Lord, bathe me completely
in the Divine Blood of Your Mercy.
Lord, bathe me absolutely
in the precious Water of Your Mercy
so that my life
may be justifiable and necessary to God,
so that this small part that I am,
and which represents the smallest
in all of the great Universe,
may be capable of corresponding
to your Divine Designs.
For this, I ask you, Jesus,
empty my mind and my heart
of all personal ideas.
Help me to trust in that
which is not under my control and
which comes from the Divine Will.
Assist me always
so that my arrogance, pride and disobedience
may disappear from the constant stimulations
of my personality.
And when You, Jesus,
have achieved that which you so await for,
send me to where it be necessary,
so that I may never forget that I am nothing
and that I only live through
Your spiritual and divine Presence.
Transfigure my whole being,
that up to the smallest particle
of my consciousness be redeemed;
because someday, I hope to be
the example of surrender and of selflessness
that You, Jesus, so long for.
I plead that I may not distance myself
from humility and poverty of heart
because thus, I will be for You
an instrument in the Hands of the King.
I thank you for remembering this inner intention.
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Sacred Scriptures announce the coming of your Redeemer to the world for the second time, and all are called to participate in this event. Therefore, I am here today with you and in this place blessed by God, which was touched by His Holy Hand, to call souls to the conversion of their faults and to the reparation of His offended Heart.
These Scriptures, which I bring today between My Hands, reveal that the moment is coming. Not only you, but the whole world is also called to experience this. The moment is approaching, each day more, and the signs will show before the believing or unbelieving world. Therefore, be humble and meek, obedient and receptive, and you will be able to be on My path and within My Heart.
But so that this very important moment may come to humanity, many other things will happen, within and outside of you. Inexplicable inner battles will present themselves. Tests and challenges will show. But you must not lose meekness and peace because, if I have chosen you, it is because there is a project to fulfill and accomplish that you still do not know.
Therefore, liberate yourselves from conceit, from arrogance and from pride, from division, from the lack of unity, from the absence of love, from the absence of charity and of fraternity.
I silently accompany you, as at this moment I accompany the world and each one of My servers, regardless of their religion or belief, regardless of their form of filiation with God, the Celestial Father.
This is the time for the essences to unite within one purpose. Therefore, I will have you meet people similar to you who, although they live their own schools, seek the Path of Christ. Therefore, you must be attentive not to let My signs and My inner announcements pass.
In this time and during these days, not all the Sacred Hearts could be present here in Medjugorje, but your King is here, in the name of all of them, of the Messengers of God, of those who will give the impulse to humanity for the change and the transformation of consciousness.
I again tell you all these things because you must remember and practice them. If you live, day by day, the Attributes that I give to you, you will not suffer; but if you do not live them, you will resist, and the transformation will be painful and no one will be causing all this, because it will only depend on you.
In My patience, I wait for your steps. In My contemplation, I envision your transformation. But I not only talk to you, but also to the world, to those who listen to Me and to those who do not listen to Me.
Sometimes I cannot tell you all the things that I feel and see, because everything has a time and a moment, but rejoice your hearts because they know that you are on the path of redemption and of peace, and I need you totally with Me to be able to work and accomplish the Prodigies of God on Earth, in the nations and in the peoples, in those who live profound spiritual loneliness, in those who do not have love like you have every day.
It is now time to be able to express My Attributes, it is time to go beyond yourselves, and if I ask you this it is because you can do it, although it might not seem so.
Obedience will protect you until the end of times, not only you, consecrated beings, but also My servers, the collaborators of the Work that My Mother has founded in the Heart of Aurora.
Now, the times have changed and the responsibility has also changed. It is no longer mere words written in messages in order to motivate your hearts to make some change, it is a reality, it is a truth, it is a necessity.
There is still much to do and the path of surrender will be able to deepen, each day more, to the point that you resemble Me in the surrender that I made on the Cross for each one of you and your brothers and sisters. Within a great desolation and emptiness, God was there, because My Heart trusted in Him as the Father trusted in His Son, until the last moment.
What I ask of you in this time will move your structures, but I need it this way. I will ask you this, once and again, and I will wait, as I have waited for many others in other times.
