May nothing move you from space or place.
May nothing occupy the dimension nor the temple of your heart; nothing that is contrary to love and truth.
Pray for your enemies, just as Christ taught.
Pray for those who were with you before and are now in the world, absorbed by the lie and the lack of transparency.
Pray for those who have despised Divine Will and chosen to live their own will as a means to lead their lives.
That the indifferent ones do not take your heart nor wear out your vitality and your energy.
To those who received treasures from Heaven and wasted them, to those who oppose the Work of My Son and now speculate and lie, the Divine Justice will come.
The Cosmic Plan is not a passing well-being.
That is why, one should pray for those who believe they are under My Mantle and are under the storm of these times.
Pray for those who are not true, for those who have lost the spiritual dignity due to their perverse and petty attitudes and today they no longer have the essential, they do not have God.
The choice of the human being is a double-edged sword that can condemn and destroy the life of one's own being.
Therefore, humility, resignation and obedience are what will always protect the path of the disciple, from himself and from the adversities of these times.
Whom truly loves the Will of God does not commit incoherent actions with the Greater Purpose.
I thank you for keeping My words with attention and consideration!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In My Heart I have a favorite refuge for each soul, a place to which it can return, and come back as many times as it wish.
In My Heart there is one of the Seven spiritual Temples of God, inner Temples that express a love and a wisdom for all that was created in His image and likeness.
My Heart is the favorite refuge for souls, the place where you may find consolation for the moments of tests, discernment for the moments of making a decision, healing for your spiritual illnesses, and mercy for your errors.
My Heart is the favorite refuge for souls, because there you will find universal Peace and your Heavenly Mother will intercede for your lives and for your consciousnesses, in order to take you more each day towards redemption, that sacred offering that My Son makes for you.
My Heart is the favorite refuge for each being, because It is a Heart that offered Itself for the world to suffer together with My Son, to rebuild the spirit of innocence which humanity had lost.
My Heart is the favorite refuge for souls, because in It you will find the revelation of that mystery of Love that moves the Universe and carries the Work of God forward on this planet.
I thank you for holding a memory of My words and for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Listen within your heart to the sweet Voice of the Mother of God, the celestial melody that in your chest lights the Fire of the Love of Christ.
In silence, listen to Her warm words and feel how within you the Peace of the Divine Mother can resound.
Withdraw into the deepest core of your inner temple and find the Queen of Heaven governing your consciousness and your life, making you a participant in Her consoling and divine Love.
Receive the presence of the Highest through the Holy Mother.
Commune of the humility and simplicity of the Mother of Heaven.
Make your heart like that of the Divine Mother, in feeling and poverty, so that your soul may receive the gifts coming from the Grace of God.
Open the deepest core of your temple so that the Mercy of the Divine Mother may work.
Feel Her Love near you.
Feel Her maternal caress and dissolve any bitterness.
Let the breath of the Holy Spirit reach your life and perform wonders for these times.
In your heart listen to the sweet Voice of the Mother of God.
It is time to experience reconciliation.
It is time to ask for peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May this conviction always emerge from your heart, dear child, that God dwells and lives within you, because thus each human aspect of life and of personality will become small before the true impulse of the essence.
In the essence of the creatures of the Earth lies the fulfillment of the Work of God and this Divine Project must awaken within the beings, in this time.
The essence in each being is an incalculable treasure and, at the same time, the human being itself cannot conceive what the Original Essence in itself means.
In order to have at least a little contact with this reality, the school of prayer offers to you this portal that will always lead you toward the intimate and deep encounter with what you truly are.
May more and more hearts dare, in this time, to enter the most intimate core of your inner essence, so that the principles of faith and of the communion with Christ may make of each soul an instrument of peace in the Hands of God, for this planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When souls sleep the dream of this world, their eyes close to all Truth and their spirits become susceptible to all the influences of illusion and planetary chaos. Because of this, today My hands are raised before My children, to remove from their eyes the blindfolds that cause them to fall into a deep and permanent sleep.
I come to remove you from inertia and the indifference produced by a life of amenities, which you oftentimes live, without even perceiving it.
I come to remove you from the vanity and pride that make you always desire more in the world of matter, placing the goals of your lives in a material conquest, in pleasure and in human power.
My children, those of you who live here were attracted to this nation to heal something deeply rooted within the consciousness of the country, to bring from the peoples who are more open to God, in a heart-felt manner, the fervor, the devotion and the simplicity that keeps you within the divine purpose.
