When you need to return to the beginning of the Whole, to your origin, contemplate the starry sky at night and ask: Father, where am I from? Thus, you will be opening your heart to awaken to the knowledge of your existence.
Open yourself without fear, so that one day you may know where you come from and why you are here on this planet, because you must recognize that true life is not material, but immaterial.
But if you ask where your inner origin comes from, you should know, My child, that knowing this will commit you to being responsible and mature, for your evolution and awakening.
Therefore, I invite you to risk knowing who you really are, and allow your soul to be released from the material prison, which does not allow it to be what it has come to be here on Earth.
I am not talking about looking for achievements, but rather about knowing, in order to grow and better serve the Plan of God; because the Celestial Father needs His children to be awake and to abandon the illusion and pleasures of material life.
Thus, knowing who you are and placing yourself to serve, you will not fear death, because you will know that the spirit does not die but reintegrates into the dynamic universal life.
Be patient, but also be humble. Persevere every day in the ardent aspiration that your consciousness may rise to expand, only so that you become more aware, responsible and surrendered to Higher Life.
You have My support and blessing to begin this sacred path towards the return to Higher Existence.
Go ahead!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
At this moment, how do you understand Life? through obstacles or through transcendence? Do you understand Life through tests or through challenges?
Life is the first Gift that God created so that His children, all His creatures, would be able to reach the highest degrees of love.
Life is a Gift, and it is also a treasure for God.
As a sample of His immeasurable Mercy, the Father sent His Son to Earth so that, through His Passion, Death and Resurrection, all of you would be witnesses, throughout times, of how great is the Love of God.
Today, I invite you, My children, to rethink your perceptions and even your understandings of what Life really is, the one that the Creator Universe gave you so that, within you, the power of love awakens through challenges and even through possible uncertainties that may arise along your paths of spiritual consecration.
By learning to perceive the essence of Life, you will learn to love; you will learn to recognize that, in this universe, everything that seems dual has the deep meaning of turning each of you into other people and other consciousnesses, under the sacred emblem of unity between creatures and the universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
XI - A Higher Purpose
A soul that claimed not to believe in God nor in a spiritual life, was in a state of great inner emptiness and, before their deepest anguish, the soul looked up and said: "What is there after death? A new life? From where and why did life emerge? You, Who people call God, do You really exist? Where are You? Why do You not make Yourself visible to those who call themselves Your children?"
And contemplating this soul with great compassion, the Lord responded: "From Me emerged life, a broad, deep, complex and very ancient life, previous to the existence of this world, previos to the existence of the human mind and the time of humankind, in a space where science does not reach, the mind cannot explain and even the patriarchs and prophets could not understand, for a reason that is kept within My Heart yet not understood, but only loved and experienced.
I did not create life for any reason, but out of Love. Therefore, I am not reached through an answer, but rather through a profound living of the same principle and gift that allowed Me to manifest all things. This mystery is to be found within your little heart.
Beloved soul, when with humility you embrace the healing of your deepest wounds, you will know that I Am God.
When you allow yourself to be loved by a Love that is not of this world, but that comes from the Infinite, you will know that I Am God.
When the knowledge of your smallness and fragility is greater than the illusion of your pride, maturity and vanity, you will know that I Am God.
When you place your forehead upon the ground and surrender your mortal mind for an eternal Love, you will know that I Am God.
When, in the emptiness of your consciousness and the solitude of your heart, you take the risk to look inward and discover that I am within you, you will know that I Am God and I am in everything.
Within you, I wait in silence, and within your silence, I will be able to speak to your heart. You will come to know My infinite Love and, through it you will come to know that which you call the reasons for which everything was created. What for you is a reason, for Me is a Purpose. There is no reason for life but there is a Higher Purpose: that of renewing My Love and returning to Me."
May this dialogue with God inspire you, children, to turn inward and experience Divine Presence.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Walking in the desert and being defeated by the Power of God is not being indifferent to life or to one's fellow being. The desert leads you to know God so that you may find all creatures and all life within the Creator.
The desert is a Meeting.
After crossing the void, the aridity and the solitude, having transcended the first stages of the desert, the heart purified and yielded to God, which is their only and last Fountain of pure water, the hearts experience a Meeting. In God they discover the truth, the purity and Life itself containing all creatures.