The step that this Work has taken has been very important for My Celestial Mother and the Creator to support, once again, this Mission in Europe which needs so much Mercy, more than South-America. But from you, the Gift of Compassion must always be born so that it can emerge in your brothers and sisters who are here and who lived the terrible wars due to their terrible errors committed in the past.
Everything is a consequence, everything is a cause and an effect. Humanity distances itself from the Love of God, often out of fear of mistrust.
But, once again, I come to offer My Heart to the world as a fire of transforming love that can transfigure your cells and atoms, your inner worlds and souls, so that the Plan of Redemption can be fulfilled in humanity and on the whole planet.
We could not be here in public because silence and non-exposure makes the path of the apostle, so that it may be possible to rekindle the spiritual impulse that was left here in Medjugorje, so many years ago, by your Heavenly Mother. And so that this impulse can renew spiritually, time and again, in order for Eastern Europe to also receive Mercy, as you receive it, every day, when you pray and invoke the Mercy of My Heart.
You have gathered today, in My Name, where the great Portal of Light opens in the Heart of the Universe, so that you can take on more responsibilities in the name of your Master and Lord, in spite of your purifications and trials, in spite of your decisive and definitive time, for the world to receive more help and more Mercy in order that the Work may expand on Earth, and unite to other Works that come from the Lord, the Almighty.
In this way, the world will recognize that all of us are One in God.
I bring this message not only for you, but also for all of your brothers and sisters that support this moment and who are part of the Confraternity of My Heart, carrying on their chest the print of the perfect alliance with the Father by means of the Star of the Divine Brotherhood, the Star that the King David once visualized.
Thus today, once again, a principle is fulfilled. The spiritual Universe unites with the material Universe so that the Will of God may be fulfilled.
This passage through Medjugorje has been important for your Master and Lord because it is the time to also be here, in Eastern Europe, to make the Mercy of My Heart known, and the power of the transforming prayer which, for those who believe in it, opens the doors to the Heavens.
I encourage you to keep walking with Me and for Me. There is nothing that is missing for you. My Mother protects you and looks after you as She also protects this holy place, where Her kingdom of Peace made itself known to the world, just as Her Immaculate Heart in Fatima.
Celebrate this moment and this opportunity of reflection, of expansion of consciousness, this Grace of giving more of oneself to God, in surrender and in trust.
I leave here with relief in My Heart, knowing that in some part of the world, I am listened to, and My Projects, which are still unknown and come from Heaven, are fulfilled with hope.
I bless you all, in the name of Celestial Peace and in the name of Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
It does not matter how imperfect or flawed you are. This has no value to Me, what does matter is that you better yourself, a little bit every day so that, thus, My Work of Redemption and Mercy may happen in your life and in the world.
What truly matters is that you try, every day, that you make a true effort to please My offended Heart. This will be enough for me to count on you as part of My apostolic flock in the end of times.
Never cease to open your heart for the transformation of life and consciousness because, in this simple openness, you will allow the miracles of conversion and transformation to happen, step by step.
I do not seek you sanctity nor your immediate fulfillment. I seek what is truest in your heart and that which you still have not shown to anyone.
Open yourself to love your imperfections so that they may be transformed. Never enter in conflict nor into battle. Never be defeated by pride nor by arrogance.
Surrender yourself at My Feet all the time and upon you I will build My Spiritual Temple.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Invocation to the Divine Attribute of Humility
Our Lord,
make me small and insignificant.
May my person not take vainglory in anything;
may my heart be a bridge towards Your holy Peace.
Lord, make me helpful and good,
kind and merciful to others.
May my consciousness always receive
the necessary corrections from life;
may my human heart never close;
may I learn to thank
all lessons and experiences.
May I do everything for You, Lord,
and nothing for me, nor for my own imperfect will.
Teach me to empty myself.
Teach me, in humility, to recognize You
alive and present in the Communion,
in the consecration of life,
in each one of the vows
that I have proposed to take for You.
destroy my pride,
dissolve my arrogance
and heal me from spiritual negligence.
May I learn to protect, from myself,
Your majestic Work;
may I no longer be a thorn in Your meek Heart,
but rather a flower at the foot of Your sacred Altar.
light me in Your Humility,
vivify me in the constant void
and redeem me all the time
in the loving fire of Your Heart
so that, at least the smallest portion of my life may be
the testimony of Your Love and of Your Divine Will on Earth.
