I do not look at your mistakes, but rather the potential and the capacity of the talents that I once gave to you.
So feel encouraged to discover, to feel and to perceive what each Gift that I gave to you can awaken upon the Earth.
Be the depository of My Graces, beyond your imperfections.
Understand, My child, that of you I need to make a new life so that you may be a new instrument.
Surrender to Me, again and again. Make yourself small and insignificant in everything.
Let My Truth pierce your heart so that your consciousness may learn to love without limits or obstacles.
Walk decidedly towards Me because, through Me, you will find the sure door to humility and to inner divestment.
Remember that you are part of a Project and that, through this Project, your life will be completely transformed.
Trust in Me and surrender to Me all that you are, you will thus be reborn every day.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Now open the tabernacle of your hearts so that, during this next Nativity of the Lord, I may enter and finally be a part of your small lives.
Between you and I only a breath of Love exists. Between souls and God a powerful divine union exists.
Open the tabernacle of your hearts so that I may place My most precious gifts within you and so that those gifts, that one day will change into sacred talents, may be at the service of the Plan of God.
Simply open the tabernacle of your heart and all will be realized, and will be accomplished in your lives, according to the Will of the Most High.
Leave your inner tabernacle open so that your soul and all of your consciousness may live the preferred union with Me, through the Restorative Communion with My Body and with My Divine Blood.
I hope to enter the tabernacle of your heart so that you may receive the nonmaterial and spiritual help that you need.
Leave the tabernacle of your heart open to Me, for I wish for us to be one, so that, in perfect simplicity and love, we may be one in the Father in order to be one in Truth and in Justice.
On the eve of the rebirth of the Universal King, may your inner tabernacles be open, in vigil and in prayer, so that the Spirit of the Supreme Son may be within the Christs of the New Time.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I will always be among those who most need My Love and in a special way My Omniscient Divine Mind is projected peacefully upon those who in truth invoke My Greater Name.
I Am the Son of the God of Humility. Those who come to Me find a safe path to reconciliation and to peace. In My Merciful Heart exists no deserts, there only exists the Source of Life that will nourish you and will quench your inner thirst.
Today I want to dedicate My Gratitude and Blessings to those who pray because it will be only through them that I will be able to reach the sick humanity in spirit and in consciousness. It is by means of the praying souls that My Flocks are gathered in this time to silently prepare in the depths of My Heart the return that each child has been waiting for, for such a long time.
Some will see Me coming in Glory, others will recognize Me through inner dialogue, but those who do not listen to Me, who will help them?
For this in this era in which you live, an era advanced in matter but slow in spirit, My Heart wants to provide you with gifts that may help you to awaken the talents of the spirit.
Some will awaken the talent of joy that will heal the sadness of those who live in the desert of loneliness. Others will awaken the talent of charity, that which will balance the lack of donation among brothers and sisters of a same divine project. In other beings will be awakened the talent of fidelity and of supreme will, that which will serve to order and evolve the future humanity. And an unforgettable talent for My Heart is the talent of the true love, that which spiritually builds all that seems to be separated and that repairs the hearts that feel dissatisfied in soul and in life.
Before My Return, the Holy Spirit of God will reveal these talents, those that will permit to dissolve the evil in the heart of humanity and that will raise again all of those who, by their own actions, have fallen into the abysm of the Earth.
Give thanks day and night for being able to be conscious in this great spiritual moment that today you live with Me, because in your name many have today received Mercy and Pity. I Am present in the heart that trusts, in the meek, loving and the peacemaker. I Am returning to the dwelling of the pure ones and of those who are willing to tell Me: “Yes Lord, come to me and stay in my heart”.
May in this hour of Infinite Mercy spring from your beings the eternal gratitude to your God of Love.
Under the Greater Good of God, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus
In the face of the circumstances and tests of life I beg and I implore My Followers to not lose My Peace, My Light and My Mercy for anything because we are near the times of changes and of purification for the consciousnesses.
For this you must be with Me present all the time. Now it is not enough only to pray to My Heart at some hour of your lives but you must remain all the time in My Heart of Light.