And those who were born here in these times have the mission of overcoming the false tendencies to which the enemy calls you, to then reestablish the divine purpose here in this nation, which must become a model of conversion, and not of decay for humanity.
The Divine Messengers have come here, beloved children, to warn you that the moment to awaken has come, because all false strongholds will collapse, and the foundations of illusion will be broken by the Power of Divine Justice. If the inner temple is not built and supported by faith, you will fall like all those who are weak in spirit, and you will have no way of rebuilding your own lives within this world.
Children, this country has chosen to live the test which will show that, before God, without power and without possessions, it is nothing.
Souls are confused and their values are inverted. The search that they have come to live in this world is not that of material conquest, it was not an experience of pleasure and power, children, that you have come to live here.
If you spend all your lives struggling against Divine Will for yourselves, only attentive to the illusions of this world, what will you take from here? What experience of unconditional and Christic love have you lived? What have you imitated from the example of Christ? How did you experience the Divine Presence? Did you give anything of yourselves to others? Or did you just conquer for yourselves something that will be buried with your ignorance in this world?
My children, humanity is not perceiving the urgency of these times, and it is very far from true divine purpose. You are not interested in true love, you are not interested in giving of yourselves to others, but rather just demanding of your brothers and sisters that which brings you outer power and goods. It does not matter to you if your own benefit results in the suffering of many of your brothers and sisters throughout the world. It does not matter to you that your comfortable life is the result of an age-old imbalance, which enriches a few and impoverishes many of My children, who suffer in matter and in spirit due to those imbalances.
Children, I would like to have you at least reflect on the meaning of your lives, that you at least question yourselves on why and for what you are in this world, on what you are building in it and in yourselves with everything that you live? On what fills your souls each day? And on how you contribute to the evolution of humanity?
I come to invite you to the simple exercise of prayer, not only for yourselves, but for the whole planet. I come to invite you to have a consciousness that encompasses Life, the Kingdoms of Nature and your most distant brothers and sisters, and, may you feel that you are not alone, and that there are many in the world who suffer and need your help. In this way, you may live to bring balance to what you have so far generated as humanity, and you may renounce the poor pleasure and constant distraction so that those who suffer may receive relief and hope from God.
I invite you, children, to have a divine purpose in life, and not a material one. Understand that this world is just the beginning, it is a temporary school which defines the evolution of souls. Here you must learn to serve, to renounce and to be a conscious part of the Divine Plan.
I look at this country and I find many of My children distracted. Those who committed themselves to Christ at the beginning have forgotten that it is through renunciation and through sacrifice that God is reached. They have forgotten that it is by giving to one’s fellow beings that one receives from the Father what is needed. They have forgotten that it is through emptying oneself that one learns to love, that it is through accepting differences that it is possible to be transformed.
My children, I am here to remind you that this is the final time for Graces, that this is the time for the awakening of faith, because only in faith will your strength reside.
I humbly ask you to open your eyes, that you pray, that you serve and that you definitely wake up, because the test of this nation is imminent, it is right before you.
Those who know they respond to God do not need to fear, and those who are far from Him simply need to awaken.
I warn you, I show you the path, and I give you My blessings and Graces so that you may walk. Take your steps.
I love you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Mother of the Inner Church of each being
Dear children,
I am the Mother of the Inner Church of each being, I am the Mother and Guardian of the spiritual temple that resides in the essence of each soul.
This is why I am here, so that you remember the value of the sacred and of the eternal, of what is pure and of what will always lead you into finding peace in that perfect union with Jesus Christ, your Shepherd.
I am the Mother of the Inner Church of each being, and through it I watch over, I pray, and I adore in order to see My Beloved Son in the very depths of each soul.
This Inner Church is inexplicable, and at the same time, mysterious, because each soul that considers it and appreciates it in their lives, will sooner or later know that there are precious treasures that are inner and non-material.
I am the Mother of the Inner Church of each being and I guide consciousnesses through the prayer of the heart, so that they may always find within themselves that spiritual communion with the Divine Consciousness of My Beloved Son.
I am that Mother that will lead you by the hand to Jesus and I am the One that will give you the inner strength to overcome the obstacles.
I am the Mother of the Inner Church of each being and with My celestial armies I protect the souls that unite with Me from all perdition and destruction.
