A day will come when the world will no longer know what pain, anguish or depression is. That day is near, it is within the Heart of the King, and this I share with you today because it is a promise by which souls can rediscover the Kingdom of God and thus, once and for all, be part of the Primordial Source.
Today, I am here, listening to the supplications of those who are Mine, feeling the love of My companions, receiving the reparation of My Heart for all that humanity does still today, moving away from love and truth.
Therefore, I come with that promise that the day will finally come and hearts will rejoice when they are seated by My side, before the nature of this world, before the beauty of Creation, the sound of the oceans, the sunrise and sunset.
Those I have called to serve Me will be with Me again; they will be as the apostles were, face to face, heart to heart, listening to the Word of their Lord.
And, at that hour, I will tell you about the New Earth, and that promise will no longer be distant, but you will see The New Earth blossom through the souls that will have fulfilled My Will.
And the Great Book of the Lords of the Law will be open and that which was written will no longer be. Everything will begin anew, bearing in mind the lessons learned, having enriched their hearts after having received so many Sacraments and Graces, after having witnessed this moment, as well as so many others which you have lived with Me throughout time.
At that hour, no child will be heard crying upon Earth. The cries of the men and women of this world will be of joy, for the great promise of My Return will be fulfilled through the faith of those who have walked by My side without anything in return.
At that hour, God will be present, contemplating this universal event, and the signs of Heaven, which were previously hidden, will be unveiled.
At that hour, the mystery will no longer be necessary for the peacemakers, for the mystery will reveal itself.
And many, at that hour, will know the Son of God not only as the Humble Man of Nazareth, but also as the Redeemer of the World. And through My Hands, My Feet and My Side, I will show you the luminous signs of My Resurrection, those Signs that are still kept deep within My Being and My Consciousness.
And from that moment on, between the past and the future, between the real and the unreal, the history of this humanity will be rewritten, now purified of its errors and faults, because all who have recognized the Name of the Lord will be blessed. Just like at this moment, My companions, through this moment, you have the opportunity and the Grace to be the blessed of the Father, those who are not afraid to say yes.
Therefore, I ask that before this great promise arrives, you continue to be patiently transformed, continue to purify yourselves evolutionarily, continue to transcend positively, without giving place to bitterness and sadness.
I know that many of My children in the world do not understand why there is so much suffering, but God did not create you to suffer, God created you to love and recognize Him, to be in His first Project, His Blessed Sons and Daughters of the Earth, those consciousnesses worthy of Eden.
But that moment, which has remained inconclusive and uncertain, must be taken up again. After the error and failure of Adam and Eve, from that moment up to the present, everything must be repaired.
Therefore, the great promise is important for the end of times, the great promise of the reunion with your King and Lord.
I hope for this every day. Will you be able to wait for that moment too ?
I do not need your answer now. May your response be your example of Christification, perseverance, faith, love and reverence for the sacred.
Today, I have heard this song that I was offered, as if it were the first time. And this is very significant for Me, because your Master’s Heart can collect the experiences of love and forgiveness of His companions, true experiences of redemption and light through those who, with effort, are encouraged to love a little more every day.
The Name of God has been praised today. Blessed be this in Heaven and on Earth, in the mountains, in the seas and in all nature. Blessed be He, within and outside of beings. Blessed be those who trust in the Lord and do not let themselves be intimidated, but with courage and bravery hold My Torch of Light in this world so that, day by day, the darkness will be dispelled from humanity and from the hearts that have condemned themselves.
For this reason, this is very important to Me, and I share with you this great promise, which you must believe in, before you see it, which you must feel, before it may be concretized, practicing the sacred exercise of love for the unknown, for all that is beyond yourselves.
Thus, companions, these are My Words today, the deepest Words of My Heart to those who are Mine, Words that reveal and concretize the Will of God in the consciousnesses who accept to live My Call and through the sublime Grace of the Sacraments, those whom I will accompany with care today, so that not only may this country be more helped, but, through those who will be sacramentalized, may more souls be helped in this world, souls who desperately need light and redemption.
