In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Sun of God that was created in the Cosmos to illuminate all consciousnesses and creatures. This is the infinite and cosmic Sun that never extinguishes, that always comes to assist those who need It and those who cry out for Its inner presence.

However, I Am not alone here today but rather accompanied by hundreds of other Suns, which know the infinite trajectory of this universe and Creation. They are the sacred consciousnesses of old, those consciousnesses that have been walking throughout time, throughout the events of the universe and the planet.

For this reason, today the infinite Suns that respond to the Creator are present here to radiate their codes of Light, not only to your consciousnesses but also to all of humanity, which, as you know, is going through its dark night.

Behold the Sun of the Reliquary of God, which spiritually presents itself so that souls may venerate and recognize it within themselves.

This is the eternal communion that you and your brothers and sisters must achieve in this time to be able to endure the last events so that your consciousnesses may be transformed inside and outside, so that your lives may be completely different, just as God expects in His silence and in the infinity of His Love.

Receive the presence of the Hierarchical Suns of God today, those consciousnesses that respond to His Original Project, to His Will and His Design, those consciousnesses that know the origin of each being and accompany the trajectory of each soul and each spirit on the planet, even of those who are in errors and perdition.

However, through the Sun of Our Hearts, We illuminate the dark spaces of the consciousness and of the being so that they may be redeemed; We bring the peace that many seek in this time but cannot find it. Yet, by simply placing your consciousnesses before these Suns of the universe, which know your origins and trajectories, you will enter into communion with the Heights and with Divine Life because I, as your Master, and all the Hierarchies, have learned from humanity, from its errors and successes, from its triumphs, but also from its failures.

But today, may your spirits rise through this Center of Love, which is so silent and hidden, so mysterious and unknown, which will only be revealed to the pure of heart, to the pure of intention, to those who do not want anything else for themselves, to those who aspire to live the void and surrender to God, Our Creator.

This is where the Suns of the Hierarchies will deposit their treasures in trust and faith. It is within the heart of each being who surrenders to God and to His Plan that His Work will be able to be reflected and mirrored on Earth in these critical times.

How infinite is the wealth of the inner life of this universe! How vast are its dimensions and planes, and all its existence!

Therefore, look at your beings today as spirits, rather than just as human beings. It is this spirit in each being, created by the Solar Consciousnesses, that will give you the strength of perfection and transformation, of peace and the conviction of serving God despite everything, at every moment of life and throughout time; because, in this way, a part of humanity is being prepared by Our Solar Consciousnesses to awaken the new code of God, the one that was thought of by the Eternal Father in your origin, before everything existed, before everything was life in matter and in the universe.

Now, companions, you can see and contemplate that life does not end here.

What is the dimension of your inner universe?

How much can your inner universe offer to the Eternal Father in this time?

It is not in that which is great that you will attain perfection but rather in that which is small, in that which is the simplest, in everything that is done out of love. This is what makes the consciousness evolve and awaken, without ambitions, without flaunting, without expectations.

Imagine if the Son of God had wanted all power for Himself; He could not have been the Christ. For this reason, from the first moment, the powerful Spirit of God, through the incarnation of His Son on Earth, was born in a humble manger, preached, healed and brought all those who needed Him close to His Heart. I was just one more among so many, although I knew that God had sent Me on a mission.

This is how God sends you to Earth, after many experiences, to live a mission and fulfill an irrefutable Will, a Will that cannot be erased or disappear from the consciousness although it may seem it can.

Your lives must be a pencil in the Hands of God in this time. Will you allow Him to write? Will you allow Him to decide the destiny and the path?

Many are the treasures that are still kept in the universe and in inner life. This Center of Love, which gathers and congregates you today, offers to you this sacred and blessed, sacrificed and silent opportunity.

The life of the spirit is the balm of simplicity, the life of the spirit is the balm of humility, the life of the spirit is the balm of inner divestment; because those who wish to be free from themselves forever, may they renounce, and then, through their lives, God in His Wisdom will be able to write the future and what is to come.

After the last year when I was here with you, only now can I tell you that I Am fulfilling what I had foreseen, until now I had not been able to for other circumstances.

I feel joy and bliss for the effort of the brave, of those who persist in faith, and those who do not step back despite everything. Because God shows His Fortitude in those who respond and say yes to Him at each moment and stage of life. God blesses, with His Light, those who persist and those who truly strive, without anything in return, without conditions or forms.

A Spiritual Light is born again today through this Center of Love, which congregates and unites you. Today you will not understand it but you will indeed know it as time goes by. It is this Sacred Light that will radiate upon you, as from this cycle, to prepare the New Humanity and the New Time before My physical Return to the world.

Do not forget this and keep it in mind, because at the hardest moment of humanity, you will need it as a strength of faith and effort in your lives, as My apostles, as servants of the Plan, as collaborators of this Work of Love, which belongs to Christ alone, and through Christ, belongs to all souls.

Today, the Sun of My Heart expands and becomes illuminated to encourage you to move on, to achieve and concretize the projects of the Hierarchy in this place and others. Because I will count on those who are truly with Me, regardless of their imperfection or the moment of their lives.

Thus, receive My Spiritual Anointing so that, once initiated by My Spirit, you may begin this new stage with joy and bliss, with the absolute certainty of responding to My Merciful Heart.

May the Spirit, which unites the Most Holy Trinity, bless and renew you, inside and outside. 

The steps of the disciples are now marked and assigned, it is enough to take them in order to live and fulfill them as My Eternal Father determines.  

May the sun of the heart be ignited in you so that love and peace may radiate to the world, to your families and brothers and sisters, so that there may no longer be conflict or division but rather unity and brotherhood, a spirit of cooperation and collaboration among your fellow beings.

Just as I taught My first apostles in that time, in the same way I teach you today; because Love is the first rule, and it will never change. Happy will be those who live of the Love that I impart to the world and especially to souls and to this place today, which I cherish so much.

May Argentina fulfill its spiritual mission so that its people may prepare My Return in the hearts of the simple and those who are free from themselves.

Just as Peter and My apostles saw the Lord come, walking upon the waters in the Sea of Galilee, in the same way, I hope you can recognize Me in My Return; for I will not come as a King but rather as a humble worker and servant of the Father, just as I was when came to this world, preaching and healing souls.

May the advent of the New Time be fulfilled now and always. Amen.

I thank you for being here by My side, in simplicity of heart and life. This is how I feel you at each moment.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear Children,

I am happy to return here to be close to you, through My Motherly Love and My closeness.

Dear children, may the Will of God be reaffirmed in you today, a Will that was written at the very beginning of the emergence of your essences; because this country and this people, at the end of time, will have a fundamental task and mission that has not yet been revealed from on High, but which will be revealed at the time already foreseen by My Beloved Son.

My children, therefore continue to work on your inner and spiritual mission so that the Will of God will always show you the way and the way out.

