First weekly Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

My dear children,

My Maternal Grace expands in the silence of My Heart. This way, I can arrive into the world and, through the sincere prayer of My children, I can reach and help the souls that need it the most.

This is the time of Grace. This is the time of Mercy.

All My children should reach the Fountain of Graces; all should feel their inner affiliation with Christ.

My Maternal Grace comes to help the lost humanity.

My Maternal Grace comes to awaken the sleeping consciousness of the human being.

My Maternal Grace comes to withdraw from the illusion those who accept Me and receive Me as their Spiritual Mother; thus I will be able to help the world even more; thus I will be able to pour my Graces into the empty and solitary hearts, into the hearts without God.

The moment of inner conversion and of the conversion of life has arrived.

The time has come to open the inner senses to listen to God and hear His Message.

We are now in the time for Love to win again, just as the Love of My Son won on the Cross.

I thank you for accompanying me! 

Who always blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


If in truth My Presence amongst you were only visions, it would never have been possible to build the Work through the human beings of the world.

A work is real when it is sustained by the Divine Presence itself and that Work persists because the Divine Presence so wishes and thus manifests it all.

Sometimes, certain religious people and priests offend more with their comments on the Work that God carries out in the world and please less with their liturgical activities.

In truth, when certain priests, religious people or even bishops offend the Work that God carries out within souls, far from the control and the authority of the Church, this is more serious than all the faults committed by poor sinners.

One must be careful with everything that a representative of Christ on Earth says or manifests to the people of God, causing hearts to dissent, filling them with more and more doubts.

This is much more serious because with their word, they could be condemning the salvation of all of these souls that hear them.

The Celestial Father has the only Truth and before everything that He does with His Work, separate from the power of the people of the Church, we must bow our head and be respectful; because the human being will never be able to deeply understand everything that God wants to do.

For this reason, I ask all priests, the religious ones and representatives of Christian churches to hold their tongues to not continue to offend the Work of God, which is infinite and eternal, and with their ironic comments, to not stain the souls that place their faith in Christ.

Each one fulfills their part in this mission of evangelizing in the Presence of the Lord, through example, love, and truth more than with words.

Do not forget the fraternity and the ecumenism which have not yet been understood by you, since the true alliance that must be established between the different beliefs is based on love and transparency.

Let priests be true intercessors of Christ between Heaven and Earth and not executioners dressed as saints who condemn their fellow beings and do not look within themselves, forgetting penance.

The one who thinks they will survive alone will be lost. Unity and respect among peoples and religions are what will defeat the beast that will come out of the abyss.

Faith is not measured by acts or judgments.

Faith is the balm of light in simple hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


If the Father, Who is in the Heavens, withdraws into His Silence, His Daughter and Servant will also accompany Him, as well as all the guardian angels.

That silence is the only exercise of premeditation in the face of the events that lie ahead.

That silence speaks in the depths of consciousnesses, especially of those who deceived the Plan of God and were very unjust.

That silence will cause an unknown justice to descend over the world and over those souls that, with contempt, tempted the wrath of God.

The reason for this silence will speak in the heart of the humble and will strengthen the spirit of the peacemakers.

Nothing that has happened will remain without justice; on the contrary, now at this moment, the angels of the Judgement will be the ones who will act according to what is indicated by the Eternal Father, since there is a great imbalance because of the fraud of those who had previously been entrusted with the Kingdom.

The Father knows that the human being is weak, but He also knows that they can be sincere and just, in spite of sins, and when both situations are in opposition through the will of the human being, the Law of Divine Justice must be applied, and we can only pray for it to be gentle and just.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Stay with your Heavenly Mother and abandon your concepts

Stay, My child, with your Heavenly Mother, by Her side, accompanying each step of Her Work of Maternity and Mercy, and abandon all your concepts.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and let the Universe of God Itself work in you, and not that you work in the Universe.

Abandon all your concepts, ideas and projects of wanting to improve a destiny which is already written in the Heart of God.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and accompany Me, My child, in each new mission, divested of your creeds or opinions.

Let My Son empty you like a wineskin, so that He can fill you with His Peace and His Will.

Abandon, at this moment, all your concepts and intentions of perfecting things.

Encourage yourself to live beauty, first in the dignity of the spirit, so that it may later reflect itself in matter.

Stay, My child, with your Heavenly Mother, so that in this new year which will begin you abandon your old customs, your living habits that do not build unity nor love.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother so that I can indicate to you the just path, and not for you to choose where to walk.

Trust fully in everything that is not within reach of your consciousness or your reality.

Accept, My child, the first step, which will be healing your life and your human consciousness, so that later the heart can be cured and everything can be healed.

