To follow the Plans of God, remain in prayer, and allow your spirit to constantly drink from the Fountain of Peace of the Universe.
Live each moment like it is unique, allowing your heart to be renewed in faith and in union with God.
Each day that goes by, the spiritual trial that the planet will experience is drawing closer, and each step taken by beings on the evolutive path or against evolution is what defines the destiny of the planet and the seriousness of the trials that it will go through.
For this reason, child, each time you perceive that the world is destabilizing and nations are spiritually lost, make the correct effort in order to deepen your spiritual life and always remain in prayer.
Throughout the whole way with the cross of these times, there will be tests to overcome, temptations to conquer, doubts to dispel. And every time hearts are confirmed in their faith and love for their fellow beings and God, they will transmute some part of human sin and damnation, and they will generate merits so that this planet may remain in peace.
The response of the hearts at each new day is indispensable. The renewal within beings is what renews the Love in the Heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the Heart of God, My Voice comes to the Earth of Love and Forgiveness, the sidereal school which will be the one to convert this and other Universes into a New Creation, in which the Race of Christs will flourish.
And it will be from here, from this tiny crib called Aurora, that these Christs will be born for the whole Universe.
I know that you do not understand My words, but you will soon see, My children, with the passage of time, how this humanity will give birth to the Christs of the New Time, who will impel in the Universe the changes that will give another direction to the Creation.
Today I descend as the Divine Conception of the Trinity to bring again the healing for humanity and for all of you, faithful and fraternal Children of God. I bring from the Source of Healing of the Creation this attribute that the Father wanted to place in this small place so that from here it could liberate, transmute and heal the world.
However, humanity has not understood the greatness of the Creator, although more than two thousand years ago He was placed, inside of a poor crib in Bethlehem, His own manifestation of Love through His First-Born Son.
Although more than two thousand years have passed, humanity still does not accept that, in His Infinite Humility, the Father places His Grand Will in the most sacrificed, in the poorest, in those who struggle the most every day to live true love and to honor the Truth every day.
For this reason, Aurora prepares itself like the crib of Bethlehem to give birth to the New Christs so that God can again express His Perfect Will in the small and humble.
Today the Aurora of My Heart beams in Love and Grace, placing its children in its cradle of love, of forgiveness, and of healing; today, the Aurora of My Heart offers healing and liberation to the spirits that come to offer their lives to Christ in order to be able to accompany Him in His Return.
Today, from here, I bless My crib of the end of times to all those who come with the heart in their hand and offer it to My Son and also to God so that His Divine Plan may be fulfilled.
Today, from this Aurora of My Heart, I send to all of My children in the world, to all those who are always in offering to My Son, the healing of pain and of errors, so that they can go ahead complying with their part in this Divine Miracle which is preparing the path of return of the Savior, Christ Jesus.
Today the Aurora of My Heart beams in the essences of the merciful, of the meek and the humble, of those who know sacrifice and temperance, of those who live in truth what My Son taught in simplicity.
Today I ask the Father, from My Heart of Celestial Mother, from this House of Love, that temperance, strength, and faith descend upon this place and on these hearts so that in this time, in which the presence of My Son will be in Aurora, this place may be blessed by these attributes that will consolidate the inner walls, which will sustain them during the time to come.
I love you; live in peace, the honor of serving God.
Your Mother Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and Mother of Aurora
Aurora is a power plant of purifying fire; its high temperatures transform what is coarse into what is precious and the dense into the sublime.
Only those who are united in heart with Aurora cross its threshold of purification and of transmutation.
Aurora is that fire that does not allow any code of evil to remain because its voltage of non-material and cosmic energy is stronger than all the Suns of the Universe. Everything it touches, it transforms and realigns so that it may have a function within the vast Purpose.
Aurora is the fire that repels evil and exorcizes it according to the present need.
Thus, Aurora is a power plant of hot energy that transubstantiates what is corrupt within the consciousness in order to be able to purify it, and this it determines through its powerful light.
Aurora is capable of changing a life experience so that it may achieve the purpose.
Aurora is capable of breaking the chains and dissolving the shackles of perdition. Its powerful energy will always bring changes where they still do not exist and it can also bring healing where there is sickness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
From the Universe to Earth is mirrored the opportunity of help for all of humanity.