As the Mother of the Inner Church of each being, I come on this day to lovingly ask you to look inside of yourselves and see the condition of your Inner Church, your Spiritual Church.
I invite all at this time to, day and night, from cycle to cycle, reinforce this vital commitment of maintaining your inner worlds orderly and aligned with the Purpose.
I have taught all of you the great key that opens all doors, the key of the Holy Rosary; through it the Inner Church strengthens its existence and is able to keep within itself the greatest treasures that may motivate the soul to take its steps toward the Light of the Kingdom of God.
In this time, children, millions of Inner Churches are at risk because of the superficiality that dominates the human life and relationships.
Your families must be the sacred example of unity and goodness, so as to be able to protect the values of love, of service, and of fraternity.
Dear children, I am the Mother of the Inner Church of each being and I come on this day to warn humanity that it is very far from its true spirituality and that it is only centered upon itself, upon its benefits, upon its comforts, upon its modernities and upon its egocentricity.
I ask all My dear prayerful ones to live definitively in the sacred flame of My Immaculate Heart so that your consciousnesses, in the name of all, may be closer to the Goodness of the Father, to the Love of the Son and to the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
I call on all to be less indifferent to and more fraternal with world reality.
I want, My children, a perfect communion of your Inner Churches with the Celestial Father, in order to recover certain principles of light, which humanity loses day by day due to its pride and its arrogance.
By recovering the sense of harmony and of peace in the Inner Church, dear children, you will help the Mother Church, which is expanded and present all over the Earth, to be strengthened by its children and not by its governors.
In this way I invite you to not have power over anything and to remain detached from everything, so that the treasures of Heaven, which are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, may penetrate beyond the human consciousness.
Remember that as the Mother of the Inner Church of each being, I hope that My children may believe in the blessed redeeming message that My Beloved Son brings you in this time.
In this cycle, your Heavenly Mother appears outside of the institutional Church because the priests have not yet managed to go beyond the soul of people.
Thus, I come to teach you that all are essences created by God and that all without exception have a mission to fulfill before the Celestial Father, a mission that will allow the planet to be placed on a greater scale of rescue.
My beloved children, I announce Myself outside of the institution of the Church of My Son because He asked Me seek all the hearts that, on their own, destroy their union with the Celestial Father.
Thus, through this work I am forming new Christians, similar to the first that in the past testified to the presence of Christ within themselves.
This is why I come now for all of you, without leaving behind any child of Mine.
Remember that I am the Mother of the Inner Church of each being and that I am the Mother of all, not only of the Church, I am more than that and the time has come for you to come to know the Mother of the Sun.
Keep My words within, and on this day of consecration, may your hearts and lives find again the path towards the Inner Church.
I thank you for receiving Me.
Who accompanies you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
To the priests of the Americas and the world, favored children of the Most Holy Mother
Unite in heart and in the essence of Christianity, and have My call of Peace propagate all over the world.
Do not spend your time slandering My Name or talking about whether or not I am truly present with you or in your peers, whom some of My favored priest children persecute.
I am calling on you to be peacemakers with all beliefs and to care for the flocks of My Son. Do not allow the discord of My adversary to enter into your minds and be stronger than the love and the faith that move mountains.
Some of My favored priest children do not perceive that they are neglecting My Church, that true Temple you must protect and safeguard in each heart, as shepherds who were called by My Son.
Persecution among members of My Holy Church is very great, and also beyond this; do not allow the Sacred Heart of My Son to lament or be saddened; embrace your cross with love and do not make the cross of your brothers and sisters heavier.
I need you to look beyond yourselves, your ideas and your purposes, in some cases destructive.
The Work of salvation and of faith that your Heavenly Mother performs in this time, outside of the old Church, is so that you may learn beyond everything to embrace the purpose of conversion of all hearts.
Watch your actions so as to not fall into temptation, as some already have, generating human contention and division among souls.
Do not cling to the things of the world; let your priesthood be of value and entrusted every day to the Work of the Redeemer.
We are already in the time of unifying the Church with all those who in some way seek the Love of My Son, because what matters in this hour is that the angels lead souls to their redemption and conversion.
My Son taught you how to do it and it is not through twisted words, which make souls doubt the path they must travel.
My Holy Image is finally honored outside of My Church, for if at one time your Heavenly Mother fled to Egypt, because of the imminent danger of King Herod, it was to not only protect the Work of the Sacred Son, but to also allow Egyptians to feel in their depths the loving power of My Motherhood.