Remove, with My help, the hatred and the resentment from your interior, no longer see that everything is degraded around you, submerge yourself within your true reality and you will see that you must first divest of yourself so that, finally, the world as a whole, can divest itself.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and no longer place your gaze upon the defects, but upon the virtues and the loving efforts of your fellow beings.

Life is very beautiful, only the human being can obscure it or make it shine, according to its intentions.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and you will take steps in true love.

Do not go backwards, anymore.

Advance your path to be able to meet the Lord.

Allow, My child, that the Father show you His Will, and defeat your own.

Let you wounded heart open so that the Rays of My Heart may heal you.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and no longer make hasty decisions.

Open internally to the guidance and the Instruction that Heaven sends you, thus you will be a new soul, thus you will be a spirit at the service of unity and love.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and accept reality.

No longer force your accomplishments. No longer submit your brothers and sisters according to your pleasures or beliefs.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother so that your inner child may express itself and step out of the constant silence in which it is found.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and the doors to Love will open.

Listen to My Words with gratitude and the hate within you will disappear.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother, and you will not suffer.

The Kingdom of God is being fulfilled, even though it does not seem so.

Stop suffering unnecessarily. Stop embittering your heart with everything that no longer has meaning and, for this to be possible, you must surrender yourself, empty and humble, meek and peaceful, thus the Holy Spirit will find a path to be able to act.

Stay with your Heavenly Mother and I assure you that you will not recognize yourself, as long as your surrender is honest and crystalline.

Allow the blindfolds of mirage and illusion fall from your eyes so that you may soon see reality.

Allow, beloved child, that the love your fellow beings and the Love of God heal your agony.

May you live a year in the Lord and not in the world.

May everything be redeemed within your being so that you may fulfill what God wants.

Finally, I ask you, My child: be free from yourself.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Time to step out of the world illusion

The time has come, My children, to step out of the world illusion and to begin to face reality, first within you, and then to recognize it outside.

The world will not wait for you to mature so that it lives its purification and the transition of the times, which will mark the before and after between the old and the new man. The changes are already precipitating over the Earth and are expressed through the imbalance of the elements of nature, through men, through young people, through wars between nations, races and religions. Thus, children, the “end”, that many do not want to see because they believe that everything is where it should be, is shaped.

Today, as yesterday, I come as the Mother of Truth, the Lady of Divine Sincerity, so that nothing more may be hidden from your eyes and all warnings may be given to you in time, so that you may transform your lives and your souls awaken.

My beloved, amidst a world that is lost in its own ignorance, I come to build an example of transformation in this place. If you open the door to Me and say “yes” to Me, I will demonstrate to the world that it is possible to convert ignorance into wisdom and naivety into a true purity of heart.

I would like all My children of this town to come to meet Me, so that I may awaken them to the will that God has for this people.

Children, I want to build here a model of respect, equality and hope; a place where souls come to find again the dignity they have lost because of surrendering to illusion.

I know that the enemy of God will do everything to prevent this Plan from being fulfilled and souls from uniting to build this purpose. But today I ask you, beloved children, to just place your hearts on the goal of expressing to the world a hope of life, which it has lost.

I want to help you rebuild your families; I want to teach you to grow and respect the different expressions of the human heart. I want religions here to unite in service and prayer, for a world of peace. May respect and the consciousness that only One God exists, He Who gathers you, make it possible to erase from your hearts the prejudice and the feelings of superiority with respect to your brothers and sisters. I want you to see one another as unique essences of God, deeply loved by He Who created them. And, in this way, you may open to learn one with each other.

It is not much that I ask of you, My children. I want to root out violence through the awakening of the spirit. Because a heart that yields to darkness, is one which does not truly know God and has not found a meaning for its life. I come to give you this meaning and to open in your hearts that space which the Creator must occupy, so that one day, My beloved, you may express the likeness to the Father.

For the nations of the world, this is a distant and nearly impossible goal, but to the one who is in Me and allows himself to be guided by My Heart, nothing is impossible. Allow Me, children, to establish peace through your hearts. Allow Me to build the impossible in your lives.

I just want you to respect one another, to serve one another and to collaborate in the building of a world in greater peace. For the planet agonizes and the wars outrage the hearts of My children, due to the inability of men to live true love and conscious respect.

For this reason, children, I will ask you to accompany Me and to allow Me to transform this place into an example of a new life, where it is possible to respect, collaborate, admire the best of one’s fellow being, and thus live in communion.

If you allow Me to do it, and if you let yourselves be guided by Me, in a short while you will see My words manifested in the transformation of your lives.

