Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After My Resurrection and right after My reappearance to the apostles and the holy women, the Eternal Father asked me, at that time, not only to train apostles in priesthood, but also that, through the divine inspiration of My Most Holy Mother, a great service network might be established on Earth, a network capable of inspiring all followers of Christ throughout the times, so that they might live under the same Law of spiritual and material service.

Because in the Law of service to God, not only does the soul find liberation from itself, but it also internally has an encounter with Divine Pity, a favorite emanation of the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

After My Most Holy Mother instructed the apostles on service and charity, the next Christian communities that existed in those times gave continuity to the work of service and spirituality, which is what the Divine Hierarchy has tried, throughout the times and centuries: to lead humanity to the path of service as a path of its own liberation.

Therefore, companions, so that you may learn to understand if it is the true Hierarchy who speaks to you, contemplate with your own eyes and throughout the times if the true works of service sustain themselves on their own, because if this happens, it means that it is an authentic work.

And you, My friends, have been called throughout the years and times so that, through the founder of this Work, you might not only enter the path of the elevation of consciousness and of awakening, but also that on your own paths you might find the integral life of service, a life that has no interests or conditions, a life of service in each heart that only expresses love for God and the Plan.

And many of you have been participants in all this throughout the years, beginning with  My dear Community of Figueira, formed by the souls that at the beginning were self-summoned to be authentic founders of this manifestation on the surface of the Earth, which does not belong to anyone, but only to God and His Plan.

This is why I have spoken to you in recent days about turning back to the origins, to the true roots and attributes of the spirituality of Figueira, which inspired and manifested all that which God needed in that time.

And this was so important and outstanding, that this manifestation, a part of God’s Will, continued to expand throughout the times by means of new communities and nuclei of work of the planet.

Because God, companions, does not work on things that are grandiose or exhibited, He works on what is smallest and most insignificant, in what is most silent and anonymous.

And I repeat it again so that you may have clarity about it, and above all, register it in your consciousnesses, so that you may learn to differentiate what is the true Work of God from what is not. Because in this world, and above all in this time, many apparent opportunities are offered to all.

Then what is the true path to follow?

It is the path of the heart, the heart that truly unites to the Hierarchy, to become and be converted into a pure instrument that can be empty all the time, so that the Laws of Divine Will may intervene through this instrument.

I want you to know, My companions, that just as the holy apostles and holy women lived service in an authentic way, all of you and your brothers and sisters in the whole world are called to live under the same school and with the same goal, so that Divine Pity may be present on the planet and in the human consciousness, so that it may not be necessary for the Law of Divine Justice to descend upon the world, so that suffering and misery may be relieved by Mercy, and the souls of the world, as many souls as possible, may attain the happiness of serving God, rather than the constant sorrow of suffering without emerging out of this point.

This is why I come today to make a special request to you: I wish that, throughout the coming times and above all throughout the next cycle, that which you have consecrated as Fraternal Serving Project may multiply in this Work and in all the places where this Work exists.

I need the Work to be renewed through service, that all may follow the same path and the same principle. This, companions, does not nullify all the works that continue to happen through this Work, all the opportunities of service even to the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Fraternal Serving Project has been an anonymous, I would even say, secret, example, of how, through authentic and true self-giving, the souls of the world, even families, recover the hope and dignity of feeling Children of God.

Remember that this is My main purpose: that through the Fraternal Serving Project, expanded into this entire Work, souls may find again the meaning of being worthy  Children of God, just as you can be at this moment.

Why Am I asking you this?

So that souls may come out a little more from themselves and surrender in self-giving to others, to those who need the most, to the one who asks for help, so that souls may surrender for the one who has lost the peace and joy of feeling loved, from the little ones to the oldest ones.

Everyone can be benefitted by this project of charity, which, in essence, should be the same project for all, which is that of bringing to Earth the incalculable Grace of the Law of Service, which will help, in this time, Your Master and Lord to intercede for the lost humanity, to intercede in the face of the wars that take place today and cause thousands of lives to be lost in the world.

Somehow, all this planetary disgrace must be paid for and I have told you, more than once, that Our Sacred and Blessed Hearts no longer want to hear a child crying because of hunger, suffering or persecution, and that Our Sacred Hearts no longer want to see innocent blood being shed in the streets of this world.

Do you now understand the importance of this moment as a door that opens for the preparation of the Return of Christ?

Thus, beyond the interferences that have no support and defeat themselves, will not prevent the triumph of My Sacred Heart in the life of people, in the life of each human heart.

I want to bid farewell to this place with a luminous smile, with a Heart with gratitude; placing My Hand upon My Heart and the other Hand to bless you, so that, in the coming times, all can yield fruits in abundance and that your lives may be the true testimony of redemption and peace.

Thus, I bless again My little Holy Land, which will extend its bases and pillars in the coming time, which will guide again the hearts of this entire Work to live Fraternal Serving, the imperious need to serve out of love for those who suffer. In this way, you will give continuity to the Law of Service on the planet.

I thank you and I give you My Peace again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My Heart has been restored by the joy and bravery of those who are consistent with Christ.

In God.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for being here with Me today; because this place, where you are now, spiritually represents to Me a small Holy Land. And what is most wonderful in all this is being able to see that this Holy Land is formed by souls, by the hearts that faithfully respond to the Call, just as many of your brothers and sisters in the world or even within this Work faithfully respond to the Call of God.

Today I would like to linger, companions, on the Gaze of God upon this place, which was founded and conceived for the manifestation of the Plan of God on Earth. However, this place is spiritually alive, for the souls that participate in it, for the servers that self-summon every day, regardless of their life experiences.

The Gaze of God upon this place is special, it is a tender and peaceful Gaze, because He can see His Will reflected upon this place, although His Will is perhaps a little unknown to you and your brothers and sisters; a Supreme and Divine Will that is palpable in this material life, in the experience of this Light-Nucleus; a life that reflects itself through the Will, through what each heart fulfills before God every day.

This is also wonderful for Me, in the face of the difficult planetary situation, in which brothers confront one another, in which entire nations are destroyed by impunity, by the lack of love for others, by the lack of respect for human life itself.

Do you now understand why this place, to Me, is a wonder of God, as so many other places in this Work?

Can you appreciate, companions, the value of this and of the continuity of its expression on this surface?

An expression intimately united to the Retreats of Love, an inexhaustible source that impels you to live the Plan of God every day, even if you do not know how to begin from scratch. This is part of the Greatness of God, of His inexhaustible and inextinguishable Love.

Few are the places in the world, nowadays, that can live fidelity to God; but there is not a mystery in all this, because fidelity to God is sustained by transparency and ardent love for the Divine Will, which is the one that gestates and creates the pillars of the Work of Christ on Earth, through souls.

Without fidelity, transparency and ardent love for the Will of God, it would not be possible for the Hierarchy to work on the planet. This allows, in the face of the spiritual debt of humanity, for the Divine Hierarchy to intervene in these critical times. Because there are places like this, small Holy Lands, which attract God’s Will to themselves through untiring service for those who suffer and have to endure, service for all those who are under the human condition.

I would like for you, companions and friends of Mine, to contemplate and value, from now on, this place and other places of the Work with the same Gaze of God, the Gaze of tenderness and peace-making.

Because He, who is in His Kingdom and in His Glory, takes care, together with all His Children, of each step and each detail, even the most insignificant, so that souls may grow in love and justice, so that souls may learn every day to give of themselves a little more, and to come out of themselves to attain redemption.

Behold My little Holy Land, the new Holy Land of God, among so many other lands sanctified by the Eternal Father on this planet. God ardently wishes for such a Grace to multiply, because it is a Grace for humanity, even for those who would not deserve it, due to their errors or sins.

Then see how wonderful is God’s Mercy, infinite, inexhaustible and inextinguishable, Divine Mercy that can embrace all His Children, Divine Mercy that can congregate all souls, Divine Mercy that can heal all hearts.

I pray, together with the Eternal Father, for more Holy Lands to exist, just as I hope, in the innermost depths of My Heart, that this may happen in Africa, so that the truest and most authentic values of those who suffer may be recognized. If the Heart of the Master is moved with Love for His children of Africa, especially for the smallest and most innocent, could your hearts be moved?

What is there, beyond that which is apparently miserable?

God hides in the smallest and most innocent ones. Thus, God knocks down from the throne all those who say they are powerful, because His Love is present in those who are anonymous, in those who do not seek anything for themselves, in those who distance themselves from any recognition.

Will the world place its gaze, once and for all, on Africa, so that humanity may understand, once and for all, that from Africa the New Humanity will emerge? Why is it destroyed? Why is it colonized? Why is Africa abused?

There is no longer sensitivity in many hearts that go unpunished. However, I will fulfill My promise to return to Africa, just as it is written and just as it was written that I would be here with you today.

This is why I need, companions, that in the end of these critical times, you may place in your hearts and prayers the next Projects of Christ. Because while these Projects are not manifested and concretized, many souls continue to become lost and to be abducted into the fires of hell.

Do you now understand the importance of places and spaces blessed by Me, such as this small community that you express here?

All is being given to you, all is being allowed to you, and all will be requested from you, above all a true inner response that may justify the treasures that you are receiving, because the Grace of God is abundant.

He wants that Grace to multiply and expand in the world so that, through this Work, conceived for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the servers of Christ that confirm themselves in this time, this Work may reach very distant places of the planet.

Because I have told you once, companions, there will not be many who will serve Me in this end time. But those who serve Me in this end time, although they are few, will have to be truthful. Just as this truth, which has brought you to this present time since the first day that this sacred place, this point of Light for the Hierarchy, manifested itself.

With all gratitude, I would like to announce to you, with all reverence and with all inner aspiration, that I will place here some priests, so that they may sustain, together with your brothers and sisters, this new cycle of the Light-Nucleus, through its sacred task of the House of Saint Lazarus as well as the other projects in which you will participate in the coming times. Because the spiritual channel must be quite strengthened so as to encompass and embrace as many souls as possible, on this and on other planes, who, through the House of Saint Lazarus, will seek relief from suffering.

I want you to know that here, in this house consecrated to My Most Holy Mother, your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, in the deepest and most anonymous silence, finds a place of repose and relief.

It is time, companions, for you to perceive My Spiritual Presence here, and to know that I will never abandon you, but rather I will always impel you to fly with your own wings toward  the dimensions and planes of consciousness where the Will of God must materialize on this surface.

As I have asked elsewhere in this Work, I wish for the Fountain of the Healing Christ here, the Unfathomable and Sacred Heart of Christ, so that those who cross the sacred door of this house may find My Water of Life, which will purify and cleanse them, relieve and renew them for the next service.

The water of the Fountain of the Healing Christ will be blessed not only for the Holy Sacrament of Baptism, but also for those who want to drink it or want to take it with them to bless their homes and families.