See, in this simple example, how always throughout time, I am calling all the sheep of My Son to lead them through the same portal, the portal of Love.
Do not, My favored children, let the flame of your faith go out because of your judgments or comments; the Lord expects to find you united with each other, in the greatest respect and love, and this also must be outside of My Church.
Thus I come to free you of your sins, so that My Son may give you absolution and you repent in time; in this way, you will renew your vows, and with Faith and Mercy, you will give everyone the Holy Sacraments to awaken love and salvation in their souls.
Occupy your lives with the sacred office, and just like the apostles gathered together in the Cenacle, obey the guidance of your Heavenly Mother.
I desire the best for each child of Mine, I aspire that peace not be lost among the priests of Christ and the people through the work of My adversary.
We are already in the Apocalypse, and I want to guide you, so you experience kindness and compassion for others. No longer persecute the sheep with your judgments nor waste time showing them your consecrated countenances for defamation and public revolution.
I love you and want you to help Me institute peace.
I thank you for taking in My sacred and last call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Unite your prayers with My supplications of light and let Me take care of all things.
Unite your aspirations with My plans of peace, thus you will realize how much there is to be done for this humanity.
Work with Me, and through My Heart with all those in need; through simple works, carry My divine Love to everyone.
Consolidate My twelve celestial attributes in your spirit and follow the Universal Mother along the pathways I indicate for souls.
Embrace charity and service as a legacy, thus you will see how many prodigies will happen through all those who give themselves to the rest and to My Heart.
With your hands, weave with Me the mantle of mercy, and through each act, restore what needs forgiveness and compassion.
Embrace charity and service as a legacy, thus you will see how many prodigies will happen through all those who give themselves to the rest and to My Heart.
Build you sacred temple in Me. May your life and your heart be the true oratory in these times, so that the lack of love is overcome and indifference is erased from the hearts that do not live God.
With your hands, weave with Me the mantle of mercy, and through each act, restore what needs forgiveness and compassion.
Do not fail to see around you the needs of your fellow humans, for My Beloved Son might be hidden within the suffering hearts.
Live My project of peace every day; that both in joy and in sorrow you see the Will of My Lord, and thus will learn to live your own cross not as a burden, but as the liberation from all error.
Trust, I am Your Mother. I do not abandon My little children, I pray next to you so that some day you do more humble things, just as My Son has done.
I love you and I pray for everyone in the Sacred Temple of the Heart of God.
Who blesses you in glory,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
As the Mother of Providence today I bring to all the principle of the spiritual wealth, that which is saved in Universe as divine knowledge and wisdom.
As Lady of Providence I pour over the world the Graces that will make possible to get know the true treasure that each soul keeps in their inner world. For this, children, despite the time of your purification, remember that the Love of God is kept in the inner world of each of you, a Love that moves the whole universe and that permeates all existence in this and others universes.
As the Mother of Providence I try to make My children recognize that My presence in your lives has the reason of awakening you to the quest for the spiritual wealth in each one. Children, this wealth that God, your Father, granted to the spirit of each creature, is beyond all arrogance, all false power and all material property. It is this divine treasure that the Divine Messengers come to awaken, to mature and to reveal in the life of each being.
But children, for you to be worthy of receiving the Grace of discovering your divine and spiritual treasure, you will have to overcome tests, surrender, humble yourselves, and furthermore, to live at least the path of humility; then, My children, it will be this cosmic and spiritual treasure that you will live in your dwelling, in that space of the macrocosm that God has saved to each soul.
In this way, dear children, when at the end of your days you have discovered this spiritual treasure, you will know that everything will have had a meaning and a higher reason in the experience of this world. If the souls put their attention in the divine treasures that they keep, it would not be necessary to suffer, mature nor to grow through the power of a higher pressure.
Your Celestial Mother teaches you to value the simple and true that is the life of spirit and as each soul has the inner potential of expressing God in their life and in the whole planet. It is this sacred spiritual treasure that My adversary does not want that be awakened, but My plans will be fulfilled above the adversities and fears generated in the souls, as far as each heart permits Me.
Children of mine, if you awaken this divine spiritual treasure, you will find the true meaning of being born to life and you will know that you have come here to fulfill a mission in the name of the Love of God. But most souls forget the meaning of the purpose that created them and, it will be through the praying word that essences will remember that they have come to the world to fulfill a mission, even though they may not be aware of it.
