
Take off the past from your feet and live in the eternal present.  You are being placed in the school of forgiveness and of love so that the unity that dwells in each child of God may be expressed and may fulfill its task.

There is a certain type of footwear that is very difficult to take off because in them are kept the experiences of other paths that were taken yesterday.  There are certain types of pointed shoes that are more complex because in them are kept the need to try again to achieve certain things.

Other shoes are more robust and heavier because the feet have carried the sufferings from whole years.  And there are some very delicate, of such a fragile consistency that any distinct path could break them.

In the end, children of Mine, the greatest thing in this time is to take off your own self.  It is a tough goal that, when is achieved, the soul, victorious, finds the liberation from the inner prison.  Remember, dear children, that a divested life is a free path that your feet can walk on, but not all manage to live it at the same time.

For this, the gift of fraternal love and the master key of unity are the perfect complements in order for this Creation to be able to go ahead.

Some of you are already at the door of the inner emptiness and it is being requested that you abandon now the old habits so that, completely barefoot, you may raise your spirits and consciousness to light.  Only then you will be free and the chains will be broken.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who teaches you to walk completely barefoot,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Through Supreme Grace, the Mercy of God descends and is shed upon the impurities of this world so that at least a few souls may awaken to the path of consecration and redemption.

Therefore, children, My maternal voice speaks to you so that you recognize that much prayer is needed, everywhere in this world, for those who do nothing and constantly forget My Son.

At this time, when the third stage of the mission in the Congo begins, your Heavenly Mother wants to make you aware of the serious injustices that will lead this nation to lose its inner peace.

You, My missionaries, who have now learned to walk through peace and the prayer of the heart, offer your Heavenly Father the opportunity for closed hearts to discover the Source of salvation and redemption: My beloved Son.

Therefore, My dear ones, in these days in which you will come to know a parallel reality, the one experienced in Ruanda and Uganda, your charitable task must have the main motive of entering the spirit and the heart of each slave soul of My beloved Congo.

Your constancy in wanting to listen and feel the suffering of others with your hearts will make you discover the different spiritual abysses where My souls from Congo were submerged, due to a lack of awareness and love among creatures.

The path to follow in these days is large and at the same time profound and unknown.

You, my missionaries, will stand before a culture subdued by disbelief and by the constant error of withdrawing the best benefits and wealth from a spiritually impoverished people. From there, children, the causes of slavery and forced work are born and appear, which lead to needing to the redoubling of physical efforts in order to survive and to not perish.

Therefore, dear missionaries and prayer beings of Mine, there you have a task of prayer, and worthy are the reasons for doing something for your brothers and sisters in Congo, asking the Creator that this endless captivity may end.

Your Most Holy Mother of Kibeho arrives in Congo to share a spring of Graces with all souls dying of thirst.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unites you and calls you to pray for peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

Like the sound of a harp of light, I bring to your souls the most pure and harmonious sounds that exist in Heaven so that, in this way, you may receive the balm of My Motherly and Spiritual Healing.

Children, everything foreseen has already begun, and at this moment, humanity faces the result of their actions and their decisions, which in this hour, will make millions of souls deviate from the path that My Son offered them.

Many of My preferred children will experience the yoke of suffering, transmutation and surrender caused by the immense load that exists on humanity and due to the absence of servants, obedient to the requests of Heaven.

It is for this infinite reason that Your Celestial Father, Adonai, decided to pour out codes of transmutation so similar to those which My Beloved Son experienced and felt during His last night in the Garden of Gethsemane.

With His own Holy Hands, the Father will be placing you on an unknown path never before experienced by anybody; because just like many Blessed from the past, you must cross the same portal so that God may recognize that it is fair to pour out Mercy and Liberation over a world completely paralyzed by the insignia of My adversary.

Thus, children, prepare yourselves; the hour will be coming and God will make you repositories of His most Precious Gifts so that, in the name of His Beloved Son, you may prepare your beings to help the evolution of the Plan of God.

In this way, My children, in a spirit of surrender and the giving of self, in spite of the uncertainties and the circumstances, you will now be prepared to take on the end of a cycle and the beginning of another.

Your Heavenly Mother will assemble you in the Healing Spirit of God so that, experiencing your intense purification and inner liberation, you may serve the Kingdom of God in fullness and love.

Children, the last battle has not yet begun. Before this happens, I come from Heaven to pour My instructions over you, which will allow you to be ready for the calls of Heaven.

Do not be discouraged. The Lord will be with you, accompanying you even though you do not feel it; His Presence is silent.