See, companions, how simple yet how profound is the Love of God, which hides in what is silent and anonymous, which distances itself from every wish to play the central role and exhibition. Because God is present in the life of the pilgrims, of the seekers of peace and good, of those who will work in these critical times so that the values of human dignity and fraternity and, above all, love, may not be dissolved from consciousnesses.

You will have two more days of meeting with Me in this sacred house. On the days that we still live of Lent, and of inner emptiness through your own deserts, I ask you to offer each task and each service in the name of the Lord. Also offer the days of the Marathon of prayer to My Sacred Heart.

My Gaze will be attentive to the actions of Mercy, so that the grave errors that are committed today in the world and through wars, may be dissolved, and a longer time of peace in the world may be granted.

For this reason, My friends, peace must begin first within you, by your taking care of your words, taking care of your gestures, taking care of your actions, taking care of your thoughts and feelings, taking care of your neighbor before you take care of yourselves.

Thus, fraternal charity, inspired throughout the times by many saints and blessed ones, will not be dissolved in the world, but will rather grant peace; and this fraternal charity will be reflected on faces with a beautiful smile for serving God. Thus, your own sufferings and agonies will dissolve, because the one who serves God becomes liberated from themselves forever.

Take into account all that which I tell you, and hold My Words in your hearts.

Once again I thank you for being here today.

Bless, Lord,
those who listen to Your Call.

Bless, Lord,
those who serve You untiringly.

Embrace, with Your Love,
those who invoke Your Name,
and guide the steps of the consistent.

May the wounds and grievances of hearts be healed,
for all the offenses
that they may have received throughout the times.

Glorify, Lord,
those who serve anonymously,
silence those who speak unjustly.

Because Your Power and Your Light will be in those who
always say ‘yes’ to you and do not step back,
because by surrendering their lives into Your Hands,
by surrendering their consciousnesses into Your Heart, Lord,
the time of consummation will be fulfilled,
just as Your Most Beloved Son fulfilled it when He expired on the Cross.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Come to My Ocean of Mercy, and in faith walk upon the waters, just as I told Peter. Before His faith weakened, he walked upon the waters without realizing it.

This is what I invite you to do again today. I need the world to walk towards that which is unknown to learn to overcome the fears of everything it cannot control or retain.

I come to teach you the way, because I Am the Way. I have been with you in the Holy Land, and you have been with Me, closer than you can imagine.

How many times did you touch My tunic? How many times did you beg for My blessing in the Holy Land? On how many occasions did you listen to My Voice, preaching and teaching the Gospel? How many of you followed the steps of the Cross of the Lord to the top of Mount Calvary?

Remember all that which you once lived with Me, and have faith, because Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in the hearts that believe in Me.

And today I Am here, upon the seas of Uruguay, because I come to fulfill My promise, the Lord is returning and with Him will return all the stars, all the suns and the entire firmament.

Happy will be those who walk with Me until the end, overcoming their own fears, transcending their own obstacles, fully trusting in the Love of My Heart.

Behold the Living Heart of the Master, which beats with Love for souls. It is a Heart thirsty for those who are lost and agonizing. However, My Mercy and the Ocean of My Love are greater than this entire ocean.

I was born for you, I lived for you and for you I died on the Cross; for you I resurrected on the third day and for you I ascended to the Heavens to be able to return to the world at some moment.

In your souls is written the story that unites us, that makes us meet time and again throughout times. I Am by the side of those who walk upon My Path, and My Hand stretches out to bless you in the Love of My Father.

Today, I come with a Message of gratitude for all Uruguayans; for those who work day by day preparing My Return; for those who expect to meet Me face to face, just as Saint Mary Magdalene met Me in the garden of the Sepulcher.

Today I call you by your names, just as I called Mary Magdalene, to tell you that here I Am.

My Presence is unchangeable. My Love is inexhaustible. My Consciousness does not change but rather evolves, just as you can evolve, taking the steps that are needed in these times, in the face of a world wounded and outraged by conflict and war, by cruelty and wickedness.

However, I come to bring you and your brothers and sisters all the hope that exists in the Kingdom of the Heavens, and all the joy of serving God untiringly, doing one’s best until the end.

Through this moment, I come to be with you so that you may feel and recognize Me as your Master, as the One Whose Feet were washed with the tears of the holy women, as the One Who was anointed with the blessed oil of the holy women.

My sustenance was in them, and the sustenance of the holy women was in Me, and in this way the White Fraternity was manifested. Today, you are part of this same Fraternity, because we already know each other and have experienced each other. Therefore, do not deter yourselves in that which is material and concrete, nor in that which is mental.

Let your hearts grow, allow them to grow in love, kindness and mercy. May your lives be My gesture of Love for the world, despite the offenses, despite the grievances, and despite the indifferences that you may experience.

Do all in the name of My Love, so that Love may reign in the world and humanity; so that love may return to the hearts that are losing it due to suffering, emptiness, anguish and despair.

May your lives be My example in the world, the example of the untiring Presence of the Lord, Who does not deter Himself, Who does not rest. Because the Shepherd works for His flocks so that all may attain the spiritual goal that is written in the profound essence of each being.  

I wish this year that begins to be a year of greater agreement, hope and peace. May you recognize one another as brothers and sisters on the same path and of the same Father Who is in the Heavens. Because I Am the Lord of Israel, and I come to remind the whole world of the Call of God.

Stop chaos, stop conflicts, dissolve disagreements.

Love one another, just as I love you.

Live just like I live, and the Truth will free you forever.

Upon these oceans, and even more, within your hearts, the Lord finds rest today. Because I want to be within you, just as I hope you want to be within Me, in communion with infinite life, in union with the entire universe.

In this Marathon, let us pray, companions, for this to be a year of greater hope, peace and justice, so that love may replace revenge, so that peace may replace hatred, so that good may replace evil, so that unity may replace indifference, so that forgiveness may replace error.

Let us pray for peace to be achieved in the world, as well as the end of war, of all wars in their different manifestations and forms, so that souls may attain relief, healing and redemption.

I gather you in the name of Grace.

I thank you for being here with Me, in the simplicity and humility of the spirit. Because there lies God, in the simplicity and humility of the spirit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you enter Me, you will enter God and know the Great Creative Consciousness, the Sublime Purpose of God, which conceived the First-Born Son so that He might incarnate on Earth and bring His Message to the world.

This is why My Spiritual Retreat is so important, the one founded in the Holy Land through the experience of your Master and Lord, not only for His apostles, but also for all those who would come after them throughout the times, throughout all the generations.

The vibration of this Retreat is unknown, but souls can feel it within themselves when they enter into communion with Me through the Sacraments, through perpetual union with the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

This Spiritual Retreat comes at this time to reveal itself to the world, because this is the time of the last apostles, those who say ‘yes’ to Me, to concretize My Plan on Earth, to carry out the last Projects of the Redeemer.

Through the great spiritual consciousness of My Retreat in the Holy Land, souls find again the path toward the Inner Christ, by listening to the Great Call of the Universe.

This Call you once heard and that, in this end time, you hear again to remember it and in this way remember the commitment you have to Me in this Redemptive Work of the Lord, as a preparation for His Great Return to the world, for the fulfillment of His promise, made after His Resurrection.

These treasures, which I bring to you today, are treasures for the spirit of each one, which in trust I grant to your souls, so that they may become a temple, a living temple for God, and may also, by means of your transformation and redemption, transform and redeem the world. Because to carry in yourselves My Sacred Spiritual Relics, companions, means a commitment to the Lord of the Universe.

Because you will have to represent on this surface, a Legacy that comes to hide in your cells, through your purification, bringing to you in essence, the Christic Life, the emergence of the last Christs, who, in any part of the world, must represent the Lord, paving the way, the path, for His Return.

This is why you must live the great transformation, so that someday you may represent Me fully, in the face of all that must yet be done for this humanity and on this planet.

Because I want to state to you that the mission has not concluded, and that this mission will be concretized and completed through the last Christs, who will give the example in that which is small, in that which is silent and anonymous, in that which no one can recognize, only a prayerful heart can recognize it, just as the Heart of your Lord recognizes it.

In this way, I come to establish the great scenario through My last apostles. This scenario which is My Plan, My Project and My Aspiration, to be fulfilled in the end of these times through the souls that sanctify themselves by means of their surrender, love and service to God.

Because it is there, in what is most hidden, in the heart of each soul, in the life of each spirit, that the much-awaited New Earth will begin to emerge. It must first emerge within, and then be a reality on the outside so that all souls can recognize it.

All souls need to be purified to be part of the promise of the Son of the Father, just as your Lord was purified in the Temple. If this had not been so, your Master would not have been able to carry out His public life.

This is why all that the Father grants to you, even that which you must purify and transcend, is part of a path of Christification, rather than of suffering. It all depends on each one, on how each one contemplates and observes it, whether it will be a path of victory or a path of suffering.

That is how you will begin to learn about duality and how to transcend and transmute it, first within you, and then by helping transmute this duality in the whole world. This is a task that is still unknown to most.

This is why it is important to have inner communion with Me, so that you may live under this Law, which will be highly active in the end of these times, because without the Law of Transmutation and Purification a New Earth or a New Humanity will not be able to exist.

But I bring you the spiritual support that you need, to dare to take the steps toward My Heart. This spiritual support, which I grant to you, is the Legacy of all My Relics and experiences, as well as the Legacy of the Patriarchs and Prophets who also lived their path of Christification and redemption, and learned to love the Plan of God, by knowing it first in themselves and contemplating the Supreme Will of the Father, so as to understand, at some moment, what it means to carry out this Holy and Divine Will.

These Spiritual Relics of the Sacred Retreat of Christ come to impel you to achieve a state of perpetual communion so that, in this state of perpetual communion, your inner beings may be quite attentive and vigilant to the signs of the Return of Christ.

Because at first these signs will not be so visible. These more invisible signs will come for the chosen, those who have dared to become divested of themselves and surrender their lives in the Hands of the Redeemer.

But My most impactful signs will also be fulfilled, so that this transformation of the world may be achieved and this hope may also be established in it, which will lead humanity to redemption.

You must keep in mind this moment of transition which all are going through, by participating in all that is happening in the world, becoming aware of the need of souls and above all of nations, so that they may fulfill their Spiritual Purpose, just as Brazil must fulfill it.

For this reason, I Am here. This is the first reason for the special visit of your Lord to Brazil, from Israel, bringing the Spiritual Relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, contemplated at this moment by the Hierarchies of this Center of Love.

Will you measure up, companions, when it comes to contemplating this unique moment that I bring to you, just as the Hierarchies contemplate the Ark of the Holy Covenant, exposed with all Its divine and cosmic knowledge, radiating all Its principles and attributes, generated by the Creative Source, in all directions of the planet through this Center of Love?

Thus, your Shepherd and Redeemer comes to renew the Tree of Life, through the Tree of Figueira. He comes to tell you that the times of change have arrived and that you, as branches and leaves of this Sacred Tree of Figueira, must also change so that you may follow Our principle and Our energy, so that you may accompany and adhere to Our universal task. This is the offering that you have accepted, just as your Instructor José accepted it, in an unconditional and immediate manner.

