Constancy and perseverance, children, will be your allies in these times of transition. These spiritual attributes, which emerge from the Source of the Ray of the Will of God, must always be present.
Being constant in prayer, in service, in fraternity, in meekness, in compassion, in faith and in mercy will always allow you to transform the human condition a little more each day.
To be persevering in the goals that you have and in the purpose that you establish of not falling into the same distractions, temptations and errors, will consolidate the transformation within you, in the deepest levels of your consciousnesses, and will not allow you, in the moment of your final trial, as part of humanity, to fall into tests that already seemed to have been overcome.
Cry out to God for this Grace, that through His Will and His Power, you may be constant and persevering in the fulfillment of His Law.
You are still in time for building within yourselves, on the unconscious levels of your being, a true strength that will sustain you and support you in these times in which humanity, as a whole, will only find balance in God and in the stronghold on the rock erected within your own heart.
Practice with the little things. Be vigilant with yourselves and, in this way, you will always find peace.
Choose the Love of God rather than the things of the world.
Ask for the Grace and Help of Heaven, and each day do your part.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To maintain balance in times of transition, My children, your consciousnesses must embrace from now on the love for selfless service and constant self-giving. It is this determination to serve, unconditionally, that will renew you in body and spirit, and allow you to remain supported by Divine Grace.
The search to serve and help others will make your consciousnesses attract from the Heart of God His wisdom and discernment, His healing, His Love and His Peace, even in the most adverse situations.
This will be so, children, because God will give you the tools you need to fulfill the mission that your souls have committed to live.
So that you do not become unbalanced, go mad or become saddened when you find no other support other than what lies only within God, you must now begin to love service, love helping others, love fulfilling the Plan of God, love being available, love being in the Creator and not in yourselves, because this is how you will be able to overcome, not only the tests that will come, but you will also allow the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to be renewed and to overcome within you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever there may be a heart that prays sincerely, there God will be.
Wherever there may be a heart that steps out of itself to serve others, there God will be.
Wherever there may be a heart capable of freeing itself from its own will and aspirations to fulfill the Will and aspirations of the Celestial Father, there God will be.
Wherever there may be a heart capable of obeying higher designs and setting aside its own beliefs and ways of manifesting in life, there God will be.
Wherever there may be a heart that, in spite of its imperfections, loves its neighbor unconditionally and, above all things, the Creator, there, children, the Lord will live and dwell, will express and speak with humankind through His children.
Seek union with God in the small things; a union that must be constant, not only when you pray, but also when you live under His Laws and make of your lives a prayer.
Allow yourselves to be shaped and corrected, and do not fear suffering or loving, but rather, children, fear to be ignorant and blind to your own miseries.
Live in the Presence of the Lord, opening a space for Him in your lives, through the forgetting of self and the love for your neighbor. In this way, it will be Him, your Lord and Creator, Who will transform you and shape you according to His Will, silently, through each situation in your lives.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXIX - Dialoge Between Nature and God
When the soul of Nature enters into dialogue with God, what does it say? How is it answered by its Creator?
The soul of Nature speaks with God in silence, through the expression of beauty and the movement of the elements. The soul of Nature expresses its pain to the Creator through the wind, the rain, the closed and silent sky, the time that seems to stand still so as to feel the life of the Earth.
Nature expresses its self-giving and love through the flowers, fruits, the green leaves and the leaves that are dried, surrendering to renewal. It speaks through the deep silence of the oceans, through their balance and surrender, their constant and selfless service, their effort to keep the Project of the Creator alive for this world alive.
The soul of Nature speaks with God through the silence of the earth, renewing in its deepest layers the most ancient records of humanity, transforming with fire that which has happened and giving to the planet a substance that nurtures, that supplies, that sustains.
And God responds to Nature with the sun that shines and communicates life, with the night that restores and brings encouragement, with the breath that becomes air and breathing so that, in spite of all the density of the planet, there may be Spirit within the spirit of beings. God responds to Nature with gratitude, renewing Nature´s perfection and beauty, its life and its form, its peace.
