Those who awaken must be accompanied with much love so that the Purpose may emerge with clarity within them, and It may be fulfilled as was foreseen.
Those who awaken must be guided with attention so that the flame of the Purpose may be born with inner strength in them, the flame they must always aspire to reach.
Those who awaken must always receive love, consideration and understanding, because they are souls that have just come out of a deep sleep and have become conscious of a new and truthful reality.
Those who awaken must be taken by the hand through the path of service and selfless life so that the virtue of service for their fellow beings and surrender to the Plan of Love may begin to emerge within them.
Those who awaken must be considered as postulants to the Work of Christ in order for them to at least have the opportunity to experience the entrance of the Love of the Master.
To those who awaken, truth must always be said.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Reappearance of Christ, what all ears of the world will be able to hear
My children,
One of the greatest difficulties that the Greater Plan will live is at the moment of the Reappearance of Christ, because this will mean for humanity, its great moment to adhere to this event or of being indifferent to the Return of Christ.
The Reappearance of Christ will be possible through the unconditional and true support of His most dear servers; because the Reappearance of Christ will depend on the material collaboration of all those that are attuned to that moment.
This collaboration on the part of all for the Plan of the Reappearance of Christ, if sincere and not mediocre, will mark a before and an after in the current humanity.
This so awaited Reappearance of Christ will be possible if in all human consciousnesses exists the proper interest and the most loving willingness to prepare that world moment.
The donation of the servers will be one of the key factors for the Reappearance of Christ to take place, as well as the cooperation of all of those who are closer to Him in the spreading of the Word of Christ through the means of communication.
Christ has already spoken to the world many times, and He, in His Presence, has prepared the consciousnesses to be faithful collaborators and managers of the moment of the Reappearance of Christ.
In this sense, the second coming of Christ to humanity will have to be under a conjuncture similar to the Birth of Jesus.
For this reason, at the moment of the Reappearance of Christ, the human race and, above all, His followers must keep in mind that it will depend on them that this important event may take place.
Why do I tell you this, My children?
Because in this current time of humanity the consciousnesses themselves, through their adhesion and collaboration with the Plan of the Return of the Lord, will be giving the correct response to the Universe that the times and the events will have to be defined in the second coming of Christ.
In order for the Reappearance of Christ to be carried out, humanity must correspond, not only with its interest for this event, but also by its collaboration in all the preparations for this to happen.
Everything that each server can donate and contribute will be part of the bases that will prepare the moment of the Reappearance of Christ.
Each contribution, effort in the spiritual life, as well as each surrender to God, from the heart, will prepare the moment of the Reappearance of Christ.
Each act of true cooperation and of sincere building of the Plan, in this time, will help in the coming of Christ.
Thus, the Master and Lord, for the moment of His Reappearance, will have on this planet and above all, among His followers, a spiritual and also material structure that will allow Him to act and proceed in order to be able to define the next humanity.
The Reappearance of Christ will demand the donation of everyone but, above all, the spontaneous collaboration without the need for the Spiritual Hierarchy to announce, from cycle to cycle, that the Reappearance of Christ will need, in greater areas, the contribution of the most conscious so that this Grace of the Return of Christ may be lived by the most unconscious and by the most separated from the Truth.
It will be a moment of great sacrifice, but also the Reappearance of Christ will demand, for those who will truly be with Him, to leave world comfort, to spontaneously donate and surrender their lives in the hands of the Master, so that His Reappearance may fulfill all that is foreseen by the Sacred Creative Universe.
Be attentive, My children, because the Reappearance of Christ will place each one before the truth of the Plan and of how each server is before his commitment of preparing the second coming of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Hear within your heart the voice of Aurora and feel how its subtle vibrations resound in the depths of your being.
This is the regenerating love of Aurora that shelters souls of untiring service, that with its healing Light embraces tired bodies.
Hear in your heart the greater melody of Aurora and how it transforms all that it encompasses in the consciousness of the being.
This is the powerful current of Aurora that emerges from the depths of your spirit to give of itself as a Principle of Love and as a Source of Healing.
May this current be recognized in the inner worlds which, after a long journey, re-engage with the original principles of the Greater Healing Source of the inner Aurora. Its lights illumine the spaces and everything receives an impulse of upliftment and of harmony.
Let this meeting with Aurora be the moment of awakening again and of re-encountering the foundational bases of the healing for souls.
