Dear children,
In the coming month of May, the month of the Most Holy Rosary, Your Heavenly Mother will offer Her maternal and Immaculate Heart which, being exposed to the whole world, will surrender out of love for Her Children so that this planetary moment may be reversed, as well as the situation that many souls are experiencing due to the confinement and quarantine.
For this reason, My children, I invite you to have an image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with you so that, during the month of May, while you pray the Holy Rosary in your homes and with your families, you may venerate and contemplate My Immaculate Heart as a refuge for the helpless and relief for those who suffer.
During the days of the month of May, I wish each child of Mine, with the image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to make their most sincere offering, and can feel themselves to be contained and protected by the Immaculate Love of My Heart.
I invite you to disseminate this request because My wish as a Mother is that, during the month of May, My children may feel themselves within My maternal Heart so that I can give each one what they need in these definitive times.
I also invite those who pray and their families to send photos together with the image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that they may be shared during the events of the 13, 21 and 25 of May. In this way, a great family network will be established among the devout hearts of the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
The Divine Manger in the bosom of the world family reveals the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity through the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.
The true, humble and prayerful veneration of the Divine Manger of the Sacred Family symbolizes the inner union of the soul that venerates, with the essential bases of the Gifts and Virtues of the Sacred Family.
In this sense, the Presence of the Sacred Family in the spiritual bosom of the families of the world generates and creates the necessary condition so that each family member, each consciousness or human person that integrates the nucleus of the earthly family can internally participate in the moral, spiritual and inner values that the Family of Nazareth itself embodied and lived in past times.
For this reason, the awareness of all the humble and inner attributes that were expressed by Jesus, Saint Joseph and Mary builds the path of redemption in the consciousness that contacts them.
Now, in times of crisis in which the family, as the center of society and of modernity, is influenced, attacked and dissolved by human forms and tendencies, it must recover the meaning of its existence and the path of its purpose in these times.
The family of this era and of this cycle is one of the most daring and complex projects to manifest, conduct and guide to the goal of the spirit.
Primary union with the Project lived by the Sacred Family more than two thousand years ago, places again, on the path of Light, compassion and forgiveness, all current families that decide to find again the group purpose that they have come to fulfill.
Although each family member is, in this time, a mirror of their own inner reality, it is worth highlighting that healing and reconciliation among the members of the same family is one of the most urgent objectives in the end of these times, both for the families that still remain integrated and for those families that, for different reasons, have become divided or separated, the adversary being the spiritual cause of this division.
With the aim of cutting this ancient chain of separation, division or mistreatment within the families of these times, your Heavenly Mother is imploring and requesting the elaboration and construction of the Manger of Bethlehem, as the families of the world, far from modernity and all human tendencies, will need to consciously perceive how the inner family state of each member is and also how the inner state of the great spiritual families in communities and in religious groups.
If in this cycle certain altered standards of conduct and communication are present and prevailing, it means, children, that the entire family, social and inner foundation of the family itself must be completely renewed.
In this time, the meaning of the family alliance is a fundamental path and purpose which will lead to gestate, in each consciousness as well as in each family member, the spirit of unity and of consideration for their fellow beings.
If in the present time families disregard the divine model of the Sacred Family, at the end of this XXI century, humanity as a whole will have replaced, within its own consciousness, the essence of love in the family by the influences of the media, of stimuli and of the external realities that come from what humanity itself considers as innovative.
To preserve the culture of the family and its members from everything, it will be necessary to consecrate each one of them to the Sacred Family of Nazareth.
This consecration must lead the family to open itself to the path of prayer and of true Communion with Christ because, in truth, He is the main model in the integration of families by means of the Christic Essence.
The Celestial Father, in His Infinite Mercy and Pity, aspires that the principle and meaning of the purpose of families of the world may be recovered and embraced by all human beings.
The family of today is the main objective of search and of conquest on the part of the forces of chaos, which promote its division through cunning and intelligence.
In the next Nativity of the Lord, the intention of your Lady and Celestial Mother is to be able to work, through the Manger, in the immediate recovery of the spiritual values that the different families need, in this time, to survive and go through the end of this cycle.
For this reason, each prayer said with love for the Sacred Family of Nazareth will constitute this unbreakable fortitude that the families of the world will need in order to learn to survive all the interferences and influences of these critical times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses all the families of the world,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The three Sacred Hearts, gathered for a greater purpose, promise peace for the hearts that disseminate the emblem of the Sacred Hearts; this will help them to live a good Christian life following the principles of the apostolate of Christ and of His Holy Celestial and Spiritual Church, the named dwelling place of the pure of heart.
My children, with the goal of disseminating the Graces of the three Sacred Hearts, I have come this day to renew and establish the devotion and veneration of the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph, the Worker of God.
It is for this spiritual principle that Your Heavenly Mother asks all devotees to appeal to Them in order to live the actions of charity and of service through Saint Joseph.
