Dear children of Mine,

Through the humanitarian mission in Turkey, a new kingdom is being built in the heart of the people who have been lovingly sheltered by My missionaries of peace.

This means the triumph, at this moment, of the spiritual life and of love in the existence of millions of people. Thus, children of Mine, you will comprehend that by fully living the selfless service, the doors of the Heavens will always remain open for those hearts that need redemption.

Now, dear missionary children, that you have learnt to perceive the human condition, may your arms be even more open to shelter spiritually in the Heart of the Divine Messengers those who expect to feel truly loved.

The humanitarian mission in the Middle East has reached an unparalleled spiritual repercussion because in all of this task of service and of Christic love you had always to work in order to surpass yourselves in behalf of each consciousness of the Middle East, in behalf of those who live the oppression of an armed war in their own flesh.

Dear children, Your Heavenly Mother accompanies you in this last spiritual stage, in which more codes of redemption, of mercy and of forgiveness will be sown in more hearts.

Children of Mine, all of this task has not only had repercussion on your through the mission, but also on your brothers and sisters of the communities, especially of the Marian Center of Aurora which has been the depositary of certain currents which had to be liberated. This is a difficult and hard reality that very few are willing to live at any time and with no time limitation for the spiritual salvation of humanity.

The work of the Heavenly Hierarchy is broader than what it seems and it is not restricted to one region of the planet where one serves, but also to planes of consciousness which during the humanitarian missions are supported by the Marian Centers founded by the Mother of Heaven.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who unites you to the Source of Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Dear Children,

With maternal love I tell you to not fear, and take the risk of surrendering promptly to the Sacred Heart of My Son; He always expects to receive you in the Glory of His Divine Mercy.

Until that happens, make the decision to follow in His footsteps and allow His Unfathomable Heart to conquer you and purify you so that on the great expected day you form part of His Glorious Kingdom.

Children, in this way you transmit the experience of My Son to hearts that have not yet found Him. Attest to the time of your redemption and teach your brothers and sisters how prayer has been transforming you little by little in the presence of the expected Project of the Creator.

Do not lower your arms nor despair; I am Your Mother of Mercy and every day I gather you together at this universal time so that you may live and feel the cenacle of My Immaculate Heart, the Temple of God, which will strengthen you during the tests and the challenges of life.

And thus, children, as My missionaries of peace have done, go toward the discovery of the inner Africa in your fellow humans, in your peoples and nations. Need, and lack of love and of service are expanding throughout the four corners of the Earth.

In Uganda I will cause you come to know the great thirst for love and for spiritual healing that souls have not had the Grace of receiving in this lifetime. For this reason, as your Heavenly Mother and Missionary Guide of Peace, I introduce you to the paths of need, of service, and of love, because, My children, I need you to have the Mercy of My Son be valued and known in Uganda.

If souls had heard about the Mercy of My Son, many would already have been saved; I am not calling you to evangelize, but rather to transmit the Mercy of My Son through your services and works donated to the God of Love.

While My missionaries of peace walk through the streets of Kampala, they are seeing faces without hope, kindred and lonely souls who await a smile and a breath of hope.

Missionaries of Mine, you will also see My littlest children in need of true spiritual paternity, the one that will set them free and allow them to recover innocence.

The poverty of Uganda is the reflection of a continued neglect on the part of the whole of humanity; thus I am again calling the missionaries of peace of the whole world to respond to My call. My love fills all of you.

For this cause of peace and of brotherhood, I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who blesses you under the Supreme Light of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

With Africa in My Heart, I prepare all of you so that in the spirit of prayer, you may peregrinate with Me to this beloved place so that the souls that suffer the most, may receive the moral and spiritual help that they need so much.

You, My children, strengthened by the codes of light of My Immaculate Heart, are already prepared to continue to find Africa in each brother and sister, in each soul and in each place of this world.  The need of collaboration and charity is immense on all the levels of the life of the souls that suffer.

As your Mother of Consolation, today I come closer to your humanity in order to reveal to you and remind all of you about the places that need humanitarian and spiritual help.  The society of this world prefers to turn its face around in order to not find the true misery that is not just physical, but spiritual, what generates the loss of the dignity and of the love that the souls deserve.

But our Celestial Father that is in the Heavens sends His Divine Messengers so that through Them you may recognize the immediate will to respond to a need that embraces other levels of consciousness.

My Children, on this day I already show you in My Heart, the Africa in need, the one that throughout the ages was degenerated and lost the possibility of receiving the charity that the souls expected so much.

In My Immaculate Heart lives the Africa of the poor and of the indigent.  From the internal heart of My being, your Celeste Mother expects that all of Her soldiers may feed the hungry belly, heal the depleted body, wash and purified the wounds of the dying and mainly, reflect the light of the Kingdom of the Heavens, which is within you, on all those that live eternal darkness.