May this dialogue, children, teach you to serve unconditionally, to give of yourselves out of love, to express peace even in times of chaos, to adore in silence when the world becomes stirred and to receive from the Lord and the Love of His infinite Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XXIII - Surrender: the Key to a New Stage
An awake and serving soul, that sought to fulfill its mission and express the Will of God through many ways, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, in spite of praying, seeking an evolutionary life, always making my heart available to You, aspiring to permanently serve, I still feel that I am not able to completely manifest my mission. Tell me then, how do I do this."
And the Lord responded: "Up until now, little soul, each of your efforts have been valuable, each transformation experienced has been like a gift at the foot of My Altar, but at this stage of your evolution, you must begin to understand and live the deepest meaning of surrender, of the giving of self and evolutionary life.
The moment has come to place within My Hands that which you most appreciate: your self-love, your way of seeing evolution, everything that you believe you know, everything that you consider good and that makes you a good soul before others. The time has come for you to place within My Hands not only your miseries but also your virtues, your need to show everyone how you live them, and even if you think you are setting an example for your neighbor, this is no longer what I need of you. Your greatest example will be hidden, but will resound throughout the planetary consciousness, throughout Creation.
Give Me your way of living and of expressing yourself, your way of serving and loving, your way of praying and knowing the universe, because I aspire to make all things new within you so that you may achieve a higher knowledge about existence, and so that you may experience a higher degree of love. You must leave behind all that you have lived up until now, giving thanks for and revering everything that has learned; surrendering it at My Feet, like a ladder that allowed you to reach Me but that you must now leave behind as to climb a different stairway, which leads to a deeper union with Me.
This begins, beloved soul, by being aware of the need of becoming new and leaving the past behind. When I then feel that your heart is ready and divested of all that you previously lived, I will show you a new path, I will have you come to know new sciences, I will reveal a higher Love to you, the fruit of your surrender and renunciations, the fruit of your emptiness."
May this dialogue, children, teach you how to perceive that this is the moment to be renewed in God, to give thanksl for what you have learned and to surrender so that a new stage may emerge for you and for all humanity.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XVIII - Seeking God in Order to Become an Instrument of His
A soul that aspired to deepen their union with God, and mature this union through a true surrender and a pure contact with the Heart of the Celestial Father, prayed to Him, saying: "Lord, my life and all life belong to You; my heart and each heart belong to You and are living parts of Your Heart of Love. Teach me, then, to feel myself ever more a part of Your Being, of Your Spirit, of Your Source. Teach me to live and move always within You, expressing You and being Your instrument in this world and beyond."
And after an instant in silence, contemplating the inner world of this soul, the Lord responded: "To express Me, more than yourself, little soul, you must first do as My Son taught you: enter into your room in silence and pray in secret to My Heart, which hears you in secret. It is there where you strengthen your union with Me. Before demonstrating it to the world, before being an instrument of Mine in the eyes of humankind, first you must not only build, but also consolidate and renew this union with My Heart for the centuries to come.
It is in secret that I reveal to you what I most want from you; it is in secret that I show you My Kingdom within you; it is in secret that I hear your confession and forgive your sins, wash your feet, your face and your hands, and I make you new, every day, so that you may always have a new opportunity to try to come closer to My Spirit, to My Source.
Complete your prayer with a silent and simple, striving and attentive service; always seeking humility. At first, beloved soul of My Heart, do not even try to be an example, because the one who is trying to be an example is looking for the attention of someone to observe them and learn with them. Do not want to teach but to only live; do not want to show but to only be. Know that you are an apprentice and that you are trying each day to be better, and if for My Glory someone watches and learns from you, let your heart not change but remain an eternal apprentice of My Spirit, an eternal servant within My Plan, an eternal seeker of My Ppresence. Thus, you will learn through true contact with Me, and I will be within you, and you will represent Me, perhaps, without even realizing it."