Uruguay will have a very great force, but with small groups of souls who will push forward what is foreseen in the Plan of God, although at this moment it is unknown and incomprehensible; because what is written will be fulfilled, and we are already on the way to the fulfillment of what is written for this country.

Beyond the destiny that your people have recently chosen, your inner sight and vision, as well as your heart, must be fixed on the Purpose, because it is for this that the Divine Purpose was created; so that, through its flaming Flame, it may guide souls to the fulfillment of the Will of God, through your unity and ardent love.

It is there, before that Sacred Flame of Purpose, that you will neither fear nor fail; nor will you doubt what you must undertake, simply out of love and trust in the Eternal Father. This will rebuild, little by little, the consciousness and the Purpose of this country, which was manifested to carry out a mission in this end time.

Therefore, dear children, your souls and the souls of your brothers and sisters are the ones who will participate in this awaited moment, which will be clear, precise and illuminated by the Wisdom of God.

Continue to pray so that the Purpose of God may be fulfilled in this nation and that it may be protected from the tendencies and ideologies of these times, which only lead souls away from God and in danger.

As Our Lady of the Thirty-Three, I come to merge and unite in your hearts the Sacred Star of My Son so that the Confederation, in this country, may one day become a reality through the souls who are awakening and those who will awaken.

Thus, the suns on Earth will shine, bringing with them the impulses of the universe and of the Greater Life, when all, unconditionally, will be at the service of the Father and of those in need so that the Love of Christ may triumph and heal the deepest wounds in souls.

As your Patroness, I am here to accompany you on this walk that alone will lead you to the Infinite.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Thirty-three


Today, My Solar Consciousness brings to completion the spiritual task that was carried out in the inner planes, in help and for the benefit of the recovery of the spiritual purpose of Uruguay.

It was in this inner work of souls where the Hierarchy, through everybody's adherence, was able to place its trust again. The Spiritual Hierarchy hopes that the adherence and correspondence remains alive, so that other inner opportunities can present themselves and, as a result, it not only helps the needy Uruguay even more, but also helps in the awakening of the consciousness, of all its inhabitants.

This will place Uruguay upon the path that it should always have been; which will happen from the point when certain terrestrial rules and laws are deactivated, which are the ones that compromised the country and spiritually defeated its inhabitants, leaving them in the world illusion and in indifference. 

We aspire that a change of consciousness and responsibility can arrive to the Uruguayans, since the stages of the Plan that must be accomplished by the suns that are to be found here will be definitive stages in the area of the preparation for the return of Christ.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


This is the time for the suns, which have been awake for a long time, to come to know the inner tools that they brought from the Universe and for these tools to be at the service of the Celestial Plan, for the rescue of the human consciousness.

For this reason, the spiritual Hierarchy is assembling the different groups of souls and will continue to do so, so that the purpose of the Plan may be closer to the consciousnesses and, upon being closer, they can, with greater discernment, accomplish what up to now has not been accomplished, for different reasons.

It will be the responsibility of these groups that will continue to be called and assembled by the Hierarchy to change and transform certain tendencies of disharmony and conflict so that the principles of obedience and faithfulness may be the protective foundations that gives impulse to the concretization of the stages of the Plan.

In this sense, the spiritual Hierarchy will bet that these new summonings carried out will finally place souls upon the path of their personal, group and collective mission, so that in this way and under certain rules, they may be guided by the Divinity and by the Heavenly Brotherhood.

Thus, the conjuncture and the opportunity must not be missed, for it will never repeat.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From a place in the Universe I have come to bring you the science of My Peace and so that through it you may be united with Me, by means of the communication with the Mirrors.

Today I bring a message from Cygnus, a place so far from the Earth, but also very close to it, in omnipresence and in unconditionality.

Receive from Cygnus its legacy, its science and its energy.

Embrace its principles in your hearts and watch for the Greater knowledge, because the Earth needs it to be able to persist and continue onward.

So through My Heart, I bring you what is real, eternal and permanent.

To you I reveal a place of contemplation and healing, a sacred enclosure for the Greater Universe, in which many schools have been lived and many experiences have been carried out for the evolution and the awakening of the consciousness.

Today, with My arms stretched out in the form of a cross, I bring you the Love from Cygnus, so that you may remember the origin of an important principle within this Creation and within the life of the material Universe.

From this place receive its attributes and embrace its call in your spirits.

Through its Mirrors, may its principles be reflected and may souls be able to receive its impulses, to be able to vivify the Plan, again and again.

From that place I come with joy and to that place I will return, taking from within you the response to this call of the Greater Universe.

In the stars of Cygnus, healing and the opportunity of redemption are established for all those who have forgotten the opportunity of reconciliation.

Enter into this Universe with gratitude and elevate your consciousnesses to the stars, so that from Cygnus this flame of love may spring that you need in these critical times; a flame that will nourish you and spiritually sustain each one of My children.

In this place find its message of peace, and remember that it is always latent and never changes.

Today its Mirrors emanate what humanity needs, and through its celestial spheres, impulses are sent to the Earth so that, during a time of purification, souls may find the path for their inner support.

From Cygnus will come the encouragement for humanity, the hope that everything will be renewed, the impulse that will rebuild everything so that the experience of forgiveness and of love may be established.

From this constellation comes a powerful energy and its Masters unite in a single purpose to aid the Earth and humanity.

From the Heart of Cygnus emanates the flame of Love, which the whole of humanity needs in order to survive and thus learn to reconcile with one another, so that indifference and ignorance may be dispelled, so that evil and confusion may be dissipated.

From Cygnus will come the inner strength that humanity will need to experience its time of purification and transcendence.

Today I gather all of its Mirrors in My Heart.

And today, My Universal Consciousness mirrors its Energy and the register of love of this Constellation, so that the Suns on Earth may learn to nourish themselves from the Source and from its great lakes of light, in which the synthesis of many experiences is kept in the Universe, a legacy that will repopulate future humanity with new principles and attributes.

Aspire to find this path of return to Cygnus and thus, you will be returning to your origins, where everything once began and emerged, just as God had thought and meditated upon, just as the archangels had established for this Material Universe.

Through Me, reignite your inner Sun and overcome the limits of matter, the obstacles of consciousness, the difficulties of the spirit, because in essence, you all have an origin, which is the origin that Cygnus holds, and there you will find again the meaning of your existence, the reason and the cause of having come to the Earth to experience such a necessary school for your beings, something that will never be forgotten and that will be held in your cosmic memory.

This union with the Love of Cygnus will help you in the elevation of consciousness, and thus you will help to elevate humanity, which is very distracted and lost; a humanity that each day distances itself more from the truth and from the meaning of its purpose.

But if, at least in a very few, a union is established with Infinity, and today especially with the Constellation of Cygnus, something inexplicable will take place for the coming times, and the People of Israel will continue to walk in the desert in search of the Promised Land, which in a short while will be a reality to the eyes of the New Humanity.

