Believe absolutely in the strength and power of overcoming that God's Love offers you.
Believe that, despite your deepest miseries, the Love of My Son and His Mercy will be able to place you into another reality.
Believe that, in the overcoming of yourself, you will learn to live the redemption of your whole being and come to know how to take steps that will lead towards the fulfillment of God's Will.
Believe that, overcoming yourself, each day a little more, dissolves the heavy chains that bind humanity.
Believe that by overcoming yourself, you will generate the condition for the suffering to disappear from the face of the Earth.
Therefore, believe absolutely in the strength and power of overcoming that God's Love offers you, because, in this way, you will be recreating Creation and the inner situations will be different.
Have faith and overcome yourself every day. Overcome the limits imposed upon you by the fears of your consciousness.
Make all things new and live this time of purification, not as a punishment, but as a great moment to overcome yourself, so that humanity may overcome itself, and abandon, once and for all, indifference and coldness.
Believe in the strength of overcoming and place your awareness in another state, in that which is positive, in the universal current of Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Act of Reverence and Love to the Kingdoms of Nature
I wish I could be like a bird
to just praise and sing to God.
I wish I could be like the water of the oceans
to only mirror the Peace of God.
I wish I could be like a tree
that rises up to reach the Kingdom of God.
I wish I could be like a flower
that opens every morning to show its devotion to God.
I wish I could be like a plant
that decorates environments to leave them full of harmony and light.
I wish I could be like a dolphin
that amidst the waves overcomes itself to reach God.
I wish I could be like a sunflower
that opens every day to receive the light of the Sun.
I wish I could be like a crystal
that guards the most beautiful thing it has
in order to express its love for Creation.
I wish I could be like the wind
that blows strong and constant
to reach all corners of the Earth with love.
I wish I could be like fire
to illuminate the days of darkness.
I wish I could be like the land
that tirelessly gives itself to be the womb
that gestates Creation again and again.
I only wish that the trees were not cut down,
to not leave the planet without beings that rise towards God.
I only wish that birds were not hunted
so that the Earth would not be left without beings that fully praise God.
I only wish that the earth would no longer be transgressed with toxins and chemicals
so that humanity would not run out of living food.
I only wish that the oceans were no longer contaminated
so that marine life would not die soon
and the seas could continue to mirror peace.
I only wish human beings were aware
that the planet is our home and that we depend on it to live.
I only hope that all of us will be in communion with the Kingdoms
so that, for a moment, we may feel their constant suffering
and thus we can relieve them, without transgressing Creation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Remove all anguish and sorrow from your heart, and do not think you will not manage to do so.
Although it may seem unknown, dare to say 'yes' to the Universe in complete trust.
Take your steps toward Christ. Even in the moments of greatest tribulation, let My motherly Hand draw close to you so as to guide you.
Let that which is oldest in you gradually die while in your essence what you really are and what you came to fulfill on this blue planet awakens.
Trust that you will be able to carry on walking. Let the Sacred Flame of My Heart illumine your path and thus you may carry forward the inner purpose that the Father entrusted to you.
Meanwhile, my child, recover your hope from the beginning of your awakening, from the moment in which your heart had the feeling to follow this sacred but unknown path. From there, you must gain courage and inner strength to learn to transcend yourself, to learn to be uplifted and to find the justifiable sense of having to be here.
Now your life is like that moment in which Peter, the Apostle, had to confirm whether or not he was with Jesus, since, in spite of his denial, within the essence of Peter there existed that trust hidden by fear.
Open your heart and go through that threshold of fear that does not exist and say 'yes' to the Sacred Heart. Always say 'yes' even though you do not understand.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
If a part of your being still does not believe that I am here, why are you still here?
By chance, am I not here, Who is your Mother?
Firstly, be grateful for everything that you live and for everything that you experience.
Do not try to escape any longer from the reality that surrounds you, because truly, child, you will be escaping from yourself, and where you choose to be, you will always be with yourself, carrying the same cross everywhere.
Have the inner awareness that you will not be able to change the world, and not even people, overnight.
Accept with joyful resignation the test that Heaven sends you in this time.
You will not be better or worse by being away from the reality that could be disturbing your heart.
Live each experience as a unique possibility for expanding your love and your renunciation.
Do not allow your mind and My adversary to deceive you.
Distrust everything that comes from you and what your mind processes, because if you stay in that place, you will always find a great obstacle.
Start by making the change that you expect so much, first inside of you, and do not try, in any way, to change the Plan, the destiny, nor the events.