But the request for help and for divine intervention must be heard in the very heights of the Universe so that global inequality may be dissipated and the common good among creatures may be established.
Divine intervention will always be within reach of all those who open their hearts to God and faithfully follow Him, in this way, fulfilling His Commandments.
This is the time for asking the Highest for immense Mercy so that all those that have not received it may be deserving of the divine power of Grace, that life may be transmuted and purified in the time foreseen.
The request of sincere hearts will help and will save the hearts of those whose inner worlds are closed, and they will be able to be reborn in the trust and in the faith that they have never been alone.
Mercy can still perform miracles in human life.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Like the water that falls with the rain, this afternoon, this is the way I bathe and wash you with My Mercy, for the souls to be able to purify themselves from all the wounds of the past.
Through My Mercy, I bring you to the Source of Divine Pity, so necessary for these times of definition, because it is through Piety that I guide you by your hand to live and experience the Compassion of God.
Companions, your lives, in service and love, can reach, in some time or another, this Source, so necessary for your transformation and redemption.
Day by day, while asking for the Mercy of My Heart, remember that you are not only praying for My Name, but that you are also imploring for Mercy for yourselves, for humanity and for the world.
Gather from the Source of Pity and Compassion, all the light that you need for the darkness of the world to be transmuted, even more.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the times to come, the gift of Faith will be the means for strengthening hearts and preparing them for the final time that is approaching.
The way out of risky situations will be found in Faith, and contrary currents will be able to be neutralized through Faith.
Let the Faith of My children always make them capable to say 'yes' and to be available for everything; in this way, My Son will recognize you through your labor and knowledge, beyond your weaknesses.
At this time, an alliance with the universe is fundamental to be able to lead, in this case, the destiny that circumscribes the planet.
The hour has come to see reality because by assuming the places of greater conflict in order to transmute them, the planet will be alleviated of all the burden it bears.
In this sense, the time registers a culminating moment that must only be filled by prayer from the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Within the Sacred Places, places where the Hierarchy is present, in deep levels of consciousness the Law of Permanent Transmutation is fulfilled, which is a spiritual process that allows for redemption and purification of certain states of consciousness that corrode humanity and that, in many cases, condemn the functioning of great nations.
For this reason, children, in some unpredictable cycles, at undetermined moments, this process of permanent transmutation takes place; a moment in which certain states of consciousness that are against love and light are exorcised in order to generate the relief, so necessary for humanity.
During the last Pilgrimage throughout Argentina, the Spiritual Hierarchy has been working on these deep levels of consciousness with the purpose of unblocking the spiritual counterpart of the country that is very contaminated by what is happening on its surface.
Not all consciousnesses on the planet know about this internal mission made by the Hierarchy, but, from the moment you perceive and feel the fierce movement of the elements, it will be because on a regional level and, could be on a planetary one, The Sacred Centers will be working in a permanent way and without delay.
Prayer is an offering that the souls of the world can make as a way to compensate their own evils that the human being generates for themselves, which are transmuted, through the Sacred Centers, in order to keep the balance of the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Although times are difficult and many souls despair because of not having sought God, trust in My Mercy.
Although conflicts are increasing and many more feel hungry, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the exploitation and mistreatment of the Kingdoms of Nature and the great oceans, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the psychological imbalance of humanity and the falseness of those who govern the world, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the life of the unborn being taken and the children in this time being the object of the perversion of adults, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the lack of equality, truthfulness and transparency, trust in My Mercy.
In spite of the injustice, the illness of the world and the lack of discernment, trust in My Mercy.
Because I will return and I will take on each one of these situations. I will put an end to what is unjust, I will dissolve the pain and the suffering.
When I return, I will take the power away from the arrogant and give all the riches to the poorest. I will reveal My Kingdom to the humble of heart and I will show Myself to the simple in spirit.
When I return, everything, absolutely everything will be transmuted and a New Humanity will begin, free of evil and adversaries, because the new light of the consciousness will rise.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Transmuters are souls consecrated to be victims of the Love of Christ in order to transform, sublimate and liberate the contrary and dense currents that hinder spiritual ascent and the evolution of consciousness.