The currents will come to encounter humanity and My most available and least fearful Disciples will be the ones who will give testimony of My Presence and of My Upcoming Return. In this way I train, by means of merciful prayer, the soldier apostles of the Redeemer Christ so that surrendered to My Divine Fire and donated to My Law of Love, they may reach the most suffering corners of the Earth where is needed a true word and the action of love and of peace.
In this way I will raise My Promised Church so that through My Spirit all of My Followers of peace may unite themselves in the mission of the Great Fraternity.
Dears, raise the flags so that those who constantly shipwreck in the ocean of loneliness and of despair may enter into My Ocean of unfathomable Mercy and Piety.
I return to overthrow with My Light the idols that have created sinuous paths for the souls. I come in Glory and Justice to liberate the doors of hell so that those who still do not see My Precious Light may be fed by the love of My Creator Father.
I unite you and I do not want that you separate yourselves. I love you and I ask you that you truly love each other because the time will come to confirm the fruit of the talents that I have left for humanity.
Believe in the power of My Infinite Mercy for these times. Believe in the strength of My Redeemer Love. I love you and I bless you always.
Under the love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for meditating on My Words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Children of My Father, come and enter into My Heart if you truly want to be apostles of My Sacred Mercy.
Today I come to wake up one more part of My flock. I come to summon the sheep that faithfully follow My Heart so that they may confirm the vows of trust in the words of God.
If your beings truly aspire to live the Laws of My Kingdom I tell you that you will have to walk much, that there is much sacrifice to live from now on. But those of you who say yes to Me and who renovate the commitment with Me will always have My hands to sustain you and to elevate you each time that you see yourselves fallen.
Dears, do not worry about the falls because only the soldier that takes the risk of walking can fall. And for those I come every day.
My sacred eyes of Mercy observe you always and accompany your awakening and your walking, ready to impel you each time that it may be necessary.
I asked to be among My favorite flock because I know the need that each sheep has of being by the side of its Shepherd and Redeemer.
Feel at this moment and all of the days, by means of My words, the true power of My Mercy because the time has passed, all have before themselves the keys for transformation. I am no longer able to see soldiers that stay behind from being asleep.
Soon will come the time in which I will knock on the door of your houses to reclaim that which was given to you so long ago so that it could be multiplied.
From those who so many times have heard My Call I will seek the multiplied gifts and talents. And about those who have never heard the Voice of the Master, I will try to enter into their hearts
and I will deposit there the Sacred Mercy that will exist until the last moment of this test that My soldiers and My servers are taking today.
Listen to My Voice and multiply My Love.
Today I bring all to you.
By the Grace of God, be blessed.
Christ Jesus.
My dear ones,
If you call upon Me, with love and truth, I will come to help those who, from Earth, call for My Merciful presence. Thus, I will free you from all evil and temptation, and at the moments of tests I will strengthen you like oak, and I will give you a strong spirit, like iron.
For this, you must know that, if you think of Me, if you feel Me or call Me, there I will be, because I accomplish the Will of My Father for this world, and you can live the Will of My Lord through Me.
There is still time to find Me, at each moment of life and everywhere, because, as you know, My Being is hidden inside the heart of each soul.
Look at Me in the eyes, because in this way I will be able to guide you and indicate the next step to you. Each moment that you are living now is unique and valued, but it is also time to place in order and correct the inner temple. You have Me for this. I Am along side those who call Me and open the door to Me.
I want from My sheep the best that they can give because the moment is approaching in which the King will come to ask His servants for the talents that I have left for them, and the talents that they have been able to achieve. You are on My Path to redeem yourselves. You are on My Path in order to be able to see the reality of your consciousness.
Only a peaceful and gentle love can mold the old wineskin and leave it like new in order to allow the Almighty to serve Himself of it. I want to pour the new wine, because the peasant has already harvested the fruit of the vine for preparing the supper of the Good News. You are invited to prepare My Return and to have in mind that I only want to be Love in your lives, redemption in your consciousnesses and mercy in matter.
Remember that you can return to Me, I will await you.
In the Glory of God, be blessed.
Thank you for keeping My precepts of redemption in your hearts.
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more