Do not believe that in this world you will find perfect things. Be truly intelligent, and do not allow doubts to erase and dissipate the faith of your heart.
Accept, above yourself, the destiny in which the Universe has placed you. And if you want so much that people and things be perfect, as you need them, begin by being the example in patience, in effort, and in service, without wanting to escape or hide from the true need so as not to feel tired.
Live your Gethsemane with intelligence and let only the constant love of your fellow beings invade you, a deep love that you have never lived before.
Search, child, for the truth in what is simple and easy, and not in what would delight you as perfect and complete. If you have surrendered your life into the Hands of God, His own Hands put you in this place, where you must serve unconditionally; and today your Mother from Heaven tells you this, I declare it without intermediaries.
Have gratitude and expand it, so that others may recognize in you a New Christ who accepts, understands, and loves beyond self and of any expectation.
Work every day for your redemption based on profound acts of love and of service, and I assure you that the doubts, or even the disagreements, will no longer be in you; but they will die in the mouth of the one who utters them: My rival.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When you accept the Will of God, child, everything becomes more understandable and clear.
As long as any vestige of doubt or of indifference crosses your heart, the possibility of being able to understand the Mysteries of the Divine Will, as they are, will be less.
For this reason, today I tell you once more, child, empty yourself completely, because in the emptiness there are no ideals, understandings, or complex philosophies.
Thus, in this perfect void, you will be able to penetrate the essence of all the mysteries of the Will of God, and step by step, you will learn what is unknown and evolutionary.
Dare to abandon your forms, so as to be able to live in divine forms, which will lead you to understand life just as it is. And will help you to find the correct meaning of things in everything.
Then let this unconditional surrender that you must achieve every day free you from yourself, knowing that behind each design or wish of God there exists a Greater Purpose that you must encompass with a fluid understanding of the inner world and the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
Let the voice of the heart come from the depths of the soul, so that you may always recognize the Grace of being united with God.
The voice of the heart is peaceful, it is the fire that comes from the spirit, which repairs all things.
Allow, My child, the voice of the heart to always emerge from you, so that in this way, the communion with God is established between you and the Universe.
Live every day through the voice of the heart so that from cycle to cycle you learn to overcome your fears and all uncertainties.
Allow, My child, the voice of your heart to guide you in seeking the pure and the real, so that you can always find again the sure path that will lead you towards the Arms of My Beloved Son.
May the voice of the heart be able to show you the new steps towards an encounter with the innermost spirit of each being.
May the voice of the heart awaken in My children so that the wounded world may be healed!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
When you see winds coming that are contrary to the life of the spirit, it is a sign that something grand is about to transcend. Keep your faith and your trust in the Father, because He already knows your exiles, your deserts, and all the voids of your soul.
Certain tests, at this time, reach the life of the apostles to confirm them on the path of Christification and of inner transformation.
Do not fear to see yourself naked, and to find yourself before the greatest miseries of your human life. My Son has taught you to persevere in love and in unity with the Kingdom of the Heavens.
The innumerable battles and disagreements with the inner part of your being no longer matter; now it is primordial to continue struggling every day to learn to overcome yourself, and so to show the Universe that the new and peacemaker Christs are on their way.
Be strong in your trust in God. His Love will help you even if everything is too difficult.
God bless you now and always!
Who follows you in soul and heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Believe, above any situation or circumstance that everything is in the Hands of God. No matter how difficult certain experiences may be, God holds all power, because He is one and He is great. Everything that is below the Father is small.
Believe, above all else, that the Father is Who holds the helm of the ship and is Who guides it towards good harbors. The Father is in each detail, but He, in His infinite Wisdom, allows His smallest creatures, the human beings of this planet, to learn through different experiences.
Have faith and affirm it, because the Father is above all, He is the Commander of the Universe and the Regent of all spaces and of all areas of spiritual work. Yet, with His infinite Goodness, He allows His children of the Earth to learn so that they may eventually be as similar as the Father is in love; for this, souls make mistakes again and again, until they learn, at their own expense, that without love and without truth one is nothing in this Universe.
The Father gives an impulse in this time for the fulfillment of His Work of Love through the experience of humility.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let the weight or the anguish that your heart may feel not precipitate into your consciousness. It is at the moments of greater tests when the great spirit of temperance must be born and emerge. As a Mother, I comprehend and understand what it means to go through a culminating and crucial moment.