Transmuters are absolutely at the service of Christ, and, in silence, without recognition or comments, they relieve the pain of the world.
Transmuters are directly chosen by the Hierarchy because this is a task, a need of the Plan, and part of the Divine Will.
Nobody can declare themselves as a transmuter, since that state of consciousness depends on the alignment with the Hierarchy.
In most cases, purifiers exist, which are consciousnesses that, in a permanent and slow way, are purifying themselves, cleaning the spiritual register of their debts and errors through the impulse of a Higher Law that comes to their assistance, such as Mercy.
The Law of Mercy places those who are miserable of spirit within the energy of Grace but, for this to be possible, they must purify themselves.
Transmuters do not have a specific hour or time for this task. This mission of liberating and sublimating, through transmutation, is something the spirit learns throughout time and it has nothing to do with anything personal.
In these times, the Lord will call more transmuters to His service due to the need of the planet and the chaos of humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Divine Fire that descends at these times through the action of the Holy Spirit is a stronger and immutable fire.
This Fire corrects and transmutes the contrary currents, and is capable of giving impulse to the next phases of the Plan of manifestation.
This Fire removes all that is corrupt so that, through its ascension, consciousnesses may achieve a sense of the sacred.
This Fire is capable of consuming an entire form and all of a rigid structure.
For this reason, Divine Fire must be contacted in stages, so that consciousnesses can bear its ascending voltage.
This Fire also purifies and removes all that hinders the evolution of the being.
This Fire is capable of concretizing the light of manifestation within the field of action.
This Fire eliminates the impure and reveals what is pure.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Within the essence of compassion lies the key to inner transcendence.
Through compassion, the consciousness is able to understand everything beyond appearances.
One of the reasons why human beings suffer is because of the lack of compassion for themselves, as well as for others.
Compassion teaches us how to awaken the virtue of understanding and balances conflicts, dissolving them in the divine power it possesses.
Compassion leads the soul to accept the mistakes of others and to positively enjoy the most significant and determining life experiences.
In compassion lies the balm for deep wounds because compassion dissolves divisions and strengthens inner unions.
In compassion one manages to transcend their own will and the constant habit of control and ownership because a truly compassionate being wants nothing for themself.
The being is elevated in the compassion of the heart so as to be able to embrace all difficulties and transmute them through the love that compassion itself expresses.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you in Divine Compassion,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
From the Heart of Fatima, today I send blessings to My children of the world and as Mother, today I come to look for your inner universe so that it may be recognized, contemplated and loved.
I wish for you to seek within yourselves, My children, that which truly exists and that goes beyond material life, the superficial life or the human life.
The Universe is attentive to the awakening of the consciousness of each human being because with this movement many more situations will be able to be regenerated and healed in this race.
The awakening of your inner universe is important for this cycle because it is where you will find the answer to your questionings or doubts, it is where you will find the Wisdom of God, it is where you will find peace.
If you come out of this inner universe, My children, you will not be able to understand the coming circumstances in humanity around you.
The signs of the Universe will come directly towards the deep levels of the consciousness.
Humanity has demonstrated that in the superficiality of life, God cannot be found.
I teach you, by means of the path of prayer, to enter into communion with your inner universe and with your whole existence, even though you may not know it.
I invite you to enter into this state of consciousness, day by day, so that you can penetrate this Mystery of God even more, a mystery that keeps important revelations for the souls of this time.
If you are in this cycle, present in humanity, it is for a spiritual and inner reason.
This is why I invite you, My children, to understand, beyond the senses, the Word of the Hierarchy.
You are before a crucial time in which everything must be defined, but this definition can be loving or painful. The human being has the opportunity to choose it.
I come, as Mother, to look for this inner wealth that there is within each one of My children.
I come with the intention that you look within yourself, beyond the imperfections and miseries, beyond the obstacles or the difficulties of the day-to-day.
God has left a spiritual treasure in each creature and the time has come for this treasure to awaken and be conscious for each of My children.
Thus My children will be able to be in communion with the Universe, they will be able to understand, even if they do not know, the Laws that will act in the end of these times and the events that will develop at the end of this cycle.