For this, dears, may this sacred encounter motivate you to renew your vows with selfless loving service for the humanity that is buried on its own desert of aridity and despair.

I ask you, dear children, that you may be able to see in My arms, this great Africa, the one that, because of humanity, has not been able to fulfill the designs of the Creator.

As the Mother of Peace and of Mercy, I come on this day to pour Graces on everything that seems impossible to be solved.  But know, children, that you, awakening to the selfless love for the interior Africa, will help Me so that the most basics needs may be able to be supplied by means of the servers of peace.

On this day I prepare you to embark on a new mission that all will be able to accompany closely.  With this purpose I tell you that from the first day of the mission until the return of the missionaries who will take Me as light in their hearts, you must pray the Holy Rosary, that is, the fifty beads of a mystery in an African language, offering to the Creator a supplication and an internal wish so that His Infinite Mercy may be poured over the places that were hurt by My adversary the most.

May this day of celebration and renovation have as a consequence for all, the immediate response to a planetary emergency of help for the recovery and for the spiritual resurrection of the human dignity.

Remember, children, that love is capable to transform everything, as in the Love of My Son it is found the key to revert everything.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who congregates you on the favorite Cenacle of the Heart of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the New Humanity


May your little hearts no longer be afflicted by all that is still to be built within. The Lord of the Universe, the Great Architect of Infinity, has already designed the perfect structure for the Earth, which must be erected within each being, and if you say 'yes' the Universal Builders, who are the angels and archangels, they will come into your lives to transform the old and rebuild that which must be renewed.

Today, with joy, I come to this home of Mine, New Earth, so that here I may allow the growth of the archetype of the new life.

My children, today I want to tell you that the new life is not built based on the development of the mind nor on material riches. The new life is not to be found in the amount of knowledge that consciousnesses demonstrate, because there is nothing new in that.

Do not seek to unveil the celestial mysteries before building within yourselves the primary and only foundation that will lead you towards infinity, because the mysteries of God do not settle in the mind, but rather in the heart.

The new life that is born at New Earth is nothing but the possibility of loving others just as they are. The new life is the power to live with one other, each at their degree of evolution, without this being a reason for separateness but rather of union and of the growth of the soul and the spirit.

The Love you have come to learn about on Earth will not be found in books, but rather in life, in daily life, in the maturing of coexistence.

It is for this reason, dear children, that God asks for the Communities so that all those who aspire to grow may have the possibility of doing so and can count on the support of one other to achieve this growth, this unveiling of Love.

I want you to learn from New Earth in the way you learned from My Son Jesus; and for this reason, I return to this place. Christ was among those who were most needy. His apostles were simple and poor of heart, of knowledge, of life and of spirit; and in those simple souls, the Lord caused faithfulness and absolute love to grow in those who followed Him to the end, living sacrifice and surrender, under any circumstance.

With this, I tell you that the path of those who love one other, regardless of differences, is that together they experience a constant service and absolute fidelity to God. And in them God places His Spirit so that they may be an example of Mercy and a source of awakening; in them, the Lord places His trust.

Believe in what I tell you today, because when they heard the first Words of Christ, the apostles were men full of impurities and imperfections, but they responded to the call of the Lord, and today they are the guardians of the Doors of Heaven.

Follow that path with bravery, for just as I accompanied those My Son chose in that time, I am here to guide those who My Son chose in the end time, and those are all of you.

The twelve of yesteryear must be the 144 thousand of today.

I thank you for responding to My call and for accepting to follow this path of eternal transformation.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Beloved children,

Once again My Mercy is upon all Argentina and especially upon Buenos Aires, this needy city of the world.

Dear children, today I call you to the awakening of the consciousness in the end of these times by means of the prayer of the heart, because a new cycle is approaching and your hearts must be prepared to receive it. For some, this cycle will be Good News that will change the state of consciousness, but for others it will be deep changes that will lead them to define the path to follow in this time.

For this reason, dear children, you who live the day-to-day in this city of Buenos Aires, as do other souls in different cities of the world, must pray with fervor and from the heart so that the Grace of God and the Mercy of My Son may be propagated in the hearts most in need of love and redemption.

My children from Argentina, yesterday I invited you to pilgrimage to Luján in a different way. This time for a true and selfless service, because you must know that great colonies of souls must also be supported by prayer. For this, it is necessary to have prayer groups that, consecrated to My Maternal Spirit, may persist and walk in the faith of My Son. Each group must begin to exercise fraternity because in this way, in your nuclei of work and service, you will find My Universal Peace.

I want to form, for these times, awakened soldiers, who leave behind all amenities of life and who, as sincere disciples, may be instruments in the Hands of God in this end of times.