Beyond what might seem painful or difficult, you must learn, children, to see the omnipotent Will of God acting, which comes to safeguard you and protect you from yourselves. A Greater Will that has tried from the beginning of this planet to place the human consciousness on the true path of its evolution.
Encourage yourself to say "yes" to the pain, to the test, or even to the suffering that God sends you, because all of this will make your hearts stronger, and the human illusion of believing that life begins or ends here will dissolve.
I come as Mother of the pain lived by My Son, to give you the spirit of valor, the impetus to live with courage and determination this end of times, which most human beings do not accept living or facing and only try to escape from the true reality.
May this moment and this transition place each one of My children before the true reality of how the Plan of God should be carried forward in trust, in love, and feeling in the depths of the heart, just as I felt it when His Mother said "yes" to God through the Archangel Gabriel.
To accept, in this time, realities, truths, and revelations that vibrate and that are far from human control, power, or a personal inquiry into things, will be the keynote that will lead the human consciousness into defining if it loves the Plan of Our Creator more than itself, because that will demarcate the next step of the human race and its future destiny.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
New Earth Community: Rose of Redemption
Behold your Heavenly Mother, who carries in Her humble hands the Rose of Redemption, the most precious flower amongst all flowers, the gift that becomes possible in the souls most in need of healing and forgiveness.
Behold the Rose of Redemption, formed by the beauty, love and service of all selfless souls.
Behold the Rose of Redemption, the one that I contemplate, protect and care for the most so that, intact and pure, it may last throughout time and even longer.
Behold, in my hands and in offering, the Rose of Redemption, integrated by the light of each little soul that has reencountered the path towards God and is now in the Arms of your Eternal Father.
Behold, amongst you, the marvelous Rose of Redemption that has expressed the virtues of each being, a Rose that has kept within itself the memory of an experience of love between brothers and sisters, which has become inexhaustible.
Behold, beloved children, the Rose of Redemption, that is offered today at the Feet of the Creator as a testimony that it is possible to live conversion, forgiveness and reconciliation.
Behold now, before your Heavenly Mother, the Rose of Redemption, that holds the aromas of brotherhood, perseverance and the constant battle to achieve the love of the heart and express it in all that exists.
Behold the Rose of Redemption, a Rose that has given new roses and has made many lives beautiful, making them worthy in this humanity and upon this planet.
Behold My favored Rose of Redemption, a Rose that has witnessed your love for Christ and for your Heavenly Mother, a Rose that has persisted before many dry storms and extreme conditions.
Behold the Rose of Redemption, a Rose that has become an example for other roses that are appearing on the path of devotion, unconditional surrender and service.
Behold the Rose of redemption that has gathered the synthesis of all created Kingdoms and that protects the continuity and existence of each one of them.
Behold, My children, the Rose of Redemption, a Rose that has converted sadness into joy, error into forgiveness, bitterness into bliss and faults into profound redemption.
Behold, My children, before My altar, the living Rose of Redemption, a rose formed by the light of your hearts, by the devotion of your spirits, by the constancy in your daily work.
This is the Rose that I present today before the Celestial Father as the greatest fruit, of the impossible that becomes possible, of the unrescuable that become rescuable.
This is the Rose of healing love, love that unites and strengthens, love that comprehends the incomprehensible, love that vivifies that which is losing life.
Behold, children, the Rose of Redemption, the most precious Rose of your Celestial Mother, a Rose that will leave the example that everything is possible, beyond everything.
Behold the Rose of the liberation from the past and of reunion with the essence of life, of the union with the Kingdoms of Nature and with the Creator, this is the Rose that has made it possible to achieve, in this place and in this Community, a sincere path towards peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Allow your heart to become meek, because in this way you will enter My Peace.
Everything is in its place, although it does not seem so. Everyone is having the opportunity to learn new things.
Allow your heart to become meek, because in this way you will enter My Peace.
This moment demands great efforts from all, so that bigger and infinite steps may be taken.
Allow your heart to become meek, because in this way you will enter My Peace.
You are all receiving the opportunity to expand in love and brotherhood, the opportunity to renew your vows of service to the Divine Plan.
Therefore, allow your heart to become meek, because in this way you will enter My Peace and will experience what you must experience under the protection of My Spirit.
I thank you for your effort.
Who loves you eternally,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While the sacred Knowledge descends through simple words, I invite you to love supreme Truth, because, in this way, in these times, you will be guided by the Primordial Source.
Simple words allow souls to live change. When words are filled with love and simplicity, with the heart, consciousnesses receive the inner knowledge that the Divine Source emanates, time and again.
