Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come to pray with you, for you and the world.

Today, I come to stay close to your hearts and in silence, so that you can feel and can understand what your Mother sees in this world, which does not stop to think and to seek God first, so everything can be remedied.

I call on you to live in My silence, in this same spiritual moment, in which Heaven unites with the Earth.

The universe shows you what happens in this world to hearts that truly want to see the indignation of the Mother of God for souls that do not listen, that are behind each one of you, without a path or a direction.

I come to profess this silence in the name of the Love of God; so that you not only listen to Me, but also learn to feel I am here, in each part of this world that has need of the Light, the Light of God.

I Am the Queen of Peace, and come to invite you to a deep silence, for if you are in silence, you will be able to understand what I tell you.

Dear children, the world is about to collapse, and nobody believes this can be possible.

I come to stop the anger of God over your heads, for I am your Mother, I love you and wish the best for you.

Once again, I come to give the same Message; now through My silence; because it is necessary, My children, that you grow in the Truth.

The world will not bear it if it truly does not seek to change in the small things of life.

Who will be a part of the New Earth if My hearts only give Me half of their lives?

I need you to seek the Truth and not fear finding it. Thus, I come to pray for you and for all My children, mainly for those that do not listen to the Word of God.

Now do you understand, dear children, the need for My Sacred Centers to be manifested by you?

I do not come to remove any coins from your pockets. I come to call on you to become part of the manifestation of God; in this way, your hearts will be reconciled with the One and all debts incurred throughout the history of humanity will be relieved by the Grace of God.

My silence, My children, is a Grace. I need you to seek silence.

How will you understand what My Heart suffers? How will you feel My deep core and My Most Pure Womb, which is assaulted when each mother causes a life to be lost? I am in the little ones, but I am also in you. Each time you remove a life it is a sorrow for God.

The debt becomes ever greater. Who will pay it? Who will be worthy of suffering out of love for others and surrender their heart into the Hands of God, so the Queen of Heaven may make Her offering in the last intervention God grants Her?

I come to show you the world through My wounded Heart. My Life is not only glory, but also the suffering of others, the suffering I assume from this world.

My Heart lived among you since the beginning; and throughout the times has showed itself to all, trying to reveal the sacred secret, the secret of the Love of God which can completely transform your lives.

Today, My warm voice speaks with sadness; because while the world moves rapidly without stopping, souls condemn themselves to the fire of the abyss and become embers at the feet of My adversary. Who will rescue them? Who will help Me?

I do not come only to bless you because you are My children; you must be My soldiers of the end of times, who respond to any call without an interest, without conditions and with no indifference. In this way, My works will be able to be accomplished through your hearts. But I know it is difficult for you to leave this world; it is conquering many hearts, mainly those that do not pray from the heart and who only do it as a commitment, without giving any love.

I come to teach you, My children, about simple things. It is necessary that you grow up in time. Things are not the same as those of yesterday. The world changes day after day without being perceived, and the Kingdoms of Mother Nature are what most suffer the consequences of this humanity. Have you thought about the seas without whales, the lands without trees, deserts with less and less water? Have you thought about those that live on what God gave them?

A creature without water is a soul that dies. An animal without peace is a disturbed spirit. A tree that is cut is a spirit that does not rise up. How will God be able to reach you if you cut off His Hands? How will He embrace you through His blessed Creation if you assault all the principles of the Law?

But My Message is for all the consciousnesses that, in truth, want to wake up to a great change.

These are already My last Words for the end of these times. Mother Nature asks for help and few are listening to Her. I not only need you to serve others, but that you serve Creation.

Today, My Mantle is lined with the Nature of God. With Me, in My Heart, is the Kingdom of minerals, the devotion of the plants, the love of the animals, and the Kingdom of the Angels that have given everything for this world.

Perhaps what you hear is not what you want to know. Blessed are the humble hearts that recognize the Word of God, for they will not lose themselves, but rather will be guided by the Spirit of God toward the Kingdom of Christ.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My Words are simple and always have been throughout the history of humanity. Thus, few were able to understand the grandeur of My Heart, were able to understand that it was God who descended to this world to tell you His Will, to reveal to His creatures the path to the perfection of the heart and of the human essence.

Those who recognize My Presence and deeply seek Who is before their hearts, can feel within themselves that it is the Mother of God, the Lady of the Divine Verb, Who brings this Sacred Verb to the world.

I want you to learn from the simplicity of My Heart, and that you never tire of listening to Me, even though My Words are not what you would like to hear.

Do you know why you are disinterested in what I tell you so many times? Because if you heard Me attentively, you would be carried into being completely transformed.

The Will of God, My children, is not the same as what you experience in your daily life. By any chance, do you ever simply gaze at an animal as you pass it by?

Do you feel the devotion of the trees, which in every instant try to inspire humanity in its upliftment?

By any chance, did you feel the beauty of the minerals, which support this world, which attract the Rays of the Universe for the healing and redemption of all creatures?

Who of you one day decided to attract the Rays of God from the Universe, not for yourself but rather for this sick world, so each creature would be able to reach the perfection of Divine Thought?

The Kingdoms of Nature permanently give of themselves to humanity, showing them through different attributes, which path is for the manifestation of the Human Kingdom. And this Kingdom, My children, which expresses in each of your hearts, should manifest the maximum attribute of the Kingdom of God, which is Love, that heals everything, forgives everything and redeems everything.

If you observed the Kingdoms and were ready to learn with them, you could come to this expression.

But, on My Words being so simple, sometimes you do not want to hear Me. You do not know, My children, Who speaks to you; you do not know that the Kingdom of God descends to this world and a unique opportunity is given to humanity, not only to those present here, but also to all those who can awaken upon hearing My Words.

Today I show you the reality of this world, but I also bring you the grandeur of the Heavens so you may know you can surrender all that you are, because all that you are is very little in the grandeur of the Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

How much I love you, dear children! And I know everything that you can give Me in the simplicity of prayer, in the love of your hearts that give themselves completely to Mine, to thus concretize the Works of God in this world.

Let us pray, dear children. Let us pray, as the Lord indicates; and while we pray, let the children who today will be consecrated come here so I may bless them with My motherhood.

I am here present, praying with you.
Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.

(thirteen times)


And in this way, I carry your prayers to plead to God for this humanity.

Through the blessed Grace God granted Me at My Conception, I come to bless you so the Spirit of God manifests the principle of His Will in your lives.