You, through prayer, have the key to define the salvation of all humanity. For this reason, now for thirty-one years in Medjugorje, My Maternal Heart has pronounced and cried out for prayer, prayer and prayer! This is what you must take in as a spiritual nourishment in this time, thus allowing My heart to redeem the paths that divert millions of souls, the paths of modernity and comfort.

I am here, dear children, in the name of the Most High, to open your eyes, aspiring as the Mother of Heaven, that your consciousnesses may mature and be able to help humanity itself through prayer.

My children, someone must do something for the world! Because each day it kindles itself in flames from its own actions and those who must act are all My faithful soldiers, the soldiers of My Heart.

Today I arrive at this world to open the Doors of the Heavens to your lives so that hope and Mercy may be cultivated in the greatest number possible of souls.

Dear children, God is listening to you, therefore continue to pray every day. I will be universally thankful.

May this month of November be a preparation for all of you for My next arrival in Buenos Aires, in December.

Thank you for responding to My call for humanity.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

As the Lady of Divine Defense, today I call you to pray for the protection of the Marian Centers and especially, for My National Marian Center of Luján that in these days has experienced critical situations.

Therefore, My children, with the flag of peace in My hands, I invite you to pilgrimage, out of love, to the homes most in need in this region, and through service and giving, to supply that which My children from the region of Luján may need.

Dear children, My Marian Centers are in your hands and God contemplates the honorable grace that all My children can offer and perform through service of help and prayer to those most in need. Today I not only invite you to prayer, but also to serve in the end of these times.

My Son calls you all to be merciful and the hour has now come to surrender everything to the Lord for the salvation of souls.

Children of My Son Jesus, sheep of His beloved flock, as the Universal Mother and the Mother of Perpetual Help, I am calling you to pray for the Centers of Peace and also to serve, in a selfless and true way, My children that during these days have suffered the consequences of the flood in their homes and families, but above all, within their hearts. In reverence I call you all to be conscious and collaborate in My universal task of salvation.

Dear children, My Protecting Mantle of Mercy and Love is over you. I pray for you perpetually. I pray for you asking God for your salvation, asking for His Mercy. Time runs fast and humanity must pray more to prevent irreparable events.

Therefore, My children, I am with you, walking as Mother, step by step, by your side and as the Guardian of Faith for your hearts.

Dear children, we are in the time of the purification of the mind and heart. Therefore I invite you to pray sincerely because in this way you will be protected under My Maternal Light.

Dear children, opening My arms to help all souls, especially the Sanctuary of Luján, I ask you on this day to pilgrimage serving God and giving your love to your brothers and sisters, faithful devotees of My Immaculate Heart.

I ask you to go to Luján on these days to bring the love of My Resurrected Son, and also so that your hands may donate charity and humility to those who have been affected by the storm that took place in that region.

Dear children, you will have two tasks to accomplish before God:

To serve the brothers and sisters of Luján and pray with them so that the hearts of My children are repaired. I will thank you for responding to this important call.

To meet with Me in My monthly apparition that will take place on the 3rd of this month in the city of Buenos Aires, at 7:30 p.m., when My Maternal Heart will prepare your hearts and hands to go and serve Luján in the name of Christ. This task of service will continue until when your hearts indicate to you.

Dear children, will you help Me?

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

The Lady of Divine Defense


Dearest children from Córdoba and from all of My beloved Argentina,

As the Queen of Peace today I come to your encounter through a Special Apparition of My Immaculate Face.

May this day be glorious, blissful and joyful for all so that we may be together and united to the Celestial Jubilation of God and, through the prayer of the heart, we may say “yes” to the Salvation and Redemption of souls.

Dear children, God the Father has sent Me to the city of Córdoba to give My Great Maternal Blessing and for this reason My Immaculate Heart has heard the loving voice of your prayers and of your call.

When souls say “yes” to the Divine Plan, the events that are written in the book of God change through the intervention of My Immaculate Heart and of the Sacred Heart of My Son. And this happens because you, as so many other souls, live the inner power of prayer.

Therefore, dear children, may your hearts continue to pray, creating new groups of prayer that respond to My requests and thus strengthen the faith in each one of you.

As the Mother of Divine Mercy today I bless you all for this path of faith and devotion that your hearts are living in honor of the Lady of the Immaculate Peace.

My children, My Message is reaching everyone throughout the world. Today I also ask you that your hearts be faithful propagators of My message and of My call, because many souls that have distanced themselves from God must begin to pray again and many souls that do not know the Love of God must feel the Celestial Father in the depths of their hearts.

Dear children, in order for this to happen, your faithful prayer must continue every day and thus open the heart to receive those who are in most need of God.