The desert is a path to truly find your fellow being. Upon coming to know yourselves, divesting yourselves of appearances, of crutches, of chains, you will also begin to see with a transparent gaze. By crossing the desert and finding God, you will be able to see Him in everything and in everybody, to discover His Love revealed in the essences of humankind.
When a heart experiences dryness, it is not because this heart is simply crossing the desert; it is because it has stepped into the desert. But it needs to walk in it, allow itself to be transformed in it, experience the void and also the Meeting.
The desert is made up of stages, discoveries, profound and inner experiences that must be understood today. If your hearts feel aridity, emptiness, temptation, loneliness, go deeper into what you experience and come to surrender, to the revelation of faith.
Let your crutches, your chains be broken. Leave, by the side of the road, the human support and even the spiritual ones, which manifest as virtues and skills, and allow yourselves to be nothing.
Continue into the desert upon the long road to empty yourselves.
Feel suspended into the void and, at the same time, very close to touching God.
It is the Meeting in the desert that gives you the strength to renew the Love of God. If there is no desert, there is no Christic Love. But I do not only speak to you about placing your feet upon the hot sand and feeling its dryness; I speak about knowing you are in the desert, accepting it, entering into it, fully living it.
This is why I speak to you about the desert, not to bring you some comfort, but to give you courage. The courage to be nothing.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Perceive, child, life around you, colors, sounds, elements, vibrations that this life emanates, what you attract to yourself, what you radiate to your neighbor. Observe how everything is united, how everything is part of a Whole, and silence yourself.
Perceive your inner world more deeply; perceive the inner world of your brothers and sisters, always so full of mysteries. Feel how everything is united, how everything is part of a Whole.
Perceive joy and plenitude; perceive anguish and suffering; perceive emptiness and the incomprehensible, and feel how these same states are manifested in life, in the consciousness of the peoples, within beings, in the expression of the Kingdoms of Nature, in the manifestation of the elements. Perceive how everything is united, how everything is part of a Whole.
Find the mystery of the similarity with God, feel that you are part of Him, part of the planet, the stars, of life and, at the same time, all of this is part of you.
Pray for peace, by living peace.
Pray for love, by seeing this love being born and expressed in you.
Pray for a new life, by rebirthing.
Pray for a new time, letting the union of times happen within you.
Live the present, the now, the service, the need, the prayer, the Plan of God.
Find God within you; find the Father within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Human existence is a mystery that only the Creator knows in depth. Not even the Archangels who, together with the Divine, thought of and manifested the human project, fully know the capacities of human beings.
Your essence, created from a unique divine particle, holds in itself a union with the Father. In this essence, the Creator placed a part of His Consciousness, a part of His creative potential and of His divine mystery.
Therfore, children, wanting to understand humankind is like wanting to understand God, to fully know His Truth, the origin of the origin, how life, existence, the Divine Consciousness emerged, and what the reason is for His multiplication of the expression of life created by Him.
Human beings hold within themselves a will and an aspiration of God, the reason for God manifesting life in all dimensions. The Love of God dwells within humankind and thus it holds a potential that is unknown to you and that which the Firstborn Child of the Creator is unraveling within Himself.
Why do I tell you this today?
To elevate the purpose of your lives and your understanding about yourselves; so that you may know that you know nothing, not even about yourselves, and in this way, children, you may be thirsty for seeking the truth, to find again the Origin of all things and, more than that, to discover the treasure that you hold within yourselves. That you may know who you are and what the purpose of your lives is.
Seek the truth in prayer. Find the Divine Consciousness within your own selves.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come as a Servant sent by your King, as a Messenger sent by your Lord, bringing to your hands and in your Hearts, not only a message, but a Grace, a Divine Gift, a part of the Heart of God that surrenders to humanity as a symbol of the Love of the Father for all of His Creation.
I come so that this part of the Heart of God may flood your essences and may make them remember whence they came and why they are here, not only on the Earth, but in the dimensions of manifested life.
Today, children, you can now understand the reason for your existence in this world, but you must begin to understand the reason for your existence in all of Life, beyond this planet, because your evolution did not begin here, and will not end here.
I have gradually been bringing and revealing to you the science of the Heart of God, not only so that you may have knowledge, but so that everything you are may awaken to this memory of the Celestial Truth.
Remember whence you came and the entire path that you have trodden up until arriving here. This is possible, children, because everything that is manifested comes from God. From your consciousness and essence, up to the smallest particles of your physical body, everything comes from the Creator. And even the smallest atom has in its memory the remembrance of the moment in which it left the Divine Consciousness to manifest itself, to become a similar part of the Universe of God, and of His Creation.