I come to consecrate you in the Holy Name of the Son, so He may manifest the sure path toward redemption in your lives.

I come to bless you through the Holy Spirit, so that Its Gifts, true and deep, may be sown in your spirits; and thus, just like the apostles from the past, you become the new apostles of Christ guided by the simplicity of the Love of God.

May this mission be accomplished in your lives and you are able to achieve living in the Will of God and in the maximum expression of His infinite Love.

Through the Grace which My Immaculate Heart pours out, My dear children, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will make the Sign of the Cross twice more, at the request of Our Lady.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the Presence of Adonai, I rise up to Heaven, as it was in the Assumption of My Body and My Soul, in honor of all My children of the world and for the salvation of all of Creation.

Sing and be glad in humility; you are the children of My Heart.

I thank you.

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Villa Serrana, Minas, Levalleja, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Princess of Peace and the Queen of the Universe, the rays of redemption and pity flow from My Heart. The stars rescued from the Earth shine upon My mantle. The world is beneath My feet, and My soles of light trample the head of the evil one. My crown radiates the twelve attributes of the New Humanity and from each star, the rays of the Mercy of God are born, those rays that guide souls.

Dear children, I am the Princess of Peace, I am the Mother who unties the impossible knots that no one can untie. Whoever is with Me, will win, whoever is with Me will always awaken to the new. In My Kingdom, there will be more than one flower, in My Kingdom there will be the redeemed mirror that will ignite in Mercy and radiate peace to the universe.

I am the one who guides the lost souls. It is through My children that I have guided all hearts that wander throughout the world without finding meaning or reason in life. I rescue what is lost. I convert what is wrong. I ignite in faith what has been extinguished.

I am the Princess of Peace, who brings within Her womb the perfect image of God and who gestates within the consciousness the new science of spiritual healing.

I am the one who prays for all, I am the one who covers good souls with Her mantle and makes them invisible before the eyes of Her adversary.

Dear children, I am the Mother who guides everyone towards the Purpose. I am the one who helps accomplish the mission of each being.

I thank you for responding to My celestial call, despite the time of the adversity!

Whoever is with Me will triumph.

Who loves you and blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

Today, as the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje, I come to establish the Kingdom of Forgiveness in the hearts that still have not reconciled themselves with God, for so many causes and endless sufferings.

It is for this sacred reason, that your Heavenly Mother reunites you today in one of the main cenacles of prayer of this city, after the Parrish.  I wish the first ecumenical cenacle for peace, which will be called the Cenacle of the Sacred Family, to be founded here.

You, My children, are ready in heart to assume this task of prayer for the humanity and the world.  Today your Lady of Peace stops here to observe the needs of spiritual healing and restoration.

For this I tell you, My children of Carmo da Cachoeira, that to reach the deep healing of the body and the soul, you still must pray much so that My Grace may be granted to your lives.

Today I establish here in this house the Cenacle of Prayer of the Sacred Family so that from today on, your spirits may feed themselves from the manna, which wants to be given to your hearts.  This will be possible when your prayer from the heart be intensified and in a short time you become bearers of Grace and Peace and thus the whole city will be worthy of the Mercy of God.

For this I invite you today, My dear children, to take the first steps towards the deep life of prayer.  I want to tell you that from the top of the hill I listen to all of your daily prayers and supplications, but if you truly form this cenacle, I tell you that you will let My heart rejoice, and mainly, many things that are happening today in this city will stop happening.

For this go to the Parrish because My Beloved Son waits for you, present in the Eucharist as also in the Tabernacle.  Decide, My beloved ones, what path you will choose?

I come to guide you and warn you, because I am your Mother from Heaven.  I am the Holy Woman of God that unites peoples and beliefs through the Love of God.  I wish to come back here three times more, because I aspire that My blessings reach your beloved families.

With the heart ignited in love and faith, live in Christ, look for Him! He is thirsty for your love, in this way your conversion will be possible.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you to the Heart of the Redeemer,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the history of humanity, will be written each detail of the days on which the Queen of Heaven extended Her reign over the world, and by means of Her infinite Love, conquered the hearts of Her children one by one; awakened them to their true celestial origin and guided them to the fulfillment of the Plans of God for each one of His creatures.

On the 31st of December of all the years of this world, the Love of God will descend once more over the world and over the consciousnesses of the creatures.  It will awaken the codes deposited by the Mother of Heaven, those which remained latent in the depth of many beings.

My children, in all these years that I have been among your little souls, the light of the Universe expanded itself, not only in your lives, but over all souls of the world, delivering to each one of them, the opportunity of being once participants of the Plans of the Lord and being able to become aware of their mission and the mission which this planet must accomplish before the whole universe.

My beloved, now that My Heart begins to retire to the depth of your beings, I want the world to understand the true motive of My Presence here on this Earth, which is not only to deliver a time of greater peace to humanity.  The peace that the world will live will be the result of the conversion and awakening of souls.

I have not come to the world only to teach you how to pray, but prayer is the basic principle that opened the doors of the inner universe of your beings, so that in this time you could express the truth of your consciousnesses.

All this time, as in all centuries that My Presence permeated the world, I have been preparing the hearts and making them faithful to God, so that in the final times they would not have fear of understanding a superior truth, which is far beyond from what humanity comprehends as superior life.

I want those who feel ready, to take a new step in consciousness and allow the true awakening to be a reality for their lives.

Time has come to forget the past and release all the roots that bonds you with the mistakes made by your own selves and by others, so that you may untie the knots that do not allow you to get out from this purely material reality, reality which is so far from what you truly are and from what you must truly manifest.

​Each 31st day of December will open a new cycle to humanity, through the impulses that My Immaculate Heart will send you.

You will discover year after year what really happened with your lives and with the planetary life while I was here in this world.

You will discover who I really Am and the greatness of the moments in which I gathered you around My universal mantle of light.

You will discover that in My words there were truths that you could have never comprehended, until you opened the heart and the consciousness to do so.

You will discover that you believed to already know what I dealt with in the world, because some already had a little bit more of knowledge about the superior life, but that only the living of the superior principles and of everything learned would allow you to be true knowers of My words and the words of the Divine Messengers.

You will discover that I Am more than the presence of the Virgin Mary of Nazareth and that, despite having been the same, you will comprehend that God was in Me, as in His Son, and with a different mission, He expressed Himself in His Servant.