Let the melody of love resound within!
Let Aurora be a reencounter with the true being, at the core of the spirit!
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.
In this time, have absolute faith in My Heart, because everything that will happen cannot cause your confidence in the Divine Purpose to waver.
As from now, start preparing yourself for the new challenges and apparent obstacles.
Your Master and Lord will help you to create this faith which must be born from within you, be deeply based on the love of service to fellow beings, on the love for the Instruction received, as well as on the love for the Greater Purpose.
Those three virtues will be able to strengthen your small faith so that it may be strong and immutable in the face of the events in life.
Begin as from now to consolidate that faith in the Heart of your Master so that in spite of everything you may see the Will of God concretized in the different spheres of His Work.
So, surrender, again and again, in confidence, so that everything that is foreseen can happen without fear of failure, abandonment or loneliness.
It is time to move forward with courage, knowing that, above all, unity must reign among hearts receptive to the Greater Call.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Enter the very depths of My Heart and find the Divine Garden of Roses, and there, cultivate your aspirations for serving God.
Allow each stage to be completed so that, above all, the Sacred Will of God may be done.
Stay in My Divine Garden of Roses for as much time as you need; it will always be open to receive you, so that you may rest your body after hard battles and arduous work.
Only feel the subtle scents of My Garden and remember that I will always be there to receive you, to embrace you and help you, just as I do with each one of My children.
Stay in My Divine Garden of Roses, feel the true freedom of your soul and the freeing of your consciousness from the prisons of life.
Retreat within My Divine Garden of Roses and feel the peace that never ends, the gladness that is always emanated, the spiritual joy of being in God; there you will find no evil; on the contrary, within My Garden, there is no suffering, guilt or error.
Submerge in the Roses of My Garden and feel the beauty of serving God unconditionally, as well as the joy of being able to fulfill His most cherished Designs.
And finally, in the center of My Garden, you will find Jesus, Who will renew your life and will hold you in His Arms so that you may feel the infinite Universe of His Love and of His Mercy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not seek the path of perfection outside of yourself; it is present in your inner universe.
The path of perfection is achieved through permanent service, spontaneous donation, an unbreakable and unalterable unity with God. Seek this path of perfection through your essence, which knows how to find it.
Perfection is not vainglory. Perfection is not self-realization. Perfection lacks prestige and recognition.
Perfection is in you, because God made Himself humble and small so that His creatures could know it.
Christ Himself is the model of humble and disinterested perfection for all souls.
Perfection does not flaunt benefits, advantages, or prizes.
Perfection is full of the sacrifice and renunciation that hearts can live every day.
Perfection is not suffering, is not abandonment, is not pain.
Perfection has its own science and its own autonomy, because it is part of one of the Gifts of God.
Perfection is not recognition nor is it a guarantee.
Perfection is an emptiness of self and the absolute surrender of everything; it is to allow oneself to be where one should be, without wanting or aspiring anything else for oneself.
Thus, perfection as a path is humility, is reverence, is a support of the brave, and encouragement for the oppressed.
Perfection walks hand in hand with love, because true love always wins. Love never loses nor does it worry. That is why love is perfect, because it is simple. Love is unconditional and this makes it perfect, but not proud.
Perfection is faith.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Time to confirm the Commitment
Dear children,
The time has come to confirm to the Father your unconditional commitment of service, giving, willingness and more time to serve God.
The time has come, after these ten last years of Graces and blessings, for the Children of Mary to confirm themselves before the Plan of God, which is supposed to be accomplished through their lives.
Children, the time has come for the old servers of the Work to confirm themselves before the Plan of God and to give their time even more, as only some have already fully given, without hours, without sleep and without conditions.
Dear children, the time has come to confirm your commitment to the different aspects of the Work and, above all, to the spiritual foundations, the ones that are expressed through the Light-COmmunities and its group life.
Children, the time has come for you to confirm and assume your commitment before the Father within this Work, which was conceived years ago, and that you are no longer halfway, but that you decide for the definitive awakening and evolution.
Dear children, the time has come to live spirituality and the Purpose entirely and not only on the weekends or in the free hours of the day.
The time has come to assume what you really came to assume in this life, to assume an integral and definitive service for a planet and for a sick and asleep humanity.