Dear children from Córdoba and from the sister provinces, today I invite you to participate in the new life of the spirit through the selfless service to the Plan of God. Therefore all the groups of prayer from Argentina are called to collaborate for love in the emerging of the New Christic Community of Brotherhood (*), extending your arms and giving yourselves through your hands. Therefore you are invited to be the work- ers of this Plan of Love.

In the Córdoba Mountain Range, from My Home of Prayer, a point of Light must finish emerging. Therefore you are all called to form yourselves in the school of prayer and to respond to the maternal requests of My Heart. All of you are part of the Home of Prayer because the world needs it in order to reach the Grace of Forgiveness.

Good fraternal service for all My children of Argentina!

I thank you for responding to My call today!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

(*) Located at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Capilla del Monte, Córdoba, Argentina


First of all, dear children, I want to thank all of this Marian group for your sincere dedication, especially in the last few hours, during the trip from the city of Montevideo to Brazil.

To all My other children, today I want to give you this example, the example of the constant selfless giving, which you can understand as the Will of the Lord.

Therefore, dear children, I invite you to walk by means of prayer in the Purpose of God because this Purpose is a celestial idea that the Father plans for the soul that decides to be in the arms of the Creator in order to be accompanied and guided throughout eternity.

My children, as Pilgrim Mother who has been following humanity step by step in this world for many centuries, today I invite you to imitate the path of the pilgrim so that the Love of God may be revealed in your life. A pilgrim who is consecrated to My Immaculate Heart is a soul dedicated to a life of prayer for the world. A pilgrim who is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a spirit in harmony at the feet of the Redeemer. A pilgrim who is consecrated to God is a complete soul, willing to stop living its own will and to remain in the unknown, in Heaven.

Dear children, through the prayer of the heart every day your souls can consecrate themselves to the Will of God. As humanity, this will allow you to find the peace that is lacking in the lives of many of My children. In this way you will find the essence of the true Love of God in your hearts because the soul that prays through the voice of its heart is living in the Love of the Father.

Today I thank all the brave ones for responding to My call, and in the Blessing of Jesus, the Only Son, I give you My Peace.

Thank you for responding to My requests.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Prayer, a life of much prayer to God is needed by many of My children in this time. The Heavens are open to receive the pleas of all my children who pray with the complete sincerity of the heart.

Dear children,

Being the Mother of Reconciliation today I ask you to consider the life of the spirit, the loving expression of your souls so that God may reign among you.

My children, it is time to vigil and pray, as My Son Jesus has said and, in these times, the vigil of prayer will be of great importance for the entire spiritual life of the world. Dear children, you must be precursors of prayer, motivators of prayer so that souls may place themselves within the life of prayer.

Know, My children, the Divine Heaven gives thanks for the conscious intercession of a soul of this world each time it begins to pray. Dear children, I want to tell you that prayer is heard, not only in the whole world but also in the entire uni- verse, from where the angels and the archangels assist souls.

Your life must be an inexhaustible fountain of prayer so that God the Father may use the selfless service of each one of you.

The more groups take on the task of praying for this world in need of Light, the more I, as the Merciful Mother, will be able to help you and thus, together, you will help Me to repair the hearts of many souls.

This is the time of Mercy, of Pity and of Redemption. This is the time of the last call to reflection and to the conversion of the heart. This is the time to place yourselves in perpetual prayer for all humanity.

All of you, My dear children, are called to pray for peace in each heart.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

The Marian praying missionaries that unite themselves to the light of My Immaculate Heart must be vigilant in prayer for those who still do not pray, do not wait for, and do not love the Celestial God of the Universe.

This practice of love and vigilance for souls is given through the prayer of the heart because through this prayer the keys of wisdom and discernment may be awakened by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Today I call you, dear children, so that your lives in these times of great changes aspire to be and remain under the flame of the Holy Spirit.  In this way your hearts will be participants of the selfless service for other souls, service that may awaken through the heart.  And in this spirit of collaboration for all the souls in the world is where your lives will find the perfect unity with My Glorified Son and in this way you may see the eyes of Jesus in each one of your brothers and sisters of the path.

Now dear children, to humanity corresponds to protect and call for the presence of the Holy Spirit so that all hearts in Christ may be missionaries for Peace through prayer.

With all this dear children, the moment will come when each life must irradiate the true spirit of fraternity, which will be necessary to cultivate so that the Peace of the Kingdom of Heaven manifests for this promised Earth.

For this dear children, with joy bring between your hands the gift of fraternity so that uniting heart with heart and as humanity you participate in the awaited return of My Son.  With open arms to wait for Christ, your hearts may be prepared for the coming of the new, for the coming of the Spirit of Peace, so that many of My children may live it.

May My son be for your lives the first aspiration for Celestial Peace.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