May this dialogue, children, teach you to seek God, to deepen into your contact with Him and to be His instruments in this world, and much beyond it.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
It is necessary, at this time, My children, to grow up spiritually and humanly, to mature in your consciousness all the impulses received and place them at the service of the planet and of all its humanity.
To grow up spiritually is to understand the times in which you live, the urgency for a transformation in human consciousness and the certainty that this transformation begins and ends within each being.
To mature is to take responsibility for your own part within the Plan of God, knowing how to give your all in every instant.
When you pray, do it wholeheartedly, with your mind and spirit present, with whole feelings and words filled with their deepest meaning.
When you serve, do it completely, giving all of yourself, so that the Will of God may be fulfilled, without giving space to childish attitudes that always lead you to human comforts, to a place of inertia and not of sacrifice.
When you relate to your neighbor, know how to love them as they are, observe their miseries in the mirror of your own interior and, before you judge, be silent and look inside. The other is transformed by example and not by judgment.
Humanity is a living, unique consciousness, that sooner or later moves in chains. When a being takes a true step, their surroundings are transformed. Therefore, use the word to open the doors of the Kingdom of God and the example to transform what prevents this Kingdom from manifesting.
To mature humanly, children, is to leave the adolescent posture of being eternally served, cared for and supported, and begin moving to serve, care and support, not only the neighbor, but the Plan of God itself, the planet, life.
Just as an adult is responsible for their home, you are responsible for this world. The time has come to transform this attitude and take back your own home, because the laws are moving and the cycles are advancing into ascension.
To follow the movement of the Universe, you must grow up humanly and spiritually.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May your heart feel the pain of the world and be moved, finding the way of repairing the suffering of humanity in each instant of life.
From the simplest things to the greatest surrenders, offer God your actions, feelings and thoughts so that He may transform you into an instrument of repair for the human consciousness.
From within you, each day, may a greater love be born that expresses fraternity and unity with your neighbor, that expresses service and cooperation among brothers and sisters, that expresses overcoming limitations and defeating barriers.
May your heart recognize in all things the opportunity to heal the world so that it may be with prayer or with life, with the word and with silence, with stillness and with service, knowing how to find the need, knowing how to embrace the opportunities and find the Living God in each instant.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Surrender your heart in the Hands of God, oh soul so small and fragile!
Let your life be suspended into the Hands of the One who created you so that He may place you on the correct point of your evolution.
Live, being an expression of the love that you receive every day from your Creator Father.
Let your desert be fertile, like the deserts that, through the Grace of God, blossom and express the miracle of life, even in the aridity of the world.
Let your little soul be a source of faith through the persistence of your heart in the face of the challenges and trials of life.
May it not matter to you whether you are last or first.
May it not matter to you whether you are hidden or elevated in the eyes of humankind.
May it matter to you to serve and love more each day, to close your eyes to the illusions of the world and open them to the universal Truth that is revealed to you.
May it matter to you to enter into the depths of your heart and there find not only a Living God full of Graces, but also a Crucified Spouse who calls you to be like Him, every day, with the full surrender of your heart.
May the pain of the world matter to you, the pain of those who suffer and who do not find relief, and may the Grace of God upon you make your little life a fount for those who are thirsty; even though you will often drink, you will feel thirsty and empty.
May your emptiness not be filled by the world and its illusions but rather by God and His mysteries, by the faith that He places in your heart, in times of desert and solitude.
Seek relief in service; seek support in charity, in those who will always be in a worse condition than your little soul which, in spite of being so fragile, was chosen by God as a chalice for His spiritual Gifts.
It is not for you to judge the Will of the Lord, but simply to accept it, just as your Mother Mary did who, being small and simple, made Herself a Chalice and a Tabernacle so that the Living God could come into the world.
Be you, beloved soul, like your Divine Mother, and every day surrender your smallness into the Hands of God, because in your nothingness He will do everything.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate and come to know the history of humanity, held in your heart and in the deepest spiritual records of the planet.
As from that point, child, you will know where you should not walk and where your feet and your heart should indeed walk.