I thank you for saying this prayer from the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In everything there always exists and lies the Love of God. It is this Love that generated the Creation and that once made it a reality in the Universes.
The Love of the Father is the Consciousness that brings wisdom and understanding, that brings healing and compassion to souls. In this Love lies the path to enter into the existence of each being, into the knowledge of the inner reality of each creature.
In love manifests kindness, the good and consideration for fellow being.
Love is the tree that gives seeds of peace, of charity and of Mercy.
Love acts in everything when we allow it to manifest.
Love has more attributes than love, it places us before the Truth.
Love dissolves indifference, pride and denial.
In love there is the overcoming of oneself and the overcoming of differences.
In the Love of God, we find the meaning of why we are here and the purpose for which we were created.
In love, there is only forgiveness and, in forgiveness, everybody reconciles and loves one another.
Love only tends to expand.
Love is not reduced, because love gives itself, and in the self giving is the expansion of consciousness.
I thank you for keeping the Love of God within you!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Songs of Figueira - "Devotion"
"Devotion" is a song of Figueira that implores for and invokes the cosmic Mercy and a universal grace, permeated by the one and absolute Divine Creator Spirit.
"Devotion" is a call, a request of the innermost and deepest worlds of the soul of one who, in surrender and resignation, offers themselves to the Creator to be transformed, redeemed, and blessed by the Higher Law of Love.
The song "Devotion" presents itself to us as the key to access the Gifts that Christ offers, as is the spiritual Water, one of the millenary nourishments of Creation that sanctifies and quenches the thirst of humankind.
Through the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, we find Christ as the principal saving model for humanity and the planet; we find Him in the inner world of each being, as the universal Redeemer and Intercessor between humanity and God.
For this reason, Christ is presented in the song "Devotion" in His true Aspect, something yet not recognized by His Church on Earth, but testified to in the different Gospels, and just like the Transfiguration of Jesus, a mystery yet to be revealed.
In this sense, the song makes an appeal for the life of the surface to be corrected from the deviation that it has lived, time and again, due to ignorance, pride, and human power.
In this way, the song invites the devotee of Christ to drink of the true and pure Fount that the Master offers to all beings, so that each soul may be completely satiated by the Redeeming Love that the Divine Person of Christ, in fusion with His Divinity, offers in this song.
The Water He offers not only purifies and cleanses, but also redeems and uplifts the consciousness in state and in plane in order to find the spiritual meaning of its existence.
Thus, the Master appeals to everyone to love one another as brothers and sisters so that there are no confrontations and struggles between beings and peoples.
In the song "Devotion," it is prophesied, in simple words, the importance that love prevails, in order to dissolve conflicts and, later on, wars.
After thirty years of the creation of these songs and poems of devotion to the Hierarchy, a warning is revealed, especially in this song "Devotion," to prevent human catastrophes.
And, in truth, the opposite took place because the human being allowed themselves to be defeated by the power and the arrogance to conquer the world, forgetting the rules of love and allowing themselves to be submerged in error.
Renewing the appeal of this sacred prophecy, expressed in this song, the last Christs will be those who will place human life again on the right pathway, a life that has been perverted, separating itself from the true reason of its existence.
The last Christs will be those who will give their lives for the rest.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I once said to My apostles that they should give their lives for Me and I knew that at that moment they did not understand Me, and they ran away when I most needed them.
At that point, I knew that I should be alone among My enemies to be able to become christified.
Now, at this time, the situation is repeated, but with different events.
In a similar way, many, who should give their lives for Me, ran away with their own ideas and lack of understanding and left Me alone.
This test of loyalty to the Master is repeated, because it is the learning process for those who said that they were with Me, and that with different self-justifications, are not.
Before, I returned to My apostles and showed them that I was risen and that I was alive, as it had been promised; but now I will not be able to return to Mine to tell them that I am alive and that I am returning to bring them the Good News.
Each one of those who said that they would be with Me until the end, but who were overcome by a test that was stronger than their very love, they must testify before Divine Justice about their failures, their lies and their lack of repentance.
But who will save them?