I thank you for persevering in responding to My call!

Who unites you with the Blessed Heart of God,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

For the world to take a step towards the Kingdom of God and get out of the situation which it experiences, the hearts that dwell in it must decide to surrender definitively to the Creator.

For the victory of the Divine Light to be a reality in this world, the human hearts must raise to Heaven a plea for Mercy and be consistent with their aspirations.

My dear ones, there is already enough lamentation in this world. Many are already resigned to the suffering which they experience, and many others surrender to the darkness without realizing it and do not find the strength to open their eyes.

I come to the world in search of souls who accept to experience the awakening, souls who no longer want to live sustained by darkness but who ardently wish to open the doors and windows of their lives for the Divine Light to enter.

Today I come to ask you to no longer live the comforts that this world offers you, but to embrace sacrifice, the permanent effort to enter as humanity into the Kingdom of God.

My beloveds, if you could see the world as I see it, you would definitely understand that these are times of emergency and you would be eager to get out of where you are and become sacred instruments of God, faithful soldiers of His army of Peace.

Dear children, do not lament over the events of the world, do not cry for your own pains or the pains of others, but rise from where you are, transformed by the Grace of My Presence, and act! Live to transform these evil events because, just as everything that happens in the world is a consequence of human actions, the reversal of these facts is also the responsibility of humanity.

I have often pronounced secrets to the hearts of My children that may one day come true, prophecies that speak of the Justice of God approaching the world, and I do not say this to cause fear in your hearts; I do not want to threaten you, I want to awaken you and make you aware of what is happening in this world that your eyes cannot see or that your hearts do not allow you to feel the seriousness of these times.

I speak to all who listen to Me because each one, to a different degree, must awaken to the reality of this life. I need soldiers more and more aware of the purpose to be manifested. Awaken! Awaken every day a little more!

My dear ones, if every day you offered a small sacrifice to the Creator, a small effort on behalf of the awakening of humanity, you would collaborate so that the suffering of this world could be alleviated.

Meditate on My Words, they never reach the world in vain. Each phrase that I pronounce holds in itself a greater purpose. He who knows how to listen will be able to receive everything that God delivers to the world, through His Messengers.

Be strong and determined, humble and servant. Be tireless, just as those who descend from the Heavens to rescue humanity.

These are times of urgency, these are times of definitive awakening.

I love you and thank you for responding to My call today, even if you do not know it.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace, the bearer of the awakening of this humanity


Dear children,

Between swords and prayers, fight every day for a new world, fight so that the Mercy of My Son may reach the hearts that live in adversity.

Dear children, fight so that the hands of those who donated themselves to God in faith may continue working without tiring, and fight so that the souls that today are confused and live in illusion may be able to perceive the difference of being near and far from God.  Fight so that the hearts who have committed themselves to live fraternity may carry on living it, without fearing great changes.

I Am with you day and night, from Heaven I observe you and I accompany you so that you may make the decision to live the Will of the Lord in this time.

Beloved children, once again I extend My hands towards you to help you and to encourage you to build a better world.  In the face of great mistakes that are committed day by day, I call you to seek inner truth by means of prayer.  The truth that reigns and lives in the Heavens, the truth of Paradise and of the Christic love that will always fill you so that your souls may be filled by the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Truth and of the Supreme Life.

Beloved children, as the Mother of the good hearts I observe and guide the sufferings that the Lord sends to you.  There will be no sanctification of the life, of the cells, of the consciousness and of the spirit without before living suffering as a surrender and as a sacrifice to God.  My Son has already lived it for all of you and you now must live the desert to get to know the great loneliness that many souls cause the Heart of Your Eternal Father.

Do not fear surrendering all that which seems to be bad to you.  First your pride and vanity must die through suffering, this will be the way to help to liberate the ego of humanity.

My Heart always accompanies you in this trajectory of transformation and of surrender.  For the many graces received, the good souls must give the best to God.  I will help them so that they may be encouraged to surrender themselves more each day.  I want to conduct you through the path of the inner Calvary as one part of humanity that in the end of this time has offered itself to God to be able to balance the grave mistakes of the world.  

Remember that you will never be alone, My Love will bring you hope and joy so that in these critical times you may be able to face changes and tests, those that will strengthen you in the path of consecration.

I gather all in the Cenacle of My Heart to announce to you that the moment of living the apostolate has already come, the apostolate of sacrifice, of renunciation and of love to the Plan of the One and Only, for all those who do not live it and for those who turn their backs to the life of spirit.