You will discover that this world is sacred to the eyes of God and that the whole universe awaits the life thought by the Creator, that today is so distant from the human reality, to be manifested here.

You will discover that the seeds have grown and borne fruits, and then you will comprehend what you are, where you come from, what you must manifest and to where you will return when the time comes.

I love you and ask you that despite of yourselves you persist and put all the love in the fulfillment of what I tell you, because God speaks in the Word of His Servant and reveals His Will to the world.

Completely surrender yourselves to the Divine Will and allow the Mother of the World to gestate the Trinity in your consciousnesses.

I bless you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Monthly Message of the Virgin and Mother of Divine Mercy, the Most Holy Mary, transmitted in the city of Asunción, Paraguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

As Mother of Divine Mercy, I come to the world, with the Light of My Son, to heal and redeem all those who are so in need of forgiveness, redemption and peace, and who are on Earth, lost from God and forsaken of heart.

I am the Holy Mother of all peoples, of all races.

I am the same One who is hidden in the mountains, Caacupé, as the One who was found in the waters, Aparecida.

I am the One who delivers freedom to the 33, I am the One who comes to those who need to take a new step, and I give the world the fruits of a Figueira of love.

I am the One who brings to souls the Spirit of God and conceives the Divine Trinity in hearts.

I am the Queen of Peace, I am the Mother of the Divine Verb.

I am the Mother of the world, the universe and of all of you.

Those who decide to be under My Mantle recognize My Countenance in all the manifestations of the world and know I am the same one in Heaven as on Earth, and that I come to teach you that nothing should be separate, not in this world, nor in others.

My beloveds, I travel through the nations to unite the peoples, even if it be through their representatives. I come to build that network of light, which must light up the planet through prayer, when the sun no longer shines in the sky of this world.

I want to see in My children the light that illumines the paths of those who walk in darkness. I want to form you, so that the Holy Spirit may find a dwelling place in your consciousnesses, and others who did not have the Grace of being in My Presence may find Me in their hearts.

My dear children, blessed are they who take the risk of responding to the call of God. Now I ask you to allow that call to become a fertile seed in your essences, and little by little, be a life that testifies to conversion and faith for those who have forgotten God.

In the simplicity of your hearts, may the door be found through which My Son will return to the world. May your hearts be humble, so that they may became the cradle of the poor but blessed inner Bethlehem, which will receive the New Child, so that for the second and last time, He may remove the evil that torments the heart of humankind and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Beloved of My Heart, begin today through your little lives to prepare the path of the Lord. Once and for all, remove from your lives all that which does not belong in this humble manger of Bethlehem.

Once again, the Birth of Christ is announced to the world, and now, He will be born in many hearts, and others He will cause to be reborn in life, for redemption and the institution of Peace.

I am the bearer of Mercy, Who asks of you: be merciful, so that the Kingdom of God may descend to the world.

I bless you and thank you, because Divine Grace descended upon this place and your lives were filled by the divine presence.

I love you.

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of Divine Mercy

Monthly Messages

 Dear children of Mine:

My Heart is filled with Joy and My Spirit rejoices when the souls answer to My call.

To this end today I wish to consecrate all the homes of the world to My Immaculate Heart.  For this I come to ask you that an image of the Queen of Peace may be placed in the entrance of each house with the goal of protecting and helping all the families.  If you do this you will be saying to the enemy that your dwelling places belong to God and that nothing that is not similar to the love of the Father will be able to reign there.

Dear children, you do not know how much I long to have you near My Heart and to listen to your prayers.  Because of your loving answer God has permitted Me to continue to guide you in the way that many mothers in the world do.

For this I wish, dear children, that all the mothers that have already had children, in the same way that I have had Jesus, may be consecrated to the Spirit of My Maternity.  In this way in your homes will reign peace and the unity in the times that will come.

Children of Mine, you do not know how much destruction and despair there is in the bosom of the families. The enemy and its modernities have succeeded to substitute the Word of Life, the Bible with the Internet, prayer with the uncontrolled word, fasting with incessant gluttony and, principally, true love of the heart has been replaced by lying and falsity.

To avoid the law of God upon many of My children I come to ask that all the moms look to My Heart and that they may feel My example of peace and humility.

You My dears, do not even imagine how much wickedness the enemy instills in the families, to the point of reaching destruction and disunity among the beings.  But My sword of light descends from Heaven to cut all the evil and to establish the Love of God, that is Law and is Life.

As long as the Marian Centers in the world which I have founded at different times, are islands of salvation, so I ask you to be a true spiritual family; a family that seeks all the time to live the commandments of God and a life of love and prayer.  In this way you will relieve My Immaculate Heart.

But remember My children, that the adoration to the Most Holy Eucharistic Body of My Son will establish, over the kingdom of the Earth, an opportunity of being able to receive a Greater Grace.

When you decide to place the sacred image of the Queen of Peace on the door of your houses, I promise you:

  •  To distance you from all material and spiritual evil.
  •  To unite you to the Spirit of God.
  •  To create in the homes true temples of prayer.
  •  To pour the Graces that your hearts need.
  •  To pray for you day and night.
  •  To establish the Kingdom of God in each member of the family.

So that the promises of the Queen of Peace may be accomplished I ask lovingly of all the moms of the world to recite to Me the following prayer, in order to reach My Maternal Spirit.

Prayer to reach the Maternal Spirit of Mary

Sacred Virgin Mary,
who gestated in Your Womb the Love of God,
and from Whose Womb was born the Supreme Life
that gave Itself to us in Mercy and Redemption.

O Sacred Mother!
Queen among all the mothers of Earth,
permit that we may live Your Maternity
so that, for the days to come,
we may recognize the face of Your Beloved Son Jesus
in the faces of our children.


I thank you for answering to My call.

I bless you, I adore you and I love you,

Mary, Queen of Peace and of all the moms of the world


I come to the world to bring peace to the nations, the end of wars in families, in homes and in hearts, and in all peoples who suffer the great punishment of the end of times.

I come to establish devotion to My Immaculate Heart throughout America and, today, after having been in Medjugorje celebrating My world anniversary with the whole humanity, on this night of Graces, I come to meet you to pour out My Light over the world once again.

God wants the best and the good in your hearts; therefore, I invite you, dear children, to experience the path of charity and also the path of prayer of the heart.