This last time that you are living will mark the next steps to humanity that will be purified, converted and transmuted by the powerful action of the Universal Laws, something that no one will be able to detain. Many of you that are already conscious and are able to work spiritually, seek this divine treasure, because it will permit you to find your lineage and the mission that must be manifested beyond the ego.
The things of Heaven are opposite to the realities of the Earth. Your Mother of Providence grants you this indication today, that you seek in time within each one of you, the true, and not the illusion that the whole world reflects by being each time more indifferent and blind. I tell you, children, that even with very few ones the Plan of the Most High will not be transformed.
For this, dear ones, the triumph of the heart through the awakening of your spiritual treasure, will generate a positive action in all of humanity, which is hypnotized. My aspiration of Mother is that you soon die to yourselves, as the apostles of My Son learned to die to themselves, surrendering the most profound fears.
The purification will set you free and thus, you may be seeds cultivated in the Promised Earth. As your Mother, I am here to guide you in faith.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who prepares you internally for the New Humanity,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
As a Star-Sun I descend upon the world to illuminate the abysses of the wounded hearts and thus rescue the souls from perdition. To each one of them I deliver the strength to be able to go ahead so that soon they may find the new path that will take them to Christ.
I Am the Universal Star that descends upon humanity in order to save it and put it back in the Purpose of God. I indicate the path to go through, thus no essence of God loses the Grace of meeting again its inner Christ.
I Am the Star of the World, the One that signalizes the coming of Christ to the hearts, the One that suspends Herself in the cosmos to radiate the Love of God and the One that lights the fire of the new devotion.
I Am the Star Guide of the navigators, of the souls seeking redemption, of those that wait patiently for the arrival of the Grace and of the great day of forgiveness.
I Am the Star of the Cosmos, I Am the Light that comes from God, I Am the Spirit of Purity, I Am the Spiritual Divinity of the Creator because My Heart sprouts from His Most Chaste Love and His Omnipotence expresses Itself through the perfect unity of the Creation.
I Am the Star of Hope, I Am the Mother that brings the spirit of redemption, I Am the one who works in the name of Christ and the one who builds the new inner temple.
I Am the Star of the celestial spheres, I Am that Bird that searches Her nest in the dwelling of the humble hearts, I Am the Mother who gestates the New Humanity.
I Am the Pure, the Invincible, I Am the Simple and the Humble, I am the Healing Mother who heals with Her Love, every sorrow. I Am the One who guides the lost ones, I Am the One who purifies the heart, I Am the Mother who cleans the stains, I Am the Queen of Love.
I come to this world to look for My children. I descend in Glory to call you because it is already time to awaken from the illusionary sleep. I come to establish peace in each inner world. I come so that you may discover the life that is lived in the stars. I come for the last time to aid you and in order for you to undertake a flight towards Heaven. I come to look for the best in each one and to awaken the sacred virtues that Christ left to you.
At this time I come so that you may prepare yourselves in consciousness and heart to receive Christ, Your Shepherd. I will not leave any soul alone, but I ask you to pray with Me always so that all may deserve peace and may awaken repentance in your consciousness. Thus you will be free from danger and from the ambushes of the adversary. Be intelligent and good, be meek, humble and truthful in this time.
The world is a lie, but the souls are the full truth of God. Search for the correct paths in order to have correct results. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived, the only consoler is Jesus Christ. Do not seek hope in anyone, but only in God, the Celestial Father.
From Him you will receive the strength and the power, from Him you will be able to have hope to walk. Only be truthful and nothing will happen to you. Because the time of worldwide lie will succumb and your hearts will have to be ready to pray with fervor and persevere.
Unite to My Son and adore Him, in Him is the way out, in Him is the path to Paradise.
I thank Brasilia, the Marian Center of Figueira and the Marian Center of Aurora for having prepared this special encounter.
Blessings of Peace on this day for My daughter María Shimani!
Who thanks you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children of Mine,
After your spirits resurrected in Christ, it will not be able to exist between you and My Son any contrary wind that can overthrow this perfect union that you have made with Jesus.
However, My adversary, that is cunning and controller, subjects the hearts to the point of cornering them beyond their issues and problems, but the hearts that live in the Heart of the Lord will not be submitted by the cunning of evil.
Children, the love for your fellows cultivated in your beings sets you free from any situation and friction that My adversary creates among the minds that are not united to the Love of God.