The change I speak to you about is the total opening of your minds, above all your hearts, to the emergencies of these times. It is the opening of consciousness to recognize the suffering in your neighbor and live under My Law of Compassion and Mercy.

I speak to you of this, companions, because you are not fulfilling it. I have come from Israel to say this to you, because you are still in time to change and, through your brothers and sisters, recognize Christ Himself, who speaks to you today.

In this way, you will help your Lord to relieve the suffering of the world in a real way, rather than in an illusory way; to be side by side with Me, forming, in the end of times, the Commands of Christ the Redeemer, without stepping back or fearing anything, being ready and available to be where needed and whenever necessary, to eradicate from yourselves any complaint.

Because an apostle of the end of times does not complain. An apostle accepts the cross they do not deserve, carries it with them as if it were their own, doing it for Me at each step and at each moment.

I speak to you in this way, companions, because there is no time left, and the emergency is ever greater in all senses and ways. Because a knock will be heard on your door. Will you open it to your Lord?

Therefore, you must be in My Love, to identify the signs and recognize them. To know when you must respond with wisdom and discernment.

I come here to deposit My spiritual Legacy, through the presence of the Ark of the Holy Covenant at this Sacred Center of Love. For the Hierarchies were waiting for it, and the soul of this nation was also waiting for it, just as the Angel that governs this country, who is sustained at this moment by your prayers, so that the Project that is destined to be carried out here may be fulfilled as it is written in the Heart of God, although humanity may try to change it.

Brazil is the cradle of the New Humanity, where all cultures and expressions of the world unite, because this country was formed, since the Indigenous Consciousness, through Love-Wisdom.

The heart of Brazil must not die, its soul must not be enslaved. This is a country of hope and rebirth, a space and place where everyone will be able to meet Christ as He places His Feet on this ground, when He returns.

Therefore, the offering must be mature, conscious and, I might even say, responsible. Remember that I do not come to ask you for something impossible. If it were not possible, you would not be able to listen to this Message today, packed with the highest degree of the Love of Jesus, so that your dormant cells may awaken and you may be firm as warriors of the Plan.

So that all this may be possible, companions, and My Spiritual Retreat may echo even more in each human heart, in the innermost depths of the spirit, I come to offer to you Graces through the Sacraments and especially through the Sacrament of Communion, knowing that it is a moment of renewal of the inner vows, reparation and of a great encounter with the Source of My Mercy.

For this reason, I will celebrate Communion for you today, so that, just as My apostles and once again, you may receive the impulses of Light and Love of the Retreat of Christ, preciously comprised of the souls that respond to My Call.

Let us celebrate.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will do an exercise at this moment, while we prepare for the celebration in His Presence.

Each one of us, in the greatest possible physical, mental and inner quietude, will sustain this moment in inner prayer, knowing that the Lord is present here, waiting to celebrate the Eucharist with us.

In reverence, just as He has asked, we will prepare for each cell of our beings and each atom of our bodies to receive this impulse of transubstantiation, which comes from the Sacred Retreat of Christ.

We remain in silence, as He has asked of us, open to His Presence, His Love and His Wisdom.

We invite those who can, to kneel down or stand up.


May My Words purify your lives and hearts so that the advent of the New Race may be fulfilled, and for eternal peace to be established in the world.

Thus, before My Sacred Heart, recognize at this moment your faults, omissions and indifferences, and, in an act of profound contrition, make reparation for this moment in the silence of the heart.

Thus, I come to renew you again, giving you the testimony of My Life through the surrender of My Body and My Blood for the world. Therefore, I come to celebrate the Eucharist with you, just as I celebrated it with My apostles or with My disciples in Emmaus.

I come to break and share the Bread of Life. I come to give you to drink from the Chalice of Redemption and Mercy, so that souls in the world, in this month of May, may receive the spiritual amnesty they need to attain the ocean of My Mercy, to unite again with the Eternal Fountain of the Father, in communion with all the angels and blessed ones.

Thus, I celebrate this Sacrament again with you, and I ask you again to enter the inner cenacle of the heart, just as My Holy Mother and the holy women did, in perpetual contemplation.

At the altar of My Celestial Church, we offer this moment for the redemption of the world, for peace in humanity and in nations, for the salvation of those who are lost and forgotten, so that this sacred people of Israel may remember its commitment to the Father and, above all, to His Sacred Project, which you will be able to renew with Me today through this Eucharist.

Thus, I take the bread in My Hands, raise it to the Father, asking Him to convert it, through the angels and archangels, into My Glorious Body, which I break again so that it may be shared with you, reminding you that this is My Body, which was given for humanity for the pardon of sins.


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We revere the Presence of the Body of Christ at the altar.


In the same way, I take the Holy Chalice in My Hands again, and offer it to the Eternal Father, so that it may justify, through the surrender of Christ, all errors of the world,  especially those errors that place humanity at uncertain doors.

This wine, once blessed and converted into My Precious Blood, I pass it again to Mine, saying to them, “Let all take and drink of it, this is the Chalice of My Blood, of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb, which was shed for the remission of all faults.” Do it today in remembrance of Me, until I return.


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We revere the Precious Blood of Christ.


This is My Body and this is My Blood. Blessed are those who avail themselves of this spiritual banquet, which I offer to you today for love and for the redemption of humanity.

United to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, let us consummate this consecration by singing the Our Father in Aramaic.

Song: “Our Father” (in Aramaic).

I announce Peace to you, so that Peace may always be present in the human heart, so that Peace may be present in each space of this planet.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We announce the Peace of Christ and we say to our Redeemer:


Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word, and I shall be healed.


In the joy of the meeting with Jesus, we announce at this moment the Spiritual Communion of all souls with Christ.

In union to the Love of Jesus, we give one another the greeting of Peace.

Let us sing the “Names of God.”

Song: “Canon of the Names of God – no. 1.”


Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences
by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of His Sacred Heart
and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg You for the conversion of poor sinners.


In the name of My Father, I grant you Peace again, so that Peace may be in the world, and I bless you, thanking you for this meeting of brave hearts.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

First Message

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the presence of all the angels of Heaven and the Ark of the Holy Covenant at My Feet; today, for you and for the days of the special encounter with Me, through the Marathon of the Divine Mercy, I bring a special and favorite portal for Me, which I hoped to open on this day, for all the souls of the world and for all hearts, for all who need the Presence of the Celestial Father through the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

For this reason, I am here today in a special way, to open the doors in this month of May, spiritual doors and profound doors, that the Lord comes to announce for everyone on this day; doors that open so that souls can cross them in confidence.

This special door that I open to you today is the door to My Spiritual Retreat, expressed through all My passages and deeds in the Holy Land, but also filled with the experience and history of the patriarchs and prophets, because on this special occasion for the month of May, not only will souls need these Christic Codes at this time, but nations will also need them, through souls.

The Celestial Father has sent Me, together with the Ark of the Holy Covenant, because as you already know, companions, this Sacred Ark holds many spiritual treasures unknown to humanity. This Holy Spiritual Ark, which was built by Moses himself, was venerated and adored by the sacred people of Israel throughout all times. This Sacred Spiritual Ark keeps all the experiences and deeds of the public life of Jesus and of the greatest feelings of elevated Love that your Master and Lord had for each one of the souls.

This Sacred Ark acts today as intercessor and mediator between the souls and all the sins of the world, so that the Celestial Father, through His Law, His Spiritual Government and His Omnipresence, grant in this month of May an urgent and necessary spiritual amnesty to all the essences of the world, especially for those souls who believe in Christ, who live His Gospel and who give their lives through unconditional service for the redemption of the entire human race.

For this reason, the Ark of the Holy Covenant, present today in the heart of this Sacred House, unconditionally dedicated to the Work of the Divine Messengers, has been spiritually deposited, so that this Sacred Ark, which today I have brought for all, may radiate the codes that the world needs to find its path of redemption, to find its way back to the House of the Father, offended by the sins and outrages of the world, by indifference, by conflicts and by war.

The Celestial Father has granted, for this month of May, that this Sacred Teraphim of God, conceived through the people of Israel, comes here, to South America, so that the nations of this region of the planet receive the assistance they need, immediate spiritual assistance to help untie the energetic knots of this world, which generate inflection points, dead-ends, where all souls who live here are exposed, due to the nonfulfillment of the Spiritual Government.

For this reason, I am here today in a special way, together with My companions, together with My apostles and My followers, all those who summon themselves at My Feet to reaffirm and recognize, time and again, the sacrifice of the Lord, in His deepest silence.

Companions, today, I am here, opening the great door so that My Spiritual Retreat can be recognized at this moment by the inner worlds; and if the inner worlds of each of you recognize it, you will be able to remember, companions, what each one of you lived with Me so long ago in the Holy Land and elsewhere in the world.

It is in this way that I come to awaken the last apostles, those who truly want nothing for themselves. Those apostles of the last times who dare to cross the threshold into the unknown, the apostles of the last times who are not afraid of transformation, liberation from sorrow, cure and healing from guilt so that they can be reborn in Christ and through Christ.

I want to bring, through this Message, a moment of hope, joy and happiness, because what I have experienced with you in Israel has been important for your Master and Lord and, mainly, what I have experienced with each one of Mine, of those who were present, near or far, in this latest Sacred Week.

The moment that we have lived, through the Sacred Week, has allowed your Master and Lord, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother and My Father The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, the Three Sacred Hearts, to be present again here in Brazil, and through Brazil with the whole world, to spiritually take care of all the needs, urgencies and demands that souls are placing on us in these times, because we know that this humanity on the surface not only lives the great preamble of its Armageddon, but also lives unknown moments that it has never experienced or learned before, and that it needs spiritual help to be able to go through them, accept and understand them.

I come today to prepare you so that you may truly live the next Marathon of Divine Mercy and so that, as My praying warriors and My apostles, you may be whole at My Feet, at the foot of My Spiritual and Celestial Church; so that the small and insignificant offering of each one may justify all the errors of the world, especially those that the children and young people of these times experience.

And thus, your Master and Lord, can free many hearts, besieged by the creation of suicide, by the lack of love, of truth, of hope and of inner rebirth.

I come to ask My companions for one more step in consciousness, as it is the moment to take a step towards maturity, towards what the Plan truly represents and means and its fulfillment for the end of these times, through all souls who are self-summoned to stand before the Lord and live the end times with bravery and courage; seeing, through each experience and each trial, an opportunity for inner growth and not guilt, an opportunity to expand the consciousness and not a bond to what is superficial.

You must learn to consider the events, just as the Hierarchy does. I encourage you, in this month of May, when Our Sacred Hearts will bring all the necessary Graces for souls, not to miss this opportunity, to be aware at every moment and in every minute that the Source of Graces, of the Heart of Mary, of Saint Joseph and of Christ, will be open for you to come and drink and quench the thirst in this surface desert.