This must be the aim of your lives: to work with Me for the redemption of the world. This should be your promise before God, whatever it takes, for thus I will be within My new apostles, in those who give themselves to serve Me unconditionally.
May My Words, on this day, not dissolve into the ethers of the Earth.
May My Words, like a sacred melody, continue vibrating in sidereal space, so that souls realize and perceive that, through the Divine Word, God pours out His Graces and Affirmations in the hearts that are open to receive Him.
I want your lives to be the true sign of conversion, of the walkers and the tireless apostles, of those who faithfully follow the Divine Purpose, learning how to overcome, each day, a little more.
This whole path of sacred transformation, though it may not seem so, will help this nation to be the cradle of the New Humanity.
You are in time to fulfill this promise, just as I will fulfill the promise I bring you today.
May the Light of the Sacraments be kindled.
May the souls enter into My Heavenly Church and may the name of Jesus be praised again, together with the angels of Christ, so that the evil in this world may be placated and the hearts, in captivity and slavery, may reach the same liberation that you have reached. For if you are here today, before Me, have you realized that you have already been set free?
Now is the time to walk and to build the Sacred Work of My Mercy in all places throughout the world where it may be possible.
I want to ask you for something else: that you accompany Me wholeheartedly in the sacred task that your Master and Lord will carry out in the Middle East.
I ask you, from now on, to pray for this, so that the merits of My Sorrowful Passion may be rekindled in the Holy Land and, beyond it, during the Sacred Week, may they reach the whole world in order to avoid a greater gravity in the war between Ukraine and Russia. I hope you have understood Me.
And now, before entering the Holy Eucharist, in the infinite Graces of the Sacraments, you will sing to your Master and Lord another song: "You are the King".
Let us celebrate, thank and revere this moment, under the Power and Grace of God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
The Lord says he will listen to each heart sing to him.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In withdrawal, prepare for My great moment; covering your heads enter the temple of the soul, so that your souls participate in the Communion with the Lord.
On this day of second initiation, in which you will prepare together with the Master to enter His sorrowful Passion, His current sorrowful Passion for the planet, in which your Redeemer will share with those of His the tasks that God has entrusted to Him.
Before entering the Cenacle of the Last Supper, tomorrow, you will again hear, from your Master and Lord, instructions similar to those He conveyed to the apostles of the past, instructions that prepared them to live their mission of evangelization and service for the world.
Therefore, live this moment as something unique and unrepeatable, within the preamble of My Return to the world, in which your souls are called to reaffirm your covenant with Me forever, in which your souls are called to live the Will of God through My Heart.
With this, understand that what I bring to you is unknown, because it is something that My Father needs to be fulfilled through the life of each one of you and your brothers and sisters.
While the planet and humanity continue to suffer, the need for apostles, for apostles of My Heart, is very great, apostles who are available in this final cycle to support the heavy cross of this end of cycle.
But you will not be alone to do that, My Soul and My Spirit will help you to learn to carry the cross that I offer you, a mature cross that will take you out of yourselves to be immersed in the Will of the Father.
Before the celebration of the Last Supper in Jerusalem, My apostles came to know the same things that you hear today and that was not written, but it was kept in the heart of each one of them, just as today it is kept in every heart that is open to receive My Message.
On this day of Sacred Week, we are in the middle of a transition, an internal transition and an external transition, in which the line of the end of the past and of the new future will be marked, the future that will define the next steps of this humanity.
I invite you to pray for this, on this day and all the days to come, because My Father deeply desires that His creatures know His mysteries, unveil them and know them, in order to fulfill them and carry His Aspirations forward.
When I was with the twelve, before entering the Last Supper, as the holy women with My Holy Mother, they got to know this mystery that was unveiled as a great need of God for the imperious presence of apostles at the end of times, two thousand years after I passed through Earth, two thousand years later in which My long-awaited Return would be prepared.