My call is a call for Peace but to achieve Peace you must not only come to My Heart but also you must fight as servers of God so that this Peace may be established.  The mediating prayer will be the safe path, that which will repair the souls in this end of time.

Before darkness descends the hearts must be strengthened in Christ.

Who loves you and protects you always,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Perpetual Help


Gladden yourselves and rejoice yourselves, because the One who is bearer of the Spirit of God comes to your lives to pour the Spirit of Redemption and Life over your souls!

Gladden yourselves all of you!  Sing and pray with fervor to celebrate the day in which, in a special way, God is manifested through His faithful Servant!

May your souls sing and your spirits glorify God, because He has conceded to the world a day of greater Mercy, a day of Salvation and of renewal in His Holy Spirit.

My beloveds, as of today this day will be for your lives, and for the entire world, a day dedicated to the Spirit of God, because the Luminous Bird will descend over the world and will fly over the abysses, rescuing those who suffer in the darkness.

This will be a day glorified by its infinite Mercy, and it will be known in all the corners of the world by the most great Grace that the Lord has conceded to the Earth, because on this day His Spirit will approach the world and His Divine Hands will touch the hearts of those who suffer and that have been condemned by their own actions to live in the fire of eternal suffering.

Even the most unpardonable faults will receive Mercy; even the most lost soul will see on the horizon a light that shines; even the most closed heart will see their hard structures collapse, because the Lord will send to the world His Servant, who amidst such great chaos will expand forever His Light.

This will be a day known for eternity, because even facing the times of Justice the souls that glorify Me and cry out for My presence will open the doors of the world so that in it enters a great torrent of Infinite Light, of Divine Light, of Healing Light.

You will wait with joy and hope for the arrival of this day, because the Sun will shine in the darkness and the eyes will be dimmed before such great Light. The most ingrained sins will be erased from the sinful souls, and the sufferings of the hearts that are opened to Redemption will be dispelled.

My children, understand the greatness of the institution of this day and what infinite Mercy God gives to the world by conceding to His Servant the possibility of being among His children eternally, and to come to their aid even in times of trials, to show to them the path when everything seems lost to them.

May this day light up hope in the souls, because I will come to the world bringing in My arms the possibility of Healing and of Redemption for all My children, all without exception.

This will be a day known by the Infinite Grace that will descend on Earth, because of this I want you to announce to the world that there will always be a reason to go ahead and to revert the mistakes of life; there will always be an opportunity for those who open the doors of the heart; and even during the times of greatest chaos, when the eyes see only darkness and the hearts cannot find the courage they have always felt, do not tire of waiting, because when you least expect it there will arise in the sky, as a Bird of Fire, as a Luminous Bird, as a Radiant Sun, the One who will come to your aid.  Her silhouette of Light will be seen by all the hearts thirsty for Redemption, and just a touch of Her hands will suffice to redeem forever those who persisted in waiting for Her return to the world.

Go, My children, and announce to the world that the days of suffering will cease, and that joy must reign in the souls for always, because infinite is the Glory of God, and eternal will be His Mercy.

Sing and pray with love, and teach as many as you can to pray, because this will be the only key to open the doors of Heaven.  And if some day your lips can no longer pronounce words of praise, light up the heart and in the intention of the spirit, cry out for My presence.  I will always come in your aid.

Your Beloved Mother, Mary, the Sun that conceives in your lives the Divine Trinity.

I thank you eternally and I will thank you even more for persisting by My side along the days.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Special message for the Vigil of Prayer of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of Bethlehem, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Fray Elías

Dear children,

My maternal voice is unmistakable among the universes. For this reason, I always come from Heaven to announce the eternal state of My Peace.

With joy and blessings, today I want the bells and bowls to ring for three minutes of your time and before the beginning of the vigil of prayer, because this gesture of celebration will announce the coming of the inner Christ to your little hearts.

Today My Immaculate Heart comes back to Her second house of prayer in the world, because the first house of prayer in the world is the Kingdom of Medjugorje.

In truth, My beloveds, in My Heart there are no differences, there is only a great mission to fulfill, a mission that I lovingly share with some of the self-summoned for the planetary service, for by this sacred answer the world is still able to sustain itself.

Dear children, today I come to your encounter as the Lady of Bethlehem, I want that all My beloved children, during this night, return interiorly in heart and soul to the great moment of the birth of Christ.

If you are able to experience this mystery as true and important, your souls will open the doors of the heart so that the Christic codes may be preciously cultivated in your hearts.