I only hope that, through the virtues of the soul, you can access this inner knowledge; thus, your most ancient registers will be transmuted and will be liberated, and it will not be necessary to remain in the vicious chain of errors.
I invite you to let the inner Sun of love dawn within you, because by means of this Gift you will overcome everything, you will transform everything .
I need, My children, that you disconnect from what is known and connect with the unknown, that you may cross this portal that today the Universe opens for you so that you may not only be in filiation with the High and the Superior, but that within you new things can be gestated.
As Mother of the Universe and Mother of the Confraternity, I give you the impulse to a new change, to a new state of consciousness, to a new perception of life, different from what you have understood and experienced until now.
The great Creator Fathers of the Spiritual, Mental, and Material Universes wait to give new impulses, to humanity and to the planet, and to be able to reflect all these impulses for the Universes of which you are a part of, all the time.
This will allow, My children, for humanity to be worthy of new revelations and, although it is within a path of inner and material transition, the Guidance and the Knowledge of God will never be lacking for humanity; but not everyone is prepared to receive these impulses, but the majority will be able to benefit from them, because God continues to be merciful.
The Laws that try to awaken in souls will change the events, it is necessary to learn to perceive them, even if they are not known. For this reason your union with the High will always be indispensable.
Renew this union every day so that, in your hearts, the Will of God may be mirrored.
As Mother of the Universe I bring you all of the Knowledge of the Cosmos because it is time for you to learn to perceive reality from another place.
The Universe is a constant dynamism, it is a constant flow of knowledge and information.
The Universe is like a power source that renews and regenerates everything.
The Universe never stops, since it was created it has never stopped.
The spiritual stagnation is not part of the dynamism of the Universe, for this reason constant and permanent change leads to the awakening of consciousness and to the understanding of new realities, you must only do what is correct to be able to live it.
What I bring you today is not a mystery, it is something that any being in this Universe can live, can experience, can vivify in theirselves.
God is still open to receive His children and their intentions, to listen to their hearts and their prayers.
In this time, there will not be the path of retrogression, you must only rest your gaze on the horizon of God and move ahead.
The times that will come and their experiences have never been lived by humanity; everything you feel, think or perceive in this cycle will be something new, although it is not good and in everything there is a learning and an inner lesson for souls.
It is time to recognize the time of purification and to not want to distance from it, because there will not be how to escape from it.
There are souls in this time that are purifying more than others, but all will live their purification, to some degree and in some sense.
You must not fear to discover in you what still must be redeemed.
Thank God, every day, for having knowledge of His reality, because the planet must still be redeemed as Consciousness, humanity must still find the path toward the Purpose.
I need you to understand everything I tell you in a single sense, which is the sense of the ascension.
What is superficial will be superficial. It will remain in the superficial, but at some moment this will change when the Laws of the Universe descend to conceive new Principles in souls and in consciousnesses.
It is time to perceive that something is changing.
It is time to perceive that everything does not remain equal.
The Spiritual Universe presents itself to announce this to you.
By opening your eyes to Infinity, you will discover the Truth and will recognize its purpose.
Because there is a Star in the Universe to which you belong, and it holds your history since the beginning until the end, and this Star waits for the synthesis of your lives.
And these Stars will ignite even more when you take your steps toward the path of the spirit, which is in constant sacrifice and effort; there the wonderful experiences of love and of redemption of the hearts will be registered.
In the Firmament of God will be written the result of His Creation and everything will begin from scratch because the souls will have learned to overcome duality in themselves and will have learned to win by means of the Love of the Redeemer.
Each time I come from the Universe, I descend from Heavens and come to meet you, My children, something new is registered in the Universe of God and also in this Material Universe.
You must openly perceive what this means and for this you must be in the correct vibration and in the correct channel in order to be able to understand and feel it.
The Universe is still a mystery for humanity, but the one who first loves the Universe will understand and know it.
The mind of the human being will never be able to understand the Universe, it is the heart that God has given to humanity that understands and perceives everything; for this reason, My Immaculate Heart is the door to your understanding and your wisdom.
In My Heart is the path for those who want to learn to transcend themselves.