Today I come with this declaration of Truth, but also of Love, knowing that today the unconditional disposition of souls, throughout the length and width of the world, is insufficient.
For this reason, once again, I come to avail myself of small groups of souls that, regardless of where they are or find themselves, have the Grace of keeping in their hearts this request of their Master and Lord, which is a request of the Eternal Father, fiery bases that will prepare the Return of Christ to Earth through the transformation of the lives of people, through all those who say yes to Me.
Today I bring you more than a feeling, today I bring you more than a word, today I bring you the deep aspiration of My Heart for souls to understand that My Presence on this day, among you and throughout the last years, has not been in vain, but that your lives have committed to Me until the end.
For those who did not understand My Message and are not here, do not worry. On the great day of My Return, not only will the Scriptures be fulfilled, but My actions will also be fulfilled because I will separate the chaff from the wheat. I will call the blessed, but I will also call the indifferent to live the Universal Judgment and I know that no one is yet prepared for that.
In an immediate and hasty way, I descend from Heaven with all the Power of God to help you and assist you with My impulses of Light, so that your hearts are ready, just as My Heart was ready, seconds before the flagellation.
Have you ever said to God: Father, is my heart ready? Do you know what is held within that statement?
A prompt heart is not an excited heart. A prompt heart is a mature heart, without conditions or aspirations. It is a ready and mature heart capable of giving itself completely to God without anything in return. It is a heart capable of dying for Me and of giving value to each of My Words, and being a heart that testifies to the Presence of Christ within itself.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus:
Our Lady appeared next to Jesus, more pure and luminous than all His vestments.
She is here as the Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fatima, together with Her Son, showing Her Immaculate Thorned Heart, which She offers to each one of us for the reparation and healing of all the women of the world, of the women of war, for immigrant women, for exploited women, for enslaved women, for women who govern, for women of the fields, for women who suffer in silence, and for all mothers who live for their children.
Mary offers Her thorned Heart in reparation for the outrages, curses and indifference that the feminine consciousness of this world has received and that has forever erased the mirror of the heart of every feminine being on Earth.
Jesus said:
She is the Mother that I have given you while I was on the Cross, the unconditional Mother among all the mothers in the world, the Mother who pleads for you each day of life and for all eternity.
For this reason, today My merciful Heart helps all women on Earth so that they can get up from where they have fallen or from where they were subjected.
This is the cycle of the Mother of God, the Scepter is in Her hand.
Blessed will be those who recognize this Legacy because the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart will always win. Amen.
For the spiritual communion of today, I will leave you in the company of My Mother, in the presence of Her immaculate Spirit because it is to God that we owe the Presence of the Mother of God and of all the mothers of the world who gestate life within their wombs and held all of you in their arms.
Surrender to spiritual maternity, may your hearts not be selfish, may you feel and see, beyond what it is, that God has created the women of the Earth as a symbol of nobility and love and not of exploitation and chastisement.
My Heart welcomes all the chastised women, slaves of humankind from the surface of the Earth, because when I come from Heaven, I will give a scepter to each one of them and the Earth will be filled with virginal purity forever.
If My Mother were able to reach the foot of the Cross, what would her mothers of the world be able to do? Always ask yourselves that, because they want your good, that you be worthy children in the Lord and that you always count on them.
For this reason, Mary, My Mother, was in the Cenacle. She gave her life for you so that Love and Redemption would triumph. She gave the most precious thing she had in Her Life and saw it nailed to a Cross, as today many mothers in the world see their children lost and suffer in silence.
But the Spirit of Consolation will come; just as Mary, My Mother, gave it to the apostles at Pentecost. And everything will pass, until My arrival in the world is consummated.
For this reason, Our Sacred Hearts are here today, so that the promises of Their Redeemer may be fulfilled, and those who are orphans may accept the motherhood of Mary.
"Mother, here are Your children." "Companions, here is your Mother."
Today we will give the attribution to the Mother of God so that the feminine consciousness of the Earth is repaired and is no longer an object of exploitation or chastisement, but is recognized by all the children of God as an instrument of love and service.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus:
Our Lady disappeared, but Christ is still here, infusing His Light for the whole world.