The Universe is waiting for the response from humanity and its doors are open between the Universes to lead the spirit of the consciousnesses towards the spheres of the Brotherhood, in which Love and Unity are lived, following one same purpose and one single aim.

Today Cygnus approaches, for those who have been consistent with the Plan, for those who persist and remain on the path of faith and of trust in the Hierarchy, knowing that everything they experience today will have its results in the near future, on the New Earth.

Thus, contemplate within yourselves this inner Universe, which unites with the Higher Universe, and receive from Cygnus the sacred Flame of Love that will always illumine your lives when you invoke it and feel it within yourselves, just like you feel Christ in each moment of surrender and of prayer.

Today Cygnus emits its message of reconciliation to the world.

Today its Mirrors illumine universal spaces so that this local Universe may receive the assistance it needs in these times, and especially so that humanity may be conscious that it is not alone, and that it is now time to know reality and the truth.

In My Heart, I bring what is most sacred that exists in Cygnus, so that you may remember your origin and your commitment to the Creator, and thus the Plan may be reconfirmed on Earth, and thus the Plan may be reconfirmed in all those who say “yes” to an unknown Will.

Through the Great Constellation of Cygnus, may the inner Suns be reignited and may they watch for the Flame of the Divine Purpose, so that more and more help may come to humanity and to the planet.

I thank you for responding to this call for an awareness of the Plan and of its manifestation on Earth.

May the Flame of the inner universe vibrate in your hearts and may it be unified with the current of Love from Cygnus, so that its Mirrors may continue to emit its principles and attributes, so necessary for these times in humanity.

May Love be fulfilled in the hearts that truly accept to live it, in perfect union with the Source of Creation.

I thank you now and always.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Second Message

I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From the Heart of the Universe comes the Instruction for humanity.

It has always been like this, but today I am inviting you to enter with Me into one special Source of Instruction and knowledge, which until today has been inexhaustible, which has always remained alive throughout times.

Today I am talking to you especially from the Pleiades, an inner place from which much knowledge arose before the origins of the Earth, before the manifestation of the first humanity.

From this place many spirits were sent, wise consciousnesses that had their formation in knowledge and gave Instruction to the world throughout the times.

Therefore, Instruction must be considered as the first rule of life, the one which will always lead you to straighten the path and maintain your consciousnesses on High.

Today the Pleiades, as stars, make themselves present and come to meet the self-summoned so that they may feel within themselves the impulses of the Universe, impulses that will be revealed for the manifestation of the Plan of God in humanity.

For these critical times, the Pleiades keep participating in your humanity, they keep pouring out their knowledge upon the sphere of the Earth so that, in the spiritual plane, everything may be conceived and later be lived by the human consciousnesses on this surface.

May you understand today how much sacred knowledge has arisen from these great stars of the Pleiades which, time and again, emits impulses to the whole Universe so that the consciousnesses may catch the information that they need to be able to grow internally, and thus be bearers of peace.

Attract toward yourselves this superior consciousness of knowledge and Instruction, thus you will always hold in your lives this extended hand that will be the guide of Instruction, which will lead you to forge, in your true beings, that which you came to fulfill and live in these final times.

It is time to reignite this commitment within you, this sacred memory with the Universe and all its Instruction.

Instruction is like a wellspring that is never exhausted, it is like the river that never ceases to run to bathe the fields and the forests, to nourish the land with its wealth and minerals.

See, then, this sacred knowledge as something vital, because the last impulses are now coming to humanity, they are being poured out for the formation of the New Humanity.

From this place, receive all the love of Instruction. Receive in your hearts the impulse of something sacred that comes to unveil the new being and to bring Truth to the consciousness, without allowing it to become confused nor be deceived by the supposed instructions that will come from other paths.

I told you once that by your fruits you will be known. Instruction will be this key that will reveal that which is hidden and will leave in evidence in what is not true.

For this reason, each word that comes from knowledge and Instruction is vital because it will make of your beings consciousnesses free of themselves, from the constant current of errors of the race of these times.

The sacred knowledge will help you reverse the chaos of these times, it will help you to transform and vivify everything, in the plentitude that knowledge and Instruction have, because they come from the Source.

May the Sun, which can awaken in your heart, recognize this legacy.

Sacred instructions from the Pleiades are sent to humanity to form the last disciples, to make of each consciousness a teraphim of the new cycle.

I invite you to revive what is sacred in the Universe, what comes from such faraway places of the Cosmos so that you recognize your true identity and thus not be disturbed by the material life, by the human condition, by the errors and the suffering.

May you find this portal of exit to the heart of the Pleiades, in which the first rule of Instruction is the prayer of the Wise Spirits that have given of themselves throughout the times to serve humanity, to help elevate the consciousness to the true purpose and to the true meaning of existence.

See, then, companions, the importance of knowledge in these times. There are many who are still in the desert, seeking the water of life to quench their thirst, but cannot find it because they are within themselves.

Now that I have opened this Source for you, go and drink, drink of this knowledge as if it were the last water that existed on the planet, to give the most wonderful codes of the Universe and of the Brotherhood, to bring to your consciousnesses the true memory of their commitments signed in the Universe, as original essences, as part of a great Project, that has not ended yet.

Commune, then, with the wonders of the Pleiades and of its Constellation.

Feel the love of the Pleiades beat in your hearts and, in this sacred symphony, emit your ray of gratitude to that which is superior so that more keys may be given to humanity, so that more inner Christs may awaken and thus the talents in all beings may be shown; talents which will be at the service of your Master and Lord for the end of these times, and that, united, will be essential for the Work of redemption.

Emit, then, your song of gratitude to the Universe, may your spirits embrace this flame of knowledge and may it be welcomed in the depths of your beings in order to awaken the virtues that are necessary to remove the majority from spiritual drowsiness and inertia.

May the treasures of the Pleiades show themselves today to the simple hearts.

May the light of the Pleiades radiate to the humble hearts and may the consciousnesses commune with that which truly exists and has always been eternal.

This will safeguard the last Tribes of Israel, which are in the world to fulfill the great prophecy of the return of your Lord.

Be brave and say “yes” in trust.

Receive this encouragement and this hope from the Universe in these critical moments of humanity and the planet so that the true attributes and principles of evolutionary life are not erased from the memory of humanity, but are present for the most urgent times of humanity.

I embrace and hold My Heart in those who truly hear Me, in those who, above all, understand and adhere to My Purpose.

I also pray for those who do not understand Me and for those who do not follow Me, because everything will be in evidence someday, and this is not far away from happening.

For this, I pray, for this I implore, and for this I invoke My Father.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

I am the Lady of the Dawn, the eternal and new Aurora who brings in Her Hands the Grace of God for all of Her children.

I am the Lady of the Dawn, who gestates in Her sacred Womb a New Humanity.

I am the One who imparts the Love of God on all creatures.

I am the Lady of the Dawn, the One who awakens the Virtues of God in hearts so that they may be at the service of souls through those who consecrate themselves to the Lord.