May this next Marathon be the opportunity of confirmation for each one, of the definition that I asked of you in Israel, because even your Lord hopes to carry out His last Plans, in the souls and in the world, in the nations and in distant places of the planet.

But for that, companions, it is very necessary to have a solid and firm spiritual support, built on love, unity and harmony, because all this will establish an unknown peace, a peace that many souls in these times are looking for and do not find.

I want to tell you, in clear Words, that Our Sacred Hearts will not only be able to connect souls to the Spiritual Retreat of Christ during the month of May, but also Our Hearts will work tirelessly to help souls reconnect to the Primordial Source.

For this reason, I would like to see in the coming days and weeks this simple and true ardent devotion that I found here today.

May this awaken within your hearts the enthusiasm to experience the reencounter with Me, because thus, time and again, I will renew you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And thus, you will be able to follow My Footsteps, you will be able to recognize My Footprints, because, although you do not know it, I have a path built for each essence, waiting for each soul, in this trajectory that will lead you towards Infinity.

Because the result of all this experience on Earth is that you learn to live from Love, from Higher Love.

I thank you for being with Me today and for responding to My requests.

Go in peace.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am not seeking what is perfect or wonderful within you. I am looking for the true honesty of your heart which, united to Me, may reflect in your life and in your consciousness. I said this to the apostles and today I say it to you, companions.

I do not need your lives to be perfect or realized. I need your lives to surrender to My Feet, just as the holy women surrendered to the Feet of the Master and did not seek anything for themselves other than to please and adore the Lord.

Therefore, empty yourselves once again before Me, at this moment, and keep in mind, at this time, how many wonders God has accomplished in your life and in the lives of your brothers and sisters. How many Graces and treasures He has poured out through the Presence of His Most Beloved Son on Earth and, even more, He has multiplied His Graces and prodigies in the hearts of those who are Mine.

For this reason, in this difficult hour of the planet, I ask you: empty yourself of all before Me once again and allow Me to anoint you with My Light. Allow Me to embrace you with My Love so that you may become nothing, but rather be all in the Eternal Father. Just as His Child is in the Father, so the Father is in His Child.

In this void in which I invite you to live, I also invite you to divest yourselves of that which oppresses you or torments you, because your Lord, the King of the Universe, knows all the spiritual ties that souls live. He knows all the chains that bind you. And nothing is impossible for the victory of your Master and Lord, because for the one who is with Me, and I Am with them, I assure them that they will be liberated, and each step of life will be a learning experience, it will be a lesson and wisdom lived so that, at each moment, you may learn to grow in love and in truth, because I need you, in these times, in love and in truth.

But so that souls may be in this love and in this truth, they must be empty of themselves, just as your Master and Lord was empty of Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane, at the moment of His Condemnation, in the judgment of the pharisees. At each step to the Calvary as well as in the Crucifixion, your Master and Lord was empty of Himself so that it might be God Who was suffering for you, because I want you to know, once and for all, that the Living God suffered for you on the Cross.

He descended from the Source and from the Universe to save and rescue you. And the powerful Love of the Living God made itself so small and insignificant that He was born in a manger, where His adversaries would never think that God could be.

Thus, the Love of the Father, through His Son, defeats the powerful, humbles the arrogant, divests those who waste their riches and gives His most precious spiritual treasures to the poorest in heart, to the most humble within. And through His Presence He ennobles and elevates those who recognize His Sidereal Name: Adonai.

I know that the cross is heavy for many, but I assure you before this Mediterranean Sea, where I deeply pray for the wounds and outrages brought about to the most innocent, that there are worse crosses than yours, because, thus, I can help you carry your own cross, without your perceiving it.

But in these final and challenging times, I need you to help Me carry the cross of the planet, because many do not want to carry nor bear it due to the fear of what they will feel or suffer.

But do not forget what I once told you, that I do not come here to ask for new crucified, because the Living God has let Himself be crucified for you, so that you might be liberated from evil. I come to seek victims that may be postulants to My Love. I come to summon the victims of My Merciful Love, who time and again not only recognize the Presence of the Lord in life, but also recognize the power of His Blood and His Water, infinite streams converted and transubstantiated into sublime and powerful Rays of Divine Mercy. Time and again, I untiringly offer this Divine Mercy for the liberation of souls from all spiritual slavery, as well as from the hells of this world, which engulfs many.

By the power of My Blood shed at each step of the path to Calvary, I come to demonstrate to you the Lord’s sacrifice and sacred surrender through His most absolute silence, which defeated enemies, those who were against the Plan of God.

And although My apostles abandoned Me at the most culminating moment of My Life, when I needed them the most, I was spiritually consoled and sustained by the holy women who, in their own prayer and ecstasy, internally helped the Lord and anointed Him with the most precious oils of the Holy Land, preparing the Lord’s sepulcher, because they clearly knew about the day of My Glorious Resurrection.

With this fact that I bring today to all of you, I invite you to live the Ray of Resurrection, because each one of you will need it in these times, to learn to begin anew, every day, despite the learning experiences and lessons of life, despite the clashes and interferences.

Through the Ray of Resurrection, I come to teach you about the power of transcendence and renewal, something that your own Master lived at the sepulcher, on the third day, after having resurrected and having been adored and recognized as the Living God by all the angels of the universe.

I want you to carry this impulse in your hearts and essences so that, with courage, bravery and determination, you may learn to overcome the end of times, because there will still be a lot to go through, learn and grow internally, and I will support you so that you may live new Christic experiences.

When you feel that the tension is too ardent or the pressure seems too big, remember that you will be before the great step of Christification, because they are gradual and mature steps for those who decide to go through them.

Thus, I make the New Christs emerge, not only because they remember My Presence in this world and in humanity, for it is an indelible and inexhaustible Presence, but also because My apostles dare to walk by My side at each new summoning, regardless of the consequences or even of their families.

I once promised that I would give all to the one who would give Me all, and I would take care of each member of their family, because everything is important to Me, even what seems small and invisible.

Thus, I make you understand that God is present in that which is simple and true, that His Power and His Majesty hides in what is humble and austere, and that His Love reveals itself and shows up in those who are true and honest in heart. In this way, He manages to embrace His creatures, sustains them, guides them and leads them to the fulfillment of the Spiritual Purpose.

Thus, the Eternal Father renews Himself through souls and hearts and this planet, seemingly lost, can re-create itself through the hearts that surrender in trust to the Lord and accept to live His Greater Love.

On this new night, when I meet you on the top of Malaga’s mountains and before the Mediterranean Sea, witnesses of the greatest pains caused by war, invasions and conquests experienced at this location of the planet, and for the hundreds of boats that have crossed this sea and have been discarded, I come to grant a spiritual atonement so that the errors committed against the poorest among the poor may be forgiven through your ‘yes’ to follow the path of the Lord in sacrifice for those who do not live My path, for those who deny My path, for those who do not live My Word, for those who do not want to awaken.

May your ‘yes’ be for each one of them, so that their lives may continue to receive Graces and be blessed in the innermost depths of the spirit and of the consciousness, a place from where they will find the inner strength they need to live their learning experience on this planet.

Thus, I will slowly gather the flocks of the Lord, from the four cardinal points of the planet, until the time and hour comes, which is not so far, for My Return to the world, because in a short time it will cease to be a promise and it will be a reality.

And on a night similar to this, before the Mediterranean Sea, you and your brothers and sisters of the planet will be able to be witnesses of the Glorious Return of the Lord. Some here, on this physical plane, and others on the inner planes; all will be participants at this great promised moment, just as the angels will be witnesses of this universal event.

I consciously prepare you for this day, and I will absolutely not forget anyone, because all has been foreseen by the Eternal Father. I Myself remember those who no longer live on this physical plane, their loved ones and the loved ones of all of humanity who, for some reason, have lost their life and died in the hope of finding the Promised Land.

Tonight, My Merciful Heart illuminates this night, just as this Moon illuminates the whole world with its disk of Light, faithful witness of God’s Presence within you, witness of the Grace that descends through My Words and for the redemption of the entire human race.

Keep praying during these days to relieve My Heart and know that I will joyously be waiting in Israel, in the name of all your brothers and sisters of the Work and of humanity, because I assure you that Israel will mark a turning point for your lives and the life of the planet, as My Christic Codes once again manifest themselves to the whole world.

This is what will mark all of you as My self-summoned. This is what My Eternal Father will recognize when I return to the world.

This is why I Am here, for this cause, so that this may be fulfilled in you and in your brothers and sisters of the whole world, so that you may awaken those who are asleep and truly love those who hate you, so that those who take revenge may be forgiven, so that those who have not been rescued may be redeemed. All is being counted and foreseen by the Lord.

At this hour of the dark night of the planet, have faith and move on. My promise is fulfilled in the silence of your hearts. It is there where I want to live forever within you, it is there where God needs us all.

Now, under this sidereal and universal night, when the stars are witnesses of the Passion of Christ, but also of His Ascension into the Heavens, into the Universe, may all consciousnesses who live in the cosmos contemplate this moment of Spiritual Communion. In this way, all these consciousnesses who live in the firmament, in other galaxies and stars, will be able to learn from this moment, which I have given to you with so much Love, through the institution of the Eucharist.

Enter the inner Cenacle with Me and consciously live the Sacrifice of the Lord again, so that this world may attain peace, so that this world may put violence aside, so that nations may be freed from impunity, and the poorest and most simple may no longer live in inequality, but rather in equality, with the aim that the Kingdom of God may descend to Earth.

In this starry firmament, on this moonlit night that embraces you, I not only leave you the blessing of My Spirit, Soul and Divinity, but I also leave to you your origins, alive in this universe, so that you may make the commitment of bringing this moment to the universe, which is the place where you come from, the place to which you will return someday to finally merge with the Immaterial Source.

I thank you once again for accompanying Me on this solemn night and enter the Spiritual Communion with Me to once again prepare the inner temple for the Communion with the Sacred Son who opens the doors of Israel for you to enter into the New Jerusalem.

Let us also pray for this cause and this mission. This is the least I ask of you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Friar Zeferias, the Lord is asking you to play the piano to prepare His work.

He, somehow, is asking all of us to prepare this moment for what will occur, being very awake and concentrated, sustaining this channel with Christ.


What a joy it is to be here today, among you, to remember what I once gave you for the redemption of all of humanity: the great key of My Love, based on the spirit of redemption, which I came to live in my own flesh, to save the whole human race.

This will be the Gift that we will ask the Holy Spirit today so that, through Its Divine Intelligence, it may keep granting the world the opportunity of Redemption, especially for those consciousnesses that are already condemned and could only be saved by the love of My Apostles.

For this reason, we will light the Menorah today, asking the Holy Spirit to make the Gift of Redemption descend at this moment, as an essential attribute in these critical times, because without redemption there is no rehabilitation, and without rehabilitation, souls cannot find the Love of God.