The sacred Knowledge ennobles souls with humility, in this way, it makes them real and it allows them to experience the events that will come to the world.
Sacred Knowledge brings them closer to the inner reality of these times, which needs to be understood and accepted by humanity.
Thus, in this cycle, through sacred Knowledge, souls need to awaken to the mission of reverting the times that will come through expressions of love, unity, charity and service, for those consciousnesses that urgently need to discover the need for a deep change of consciousness.
Sacred Knowledge opens the door to an awakening of what is supreme, superior and sublime.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
So that Divine Justice not be accelerated for those who are most resistant to change, it is necessary to pray for them and mercifully help them so they may be able to find their place in this transition of the Earth.
Those who have the most resistance to change are those who will be purified the most. This shows that until now, resignation, true humility and trust have never existed in the decisions that, for instance, your fellow being, teacher or instructor may have made for the good of all.
This resistance sooner or later leads to suffering, then generates fear and lastly, physical illness; since in the consciousness that resists so much there is no system of evacuation for archaic states.
That is why, when a soul passes through that kind of inner difficulty, and so that it may not enter that path that will lead it to an unfortunate destination, it needs to be aided by placing it where it does not think so much about itself, but rather in the need for relieving the suffering of others, which is to say, in a life of permanent service.
In these times, it will be necessary to use the tools of decompression, such as unconditional service to humanity, so that the consciousnesses that experience high degrees of resistance can unblock their inner processes so that, eventually, they are spiritually capable of participating in the last phase of the end of times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I can make your hearts humble and meek with My maternal Grace because through My Heart I teach you to day by day love the Plan of the Creator by means of surrender and daily sacrifice.
I would like humility to be appreciated and recognized by all My children, that they live it and be an example in each moment of service and charity to others; in this way you will conquer purity and you will be able to detach from all that is old.
As Your Mother who loves you, I invite you to find in humility the path of overcoming the self and the possibility of living it in the name of all those who deny the Love of Christ. In this way, through humility, the Maternal Heart of Your Mother shapes the apostles of Christ so that they can quickly be open to fulfill the Will of God.
On facing all the tests that must be overcome, My Heart will welcome all the children who are willing to live this precious learning in the sacred school of humility; to all of them I will give My encouragement and My strength of a Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who teaches you to love holy humility,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I will not ask that in a short time you be different from what you are today. For the Father, your time of purification and ascension is set.
Therefore, allow yourselves to be transformed as your Father has foreseen since the beginning.
Live in Christ and be in Christ because the only path that is left for you to traverse is the path of redemption.
If you are not united, how will you continue?
Grace has touched your lives but you must be consistent with this Grace that unifies you and renews you all the time.
Dear children, be with Me and not on the other side of the path. I need you always faithful to those who guide you out of love; this will protect you while you are on Earth.
Obedience is the gift that will fulfill you and will prevent you, all the time, from making mistakes.
Therefore, children, may you be able to observe the true path in these times, because discouragements and inner crises will be the barriers that you must overcome through love and unity.
At the doors of the human Armageddon be aware and grateful for what you receive, at least live it for those who do not receive even half of all that the Universe gives you.
Submerge yourselves in My Heart and thus you will be free.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who unites you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
Today I find Myself among you to bring peace, relieve and an expansion of light that may reach your consciousnesses, so that they may strengthen themselves in the Love of God.
In time of tests, of great definitions and greater commitments that must be assumed by the soldiers of Christ, My adversary uses all of his tricks to put in the heart and in the mind of My children, creations that are not real, ideas and feelings that disturb them and that only seek to remove them from the task of the spirit that incarnated on this Earth to serve God.
All those feelings and thoughts that distance you from My Heart and from the heart of your brothers and sisters are in process of transformation so that once and for all you may die for love. This will permit that the truthful that exists in you and that was sown as a talent by My Son, may sprout, flourish and develop.
These true attributes are kept, in some cases, under several keys because the mediocre aspects of humanity have been cultivated in consciousness throughout history and developed as false attributes, what deceives all of My children into thinking that they are their best spiritual qualities, mental and material skills.
While these false attributes are defended and treasured as real and sublime inside of the beings, the true attributes and talents remain captive in cages, where they can not express themselves or fulfill what they came to do in this world.
But My Love and the Redeeming Love of My Son come to break the locks of these prisons so that, what you truly are, My Beloved Children, be able to be liberated and the mediocrity learned by this humanity throughout history may be able to finally be unmasked and die.
