Dear children,
May the Peace of Christ be in you and, at this moment, in all of Brazil.
With a special predilection, I am side by side with each prayerful child who, on these days, offer themselves to continue with the Prayer for Peace in Brazil.
To God, the last events in Brazil show the lack of unity and peace among brothers and sisters of the same people. Therefore, continue raising your prayers to My Heart of a Mother so the Lady of Aparecida may step with Her Feet on the head of the cunning serpent that wants to place you against one another.
My dear children of Brazil, do not forget your original roots and your culture. Your people, who has always been blessed by God, comes from sacred traditions and teachings.
Return now to your origins. Allow yourselves to recognize one another as one Brazilian family, a warm, joyful, serving, loving family that is willing to help.
No longer lose yourselves in that which is superficial and deceptive. Believe in the faith that has always characterized you and surrender your people and nation by the Feet of the Lady of Aparecida.
Do not stop praying for Brazil. I wish my heart to be the one that triumphs in this beloved people. In this way, My children will reach Peace.
With My Hands united in prayer for this moment, I ask you, My children, for you to be peacemakers of the Lord.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Open the door to Me, My son, My daughter, because I will enter into your spiritual prison and remove you from there and free you from the constant captivity.
Let My Heart dissolve the chains that keep you imprisoned.
Today I come to give you the inner freedom that you seek so much.
Do not believe nor think that you will stay there forever. Dare to disconnect from your daily routines, from all the aspects of superficial life, from those that lead you into error.
Believe in the power of reconciliation and in the power of healing. Accept with gratitude this inner freedom that My Immaculate Heart can offer you.
Let your Heavenly Mother tear down the existence of that old prison of the consciousness and from there begin to fly high until you reach the last Heaven where you will find Jesus, seated at the table of the Eucharistic Celebration; so that, thus, you receive His Body and His Blood as a symbol of inner restoration and of the strengthening of the alliance with His Divine Spirit.
Receive then, His most loving blessing and imitate Him so that in this coming time, all may be renewed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The art of learning to be prudent
In this end time and in this life, prudence must become a permanent art in the spiritual life. By acting with prudence, many situations generated by my Adversary, through the stimuli received by the consciousnesses, will be prevented from taking place.
To be prudent at this time will help to prevent the destiny of events, so that certain experiences arising from imprudence will be avoided.
Imprudence is the opposite of precision and rhythm. At this time, in which humanity is placed in parallel dimensions through its actions, the imprudence of the disciples of Christ can no longer be overlooked.
The consequences of imprudence lead to emotional and mental instability of the human consciousness, because this is how humanity faces unforeseen situations without preparation to overcome them.
For example, the wars as well as the hunger that are experienced in some nations at this moment, are not only due to lack of prudence, but also as a result of the choice that goes beyond the material plan of the planet.
Imprudence generates in the consciousness different levels of mistrust and, inevitably, strengthens disobedience to the Law of the Hierarchy, which generates a learning that is also unforeseen in its evolutionary destiny.
Children, it is very important that you learn, in this cycle, to be prudent with a certain level of consciousness, because the attitude of prudence will lead you to be always at peace.
Imprudence has awakened in humanity the dominion of the actions of life, as well as the destiny of the nations. Imprudence could be fatal, because an insignificant action impregnated by a personal or group impulse, as it happens in these times, could change the course of the Project that the Father has thought of, whether it has to do with a group of consciousnesses or with the whole planet.
Humanity in this era is based not only on indifference, but also on the complex states of imprudence leading to the development of unusual and unnecessary events.
At this acute and crucial time for humanity and the planet, the conscious acts of prudence will correct the excessive impulses to spontaneously carry out personal, group and heroic actions.
From now on, you must act as the Hierarchy does, measuring the timing of events and decisions with observation, neutrality and patience. The chain of imprudence must be cut by prudent acts of true spiritual beings in service to the Plan of God.
While there is still material time, take advantage, My children, to perceive and learn about true spiritual prudence, based on the Law of Obedience and on the Law of Hierarchy. In order that your consciousnesses may reach this purpose of spiritual prudence, you must strive every day to be more attentive to your own motivations, ideas and expectations, because the Plan of the Hierarchy at this time is treated with caution and with much discernment.
The task to be developed by the Celestial Hierarchy cannot be treated in an imprudent and superficial way. It is at this point that your consciousnesses and hearts must pay attention.