Dear children, the time has come for you to live what you say that you must live, and not for you to stay halfway or to be searching to satiate your needs or incomprehension in other places.
This Work of love and unconditional redemption is the one My Son offers to you for millions of other souls, the ones that someday will have to awaken, as you have awakened.
My children, the time has come to take the step and not to think anymore, the Father waits for you to be able to manifest His Rescue Plan and, above all, He waits for your total adhesiveness to all His requests within this Work of love that you live.
The time has come, children, for you to perceive by yourselves and realize what you are doing, what you are sacrificing or offering for a larger goal.
My children, the time has come for you to place your feet on only one path, on only one pathway.
I tell you this, children, because time goes by and you will not be able to wait thirty years more to be able to define your paths.
You can no longer only look for personal benefits within the Work, you can no longer only aspire for the Graces of Heaven and not make sacrifices or efforts that must be immediate.
You can no longer, children, only be present when all is about to begin in the meetings of prayer or instruction.
Where is this fire that used to ignite you before with love for the Communities, the inner fire that before used to lead you to give everything for love, to prepare each space, to be present with anticipation to celebrate with the brothers and sisters?
Children, there is no time left, this is the truth.
You are no longer children spoiled by your Heavenly Mother, you are already servers and disciples consecrated by My Son. What are you waiting for to take the step?
I ask you, children, that these next meetings that will come may help you to confirm yourselves and not to take refuge in your homes and ways of life, since there is much to be done and the nations destabilize themselves, day by day.
Children, I am your Celestial Mother and I need you beside Me in an unconditional way.
I am saddened by the personal conveniences or tastes. I want you available, immediate, vigilant and guardians of My Work, this will allow, before the Universe, for Me to stay longer amongst you.
My soldiers of always are now tired of fighting alone, and a day will come when they will not be able to get up from the ground from being exhausted from working so hard.
Really offer yourselves to the Plan. Do not take on light tasks, the Work demands more hands, but especially more unconditional hearts.
I thank you for listening to Me with your hearts and without resistances!
Who blesses you for your prompt definition,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With My Light I remove what causes pain and affliction from My children; I dissolve from the spaces and from consciousnesses what oppresses the heart and the spirit.
It is with My Light that I grant liberation to the world and to humanity.
With the Light of My Spirit, I attract for My children the Sacred Virtues of God, which allow love for service and charity to awaken in the hearts.
With the Light of My Heart, I establish on the planet the triumph of the Kingdom of God and the expansion of Divine Mercy in the inner worlds.
It is this Light that grants wisdom and forgiveness to the hearts that truly repent.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I am the Lady of the Dawn, the eternal and new Aurora who brings in Her Hands the Grace of God for all of Her children.
I am the Lady of the Dawn, who gestates in Her sacred Womb a New Humanity.
I am the One who imparts the Love of God on all creatures.
I am the Lady of the Dawn, the One who awakens the Virtues of God in hearts so that they may be at the service of souls through those who consecrate themselves to the Lord.
I am the Lady of the Dawn, the One who activates the inner Suns in beings so that the majority may offer themselves to the Plan of God.
I am the Lady of the Dawn, the One who announces a new time and a new race that will be filled by the victorious Mercy of God.
I am the Lady of the Dawn and keep in My Heart the fallen stars so that, some day, through their redemption, they may be the new stars in the redeeming firmament.
I am the Lady of the Dawn and I leave you all My message of peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and accompanies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I arrive at one of My poorest homes in the world, where the spirit of charity and of reparation are fully lived, where the Grace of God, although it may not seem so, is present there because there are simple hearts, full of love for service and for assisting those most in need.
Today I come with the ardent desire and with great aspiration that My children, who today are visiting this humble home, as well as all the Children of Mary consecrated in Ecuador and in the world, piously help in the manifestation of My first Chapel so that, within it, the first mass of giving thanks may be celebrated for this present from God.
Secondly, I desire the manifestation and the concretion of the house of the religious, and also the rest of the installations so that in a harmonious way all of the spaces can exist that are necessary to carry forward the support of the charity work with the children.
Thirdly, I desire that more collaborators help in the food and nutritional support of the children, as well as in the medical and dental assistance.
My wish is that these children that I am visiting today, as well as the consecrated religious that live here, have all that they need to be able to go through these times in which humanity must learn to live charity and mercy with their fellow beings.