God wants to rescue the day of the Birth of His favorite Child within the spiritual heart of humanity, for the enemy has not been able to destroy the true love that He created through good actions, for some attributes, which a part of humanity expresses nowadays on Earth, allowed to safeguard the world from its self-destruction.

Dear children, I wish for My message to reach the heart of all of those who listen. My Son hopes that today you can live it as something sacred and devout.

Each time in the world a date is celebrated fraternally about some event of the Sacred Family, opportunities for special Graces are opened in Heaven to be poured upon the world as a source.

May this night be of Peace for all and may you offer to God this unusual peace of the end times for those who do not live in peace and for those who experience great suffering in their lives.

I thank you for this gesture of love and reverence before the Manger of Bethlehem.

I am grateful for the good inner response of the pilgrims for being able to concretize the mission of the pilgrim omnibus of Divine Mother a reality, for behind every heavenly request, there is the holy Will of the Father.

Rejoice and sing lovingly to Christ, because He will hear you today throughout the world. Let us thus reverse the evil upon Earth through the love of the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you on this special day,

Your Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Star of Bethlehem



Dear children:

Today Heaven is opened and the Lady of the Divine Mercy descends in Glory over the city of Brasilia and the entire world. My Mantle of Light is expanded over humanity to help My children to walk in faith and in the love of Jesus Christ.

Beloved children, in honor to God the Most High, My presence today will enter into you hearts so that you may feel that I Am the same from Nazareth, that Holy Woman from Galilee that took care of the little child Jesus and that brought to the world the Sacred Purity of God.

For this today I need more than ever that your hearts open themselves, just like a flower under the rays of the sun; in this way you will grant the permission for the entire world, which suffers and despairs day by day, to find through My Heart a time more of Peace.

Once I said in Fatima to Sister Lucia Dos Santos that the world should consecrate itself to My Immaculate Heart; but the souls that are most sought after by the astuteness of the enemy are decaying and they need prayer from all the devotees, because in this way they will permit that fraternity among the peoples be manifested.

Dear children: today My message is a call for the awakening of your consciousness, especially the awakening to the need of prayer and of Mercy for Asia and for all that live there, like the souls, the life of the sea and nature.

Pray! Pray from the heart for all the Creation of God! Because His children's own hands have destroyed the beauty that He gave them from the beginning. As Your Mother of Mercy I come to remind you that there exists this Sacred Fountain of Piety and of Reparation, where your beings may clamor for help and greater intercession.

Little children of Brasilia, My Heart is rejoicing for your sincere donation to My Marian Work in America; I thank you from the depths of My Soul that you have opened the door of your hearts to receive me, as living the message that I announce for this time is the premise that will permit to generate the salvation of the world.

Dear children of Brasilia, begging God for Mercy, remain in My maternal arms; I will always help you when you just call me.

I thank you for listening to My call for Peace!

Your Sacred Mother Mary, Mother of Mercy


At the end of the message transmitted by the Virgin, Our Lady started to pray the following prayer a number of times:

Mother of Heaven,
Mother Earth,
intercede for us
and for the Kingdoms.


And she said to us at the end of the Apparition that this prayer could be recited as many times as the soul feels like doing it, and especially for the situation that is happening with the nuclear plants of Japan, and also for all the Kingdoms of that region.

Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, transmitted by Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Pray with your heart and with your spirit; in this way, My Verb will unite with yours and My Presence will be perceptible to your small being.

Pray for the nations, for the peoples, for the world, and go with your purest intention, traveling this planet; in this way, you will learn to fly like the Luminous Bird that rescues those most in need.

Pray for your brothers and sisters, for your friends and for your enemies, with the same love and with the same fervor, because the difference between souls is in your eyes rather than in the Eyes of God.

Unite with the Divine Gaze and contemplate the unique essence of each creature that lives on Earth.

Pray with love for the Kingdoms, just as you would pray for those that are at your side and greatly suffer, because the Kingdoms are also at your side and many times, suffer even more than your brothers and sisters.

Pray directing your aspirations to the Universe, to Infinity, so that the One who reigns in this universe is able to receive your aspirations and concretize His Greater Will in you.

Pray for what you know has need of your prayers, but also pray for situations unknown to you, because your eyes have limits and and so does your knowledge; but there is the One who has no limits, who sees everything, and can guide your prayers to where they are needed.

Pray for the oceans and for everything that lives in them.

Pray for the air and for everything that breathes it.

Pray for what is visible to you and for what is invisible also.