Redemption is the door that opens up for the liberation of souls, so that the ties and chains of those who are oppressed may be liberated. For this reason, we will light the Menorah once again, invoking the divine intervention of the Holy Spirit.

In the Cenacle, I taught My apostles about the Law of Love, based on the immeasurable Pity of the Father for all souls, for all the spirits that have emerged from His Source, so as to re-create this Creation and bless it through the experiences of Love and Forgiveness.

If the fallen father had not disobeyed, this whole local universe would be a part of the Celestial Kingdom, because in the Heart of God this divine fusion between the dimensions and planes of consciousness is still foreseen.

And in the Cenacle, in the secrets that My Heart revealed to the apostles, I not only gave them the legacy of My Love and revealed to them the values of the Sacrament and of Confession, and mainly the importance of communing with Me until the end of days, but the important moment which your Lord would live after His Resurrection was also revealed to them. That moment, which I shared with My apostles and I share today with you, was what would later on happen, during My Ascension.

What would come to happen between the Material Universe and the Mental Universe, between the human consciousness and the angelic consciousness?

When I ascended to the Heavens, to the Universe, God physically opened the doors of Andromeda to Me, because He placed there, in that place of the universe, what He had thought of for this Material Universe. And that was possible through the archangelic intervention and through the Archangels, by means of the Hierarchies.

So, think for a moment on what it meant for the apostles to receive this revelation of what would truly happen to your Master and Lord, which they should guard and protect through their prayers and offices in the innermost depths of the silence of the heart, because in those times it could not yet be revealed, nor in the times that would come. The revelation about My Ascension should be revealed by Me, moments before My Return to the world.

Do you now understand? how, since more than two thousand years ago and up to the present moment, all souls that I congregate have been a part of a history that is extremely important to Me, and that, with My own Hands, I come to remove the veils of your consciousnesses so that you may see the reality that the enemy himself has dared to confuse, through his mirages and doubts.

In your hearts lies a molecule that is very important to God, a molecule that, through the awakening of the consciousness, reveals itself and becomes especially visible when hearts surrender to live the Will of God.

At the doors of this mystery that is unveiled today, and that cannot be understood by the mind, but rather needs to be welcomed by the heart, I met, when I arrived in Andromeda, Sublime Consciousnesses that, in the inner planes, had accompanied Me during My trajectory on Earth, since My Birth until My Death, and during the important moment of My Resurrection.

In those stages, those Sublime Consciousnesses were present, because, in Their Hearts, they know about the Plan of God. They are nine Hierarchies of the Universe, Mentors of the Heavenly Governments, entrusted with the spiritual and material evolution of millions of consciousnesses in this Creation, as well as of other galaxies and constellations.

With this revelation, you will be able to understand that life is infinite and that the end that you place to life is through your own minds, because at the doors of Andromeda, these Consciousnesses were waiting for Me, in order to give me the next step that I would take for you: that of not only being the Redeemer of the World, but also of being the Governor of the Universe, uniting, through My Heart and My Divinity, all the consciousnesses that serve Me in the Higher Universe, from their evolutionary experiences and schools.

So that the Human Project not become lost, even with what happens in these times, the first thing that God gave Me was the essence of the Purpose of this planet, as well as of other worlds, which, through the learning experiences and their efforts, should reach Me, through the Redeeming Christic Love. Do not forget that each one holds within themselves this Christic molecule that the Father gave them, a Christic molecule that has being trying to awaken, since a long time ago, through you.

But now that you are awakened and conscious, now that you are learning to listen with your hearts, this molecule becomes more potent in each one of My companions so that, through the essences, I may restore, through My Return, the essence of the Purpose of this planet, which God conceived, from the beginning, since what you know as the Genesis.

Thus, through the Glorious Return of Christ and of His Divine and Ultra-terrestrial Face, this Purpose will be re-integrated in all those who have been consequent with Me, throughout the times and generations.

In this way, the code of evil will be dissolved from the human consciousness, the forces of chaos will be removed from the planet to reservoirs that are being prepared by the Archangels themselves. Because all deserve redemption, from the most evolved consciousness down to the smallest particle that has life in this Creation; all is a part of the Creator Project from the beginning. For this reason, you must be attentive to this moment, for you will not be forewarned.

Through this meeting with Me, on this day, when you remember the Last Supper, it is time for your consciousness to broaden and expand. It is time for your inner senses to awaken and replace the external senses, because in this way you will be able to see beyond what you see, in this way you will be able to hear beyond what you hear, in this way you will be able to feel more than you feel.

Because when your Christic molecules unite to My Heart in this work that I am gestating during this Sacred Week, I assure you that you will have no doubt of where to be and what to do, because what I need is something very important that you do not yet understand.

When the heart or soul trusts in the unknown and launches into this ocean of cosmic knowledge, it gradually prepares for the great moment of the Return of Christ, and it also has the opportunity to become aware of its virtues and talents.

Returning to Andromeda, place your consciousnesses in this place and in this space of the universe. Do not think that you will not be able to do so because, through Me, the Door to Andromeda is open now and unites the higher planes with the lower planes.

I want you to enter the same state of revelation as the holy women and as My Holy Mother did, because that was possible through the Spiritual Communion that they lived during the exercise of the Last Supper.

Each time you receive the Grace of the Body of Christ, each time you receive the Mercy of the Blood of Christ, keep in mind and be aware of your important inner Christic molecule. Now you must concentrate upon it and work, although you may keep purifying and redeeming yourselves.

I do not want to make you glorious or survivors. I want to make you humble, capable, open, adhered and helpful to all that must be built in the important preamble to the Return of Christ, because My Words someday will end here, and there is not much time left. Each one is responsible and conscious at this moment of what they have received, because all that I give you and have given you must not be wasted.

Upon entering Andromeda, the Sublime Consciousnesses revealed their rays, which were the first thing they gave as a legacy from the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, the Plan that should be gestated and manifested throughout the times. And when the great interference and alteration took place through the fallen angel, this Plan had to be recalculated, as it is being recalculated now, second by second, in these definitive times.

For this reason, you must never think that the Hierarchy changes its mind. Now is the time for you to realize, through spiritual maturity, that all the Hierarchy proposes and does has the aim of fulfilling the Plan of Rescue. And when some piece, that is, some consciousness, moves from their place, becomes deviated or abducted by the consciousnesses of chaos, then the Plan must be re-calculated, because the Divinity and Sublime Hierarchies do not only work for you, but rather for the whole world.

You must not forget, companions, that everything is already foreseen, as had been foreseen that today those who are here must be here. Have you by any chance understood what this means and why at this moment you are listening to these things that come out of My own Mouth, affirming the Will of God for the world?

In this apparent demand, there is a precious fiery tension that forges, in the terrestrial consciousnesses, an elevation, so that you may learn, once and for all, to no longer to think of yourselves, and to keep very clear in mind, at the center of your being, the Divine Purpose that is hidden before you, in the inner planes and which is up to you to fulfill and concretize.

When you open up to serve, I assure you that you are opening up to the unknown.

When you open up to love more and more, I assure you that you are entering the degrees of Love.

When you forget yourselves, I assure you that you are quite close to God, just as many consciousnesses on this planet have been, through the saints of the East and West.

All is possible when the consciousness wants to take the step. And when it takes the step it enters an experience that is similar to the one I lived in Andromeda, which took Me three cycles of material time to conclude because I not only glorified Myself and divinized Myself through the human person of Christ, but I also assumed, in a more profound and eternal manner, a commitment to your salvation.

Now, who will be ready, just as I was in Andromeda, to receive the Purpose about the continuity of the Plan of Redemption of humanity and of the planet, in the part that is up to each one to live and fulfill?

Who will be capable of being the caretaker of this Purpose?

Who will be capable of loving it beyond themselves, although they do not understand or comprehend it?

Who will be capable of illuminating their consciousness and their cells through the impulses that I bring you in this Sacred Week?

Because what I need is very great, but it is also very simple. I need you to decide to be blessed, although you are on this sorrowful and wounded surface; I need you to dare to give your lives for Me, just as the apostles dared to during their apostolate in the Holy Land and beyond the Holy Land; I need you to dare to be capable, just as the Holy Mother and holy women were, to cross all of Europe and reach England, to found the Order of the Templars and strengthen the foundations of the Christic energy on the planet through the Inner Centers.

Who will be capable of giving continuity to these spiritual treasures, while millions of souls in the world are absolutely distracted and disconnected?

I ask you to pray for those who must still awaken. and for you to keep awakening and not believe that you are awakened, because if you were truly awakened, some things would no longer happen to you.

But I invite you to again trust in My Redeeming Love so that you may learn to trust in My Cosmic Love, which is hidden in the Heart of Andromeda among all Hierarchies. Because just as today, Thursday, I celebrate this moment with you, and I will celebrate with you this moment of consecration for a greater and inexplicable reason, in the same way, hundreds of Hierarchies, at this moment, are gathered around the Son of God, before the Face of the Lord of the World, of the Divinity of Christ and of His ultra-terrestrial aspect that presents itself to all as the Solar Angel.

I now ask you to think: How is it possible for a human being, who incarnated among you, taught, preached, redeemed and gave his life for a greater reason, how was He capable of converting Himself, after His Ascension, into a Solar Angel?

You must contemplate this in the innermost depths of your heart, without seeking an immediate answer. The steps of evolution and of the expansion of consciousness are ruled by the Law of Love. That is where your expansion and elevation begin.

The more you love, the more you will grow, and your pride will be dissolved. You will no longer want to live personal power, because Higher Love will lead you to live Supreme Will through commitment and responsibility, through the lineages, called virtues and talents, that I gave to each one of you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Through the portal that is open behind Christ, the Lord makes us, at this moment, contemplate Andromeda and all the stars around this place, just as all the suns and all the Sublime Consciousnesses that, at this moment, are in communion with all hearts that are open.

He asks us to contemplate Andromeda in our inner world, and to see within us our inner universe. Let us contemplate, for a moment, listening to the melody that is being offered. And let us empty ourselves into the Whole.

Under this powerful energy that embraces us and, through this reverential and devotional attitude, we will proceed, in the Presence of Christ, to the consecration of the new priests.

We ask that we may remain concentrated and united to this important moment that Christ is carrying out.

We ask the Mothers to approach the stage, the foot of this scenery, and that each one may bring a candle with her.

Please, bring a candle here.

Let us not become disconnected.

Let us contemplate Andromeda in our inner world, let us drink of this Fount that Christ is consciously offering to us and thus, let us accompany this ceremony with reverence and devotion.


My children who will be consecrated today, before the authority that I will grant you as from this moment onward, at the request of the Most Holy Mother and responding to Her loving and eternal supplications; firstly, may God grant you not only divine but also terrestrial maternal protection, through these Mothers, consecrated to the Celestial Spouse, and who are thoroughly available to sustain you, listen to you and console you.