Throughout human evolution, beings became lost in the eagerness for a power that made them feel greater than God Himself. Your heart must not be in this illusion.
Your path is to unite with God and discover that you are not only similar to Him, but a living part of Him. And this is built through humility, through the emptying and the constant yielding and surrender of self.
Throughout human evolution, the beings became lost by competing with one another, believing that to grow was to be better than the rest, to defeat them and submit them to their own personal mental, physical, emotional and even inner power. Your heart must not be on this path.
Just as you are a part of the Divine Consciousness, so is every being on this Earth. The Creator is an infinite totality that, to be complete, needs the presence of each one of His children. This is why your path is to serve, with the giving of self, with love, with example and with your life so that your fellow being may reach God, develop their purest virtues and achieve redemption.
Throughout human evolution, beings became lost, child, because they lost their values, became confused and transformed into the opposite of the true virtues that humanity should express.
To return to the sacred and to what is true, you must now break the barriers inside and out of yourself so that you may discover the true meaning of your existence and the true mission of your soul.
To evolve, walk upon the pathway of surrender, meekness, of the pure joy of seeing the evolution of your brothers and sisters, of the sharing of the consecrated Bread, which makes all creatures living parts of the Mystical Body of Christ.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever you are, unite your heart with God to fulfill His Will and manifest His Plan.
The Will and the Plan of God are much greater and vast than your little mind can conceive. Meanwhile, it is through the simple things where your heart finds the path to live this Will and fulfill this Plan.
The Creation of God is vast and broad within the dimensions, both in Heaven and on Earth. However, to remember this and recognize it today, being able to access these sublime realities, all you need is to be simple of heart, pure of intention and ready to love and serve more and better, each day.
Even though your physical eyes cannot see extraordinary existences and manifestations of life, your heart may participate in that which is invisible and your soul may travel though the eternal realities when you are united with God.
Humanity was created for much more than just seeing and feeling the realities of life. Human beings were created to unite these realities, live them and be within them at the same time.
Because just like the Heart of the Celestial Father, the hearts of His children have the possibility of uniting within themselves all Life, of being united with everything and participating in all dimensions of existence.
Thus, before perceptively seeing, feeling or experiencing Divine Truth, seek, child, to surrender your heart to God, and, through the yielding of your spirit and of each part of your consciousness, become one with all of Creation.
The dimensions dwell within you and your heart can dwell in all of them, and experience them when you are simple and true.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When you call upon Me, I come to meet you, with My Chaste Heart safeguarding each small and great effort you make to fulfill the Purpose of God.
With love, I contemplate that which you were able to achieve and, with pity, I contemplate your deepest weaknesses, your most ingrained miseries.
With a gaze of Grace and Mercy, I contemplate each one of you because whenever you stand before God and open the way for His Messengers, the Creator Himself pours out upon you the celestial purpose that He has for your lives, since the beginning.
Your Celestial Father rests in the hearts that strive, and even though you are still ignorant of the truth and many times are lost in the illusions of this world, it is your efforts, children, the constant effort that brings you close to God, that causes you to restore His Holy and Eternal Heart.
Your Celestial Father has a time for everything and, with love, waits for each one of your steps. What matters most is that you are always walking, and that you always have your feet and your heart pointed in the right direction, which is the surrender to God and the effort to love and serve better, each day.
With this small but yet deep movement of going toward God and your fellow beings, every day, God Himself, children, will also come to you. And even though it may be silent and invisible, the meeting will take place.
My Chaste Heart rejoices today, not only because of all the material tasks and the physical efforts that you made this morning. I rejoice to see striving spirits, your hearts bowed down trying to overcome yourselves, in spite of your limitations.
I do not say these things to exalt you, but rather to encourage you. This is the path, the path of love and surrender, of self-giving and of sharing life and bread with your brothers and sisters.
And let your aspirations not turn toward anything but the manifestation of Divine Will, even though, children, for this you are diminished and others grow.
