Jesus always submerged himself in the gratitude of the heart.

For Jesus, gratitude was the first rule that allowed Him to reflect the flashes of a living and true Love.

Without the constant gratitude that Jesus felt for His Father, He would not have been able to carry out His Divine Will.

Because the gratitude in Jesus allowed Him, as a man and as the Messiah, to fully trust in the Mysteries of the Father, although Jesus Himself knew part of these Mysteries.

The Gratitude of Jesus brought to humanity the declared revelation of His ardent Faith, a Faith that imprinted determination and sovereign authority at the moment of proclaiming the Gospel.

The permanent and immutable feeling of the Gratitude of Jesus led Him to greatly know the deepest and most hidden feelings of His brothers and sisters, whether they were pure or impure.

This gift of profound knowledge of the human being that Jesus lived was not for the purpose of judging, but for the purpose of correcting human customs, which, in past times, led towards the spiritual condemnation of all humanity.

The experience of gratitude in Jesus led Him constantly to the path of service for others and to the constant donation of His Divine Being, even for those who rejected and denied Him.

Jesus wanted to demonstrate that one of the main bases of love is gratitude, together with unity. And that these two attributes, in the sincere practice of the life of human beings, no matter what, will lead them to find a higher and superior meaning about the personal mission of the individual and of the groups of souls.

Jesus left the teaching of gratitude as a constant message for the transformation of the human condition.

To have gratitude means to understand, beyond oneself, that the purpose God places in our hands has a greater meaning than what we can understand and experience.

Gratitude leads us along the path of selfless and spontaneous donation; it helps us, as human beings, to live and understand life from a different perspective and on a different scale.

Gratitude reveals to us the goodness and mercy in everything, it makes us less petty and more considerate, attentive and available for our fellow beings.

Gratitude closes the door to pride, to the recognition of spaces or tasks that we believe to have under our power.

Gratitude belies our appearances and gently guides us along the path of Truth.

For this reason, the gratitude that lived and emanated from Jesus was very great, to the point that few consciousnesses could reach the true and divine Person of Jesus.

Gratitude leads to the breaking of chains and of atavisms; it is the portal toward our true freedom.

Gratitude reminds us of humility.

I thank you for imitating the Gratitude of Jesus!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Second Message

And you will see the Son of God come with the victorious Cross of Emmanuel, illuminating the four corners of Earth, all races and all peoples, so that the Merciful Love of My Heart may triumph again and the doors may open for the reconciliation of souls with the Universe and life.

This victorious Cross of Emmanuel will announce a new time for the planet and its humanity.

Happy will be those who venerate it with the humility of the heart, because in the coming time they will be recognized as Children of God.

Happy will be those who believe in its power, because they will be assembled at the foot of the Cross of Emmanuel to be blessed and filled by the Holy Spirit.

And finally, companions, through the powerful Cross of Emmanuel, all adversity and evil will be defeated, and in unity with the Father, your hearts will blossom in love and in faith.

When you see the Son of God come with the victorious Cross of Emmanuel, it will be the signal that the end time is approaching; it will be the moment when your hearts must be prepared to receive what you have waited for so long.

This Cross comes to close all that is uncertain, and open the Source of Love for hearts.

The Cross of Emmanuel brings the spirit of redemption for souls and for all fallen spirits. It has the authority to bring liberation to the world and redemption for nations, because in it are kept the codes of the sacred merits of the Passion of your Lord.

In the sacred Cross of Emmanuel is kept the experience lived by Christ on Earth, the incalculable value of His sufferings, of all His sufferings and of all His agonies for the conversion and redemption of the fallen spirits of this planet; and also because of His most precious Blood poured out during His Passion and until His Death on the Cross.

The victorious Cross of Emmanuel holds, in essence, up to the last moment in which your Master and Lord expired on the Cross, giving up His Spirit to the Father, so that it would be resurrected on the third day.

Blessed will be who, in humility, contemplates the victorious Cross of Emmanuel and who asks something of the Father for any consciousness that is lost or fallen, because on the third day the Father will hear them and will respond to their plea.

This powerful Cross of Emmanuel is the symbol for the visible and invisible worlds, for the spiritual, mental, and material plane.

In it, the Father has left the merits that His Beloved Son achieved from His Birth to His Ascension into the Heavens, until before leaving this planet and rising up to the Universe.

The sacred and powerful Cross of Emmanuel brings the alliance and the union of souls with God, with His Divine Project, with His Divine Idea, with His Divine Thought, and with the purpose that each being, and creature of this humanity must manifest for the end of these times.

It is the blue symbol that defeats darkness.

There is no spirit or consciousness that can resist the victorious Cross of Emmanuel and the merits it holds, merits achieved by Christ during His passage on Earth.

The victorious Cross of Emmanuel is the symbol of union of the spiritual Universe with the material Universe, of the Source of the Father with the essence of His creatures, in all of this Universe and in others.

His Beloved Son and the holy angels of Heaven prostrate themselves before the victorious Cross of Emmanuel, because it overcomes the enemy, defeats the impious, purifies the unrighteous, and redeems those who are lost.