My Heart is the refuge for your lives and it is the offering to God, in constant offering and surrender.
The one who passes by My Heart changes their life, forever, because My Heart is part of God and of this great Universe that waits to definitely show itself to humanity.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you, Divine Mother, for everything you give us.
Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us.
Second Series of Poems
Fourth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
My Lord,
may the Rays of Your Heart
dissolve any possible
spiritual blindness within me
so that I may have the happiness
of recognizing Your humble steps.
Make me brave,
just as You were, dear Jesus,
in each step of the Cross.
May I not fear to carry
my own miseries,
may I fear not being able to find You.
But I know that as You are
kind and merciful, Lord,
You will grant me the Grace of finding You,
of feeling You and of recognizing You
in my inner world.
May You be this Divine Flame
within us
that transmutes and purifies everything.
Distance me, Lord,
from the illusions of life,
from everything that is superficial.
May I never lose the thirst
of drinking of Your Blood
and eating of Your Divine Body.
Make me similar to all
Your humble servants and martyrs
who gave until the last
minute of their lives
to recognize You and give testimony of You.
May I not fear the deserts
in which You may place me.
May I not fear the aridity
or the lack of sensitivity
or encouragement.
I only ask You, dearest Jesus,
that You renew me,
that You redeem me,
that You do in me
according to Your Word and Your Will,
because thus I will know the freedom
and the infinite joy
of serving You until the end.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Message
My Silence speaks about the truth of these times.
My Silence reminds you of the moment of My passage in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the most hard hour of the Agony; a moment in which God revealed the truth to Me and made me know it deeply, so that not only My Heart could be prepared, but also so that My Spirit could be prepared for the times that would come after My Ascension to the Heavens.
We are in the hour of this great truth.
We are before the revelation of this crucial moment that comes to the world in order to show its reality, and thus step out of blindness.
Today, your Master and Lord carries the ingratitude of the world and all offenses that the hearts commit in these times, in their profound ignorance.
It is an inexplicable feeling, it is an inextinguishable sensation, it is a very great pain to bare and, above all, to carry within My Heart.
Thus, I come to ask the world, and those who believe in Me, for the reparative adoration for five minutes, so that the Heart of the Lord may be consoled of the offenses it received and the ingratitude it felt from all those who once were by My side, but that the deceiver of the world separated from Me, for different reasons.
This is not the message I would bring you today, for your knowledge and instruction, but the Savior of humankind must reach the end, the last soul, the last corner of the world, to give help to those who need it the most, especially those who live in their ignorance or in their indifference.
In the reparative adoration of five minutes you will be able to console your Master and Lord of so many feelings and offensive attitudes that the souls of the Earth send to Me, along different paths and through different actions.
Here is the Heart, that still suffers for the world and for those who turn their backs to the Redeemer of the Universe, ceasing to correspond to Him how He needs, how He has thought and how the Celestial Father has proposed.
But let those who continue with Me not fear; repair the sorrowful Heart of the Most Beloved Lord, so that the seven main feelings that offend God may be transmuted and repaired by the merciful power of My Heart and by the adoration that souls offer to Me, for just five minutes.
Thus, you will repair the Heart of the Son and, as a result, you will repair the Heart of the Father.
You will repair the Heart of Christ for the feelings of indifference, for the feelings of ingratitude, for the feeling of denial, for the feeling of cowardice, for the feeling of negligence, for the lack of faith and, especially, for the feeling of lack of love for the Works of God, and to their fulfillment on the Earth.
For these seven feelings, you will adore the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord of the Universe and you will offer reparation, so that the souls do not keep confusing themselves.
And although the flock is agitated and the fierce wolf is stalking, the Shepherd of the Universe will not retrocede. He will not retrocede because He will come to save you, He will come to show you the path and the Light before darkness.
Companions, the time has come for definition.
The cross of this time is very heavy and who in truth is not with Me will not be able to carry it, even if they try to, even if they want to do it.
Whoever is not with Me, is not in love and might not know it.
Thus, implore to God with repentance of the heart, so that humility may be conceded to you, and your hearts may purify before the vengeance that the adversary will emit against the followers of Christ, in the end of these times.
