Apparition of Saint Joseph in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Today I am not alone here, I am with the whole Brotherhood. I call Brotherhood those beings, those consciousnesses who, in spite of not having the need to be in this world, continue here to serve humanity.  Their eyes are not visible to the human eyes, because they do not belong to this world, but they are here for a higher apprenticeship, of humility, of surrender and of service.

I call Brotherhood those brothers of yours who, in the invisible worlds, sacred places unknown to humanity because of its ignorance and indifference, there, children, they serve tirelessly, where the Kingdoms of Nature protect them, where the greatness of the mountains keeps a still superior greatness, that makes itself small and humble, for being unknown to humanity. In spite of all the insults committed by humanity, the Kingdoms of Nature persist in a service that is also unconditional and, together with their Greater Brother and Sisters, help this world and sustain it so that this Project does not get lost, so that hope in the Heart of God does not disappear.

I know that many will ask what I am talking about.

I come to reveal a mystery, to speak to the ears that want to listen to me, because, in this way, I bring meaning to your lives, beyond your material existence, beyond this constant fight for survival in the world.

You are, children, in a sacred place, but sacred has been hidden in the human heart, because they did not want to see it. The resemblance to God hid itself within your hearts to give way to what you have made grow century after century and that, in truth, does not resemble what you really are. If the human being is similar to God, have you never asked where this similarity is? Could God have sent the human being to the world to do what he does, to live as he lives, between wars and conflicts, amidst ignorance, pride, vanity? Could this, children, be the resemblance to God or is there something within you that you do not know, that you do not seek and that, often, you do not believe exists?

I come with those who represent the truth, for it to be reflected in your hearts and place you before a new cycle. In these times, not only chaos will be visible to the human heart, not only evil will be able to freely act upon Earth. Light will also shine, truth will also emerge within the human beings, within the Earth, from the invisible worlds, from superior realities, and this is what I bring you today, because, although it may seem otherwise, although you do not know it, this place which I come to is a sacred place. These mountains that surround you keep the mysteries that you do not know and that today I came to make known to you.

Because there you must find your fortitude. When nothing upon Earth makes sense and the Plan of God seems to have failed, just as in the Cross it seemed to many that the Son of God had failed, it will be in these mountains that you will find relief and, in what lives in them you will find your fortitude and your protection.

When this world shakes with an unknown tremor, never seen before, it will be in these mountains that you will find the fortitude not to fall, not to tremble and not to lower your arms before the redeemer arrives in this world. Because He will come. Yes, He will come.

But it will be when humanity has given all, when your heart discovers the hidden potential that exists within you, when inertia gives place to service, to transformation and to unconditional love. When you, children, discover the potency that exists within you and the spiritual immaturity disappears, it is then that the Son of God will return.

Before this, everything will happen and you must not fear. These moments with the Divine Messengers prepare and strengthen you. Hold on firmly to each impulse we give you, place it deep in your heart and make it flourish, transform it into seeds, so that the others who are not here and will not be in Our Presence may receive them.

The Graces we bring from Heaven are to be multiplied every day by each one of your hands, by your hearts, by your words and by your thoughts.

Today God brings forth, from the interior of these mountains, His mirrors of peace that are not only in the lakes, in the oceans, in the rivers, but are also in the mountains and in the hearts of the human beings; they are in the universe, as well as on Earth, attracting peace and redemption for those who want to receive them.

Through My Words, that enter into your consciousnesses, I bring the redemption that comes from the Heart of God to the human heart.

This way, I place you before a great service for the whole planet, even though you are here, in this very small place.

How many souls are passing on these streets and do not see me? How many families, how many hearts in need of peace are not feeling the peace of the mirrors of the cosmos, of the sacred mountains, that are opened and revealed today, but the eyes do not want to see?

With this, children, I want you to go out on these streets and let your witness be a light in the world. May your examples draw the eyes, awaken the hearts to the supreme truth that I bring you today.