Pray for what you know is living and for what you do not know, but also has life.

Let your prayer expand and your verb cross the walls of your small house. Let your prayer be infinite and powerful, strong enough to travel through the whole world. You will achieve this if you take your small verb and offer it to the very great Divine Verb.

Unite your voice to the great Voice of the Universe.

Unite your heart with the Universal Heart and in this way, you will find yourself within everything, within the all.

I come to lead you to this state of consciousness, because the time has come for being one with the One who is in everything, and for discovering this Universal and Divine King in all things.

If you listen to My Words with your heart and, while you pray, you remember each one of them, you will then discover that great and silent mystery in which your small consciousness is immersed.

Seek to be simple, My child, so that in the simplicity, you come to know the One who is Purity itself, who is Love itself and Truth itself. 

Place your hands on Mine and walk at My side; I come today to lead you through the Celestial Universe.

I thank you for walking with Me on this universal journey.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted during the apparition in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Through peace, I lead you towards redemption, and from redemption I lead you to eternal faith. Times are already different and it is necessary to pray with all the fervor of the heart for My Work to be fulfilled upon the whole Earth.

Dear children, Jesus awaits you in the Eucharist so that you can repair the Heart of God from the offenses that are still committed in these times.

Dear children, pray for the blessed ones who give their life to God, those who give their life for the fellow being and for the Will of God, fulfilling without delay My requests.

Today, My Message is to tell you all these things even if they seem the same, they are, for Me, the most important, for faith must be sown in all My children.

Today I reveal to you that many of My servers will suffer for humanity and out of love for God, to liberate the great sin that leads many souls to perdition, the path to hell in this world.

My children, in this way I invite you to persistence in prayer, to hope and Mercy, because some of My children were chosen by Jesus to be able to revert evil in the world. Let us pray so that the Plans of God may be fulfilled.

I thank all of you, those present, in their homes and in their cities for responding to My call!

May the Grace of God remain in your hearts.

Mary, Queen of Peace


Weekly Message of the Most Holy and Pious Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

About the message:

Before Mary came, before us emerged images of the Passion of Christ, of Mary accompanying Jesus, and lastly, an image emerged from the moment when Jesus was taken down from the Cross and placed in the arms of Mary. Mary stood up with Jesus in Her arms and came toward us; this is how She presented Herself in the room where we were praying. She continued for some time, then disappeared and appeared again as Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and transmitted Her Message.

As Mother of the Divine Piety, today I bring your small hearts this sign, so that you may experience the Gift of Piety in your hearts.

My children, Piety returned to the world at the moment when My Son Jesus was taken down from the Cross and My arms felt the weight of His Body, which was all a Most Sacred Wound. In My Chest I did not feel pain, but rather the Love that was shed in the Blood of My Son, the Son that was given to Me by God and Who in that moment returned to the Kingdom of His Father.

Piety was born as a doorway to Mercy. The understanding of My Heart and the Pity I felt for all the souls of the world made it possible for Sacred Mercy to continue to be poured out upon the world.

With Jesus in My Arms, I Finally and Definitely Included The Love of God for His Creatures, and In the Scourged and Dead Body of Jesus

Piety, beloved children, is born of Mercy and allows it to expand over the world. So that the Earth may experience some more time of Mercy, it is necessary that hearts know how to experience Piety.

Today I tell you, with the purest Love of My Heart, that Piety emerges from the understanding of the Plan of infinite Love that Our Lord God has for all this humanity.

Dear children, simply love one another, understand the trials of life without judgment, be pious as to accompany the painful transition of each of your brothers and sisters.

In this time of purification, only love will sustain you on this path that leads you to the Kingdom of God, and the search for love will show you the weaknesses of your brothers and sisters so they may be seen with eyes of Piety.

I aspire that My little soldiers be, in the small things of life, faithful to this God that is so good, that always guides them. That faithfulness, My children, is in being what God expects: loving, merciful, pious, understanding, welcoming, helpful.

A soldier of My army fights through love; their weapon is prayer and their field of battle is daily co-existence with their brothers and sisters, because the world no longer knows how to love.

My gaze travels the Earth from the Heavens, and I see that Piety dies day after day in the hearts of My children. For this reason, to those who listen to Me, I ask that out of love for My Heart, you rescue the Piety in the world, living it among you. Cause love to be reborn, by living it. Allow the time of Mercy to be eternal, even during the time of Justice, and that is achieved by being merciful.

Continue being the sweet breath of My Heart, so that I may find refuge in the little hearts of My children, that together with Me, are tireless.