I am the Lady of the Dawn, the One who activates the inner Suns in beings so that the majority may offer themselves to the Plan of God.

I am the Lady of the Dawn, the One who announces a new time and a new race that will be filled by the victorious Mercy of God.

I am the Lady of the Dawn and keep in My Heart the fallen stars so that, some day, through their redemption, they may be the new stars in the redeeming firmament.

I am the Lady of the Dawn and I leave you all My message of peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and accompanies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Today I say goodbye to a land and a people marginalized and exploited, but profoundly blessed by God and by all of His Kingdom.

Today I say goodbye to simple but strong hearts, to souls who want to protect their roots and teachings so that these may serve as a spiritual support for the New Humanity.

Today I say goodbye to a devout but poor people, charitable but rejected in the world, because of its condition.

Today I am leaving happy, because new Suns awakened to the sacred knowledge of their mission and to prayer.

I carry in My Heart the warm expression of My children through songs and prayers; this will make Me return someday to bring continuity to the Work of Love and of Redemption of My Beloved Son.

Today I say goodbye to a people who was blessed by Grace and restored by the Mercy of God.

Today I say goodbye to the essences that awakened and to the hearts that, in profound humility, responded to the call of the Heavenly Mother.

I bless you all and I encourage you in the ministry of prayer and on the path of restorative service.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.


Declaration of the Divine Love, continuation

Oh, beloved Chilean people, who has printed on your blue and red flag, the star that must be the symbol of a celestial motherland!

Oh, sacred mountains of the Andes, which keep in in their mineral heart the greatest treasures of the original history of this humanity!

Oh, My children from Chile, who reflect on your faces the legacy of the peoples of the past!

Lift your white flags of peace and that, upon the cry that the Universe will emit, your inner stars receive the sacred call of the redemption!

May the Vigilant of the Legacy wash their faces in the Fountain of My Grace, so that they may be healed of everything!

May the Guardians of the Treasures of the Universe receive the balm of My Peace to be able to be healed!

May the Commanders of other times be forgiven and receive the spiritual Absolution from the Son of God!

Children of this ancient sacred people! Peoples of the beginning and peoples of the end! Open your hearts to be liberated!

Throw from your hands the weapons of destruction! May each radiant Sun, which dwells in this people, be erected again to the Glory of God, so that everything may be restored, so that nothing is lost. So that, from the silence of the Andes, the Sacred Word of Our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ may be heard.

Follow your Mother of Heaven on the path that will lead you to the blessed motherland, because thus your people, wounded by the causes of yesterday, will be redeemed of everything.

Trust, children, in everything that I bring you!

Trust in the renewed hope and in the end of this national captivity!

I Am the Mother who moves the whole Universe so that Her smallest and needy children have an opportunity!

May the soldiers of the Stars gather today at the foot of the great Celestial Altar! And may the doors to the abyss of this people be closed now!

Because the inner Christ will emerge from your beings and thus you will be one with My Son, so that He, in His Celestial Glory, may be one with His beloved people!

I want the Star of My Brotherhood to now be the motto and the symbol of your people!

I want, from this country, beings redeemed by the Love of the Creator!

May the Commanders of once now raise their hearts to Heaven!

Because now, without helmets, weapons nor cloaks, you will be free to sit at the Redeeming Table of the Lord and thus commune of His Codes of Life.

May the fallen in the past, arise in this present!

May those who have not yet forgiven the errors of this homeland and of this people, forgive today, so that My Beloved Son, in His Divine Grace, may reunite you and, by means of His Word, make you commune of His Most Holy Spirit!

That today Chile can, as a people, take each other by the hand, to declare the long-awaited reconciliation and pronounce the so longed-for peace, erasing thus, from this Chilean history, the errors of yesterday!

Thus, your hearts will shine and together with Me you will be able to take the steps toward the reunion of love that will heal the greatest wounds.

Let no one else grieve his or her heart, for Christ, My Son, will put an end to this exile!

And all the soldiers and Commanders of the purple helmets will unite in Christ, to make of this nation, the concretion of the Divine Promise in the life of each being.

That today the swords be abandoned, and the meek heart of each Chilean be offered to the Creator, so that the Plan triumphs, beyond everything!

So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Curitiba, Paraná, to Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I come here for a wounded world, and, in My hands, I carry the greatest cause of God, which is the fulfillment of His Plan of Love and Redemption on the surface.

I pray for this cherished Project and every day I relive the Words of the Creator, which He spoke to Me in His Kingdom:

“Dear Universal Mother, supreme and humble Mirror of Love, Your Father and Lord of the Universe asks that you tirelessly go forth to meet souls and the most simple because through them, I will be able to heal the planet and its humanity, I will repopulate the world with hundreds of suns, many more than I have created throughout the Universes.

I will make of each sun a prodigious emanation of My Source and, through them, I will pour out the Divine Codes of My Paternal Heart.

Go ahead, most sweet Lady of the Light, Governor of all the stars, fallen and non-fallen.   Go ahead, appear and announce to the race that I deeply love them and that they are offending Me while setting themselves apart from the Universe of My Love.

Do everything in Your power, You have no boundaries, but rather thousands of angels and devas to reverse the lack of love and to transmute the indifference upon this planet.

You will always hold within Your Heart the unquenchable wisdom of My Words, because, through Your Grace, I will make of hearts luminous trophies of redemption, to place them at the foot of the celestial altar”.

In My silence, children, I hear this proclamation, every day. And I will be able to be the Mother of humanity and of all the Earth, as long as you allow Me to be. Thus, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Put your faith in God, and not in humankind, because the flesh is weak and it can fail.

Put your faith in the Most High and Supreme, in that which is non-material and comes from the Divine so that, in this way, your awareness may expand.

Put your faith in the Kingdoms and in the beauty of Creation, in the Universes, stars, suns and planets, because, in this way, you will find peace.

Put your faith in the unknown, in the mystery and in knowledge, because, in this way, your spirit will grow.

Put your faith in service, in love, and in that which is unconditional, because, in this way, you will know humility.

Put your faith in the infinite, in that which is pure and in that which is good, because, in this way, you will never lose peace.

Put your faith in the silence within and in perpetual prayer because, in this way, you will be in God.

Do not place your expectations or results in that which is human, mortal or the like; put your faith in that which is of Christ, in that which radiates love, transparency and truth, because, in this way, you will not suffer or be disappointed by all that surrounds you.

Put your faith in the Call of God, in the path of the apostleship, in the greater surrender, and in the hope of the emergence of a new and consecrated humanity.

Put your faith in the love of the heart and, in this way, you will help those who do not live these principles.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



From Heaven I am able to hear the cry of My children of Belo Horizonte and from the world, and the Universal Father rejoices because His beloved children inwardly recognize the Mercy of the Redeemer.

In this way, the doors to spiritual Grace open with each prayer that is pronounced in the deep sincerity of the heart.