You are like small universes; each part of your being is infinite, containing in itself life, spirit, essence, and all this composes what you are. You must be conscious of the entirety of your own life.
If you begin to meditate about yourselves, to feel your bodies, your organs, your cells, your souls, you will begin to understand life, children. You will begin to understand the existence of God in the Universe, the stars that compose the Mystical Body of your Creator, who is as perfect as a human body.
The Universe renews itself, transforms, evolves, lives cycles, new beginnings. Life is born and reborn of the Divine Consciousness, time and again. This is what happens within each one of you and with your physical bodies, fruits of clay that returns to dust and returns to spirit.
Why do I tell you these things? Because thus I help you to remember whence you came and to approach God.
Not only through prayer do you reach the Father, but also through Knowledge, the Science that reveals itself to the humble hearts that have learned to communicate with God, through the purity of their hearts.
The Divine Truth elevates you, leads you to the Universe, not only the one you see in the sky above you, but the Universe that is kept within you.
When you recognize this inner Universe, you recognize the divine presence within you, which is more than a spiritual presence; it is a Science, children, a truth manifested in your cells and atoms.
The similarity with the Father is deeper than the Light within you. The similarity with God materializes in everything you are, from spirit to matter, but not in what you can see with your eyes, but rather in the essence of life, in the essence of your atoms, in the essence of your bodies, in the principle, in the Purpose of His Creation.
I know that many will not understand what I tell you, but I say it just so that you may feel, that you may allow yourselves to enter this mystery, which is the Divine Creation and the presence of God within you.
You were not created simply to live an experience on Earth. You were not created simply to live an experience of love, because love itself is still incomprehensible for you.
Christ did not only live the love of the Cross. After this Cross, after His Resurrection, a whole Universe waited for Him, Infinity waited for Him. His Love kept resounding throughout the Cosmos, in all of Creation, in each space of this vast Universe, of this vast Infinite, which your human mind cannot even imagine. And each particle of life renewed itself and received a new opportunity, because the Love of God was not only for the Earth, it was for all creatures.
In the same way, it must happen with each one of you. The existence of the Earth is not only for humanity, but for all of Life, a mysterious life, a life that you do not know and that, often, you do not feel a part of.
The time has come, children, to return, little by little, to the Time of God, to this reality that has remained invisible and hidden to the eyes of humanity and that today, from the inside out, I come to reveal to you.
For those who are awakened, the Divine Mysteries must begin to be revealed within them; the Universe, all of Its Grace and manifestation will begin to show within you. And it is in this mirror, which is kept in your hearts, that you will begin to see the Truth of God, the infinitude of Life and of Creation because, when it manifests before your physical eyes, you will not fear. On the contrary, children, you will see manifest before you a reality that you already knew, that was alive within you.
Everything must happen, little by little, because the human beings are very distant from God, from what God really is. The Creator is not only an invisible Existence, a Voice that speaks to the hearts, or a history kept in the sacred books.
And this will be revealed to all, to those who believe and those who do not believe in the divine existence. But if you begin to deepen your own spiritual life now, and let the Truth reveal itself to your hearts, you will be able to help others who will suddenly awaken during the time which will come, and this, children, is the greatest service of this time.
Many say they want to serve the planet, serve the Creation. Today I reveal to you a way to do it, in the silence of your own heart, in the sincerity of your lives.
Begin by praying, entering your own inner world, deepening what has been revealed to you, seeking this inner door that leads you to God.
Do not be satisfied with what you know; seek a greater Truth, because it is before you, within you, to be revealed.
Today perhaps you do not totally understand what I tell you but, without understanding, try to live what I say and in the near future you will understand Me. The awakening takes place in stages, by cycles, and I am having you enter a new cycle, a new stage of this evolutionary life, through divine and spiritual Science.
If the Creator calls you companions, children, it is because you can now enter an adult stage of Knowledge, of prayer and of the revelation of the divine Truths.
Hear My words, time and again, until they enter your consciousnesses. Let yourselves be lead along this inner path that I show you today, so that you can mature as spiritual beings and as children of God.
In prayer, talk with your Creator, seeking and finding His Presence within you; asking Him to reveal Himself to all that you are, not only to your hearts, but to your consciousness, because thus, children, God will cease to be a feeling to become a knowing.