On this day, recognize that the critical times have arrived and that, everything that is under the Spiritual Universe of your Celestial Father, will be purified and transmuted by the rays that His Heart spreads throughout the Cosmos.
Receive from My Spirit the most holy blessing, that which will make you invincible as long as you remember to profess the sacrament of the communion and the internal state of luminous prayer.
Dear children, the current time sets a before and an after. From what you have been you will not be able recover anything, and from what you are not yet and cannot wait for results.
Your consciousness and your matter are in constant transmutation, led by the hands through the beginning of the permanent purification.
When the time of purification reaches each one, you will count on My Maternal Guidance, so that you may avoid mistaken and take the wrong path. In this way, the law of purification will allow you, when it is lived in peace, that you may be able to find new staircases of consciousness and, in this way, ascend in trust to the Kingdom of God.
Do not fear, the internal resistance will be the first wall to be broken. However, if your love is pacific and full, the whole structure will be dissolved, and I promise you that in this moment you will be freer than the birds in the sky.
The time is indicating an inner preparation because now the school of prayer that I teach you will allow you to transcend any difficulty, and when you are free from the human prisons, you will find the site of the sacred temple that lives forever in your hearts.
I thank you for answering to My call.
Who blesses you under the essence of the Holy Spirit.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I give My Peace to all My children and today I call you to trust in God, because in the end of these times your faith must be mature and it must be impregnated by your prayer.
My children, carry in your hearts the Love of My Son because it is in the Love of My Son that your lives will find the trust that all need before the mystery of God.
Dear children, while the times are changing, your prayer must be pronounced as nourishment for life. Therefore, may in your hands arise the prayer given and radiated from the heart. Seek the Source that nourishes all things, may it be the water that quenches the thirst of your hearts and of the hearts that are alone in life.
Your communion with My Son through prayer will reveal to you the power that love has when it awakens in souls.
Dear children, your hearts must be temples that are redeemed and consecrated to the Living God, the Almighty God that is aware of everything, that loves everything, that knows everything.
Therefore, My children, may your consciousnesses, within the trust of God, embrace the Love of the Most High so that, together with the angels of Heaven, you may help all hu- manity. May your hearts not fear for anything; may you walk with bravery to accomplish the beloved Purpose of God.
Dear children, open your arms to all so that the heart may show you how simple it is to love with devotion.
My little ones, the love of each one of you will give life to that which seems to be lost and will bring healing to that which seems to be in pain. The Love of My Immaculate Heart is the primordial reference for your lives. The one who is in My Son is also in My Heart, is in the Great Consciousness of God.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Embracing the Star of the Universal Peace that announces the new time, today I call you to include in your task of prayer all humanity so that it may walk within the new cycle; the whole planet so that the Light of God may continue illuminating; the whole Universe so that together we may commune with all Creation.
My children, a special request is that you pray for all of My children in India because My Maternal Heart has now begun the path of salvation in all the world, before the return of My Son.
Dear children, for this reason today your hearts must focus on these important maternal requests so that the Plans of God manifest themselves in each sector of this humanity.
My children, your prayers will collaborate with the cycle of the New Time that is coming. Thus your hearts and your souls will be able to prepare themselves for the Good News of Christ that emerges for the second time.
Dear children, I invite you to enter into the cycle of deep changes in consciousness so that your true spirit of peace may awaken in time before the events.
Little children, for this to happen your life must be united in prayer to the Creative Universe of God and thus, your aspiration for the Infinite will be true. From there comes the Holy Spirit; from there the Source of Wisdom for all Creation is born.
Therefore, dear children, may your hearts open themselves for the new because the moment has arrived to unite the hearts in love and in the task, preparing your beautiful Inner Temples to receive My Son, the Savior.
I thank you for responding day by day to My call!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Thank you for responding to My call for peace and for the conversion of the hearts that each day distance themselves from the Love of the Creator.
My children, do you really know why you are My dear children?
Because I want to teach you to love no matter what the circumstance.
Because I want to open your Inner Temple to the Glory of God.
Because I want you to open your eyes to the Light of God.
Because I want to erase conflict and lack of peace in all My children.
Because I want you to pray with Me and to remember how important it is to unite to one another in prayer.
Because I want to recognize your hearts as I recognize, as Mother, the Heart of My Son.
Because I want the souls to be one, as My Son and I are one with God.