It is also not recommended, children, that your lives and consciousnesses in this serious cycle of humanity be imprudent, with impulsive and selfish expressions.
To be prudent in the foreseen Plan and with the Hierarchy will determine, at this end time, the ability to be able to remove from your minds any personal, group, regional or worldwide idea.
Imprudence is the second spiritual disease of Humanity. Therefore, children, it is time and it is the moment for you to grow, not only because of the impulses that prayer brings to the heart, but also because of a greater attention that you must have from now on. This will liberate you from being debtors of the Plan by acts of imprudence or negligence.
It is a major effort for the whole Spiritual Hierarchy of the Light to follow the reality of this planet. At this moment, It premeditates before making decisions. This is so, dear children, because we are in times of battles and of profound definitions; that is why I warn you with all the Love of My Heart of a Mother, so that each day you are less distracted, more silent and attentive to the final events that are approaching.
This attitude, of a true thinking being, that must be conscious of all that must be fulfilled for the Plan, will also help to dissolve the global hypnotism of human indifference, a situation that does not allow souls to perceive the planetary suffering that exists in each people, in each nation.
Ask with faith so that, every day, the Holy and Divine Spirit may help you to build the basis of a true and conscious spiritual prudence; thus you will be transforming the mental consciousness of the planet, which is quite altered and charged.
I join every praying Heart that opens itself to grow inwardly and without distraction.
I thank you for being prudent and attentive from the heart!
Who helps you extraordinarily,,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Prudence: Quality or virtue that consists of acting with reflection and discernment to distinguish between good and bad, and thus avoid unnecessary dangers and damage.
While the world sleeps a deep sleep of illusion, I call you to a true awakening.
While many see the hells opening up and burn in the fire of eternal suffering, I come to show you the Kingdom of the Heaven and give you simple keys that lead you to the Eternity of God.
While the world demands efforts from human beings to win in competition with others, I ask you to struggle to overcome yourselves and to be defeated by the Power of My Son.
While the world asks you to suffer in order to acquire material goods and that you give every last drop of sweat from your brows to build your own material kingdom, I come from Heaven to tell you that nothing that you accumulate in this world will enter My Kingdom, and whoever wants to follow in My footsteps must divest themselves of everything and leave to the life of illusion what comes from it and belongs only to it.
I come to the world to change the laws and reform human concepts. I come as Queen of Heaven, the Mother and Lady of Creation, to place you once again on the path that leads you to the Consciousness of God.
I am here to make you unlearn, die to the world and be reborn to the life of the spirit. But many prefer to continue holding on to their own will and tendencies rather than following the Voice of God, manifested on Earth through His Messengers.
Many believe they are following the path dictated by God by the simple fact of listening to My voice, and I come to tell you that until you live My Words, in the path is being trodden, and you will be deceiving yourselves when being in My presence and believing it is enough to come to Me.
Children, today I tell you that, throughout the history of humanity, many stood before Me, but the urgent need to follow their own aspirations was greater than the willingness to follow in My footsteps, and until today, after so many centuries of existence, humanity continues to run the risk of not accomplishing the Plans of God, and the majority of humankind does not fear losing their evolution, because they do not even recognize the existence of that evolutionary path.
With all of this, I want to tell you that I do not just look forward to seeing you before Me, because that is not enough. What is gained by coming to meet Me if after a few minutes, you will again be submerged in the energies of this world and are not capable of choosing brotherhood in the face of competition, understanding in the face of anger, love and forgiveness in the face of indignation?
To live My words, My beloved ones, is not to accomplish great heroic deeds of sacrifice and of conversion.
I want to see you choosing the Path of God when the adversary tries to convince you to follow its steps of dissociation. I want to see you saying 'no' to the illusions of this world, and 'yes' to the fulfillment of the Plans of God. I want to find you searching with all your strength for the path of Light, being a beacon for those who dwell in the darkness and not falling into the same abysses as your fellow beings.
My voice will not echo in the world for very long. God asks Me to announce the coming of the times of transition to beings, a moment when humanity will have to choose, by itself, to follow the Plans of God rather than their own. It will be only in that moment, when the power of love for the Creator is greater than the forces of chaos within the self, that His Son will cross the Heavens and will descend from the clouds, announcing His definite victory.
My beloved ones, do not play anymore with the path of evolution, because there is no more time. It is time to define yourselves.