Welcome My impulses into your essence, welcome My words into your hearts and let the peace that emanates from them open the paths for your inner spiritual transformation.
With this, I leave you My Peace, I leave you the message and the blessing of God. I give you His Gift and this part of His Heart that I brought today to the world.
And in this way, I thank you for giving a new step in the name of all Life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In your prayers, learn to listen to the voice of the planet and its Kingdoms. Listen to their clamor, which becomes calmer and quieter just by being heard.
The Earth cries out for unity among beings, for communion among the life that inhabits it and evolves upon it. Allow that your prayer also be for the consciousness of the planet and for its Kingdoms. Let your silence be a prayer for hearing the cry of the world and thus, for repairing it.
Listen, because nature itself also prays in the sound of the wind, of the trees, of the birds, of the animals, in the silence of life.
The expression of nature is a prayer that, when beings become silent, they can understand and participate in it. Place your words in this prayer for unity and become a part of the prayer for life.
God also speaks to you, child, through the silence of nature. Learn to listen to it.
When beings learn to live in prayer and in communion with life, then they will know peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May your hearts always be available to call upon Mercy.
May your mouths always be available to proclaim Divine Mercy.
May your actions always be ready to be merciful.
May your lives be reflections of the action of Divine Mercy.
May your hearts, with love, always be ready to allow Mercy to expand and reach more souls in this world.
This is My prayer for you today. May everybody love and know Divine Mercy, and thus, be bearers of Divine Mercy for the world.
For this, I bless you, and I keep you in My Heart so that you may grow in humility, strengthen yourselves in prayer and serve the planet through the constant experience of Divine Mercy.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a soul seeks help, pray with the heart so that the consequences of its action, which led it to suffering, are transformed into an experience that makes it grow and open more to love.
When a soul seeks help, listen to its call, and take this request to the Feet of God. There will be things that are uncontrollable, which you will not be able to change or help, because human life has its limits. But there is something boundless, which unites you to the Infinite, to the Origin from which you departed and to where you must return. This, child, is prayer.
Pray and let your soul intercede before God for those who most need it.
Pray and cry out to the Father for his Mercy, not for things to happen according to your will, but so that Divine Mercy be the law that rules the teachings and the experiences that you live in this world as human beings.
When some situation escapes your possibilities of acting, of serving, of giving of yourself, resort to something deeper, and though sometimes it may be imperceptible, it is able to transform all things: pray to your Father and cry out to God, because He is the Creator of all things, and He can transform them all.
More important than anything in this time is to be with your heart united to God. And if you can serve and pray, you will be rendering the greatest service of life on Earth.
Love each being and pray for your brothers and sisters with love. God, who is perfect, will always listen to your prayers.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I know in the depths of your being; what you were, what you are and what you will be someday by the work and miracle of My Mercy.
Therefore, it is not necessary that you occupy all the time with what happens to you. It is better that you put your mind and your heart in evolutionary things, in this manner you will save time, energy and space to really be able to give yourself with trust to My Sacred Heart.
Dare to transcend the so-called human decadence. Love others as you love Me, in this way you will build inside yourself something really good, and everyone will be served of your goodness to relieve their hearts and their lives.
In simple words, you should imitate me as a model of patience and unconditionality, as well as in deeply merciful acts.
One day you will awaken and be another. All this weight will have been transmuted by your correct and elevated disposition.
Do not be afraid to conquer yourself. Follow my steps and you will attain inner peace.
I wait for you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Do not affirm in your life how imperfect you are, but rather believe in what you are in essence; because you know that you come from a Primordial Source that, making you arise as spirit, sent you through the Universe to learn to love and to forgive.
Concentrate your consciousness in everything that the Father deposited within the depth of your being, from there, allow the impulse of your essence to make you remember who you are and where you come from so that, once and for all, you can redeem the past and dissolve every sequel of inner pain.
Rejoice, because being before the Mother of the Most High, your inner consciousness will be purified and everything will be transfigured.
Have faith that someday you will be worthy of the Grace of God because, in truth, the Grace of God has touched your consciousness many times.
I would like you to remember the value of your essence because there will be kept your entire experience of faith, love and forgiveness; experiences that will help you to reach new steps in the School of unconditional love.
Affirm that you are before a unique opportunity and everything is conducted.
Love will overcome.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When a soul is in agony, child, go to meet it, because the time has come for it to receive another help in order to endure what, by itself, it is not being able to endure.
