When God, the Almighty and Powerful, made Himself small and fragile within the Womb of the Most Holy Mary, He was not only paving the way to seal a new and eternal covenant with humanity, the Creator was revealing a mystery and making Truth alive, which had always been spiritual and that, at that moment, manifested as something physical and palpable for humanity.
God was revealing His presence within humanity. He was revealing that, through His Spirit, He could awaken within beings a new human being, which renews and revives humanity, which had died, even though it was alive. God was revealing the possibility of a second birth, a spiritual birth, in which those who are aware of the presence of His Spirit allow Him to manifest Himself.
Through the Birth of Jesus, the Creator awakened, revealed and gave humanity the possibility of experiencing Truth. Those who are pure of heart, humble and willing to be instruments of God, willing to fulfill His Will, above all things, are worthy of expressing within themselves the presence of the Holy Spirit and, this way, they may little by little reach the true potential of humankind.
The Creator did not create you to express what you live on Earth today. This life is the faithful mirror of the ignorance of human beings, but those who open themselves to Truth and are willing to be reborn in spirit, expressing in life the perfection of the Spirit of God, will be able to receive and live the revelation of the Truth about themselves, even if they never know for sure what it is that lives within them.
Children, open to rebirth in the Spirit of God, that you may be reborn in Him, and He, as a divine response, may awaken within you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the Purity that springs from the Fount of the Heart of God inundate souls and renew them.
May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God permeate beings and awaken them.
May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God fill hearts and reveal Peace to them, reveal Love to them, and reveal Grace to them.
May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God reach all souls and lead them to the Truth, hidden until today, of the perfect union between their Celestial Mother and God.
May Purity, children, dissolve ignorance from the human consciousness, and above all, the pride that prevents it from reaching Divine Mysteries for believing that in its smallness all knowledge, all wisdo.m, and all truth can be kept.
May Purity open your eyes and cleanse them so that they may see the world and life always as if for the first time, like someone who is facing something that is completely unknown to them.
May Purity allow you to see everything as if for the first time and may the interest for that which is new open the doors to the Mysteries of God for you
Blessed is the heart that contemplating its Divine and Celestial Mother, discovers Divine Motherhood in Her.
Contemplate the Son of God, but also contemplate the First Tabernacle that held Him, and discover that as it is on Earth, so it is in Heaven.
Know and recognize the Greatness of your Divine Mother every day, with the simple gratitude of being before Her Immaculate Heart, for Her silence talks greatly to the heart that knows how to listen beyond words.
Contemplate the first and eternal Tabernacle of Creation, which is the Womb and the Heart of Mary, that held within Herself not only the Son of God, but also everything that was created by the Father.
May the Purity that springs from the Heart of God reveal to you this and many other mysteries that are in Heaven as on Earth.
Be eternally grateful, and in simple gratitude, you will see the Heavens open before your hearts for revelations that humanity must know and that are not to be found in the Sacred Books.
This is the time of the new revelations.
May hearts open to the Truth and may the Purity that springs from the Heart of God grant you the Grace of Awakening.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Children, not all of humanity understands the universal science of the evolutionary cycles. Not all believe that these cycles truly exist and, still less, that they impel the consciousness to a certain apprenticeship.
All Creation responds to the Universal Laws, which are principles that organize life based on divine energies and rays. These Laws are captured and radiated by the Mirrors of the Cosmos and are received by the mirror in your own interior, so that then they can be lived and practiced on all levels of consciousness.
An evolutionary cycle is the moment in which the Creator sends, to His Creation, certain divine rays that organize new laws and impulses and that, radiated by the mirrors, must reach every creature so that they will express them.
These impulses of the Divine in each new evolutionary cycle try to lead His creatures to a more profound approximation to His Consciousness, through love and transformation. Not to live the cycles and not to open oneself to the impulses is like closing the doors of consciousness to the evolution, to the approximation to God and to the return to the Origin.
The 8th of August of each year represents a synthesis of all impulses given by God until then, when the Creator gathers the principles He aspires humanity to achieve and sends them to the world like rays of light for them to reach His creatures.
Although these impulses renew themselves at each new smaller cycle that you will live throughout the year, the response emitted to the Father on the 8th of August is primary for the evolution and assimilation of the cycles to follow.
To send this response to God, children, you do not need anything extraordinary: only to open the heart and dispose yourselves in consciousness for the Creator to be able to act in your beings.
You must be spiritually available for this union with God to be a priority in your lives and for the love to His Plan to guide you to unveil the truth about human creation.
It was on an 8th of August that the Lord sent His Holy Servant to the world, because She represents all the divine rays, all the mirrors, all the graces. Mary represents to humanity the path to the manifestation of the Divine Plan.
For the Living Christ to be gestated within you, as Mary gestated Him in Her Womb, you must follow Her and learn with Her about Her Purity and Her Love, about Her capacity to love and to obey God above all things.
May this new 8th of August find you awakened and willing to be reborn. Live the new cycles with fullness and do not let the impulses pass by without transforming you completely.
Your Father and Instructor,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more