I love you, I guide you and awaken you to the manifestation of the Plans of the Most High.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Divine Word
Dear children,
I come to ask the world to convert itself into a true mirror of prayer that reflects peace for itself and for the lost souls.
Who will accept My offer?
Who will understand the urgency of My message?
May your lives be a mirror of Prayer, of Mercy, of Piety. Permit that, in these times and through prayer, the celestial spheres of the mirrors of My Heart radiate those all the time.
The definitive hour approaches and I must train My praying mirrors so that they may reflect the true principle of humility, of purity, and of simplicity.
My Heart congregates you through the sacred vigils of prayer, so that after almost three years of continuous prayer you, My children, may learn to work at the planetary level. For this, every month I ask you to gather in order to pray with the heart, more than with words; the true ability of praying is found in the art of knowing to love it, beyond knowing or not the language in which it is being prayed.
Children, a true mirror can be the soul itself, which is the first to receive the impulse of the spirit, and the spirit is filled by the celestial spheres of prayer.
Every month, as your Mother and Universal Governess, I have attempted to make you learn correctly about this school of the mirrors of prayer; a school that is based on unity, on the non-competition, and mainly, that is free from arrogance and from human pride, because these are the aspects of the superficial human life that poison the life of a praying-mirror-soul.
This school in which many participate is constituted by the most simple and surrendered in order to search all the time for the path of the prayer of the heart that is the first school for the Christic discipleship. To be a mirror does not mean to have ability or self-impetus; to be a mirror is to be in a permanent inner emptiness, because the being’s inner strength to reflect good things is given by the Love of the Celestial Father that lives in you, since He is the Greatest Mirror of the Creator Mercy.
Dear children, why do I tell you these things?
Because in order to fulfill the mission entrusted by your Heavenly Mother it is time, through the instruction that you have received, for you to be able to reflect good principles and fraternal attitudes. As long as your lives be under self control and your determination, in truth I tell you, dear Children, that you will not be able to reach the state of a true and pure inner mirror.
The planet needs true emanations of Mercy, and this will be possible when you let go the reins of personal power and of the pride that blinds you.
I come to guide you towards My Kingdom of the Greater Mirrors, where sources of life and of light-energy that radiate to the whole universe exist, which is the first school of your great learning.
If one day you decide to surrender to My Heart I will be able to count on you as part of My praying army of the Mirrors of God’s Mercy. I wait for you and I ask you to reflect good actions. Abandon the old being, and take advantage of the last Grace that I bring to you.
Peace and Redemption!
I thank you for answering to My Call!
Who elevates you to the Mirror of the Inner Healing of the Kingdom of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
May in times of battle, only exist peace, and may the peace of the heart manage to absolutely reestablish the love of God in the poor hearts that have lost it. For this, children, in this time, Your Celestial Mother comes from Heaven in order to prepare you to live the great spiritual battle that the Woman Dressed of Sun will hold against the enemy.
Live the peace of heart in this hour, and may your lives, passing through the cycle of purification, only find a favorite refuge in the Heart of My Son. But, while the King who will banish evil does not arrive to call you to live the last supper of this cycle, your Celestial Mother is already running to the desert and protecting Her children from the sharp claws of evil.
My dears, the time of definition has already arrived. Do not turn your faces away from the great inner change that is approaching, which needs you to be purified before My Son returns to your encounter.
For this, beloved, do not waste even one minute in superficial things, only seek to gestate within yourselves a greater strength, which is not built with arrogance or self-pride. Be more and more humble and you will be safe from the claws that beguile all the time the most naïve and impure of heart.
I wish, in this cycle, that your purification passes quickly, thus you will be up to know how to answer to the Divine Will that calls you all the time.
Your Celestial Mother is already in the desert protecting Her children from all adversity and deceit, because the time of mirages has come to all. Destroy with the love and the power of the internal prayer, all the parallel reality that seeks to divert you from the only objective: Christ.
Reverent and humble, manifest the possibility that peace accomplishes prodigies and salvations in those who would not deserve it due to their own cruelty towards the Kingdom of God.
With your meekness you will know how to recognize false from true and nothing will drive your attention from the true Christic path that you came to traverse.
Through your renunciation the world will recover its purity. Be attentive to the signs that your Celestial Mother will send you through the messages, because this is the last opportunity for all.
My Glory and Love supports you.
I thank you for answering to My Call.
Who gathers you in the Heart of the Master,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more