Go to aid those who have given up on life because they do not feel capable of struggling to remain in it. Go to aid those who are weak because they consider that they do not have enough love to surpass themselves and endure the end of times. Go to aid those who are giving up on life because they believe they are a weight and a burden that is being carried by others. Go and give your love to those who are losing themselves because they have lost hope and serve those who, at this moment, need you.
There are many reasons for a soul to surrender to illness and give up on life, and one of them is hopelessness and frailty. That is why today I ask you to fill your heart up with the Love of God and pour it on those who are weak and oppressed, first for themselves, then for their human and spiritual sorrows.
Do not let souls lose heart due to lack of love, but try, child, until the last moment, to make all beings live at least one experience of true Christic Love.
If somebody cannot overcome themselves in love, go and overcome yourself so that you offer your neighbor something that appears impossible to you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
Saint Joseph
Where there is life, there dwells the Heart of God, waiting to be manifested and expressed within the beings.
Where there is life, there dwells the Heart of God, sometimes silent and humble, hidden, in secret, just observing and waiting for the very distracted gaze of the beings to turn within themselves and find It.
Look, child, within yourself, beyond everything you already know of your own being. Go through the layers of the body, the mind, the consciousness, the subconscious and leave behind everything that the spiritual and human science has taught you so far.
Reach for what is hidden, what is unknown and whose presence was never truly unveiled, except only in The One who had opened the way for the Unity with God. The Father has only perfectly expressed Himself in His Son because the mission of Christ was to reveal to man the true purpose of his existence.
Child, Christ did not come to the world to say: "I am an example for you." He said: "I am the Way, the Truth and The Life."
If He is the Way, place your feet on this path. If He is the Truth, cross the threshold between the illusion and what is real and enter into Christ to find the Truth. If He is the Life, move away from death and find in Him what living truly is.
God has sent His Son to the world to be a Mirror for humanity and so that, before Him, men could discover what the true meaning of life is, what the purpose of existence is, what the Way, the Truth and the Life is on Earth, as well as in Heaven.
Enter this mystery that is within you, but that hides from you. Fulfill the Will and the Work of God in its manifestation upon the Earth, but, above all, seek the fulfillment of the Will and the Divine Work within you.
Enter this Way, find this Truth and live this Life that God thought for His creatures from the beginning.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness in order to know yourself and not only the situations of human life.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, in order to know how you react to the stimuli of the world and how you respond to the impulses of God.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness in order to know yourself more more profoundly and do not be deceived by believing you are something that you are not.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness with love, with peace, with the simple intention of knowing who you are, how you act, how you live, so that thus, child, you may become aware of everything that you should transform.
May your eyes not only be in Heaven, or in the shortcomings and virtues of your neighbor. Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, opening to a true self-knowledge. In this way, you will open the doors to deepen into the science of life and you will allow God not only to transform you but also to show your true being, impelling you to reach what in truth you are.
Watch and observe your heart and consciousness, in order to not deceive yourself and so that, in these times of illusions and mirages, your eyes may be fixed on the Truth and, knowing who you are and what you are not, you can thus find what God expects from you, since the beginning.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Life passes, ephemeral and simple in what is palpable to you, to reveal an Eternity and a sublime Truth. Every expression of life that is not material does not perish and endures, to demonstrate to humankind where their heart must be.
The memories, the learning experiences, the examples, the teachings, the true feelings of Love, all of this remains alive, inside and outside of humankind and also in the Heart of God and in the Sacred Books, as part of the history of humanity, as part of the history of the renewal of the Heart of the Father.
Life passes so quickly in order to reveal a Truth and a mystery that transcends the body and human understanding: there is a reality that exceeds all the wisdom that humanity has already known; there is a Life that transcends everything that today you understand as life.
See, children, how the Eternal knocks on your door so that you may enter into the Time of no time, into Real Time.
Let this moment not be a loss to you, but rather a link with the Truth, because your instructor on Earth leaves the world to raise you to the Universe. Everything he learned in life, he will elevate to a Greater Life, and the sublime learning experiences that he will live in the Universe will be revealed to your heart, as a higher teaching.
Therefore, embrace this moment as a step towards Infinity. Let this new cycle, of your instructor and master, in this and in many lives, elevate you to new cycles, as Work and as beings in evolution.
The one who accompanies this moment with gratitude will take a step towards Infinity and will place, not only their heart, but a part of the human consciousness, closer to God, in His Eternity.