The art of loving, dear children, is that task that God has entrusted to you, an exercise full of challenges in which each consciousness takes as a goal to overcome every day, one by one, the mediocrities of this world, with determination, will and faith to reach this vital purpose that keeps waiting for the worthy Children of God.
When a consciousness is determined to achieve what God in truth has sown in it, going over its own head, without fear of what it will find, it receives from the Celestial Spheres an assistance that is not from this world, which is reserved for the brave ones.
When a consciousness is willing, in humility, to discover what false this world has put in them and decide to discover the potential the Universe has sown in their interior, the Heavens collaborate so that their prompt awakening to the truthful may open the door of the treasure that had been guarded for so long.
Beloved children, persevere, work, be strong and brave. Discover the false that My adversary has sown in your hearts and do not allow to be prevented to feel the full joy of discovering who you truly are.
I guide you, trust in My designs, in My requests and thus I will be able to help you to liberate yourselves from what you are not.
Today I bless My favorite son, the one that is favorite for the effort he has made in discovering the instrument that I have built within him and in offering himself to be led by God to the awakening of his brothers and sisters.
I want to be able to serve Myself from all My beloved children as instruments of Light in My hands.
I love you, I protect you with My Immaculate Heart. Thank you for being today with Me.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
In these times of trials, confirmations and surrenders, I invite you to the path of overcoming. Your Eternal Father contemplates with attention the certain and sure steps that all His beloved children are taking in this time of spiritual and material crisis.
I come on this day to announce to you a new cycle, after all these years shared with Me through the sacred Instructions from Heaven that I have delivered to you.
Dear children, I have come on pilgrimage to Santa Fe, to remind humanity that in these times, only faith and the path of permanent prayer will save you.
Now, God has asked me that His beloved children learn how to discover the universe of inner growth, through trials and experiences.
Before the enemy wants to take you out of the path, I have come to rescue you, bringing you this important message of preparation for the end of times.
You, My beloved children, are called to form an army of prayer and light, capable of being a vessel of divine and supreme energies.
But for that to be possible, I have come to announce to you, as a spiritual synthesis, the time of your transformation and purification.
All humanity is hypnotized and sleepwalking due to the harmful effect of modernities and human advances. I ask you, in the name of My Son, not to be afraid to let go of those artificial things that hurt you within, may your true communication be with God and the entire Higher Universe.
If souls would truly seek union with the High and the Supreme, many circumstances would not happen in the material life of My children. In this final cycle, as I have already told you, I come to untie the great knot of unconsciousness and lack of attention.
As your Celestial Mother, I wish you to take the steps towards the awakening of a new life united to all the universal Creation to which you belong. My urgency is to bring you out of the sleep generated by modernities and the lack of connection with the supreme Laws.
You were all born to live in happiness and love. The disorder of the world and the lack of balance generated irreversible effects in the lives of My children and many were led, by themselves, on the path of sadness, pain and illness.
God has asked me to tell you, for the last time, that Heaven will open to receive you all, He will shed Graces and blessings upon all those who do not deserve them.
Therefore, children, courageously face this last cycle of hard trials and confirmations so that the Light of Christ may bloom within you.
Day and night, I wait for you and, from Heaven, I pray for everyone so that the majority of My dear children may understand that the time has come to stop thinking of yourselves, to begin thinking of the world and the need of service and prayer for this last humanity.
In this way, My Heart is offered to you, so that with awareness and surrender you may recognize the Voice of God, which resounds in the universe and calls you to awaken.
In this last monthly Message, I invite you to make a compilation of all the Messages so that you may live and practice them, so that you may be prepared for that which is to come.
For this meeting with God, let us remain united in prayer, for these moments.
Thank you for your inner attention,
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace
In these times of trials, confirmations and surrenders, I invite you to the path of overcoming. Your Eternal Father contemplates with attention the certain and sure steps that all His beloved children are taking in this time of spiritual and material crisis.
I come on this day to announce to you a new cycle, after all these years shared with Me through the sacred Instructions from Heaven that I have delivered to you.
Dear children, I have come on pilgrimage to Santa Fe, to remind humanity that in these times, only faith and the path of permanent prayer will save you.
Now, God has asked me that His beloved children learn how to discover the universe of inner growth, through trials and experiences.
Before the enemy wants to take you out of the path, I have come to rescue you, bringing you this important message of preparation for the end of times.