The entire Spiritual Universe contemplates, in this moment, the precious event of seeing souls thirsty for the Love of Christ and invoking His powerful name as savior.

The soul of each of those who pray rejoices, and deep healing is established in them and in the planetary consciousness.

After the last 8th of August, the times have definitely changed, and what before seemed to be in danger in this entire race, through definition, through surrender, through prayer, and through union with the Evolutionary Plan, everything becomes possible to be fulfilled in the consciousness of many.

The perseverance of the brave souls encourages My Son so that He, in His Blessed Glory, may return to this world.

The suns that were before going out because of planetary inertia or because of chaos, have lighted up again, and have finally found the path to My Son.

All of this activates the Heart of the Father that before, being in silence, was teaching the Universe His mysterious Will.

The invocation of hearts for the powerful flame of the Mercy of My Son has caused the angels of the Universe to again descend to gather up the supplications of sincere hearts.

A flaming and mysterious fire is lighting the evolutionary spirit of nations and changing the catastrophic destinies that entire populations would experience because of their own actions; this converts all of America into a new Eden.

In this way, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary, and of Saint Joseph send souls the last preparatory impulses for the new times, which will be different from the times of yore.

A new path is established in the human consciousness; the veils of blindness and of ignorance are removed from the majority, and a hope that was dead before, is reborn like the bird of fire.

My Graces illuminate all these opportunities and today the soldiers of Christ alleviate My suffering Heart.

Because of this and for all that is yet to come,

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is united with each prayerful heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children:

While all the events precipitate in the world and upon the nations, I invite you to pray ever more profoundly with the heart.

I invite you to be representatives of the peace humanity needs so much. With your brave hearts we will change this planet, and the oppressed will receive the opportunity to be rapidly in freedom.

I come with My sword of Light to liberate from errors all those who are submerged in it. I come to show My children that there is a true way out to free oneself from the self.

It is time for the soldiers of Christ to carry on their lips the Word of salvation and consolation that many souls await.

Therefore, children, I come to encourage you to experience the service for the Plan, so that your consciousnesses may always be ready to know how to respond to the call of Heaven.

In this way, My dear children, I prepare you consciously so that you will know how to open the doors at the moment of experiencing you redemption.

At this unknown moment that is just beginning, may the path of service and of peace be the keynote of your lives, because the planet needs it and all of humanity must learn to serve the Plan of God.

At this acute hour of the planet, may all the suns of heart shine and show this human civilization that it is time to look to God and to serve Him with a humble readiness, so that, in this way, the majority is not left behind.

The life of the world can be tempting, but know that those who love the Plan of God find all the resources to be able to experience it and thus, to form the basis of the New Humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who gives you the impulse to serve,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Human growth is often difficult and painful. To go through so many stages of physical, emotional, and mental maturing require effort and dedication from those who experience them.

Spiritual growth is similar to human growth: beings experience different evolutive cycles that demand from their consciousnesses an increasingly deep and consolidated maturity.

In physical human life, the being that grows is progressively assuming their role in society, and is responsible for sustaining it and for building its future. In the spiritual life, the being that grows and matures, gradually assumes its responsibility before the Plan of God and recognizes itself as responsible not only for its evolution but also for the evolution of all humanity, the planet, and as a result, of the universe.

This last evolutive cycle of the awakening of new suns sets the threshold between the old and the new humankind. Children, it will be the time to spiritually cross this threshold and face the changes that this will bring about in your lives; to face the resistances and obstacles imposed by yourselves for this maturing, just as a young person who is in the transition to adulthood, and often resists taking that step.

Many want to live a spiritual life; they aspire to know the truth about themselves, about this world and many others, but children, what you must understand now is that this step in the spiritual life that allows you to know the truth about all existence generates a commitment that requires certain effort and transformation.

This is what happens with many youths who want to live by themselves, have their own houses, their own jobs, but they do not understand that independent life will demand immediate mental and emotional growth from them. 

It would not reflect the reality that consciousnesses with a certain degree of instruction did not have the same degree of conscious commitment to the Plan of God. Children, this is the Law of the Universes, of life, of Creation.

So that new worlds may be revealed to your eyes, you must spiritually mature. And as the change of times is urgent right now, and the truth emerges even for those who do not want to see it, the very condition of the planet will demand from all immediate and concrete spiritual growth.

This growth is nothing more than a true transformation in the consciousness, a response to the Creator, with daily examples that you understand the times in which you live and your responsibility to the Plan of God.

Children, I tell you these things because now we are in the last time, and you will not read as many instruction pages as before, because everything has already been said and it is time to put it into practice.

For the spiritual growth of humanity,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Place your left hand over your heart and before My Father, revere this moment, this third meeting with Me. That in this month of August ends a stage and begins a new one for all the missionaries of the Earth, for all those consecrated in My Plan of Redemption and of Light.

A stage on this day is closing and a new door is opening, so that you may cross it in consciousness and brotherhood.

I have come with the Celestial Beings, the Elohim, all the Shining Beings. A part of Them has descended to find you in this sacred desert and to finish instituting the Plan that once began and has not yet been able to end, the Plan of establishing the Light of the Sacred Centers on the surface of the planet, and for a humanity still very much asleep.

It is this inner Light, which is born from the Sacred Enclosures, that will help in the transition of the Earth, and all the consciousnesses that sleep in the dream of the illusion.

So, in this third meeting, companions, I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses a little more. I come to bring you the synthesis of all that has occurred in this meeting of prayer, of the possibilities that you had of taking new steps through this spiritual exercise, this universal command that I invite you to live.

I come to bring you the synthesis of the experience of love in each one of you, of what after three years and in this meeting, you were able to give Me with all of your hearts, with all of your souls and spirits united with Me.

I come to bring you the synthesis and the response of this task carried out during the two days of this divine fusion that was lived between the Sacred Desert, in which I find Myself, and Aurora.

This union was radiated to all; that door was opened for all, and it does not matter where you may have been. But if your hearts were here, just as I brought your souls for this meeting, for this new stage that begins this August, a part of the Mission is fulfilled.

The response of the servers is important; this makes the Plan evolve and concretize in humanity, in spite of what may happen around you, or in the whole world.

This meeting is marked by an important Ray, that separates the old cycle from the new cycle. This is the Ray of Transfiguration, the Ray that I lived for you, and thus I was able to show you My true face.

It is this spiritual face that I want you to seek, your true face, what you truly are and have come to fulfill on this planet.

Thus I form My disciples, thus I create My soldiers: in the strength of prayer and in the living of service for fellow beings.

Today I come to synthesize this experience that you have lived in the desert with Me, naming Me the Son of the Sun, of the emanation of the One Source, of the Wisdom and the Absolute Understanding about the Truth of the Universe.

I wanted you to go through this desert, companions, so that when it is your time to cross it again, you know how to do it, without fear and with much valor.