Do not give up, My children, from living love. Do not seek to be perfect in order to experience it; live it in your imperfection, for I descend from the Heavens to tell you that this is possible and that it will be with those who listen to My Voice today, in all parts of the world, that God will accomplish His Plan and manifest His Eternal Glory on Earth.

I love you with all of My Heart of a Mother and I thank you for persisting in responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Come to Me those who feel lost and despair for not having remained by My side. I, your Mother of Heaven, forgive you and offer you My arms so that in them you can find peace and courage to face the tests.

Come to Me those who are confused and do not understand why they walk in suffering; I will take you to the Heart of the Redeemer, even if you believe that you are walking blindly.

Come to Me those who are afflicted and afraid of the changes that this time proposes; you will be in safe arms, the arms and guidance of the Heavenly Mother, who today invites you to a more conscious and larger task.

Come to Me those who feel that they must serve their brothers and sisters as springs of charity, I will show you the places where I need you to go.

Come to Me those who love to pray, so that I can transmit to your hearts the power of the creative word and thus you can be My instruments on Earth.

Come to Me those who can not pray because they lived through other experiences and have forgotten what they learned from Me when they were children.

Come to Me those who trust in nothing, so that I can show you the safe path where you will find the Peace and Love of the Redeemer.

Come to Me those who deceived and damaged the lives of others because, through the Forgiveness of the Father, I will carry you in My arms and show you how to repair the heart of your brothers and sisters.

Come to Me those who need to heal their souls because My Mantle will cover you and heal all your wounds.

Come to Me all my children, those who feel Me and those who do not know Me yet. My Love of a Mother waits for all, so that we can build hope which will be the door through which My Son, the Redeemer, will definitively enter into your lives and liberate you from the chains that keep you tied to the abysses of pain and fear.

Come to Me, children of God, Heaven has a place prepared for each of you, and My Son, the Savior, is now arriving.

Come to Me, My dear ones, do not delay; reach My heart before the doors of your hearts are closed permanently.

Come to Me, I wait for you as I have always waited, with My love of a Mother, warm and full of consolation.

Come to Me, little children. Come to Me, I am waiting for you.

I love you and bless you.

I thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother of God and Mother of all humanity



Dear children,

I hope that throughout this last year of Daily Messages you have accepted to live in the Grace of God. It is a merciful revelation that My Maternal Words have accompanied each one of you for all this time that passed, during which your hearts have had to grow and mature before the reality of the end of this time.

My children, this is why today I call you to deepen in your hearts the gratitude towards God, gratitude because through My Son and His loving intercession God has allowed Me to daily come to your encounter through the messages.

Dear children, you know that the world is suffering very much and that each new day innumerable souls are lost, condemning themselves to the path of purgatory.

Therefore I call you to live the prayer of the heart, because your prayer will be the only hope for the salvation of many hearts, above all, of those children who in the ignorance of their lives offend God.

Lovingly I ask you to pray under the Light of God and to commend to Him all souls possible, through the power of prayer. Those that still do not pray, do not do so because they lack Maternal Love and need to quench the thirst that their souls have felt for so long.

Dear children, this is a defining time, a time of changes. This is why I invite you to be conscious of your task of prayer so that more Light from the Universe of God may be able to help and save condemned souls.

My children, hold in your hands the prayer of the Rosary and may each new prayer that you realize be an offering and a supplication to the Mercy of Jesus.

In My Son is the path. In My Son your redemption and your forgiveness are to be found.

Be awake to prayer!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

With immense delight and joy in the heart, I give My Blessing and Maternal Peace to all My beloved children of Argentina. For this reason, My children, I gather all of you around the Divine Sacred Heart of Christ so that your souls may reaffirm their alliance with the Universe of Love and Peace.

Dear children, today is one more moment to remind you of the confirmation of each one of you with the Universe and with the life of prayer, necessary and fundamental for humanity in this end of times.

Dear children, as the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje and in the world, today I ask you to pray from the source that exists in your hearts.

Today once again I ask you to pray to prevent wars, persecutions and disorder in the life of humanity.

Today, dearest children, I ask you to pray to prevent suffering, pain and the desperation that My Immaculate Heart witnesses day by day in this world.

Today I call to pray to alleviate My flagellated Heart that is hurt by the grave offenses of humanity.

Dear children, today I am calling you to awaken your small consciousness in the face of the events that are unfolding in this world.