The words that comes out of your mouth can be heard by many ears, but the true examples of your actions transform the hearts of this world. Therefore, I ask you to speak, to announce, but most of all to be the Divine Message.

Today the chain of the Andes shines in gratitude, because the mineral kingdom, can see Me. And so they are renewed in tireless service for sustenance and rescue of the human hearts. Just like the Kingdoms of Nature are renewed, children, also you today must renew yourselves to know that I called you here, in the Name of God, for you to become instruments of the Divine, and not of your own lives anymore.

Within these mountains, as with so many other ones, there is a mystery, a world so real as this one that you see, touch, feel. There the souls unite to God and their hearts can reach out when they pray, when they work in silence for the peace of this world. Today their doors are opened for the light to radiate to your essences and bring you new codes, for you to take new steps and, this way, help in the consecration not only of Argentina, but of this world.

We are in a definitive time and your souls already know it, otherwise they would not be here and would not listen to these Words. As much as many doubt and many do not believe, your souls do know it, because they have not ceased to listen to Me.

God expects a definitive change from you, because Argentina needs it and so does this world. If you want to build here a new reality, as similar to the one I present you in the invisible worlds, you must work tirelessly and, even if your eyes do not find any result in this life, you should never stop. The results of your actions are not for you, but for the universe.

All the stars you see in the sky, when it grows dark, wait for the redemption of the world, and it is for them and for that Supreme Heart, that lives beyond all things, that you will experience your transformation and will transform, with you, this world. It is by the renewal of the Heart of God and of the whole universal evolution that you are on this Earth. Perceive how small all the difficulties of the human heart are, all the aspirations, all the desires. All these, children, must disappear.

When you are possessed by selfishness and cannot experience fraternity, look at the starry sky, let your heart go beyond the stars and find not only your brothers and sisters of the Cosmos, but the Heart of God, that waits for you to take this step.

It is in the simple things that greatness is built. It is in the invisible that what will become visible in the New Humanity is built. It is with faith that arrogance and human ignorance are defeated.

It is not phenomena that will build redemption in this world, because this convinces the mind, but does not transform the heart. So many phenomena were already manifested on Earth, and humanity remains the same. This is the time of faith and that is why we are here, that our voice echoes through a human voice and your eyes cannot see us, unless you look at us with the heart.

Awaken the faith within you and your brothers and sisters and all that I tell you will be understandable. All the mysteries will be revealed and you will find peace, even if this world lives in chaos. That is what I am here for today, that is why I tell you this.

Re-consecrate your hearts today because you need to do it every day, even more in the Presence of God and your Bigger Brothers and Sisters. Remember that there is a superior plan to be fulfilled and that it starts within each one of you. The New Human Being is born from the transformation of your lives, therefore, do not fear to be broken within and die so that something new can be born.

This morning, I thank you for your presence and, before so many mysteries, I deliver you a truth: the Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ. This is the greatest mystery revealed in the Creation, when God merges, in an always new alliance, always eternal, with the hearts of the human beings, so that this little piece of bread and this wine reveal to you your similarity with God.

Sister Lucía de Jesús: can the group from Mendoza come here?

I call you because I want to thank you and place this sacred mountain, that shelters you, within your hearts, for you to take the definitive step and become soldiers of this time. And, beyond this world, may your redemption announce to the cosmos the greatness of the human project and the triumph of the Heart of God, through the Redemption and the Mercy of Christ for all souls, today and always.

By the power that My Son granted Me, I consecrate these elements, as He consecrated them one day, sharing the bread and the wine with His companions, saying: "Take, eat and drink it, because this is My Body and My Blood that shall be given for you."

Christ surrenders to humanity every day, in all the Tabernacles on Earth, in all the Eucharists. This is the symbol of the Renewal of God and must be the symbol of His permanent renewal for a superior plan that is manifested in the Heart of Christ.

Let us pray together Our Father in Aramaic, as He taught us, so that this sacred prayer does not only transform these elements, but transforms your hearts, transmutes and redeems this place and makes you able to be consecrated, a possible cradle of the New Humanity.