If there is not love, nothing can be solved.
Words will not be enough. Comments and judgements of value will not be enough.
I need you to be My living example on the Earth, even if you never manage to.
You must mirror My Presence so that My Heart may be glorified in the confines of the Earth.
The moment has come to no longer deceive yourselves, and not to allow yourselves to be deceived, because many will come in My name and will affirm that others are the path, and many will believe it.
Thus, submerge in My sorrowful Heart, so that the flame of your love may console and repair it, through the adoration to My Eucharistic Heart.
The signs of the time announce great events, within and without men, within and without women of the Earth.
And there will be nothing and nobody that can detain their definition in this time, a definition that will mark the destiny of the next stage and, I might say, of the whole of your existence, until after the return of your Master and Lord to the world for the second time.
Thus, I do not talk to you of little facts or of insignificant misunderstandings, of poor adhesions or of lack of immediate unity with your brothers and sisters and fellow beings.
You are before the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity.
You are before a revelation that is being announced since the origins of the Earth, to the present.
Thus, I would like to know, who will drink with Me from the New Chalice that God will deliver to Me?
What will be transmuted in these times will be very different from what was transmuted in the times past, during the Presence of the Son of God on Earth.
I invite you to open the heart, even more, to hear My Words, and for them not to become transitory, neither forgotten; because My time is ending among you.
Those who cannot donate themselves totally to Me will always be in freedom, because God made you free so that you could learn to love just as He loves you, infinitely.
I am delivering the planet in your hands and in trust.
I deliver humanity to this Work; because what will come to happen in the near future will be very great and will demand responsibility and correspondence.
I do not want you to feel fear from all of this, or from all that I have told you.
I bring you the revelation of the same feeling that God placed in My Heart during My passage through the Garden of Gethsemane; a feeling and revelation that is being fulfilled at this moment, through the responses that My followers give Me, above all, those who give up on Me and let themselves be defeated.
Be intelligent and use the power of My Heart to transform everything.
Be something more than human beings, that live and breathe on this planet, that hear or speak, that feel or think.
Be, in truth, what you have come to be and do not justify yourselves, because in this way you will never change.
My Heart can no longer receive ingratitude, because the world gives it to Me daily.
My Heart only wants to receive your love and your truth.
I come to Austria for you to understand what we are working on together and the importance that this has for God in the Universe, as on Earth.
Are your feelings and restlessness not small before the true reality of humanity, and of its self-destruction?
Grow up and you will understand the Plan; you will live it, just as I live it and you will accomplish much more than I accomplish; because I told you that you would do greater things than I did a long time ago.
May My Words remain, and not fade away, because My Words, when I am no longer here, will be your remembrance to live redemption.
May the Lord bless you and illuminate you.
May the Lord give you His Temperance and His Meekness.
May you correspond and work in the Lord, so that the fragility of these times may be defeated by means of the strength of the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am the Lord of the Eucharist and through My Divine Mercy I lead all souls towards the Kingdom of Love and Unity.
I am the Lord of the Eucharist so that you may venerate Me and honor Me in all the tabernacles of the Earth.
I am the Lord of the Eucharist and, through it, I announce the redemption of humanity and of the planet in each new Communion.
I am the Lord of the Eucharist and, through it, I convert the hardened hearts, I attract towards My Divine Spirit all those who need love and forgiveness.
I am the Lord of the Eucharist and, through it, I establish in the world times of peace and cooperation among souls.
I am the Lord of the Eucharist and, through it, I renew the consciousnesses that infuse and live the Sacraments as the greatest testimony for the spiritual redemption of current humanity.
I am the Lord of the Eucharist and, through it, I impart Graces towards the four corners of the Earth, bringing Mercy and Redemption.
I am the Lord of the Eucharist and, through those who adore, I transmute the human condition and all inner or outer adversity.
I am the Lord of the Eucharist and I grant inner peace to those who seek Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I know that it is difficult for you to understand why there is still so much suffering in the world, but in truth I tell you that those who suffer the most are the ones who offer themselves inwardly to the Lord of the Universe to relieve the global suffering of humanity.
The causes of suffering are countless, only the one who loves those who suffer the most, with all their soul and heart, will be able to understand and accompany the difficult suffering of their fellow being.