Now that you have been purified again, you will meditate upon all that I have told you and upon the importance and value of motherhood in the world at this crucial time.
For that reason, we will listen to a simple but profound song, in reparation of all the feminine consciousness of the planet: "Looking at You." That song will be like a tribute to the mothers of the world, so that mothers always trust in Mary, the Mother of God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When My Heart is flogged, It feels the horror of the world and the persecution that the souls live on losing their life on this planet.
When My Heart is flogged, It feels the indifference of humankind after the purpose lived by Me, and for each one of you.
When My Heart is flogged, the souls must console it with good works of love and of charity, remembering the importance of their fellow being.
When My Heart is flogged, It feels the transgression of humankind and the perdition lived by souls for not venerating My Sacred Heart.
Today I reveal My flogged Heart to you, because I need It to be present in your lives, so that the world does not totally lose its peace.
This meek Heart offered Itself to you, to generate the salvation of the times, the surrender of souls, and the rehabilitation of the lost hearts throughout the times and the centuries.
This meek Heart offered Itself to you to live the indifference of humankind, to endure the sin of humanity and all of the outrages that would be done up to these days.
See then, companions, how much My flogged Heart still carries the sin of the world, and the indifference of souls, which is very great in these times. That is why I invite you to live Me and to console Me, for in this way, you will console God, Who covers His Eyes with His Hands in order to not see what His creatures are doing in these times.
The angels, prostrate to the ground, plead to God for His infinite Mercy, and so that His Law does not precipitate over the ungrateful and in all those who are indifferent.
I come to show you My Sacred and Flogged Heart so that you may contemplate it.
In you I support My Works, the pillars of the new humanity, in all the members of My Church, in all My followers, in all My new apostles, who I invite to return to the path that they lost sight of, the path toward My flogged Heart.
Your love may be the balm for My Heart. God gave each one of you the essence of love and of unity, that is seriously being transgressed by the human condition in these times, as well as in all the Kingdoms of Nature.
So the Celestial Hierarchy expands Its Work in the world, so that all hearts may hear the cry of the Sacred Hearts, which come to plead for penitence and repentance, for confession and communion, for each one of the souls that do not want to look at God, nor His Holy Kindness.
Today My angels do not sing Hallelujah, but they will not stop singing it either.
Today My angels are doing penitence for every action committed in this world, in every one of the nations, in every people living their own terror and their own indifference.
Enter into penitence, at least offer it to Me one day; but know that you are not being punished, but rather you will live this penitence for each one that does not repent in this world.
Today I bring you this revelation of My outraged Heart so that you may accompany Me, My beloveds, in this transition that the Earth and all of this race is living in omission.
I would like that this indifference be transmuted by each one of you, in fasting, in prayer, in communion, in the example of a Christic life, and in the permanent search for a perfect alliance among brothers, all so different from each other, but which may be united in a single brotherhood; that brotherhood that I invite you to live in these times, and which humanity has completely forgotten.
Living this penitence with Me and offering it to God through My Heart, many souls will be saved and the Kingdoms of Nature will also be aided.
Today I invite you to open the consciousness towards this state of My Universal Consciousness, for My Heart still suffers for each one of you, especially for those who do not hear Me nor contemplate Me in the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Happy are those who do so every day, because My grace will be close to them and they will not lack the consolation to survive these times, in the end times that are approaching.
I invite you to live the Law and to not forget it, to be just with one another, compassionate and merciful among your fellow beings; that is the first Law, it is the tonic of this time for each one of you, companions.
I invite you to make this effort for those that do not do so, for those who deny God, for those that do evil to their brothers of the planet.
If I gave My Blood for each one of you in the perpetual flogging of My Heart, a flogging that I lived during the passion, blood should no longer run in this world, nor should there be unjust deaths that could activate the anger of God. You do not know, companions, what this means.