This step that you will take today will not be something personal, but it will rather be something planetary so that, through these apostles that I am consecrating in these times of darkness, you may re-build My outraged Church and, especially repair the offenses that millions of priests throughout the world have committed against Me.

For this reason, the nine Sublime Consciousnesses of the universe, the Highest Priests of the universe, accompany this solemn, divine and reverential moment today, so that the spiritual lineage of priesthood, which I established in this world two thousand years ago, may be reconstructed and reconstituted.

And through the Pious Mother of the Holy Spirit, the Mother of consecrated souls, who has untiringly supplicated for the priestly life not to become lost, today, before all and especially before all priests of the planet, through the Light of the Holy Spirit, I entrust you that you may be guardians and caretakers of the Sacred Office that I taught the apostles, which My apostles have taught throughout the times, so that Heaven and Earth may unite in perfect harmony and redemption.

Christ addresses each one of those who are being consecrated:

May the Holy Spirit of God illuminate your steps today.

 Christ addresses one of the new priests:

The Lord consecrates you today as Friar Juan Evangelista, in honor of the apostle who loved the Cross until the last moment, the apostle who consoled the Lord in His most difficult hours, and who, together with the Heavenly Mother and Mary Magdalene, as well as Joseph of Arimathea, did not leave the Lord alone, because they suffered with Him until the last minute of His expiration. Welcome, Friar Juan Evangelista, may the Holy Spirit illuminate you today.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may make your offering before Christ.



"Lord, Beloved Father,
You who purify, through Your Love,
all that You touch and contemplate,
purify today the human consciousness of its inferior condition
 so that it may rise before You,
as at this moment Your Son is before Your Throne,
so that these consciousnesses may praise You and glorify You
just as the angels of Heaven do.

through this incense offered
at the Temple of Your Heart,
bless all."


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Holy Water.



"Lord, Emmanuel,
before You created Your children,
You thought of taking care of them and of loving them
as a loving Father, and you granted them water
so that, through it,
they might learn
to quench their thirst.

May Your Graces and Mercies
flow like a wellspring at this moment
upon all the dark spaces upon the planet,
and in the favorite union
of the souls that are present here,
may this blessing re-establish peace in humanity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Virgin Mary is present at this moment, as the Mother of all mothers and of all priests.

We may bring the stoles here so that the Lord may bless them with holy water.

You may come, Friar.


Through this priestly symbol, may the souls of the priests be a bridge of Light between the Infinite and the planet so that, in their sacrificial surrender, the souls that most need the Love of God may reach His Heart. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The oil to bless.

You may uncover the oil. You may raise it.


With love, My spouses of Jerusalem anointed My Head and My Feet before the Passion.

With love, My spouses of Jerusalem anointed the wounded Body of the crucified Christ.

With love, My spouses of Jerusalem anointed the Resurrection of Christ through their trust in Me.

May those who will be anointed today always anoint those who need it, for in the powerful Anointment of the Cross lies your liberation. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now, at this moment, we will call the following Mothers, so that they may stand behind the brothers who are being consecrated:

Mother María Fidelia behind friar Paulo Mateus, Mother María Shimani behind friar Juan Evangelista, Mother María Getsemaní behind friar Shemaya, Mother María del Salvador behind friar Nazareno.

Now the Mothers who are behind their spiritual sons will give the candle to the brothers, before them, and, before giving them the candle, they may make an inner offering to Christ.


Friar Elías pronounces the Prayer to ask for Divine Wisdom for those consecrated.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now, before the Lord, the brothers will make their act of priestly consecration.


The new priests pronounce the prayer indicated.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In this way, still before the Heart of Jesus, may you contemplate the immensity of His Work of Love and Mercy.

We invite all those present to together relive the Last Supper.


"Celestial Father,
may these alliances represent
the perpetual union of souls
with Your Divine and Glorious Heart
so that the perfect union between Heaven and Earth
may be established forever."

Just as, at the Sacred Cenacle, I offered to you eternal commitment to Me, today I offer to you, My new apostles, the same commitment to My Heart.


The priests pronounce the Prayer of purification of the priest before celebrating the Eucharist.


Just like that night, when I gathered with My apostles, today, in solemnity, I gather with you to re-establish the union between Heaven and Earth, between souls and God.

For this reason, with a Love that is unknown to all who are Mine, I take the bread again and offer it again to the Father, so that it may be converted into My Glorious Body. In the same way, I break it again, and, offering it to all, I say to you: “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, which was given for humanity for the forgiveness of sins.”


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We revere the Living Body of Christ.


Then I took the Chalice into My Hands and, offering Myself even more to the Father in sacrifice and love for each one of My companions, I asked Him for the wine to be transubstantiated into My Precious Blood. Then, I passed it to My companions, as I pass it to you today, saying to you: “Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which was shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, for I am returning.”


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We revere the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world and gives us peace.


Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ. Happy and blessed are those who avail themselves of this powerful Sacrament, because I always promise you My Love, My solace and My Peace.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

United to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, present and unfathomable at this moment, let us finish offering these transubstantiated elements, in honor of our Redeemer, so that His Love and His Mercy may be established on the planet.

We end this consecration singing the Our Father in Aramaic, together with the angels of Our Lord.

Song: “Our Father” in Aramaic.

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

In union to our Master and through a gesture of reverence, we greet our brothers, giving them peace.


Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.


And we announce, at this moment, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Spiritual Communion, at this important celebration of the memory of the Last Supper, so that these exercises may perpetuate throughout the times and congregate many, many more souls, through the Love of Our Lord.

Today, Our Lord asks us to commune for the non-redeemed.


All receiving the Christic molecule of the Lord.

All contemplating, at this Communion, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and expanding the Light of this Heart to the whole world and to souls, through this alliance with the Communion of Christ; radiating this Light to all our dear beings, brothers, sisters and acquaintances; our families, friends and companions; all receiving the Light of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which He emanates, at this moment, to all.

Let us place in the Heart of Jesus all our loved ones and the planet, affirming this union with Christ; all being relieved and consoled by the Sacred Heart of Jesus, present at this moment.

Let us feel the same embrace He gave His apostles at the Last Supper. And let us adore the King of the Universe through this Eucharist.


Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the Tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences
 by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion of poor sinners.


Now I can go in peace, for this moment is consummated, by internally giving you the first impulses of My physical Return to the world.

I bless you and grant peace to the world, and especially to those who are suffering.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We breathe in and give thanks for the Presence of our Redeemer.

For a moment, close your eyes.

On this last day of Grace and of celebration, let us return in consciousness to the Holy Land, and see yourselves there, with the men and women of Jerusalem and of all Galilee, looking for the footprints of the Shepherd who calls His sheep to follow Him.

Some will remember the events of My public life, others will remember the steps of Calvary, but all will find Christ, Who traveled through the Holy Land to call you to live a redeeming Love.

Some will remember the multiplying of the bread and fish, others will witness the call to the apostles at the Sea of Galilee.

But other souls have been where the Lord was, preaching and teaching, healing and curing the deepest wounds of the human consciousness.

How many of you sat at the Feet of the Lord, in the house of the just or in the house of the sinners?

In that time, humanity could never have understood My task until I carried the Cross.

I want you to feel called by Me, like in that time,  so that at this moment you move forward with My invitation, but now a great invitation for the entire world, all the tribes that left Israel expanded throughout the world and learned the Teachings of Christ through the Word of God.

Today I make a bridge in space-time so that you remember your commitment with Me; fishermen, women, elders, youth and children, present in the history of the Redeemer, within the experience of His Heart.

What would be the reason for Me coming to the world at this moment if it were not for what happened in the past?

That story, which was written in the Holy Land, will always be indelible. The whole universe deeply knows it, because it was a unique conjuncture for all of humanity.

Today your Guardian Angels are witnesses of this moment, of feeling deserving of the Graces of the Father, although the human heart may continue being imperfect.

But today I am like I was once on the Mount of Beatitudes, and from this sacred mount, today I emit My Message to the whole world, as the Christ who is returning. Raising My Hands to Heaven and opening the universes so that Divine Grace may descend, I tell you: amend your paths.

May your hearts heal.

May your lives be redeemed by the strength of the Love of God, that untiringly flows from the Heart of the Son.

Love each other, much more than you do.

Support yourselves in the strength of brotherhood, in unbreakable unity, in unchangeable fraternity.

Be ambassadors of My Peace.

May your hearts experience eternal gratitude and an untiring effort to follow Me.

Be marked and anointed by the Holy Spirit, because the time is coming for My return. There will be signs in the sky, but the much deeper signs will be within hearts.

You will feel moved by a greater power that will come from the Supreme Source to make of your hearts brave ones willing to carry forward My requests. Because in the hour that you are judged, I will defend you. In the hour that you are blasphemed, I will give you the power of My silence. In the hour that you are denied, I will give you My meekness, and you will experience greater things than those that I experienced, and in that hour, you will recognize them for yourselves.

For if you love one another, you will be recognized as My apostles, but if you love more and live the truth, you will be recognized as My peacemakers, for there will be no misery that cannot be resolved, there will be no desert that cannot be not crossed, no pain that cannot be healed, for one who believes in Me will have eternal life and will know what eternal life is.

At the hour of your death, I will come and help you, and the Law of My Mercy will justify your errors and faults due to all that you have experienced here with Me throughout the years.

But there is something that you must experience for Me, which is what I lived for you, solitude. And in that hour, your faith cannot be tepid, because if you believe in Me, you will overcome it.

From miseries, I will make new Christs; from deniers, I will make the redeemed; from sinners, I will make the blessed.

Trust in Me, just as I trust in you, just as I have trusted in those who abandoned Me.

My Gethsemane, in this time, is different. Who will risk living it with Me? So that My Mercy may continue to save souls and redeem hearts. Up to when I return to the world, you must keep this all in mind, in your consciousnesses, because you will need it.

Just as I am reminding you today of your commitment to Me, I am also making you the successors of the Work of My Mercy, as I did with the apostles.

The time will come when your home and your repose will be the whole world, and everything that you have learned here, through the Mercy of God, you will carry to the world and fraternally share it with your brothers and sisters so that they may feel My Presence and My Word. Your voices will sing in other spaces, your feet will walk in other places.

The New Testament of Your Lord Jesus Christ, the testament of these times, will arrive to souls of the different continents, and I will be there so that they may experience all they are to experience in My Name.

Infinite has been the Grace of God upon you.

The time has come. My Father needs to see the New Christs, not in appearance, but rather in life itself, in an unconditional surrender and the sacrifice for one goal, the triumph of My Love.

For this reason, I have come here and have founded the Congregation so that it may be the mediator, together with all the brothers and sisters of the world, who listen to the Word of the Lord, and prepare My Return in their hearts.

After seven Sacred Weeks...

I remain in silence so that you not only hear My Words, but that you feel them, because what is most important for Me, companions, is that you feel what I feel for you.

At the end of times, the challenge is great. The aspiration of Our Father-Mother Creator is great, but it is the only path that will have you return to Me once you have accomplished what I want, without anything in exchange, even in the greatest void.