Abvún debachmaia
Netcádech chmor
Teitê malcutar
Nerruei tseviánar aicána
Debachmaia af ba-ár há
Ravlán larma dessuncanan iarmana
Uachpoclan raubéin uartarréin
Aicána daf renan chuórren olrraiaben
Uela tarlan letnessiuma
Ela patsan min bichá
Metual delarre malcutá
Uarraila uatechpurta
Lar-lam almin

With these words, I thank you, bless you and ask that you not only seek to enter into the heart of the Aconcagua, but let the heart of the Aconcagua enter into you and remain there, for you to be part of this Brotherhood that I bring you today, eternally.

I bless you with the Power of God, for My humility and simplicity, that united My heart to the Heart of the Father as a symbol of what is possible for every human heart, to experience this unity with the Creator, and placing upon you the Gifts of the Spirit of God and the presence of the Hierarchy, for you to be consequent with all you receive at this time and to be worthy of being called companions of Christ.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Once more, I thank you and ask that while I rise, leaving the Peace and Mercy of God upon the Earth, sing and let your souls express themselves, for them to command your lives. Cry out for peace and let it be extended beyond Argentina, may it penetrate these cameras, these technologies and reach the four corners of the world, beyond the eyes that see us and the hearts that feel us.

Everybody cry out for peace!


May the Peace of God and His Holy Spirit be in this place and in your hearts, so that in this way, you may be able to serve in the name of humanity, opening the doors to the Kingdom of God, transcending limitations and human conditions for a higher purpose, so that His Plan may be accomplished on Earth.

I am here today, children, not only to speak to you, not only to give an impulse to your hearts, I am also here for a higher request, for a mission that God entrusted to Me and which transcends human understanding, but which needs your hearts to be adhered to this Divine Purpose. For this reason, you are here.

For some, this mission is simple, for others, not so much. But in light of God, I simply ask you to open your hearts and allow Him to dissolve the barriers that separate your souls from God, so that He may show you the truth about yourselves, about this planet, about this sacred place where you are.

Today I come to open the doors of the interior of this planet to a life that for many is invisible, but which is accessible to all, if they are simple, pure, and if their intentions are true.

Today I would like to talk to you about this higher life that is held in that which is invisible, not only of the mountains, but that is also held in that which is invisible of the human heart and consciousness.

Today you came and studied a little about the mystery that is Mary. That same mystery is held in all things, in each creature of this planet, in all the Kingdoms, and in the very consciousness of this Earth.

Humanity is ignorant, My children, of the truth about Divine Creation.

And today I come here to awaken your consciousnesses so that you may glimpse a little of that truth, and I do it in the name of all humanity, for many that are not here, but will hear My Words, will need these impulses, in these times and in the times to come.

I would like to awaken the mirrors of your hearts so that, together with Mine, we are able to free this world a little from the darkness that dwells within it. And I can do this, beyond the human condition, but you need to say 'yes' to Me.

I come to pierce the layers of ignorance, to reach that which you really are in your essences, and it is there where I will ignite that mirror.

In this way, I will help you so that you can balance your souls, your hearts, and, in this service, you may be able to bring a little peace to this world.

I know that many are prisoners of their human condition, of their imperfections, and many grieve that they are not perfect, that they are not better. But, today, children, I will ask that, for an instant, you may set your imperfections aside, for you are facing God, you are facing the portal to Infinity, so that you may recognize that in your depths there is something in likeness to the Divine Essence.

So call inwardly to your souls, your spirits, that which is real within you, so that you may be here, together with Me. And, in this way, we may be able to accomplish the mission that I came to do at this moment.

Before I continue on speaking, I will ask you to sing, so that, in this way, the truth about yourselves and about this world may be drawn forth.

I am listening to you.

The truth is held within those that are ready to be in likeness to God. The truth shows itself to the eyes of those who open to see it. Truth is manifested in the hearts of those who are open to live it, who do not grieve over their imperfections, who recognize them, who know they are not perfect, but also know that in the depths of their inner world there is a divine molecule that waits for them to look inward and cease to be so superficial, cease to keep constant attention upon the things of this world and on what they express as human beings, as personalities, as physical bodies, which are so different from God.