Be foundations when it is necessary to reach a heart that is in need of support.
Be hands that uplift, inspire, that give of themselves and take the risk of supporting all those who are trying to walk.
Let each one make their effort without forgetting others. Walk looking forward, but knowing that you are always opening the way for others and not just for yourselves.
Today, children, I leave you My blessing, My grace and My peace.
I know that many of you are going through deserts and challenges. Thus, may My love and My presence be water and renewal in your lives.
Pray with Me, for I am your intercessor before God.
I do not come to the world for anything but to serve. I could be perfectly united with the Creator, but I am here to take you by the hand, because this is Divine Will. And so count on Me, on My love and on My intercession.
I bless you and I thank you for not stopping your steps.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Find strength in prayer, in the thought of the return to the Origin, in the certainty of the return of your Lord to the world.
Find strength in what unites you to the Truth, in the giving of your heart and of your life, in everyday service through the aid that you can provide to the ones next to you.
Find strength by being true and transparent, expressing the essence of God that lies within you and not seeking outside of you for ways of being that seem to please the others.
Find strength in God, in the essence of Love that dwells within you and in everything. You will be able to find Him in quietude, hear Him in adoration and communicate with Him by praying with sincerity.
In these times, child, the world will try to weaken you, to make you give up, to suffer and anguish. But it is enough that you may know how to find your strength in what is true, in that which comes from God, from His Eternal heart.
He will be your breath, your encouragement and your perpetual renewal, so that you can persist until the awaited for day of being face to face with your Celestial Creator.
Find your strength in God, your God and the God of life. Within Him there will always be renewal for your heart and your spirit.
Do not forget what I am telling you. May My words echo within your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Cultivate persistence, inner strength and peace.
To step out of yourselves is the key that will allow you to make of the cross, of these times, a triumph of the Love of God within His children, as it was with the One who first carried the Cross and showed you the way.
Self-pity and excessive concern about yourselves, children, will prevent you from seeing the need of the world, of the Divine Creation and of the Plan of God as a whole.
You are no longer in times of experiences and mere learning. You are before the final tests for this humanity and, oftentimes, your trial will not be to stay in the world, amidst the chaos and human madness, but to deal with your own inner chaos and transcend yourselves, out of love for a Higher Plan.
The time has come to use the determination that you use to maintain your resistances, to break them. And this will not happen by mistreating yourselves, but by serving and loving your neighbor unconditionally.
Transformation is not only about taking care of yourselves, children. Transformation happens when you step out of yourselves and let your own life be conducted and supported by God, while you busy yourselves with serving and loving your neighbor in the smallest details.
You already know what I tell you. Release your desires and aspirations, your goals so human and insignificant in the face of the greatness of the cycle that you live as humanity. Recognize where you stand, what you are experiencing and what is the Divine aspiration for your lives. Thus, you will be on the correct path in the correct way.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend
Saint Joseph Most Chaste
Pray for the souls that need liberation.
Pray for the hearts that need help to disconnect from darkness and to embrace the path of light, of good and of the Love of Christ.
Pray for those who purify their past and who ignore the mud that emerges from within.
Pray for them to have the courage for standing before themselves and of tirelessly aspiring for transformation.
Pray for those who need to surrender before God and surrender your heart also.
Pray for the neighbor, always with consciousness of your miseries, so that your prayer may lead you to a humble spirit.
Pray for peace and for Grace within the hearts of your brothers and sisters.
Pray for them to achieve sanctity and to overcome themselves in love, every day.
Be a caretaker so that Grace may remain within your neighbor. Love to see the growth and evolution of others. Allow your prayer for the neighbor to be converted into your greatest service.
Who knows, maybe there are others praying for you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To take a step in your spiritual consecration, children, you must love God and His Plan above all things. If there is no love, there is no surrender, no renunciation, no emptiness of self, no elevation of consciousness.
To love God more, you must seek God more, concentrate more on being with Him, in His Presence, under His Sight, within His Heart. And this can be done in prayer, but also in contact with His word. This is done with silence but also with confession.