Suffering has its cause in the lack of feeling loved, considered and respected, but those who offer themselves to the Lord, to suffer for others, balance different degrees of suffering and pain that are unknown by humanity.
The suffering that is transmuted unblocks the deepest layers of human indifference, related to the suffering of souls.
Those who silently offer themselves to suffer for humanity do not have anything to lose nor to gain, only that their offering may be sincere and at the same time spontaneous and lack property, vanity or prominence.
Suffering and transmutation is something that humanity departs from itself, but the key that will repolarize the states of suffering is found in love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I Am the Son of the Great Sun and from the Inner Sun I come, thus the designs and laws are fulfilled.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Greater Sun the Principles and the great wills, which are born from the Supreme, are emanated.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun comes Life and from Life the Creation is manifested.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun all the Rays are radiated to the whole Universe so that the created consciousnesses may feel full and alive.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun the mysteries are revealed because it is a powerful and inextinguishable Sun, a Sun that transmutes and, at the same time, releases everything that is touched by its Light.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun comes the Divine Existence; from that Existence is manifested the Purpose for everything what lives in the superior and inferior Universes.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun is born the most deep and eternal essence, the essence which allows the regeneration and healing of everything what is ill and impure.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun I come to illuminate the Spirit of the Earth and everything that exists inside of it.
I Am the Son of the Sun, the Divine Being who surrender Himself to establish peace in this world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I Am the Son of the Great Sun and from the Inner Sun I come, thus the designs and laws are fulfilled.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Greater Sun the Principles and the great wills, which are born from the Supreme, are emanated.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun comes Life and from Life the Creation is manifested.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun all the Rays are radiated to the whole Universe so that the created consciousnesses may feel full and alive.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun the mysteries are revealed; because it is a powerful and inextinguishable Sun, a Sun that transmutes and, at the same time, releases everything what is touched with its Light.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun comes the Divine Existence; from that Existence is manifested the Purpose for everything what lives in the superior and inferior Universes.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun is born the most deep and eternal essence, the essence which allows the regeneration and healing of everything what is ill and impure.
I Am the Son of the Sun, and from the Sun I come to illuminate the Spirit of the Earth and everything that exists inside of it.
I Am the Son of the Sun, the Divine Being who surrender Himself to establish peace in this world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
While the doors of transmutation remain open throughout many parts of the world, on a planetary level, relief is generated by the voices that give themselves to the path of prayer, both in their families and in the nations of the world.
Thus, the doors of transmutation liberate, by themselves, the weight of the facts generated and the faults committed by humanity on a spiritual and material level.
In this way, whenever groups of souls gather to pray, new possibilities to liberate the planet are presented, and this is a service that hearts can only give when there is true openness within.
It is not an easy or a pleasant task to enter through the doors of transmutation, to offer a service of love and surrender for humanity, but the Heavenly Father considers this work of transmutation as one of the most important in order to carry forward the redemption and conversion of humanity.
For the majority, this service will be new, but it is one of the deepest services of love that the servants are invited to live in this time.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Prostrated before the Sacred Blessed Sacrament of Light, today your Mother communes of all of the codes and all of the merits achieved by Jesus during His sorrowful Passion.
These codes are poured out as infinite Graces into the hearts most in need of them and thus, the Work of the Infinite Mercy of God is again carried forward.
Prostrate yourselves before the Lord, just as your Heavenly Mother does, so that your inner senses may recognize the sublime Presence of God through the Divine Son present in the Eucharist.
Revere this sacred moment of being able to be at the Feet of the Most Holy Lord so that many more miserable souls, which do not recognize nor live the Passion of Christ, may receive from Heaven an inexplicable and renewing Grace.
My children, embrace your cross and climb to the top of Mount Calvary, so that your sins may be forgiven by the Blood, shed by the Lamb of God.
Carry the pain of humanity of these times to the top of Mount Calvary, and transform all anguish into joy and love.
May the divine Codes of the Lord radiate to all souls of the world so that the powerful Mercy of the Redeemer may be established.
Remain prostrated before the Blessed Sacrament, uniting with this infinite mystery of Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more