In these seven years, I filled you with My Mercy, I listened to you in your prayers, I lifted you up from your falls, and always, always renewed you.

And just as I got up from the ground three times after having fallen with the Cross, today your cross can be transformed by the victory of My Love and My surrender for the world, by an infinite and absolute living of the Sacraments, by all those who pray and adore.

It is here where I will establish My pillars for My Return to the world.

There is so much that I have to give to the world, that My Love is still not understood. But I seized you, I seized your lives, hearts and consciousnesses. And I still need more, because after seven years, you are no longer the same.

Have you seen the miracle of faith? Faith is what took Me to the Cross and was what caused Me to kiss the Cross, three times, for your rendition, for your mercy, for your redemption.

My Blood continues to transfigure material life. Your lives, through the Sacraments, must be the new chalices so that I am able to enter and have you be a part of Me forever.

This is what will make Me return to the world with all My Consciousness and all My Being. You will be able to feel the Presence of your Master and the moment will come of the great re-encounter when I see you, face to face.

See My humble Face illuminated, showing itself to the world so that you may hear and feel the Heart of God.

I only want you to be in Me, so that I am able to be throughout the whole world.

Today I feel rested in you. Your love brings a renewal to My Spirit so that I may continue giving more for humanity. 

The healing that humanity needs today will come in a few months, and through that impulse that I have given during these eight days, many consciousnesses will change. The life of people will no longer be the same, because My Light entered into many hearts in these last days, and that Grace is incalculable.

For this reason, all that you may be able to do for the Plan of My Father is important, so that the Supreme Grace is able to descend and work. Believe that it is not your lives that act, but rather it is My life which acts through you.

Give up what you still have not given up. Redeem what you have not yet redeemed, for I will call you to greater works, just as I have called you throughout these times for this Greater Work.

And we now see around Our Lord, the twelve angels in charge of Divine Justice, that in their hands hold a flame of light.

Today I have brought here the most just angelic beings of the universe, so that they may be witnesses of this moment and of this last day of the Sacred Week.

Let us recognize the faults of the world and your faults, and let us ask for the Grace of reconciliation and forgiveness; let us do it inwardly.


God of the whole universe,
Who has created life
so that all may love You and adore You,
listen to the pleas of My companions,
close the wounds of hearts,
renew the spirits and consciousnesses
so that, given impulse by Your Love and Your Grace,
they may someday achieve redemption.”


By the merits of the sorrowful and suffering Passion of your Master and Lord, by the merits of the always Blessed Virgin Mary, and by the merits of all the server beings of goodwill, by the faith and the love of the consistent, by the sacrifice of the untiring, by the charity of the missionaries to heal the pain of humanity, and under the Divine and Celestial authority of the Eternal Father, I come to establish, by the merits of the Cross, not only forgiveness, reconciliation and healing for souls, but also that I will come here to live, with all of Mine, the eighth and last Sacred Week.

I will pray so that the borders of the nations and the peoples be open, so that they may come here and re-experience with Me the Passion of Christ, as the closing of the great impulse of the Son of God for humanity. Amen.

Let us prepare, in the Presence of Christ, for this special Eucharistic consecration, and let us invite our brothers and sisters of the world who are listening to us in this moment, in their different nations and peoples, to plunge into this spiritual exercise to be able to seal this Covenant with Christ after these impulses of the Sacred Week, and so that together, as from now, we may prepare His great and final coming in the year 2021.

Before beginning this celebration, in the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we will respond to a request of Christ, that the brothers and sisters of the choir sing the song "Face to face" at the end of this exercise, so that you may prepare for this moment.

And we here, bathed by this Grace that flows from the Heart of Jesus, offer this celebration in a profound act of gratitude, for all the Graces and impulses received directly from the Heart of our Redeemer.

Let us continue with the instrumental, please.

In the same way that we offer these elements from the altar, we will offer ourselves to Our Lord, in the same way that He offered Himself, today once again to us, so that we be deserving of His Mercy, and through His holy faith, we are strengthened to live the apostleship of these times, to carry His Word, His Love and His Peace to the world.

Those of us who can, may kneel for this consecration.

Before Jesus was given up, in a profound act of Love and of Mercy for all His companions and humanity, He took the bread, elevated it and gave thanks to God, deeply asking with His Heart that it be changed into His Body. Then Jesus broke it and offered it to His companions, saying to them: "Take and eat of it, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."


We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.


And a form of light entered the soul of the apostles.

The Supper having ended, He took the Chalice and performing the same exercise, He offered it to the Father so that it could be converted into His Blood. He then offered it to His companions, saying to them: "Take and drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Lord for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."


We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise you, Lord, and we bless You.



The Body and the Blood of Christ.

Blessed are they who avail themselves of this Sacrament.

Our Father (in Spanish and English).

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.

I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.


We announce at this time the spiritual Communion of Christ with all our brothers and sisters of the world.

We listen to three bell sounds.

Celestial Father who leads us all,
accept our offer of surrender to You.
Guide us through the path of Love
so that Your Will may be done.


This is the beginning of something more important for the world. A new story is being written and your lives are in the Hands of God. You are like a small feather with which He writes, to make all things new.

I am grateful for the fidelity, the love and the accompaniment of all the devotees of the world throughout this Sacred Week.

May the Celestial Church hold you. May the Celestial Church protect you from all evil. May the Celestial Church elevate your consciousnesses so that, someday, your lives and your hearts may merge with the Essence of the Love of God, and thus, His Will may be done.

With joy and rejoicing, I bless you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

Let us listen to the song that Our Lord requested.

Thank you all.




Marathon of Divine Mercy
Appearance of Christ Jesus during the 58th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

May the light of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be in this place and in the most needed places in the world. Amen.

And after you have accepted My call, now I will be able to return to Egypt, after having lived there as a child; but now the King will return, to break the people free from their slavery, to bring Peace to that place and to the Middle East.

And although the events are still unfolding in the world and in this humanity, I will take with Me the souls that are most in need and I will return to the hearts that are seeking Me the most, regardless of their belief or religion, because what grants life in this world is love; it’s love that keeps you alive, it’s love that allows you to breathe and dream for a better time, with hope.

The captivity will finish someday, not only in Egypt, but also in the world. That is why I must return to the places where I once was, as a child, young or adult, in the East, or in the Far East.

The spiritual importance ​​must be recovered so that the world does not lose peace. That is why I am returning to these places, as sacrifice and also as Grace, to bring to the hearts, again, the meeting with God from the inner planes and so that it can be mirrored on the surface, in the society. That will make everything more just and balanced, that will appease the suffering and the agonies, because it’s through the merits that your Master and Lord reached, in the Passion, that these Graces are possible in this world, and in your humanity.

I cannot stop saying that sometimes My Heart is sad for those who don’t understand, but the enjoyment of those who live Me and those who believe in Me and give Me their confidence makes Me happy, as you have done yesterday and today, in a simple way.

The Kingdom of God is the greatest treasure of simplicity for this world and for souls. If they are simple they will always live the Kingdom of God and He will always be close to your lives and above all things, He will be in your hearts.

I want this enjoyment and jubilance that lives within Me, time and again, to reach the whole world and not only South America. Now it’s time to live the apostolate and make it part of you in each stage of life.

Thus My Mercy will reach those who are suffering the most, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature, which in those parts of the world also experience their silent suffering because they cannot speak, like humans of the Earth.

I know that there is also suffering around you, sometimes in your families, in your cities, in your jobs, in your most beloved ones; but I ask you, for Mercy, to take one more step towards Me, and we will carry this treasure of love to the places that are most needed and that for thousands of years have received nothing, neither from the Universe nor from the Heavens.

I come to recover, through Egypt, the last human values because evolution continues and also the awakening.

The time has come, companions, to recover what you once lived with Me in the Holy Land and beyond it. This is not a theory nor is it an illusion, it’s time to live the Plan in a truthful way, it’s time to keep the Plan alive for as many hearts of the world as possible, for those who are looking for Me and do not find Me because they do not know the way.

Yes, you found the way out, but the world has not found it yet. That’s why I must return and return to the Core, from where everything is created, like the conflict, the war and the persecution.

Because this time, not only the Lady of Light will tread with Her feet upon the serpent, but also Her Master and Lord will step, with His feet, on its allies and defeat them so that they may repent some day. And there will no longer be a weapon against a weapon, religion against religion, because even though the most serious moment has not passed yet, even the impetus and the strength of My powerful Heart will be able to transform all things, when you only say "yes, Lord, here I am. "

In order to have permission to keep working, I will have the permission to continue transforming and unifying souls with God so that His heavenly Kingdom may descend to Earth and His Will be fulfilled because at the end of everything, His Sacred and Eternal Heart will triumph.

The fallen ones will be forgiven, the murderers will be redeemed, the persecutors will be loved and the evil will be dissolved, because evil doesn’t know the Love that comes from the Source. Evil is the incomprehension of the human consciousness for not accepting God's Will, as it was the Will of God to bring His Son to Earth to teach you the School of Love and Redemption.

I gather again, in this time, with those who stayed with Me at that time, whether in the consecrated life or in the spirit’s life; in the life of service, or in selfless life; in the missionary life or in the prayerful life.

May that commitment be revived by those who awaken.

May this commitment be reconfirmed by those who have already awakened so that the Will of the Creator can continue to be fulfilled in these critical times.

My Heart will embrace the Middle East and all those who are in that place, regardless of their condition or their condemnation. Because truly I say, companions, My Mercy is very great and still unknown. My Mercy is so great, that My Blood was spilled on the Cross, drop by drop, pain by pain, and anguish by anguish, to dissolve the evil of humanity and its eternal damnation.

It is the time to make My Love known to the world. And make the other peoples and races aware that I love them, as I love you.

Let them announce that I am returning to the world for the second time and that the heavenly Kingdom will be reapproaching to Earth with the angels and archangels, to put an end to the destruction of mankind and to dissolve the darkness by the intervention of the powerful Father, Saint Michael Archangel, Saint Rafael Archangel and Saint Gabriel Archangel.

The heralds of the Word of God will return to Earth, as it was in the beginning to the people of the Middle East.

And from there, a new history will be written and the suffering will be erased, bringing from Heaven the Books of God, opened, to introduce to the world His new Purpose in the New Humanity.

Blessed are those who live the prophecies and are rejoiced in them, because the Lord, the Almighty, will show His Power to the humble.

With this Light that I bring, I spread Peace towards the Earth, renewing this cycle and this moment for all; giving the chance for those who are confused, to be able to return to My way before the Portal closes.

May the hearts be raised to My heavenly Church and that in communion with the life of each being, everything be renewed.

The God’s Universe descends to Earth and in this simple place, the souls will always find God. Although My Presence is not accepted, I will always be here to embrace you with the Light of Emmanuel.