This task here, with all of you in Peru, in consciousness and in spirit, allowed Me to withdraw some of My disciples from their very deep deserts, in which they were lost; because with My Grace, everything is possible, and when souls invoke My Divine Mercy, it also is possible.

So I tell you again, companions, that I leave no one behind. But I respect the time of each beloved of Mine, until he finally fulfills the service that he has come to lend Me, in the name of God.

From this desert, today a Greater Light goes forth, a Light that ascends and illumines the Planetary Consciousness; it is the Solar Light, it is the Divine Fire, it is the plea, the aspiration, the ardent devotion of the hearts that cried out for this humanity and for this planet in redemption.

Thus, I prepare you for that great moment in which you will see Me come among the clouds with the Face of My Glory and of My Divine Mercy. I will come with the Consciousness that many do not know. For this reason, I send some of Mine to the deserts, so that they may prepare as I prepared to live the Passion, and thus, live My Resurrection, which was to withdraw the whole race from spiritual death, in the past. 

This Sun that I Am, illuminates the Universe and brings the Good News, the message of hope and the new path which those who have been lost will again be able to tread.

It is this Sun that I Am, which illumines and warms the spirit and the body, bringing them renewal and healing for all wounds.

Today I say, especially to all those who were in their deserts, to come to Me. I Am that Sun which illumines your paths, and that gives you eternal life.

The darkness will pass, but My Word will remain. There is nothing that separates those who are united with Me. This Sun illumines all the stars and the consciousnesses that unite with the Purpose of My father, where each one fulfills  his part.

I Am that Sun of the constellations; I Am the Greater Governor, the Christ, Who was here on the planet to teach you the Truth, to teach you about Love and about Mercy.

Now that in these three days, companions, you have crossed this Sacred Desert with Me, where darkness could not triumph, but rather the Light of My Love, I ask you: shine, like this Sun that illumines you. Be Suns on the Earth. Be the Love of God, that illuminates inside and outside, and each space of this planet. Suns of My Father, stand up!

The morning has already begun, and a new night approaches. But do not fear, who is in My Heart knows everything and will be guided until completing their mission.

Suns: awaken and do not sleep! It is time to shine from within, it is time to illuminate the abysses and to dispel evil in the name of the Love of My Heart. Shine and be what you never were; be worthy children of God, and you will be making My Heart glad. Be as I was, even if you are not. Be Suns that illuminate from the heart and bring peace for a time of chaos.

The most difficult hour approaches, but I will not abandon you. Happy are they who have heard Me with attention, because they will be rewarded by My Father.

That now, the prayer that you have lived during these two days be life, be love, be unity and brotherhood. Do not look for similarities in your brothers, look for the beauty in the hearts of your fellow beings so that the curse will end, the curse that causes the world to suffer every day.

See the best that there is in each one, and help one another, because thus you will help Me. Sustain and support the one who has fallen, because you too will fall and I will not deny you, because My Father does not deny you.

If the souls could see the essence of these things, there would be no sense in the world being purified.

Do not be what you do not have to be. Be more than what you live, and live it truly.

I bless you with My Divine Consciousness, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Companions, may this moment be kept within you, because the Son of the Sun came to meet you to bring you Peace.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Account of the third meeting with Christ, here in the desert of Chilca, in Peru.

When we gathered to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, at the end, the Consciousness of Christ began to approach here, the region of the desert of Chilca, as He did the two previous times.

The sky, which was overcast, gradually opened up and the sun began to radiate its light and its heat here in the mountains. Immediately, Christ showed us, we saw that He was coming close to us in a very different way than He has shown Himself at other times, and we could see the Master was coming with His Feet resting on a blue triangular platform that was floating.

He was on this platform. It was a very intense, strong blue color and it began to descend. As it descended, the Universes, the Heavens, were opening towards other planes, until reaching the spiritual plane, where we understood, comprehended that the Consciousness of the Father, Adonai, was, and so He opened that path when He descended; He was, in this third Apparition, dressed in White, there was a subtlety, something very light, delicate, above all, very loving; with the same features as the Glorified Christ, but this time, dressed all in white.

When He appeared, when He drew closer on this triangular blue platform, the first thing He took out of His Chest was His Heart, and He offered It to us. The Heart was on the palm of His right Hand being offered, and when He offered it to us, we could perceive that He did so for all the consciousnesses of the planet, above all for those that He says are indifferent. And He was Offering this Heart for Creation, He offered this Heart for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the Consciousness of the Kingdoms; it was something that was expanding to all, without distinction.

And in this way, He began to direct His Words, in the Message that He gave for this meeting. And when He spoke, at a certain point the Elohim, when we were still seeing the open Heavens, the dimensions, up to the spiritual plane, armies, that is what we saw, armies of the Elohim, they began to  position themselves to the right and to the left of Christ, above the mountains, here, in the desert.

There were many, all dressed in tunics down to their feet. They were resplendent beings like angels, but did not have wings. They were present there, and we saw that they were carrying out a task. In one moment, the Elohim accompanied all the work that Christ did through the message; because as He was talking, He was showing many things, above all, for example, what had to do with the Solar Consciousness, or what we know as the Sun.

At one point, when He began to talk about that Sun that we should be and what we should represent on the surface of the Earth, as missionaries, He brought, I don't know how He did it, a copy of another Sun that was shining on us.

Then, between Christ and the Sun, the physical sun shining on us, there was another extremely powerful Sun, and in its nucleus, in the center of that Sun, was the Consciousness of God. To say it in some way, cosmically, we saw ourselves represented, before a representation, so to speak, of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in a universal and spiritual way, that we had never seen, something very intense to see.

At the moment in which He makes that presentation through the Sun like the fundamental Consciousness of God, of Him as the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, He ascends, even while He was giving the message; He ascended and entered into this physical sun, which gives us light every day.

He began to transfigure and became like a Solar Being, which was a total Being of much light. It was a light that dazzled to see, it was a Light that was concentrated and was generated within this physical sun that gives us light.

I don't know what He wanted to show us with that, what it was He wanted to tell us, as an example, as a symbol, but at that moment, He was representing us, He showed Himself like that, like transfigured to the apostles on Mount Tabor.

Lastly, when He descended again from that Sun, more resplendent, more illuminated, naming Himself as the Son of the Sun, because the Son of the Sun, He was saying is the Son of God, of the living God. At that moment, He returned to that blue platform, and between that physical sun that shone on us and the Sun that He had brought, that copy of that Sun, let us say, of that more immaterial Sun, He made appear to His right and to His left, all the constellations within the heavenly vault, which were in perfect harmony and balance.

That was the experience and the accounts of the Apparition.


With you in the battle…

Dear children,

I am with you in the battle against the plans of My adversary, those that launch themselves hastily against My armies of light.

I am with you in the battle to be able to establish the last hour of the enemy. Therefore, My angels and yours fight tirelessly against the dark forces of the abysses, those that stimulate all the vices as well as the disagreements among souls.