All that was once given must be returned. Nobody will be able to turn their back and leave with their hands full, as if nothing had happened.
Therefore, I am preparing Myself for witnessing what will shortly come to those who abandoned Me and submerged themselves in their pride and arrogance.
Let us simply pray.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Seventh Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Prostrated before You, Lord,
I aspire to attain Your very simplicity so that
under this sovereign and loving spirit,
I may carry out Your Designs
and Wills.
Make me capable, Lord,
of loving all,
just as You, Sweet Shepherd,
love each one of Your sheep.
Give me, in trust,
the test that You
have thought of for me
so that I can grow in love
and dispel from my consciousness
all pride and arrogance.
Make me similar to Your servants,
available in love,
surrendered in service,
open to Your Mercy and Your Forgiveness.
May You be able
to deeply heal this being
and also reach the spaces
where I do not even manage to perceive reality.
I know that You, dear Jesus,
can do all.
Accept my offer, tiny
in comparison with the offer
of the entire Universe.
Convert within me
everything that is not well
and open the secure door for me
so that my soul may submerge
into the ocean of Your Divine Consciousness.
May I never stop smiling
at the life that God has given me.
Grant me, my Lord,
the strength of Your renewal
so that humanity may be renewed
in spirit and essence,
and thus we may live the so awaited
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The roots of arrogance and of imprudence can be pulled from the soil of your interior through the firm determination of living the Greater Law.
Whoever aspires to be divested from themselves forever, may they seek Me.
Whoever may want to become unknown as a new being before the eyes of the world, they may call Me with courage and bravery.
All that you live is a response to all that you do. If you suffer much, the universe wants to teach you something, do not resist any longer. Do not delay any longer the arrival to your cells of the knowledge of transformation. All that you think will have a consequence and all that you feel will receive a great power.
Bare your feet before entering into My Temple, I wish to build My Dwelling to the Celestial Light in impure hearts. If you want to be different from what you live, you can do it. Will, dedication, and effort will be the doors that will open the space for the new destiny.
Do not get discouraged, surrender yourself to Me and soon liberate yourself from what for so long you have been carrying in your heart. Control will make you suffer and resistance will strengthen your own ideas. You know that I Am Divine and Omnipotent, Wise and Loving. Leave behind all that which oppresses your interior.
Build the base for what is coming and for hope. Do not delay the steps for anything related to your expectations. Seek in My Heart the spirit of Humility.
Stand up, those who have fallen. Walk, those who are imprisoned in themselves, because the time has come for the liberation of the entire life.
Empty yourself from all. Surrender all to Me, surrender yourself. Love all, love it with the heart.
The universe wants to be part of you so that you may permit yourself to be part of the universe. I need you to talk to Me and to tell Me with the heart what you need. I Am here to help you. My Mercy will provide everything to you.
Under the Glory of God, be blessed.
Thank you for seeking the Light of My Heart!
Christ Jesus
The one who lives through My Sacred Word will know the celestial wonders that I pour in those hearts that day by day say yes to Me.
For this I return to the world to banish from each essence the seed of pride and of vanity that has sown, with its actions, the enemy. With My Power I defeat the plans contrary to the ones of My Father. Through My Merciful Love I save those who have fallen down and by My Grace I redeem what is still immature in the consciousnesses.
To hold My Redeeming and Savior Flag between the hands is only for the brave ones who love the unknown and who live faith as a flame that illuminates when everything is dark.
I come to ignite again the Divine Fire of My Love that has dried up in many hearts and for this I form the disciples as soldiers and as lives in constant prayer for the world. In this way, by means of this constancy in the devoted hearts, I will be able to establish again the Kingdom of My Father, that Kingdom of Love and Redemption that I made descend through the Sacred Cross.
In My Hands are marked the sins of those who were lost and were liberated. In My Feet were marked the faults of those who, out of ignorance, submerged the entire world. And in My Side was opened the Source of Mercy that, until your present, continues to spring from the Center of My Being for the whole world.
I hope that you never be too tired to seek this inexhaustible source that nourishes you, redeems you and liberates you from your own selves. I open My Arms so that those who have fallen down may return with confidence towards Me. I love you and this you must know very well. I wait for you because there is a place guarded for each disciple of Mine.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more