As the Mother of Graces, today I ask you to place your hearts under the Redeeming and Merciful Rays of My Beloved Son, because it is in Christ that you will find Relief, because it is in Christ that you will find Light and Forgiveness, because it is in My Son that you will find the Reconciliation that your lives and the lives of humanity need.

Therefore, My little ones, may the hope and the joy of serving God awaken in you, because you should know that many of My children must live the redemption of the heart.

My children, on this day of meeting with Me in Luján, a Sanctuary of love and faith, I ask that through prayer you unite to Jesus, that you call Jesus, and that you look for Him so that His Divine Spirit of Love may be with you, visit you, guide you and shelter you in everything.

Dear children, for one more month I say to you: thank you for responding to My call, to all the pilgrim hearts of Argentina!

I thank you!

Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My Maternal Heart comes to your lives to alleviate you from all pain, suffering and incomprehension. The Sacred Heart of My Son comes to your lives to redeem you and to lead you towards the path of salvation.

Dear children, calling again each one of your lives, today the Lord asks you to purify your hearts from any feeling that does not belong to the Light, because if you do this through the exercise of prayer, your souls will be helping to alleviate the great rage that a part of humanity lives. This is a feeling that distances the hearts from the One and Only loving Heart of God.

Therefore, My little ones, may your hearts be hearts of children: pure, crystalline and truthful hearts that, renewed in Jesus, may love again, creating in this way a bridge of peace between Heaven and Earth, uniting the Divine Spirit of God with the little spirit of each one of My children.

Dear children, a path for your hearts to be healed is to imitate the little and Divine Child Jesus who, with His purity and innocence, transmitted the essence of True Love to humanity. The little Child Jesus left upon this world the Spirit of the Love of God through His surrender for each one of you.

This is the love that I want My children to cultivate in their hearts; this is the love that emanates from the Sacred Heart constantly. It is the love that Jesus gives without tiring, such a compassionate love. He Himself consecrated each one of you to the essence of the Love of My Immaculate Heart.

I reiterate, My children, that when I talk to you about being little children, it is so that with this attitude you may purify the rage that is lived in the world. If you renewed yourselves in the spirit of love, humanity would be able to receive the Grace of Compassion.

Dear children, as a Mediator I call you to pray, to pray for peace in the mind and in the heart of each one of My children. I will, once again, be grateful for your responsiveness to the Plans of the Creator.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


The greatest suffering that My Maternal Heart observes in this humanity is the lack of love in the heart. This is why, dear children, to be in the Love of God, to live in the Love of God and to work in the Love of God is what will allow you, in the end of times, to make wisdom blossom in humanity.

Dear children, a path to find the Love of God is to open your hearts to prayer, because it is the mediator, it is the new Light that is arriving in the consciousness of all of My children.

My children, as Mother I am here among you to teach you to walk in the art of prayer, in the life of prayer that all My little children need to awaken and to carry out in these moments.

You can count on My Son Jesus, who is the living expression of prayer, of the perpetual union with God the Creator. When I invite you to pray for peace and for Light in humanity, I call you so that your hearts may become merciful, so that they may imitate the path of humility and total giving to the Creator.

Dear children, therefore, walk, walk and do not detain your steps in the life of prayer, because thus My Immaculate Heart will accompany you and God will make use of your prayers.

The Work of God in this time is the redemption of all souls, and the prayer that is born from the heart will be the great key for the salvation of the most humble and of the ones in most need of peace.

Listen to My call and remember that these are My last words in this cycle of humanity. Prepare your hearts by being con- stant in prayer.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

By following the steps of all the souls of humanity, today I call you to continue praying for all hearts. Every day, humanity must open its heart to receive the Eternal Grace from the depths of the Heart of God.

Dear children, God awaits you so that from His Kingdom all My children may find the true Source of Love. As the Mother of Graces, I hold humanity in My arms like a little child. As the Mother, Help(*), I shelter the hearts that lose themselves. Your prayer helps to relieve the burden of pain and suffering in the hearts of many children.

Children, the Lord loves you, the Lord needs you, the Celestial Universe counts on your loving collaboration. Therefore, My children, assume in your lives a spirit of collaboration and fraternity so that many of My children may learn from your example of life.

Your souls must express the Spirit of God in this time, in this way the Love of God will be closer to the reality of all hearts. Try in each prayer to take one more step towards the inner refuge in the Heart of God.

My children, it is time to repair, and this reparation is perpetual, as much in the life of humanity as in the essence of all souls that must be in the Lord.