If you experience these simple but important things, your debts will dissolve from the account of God and your homes will open up to receive My special Graces, those that I wish to establish in your hearts and souls.

As the Queen of Peace, I gather everyone in My Sacred Cenacle for through My Immaculate Heart, dear children, today you are celebrating with Me the Communion with My Son.

God has allowed Me in a special way, My children, to bring the Sacred Universal Monstrance, the Great Glorified Body of Christ, the Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that must be contemplated in this definitive time.

With joy, go to your parishes and adore the Lord. He has waited, for a long time, to listen to you in detail, to listen to your hearts and problems. God wishes, through the Sacred Hearts, that humanity can once again save itself, and the Lady of Peace, the Universal Queen, wants to prevent the Law of God over the world so that humanity may emerge again from the Heart of God, and it enters the Heart of the Father through a profound communion that you must experience, dear children, in this time more than ever, so that evil can be removed from your lives and the same divine unity that the Sacred Family of Nazareth experienced, can be established in your families.

As the Queen of Peace, My children, I invite you to enter My Universe of Peace. Therefore, it will not be necessary, beloved children, for you to be able to see Me with your physical eyes. I wish that you can feel me within your hearts and remain in My eternal devotion.

I pray for you all, day and night. From the Celestial Kingdom, I send my Guardian Angels so that they may protect and accompany you; but, in this very special time that the world is living, I need you to give the great yes to the Lord, thus your lives will quickly change and your families will renew themselves by the loving action of the Holy Spirit.

Dear children, just like in other times in the past, when I appeared to other visionaries in the world, today I announce to you, beloved children, that you awaken to this last call of Mine, may your eyes be opened to the Light that comes from Heaven, may your heart hear My special Message, the Message that I have for the current time.

Live the Sacraments, My children, and if you have forgotten one of them, live them again promptly, thus you will be united to the Father and the Celestial Universe.

I desire, in your lives, a path of conversion, a conversion that will open the door to experience redemption, but in this time only the prayer of the heart will suffice.

I, as your Mother of prayer, come to teach you this so simple and sincere path, the same that I learned when I was with you in the world. While carrying Jesus in My arms, I did not stop contemplating the greatness of the Lord. Thus, you should understand, dear children, that in your daily chores you can contemplate the Lord. God contemplates, with greatness and love, when His children make a sincere effort.

May your hearts be mirrors of prayer, may you be lights for this world which is in darkness. This is possible, dear children; if you do this, you will not recognize yourselves in a short time, for the Light of My Son will shine on your faces and the Love of Christ will beat within your hearts.

Pray for all priests, for all universal religious life. I come to institute in this end time, a great request that My Son Jesus has made to Me: to unite all the peoples who are dispersed across the world through the heart and through prayer. If this happens in this way, through your permission and loving acts, new Laws of Mercy will descend over the world and it will not be necessary for you to suffer anymore, dear children.

I come to meet you as the Universal Mediatrix. I have desired for so long time that you may live in My Heart; but truthfully I tell you, dear children, that many of you have forgotten about My call.

For this reason, through the Maternal Love that I impart to all hearts, I come to remind you, dear children, about this important call to seek the peace of the heart. Thus, you will help yourselves and this special Grace that comes from Heaven will expand through your families and friends.

You know, dear children, that many of my children are suffering, at this time, spiritual problems that are aggravating in the souls, diseases that appear in the bodies of My children, which seem incurable.

Seek the path of prayer, in this way you will find the path of healing. The Gift of Science of the Holy Spirit will show you the path to experience redemption and, in this way, My beloved little children, you will free your hearts from all the evil you experience.

Today, I ask you, dear children, to not open the doors to evil. Heaven invites you to something special, the Infinite God comes to meet you through My Immaculate Heart.

I am the same from Nazareth, dear children, the same who appeared throughout the centuries.

Meditate on this special events that you experience today. Read about the events and thus, in the silence of the heart, in the profound prayer of the heart and in abiding faith, you will understand all that I say to you today and you will understand why I am coming into the world again. It is a great need of the Father, in His Majestic Will, that all His children turn towards His Heart.

Look with open eyes towards the horizon that is awakening, the light of dawn that is emerging. I am the Sun that shines in the darkness, I am your Guiding Star.

Hold on to My hands, dear children, thus I envelop you with My Sacred Mantle and thus, as I did in Guadalupe, I will unite all peoples as one, I will dissolve the evil of hearts for true faith will resurge within all children who have believed in My Word.

On this night of Graces, I will not fail to bless you. I come to pour out My Maternal Grace over you, placing My hands upon your heads, imploring My Son for His Mercy; in this way, your families, dear children, will be rewarded by My Maternal Light and you will be reunited in love.

Do not forget to seek the love of the heart, thus you will be liberated from experiencing human feelings. God said that, through your faith, all your brethren, families, friends and acquaintances will be reunited; and this will be possible when you live a life of permanent prayer, then your homes will receive the needs of other brethren and you will be able to envelop them with the power of prayer so that healing can be established in those hearts.

I know that many expected miracles. The true miracle of God, dear children, for this 21st century, is that He has allowed Me to return to meet you, especially in this part of America, announcing Myself as the Queen of the Sun, the Woman who wears the Golden Rays of the Father, the Wisdom of the Father and His Mercy so that they can be poured over the world.

I seek, from your hearts and souls, true sincerity. My eyes contemplate all your necessities. I wish that all My children can take a step towards the Plan of God through the heart, faith and prayer in profound communion with Christ because if you do this, you will receive the Grace that you seek so much.

God has many good things for you. He has already knocked on the door of your homes, but in this time He sends His Faithful Messenger in the name of Jesus, Christ the Redeemer, to awaken those who sleep in this world because of the strength that the illusion of this humanity has had and that, through modernities, hypnotized My children, making them lose the path of faith.

Therefore, today I come to announce that it is time to return to the House of the Lord.

I thank you deeply, dear children, for this preparation that you have made for My Heart.

On this sacred night of faith, I come to give you My Love, the faith that your hearts need and the healing that your souls need to be able to continue walking in the paths of the Lord, in the Plans of God and His magnificent and loving Will.

I announce Myself to you as your Mother, I do not want to do you any harm but rather that you feel the radiance of My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, all this is true when hearts open up to faith. I need you as My servers and apostles of the new time.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús,

Our Lady is praying for us and the city of Sorocaba.