But I invite you to be more aware in this crucial time, in which the battle is present in the world, thus fulfilling the time of the Armageddon.
Let My Blood not be inappropriately spilled; may It be contemplated by all so that you may receive the codes of My Peace and your lives be transformed into the perfect model that I have for each one of you.
Today My Message for the world is of contrition and of profound penitence.
Remember that I was three days in the sepulcher, saving humanity and closing the hells that humanity had created, bringing a new divine opportunity for those that do not deserve it.
For that reason, with three days of penitence, many things could be resolved; each one knows what they can give Me at this time in which My Heart pleads for you to be more awake and vigilant with Me, just as I said to My apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane.
At that moment I wanted to tell each one of you, watch united with Me always, praying so that you are not tempted, as the world is tempted in its materialism, in its property, in its false power executing many souls of the world.
That also is the flogging of My Heart, the main Wound of My Spirit that still has not healed and which I offer to God for each one of My apostles and of My followers that is united to Me in this time of purification and of great tribulation for the world.
Remember My Sacred Heart every day and do not forget to pray with Me for all the souls of the Earth, more for those who are far away from God and are imprisoned by My adversary.
Who seeks My Heart will only have peace and will never again repent of living in It, in spite of what may happen in this time. Who trusts in Me will be strengthened.
I wish to say to My consecrated that in this hour, in which My Heart lives its great martyrdom for the world, the great inner flogging that It receives from ungrateful souls, I ask you do not abandon Me, that you do not leave Me alone in this moment in which the barge of My Light, in a great storm of desperation and of pain, tries to save the hearts of the world. Take the oars that I gave you and do not tire of rowing.
The victory of My Heart in you is close, but your hearts must be clean and must accept the purification.
All those in the world consecrated to My life of religiosity cannot abandon Me in this moment. I do not want you to wound My Heart. You would not be just after so many graces received.
Hold on to My Mantle, kiss My Feet, and remain there always; I will give you the strength to continue onward, in the midst of any tribulation. Remember that you, and all the souls that follow My Sacred Heart in this time, are responsible for many more souls in the world.
Who will justify themselves before My Father when the final judgement occurs?
My Sacred Heart is the mediator between you and God; it is the maximum power of the love that shelters each of the hearts, when they live My Celestial Attributes.
I do not want you to feel sorry about what is happening in this moment. Do not enter the sea of bitterness of the world. My flogged Heart suffers enough for the souls that despair and still do not look at God.
How much grandeur there is in Heaven, how much grace and mercy could sprout in the hearts of the world, how much power and wholeness could vivify hearts in this Sacred Mission that I invite you to live with Me, all of the time.
On this Friday, companions, I sit at the table of each one of the Monasteries of this Order that tries to fulfill My Purpose, and I will consecrate the elements so that they may console My flogged Heart, the Heart of My Father, for all the horrors of the world and all the indifferences that are committed at this time.
Repeat to My Father the prayer of the Angel of Peace, that which He taught you so that all may be restored in time, before the Law approaches the world.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us sing together to Christ, "Watch united with Me always praying."
When My Heart purifies you, the doorways of Heaven open so that hearts may find the Grace of God; that Grace that you must always seek until the end of your days, so that My Project may be fulfilled in each one of your spirits.
And now, in the name of the Father, His Beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit, I will consecrate the Holy Communion for each one of you.
Remember, companions, to restore My Sacred Heart.
In these simple elements is to be found life for each one of your souls, and thus, I constitute the Work of My Divine Mercy in all those who, in true repentance and in supreme penitence, commune with Me, thus establishing the gifts and the codes of My Light in all the hearts.
The Our Father in Aramaic.
Thus, I will offer the holy Sacraments for one soul, so that in her name many more souls, in that painful condition of being lost in the world, at least the majority may again find My path, toward redemption and toward peace.
I Am the One that satiated that hearts. I Am the true sap for your lives. I Am the Sacred Heart of Jesus and I leave you My Peace, I deliver to you My Heart so that you keep It, adore It, and contemplate It.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more