There are many paths for you to be in the Presence of your Father, but for all of them you must strive, want, search, assume a commitment with yourselves and with humanity, and provide the service of being in God so that the entire humanity may achieve peace.
Superficialities of life can be defeated with love, because the more you love God, the more you will replace what is superfluous with His Presence. However, children, as everything in life, you must start, take steps and persevere on that path. Effort will bring you faith, faith will bring you love and love will bring you the wisdom that you need to go through in these times.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Illuminate your consciousness with the Light of Wisdom that the Messengers of God bring to the world.
Awaken to the principles of Christification, living service and unconditional surrender every day.
Experience the gift of humility and the grace of silence in the light of Divine Grace and thus, My child, see the promises of God become fulfilled within you.
Live the alchemy of transformation of the consciousness in the simplicity of prayer.
See the Divine Purpose be fulfilled within you through the sincere submission of your heart to God and discover how simple it is to manifest Divine Will.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With the little that the hearts offer to God, the Creator repairs His Creation and starts bringing back to His path of love the souls that got lost.
The only thing the Heavenly Father needs, children, is that you deepen each day your own surrender and holiness. It does not matter that you are not many, that you are not among the multitude proclaiming peace. What matters is that in your hearts the kingdom of God be established, and that within you there is a unique space, an inner abode for Him. May God call you, more than His children, His companions, His instruments.
Each day, look for this grace of a true and profound surrender, a surrender that embraces, little by little, the profound spaces of your consciousness, reaching what is called the subconscious. It is there, in your inner world, in the deepest subconscious, where the history of humanity is kept, where the Light of God begins to work with the whole human consciousness. In this way, children, through you, the Father can heal each one of His children of this world and beyond it.
Everything is a matter of embracing with love the path of service that He calls you to live; of allowing your most unknown nuclei to surrender to God and transform. And so, you will be allowing the whole human consciousness to live a transformation and resume the path of Thought and of the Divine Will. For this, I bless you and I offer you My eternal help.
Pray with Me and I will help you. Seek for My paternal presence and I will be with you, because for this God sends Me to the world, to help you, to be a bridge for your souls and consciousnesses, to help you to return to His Heavenly Heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Listen to the weeping of a spirit wounded by wars and by the ignorance of humankind, the heart of a nation that cries out for Mercy, even though its inhabitants have gotten lost in the indifference of their common life and do no listen to it.
Every day, the merciful Eye of God is placed upon those who clamor, who cry out, who pray for peace, but also and above all, on those who do not clamor, do not cry out and do not pray, for they do not know God and His infinite Love.
With your hearts, keep the doors of Forgiveness, of Grace and of Mercy open to this planet, each day more. Be conscious of the immense need of the world, and let serving this wounded world be your greatest aspiration.
God the Father expects to be able to reach His children every day, and for that, He needs to find the doors of human hearts always open to His Love. Be that door which constantly opens to God. Be the conscious permission for the Creator to embrace and support His creatures.
May your praying word, born from the depth of the heart, be tirelessly pronounced, for the Earth needs peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever you go, try to rescue the spiritual principles with your heart so that, litlle by little, the sacred may awaken and reveal its mysteries.
Allow peace to dwell within you and for reverence to live in your consciousness so that you can recognize the presence of the Hierarchy in sacred places, beyond human appearances.
May your heart always be raised to the heights, united and in tune with the Divine Purpose so that, in this way, child, you may provide a service to the world, of uniting the higher dimensions with life on Earth in order to liberate what is dark on the planet by means of harmony and of the elevation of consciousness.
Humanity must enter a new cycle to approach divine reality, and that cycle is of a deeper and more true inner contact, for this is what will allow beings to discern and to take the correct steps in the coming time. Your consciousness must learn to be kept elevated beyond chaos and appearances, laid on the Truth by means of love, of silence and of prayer. Thus, you shall not only find peace, but you shall be a vehicle of this peace for the world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more