If all this can be fulfilled at the end of this year, your Heavenly Mother promises to return to the Santísima Trinidad Community so that the Power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may bless all the manifestations that were carried out.
Lastly, I want to establish an oratory where the children and their parents may learn to pray the Rosary with the support of all the Children of Mary.
If all this is taken ahead in a spirit of true compromise, I assure you, dear children, that all of these children will someday have spiritual dignity and will be able to be the example for the next stage of humanity.
I am happy to be among the most simple. I am here because I love the littlest ones.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The ardent wish of God is that there be in Cuenca a Community-of-Light, guided and accompanied by a monastery of the Order founded by My Son.
In order for this to be possible, I come to ask the union and integration of My children of Peru, Ecuador and Colombia to carry forward this intimate wish of the Creator.
Right after this, I want to found a Marian Center in Cuenca, which will have the patronage of Mary, Mother of the Mountains.
There I wish to establish a center of prayer for the Andes and for all the peoples of the Andean region, in order to draw from Heaven, the Gifts of God that, by means of the community and the life of service and of prayer, must be established.
I wish from Ecuador a consecrated land together with Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina, as a new Eden, where humanity can be regenerated in the upcoming times.
Next, I want to found another community in the region of Guatavita, in Colombia and also a Marian Center which will have the patronage of Mary, Queen of Cultures.
If My children, in time, carry forward these purposes, I promise to protect and to support the emergence of a new humanity in this region.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My child:
At every moment, seek to live the charity of the heart and do not allow anything or anybody to force this inner virtue, nor that they demand you to give of yourself, because charity of the heart must spring forth and arise like you breathe.
At each new step that you are called to take, may the charity of the heart emerge from within you so that you may learn to find spiritual piety, a principle that will lead you to someday love the sacrifice of giving your life and your unconditional service for others.
May the charity of the heart not be a thought formula. May your soul impel you through intuition to be charitable at each moment and to center your purpose on the realization of good for others.
It awakens in you the charity of heart and it is something spontaneous, something that leads you to understand that the Mercy of God is also found in service; thus you will be confirming your vow of true union with Christ.
Within the charity of the heart may you find the meaning of evolving because in the charity of the heart you will develop degrees of love, more than in self-attunement or in the redundant human inertia.
May the charity of the heart be the essence of the New Christs.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Raise your heart up to Heaven while you are on this Earth, so that through prayer you can be close to God, and in spite of what you believe or not to be purifying, you know the time of surrender has come.
Sustain your life based on the expressions of the degrees of love, thus you will allow the true Christian principles to flourish in you.
Child, this life is a path full of challenges and of transcendences; when you just are able to take a step towards the Truth, your soul is liberated from the chains of pride and of the lie.
Go beyond the hard shell of indifference with the strength of love and the impetus of service; in this way, you will know that within you there is a universe which is still unknown to you.
Open the correct door with the correct key. May your spirit today be magnetized with a courage capable of helping you to transcend barriers and to overcome the tests of your own consciousness.
Start by taking the first step towards yielding, and the old human being who lives and acts through your mind and your actions will lose strength, since you will allow the Ray of Redemption to transform your being.
If you want to change the world, first begin with yourself; be generous, efficient, and give of yourself all the time, so that before you the love of the sincere heart gradually opens the doors on the paths of Christification.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
If a part of your being still does not believe that I am here, why are you still here?
By chance, am I not here, Who is your Mother?
Firstly, be grateful for everything that you live and for everything that you experience.
Do not try to escape any longer from the reality that surrounds you, because truly, child, you will be escaping from yourself, and where you choose to be, you will always be with yourself, carrying the same cross everywhere.
Have the inner awareness that you will not be able to change the world, and not even people, overnight.
Accept with joyful resignation the test that Heaven sends you in this time.
You will not be better or worse by being away from the reality that could be disturbing your heart.
Live each experience as a unique possibility for expanding your love and your renunciation.
Do not allow your mind and My adversary to deceive you.
Distrust everything that comes from you and what your mind processes, because if you stay in that place, you will always find a great obstacle.
Start by making the change that you expect so much, first inside of you, and do not try, in any way, to change the Plan, the destiny, nor the events.
Do not believe that in this world you will find perfect things. Be truly intelligent, and do not allow doubts to erase and dissipate the faith of your heart.