When My Son one day had told you that you are in likeness to Him and His Father, it is because you are to seek that likeness within yourselves. As this likeness is within everyone, it is also within the consciousness of the planet.

It is for this reason that I reveal a sacred place to you at this moment.

In the name of humanity, ask for the Grace of being worthy of standing before Him. In the name of this nation, ask for forgiveness for having so long ignored the greatness of this place that is held within the hidden side of nature, that is protected by all the Kingdoms and is waiting for human indifference to give way to love for the Divine Plan.

Today I come here, to this sacred place, to slightly balance human indifference. And, in this way, generate merits so that this place may remain in the world, remain here, assisting humanity.

I speak to you about a place that is little understood, for the same reason that you do not know your inner world. Just as you are only attentive to the superficialities of your own being, you have also been attentive only to the superficialities of this world, you did not learn to penetrate the beauty of nature and go beyond it.

Ask God for the Grace of your eyes opening and being able to see more than an element in the mirrors of water, as that you may be able to find a part of the Divine Consciousness, that draws the Gifts of the Spirit of God from the universe, the attributes of Creation, the real human archetype that radiates to each creature that accepts receiving that Grace within themselves.

Contemplate the mountains, not only as simple mountains but as living consciousnesses that sustain the planet and that safeguard a mystery within themselves. The mountains are like great mothers that hold a new being in their womb, a new life, a new world. Within the mountains that you have around you is held a principle of life, divine, unique, universal, that waits for the opening of your beings in order to manifest on Earth.

From here, God pours out a fountain of Graces, divine gifts, particles of His Consciousness so that they may reach the whole planet, and let it begin, as incredible as it seems, with each one of you.

So that those gifts may reach the world, your hearts must say 'yes'. So that the souls most distant from God may recognize His Presence and awaken to universal life, first, children, you must say 'yes' and you must open to that divine mystery that is held in all spaces of Creation.

From this nation, the spirit of unity should come so that, in this way, all that you receive may be shared with each heart of this world.

Today My Words will represent a mystery to many, but I do not want you to understand with your mind what I come to say to your hearts. I only ask that you cry out to God, as humanity, for an opportunity for this nation and for this planet.

Ask that His Plan may be accomplished, so that you may manifest this unity among yourselves and upon the whole planet. Ask for the Grace of opening the doors to this divine enclosure that is held within Mount Shasta, and that the gifts that dwell there may awaken not only within the consciousness of this nation, but may also reach each creature, to the abysses of the world, carrying light and peace to the hearts that do not know them.

What I come to tell you today is that you discover, in the simplicity of your hearts, the greatness of your spirits, which is not human greatness, it is not held in skills, in the human or personal powers of each one, it is held in the inner world, in the heart and in the capacity to love and serve the Creator in all things.

Today I will consecrate this communion, by the authority granted to Me by God. As His servant, I will consecrate these elements so that, upon entering your inner world, they may awaken you.

Receive the Body and the Blood of Christ, in the name of this whole nation, of all the planet, as a reparation for all the human indifference and ignorance.

Pray with Me, as My Son taught you.

Our Father (in Aramaic)

And following this spirit of reparation, cry out for peace and for human awakening.

I thank you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Open to the purity of Mount Shasta, its mirror, its mysteries, so that they may be radiated to each space of this planet, transmuting the ignorance and the indifference of the human heart.

I thank you.

While Saint Joseph transmitted His Words through the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesus, the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón was receiving the daily message of the Virgin Mary.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: As the Virgin Mary transmitted Her Words, Saint Joseph complemented what She was saying. When She began to transmit Her Message, Saint Joseph placed a lily of light over each of our chests, above our hearts. Based on this symbol, Mary gave us today's message.

After this introduction, Friar Elías read the daily message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, for December 19, 2016.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