Today, I tell you, dear children, as My Son has said, that the last will be the first and the first will be the last, those who will close the door for those who have been left behind, and we will all be together in the promise of Paradise, of the Kingdom of God.

I also come, on this night, to bless you, and I unite to the hearts of all My children, confirming your faith before the Most High Lord. This is the most important thing, dear children, that the flame of your heart never be extinguished. Therefore, today I ask you, that the children who are sitting in the last row of this room come forward for the blessing at this altar and all of those who feel it may do so. But I call in a special way, to this nearest altar, the new children of Mary, who again are the example of conversion and of the Love of God manifested by the power of faith and prayer.

Let us sing.


Song: "Our Lady".

When a soul sings it instantly unites to God and the Celestial Universe manifests in His heart, creating the perfect union between the creatures and God. In the simplest and humble things lies the true key that will take you to salvation.

My very beloved children, by the authority that God has granted Me and under the protection and shelter of the Archangel Raphael, of all the angels of Heaven who perpetually glorify the Lord, by the power of My Immaculate Heart and by the imperious force of the Mercy of Christ, I bless you on this heavenly night, pouring out the most pure of My Heart over your hearts; and I hope to promptly meet you in Heaven, after having lived the great experience of love and forgiveness on this Earth.

Unite yourselves, in this time. My Immaculate Heart will always help you whenever you open your heart to Me, which is the direct path to God, the eternal blessing of Our Father and the favorite Love of the Lord for all that He created since the beginning.

I am the Mother of the Beginning and the End, I am the one who waits with joy and love to strongly embrace you, so that you may rest your heads on My Heart and thus, with your inner ears you can feel the beating of My Immaculate Heart which is the only reason of your joy in this life.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Pray the Rosary every day, peace is needed in this world and an end of the spiritual war as well. Thus, the Mercy of the Lord will descend and we will be One in the heart of the universe.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you little children for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús,

At the request of our Blessed Mother, to close this meeting with Her Immaculate Heart, let us listen to and sing the "Hymn of Medjugorje".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat,

And to close, let us together sing "Mary of Nazareth".

Weekly Message of the Most Holy Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Dear children,

Today I wanted to be among your small hearts so that, under My Mantle, you could settle the impulses you have received in these last days.

As Mother and Queen of Peace, I radiate, through your hearts My Peace to the whole world. I travel, with My Love, the path left by your sincere prayers; a path that leads to all beings, of all Kingdoms, who need My Presence.

Today, I want to leave you with an encouragement and a warning:

My encouragement is that, throughout the whole day, I listened to the voice of your hearts, and your souls were exultant with joy, touching the doors of My Kingdom. Know, therefore, that your little souls recognize the moment in which they live and glorify the Lord for all the opportunities you have received throughout these last two months.

And, as a warning, I say to you that the time has come for manifesting in your life the impulses of your souls , and this is achieved through prayer, fasting and a profound and real communion with My Son Jesus.

I tell you, also, that you must be firm in the purpose which your souls inspire you to live, for many are receiving the Grace of true awakening, and you must not waste it.

Be sincere in heart and in spirit, and follow the impulse of your most pure intentions, even though it may seem to you a real folly.

The life of prayer and of surrender, My children, is no longer considered normal in this world. The lack of love and of peace of those who submerge into modernities has become the common living of hearts and consciousnesses.

Many of those who today should be My Marian soldiers have forgotten the commitment they sealed with Me. Others, even though remembering this commitment, are afraid of abandoning themselves to follow Me. And a few, with courage, have disposed themselves to fulfill My Holy Will and follow My steps.

It is time to recognize where your consciousnesses are in this time; and recognizing that you are not where you should be, take your places among My soldiers and complement, with your precious souls, this army of Peace.

I do not come to make demands; I come to bring relief to your spirits, who are thirsting for true life, for fulfilling this mission that you came to carry out upon the world.

So, today, I only ask that you find in My Heart, the Heart of My Son, and in the great Heart of the Universe, the strength you need to take the steps that you aspire to take in these times.

Count on My maternal Presence. As Mother of your hearts, I am always beside each one of you.

I thank you for persisting on My path of Peace.

Mary, Queen of Peace 

Message for the extraordinary Apparition of Mary, Queen and Star of Peace, transmitted in the city of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

Get up from where you have fallen and take My sacred hands because I will set you free from pain and error.

Submerge your spirit in the Fountain of purity and of renovation so that the stones, that you have stumbled upon, may be removed from your path.

Dear child of God, I call you to reconciliation. Unite your inner ties to my Immaculate Heart and walk in silence to the Kingdom of the Redeemer.

Observe attentively the descent of My Graces, I am the Mother Star, I am the one who enlightens the spaces and universes of all consciousnesses. I am the Queen of Peace; I am the one that for love of the world helps Her little children.

Dear son, dear daughter, God the Father has encouraged you to grown from your heart, He has given you the hope to live the rebirth in Christ, given you peace to calm your concerns, given you Mercy to wash from the past,  in the Fountain, your face and your hands.

Every soldier who serves the Most Holy Mother will face in prayer the great cruelties and human wars that erase love from the hearts of humans.

My soldiers are like the pearls of My eternal prayer, my soldiers are the instruments in which My Light is poured to dissolve evil from the world.

Be still in My maternal Heart and offer to God your small sacrifices. Confess your errors before God, but no longer blame yourself, for the infinite Ocean of the Mercy of Christ strikes at the margin of your life to announce the path that will lead you to redemption.

To work for God is to be in constant emptiness of oneself. To work for the love of God is to live in permanent humility. To serve God is to divest oneself, in a matter of seconds, of what might have happened.

However everything is perfect to God. He loves those who strive, He loves profoundly those who rest and loves those who at this time submerge into the darkness and into the modern aspects of the world.

Nevertheless, the prayer of the Holy Rosary intercedes before God. The Holy Rosary wholly repairs a consciousness that is wounded in the spirit. The Holy Rosary unites and strengthens the love for the Plan of God. The Holy Rosary liberates, purifies, orders, harmonizes and cultivates the hope of living sanctity. Sanctity, for human souls is a challenge that few dare to live, for sanctity first removes the veils from the consciousness and then impels hearts to live inner consecration.

And in all this path of constant purification of souls, is the regency and observation of Heaven; that the Most High God and Jesus Christ follow, step by step, the advances or delays of the children.