Accept, above yourself, the destiny in which the Universe has placed you. And if you want so much that people and things be perfect, as you need them, begin by being the example in patience, in effort, and in service, without wanting to escape or hide from the true need so as not to feel tired.
Live your Gethsemane with intelligence and let only the constant love of your fellow beings invade you, a deep love that you have never lived before.
Search, child, for the truth in what is simple and easy, and not in what would delight you as perfect and complete. If you have surrendered your life into the Hands of God, His own Hands put you in this place, where you must serve unconditionally; and today your Mother from Heaven tells you this, I declare it without intermediaries.
Have gratitude and expand it, so that others may recognize in you a New Christ who accepts, understands, and loves beyond self and of any expectation.
Work every day for your redemption based on profound acts of love and of service, and I assure you that the doubts, or even the disagreements, will no longer be in you; but they will die in the mouth of the one who utters them: My rival.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On the eve of this Nativity of the Lord, I would like all My children to work, every day, under the spirit of joy and love for serving God.
I would like your smile for receiving this next Nativity as something special and unique to be reflected on your faces, so that the spirit of the families may also continue to be helped.
For this, children, I daily invite you to renew yourselves, to be in Christ and for Christ, living each moment as something primordial, knowing that everything you do will have repercussions in the world.
I would like your lips to not tire of praising the Lord, because great are His Glory and His Mercy towards the world; a world that at this time needs infinite interventions and graces.
Celebrate every day and do not tire of doing so; celebrate from the heart and do it for your brothers and sisters of the world who lose the sense of living and the opportunity to love, just as I teach you every day.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
| List
Today, My dear children, I take everyone to the Mount of the Beatitudes, where My Beloved Son, among the crowds that followed him, taught the most important prayer of all time: the Our Lord in Aramaic.
From that moment, humanity became aware of the fact that it could have a perfect and full filiation with the Creator and His Creation and that, from the point of the celestial revelation of the Our Lord, it would never again be immersed in itself or in its reality, but that it could look around and understand that there exist greater and real needs that ought to be met through mercy and service to the fellow being.
The second teaching that My Son left to the crowds at the Mount of the Beatitudes is that humanity is part of a macrocosm, that the Universe is dynamic, constant and changing, and that human consciousnesses are part of an evolutionary system able to generate the process of redemption and rehabilitation.
The celestial and universal Revelations brought by He Himself at that time allowed humanity to awaken to its true spirit and greater consciousness.
From that moment, the Beatitudes showed the most basic rules so that any human being on the surface of the planet may know how to be in inner contact with the cosmic and divine Laws, which act in the regions of the Material, Mental and Spiritual Universe.
The Beatitudes revealed by Christ left one of the most important legacies in order to learn to enter into the real and unique system of evolution, in which every human being of this planet, under any condition, could be worthy of celestial treasures by fulfilling, living and practicing the hidden Principles contained in each one of them.
This will be one of the ways of being able to revert planetary situations in this time and, therefore, give continuity to the universal history of this humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While some souls risk their lives and their evolution for this planet, My Heart comes to protect and shelter them in this cycle of Armageddon.
Everything that you live at this moment will be part of the battle, and at the same time, of the inner preparation for what must come later to this world.
In the meantime, do not allow that your aspirations to fully serve Christ fade, do not allow that the aspiration of achieving redemption also fade.
Keep rowing together with Me until we are able to find a good port within this spiritual shipwreck that the planet is facing.
Continue to live the purification of the heart, the transcendence of the feelings that form part of the human degeneration of these times.
Whatever happens, never lose the great capacity of loving and of serving, because I assure you that someday you will be free from the ties and the chains that for centuries have imprisoned many souls.
I am with you, in the joy as well as in the tests. I am maternally inseparable from the new apostles of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
It is the Will of God, dear children, that the Work of Love and Redemption of the Divine Messengers reach, in an ecumenical, fraternal and serviceable way to the youngest ones in the world: to all the children.
After establishing the international agreement of cooperation between all the nations with the different refugees of the world, and on the eve of the special meeting of Mercy, God is asking you to take one more step, as Work, and this step will now, be planetary.
It is thus that through your mission and humanitarian services, without religion or creed, but yes of a loving and open heart, your Heavenly Mother needs to reach through you, the most unprotected children in the world, those who suffer the wars, the conflicts between nations, poverty, illness and persecution.