Today I want to share this reflection, since the number of souls in the world is rising and they all must be led towards My Immaculate Heart and towards the Sacred Heart of My Son. This will happen through your honest prayer. Heaven is for everyone, but in truth, My children, each soul defines its path at this end of time.

You are instruments of peace and peace must be life in your hearts.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*): “Mary, Help” refers to the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”


.I come to you to give My Message of Peace for those who suffer and lack Jesus, the Consoler. My Son is eternal consolation because His Spirit heals the souls to redeem them and liberate them from all faults before God.

Therefore, dear children, search today for Jesus, the Consoler, through prayer so that your souls may be partakers of Divine Mercy. Recognize, My children, that without Jesus you will be nothing. He is the power that vitalizes you and leads you to find the spring of love, the unfathomable source of forgiveness that many of My children need.

In this aspiration, raise all pleas to Heaven so that My Maternal Heart may be able to collect them and keep them as a gift in the Eternal Heart of God.

Many of My children expect good times for life. They are the ones who do not change in the heart. Therefore I invite you to prayer, to elevate the thought towards God and thus allow His One and Only Law, the Law of Love, to act on the reality of your lives.

My children, for the new Holy Spirit of Peace to fill your hearts, first you need to erase from them all pain or separation that exists among creatures. You, as praying beings, already know that humanity is very divided before God for the lack of true charity towards others, charity that starts with the emanation of the love of the heart.

Never forget, My little children, that the Love of My Son, which must reside in your hearts, is the Love that will allow you to heal all the past. Follow the steps of My Immaculate Heart.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As the Mother of the Eternal Graces I want, at the end of these times, to convert your hearts into hearts renewed by the Glorious Love of God, because My Immaculate Heart promises this.

Dear children, much suffering invades the purity of the hearts. To be able to restore them, today I ask you to pray, to pray with the love of your hearts so that God, the Creator may be able to listen to you as humanity. If souls do not pray for the souls most in need, the Inexhaustible Graces of My Heart will not be able to be poured over those children that urgently need them.

For this reason, My children, we are in the time of the purification of feelings and thoughts that do not correspond to the One and Only Law of Universal Love. As the accumulation of feelings increases in the entire world, I ask you to pray with the heart because in this way I will be able to place all creatures under the repairing and redeeming fount of the Divine Mercy of My Son.

The Rays of Pity and Mercy of Jesus are still among you and over all of humanity. But many forget how important these Graces are and the enemy succeeds in distancing them from the source of these Graces.

This is why, as the Guardian of the Hearts, today I invite you to revere the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In His hands of Light He holds the sword of Redemption, which will be able to cut off and liberate all evils.

You, dear children, will be able to be the servers and the instruments of God that may consciously intervene in prayer and with love for all souls.

Remember that fasting, as an offer, helps in the descent of a Special Grace for the souls in Purgatory.

Reality and Truth are approaching the life of all My children; the Law of the Love of God is available to those who, as Jesus, may want to learn to love like Christ loved on the cross.

Ignite My Hope in your hearts, for the salvation of all.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As Lady of the Mystical Rose, today I want to invite you to contemplate God from the Heart, because it is in the heart that Peace is found and it is through the heart that the door to suffering and evil is shut.

Dear children of My Father, it is with the prayer of the heart that all souls on the face of the Earth may relieve all pain and suffering. But still there are souls that united to the Living God have no strength to consecrate life, because they are immersed in the current world.

So that all souls may be touched by the same Virginal Grace that you have been touched by, today I invite you so that in prayer are placed all of the hearts inside the Kingdom of God who, confused, need the light of My Immaculate Heart.

For these days of the Prayer Meeting with Me in Lujan (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina), I invite you to remain as guardians of prayer so that in this way your little hearts became as custodian angels who follow the purposes of Peace of My Immaculate Heart.

Today I also tell you My dear children, that My Merciful Face is working for the salvation of all the souls that, with serious faults, will receive the ministry of My devotion so that all of them may be re-lit again by the immediate assistance of the Divine Holy Spirit.

To you who already have walked a little through the path of the prayer of the heart, I call you so that, through yours, all the hearts learn to pray fervently and to be in My Maternal Heart, so that My Celestial Light protects you.

Dear children, I leave an inner mission for each one of you and for all the souls that at the end of this time answer My call. My request is that you live in the faith that prayer irradiates you with, so that fidelity may be manifested in each of your hearts, the fidelity to My Son, the Redeeming Love.

I thank you!

May you today only be with Me in the Kingdom of My Eternal Peace.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