Heaven waits for the birth of new and humble saints, like the ones there were in the past, so that through simplicity and surrender, they offer themselves to transform the chaos of the world and the great scale of perdition in which the precious souls live.

Thus, as it was in other times, the lesser ones in the world will achieve greater things and the Celestial Universe will closely accompany the challenge that the new apostles will live. In the end, all the good and faithful servers will congregate in Heaven to share the Glory and Grace of God for having been converted into example of service and surrender to God.

The Queen of Heaven will always help Her children, for your Divine Mother will wait for many more to decide to serve humanity in this time, so that, in this way, the Mercy and Forgiveness of God may descend, instead of Justice descending. 

However, the path to follow will be infinite. My servers will cross bridges almost broken, prairies and deserts of the world that have lost the original brightness of Creation; and everything will be accomplished through effort and love to change the consciousness of those who still sleep into the dream of  the world.

Your Mother comes, Apparition after Apparition, to awaken all Her children to the supreme Truth, the consciousness that it is urgent to pray for the whole world to leave the superficiality in which it lives.

If new disciples of Mary appeared, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in America and in the whole world.

The time that you live today is a time of great changes, I only ask you to awaken to what many of my children do not want to see, which is the need to purify oneself and to consecrate oneself to the supreme Will of the Father.

I will always guide you as long as you pray the Holy Rosary for the salvation of humanity.

And whole 

I bless you and thank the groups of Campinas for allowing that the Mercy of God be poured out.

Mary, Queen and Star of Peace



Monthly Messages
Message for the Vigil of Prayer of Mary, Mother and Queen of the Most Holy Peace, transmitted in Manantiales, Maldonado, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

My dear children,

Blessed be Christ Jesus in your precious lives!

On this evening of Saint John, I invite you to imitate the loving example of the faithful disciple of Jesus. As Mother of the Divine Mercy, today I ask you to consecrate your beings to the perpetual and eternal Light of My Immaculate Heart. As Mother, I call you so that your lives are consecrated to the Mother of the Celestial Divine Universe on this consecrated evening to Saint John.

Dear beloved children, with joy, My maternal Heart reaches this part of Uruguay to confirm My company and My Presence on the special awakening that the Marian Center of Aurora will have during the month of August 2013.

As Queen of Peace, I invite you to tomorrow enter into My Immaculate Heart once more, on June 25, so that thus you may follow me especially on this new anniversary of the 32 years of the Apparitions in Medjugorje.

My children, during this cycle of June, you will be able to understand that Mary, Queen of Peace, returns to the world with the hope of a prompt conversion and awakening of humanity. Therefore, on this day of Vigil, I ask the Marian Centers and all pilgrims who follow Me, to unite in profound prayer for the special intentions of the Virgin Mary.

Your hearts will pray constantly during the next six months:

• For Peace to be established among nations and in the world.

• For the future mothers to love the precious coming of the children of God through birth.

• For the nuclear conflict to end and so that the only plans of human beings be peace and good for the whole world.

• For the planetary healing that emanates from the Sacred Heart of Jesus to be poured out upon the most inveterate sinners.

• For the children, youth, and adults of the whole world to awaken to the call of conversion and the true change of the attitudes of life. This will be possible when parents who are responsible for the spiritual path of all their children experience and spread the life of prayer among families and among all beings.

Today I also ask you to pray:

• For the souls that suffer and experience the martyrdom of famine and lack of water.

• For the infinite and pious Mercy to be able to touch the hardened hearts and that, under the Love of God, they be able to help those most in need.

And lastly, I ask that during these next six months you pray:

• For a larger number of souls to awaken to the vocations of the Christian path.

• For the shepherds to be guided by the footsteps of My Son.

• For the true Church of Christ to transmit, through examples, the life of the spirit, reconciliation, and unity to all souls.

Therefore, My children, My maternal Heart, by the Will of God, appeared and is appearing for 32 years in Medjugorje and for the last 6 years in Aurora, in South America, with the spiritual purpose that all the hearts that have been separated from My Son, and consequently from God, can return to My Arms, so that My Light may guide them towards the peace of heart and towards conversion.

Beloved children, in this way you will learn to contemplate how necessary it is to pray for the special intentions of My Son Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that Grace be present in the world in these times of great changes.

I thank you for responding to My requests for the peace and redemption of the world!

Who loves and blesses you,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Special Message for the Apparition of the Most Pure Mother of God, transmitted in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías

I am the Lady of Heaven, I am the one Who comes in glory and peace to radiate the Love of God to you.

I am the Mother of the Universe, I am the one Who will take you in My Arms from the abysses and carry you in honor of the Kingdom of God.

I am the Mystical Rose, I am the one Who emanates subtle aromas to silently protect your path of consecration to God. In this way, day after day, I try to lead you to prayer, because in prayer My Heart closes your wounds and protects your little hearts in the Light.

I am the Mother of Graces, I am the Woman Clothed with the Sun Who pours out the goodness and compassion of God onto the world and creatures.

I am the Guardian of the Faith of those who have lost it.

I am the Mother of the Divine Conception Who draws each child closer to the universe of the Holy Spirit.

I am the Warrior of Love, I Am the Patroness Who raises the banner of Peace.

I am the Lady Who in Love and Pity, unties the knots of those who constantly suffer.

For this reason, I cry out to all for prayer, because as humanity, you must repair the Heart of God for the grave offenses He receives.

I am the Lady of Peace, I am the Queen of Peace, Who announces the coming of the new Kingdom of Christ on the face of the Earth. In this way, I gather My soldiers, calling on them to be consecrated to a life of prayer, to the experiencing of fasting to purify the heart, to forgiveness and to reconciliation.

I am the Celestial Mother, I am the Solar Star that eternally shines in the firmament and announces the time of Mercy.

For My Son, I gave of Myself to all, and with the awaited coming of Christ, I will reveal the Aspect of the Lady of the Sun.

May My stars transfigure your lives into light, may My steps towards God be your steps, may My maternal Heart reverberate in love within you, may My merciful rays illuminate the dark pathway of those who have not yet reached the Kingdom of God.

With My Son, I return to the world to awaken it and call it to conversion.