It is for this reason that as from this year 2016, on the representative image that appears in the Portal of Voice and Echo of the Divine Mother where the veneration to the Most Sacred Hearts is revealed, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will be inside of the golden star together with the Hearts of Christ Jesus and of Mary.
In this spiritual renovation of devotion and of veneration, at this time souls will be able to come to know the paternal promises of Saint Joseph for those prayerful hearts that venerate Him in this trilogy.
The promises of Saint Joseph for those who venerate the three Sacred Hearts are:
1. The spiritual union of families so that they may quickly find the principle of the Sacred Family.
2. The permanent discovery of service to the poorest and of Christic charity in the human heart.
3. The living of a life spiritualized through confidence and faith in God.
4. The inner growth of the youngest, following the paternal model of Saint Joseph as a primary teaching for the fathers and mothers of this period.
5. The necessary maturity in the life of service and in the sacrificial giving of self to others.
6. Meeting Christ through the devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
7. The divine protection of boys and girls in the arms of the Beloved Father Saint Joseph.
8. The true experience of faith and of compassion by means of the intercession of Saint Joseph.
9. The expression of a chaste life for souls that awaken to a monastic vocation.
10. The realization of the Project of God in hearts receptive to the call of Heaven.
If the exercise of the veneration of the three Sacred Hearts is done in a spirit of faith and absolute confidence, this trilogy will be able to expand throughout the world and souls will find again the meaning of living in God.
Those who wish to disseminate devotion and veneration to the three Sacred Hearts must hold as principles: a daily life of prayer, faithfulness in service to others, and especially, the inner confidence that the Work of the Sacred Hearts has the power to triumph in all souls in these definitive times.
It will be thus that, in the spirit of renovation and veneration, today I will transmit the world prayer for the intercession of the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph, to be prayed each time you venerate the Sacred Hearts within the star of peace.
World prayer for the intercession of the Most Sacred Hearts
Beloved Father Saint Joseph,
accomplish, through my soul, Your prodigious Work,
concretize, through my hands, Your Works of charity;
convert my heart into a flame of eternal service.
Beloved Mother Mary,
carry out, through my spirit, Your Marian apostolate;
concretize, through my hands and words, Your eternal channel of prayer;
convert my whole being into a great soldier of peace.
Beloved Master Jesus,
perform, through my consciousness, Your Redemptive Work;
concretize, through my surrender, Your Work of Mercy;
convert my whole being into Your rays of Love and Peace.
Through the veneration of the Most Sacred Hearts,
may the whole world be consecrated
and may the New Humanity emerge.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of refugees
Dearest children of Mine,
In this month of the Holy Rosary I want to renew you in the faith and in the sacred devotion to My Immaculate Heart. I wish that every day, even if only for fifteen minutes of your day, you venerate My Immaculate Heart; Its Light; Its Glory; and Its Grace towards all of the children of the Earth.
I promise those who will venerate My chaste and pure Virginal Heart during the whole month of October, to pour a special Grace that will bear fruit and glory in the next life. I promise those who will venerate My Sacred Heart, to give them fervor and a spirit of consolation and of Grace during the ultimate times of the Earth.
I wish, dear children, you would diffuse the devotion to My Immaculate Heart. And if this veneration takes place before the praying of the Holy Rosary, I promise to comfort the soul that will ask Me for that, because I have the permission and the authority to do it as the Mother of God. This promise shall be fulfilled because it has been preciously conceded when Christ gave Me to all as the Mother of the new humanity.
To those hearts that will diffuse the silent power of My Immaculate Heart I promise them the total and absolute protection of the banners, from My adversary. If this holy image of My Immaculate Heart were to be placed on the door of each home, I promise the existence of an unbreakable faith, capable of moving away every desire of evildoing and hatred.
But if the holy image of My Immaculate Heart is venerated by the families of the world before praying the Holy Rosary, I promise the most potent divine protection during the three days of darkness.
Whoever in the name of Jesus Christ will ask Me all, for the sake of the merits of His Passion I promise, during this month, to concede impossible Graces, and unthinkable transformations to all those who will venerate Me and who will give Me their love.
I wish that in this month of the rosary, peace may be the keynote for the souls of the world because I will especially fulfill My works requested by Christ through those who will piously implore Me from the Heart for a special Grace.
This month the most pure Mercy of My Immaculate Heart will be pouring Itself as an ocean of renewal and hope for all. I will not abandon any child, because My gaze will be on all those who will truly seek Me with sincerity.
Whoever during their life will proceed to venerate My Immaculate Heart, offended by the impure actions of the world, I promise to liberate them from every stain at the time of their death, and especially to elevate them to the Kingdom of God, as the angels elevated Me in My Assumption.
I promise each of those who will consecrate themselves for life to My Immaculate Heart, the Grace of joy and of the eternal peace for all of the times that will come. I promise in the time of their judgment to be the advocate and intercessor, because My Graces will erase all of the grievances committed due to ignorance from their consciousnesses. In this moment My Immaculate Heart shall triumph in their existence.
I thank you for venerating My Immaculate Heart.
Who consecrates you to God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more