You are My dear children because Jesus entrusted your path to Me from the beginning.
Because I want the world to be a Kingdom of Peace.
You are My dear children so that you may learn to forgive, to reconcile and to live in the Love of God.
Because I need your sincere response in prayer as in the communion with Christ.
Because I want to consecrate your lives so that humanity may be consecrated.
Because I want you to be humility in life to quench the thirst of those that are alone.
You are My dear children because I want you to live in Peace, because in Peace you will always find Light and shelter in the Heart of God.
Because it is necessary to liberate the causes of the past to be born under the Light of the new.
Because I want you to be in God.
Because I want you to live as souls and to let go of all control.
You are My dear children because I want to reveal to you the only truth, the truth of love, which will lead you to be able to forgive and thus reconcile your hearts.
Dear children, all My intentions are united by means of prayer; it is the path that will lead you towards the Truth and the Life that Jesus represents.
You are My dear children because I love you as hearts and as essences, because God observes the beauty that He created in you through the power of His Love.
My children, when you are empty, God will fill you with His Eternal Love and your faith will become as strong as iron. Nothing will prevent your life from being joy, even in the arduous tests.
When you are in God nothing will separate you from Him because there, Jesus, His Kind Heart, and My Maternal Heart will be with you illuminating for you the path towards Eternity.
Open your Inner Temple to the Great Heart of God and you will be perpetually in His Trust.
I am here today because you have prayed with Me, and this Grace has descended through My Maternal Arrival in each one of your lives.
Be brave and never stop the pulse of love in your hearts.
I am celestially thankful for your inner pilgrimage!
Joy for your day.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children:
Be in Jesus and live in My Son so that your hearts may prepare the inner temple for the coming of the Greatest and Venerable Redeemer.
Today I call you to deepen into the path of prayer because in this way, dear children, you will remain with your hearts and lives more elevated, distant from the temptation of the world. I want to be with you, accompanying you from the immensity of My Immaculate Heart so that your steps may follow the paths My Son will reveal to you in His Return.
Keep in your hearts all that as souls you may live through prayer, because in this exercise true love may prevail in your hearts. For this My children await in My Son the new, the good and the pure, but before all you must know that you will need to build a path permeated by My Peace and My Love.
As Mother Co-Redeemer, I bring you daily to My Son because this world still diverts the souls from the purpose that God reveals to each little heart. I am here, among your lives, to guide you and show you how it is to come to My Glorified Son.
The good exercises of faith and prayer elevate your hearts as the great towers that are in vigil over the presence of the light of God. Never forget that you must turn to God with eyes of peace and forgiveness so that the purpose may be fulfilled in each one of My children.
Know My dear ones that the prayer donated through your hearts helps in the salvation of all My children, the ones who still live without hope and without peace.
I call you to perseverance through the powerful and luminous Heart of Christ.
Peace for the world, because every day humanity needs Peace, the Peace of God.
Thank you for answering My call.
May My Voice reverberate with love in your hearts.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Dear children,
Today raise Your arms towards the Celestial Kingdom of My Heart so that your hearts may be able to be purified. The soul that surrenders to the Will of the Father, My children, is a soul that gives itself and trusts in the True Love of God.
Dear children, in order for the changes in life to be manifested in these final times, it is necessary to accept, with braveness, the conversion of the heart. When you have converted the heart, you will know that faith has alighted like a living flame in your lives.
Dear children, while a part of the world dissipates itself from not recognizing God, I ask you for constant prayer so that My Immaculate Heart may assist all the children of the world. For a greater conversion of the heart, it is necessary that the changes of life happen through consecration to My Immaculate Heart.
Therefore, dear children, live the power and strength of the heart through love so that life may, every day, be as an Inner Temple to God. The path of pilgrimage in each one of you must reach the depths of the soul, thus the victory of the Love of My Son will touch each one of your souls. I wait for you in prayer as wayfarers and as hearts that at each moment aspire to find the Father.
Dear children, souls easily forget the Presence of the Universal Father. For this reason I am amongst you so that all of you may remember how important is to be in the Lord. The Lord guides you. The Lord knows you. The Lord loves you. Therefore, live the ultimate time of Mercy.
The world cries out for conversion, but it does not know how to start to live its own rehabilitation. I invite you to contemplate prayer from the highest place in your hearts. There you will find Me converting the world and the souls through My Immaculate Love.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Wisdom for your hearts.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more