Open your hearts to this great moment of the descent the powerful Light of Emmanuel so that souls may abandon their inner deserts and all their agonies, so that the spirits of this Earth can be re-ignited by the powerful Light of Emmanuel that comes to meet the spirit of His children, to fill them with His Gifts and with all His Graces.

When you live some obstacle or some difficulty, prostrate yourselves before the powerful and victorious Cross of Emmanuel and contemplate it, lit up and bright, and see how it penetrates spaces and planes, filling them with Light and Mercy, and in this way, your sufferings will dissolve.

Powerful Father of the Universe, Beloved and Resplendent Emmanuel!

Today Your Son offers the symbol for the redemption of souls and of all this planet.

Your Son places the powerful Cross of Emmanuel on Your Altar so that, for all sacrifices, afflictions, and sufferings lived by Your Beloved Son, Your Graces and Mercies may return to souls, that the essence of evil may be dissolved, and that Your Divine and Glorious Hope shine within hearts.

O Glorious Cross of Emmanuel, which comes to the world to assist souls, which descends in Glory to ignite hearts, which comes to aid the unredeemed!

O Holy Father!

May your powerful Blue Cross cause Your Purpose to be fulfilled in souls, so that evil may be dissolved and joy may return to the clean hearts, and thus we may live in communion with Your Spirit and Your Divinity.

Today I illumine you with the powerful Cross of Emmanuel so that all may be transformed and transmuted.

You will see the Spirit of the Father shine at the Marian Centers, which, being imperceptible and silent, comes to the world to gather together the flocks of God and take them to an encounter with the Return of Christ.

Heaven gives you one more symbol of redemption and of mercy.

May the Cross be the impulse for the return to your origins, and in essence, to your beginning.

And thus, you will be able to live the Plan as God has designed it in His Merciful Heart.

Do not fear, the suffering of the world will end, but humanity still must learn what it has not learnt.

My Heart and My Life give you the powerful and victorious Cross of Emmanuel so that it may illumine the paths of the disciples of Christ, of the peoples of God, of the servants of the Plan during the time of the great tribulation.

When I Am no longer among you, not even here, you will have what can be used: the powerful Cross of Emmanuel, and you will remember, at each moment, the Sacrifice of the Son of God and all the merits that He achieved through His sorrowful Passion.

May the Spirit of the Father descend to the Sacred Centers and may souls listen within to the Voice and Echo of God, so they may walk towards a meeting with the victorious Cross of Emmanuel, which will be the portal of union with the Universe and the stars.

O Holy Purpose of Emmanuel, make Yourself visible to the souls of the world!

May the chains of perdition be broken, May hearts be liberated, and may souls find communion with Your Spirit.

After two thousand and eighteen years, your Master and Lord descends in Aurora, with the powerful and victorious Cross of Emmanuel to illumine the visible and invisible spaces, to give the Grace of redemption to and healing to all fallen spirits.

And together with His Angels of Heaven, the Master sings Hallelujah because His expected Return to humanity is fulfilled, at the end of the cycle, under the Glory and the Power of Emmanuel.

In this Marathon, may souls be able to revive their commitment to the Most High rather than to the low.

May souls be able to again awaken the essence of their purpose, so as to abide by the Will of the Father, and thus respond to His call, in the end of this time.

I come here, bringing in My Hands the powerful and victorious Cross of Emmanuel so that the doors may be closed, and the Kingdom of God descend, in order to transfigure the hearts and lives of all people.

Beloved Father Emmanuel, breath of the Powerful Spirit of God, inextinguishable and irrefutable  Essence, powerful code of redemption and of cosmic liberation!

Rebuild, in this race, Your sacred Principles, so that under the powerful Blue Light of Your Divine Consciousness, souls may take flight towards Your Source, and thus meld with Your Glorious and Living Heart.

Just like the powerful and victorious Cross of Emmanuel, I give you the Sacrament of Communion with My Body and with My Blood, so that you may again vivify your commitment to the Father and His Sacred Plan.

As done more than two thousand and eighteen years ago, I again say to you to eat because this is My Body, which has been given for the unrighteous and the traitors, for the redemption of all souls and of all sinners, so that, someday, they may awaken to the Truth that is the Love and Unity with the Father.

In the same way, I tell you to drink because this is My Blood, of the New Covenant, which comes to purify you and sanctify you in communion with humility and with truth.

Receive this Sacrament in the name of Emmanuel, in order that not only the Universe may fulfill the Divine Purpose, but that all souls, all peoples, and all races may awaken to redemption and to healing in these times.

And thus, I leave you with the Blessing of Emmanuel, preparing you for the day of the consecration of His victorious and powerful Cross, in which many more spirits, scattered throughout this planet, will surrender when the Cross is ignited and unites with the Father, and the Father unites with His children.

I bless you, and offer this Meeting of prayer for those who are no longer here, and for those who have closed their heart to the Truth for fear, for trepidation, or by dissociation.

May one small particle of the sacred Light of Emmanuel reach these souls so that the Plan be rebuilt, just as God has thought it.

Carrying in My Hand the powerful Cross of Emmanuel, lit up and resplendent, bringing Heaven to Earth, bringing God to Aurora, I prepare you for these days of reconfirmation and for the experience of Christic Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

