the Celestial Brotherhood can act in souls and on the planet; this will allow the most sacred that exists, within this humanity and within the planet, to remain alive and resplendent, as it has been from the beginning of times. 

For this reason we have chosen to come to the South of Brazil, because here exists the roots of many perverted situations of the human consciousness, which only through love, and in love, will be redeemed and transformed by means of a true and sincere plea to the Kingdom of God. 

This will transform everything within the beings that have been perverted; this will also change the destiny of this nation. 

We have come to the South of Brazil to awaken the consciousness of wisdom and a profound reflection in the heart of each human being so that they may feel, in the most intimate, what the Universe is asking from them, and towards where the Universe is indicating for them to go forward. 

In the meantime, the Silence of My Heart proclaims a wait.

My Heart is waiting for a change and a response on the part of human beings; of a response that is constructive and evolutionary, of a response that is elevated and that has discernment. 

After so many impulses that the Father has given you, through so many generations and at all times, it is time to recover the treasure of the sacred that exists here so that the New Eden can manifest again as consciousness and purpose. 

This is all that I wanted to say to you today, as a first instance. 

The Divine Fire of transformation is touching all consciousnesses and no one will be able to oppose it, because it will reveal what in truth each being is, for the good and the glory of the Father. 

I encourage you to offer this Marathon as a path of spiritual reconstruction, not only of the consciousness of the youth, but of the other part of humanity that, despite being more adult, is very immature. 

That in the impulse of renewal, change may be concretized, and that in this change, life may be reconsecrated to the Greater Will. 

I thank you for opening the doors of your hearts to listen because My Words must not just pass, they must remain in the consciousness, because you will need them someday. 

I bless you with the Light of My Spirit and of the whole Universe. 

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


God contemplates the world in silence and, with an unalterable Love in His Heart, receives the wounds which day after day, minute after minute, are being opened by the indifference of His children and by the outrages they cause to one another due to a lack of love and ignorance. And, even so, from His wounds, Mercy continues to spring.

As His Son, a living part of Himself among humankind, the Creator also lives His spiritual Passion, because in order to heal the evils that are lived on Earth, the Father and Lord of all things offers to Divine Law that which humanity fears the most: pain, sacrifice, and the true Love, which surpasses all those things and defeats these fears in its expression. The Creator lives, within Himself, that which humanity fears the most, in order to teach everyone that there is something higher than this, which is achieved through Love.

The Universal Laws are alive and by themselves act in all levels of Creation. Thus, even the Lord of the Law Himself respects them and lives them, so that they may be fulfilled in His children. So that creatures may continue to receive Mercy, God remedies, with His own Heart, the evils of the world.

To restore the Heart of God, you only need to live with Love what, for most human beings, is painful and difficult. And I am not talking about the death on the cross or the sores or wounds of the heart. I am talking about everything that moves a being to reach the cross and to offer the sores and wounds of their heart out of Love and Mercy.

The same Love that moved Christ to continue with the cross is what moves God to remedy human errors and it is what you are called on to live today, within yourselves and with your fellow beings, transcending the poor and immature love, which often lives within your hearts, into a true Love, the fruit of fraternity and Mercy, the fruit of the effort to understand and to love the neighbor, the fruit of surrender and wisdom, the fruit of faith.

Encourage yourselves, children, to find in your prayers, the Wounds of the Heart of God and offer Him a conscious reparation, through the effort of loving as He loves you.

Encourage yourselves to take great steps through the effort in the small daily things, in which the opportunities for choosing between Love and the human condition present themselves. Always choose Love.

You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear children of Mine,

Nothing which is occurring is outside the Will of God.

In this time and at this moment, souls are having the Grace of being able to define their lives for the coming cycle, even though they may not know it.

This is the reason why the Heavenly Father remains once again in deep silence before the entire humanity, especially before the followers of Christ, because after so many Graces received, hearts should already be able to recognize the Will of God for their lives and above all, their paths.

Decisive moments are coming for the lives of souls, when you will be before two paths, yet you must follow only one. I only hope, as a Mother, that it be the path of Christ.

I pray day and night, I beseech for the sake of My children at each new dawn, so that in this time they may make a correct decision, which is not based on human impulses neither on maladjusted emotions.

It is necessary children, to pray more for the souls that are before their great definition, a response that will reverberate on the rest of their existence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the silence of My Heart and in the stillness of My Soul I contemplate all things and I try to have you find your correct path. There are a few of them that cause My Heart to suffer, above all when there is no consciousness or resolution to carry forward the great changes.

Thus, I find the places I have consecrated to be like abandoned; places where before  divine energy existed, which now, for some reason, is not there.

For Me, this demonstrates a lack of consideration, or the lack of valuing things that come from Grace, since it was the energy itself of Grace that granted wonders and miracles in the hallowed places.

When a place consecrated by God is neglected, it is because of the loss of love that exists for all that was once received, and that is first reflected in the consciousness.

Thus, the Celestial Hierarchy hopes that the consciousness that might be neglecting the divine energy, which is a treasure from Heaven, may someday awaken and recognize it.

But when there is no true interest or ardent devotion, everything becomes difficult, and little by little, the great defects of neglect begin to be noticed in all details and in all places.

Only the spiritual Hierarchy has the authority to redo all things, since, in an occult sense, there are places already consecrated that must not be lost.

For that reason, I come to raise up with My own Hands that which is fallen; I come, in love, to erect again what is already fallen to the ground.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Breathe, o soul, the air of a new life, of a new world, of a new being. Do not stop your feet on the stairs of human difficulties; do not stop your heart in the things of the world.

Breathe, o soul, the air of a new life. At times, contemplate the Infinite and do not forget where your heart truly comes from. Do not let your Father, the Creator, observe the world without finding a single gaze which corresponds with His. Look up to Heaven, look into the Eyes of God and let His Silence dissolve the smallness of your conflicts and of your difficulties.

You were called to a greater mission, as small as you may be, beloved soul. You are a small part of an Infinite Heart and such a Heart needs yours, in order to be complete and full again.

Breathe, little soul, the air of a new life. Do not let your poor mind just be entangled in the things of the Earth, but let it also find the Truths of Heaven.

You do not need much to find God. Close your eyes and contemplate Him within you, in the depths of this essence, which makes you similar to your God and Lord, to the Creator of all things. More than the things of the world, seek the mystery of your own essence and find there the Gaze of God.

The world is already distracted enough; do not be just another soul in the distractions of the Earth. Be a bridge to God, beloved soul, by the simple fact of having faith that He is within you and that it only takes looking within and you will find the Divine and Celestial Gaze of your Most Holy Father.

Do not want to walk long and unending paths, do not imagine fictitious adventures, full of hollow entertainment and human curiosities. The greatest mystery of all existence is held within you and it only takes being alone, looking within and saying: “Here I am, Lord”.

Talk sincerely, then, with your Father and God, or just let your gaze find His Divine Eyes and remain there, sharing the Divine Silence for an instant, because I tell you, My soul: swords, shields and great armor will be forged, arms and bombs will be developed, battles and wars will be waged, fear will be encouraged and Life will be threatened, but this Life which dwells in your essence will never be extinguished.

Unite with the Father within yourself and nothing will bring you down, because, even if your body falls to the ground, your heart will be eternal, as is the One who created you, and it will be lifted up to the highest of Heavens, announcing to Creation the eternity and the triumph of that Love which was born within you just because you are true and unite with the Father in your heart, little soul.

I leave you My blessing and My peace.

Your Father and Friend,

Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