Eternity, children, is not death. Eternity is Life revealed.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
A Good Mother - Part II
I wish you could remember the moment when you were in the arms of your earthly mother in an act so similar, like when the little Jesus was in My Arms.
What a treasure God gives us through you, when once when you were little, you could be in the arms of your mother!
What a special and intimate moment God granted us, that you could feel the maternal warmth of your mother, and your mother could feel the unconditional surrender of her little child!
In this relationship, of mother and child, is built the true spirit of the family and it is this spirit that allows, in later experiences, to build love and solidarity among beings.
Today, as Mother of all mothers, I come with this example because we are facing a humanity that completely lost the spiritual values of motherhood.
But if by means of prayer, today and the days to come, all the mothers of the world unite to Me, under the feminine spirit of the Holy Motherhood, they will allow the great Mother, among all the mothers, to intercede for the young mothers who today gestate their children and are tempted by the adversary to get rid of life.
If together, as spiritual mothers and mothers of all our children, we unite in this perfect alliance of mothers of God, one day we will generate that consciousness so necessary to respect, love and protect the new life that is arriving.
Today I only ask for mothers to remember their first delivery and the preparation for that moment.
How important it is for the Creation to bring life to the world, just as I brought Jesus as a light for humanity!
May today, be born again, that blessed spirit of motherhood that God conceived in each feminine being and that in these crucial times will be indispensable, because many more hearts will seek the comfort and affection of a mother on Earth.
I invite you, dear mothers, to the renewal of that intimate feminine principle of Creation.
A good mother keeps in her interior the purpose of the life she once gestated, and she is the keeper and guardian for this purpose to be fulfilled in the soul that she once brought into the world.
The spiritual mission of mothers, united to God, is a broad mission, more than it seems, because a good mother is that intermediary consciousness between her children and God. God granted that authority to the Virgin Mary and, consequently, to all mothers who are sincerely united to Her Maternal Heart.
In these times, all children of God must remember the mission that each earthly mother has fulfilled before the Universe when she brought her own child into the world.
This is reason to rekindle in souls the spirit of Motherhood, which will protect the children from the attacks of the adversary.
I want to leave you, to finish, the words that little Jesus once expressed to Me in His first years of life, words that affirmed in My interior that I should, as Mother of all, do what is possible and impossible to save My children from perdition.
And Jesus, once, being a child declared to Me the following words as a simple prayer:
Oh sweet Mother!
tender Comforter of those who are afflicted.
Tireless servant who donated and delivered
Your Most Pure Virgin Womb to Creation.
Oh kind Mother!
Who welcomes those who suffer,
Who perseveres in Your pure Faith,
Who does not rest until You can have
the last of Your children in your arms.
Oh Mother of charity!
Who does good wherever You go,
Who performs miracles and grants
graces to all of Your children.
From now, Purest Mother,
You will be the Queen and the Lady of all mothers,
so that in this humanity
all learn, one day,
for the work of Your Grace, to truly love,
just as You love us unconditionally.
With these words I thank you for responding to My maternal call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Enter into communion with life so that life may be regenerated and renewed and, in spite of the serious assaults of men and women of the Earth who take life away from the unborn, all may be healed and redeemed through the ardent aspiration that My children of the world may awaken from their profound sleep and from the global hypnotism, and they may perceive that created life was one of the greatest treasures that God conceived of in creatures.
Thus, in a spirit of repentance for those who do not repent nor do penetence, I ask, My children, that life be considered one of the precious treasures of God in which sacred experiences of faith may occur, in which redemptive Christic love may awaken.
Enter into communion with manifested life for all those who mistreat and hurt their own life through acts and uncontrolled actions.
I call on you to confirm this sacred Project of Life in each one of you, so that Divine Virtues may show hearts the importance of uniting with the Creator and His Creation, to be within the Law of Love and, in this way, live the act of forgiveness,
I thank you for valuing this!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Just as there are millions of stars in the universe, there are millions of essences that are daughters of this universal Creation.
In this vast universe, the Spiritual Hierarchy accompanies the awakening of these essences upon a path of redemption and of peace.
In the vast universe, there is life, life in everything the Father created in order to express the different degrees of love.
Thus, essences can learn about love through life experiences that take place in this universe, until some consciousness attains the highest degrees of love, just as Jesus attained them in past time.
This is how Creation is recreated, so that evolutionary life advances, and deeper steps in love and in truth are taken, bringing wisdom over all things.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more