I am with you in the battle, therefore I send the angels, faithful servers of the Archangels, those that establish the Kingdom of God in the open hearts.

I am with you in the battle to impede that My adversary conquers the thought of My children, therefore the shield of prayer and the flag of unity will make My enemy fear and he will not be able to approach himself.

I am with you in the battle so that the angels of the Father deviate from the path the poisonous arrows of illusion, arrogance, negation and indifference, tools thrown by the demons against the precious stars that I have established upon Earth, against the suns that shine on the surface of the planet.

I am with you in the battle to banish the kingdoms that have succumbed by the art of My enemy and that have led many souls to total loss in their spiritual life.

I am with you in the battle to protect you from the deceptions that My adversary is creating among the noble hearts.

Keep vigil with Me, I am Your Commander and guide everyone towards the most pure refuge of My Heart where nobody will find you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who protects you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Always bring My message of peace to the world and to all of the souls that do not know the power of My maternity and of My Love.

In your paths you will find hearts in need of the Mercy of God and it will be this Divine Mercy that will open the door for redemption and for the liberation of the sins.

For this, children, be apostles of Christ in love and in truth.  The adversary fears these great virtues because there he cannot establish his kingdom of darkness.  Love and truth will make you understand and accept the current decadence of an indifferent and materialistic humanity.  In this humanity there are still praying suns that shine and bring hope to an uncontrolled and restless world without peace or unity.

Dear children, the times will be complicated because humanity and mainly some hearts without God will promote unusual events for the world.  For this I come to ask you that everyday you may offer the prayer of the heart.  It will be your shield against My adversary.

Those who do not pray, how will they be saved?  This is the science of the end of times, the prayer of heart, the prayer of love, the prayer of truth, of peace.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you in calm and in peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The world experiences its own damnation and does not realize it. Thus, I come to rescue it, to warn and to aid it.

As I have done in other times, dear children, I call on you to pay attention in these end times. You must measure each step taken in these times, each inner attitude and each expression. This will define, in you, the next paths; but if you remain united with Me through prayer, nothing will happen to you; you will only be able to learn and grow, as God has foreseen in each of your lives.

The world suffers, throughout the length and breadth of this planet, and I come to aid it, day after day, through My prayer. If you are persevering with Me in the Marian task, I could continue to pour out My Graces over those who did not deserve them.

From you I need full hearts ready to serve Me, so that all may cross the threshold of this great transition. I place Myself before this great threshold so you may gather within My Immaculate Heart, which is being hurt and wounded by the world, which offers Itself for you every day of Its life as the full Spirit of God manifested, as the Love of God among you, and so that your paths may be paths that take you to meet the Lord Jesus. In this way, dear children, you will build the new bridges that many are cracking and breaking through the action of their personal will.

I come here, dear children, so that you may enter into communion with the spiritual world, which is greatly forgotten, in which many do not place their heart and cannot receive the Graces they so need. The bridge to reach this great spiritual world will be perseverance and constancy in prayer. In this way, you will be able to incarnate the attributes of the Holy Spirit in yourselves; those which are waiting to be alive in you so the fire can illumine you, can heal and change you.

Dear children, I make the Holy Spirit of God available to you, the One that must be sought in these times because many forget it, changing it for other things, for material and worldly things. Thus, I emit My last echo, so the ears of the heart can hear it, and in this way, be able to ardently prepare with the fire of prayer and devotion, which will keep you firm and safe on the path of peace, on the path of redemption.

My children, in you I come to seek that which you have never wanted to give God. Yes, I come to seek your miseries, and as Universal Mother, I am ready to transform your miseries into Light and Love. Thus, I come down to these worlds to be able to convert souls and have them remember they must be in God before the great cycle of the transmutation of the planet. Thus, through union with My Son Jesus, I prepare you, I unite you with His Sacred Heart, and do not let you separate even for a moment from Him; but you must allow it so that all may be healed and redeemed.

Dear children, on this night I repeat all these things because your hearts have not properly heard them, and you must be My apostles, apostles of My Son, apostles of the Redeemer, who represent in this very defining era, the living flame of the Heart of Christ, a Heart that is redeemed and purified, that is transformed and gives itself fully to God.

I come, dear children, to bring you the opportunity you never received in your lives, that you return to God the Father, the Almighty; that you be like Me as I was in other times, in a simple, humble and true way, living God in your heart and in your soul, seeking His Infinity and His Cosmos to be in His Greater Universe.

Dear children, humanity is fallen and ill. Many are assaulting the Heart of My Son; day after day, they deeply wound Him with their actions and thoughts. Thus, I come to this part of the Americas to be able to re-establish devotion to His Sacred Heart; and that devotion will be achieved, dear children, when you give your true 'yes' to God, which will allow you to change this very sick world.

I come to warn you, I come to invite you board this ship of salvation; for this is the last time I come through this world in Immaculate Spirit and in a Spirit of Purity, trying to elevate your cells and atoms toward a greater illumination, toward a quick transformation of each particle of your small bodies. Every day you must seek to vibrate in God, to aspire to merge into that universal life that is so forgotten by this humanity.

This is so strong, dear children, that many forget to look at the sky and identify their own star. Like the Great Star of the Universe, I come to ignite your suns, a fire God needs in these times, in the mission of being able to banish evil from this world.

Dear children, the mission for all of you and those who listen to Me is great. This is My last call, and you will hold it in your memories up to the end of your days.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I humbly invite you to observe the example of those who come to My meeting for the first time, because they overcame their fear of discovering that which for such a long time they knew existed, because they finally trusted in the love given to their hearts.

My children, in these definitive times, I invite you to humility, an adventure of the spirit, so you can leap like children into the discovery of Universal Love. To those who want to follow Christ, I invite you to go deeper into My Words, for transmitted over the last few years, they hold the Divine Purpose for this humanity.

Many did not hear what was said to them, others did not know the true value and found that the Words of the Queen of Heaven were very simple and always the same. But today, My children, I tell you that an infinite treasure is held in each of those Words, and one who truly knows how to hear them will, step by step, find out how to reach the Kingdom of God and bring this Kingdom to the world.

Today I call you, My children, to a permanent renewal of your spirits, so that you not see time go by right before your eyes and the world transform into a new world without you being able to accompany it.

My children, live your transformation together with the transformation of this planet so you may, right before your eyes as well as within your hearts, see the new redeemed race being born.

My dears, many times I speak to you of things you do not understand, but all I ask is that you open your heart, that you hold My Words in the depths of your beings, because there, they will labor, and little by little, they will build this perfect dwelling place, this whole stronghold in each of you; and without your perceiving it, you will live the Plan of God, because in reality, My children, He will be living within each of you.