I come to bless you with the Word of Life. I come to anoint you with the breath of the Spirit. I come to baptize you with the Water that gushed from My Side on the Cross, as part of the Source of Divine Mercy, so that you may be sanctified by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Today there are no borders or separations between nations and peoples. The love that I could see here is what I need to renew times and above all things, humanity. It’s the love of those who congregate within My heavenly Church to receive communion from the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity, together with the angels of our Father-Mother Creator, Emmanuel.

Today, the Elohim, called resplendent beings of the Mental Universe, God’s angels, testify with Their fist that My mission in Egypt will be accomplished by the receptivity and the prayer of the souls who will collaborate to make this possible, and thus, My great Mirror of Mercy be lit in the Middle East.

Rejoice your hearts because you are following the right path. There will be no other place that represents Me on Earth, but just this one. Because I say to you again, companions, I come out of My Church to call the flocks that most need Me and that My representatives haven’t been worthy to welcome them with chastity.

May the love of the simple ones promote Peace on Earth.

May the service of the humble people restore the Kingdoms of Nature.

May the prayer of those who are congregated in community and in light, to transform the times in order that the Scepter of the Son of God may descend to Earth, put an end to human wickedness.

And now I will elevate to Heaven this offering that you have placed at My Feet, because truly I say that everything belongs to God, our Father, who is in heaven and today listens attentively to the Voice of His Son and His companions, in order to a grain of His heavenly Kingdom is being sown in this humanity, so that mankind may be recreated through love and good among men.

May everything be sanctified and may everything be elevated under the Ray of Transubstantiation. And that at the foot of the God’s Altar the offering of each human heart be placed, in this afternoon.

In the silence, companions, you can make your offering in front of My heavenly Church. I listen to you in the silence of prayer.

Celestial Father, who leads us all,

accept our offer of surrender to You.

Guide us through the path of love,

so that Your Will may be done.

Amen. (x3)

The offer has been accepted.

Those who will be baptized today, will be enlightened and when it happens, they will be converted.

Those who will be anointed today, will receive the Grace that they expect so much, but they must pray for it.

Father, you have become small so that the world will understand you and thus, you could get inside of the essence of Your children in order that they will vivify You and exalt Your Name, forever.

At the table of these new apostles of Mine, today I declare to you again, through this sacred formula that You have dictated to the humble Heart of Your Beloved Son.

Let the inner worlds listen to what your King and Lord of the Universe declares today: I ask all of you to take and eat of It, because this is My Body, which was given to men for the forgiveness and the surrender of sins.

My Lord and My Jesus, may the souls of the Earth hear the Voice of their Master and Lord, the Living Christ, who says to them: Take and drink all of Him, because this is My Blood, which was poured by men for the forgiveness of sins.

I ask you, for the times to come and the events that will come, do this in memory of Me in order for the Peace and Mercy of God to be present on the planet.

My Lord and My God, this is He who has given life for all and who has resurrected to return to the world, in spirit and divinity, in order to transfigure the Earth into a redeemed humanity.

Our Father, who art in heaven... 

And as I said to My apostles, My Peace I leave you and I give you My Peace; because your Master and Lord will always look at the faith of the members of His heavenly Church so that everything be repaired and humanity be cured of their spiritual sickness.

May this Peace be taken to Egypt and to the places that were entrusted by your Master and Lord and by His most sweet Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, so that Their Hearts of Service and Humility, of Love and of Hope, may reach the whole world. Amen.

Now give peace.

May the Earth repopulate with hope and may the hope renew the hearts that aspire to reach the Mercy of God.

With the voices of your hearts today I want to expand, through a song, the rain of love for the whole planet, giving the blessing to the world, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being with Me in the simplicity of the heart and of life.

Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the Sacred Week, Day 3, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón
My God,
I believe, I adore You,
I wait for, and I love Thee.
I ask for pardon
for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for
and do not love Thee.

Children of My Father, listen carefully to what I will tell you:

Here is the testimony of My living Love for you. Blessed are those who contemplate it from the heart, for they will deserve eternal life.

Listen, tribes of Israel, today spread throughout the Earth. Listen, peoples of the East. Listen, peoples of the West, for My Voice resounds in the four corners of the Earth.

Listen to your Lord, who is declaring the last time of His Mercy for humanity.

Raise the flags of peace among all the nations of the Earth. Light the flame of peacefulness in your hearts. Become reconciled between brothers and sisters. Become united between tribes, and may all be exalted by the coming of the Son of God.

Here is the testimony of My Love for you, made Body and Blood, for the reconciliation of humanity with God. Blessed are those who contemplate it in Adoration and in Communion.

Hear My Voice, tribes of Israel. The Almighty Lord is sending His Son a second time. Blessed are those who believe in His Words, because their eyes will open to see Him when He comes at the least expected moment, glorious and sublime among the clouds, announcing to the world the end of pain and the resurgence of hope in hearts.

Tribes of Israel, children of David, stop opposing each other. May the nations no longer rise one against another. A lot of innocent blood is being spilled in the world.

Today I come here for My beloved Holy Land, for Egypt, for Eritrea, for Sudan, for Syria, for Turkey, and for Greece. May humanity listen to the Word of God, while the angels bow down before the Divinity of the Son of God.

Be resigned for those who are not. Humble yourselves for those who do not humble themselves before God. May all hearts hear the Word of God. May they hear the Word of the Son of the Father, impregnated by His Divine Mercy and by His profound Pity.

May languages ​​and peoples unite. May borders and barriers no longer exist. May each one welcome their brothers and sisters and their fellow being, so that the Kingdom of God may guide them in this bloody hour of humanity.

May Our Father Abba bless those present. May those who are not blessed be blessed. May they receive from the Heart of the Son of God the encouragement to return to hope, the joy in continuing to live, the cure to heal their deepest wounds.

I want you to hear the voice of the One Who was among you as a Brother and Who once again, this week, pours out once again His Spiritual Blood over the world, so that Divine Justice will not descend upon a large part of humanity.

I would like that today, when your hearts are before the adoration of My Eucharistic Body, the universal teraph of all expressions of humanity, you could consciously and with your heart, take up the nations of the world, that suffer their own agony. In this Sacred Week, My friends, offer My seven agonies for Egypt, Eritrea, Sudan, Nigeria, Israel, Greece, and Syria. In that place I left for the world a treasure that many are still searching for, in their pilgrimage of faith.

But I come here to South America, to show you the Omnipresence of the Son of the Most High, because in His Omnipresence, He loves His creatures, in the essence of their spirits and souls, constituted of the molecule of the Love of God, from the beginning of their existence.

Today I want you to not only be sincere hearts, but faithful to My Call. I am opening the doors so that you may enter the new schools that My Heart offers you, in Its immensity and infinity.

Today seven adorers of this Order that I have constituted, will offer their Lord, their Most Holy Eucharistic Spouse, the flame of their hearts, lighting a candle at the foot of this Blessed Sacrament. And they will do it for each one of the nations that I have named, that suffer terror and the immense loss of My Divine Mercy.

I wait for them to continue. Keep your attention on the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, because My Eucharistic Body and My Divinity are present, working with the whole world.

While I wait, intone that song.

And so, I entrust you, dear daughters, to pray, as many others do, for each one of the nations that I have named, which are part of the sorrow of My Heart, in this Sacred Passion that at this time, I am sharing with all of you.

Relieve the agony of My Heart, so that, being able to come out of yourselves, you unite with Me, like so many of My servants, to clamor for this race, which is losing its project. But My Divine Mercy overcomes all those things when your hearts unite with Me in constancy and faith, and in spite of what happens, you respond to My Merciful Heart, so that I may be Mercy in you and you may be Mercy in the world that is suffering so much.

To all My adoring daughters and sons, today I give you the greatest treasure of My Consciousness, which is the spiritual Communion of your Master and Lord. Because each time you adore the Most Holy Lord, in the silence of your spirits, you must know that you will be communing fully with Me every day, until My Plan of Peace can be fulfilled.

The angels, like you, creatures similar to God, have in themselves the potential to divinize things, when they deeply and trustingly love.

I ask all of My servants, consecrated or not as adorers, that each day they encourage themselves more and more to penetrate this mystery, this teraphim and this symbol, which will elevate you in humility, renunciation, and sacrifice, for all that your Master desires to fulfill in the world.

Today, companions, I will take each one of you by the hand, so that you may accompany your Lord in this agony, which He sees happening in the world, day after day, and that does not stop. But the Power of God is stronger than all humans and all nations.

Woe to those who do evil to their brothers and sisters! Because on the day of My coming to the world, they will fear Me, because of so much Love that I will emanate to the ends of the Earth, until the new humanity arises.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us stand.

Children of My Father, revere that the One Who comes among the clouds, bringing the Love of God and Mercy, and making it live in all who trust in His Most Sacred Heart.

I am here to be close to you and never move apart, because what I have for each one is eternal.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing.

While I prepare the altar, to bless the water that will baptize souls in the Holy Spirit, let us unite in this moment with the Source of Love of God, which is what sanctifies the consciousnesses that unite to experience these sacraments in their essences, representing many more souls.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The Lord is preparing to live the most sorrowful moment of His Passion for humanity. And you must receive the sacraments, to be able to accompany Him on this path of the incessant search of His Heart.

"Lord, exorcise this incense, so that it may be as sublime as the angels of Heaven, who release all the creatures of the Earth from the evil forces.

Eternal Father, bless this water, so that it be more chaste and pure, and be as blessed as You are in the Universe.

Beloved Father, bless these candles, so that they may be Divine Light in the world, just as You made Yourself Light and expansion of Consciousness in all that is created. Amen.

Lord, Adonai, and Most High Father, You, Who created water to generate life in consciousnesses; You, who caused this element to be born, so that all may aspire to find Your sublime chastity; You, Who has given this element to all the planets and stars, so that this water would act as a Source of healing and reparation for all the wounds that Your creatures would experience through the ages, have it reflect Your Love in those who will receive the sacraments on this day. Lord, let it, in its chastity and essence, purge, purify, and cleanse what is impure, so that each heart that will be sanctified may find healing, renewal, and peace. So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Here, at this moment, Adonai, and through these elements, which are part of the humble that plow the earth so that the wheat may be born, and those who harvest the vine to nourish their bodies, today I again surrender to You, Lord, so small, humble, and insignificant among Your children, so that through this transubstantiation, hearts may find refuge in My Spirit.

I lift up, Lord, this offering, Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba, at the foot of Your altar, so that Your Grace may be poured out on Me, and My Grace may be in them, in all those who suffer and endure wars. So be it.

And today I will also ask for a song, companions, in order to lift it up to God, crying out for this Mercy for humanity; a song that represents the love of the Word of the Universal and Celestial Hierarchy, because My Word is like the water that quenches thirst. "My Word is living water."

I thank you for being in Me and for allowing Me to be in you.

Let us pray an Our Father for all the planet.

Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and shall be, for ever and ever. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

In this meeting we honor You, Lord. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