Prayer will be your future nourishment that will nurture the spirit and all manifested life because through prayer, you will walk without delay to the Arms of God, and when all My children reach Heaven, I will cleanse the past from your faces in the Fountain of Life of My Son, and renewed in spirit, you will glorify God and eternally serve Him out of love and honor of the Creator.

For this reason, seek a life of sanctity while you are in this world. Be charitable one with another. In prayer, build the new principle of brotherhood. Be apostles of Peace and live the redeeming Message of Christ every day.

I come to you to lead you to Jesus because as a Mother, I wait and beg God for the salvation of humanity from the constant sin it lives in.

My dear children of Belo Horizonte, I thank you for the response of your essences to My Immaculate Heart. I especially thank the children that, out of love for the Greater Good, worked so that I, the Queen of Peace, could bring you all the Message and the Call. I thank you for your loving example of charity.

My children, on this Saturday of Glory, may your deep essences prepare for receiving the spiritual visit of the Lady Who is brighter than the Light, the visit of Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the World.

Dear children of Belo Horizonte, today may you be participants in the complete absolution that My pious Heart will radiate to all under the intercession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I thank you for opening the door of your hearts!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Special message received of Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

With joy and compassion, I hold, within My arms, children and the youth, because as a Mother and Guardian of Faith, I take you every day to the Temple of My prayer, to the eternal Temple of My Father and, from there, I take you to the eternal meeting with My Son Jesus.

Beloved children, today I gather you in the name of the Love of God so that, impregnated by His Spirit, you may reach peace, the peace of the heart. 

In the Sacred Family, there is a real Temple of prayer where the Holy Spirit participates through Its Gifts, within the heart of the families. Praying every day to My maternal Heart, as a Mother, I can be present to guide you towards peace.

Dear children, may this encounter with the Queen of Peace open your hearts to the call of conversion.

I thank you for uniting your hearts to My call from Heaven!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Queen of Peace


Special message received of the Blessed Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Children, today I keep you all in My Heart, and this means a victory of My Immaculate Heart in your hearts. My arms are open to gather within My heart the praying servers of My Son Jesus because the moment to share the life of prayer and fraternity among all the souls of the world is arriving.

Dear children, with joy, I invite you once again to the prayer of the heart. Prayer must be your constant work of love; a prayer that resounds in your hearts, that builds the goodness and peace among the groups, families and nations; a prayer that helps the souls that day by day despair due to not finding the correct path towards light and peace.

Children, as Queen of Peace, I call you to be permanently in the Kingdom of My Peace. This Kingdom, of victory and glory in the Heavens, is near your lives and homes. This Kingdom that My heart wishes so much that you are able to gestate through examples of goodness and charity, of love and brotherhood.

Children, you know that My Heart of Mother watches over all the children in the world and that the world is in a spiritual crisis due to the lack of love in the hearts of the human beings towards the Kingdoms created by My Father. They ask humanity for help and assistance; day by day souls suffer and are discouraged. This is the evil of the enemy that can take the attention of My children away from prayer.

Therefore, dear children, I still appear here, as in Medjugorje and in Salta, to sustain, with My maternal spirit, the inner chaos of humanity.

As a Mother who consoles the afflicted and in despair, I ask you that, week by week, as you have done on Tuesdays, My little ones, you embrace with love the life of prayer and, in groups, pray for the concretion of the Plans of God on Earth, pray for peace and for the conversion of all who need the Love of God.

I constantly gather the prayers of My children throughout the whole world, day by day. When you pray with Me My spirit of love is among you, within your homes, feeling the hearts and needs of each child.

Open the doors to Me! because I want to reign within your hearts, in your families, marriages and friendships. I am the Sun that descends upon the universe to heal you and finally take you to the Arms of My Son.

I share, at the time of emergency, the need of all My children; but you must continue praying for the world to reach a time of more peace, to avoid wars and persecutions.

Children, the prophetic book of yesterday is already open and all can change through your loving interest for the life of prayer of the heart.

I guide you, support you, I encourage you towards the transformation of your lives. I want you to reach, while you are on Earth, the real Kingdom of Paradise. For this to happen, you must say yes to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

God contemplates the good works of those who with love give their lives for the salvation of the world, through prayer and charity.

I am with you and thank all the groups for trusting, once again, in My urgent call for the total salvation of the world.

Who loves you, mercifully,

Mary, Queen of Peace

Special Apparitions

On the eighth day of the Apparitions of the Celestial Mother in Aurora, the group present continued to grow.

In silence, everybody arrived at the tree of Apparitions to begin with the prayer. At a certain moment, while everybody prayed, the sisters of the Monastery of Eternal Faith, a female monastery, intoned the song "Celestial Mother".

Friar Elías and Mother Shimani stood up, contemplating the crown of the orange tree, and shortly thereafter, Friar Elías, Mother Shimani and one other sister approached the tree, to then return to the group.

Later, Friar Elías spoke about what he had perceived.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When the sisters intoned the song, several celestial doors opened over the whole area where the group stood.

The Divine Mother appeared, holding in Her right Hand a golden Christic cross. From each end of the horizontal arm (called PATIBULUM) a golden plate was hanging, forming a scale.

At that moment, in the Heavens, choirs of angels could be seen singing and praising the Divine Mother.

Then, from the Heavens, She effected an expansion and radiation of energy over all of us. Our souls rapidly rose up to where the Celestial Mother was, and She placed them close to Her Heart. She then had them descend back to our beings.

A few moments later, She manifested two great silver-colored medals, one in each Hand. Each one of those medals had the image of Christ the Redeemer; He had His Arms open, radiating a lot of Light. At that moment, the Divine Mother repeated several times:

"Redemption, Redemption, Redemption."

Afterwards, behind Her, another much deeper Heaven opened, where there were more angelic beings very far away. At a higher point in Heaven, above the Divine Mother, Christ in His aspect of Christ the Redeemer appeared, and over Him, at an even higher place, a white dove manifested, which beat its wings as if flying, but remained always in the same place. This image emanated a lot of Light, coming from those Three Presences.

After a few minutes, the image changed. She descended to the orange tree over which a crown of roses and other flowers formed, which had the shape of an arcade, it was very beautiful and with many flowers.

At that moment, the Divine Mother, on Her Breast, manifested a great red rose, which She supported with both Hands, and She said to us:

I Am the Mystic Rose, come to Me, touch My Mantle.

I Am the Mystic Rose, come to Me, touch My Mantle.