Carry this message of Mine to the four corners of this town and let it echo in the hearts. Call My children to come and meet Me. It is time to awaken and to step out of the world illusion.

I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While My Maternal and Divine Light penetrates the Earth together with Saint Joseph to redeem the fallen and lost hearts, My Heart joyfully receives your prayers and chants. When the offering is sincere and spontaneous it pleases very much the Heart of God.

Thus, dear children, every day I teach you to love a little more and to lose the fear of doing it because if you loved your brothers and sisters as I love each one of you, many of the sufferings would end.

I invite you, My children, to strengthen the commitment with the Eternal Father of forming a sacred spiritual family, bearer the same codes of the ancient people of Israel; people that at that time vivified the Word of God and made it flesh within them.

I invite you to love the knowledge, but also to live it, for it to be in you a source of conversion and an example of redemption.

In this moment, dear children, the Sacred Hearts approach to this part of the planet for the great need of awakening and redemption.

I need, My children, you to be able to follow each step that the Messengers of Heaven take, in this way you can contribute to the development of the Plan that is not physical, but internal and spiritual.

Everyone without exception is called at this time to provide their virtues and gifts so that My Son will be able to achieve His redemptive Work at these times.

For this, start to love in a different form than you have loved until now, may your human love be transformed by prayer and be transfigured in each new consecration.

I will help you to follow this infinite path towards the real Love. I will motivate you and impel you to concrete in yourselves what the Father so much expects from you; for it to be possible, hand Me what you are and thus I will be in you the image and likeness of God.

Encourage yourselves every day to say yes to Me.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who always blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Liberate your heart from every offense, seek the reconciliation with God every day.  Drink from the Source of Christ, the one that will quench your thirst.  Confess your faults, do not fear to tell them because you will not be judged.

You live in a time of adversity and opposition; make your heart and your feeling transparent, in this way you will receive the cure for all ills.  Keep alive your aspiration to transform yourself, I can help you to straighten your paths.

Be free from yourself, may your difficulties not hurt you, the time of redemption will arrive to everyone.

Meanwhile, pray with the heart and abandon yourself in Me; I can build the new in all that is purified.  I have a written promise for you, get to know your strengths rather than your potentials.  Get to know yourself more than you know the others.

Record in your memory My holy image, I am the Queen of the Stars, I am the Mother of the sinners.  Whoever comes to Me, will not regret; I have the authority to liberate you, and also to give you the Love of God.

Patience is the flame that never goes out, it is the incandescent glow that ignites everything.  Unite with My Heart and some day you will see written in the Universe the day of your redemption.  Encourage yourself to follow Me in spite of everything.

I am your Mother and I want the best for you.  Today I absolve you.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who delivers you to the arms of the Celestial Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace


My beloved and little children,

May the Peace of Jesus Christ live and reign amongst your little hearts.

As Mother and Queen of all the beings of this world and of the Celestial Kingdom, I come in this moment to instruct you and conduct you through a path of Peace and Redemption, a path that will lead you to the encounter with My Son, the King of kings, and which will make you return in Glory to the Celestial Dwelling from which you came.

My beloveds, My words come to bring to the world the Peace that it needs, but so that they may expand and accomplish the mission for which they have arrived I need hearts disposed to be the echo of My Voice; disposed to bring to all the corners of the world this Word that cannot yet be hidden among the few that have opened themselves to answer to My Call.

I need in this moment that My maternal Voice may reach the souls most lost and enveloped by darkness.  I need that My Light may arrive to the most forgotten places of the world, so that all the beings of this Earth may receive in their hearts the awakening of Hope and of Faith.

My beloveds, I want to nourish those who are hungry and thirsty of Spirit.  I want to lift those who are fallen.  I want to meet those who are lost and strengthen those who only suffer throughout the centuries the consequences of the unforgivable actions of humanity.

I come to bring Forgiveness to the world, which will touch all the essences that open themselves to this Powerful Grace, and even the sinner most committed to evil will receive from God the Light to be liberated from the situation in which they find themselves.

I only need that voices sincere and full of Faith may be the pure echo of My Voice and that strong arms, full of the Spirit of God, may be My arms in the world, welcoming all of those who do not have love and who do not know hope.

Today I come to teach you the virtue of maternity, because I want to build in all of those who listen to Me the mirrors of My presence, that may reflect in life the meeting with Me, and that through the actions, the feelings and the thoughts may express the Love that they have received from the Mother of the World, the Universal Mother.

My children, I call those who are full of bravery, to traverse the world from north to south and from east to west, bringing the Good News of the return of My Son and of the presence of the Messengers of God in the world.