You, My beloved children, are called to form an army of prayer and light, capable of being a vessel of divine and supreme energies.
But for that to be possible, I have come to announce to you, as a spiritual synthesis, the time of your transformation and purification.
All humanity is hypnotized and sleepwalking due to the harmful effect of modernities and human advances. I ask you, in the name of My Son, not to be afraid to let go of those artificial things that hurt you within, may your true communication be with God and the entire Higher Universe.
If souls would truly seek union with the High and the Supreme, many circumstances would not happen in the material life of My children. In this final cycle, as I have already told you, I come to untie the great knot of unconsciousness and lack of attention.
As your Celestial Mother, I wish you to take the steps towards the awakening of a new life united to all the universal Creation to which you belong. My urgency is to bring you out of the sleep generated by modernities and the lack of connection with the supreme Laws.
You were all born to live in happiness and love. The disorder of the world and the lack of balance generated irreversible effects in the lives of My children and many were led, by themselves, on the path of sadness, pain and illness.
God has asked me to tell you, for the last time, that Heaven will open to receive you all, He will shed Graces and blessings upon all those who do not deserve them.
Therefore, children, courageously face this last cycle of hard trials and confirmations so that the Light of Christ may bloom within you.
Day and night, I wait for you and, from Heaven, I pray for everyone so that the majority of My dear children may understand that the time has come to stop thinking of yourselves, to begin thinking of the world and the need of service and prayer for this last humanity.
In this way, My Heart is offered to you, so that with awareness and surrender you may recognize the Voice of God, which resounds in the universe and calls you to awaken.
In this last monthly Message, I invite you to make a compilation of all the Messages so that you may live and practice them, so that you may be prepared for that which is to come.
For this meeting with God, let us remain united in prayer, for these moments.
Thank you for your inner attention,
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace
Blessed are those who gather their strengths to be with Me in these times; those who make an effort to overcome, day by day, the limits that the world and their own body imposes on them.
My children, I am with you to teach you to live the last times, and to overcome this threshold with bravery and peace in the heart.
It is for this that day by day I ask you for more of an effort. And, at the same time that I conduct you through a path of sacrifices, I accompany you step by step, radiating the Peace that is born in My Heart and that is expanded throughout the world.
In this way, a space is opened so that I may be present in your lives, even if your are giving the maximum of yourselves, never will you lack the peace and the strength to offer always more.
Today I say to you that, when I ask you something apparently unreachable, it is to show you that you are able to do much more than that which you are doing today.
On each day that passes I will ask you for a little more, and I will make you donate of yourself that which you did not know you had. And little by little you will perceive that the impossible has become simple, and the unreachable already rises on the horizon.
When the time comes to cross the threshold of a new race, many will see themselves in the plenitude of the human race, as God idealized it in the Universe.
I just want you to be simple and true and adaptable as the water; that you may be true and pure in your actions, in this way the Creator Hands will be able to act in your lives and in your consciousnesses.
Those who have said yes to Me, that they may be renewed each day in this yes, and take care to not have conditions in their surrender. If they are attentive to that which I say to you today, they will see that they still say no to Me many times, believing that they are deepening in this surrender.
Upon awakening and at going to sleep, renew yourselves in the adhesion to the divine Plan, and if today you are tired, prepare yourselves, My dears, because you know nothing of what I have for each one of you. But do not fear, because I prepare you in the measure that I offer you new sacrifices and I will not place stones in your paths which you are not able to step over.
I want to thank you on this day for the Love with which you have received Me in this city, and say to you that I have waited for long to come to this place and to awaken those who have been commited with Me for so long.
Come, dears, come to My encounter, because My arms await you, and the Lord waits for you for the return in Redemption to the Celestial Dwelling.
I love you and I welcome you in My mantle.
I thank you for the answer to My Call.
Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace
With the hearts that decay, with all of them, I am. The strength of prayer will give you courage for the transformation of each soul. Prayer will sow patience before the changes of life and love will unite what may be separated in the hearts. To be able to convert itself, each heart must recognize its faults. By recognizing them, you will be able, by means of prayer, to dissolve and elevate, little by little, what weighs on the hearts.
I want to help you, for this reason I come from Heaven so that you may find comfort in My Heart. My immaculate spirit will overflow with joy when My children remember God. If life were prayer, life would be transformed. Love cultivates patience before the tests, and patience will bring you to the redemption of the past.
Dear children, today I call you for you to love what you still have not overcome. In My Heart you will find refuge.
Who adores you,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more