Afterwards, the Divine Mother asked us, the two brothers and sister who were present at Her Apparitions during 2007, to come close to the tree. When we approached, She descended a little more and stretched out Her Left Foot, placing it on an orange. She asked us to touch Her Foot and that we feel Her energy. She transmitted some Words to us, and in the end, told us not to fear, for She would protect us.

After this account, Friar Elías transmitted to us that the Mother asked that we all pray the prayer of the Universal Mother.

After a few beads, Friar Elías began the transmission of the Words of the Divine Mother.


Today, I come to ask that you carry My Mystic Rose in your hearts, a Spiritual Rose that was born in Nazareth.

Between the prayer and Joseph's carpentry, devotion emerged when we accepted the chalice as parents and children; something far from our comprehension. But the light of the angels guided Us in the Purpose of fulfilling the unknown.

The Archangel Gabriel appeared to me thirty-three times after the elevation of My Son, and there, My task as the prophet of the new times began, as the Mother Who was to begin to embrace all Her children to take them toward the Father.

When I rose up, My task expanded on all levels and in all senses, levels that today you will not understand, but which are divine lights that all can welcome into their hearts.

Today, My Mystic Rose manifests before you so you may receive My Peace and My Redemption.

I Am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Higher Spirit that is descending into hearts at this end time.

Carry My Message of Peace with you, so that in your hearts My Immaculate Heart may emerge. Find refuge in Me, over My roses and under My Mantle, so you may walk far from the pathways of darkness which are settling first in minds and then in hearts.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now the Divine Mother is lifting up a scepter, which has a golden cross at the top.


This is the redemption of humanity, the coming of the New Christ, of a Christ even more merciful than we can understand with our intellect.

I have been here for centuries and in various parts of the world, safeguarding hearts until the coming of the Master. You already know, He is reappearing first in the consciousness, then in hearts, and in this way, He will descend to His old Earth. He will return renewed as a Sublime Heart of Peace and of Love for souls.

But first, Divine Justice will come, and the initial prophecy He has given: "The straw will be separated from the wheat," it needs to blossom through Me and then the fruit will be born.

Do not seek and do not wait for sublime meetings, but rather, more profound prayers in which you unite with Me and My Immaculate Heart, which must shine forth over your beings and over all My children who cry out for My Voice.

I Am the Queen of Love, the same Queen of Peace, Who brings the victorious Message to those who have fallen, to all those who cannot stand up and all those who must heal the profound sorrow that only I know.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is lifting up Her hands to Heaven and a light blue light has begun to descend.


I lift up My Hands to Heaven so you may find refuge in each part of My Being. I will thus be able to protect you as little children who must walk in this end time.

Hold My Messages in your hearts and promise to pray for My Peace, for in this way, I will trust in each one of you and in each one of My children. Teach everybody how to pray in a simple and sincere way, defeating the limitations of this reality and opening the heart to find Me.

I Am the Resplendent Flame of the Trinity, the New Holy Spirit that descends, a Spirit that all will know and which will not be far from your realities.

A Grace descends, even while this world is purified. All will go through the door of purification, but whomever withdraws into Me will find the strength to continue forward united with My Heart, which shall shine on your path, to be able to walk without rest.

These are My Messages in these times, in which higher realities, the Heavens with the Earth, are uniting, and there, you must be prepared to find Me as the Guardian of Prayer and so we may contemplate together the mysteries which took place in Jerusalem.

We are reappearing not only at the center of this world, but also in all parts of it, so My Message of Peace may be disseminated into more hearts that suffer.

Today, you are receiving a special Grace: the Mystic Rose of My Heart, which must be spread through prayer.

If you think about My rose, you will think about Me and I will be united with you, giving out Graces to the hearts that open and understand the mysteries unknown to your realities.

Heaven is descending over this place and this is beyond consciousnesses; this is part of My Ministry of Redemption and of Rescue in this end cycle.

This place will be a Center of Prayer, the same as Medjugorje has been for a few decades; because now God has asked of Me, with you, that I place My Eyes, My Hands and My Heart, together with My Light, over this place.

This is the New Aurora which is being born and in which you must trust, a Celestial Aurora that shines in the darkness. Call for this Aurora, which is My Aurora, which is the one that rises before you to ignite the hearts that are dark through incomprehension.

If you pray with Me, I will have a preference for you, inner guides that will unite with Me through prayer, in a continuous dialogue of voice to voice.

Three principles will unite for this Earth, which are being born for the second time, for the work of My Celestial Purpose, for the Light that emerges from My Hands and is born from My Immaculate Heart for all, the sick, the healthy, the awake, the sleeping, known and still to be known, I seek you all, again and again, through My preferred prayer.

Heaven is coming over you, a Heaven you will not understand. Listen to My Voice, which is emerging in this part of the world for those who need it. Embrace and accept My Inner Flame, My preferred Fire, so you may have the strength to walk where it seems dark and unknown.

Carry My torch of Peace, as an inner flame, so it may allow more springs to emerge within your hearts, hearts that must be redeemed and forgive the past.

Hear My Voice; listen to It!

I Am the Queen of Peace, the Path of Love, the Merciful Bird that pours out Its Graces over the ones who do not deserve them.

Ignite your hearts and continue to trust in Me so as to find the correct path toward the celestial universe. All of you must return to these Heavens through My Heart which is open.

I will be here until next Friday, to continue to pour out My Light over those who do not see it and do not feel it. If you are united with Me, your lives will transform so the Calvary may be alleviated and you achieve the Light in front of your eyes. I Am the Light that comes from God, I Am one of the Sources that has been born in this world to protect it and rescue it.

Listen to My Voice, so that it may echo in your hearts and pray with Me for Peace in this world.


All together we pray the Universal Mother three times.


Next Friday, at 8 pm, you will come here and each one will light a candle that will represent the coming of Christ the Redeemer in this time. When I appear, you will put them out, because My Light will illumine you.

I will reveal something to those who remain in prayer with Me.

Sow Peace in all hearts and walk in the trust of Christ, Our Lord.

I Am the Conception that once again is being born in hearts.

By the Burning Fire which is born of the Heart of Christ, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She is now slowly rising up to a part of Heaven where there is a choir of angels formed in two lines, leaving a corridor between them where She is walking.

She has turned, and opening the orandium, She extends Her Hands downward and forms a small glowing pink heart.

The Mother disappears and all the images fade away.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