All opportunities are being given to you. Simply open your arms and receive each one of the gifts that descend from the Heavens. The one who really wants to take this step, toward infinity and toward the unknown, will do so; because, My dears, today I tell you that the doors of the universe will open before your eyes and your little hearts, that worlds unknown to you can be revealed to humanity coming from the 'yes' of your hearts. For as representatives of this world, you can choose to not only belong to it and give a true 'yes' to God, but God will reveal other universes, other celestial realities to you that exist in this world and in many others.

My children, open your eyes, because this planetary moment needs to find you awake. Today, before this universal door, lift up your offerings to God, because this path will lead you to the Feet of the Creator, Who will listen to your pleas and also the pleas of all of humanity, which are held in your hearts.

But do not forget, My dears, that in light of this opportunity of being before the portal of Heaven, you must be intercessors for all of humanity, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for those who suffer in hell and in purgatory and wait for your prayers.

This is a unique moment in which souls can be aided, in which those who did not generate merits for their salvation can indeed be saved by the true power of your prayers.

I listen to the cry of your hearts on this night, and in each of you I leave My maternal response, so that you no longer suffer because of the events of your lives and of this world, but rather that you learn through the tests you experience, and that you mature, because truly I tell you that all you experience is just the beginning of the purification of this planet.

There is much yet to come, but at that moment, you will then be sufficiently prepared to experience it. For this reason, do not fear, simply strengthen yourselves through prayer, through fellowship, and above all, through a unity among your hearts.

Never allow the unity I built in your souls, My children, to be dissolved. Through My Mantle, I always unite you and protect you, so that nothing can separate what was united by the Love of God; so that, as a single army of Peace, you are able to draw this Peace to the world and definitely dissolve all the evil that wishes to extinguish the essence of My children.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the Passion of Christ, you will find the living testimony for your conversion and the encouragement to continue forward in the face of tests; because there is nothing more important in your lives, dear children. At this moment, dear children, you must seek to be in God all the time; that will be the sign of your salvation for Heaven.

On this night of Graces and blessings, in which all the universes assemble, I have especially come to bless My dear children, those who through perseverance, took their steps and are being witnesses for others, witnesses to conversion, love and forgiveness.

I also come to bless this sacred hermitage, which will represent the Light of Christ the Redeemer in these times.

The hermitage is the Heart of My living Son, where all will be able to enter to feel Him and recognize Him. When this hermitage beats in the Light of Christ, it will be through the action of your works. I am referring, dear children, to your prayers, which will be able to reach Heaven so as to be received, as I have done many times with you and with many people.

Thus, with joy, singing and in praise, let us go in procession to the hermitage so that I may bless it. Let your candles be the sign of the light of your spirits.


Song: "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary."


My dear children, in glory to God and His firstborn Son, I bless this hermitage, which will represent the Sacred Heart of the living Christ for all, the bridge that will unite you with the Celestial Universe, the Source of Graces and of Redemption.

Those who humbly enter this place, will be touched by the breath of the Spirit of Christ and must fully trust that their life will change, and all their loved ones will be touched by that Christic flame on this night of consecration in which Heaven and Earth commune and all souls assemble around the Great Heart of God to receive His Gifts and His Virtues.

Let us honor the Creator for this great opportunity and as good hearts, let us send a message of peace and of union to the whole world that will circulate through this Earth and unify all spirits within the Great Purpose of God.

Let us cry out to God in the Highest! Let the celestial choirs sing, let hearts be joyful, be redeemed and unite with the only Source of God which is eternal Love, eternal Unity, and eternal Wisdom for all that was created.

Unite your hearts and minds with the Divine Thought of God; and on this night, capture the true signs of His Will which will allow you to be reborn and re-emerge as brave servers, as apostles of the new time, as servants of the Creator that will struggle until the end of days for the redemption of this world, for the salvation of this beauty which represents this planet and all that are part of it, in this great local universe, in communion with infinity, with universal life and with the spirit of peace.

So may it be! So may it be! So may it be!

Let us repeat the following prayer:

O Sacred Center of the Light of Christ!
Be radiated over the world,
convert all souls,
so that in the time to come
we recognize, now and always,
Your Glorious Coming to this humanity.
In victory for You, King of Kings,
Supreme Love,
we implore You, we beg You and we beseech You:
return soon to this world!
so that everything may be healed,
so that souls may be freed,
and your Infinite Mercy be proclaimed
over the centuries to come.

In this union with Infinity, I thank you for responding to My call. Today, My Love is especially given to all the pilgrims who, with hope and rejoicing, came to receive a part of My Universal Heaven.

I bless you all, those who are being consecrated and also those who will be consecrated to My Heart, for all are children of the same Father and come from the same Source, the Source of Love.

Thank you all. Go in peace, in Christ. Do not forget to lift up your hearts to God, He will listen to you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


When a place is consecrated to My Sacred Heart and in this space the souls participate in this consecration, a door of peace is opened to the entire world and thus many of those who have fallen in desperation receive a Greater Grace of absolution.

In this path of consecration the Father bows before His People to radiate to them love, gratitude and the future; in this way humanity is day by day liberated and transmuted by the doors that she opens before the celestial universe.

The greater help by the angels is concretized in this time by means of the merciful power of prayer; in this manner the souls receive from the Kingdom all that they need as an impulse to continue walking, and not even a possible effort by the hearts will disturb the walk to take the steps to God. 

In this era of Divine Mercy those who pray and those who do not pray must consecrate themselves every day to the infinite source of My Merciful Heart.  In this way you shall be able to construct inside each essence an indestructible and solid temple in the face of the great battles of tribulation.

But I need the hearts to be able to represent Me as suns that radiate the infinite power of My Mercy; for this today I want to leave for those of Mine an open door, that each one will cross on his own time.

I only say to you that there is not much time for you to decide; the clock marks a new cycle of changes and of renunciation for those who always have said yes to Me; for these I will be able to fulfill My precious plans of redemption and of peace.

I wait for you at the Door of My Divine Mercy.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for seeking the perfect union with My Invincible Heart.

In union with My flocks,

Christ Jesus of Mercy


I have given you My Life so that you could live through Me.

I have given you My Body so that you could be purified through Me.

I have given you My Blood so that you could be renewed through Me. And today I give you the great universal merit of My Infinite Mercy so that through Me you may trust in that which God sends you for you to mature and grow spiritually.

Nothing else I ask you, only that you follow Me until the end. The soldiers of the new era are still too few to be able to materialize the expected mission of My Return. Entrust to God your beings and tasks so that other Suns on the Earth may be able to wake up as stars of the great brotherhood.

Be simple, loving and humble, it is time to obey the commands that are dictated for your hearts. It is time to give yourself entirely so that redemption may be achieved in all of humanity.

I only ask you to be as crystalline as the Water of Life that tirelessly springs from My Side as energy and repairing light for the entire world. Be seeds that now sprout in Grace and Love inside of My Heart.

I wait for you in prayer, I thank you on this day of Tuesday for having helped Me in the planetary salvation of the essences that are asleep.

Under the Universal Peace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you now and always for being united to My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