Until now, the Planetary Missionary Network was in an ambit of training and preparation. From today, the Planetary Missionary Network will be integrated by the contribution and service of one part of the Work, which is the Planetary Light Network.
In that way, dear children, it is the Aspiration of God that, by means of union and brotherhood with the international organizations, this Work attend, on an international level, to the children of the world in situations of war, of conflicts and disintegration of their families, so that My Maternal and Immaculate Heart intervenes in the rescue of those essences.
From this new cycle, after the last 8th of August, the situation of the service and assistance to humanity by the Whole Work hás changed and has expanded on a world level.
I would like you to understood that, through your hands and your hearts, your Heavenly Mother will try to reach all those suffering souls, the ones that for different circumstances have lost contact with love and hope.
In this phase, the Order founded by My Beloved Son will also perform specific functions within this humanitarian service.
That is why you must be available, because through the international organizations you will be able to attend and serve, for Christ, in nations of the world never concurred or visited by your group, where situations of risk or malnutrition of innocent children unchain.
My Mission with you is that someday you learn to place the planet and its humanity in your hearts, since all the impulses given to you in the last thirty years, have been a preparation for this cycle of planetary emergency.
Remember that these humanitarian services prepare the Second Coming of Christ.
I add, My children, that servant souls of different ages could present themselves that Will come to you moved by the impulse to help dissolve the conflicts in humanity.
Let us go forward!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
The official declaration is hereby made that the Work of Peace of the Divine Messengers, in an ecumenical, autonomous, and fraternal way, will provide its humanitarian services to the different peoples and nations of the world for the purpose of spiritually establishing a longer period of peace.
It is thus that the missionaries of Fraternidade and those consecrated from the Order of My Son, as from the impulse given by international organizations, are assembled, gathered together, and twinned in the two bases that will be permanently established in the north of Brazil.
This means, dear children, that for your Heavenly Mother, the permanent mission of Greece will be temporarily closed and will be taken over by the representatives and members of the Network-of-Light of Europe.
Regarding the mission of permanent service at the pheriphery of the Community-of-Light of Figueira, it will also be temporarily closed, and will be taken over under My call by the Light Network of Minas Gerais and São Paulo.
Therefore, under the Will of Our Father, all principal and in-formation missionaries will be transferred to the north of Brazil in order to respond to the request made by international organizations, which seek peace, justice, and equity among races and peoples.
In this sense, the Spiritual Hierarchy is calling all of the planetary Network-of-Light to undertake the humanitarian service, the objective of which is that the principal and consecrated servants who belong to the Communities-of-Light and reside in them be able to extensively develop a fraternal service in the quest for establishing healing, redemption, and love in the souls that, because of conflicts, wars, and disorder among nations, have lost the essence of faith and of love.
It is important to emphasize that the spiritual shield of protection of the missionaries and those consecrated who will undertake the operative phase of service in the international organizations under the principle of fraternity, will have as an inner foundation the presence of the Sacred Hearts. But under no circumstance or reason will some religious or spiritual principle be disseminated, since the cause of the current conflicts comes from the social and humanitarian misunderstandings among the religions.
In this new phase of taking up world tasks and of those of a universal order, the Fraternidade will only seek the good and the benefit for fellow human beings, so that values and human rights may be recovered.
We will be guiding this new phase step by step, which will have the consciousness of all those who serve sacrifice many things in their lives so that a worse situation than already exists may not be precipitated in South America.
I thank you for responding to this operation of world rescue for peace and the good of the world.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While the sacred Knowledge descends through simple words, I invite you to love supreme Truth, because, in this way, in these times, you will be guided by the Primordial Source.
Simple words allow souls to live change. When words are filled with love and simplicity, with the heart, consciousnesses receive the inner knowledge that the Divine Source emanates, time and again.
The sacred Knowledge ennobles souls with humility, in this way, it makes them real and it allows them to experience the events that will come to the world.
Sacred Knowledge brings them closer to the inner reality of these times, which needs to be understood and accepted by humanity.
Thus, in this cycle, through sacred Knowledge, souls need to awaken to the mission of reverting the times that will come through expressions of love, unity, charity and service, for those consciousnesses that urgently need to discover the need for a deep change of consciousness.
Sacred Knowledge opens the door to an awakening of what is supreme, superior and sublime.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more