Do not fear the judgments, the critics, the persecutions and the curses that you may suffer on this path, because thus it happened with My Son, who overcame evil through the pure Love for His enemies and thus taught them to bring the Good News of hope to the world.

Make yourselves heard in all the corners by the good and by the bad hearts.  Let that Love awaken those who sleep, convert those who deny you and embrace all, in a Divine embrace, that in which God will put His Arms.

Know that the merits of this life may be found only in Paradise, but I say to you that seeing the world from My Kingdom and reading the stories of your lives, you will know that all pain and all suffering, all anguish and sadness and all the struggle that you have lived, were too little to be worth such Light that will enter, not just in this world, but in all of the Universe.

I thank you profoundly for the persistence in being united with My Heart and I invite you to continue always, tirelessly.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Special Message for the Vigil of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Salta, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Worship the missions of Saint Joseph in the world through your hearts.

Within you, carry love for the full service for God and for His preferred plans for souls.

Today I want you to serve to repair the causes that oppress many hearts that have been forgotten for a long time.

With My Heart, I elevate the sincere offerings of all the pilgrims that dare to work out of love for the Mercy of My Son.

Dear children, today I am here to thank you for your response to being here in Salta.

Now, as from the new cycle announced by the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, prepare the instrument that represents the heart of each of you, because the Lord is calling on you to labor through the means of service, fraternity, and humility, attributes that must first be born in you to then be experienced as light on other children of Mine.

Today I pause with My gaze to observe the sincerity of your hearts. It is time to continue walking in the faith of the heart.

I thank you, children, for responding to My call in Salta!

Mary, Queen of Peace

Prayer of Saint Joseph transmitted during the vigil of prayer of February 26, 2013, in the city of Salta, Argentina. A prayer that must be repeated seven times at the beginning and at the end of the Devotional to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

Prayer of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph
O beloved mediator and intercessor Saint Joseph!
plead for us before Christ
for all eternity.




Prayer, a life of much prayer to God is needed by many of My children in this time. The Heavens are open to receive the pleas of all my children who pray with the complete sincerity of the heart.

Dear children,

Being the Mother of Reconciliation today I ask you to consider the life of the spirit, the loving expression of your souls so that God may reign among you.

My children, it is time to vigil and pray, as My Son Jesus has said and, in these times, the vigil of prayer will be of great importance for the entire spiritual life of the world. Dear children, you must be precursors of prayer, motivators of prayer so that souls may place themselves within the life of prayer.

Know, My children, the Divine Heaven gives thanks for the conscious intercession of a soul of this world each time it begins to pray. Dear children, I want to tell you that prayer is heard, not only in the whole world but also in the entire uni- verse, from where the angels and the archangels assist souls.

Your life must be an inexhaustible fountain of prayer so that God the Father may use the selfless service of each one of you.

The more groups take on the task of praying for this world in need of Light, the more I, as the Merciful Mother, will be able to help you and thus, together, you will help Me to repair the hearts of many souls.

This is the time of Mercy, of Pity and of Redemption. This is the time of the last call to reflection and to the conversion of the heart. This is the time to place yourselves in perpetual prayer for all humanity.

All of you, My dear children, are called to pray for peace in each heart.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Keep My Maternal Words in your hearts so that you never forget that they come from the Lord. Awaken in you the Sacred Spirit of God, and may your lives be a great dove of Light that transmits peace to those who do not have it and faith to those who have lost it.

Dear children, you are My Missionaries of Peace. This you must remember well, this is a mission of peace and redemption that My Immaculate Heart invites you to live day by day.

Know that I am here because I love you, and My Son Jesus sends Me to the world as a mediator between souls and God the Father. I am the Maternal Flame of Love and Help and I want to teach you not to waste time in normal actions. Each new day your spirit must place itself before the Will of God so that the hearts may recognize that they are called to live in the Eternal Kingdom of God.

Dear children, with supreme compassion for My children, whom I contemplate in My hands, today I invite you to recognize the importance of a sincere prayer that can aid the whole world with its Light. You, My little ones, are called to be the new disciples of My Son, you are called to unite Heaven and Earth through an honest prayer of the heart.

It is time, My little ones! It is now time for you to open your arms and receive the Maternal Grace that My Heart of Peace is pouring! Many of My children who form part of this humanity waste the precious time of their lives immersed in illusion. I call you to reflection with the Voice from Above so that your hearts may be able to shine in the Throne of God’s Eternity.

Know well, My dear children, that I need you despite every- thing, because My Son is coming, and before you are called in consciousness, He will touch each heart. I invite you to the sincere preparation of your lives by means of prayer.

Awaken, My little ones! I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
