In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Feel the caress of the elements of God’s Nature. How at this moment, through My Divine Presence and My Maternal Love, the whole Earth is filled with the Love and Tenderness of God. Feel, in this place, how this happens, how the elements of nature respond to the Mother of the World.
Do you know that you are a part of this, that God’s nature is in you, My children, just as the Father is manifested in all that was created? It is the power and strength of the elements of nature, in its harmony, beauty and simplicity, that transmutes the darkest situations of the planet.
The elements of God’s Nature have always accompanied the Divine Hierarchy and the Hierarchies, for through the presence of the elements of the Nature of God souls are raised from earthly life into spiritual life, and the potent currents of healing present themselves so that, through the Divine Word and the perpetual prayer of the Mother of God, hearts may be healed and transformed from their past and pain.
But this is still stronger and more spiritual, it is deeper and more unknown, because where the Divine Hierarchy goes on pilgrimage, through nations and peoples, in the places that the Hierarchy visits, blesses and consecrates, there are sacred spaces such as this one where not only the Sacred Nature of God is manifested and reflected, but also the inner spaces conceived by the Spiritual Hierarchy reflect, as a mirror, the attributes and principles that humanity needs in this time to attain peace.
When I present Myself here, just as I have presented Myself in various places of the world throughout the times, the sacred elements of the Nature of God also present themselves before Mother Nature, the Mother of souls and hearts, to transmute the most adverse conditions in the lives of people, but also to elevate the spirit of each being towards God, in whom the spirit of each being, the soul of each heart of this Earth, will be able to find healing, liberation and redemption.
These sacred elements of the Nature of God present themselves as angels and devas, who are the great celestial potencies of the universe, who open the doors and dimensions so that the Spiritual Hierarchy may descend upon the planet to deliver Its Message to humanity.
This has always been like this, My children, in the Apparitions of the Most Holy Virgin, of the Sacred Heart of Jesus or the Heart of Saint Joseph, sacred elements of the Nature of God generate a spiritual and unique conjuncture for souls, and especially for the nations that receive the Spiritual Hierarchy.
How many spiritual matrices the Hierarchy cam work in the consciousness and soul of a nation! And though this, My children, how many souls are benefitted by this hidden and spiritual movement of the Hierarchy!
But this cannot be seen with physical eyes, but rather with the eyes of the soul. This hidden and divine movement of the Hierarchy cannot be understood with the mind, it can only be felt with the heart, with the open mirror-heart of each soul, so that it may perceive and also receive the spiritual impulses of the Hierarchy.
With this, I want to tell you, My beloveds, that the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, united and gathered at this moment not only in the United States and Canada, but also throughout the world, is building an inner condition, anonymous and silent, sowing the seed in the hearts that open to receive it. Because, dear children, as Divine and Cosmic Consciousness, we try that at least a small part of this humanity of the surface may attain the realization of the Promised Land of the New Humanity, just as the Celestial Father ardently wishes in His Heart.
Despite the conflicts, despite the wars, despite the natural disasters, despite the grave situation of this humanity, despite the death penalty or prison, through the sacred elements of the Nature of God, the Celestial Father will send, once again, His Son to the world to rebuild this wounded and martyrized surface. And for this We are preparing you, dear children.
Do not forget this important moment, which precedes the Return of Christ.
Do not take this Message as simply mere words. Take this Message for yourselves as an inner and spiritual impulse of preparation in the end of times for yourselves. Even while you purify and consecrate yourselves, do not lose sight of the impulses of the Divine Hierarchy, so that the New Humanity may be built and manifested.
I want you to keep in mind the angels and devas that accompany your Heavenly Mother and the Laws of Healing, Love and Mercy that fill this nation of the United States, but also many places in the whole world which, at this time and moment, need spiritual intervention.
If your effort for Us is always true and honest, and so is your fidelity and loyalty for Us, I assure you, dear children, that despite everything and even under any situation or experience, you will be able to understand the call of the Celestial Hierarchy.
Therefore, on this day, I encourage you again to follow Our Steps, so that the history that God writes, through Our Presence in your lives, may resound in the innermost depths of your hearts and always renew and impel you to move forward.
For this reason, beloved children, so that the sacred elements of the Nature of God may continue to work and transmute the world so that it may attain again the peace and love that it has lost, I ask you, dear children, for Our Words to resound in your hearts as the last preparatory and important Words for your redemption.
As a Mother, I accompany the steps of all My children, I accompany the good moments, but also the painful moments. Be aware that I am attentive to all the needs and requests.
Continue to pray for that which you need, in order to know if you really need it, because there is something beyond all material life that is waiting for you through this celestial portal that the Divine Consciousness opens time and again for the planet and souls so that they may receive My Graces, the deepest Graces of My Heart.
May the Mirror of My Immaculate Heart may reflect again upon the world and upon this place, and especially that the Mirror of My Heart, through the tenderness of My Spirit and Soul, may reflect upon your hearts so that you may feel, My children, that I am close and not far away, so that you may know that the time has come for each one to learn to mature and grow, even in this unknown Armageddon.
Whenever you call Me, I will be there. Whenever you invoke Me, I will be there. Whenever you pray with Me, I will be there. Whenever you cry at My Feet, I will be there. Whenever you manage to take any step, I will be there; or even whenever you fall many times, I will be there. Because I Am your Mother, the Mother that loves you, consoles and supports you.
This is My Mission and this is My duty before the Sacred Heart of My Son. This was My commitment at the foot of the sorrowful Cross. This is why I am here to help My children of the world, so that they may come to God.
I thank you for responding to My call.
It is a spiritual jubilation that the United States, despite its spiritual debt, may receive such a Grace from all of Heaven.
I bless you in the name of My Son and of the union with the Most Holy Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Tonight, it is my wish to consecrate these sacred images, especially that which will be the pilgrim for many hearts, and that represents My Glorious Aspect in Fatima.
Tonight, I will place My Hands upon it, so that the codes of Fatima may be in the hearts that invoke, through it and by means of the power of prayer, My precious intercession.
Through it, I will radiate the universe of Fatima, the codes of Light that I left imprinted long ago, in Europe. To all those who unite with this sacred image of Fatima, and allow it to visit each home, I promise to pour out Graces upon their families.
All are my dear children, I do not have preference for one over another. My maternal task calls upon all consciousnesses for a higher mission.
My Maternal Consciousness works with the spirit of each one of you, and through My perpetual prayer, through the Holy Rosary and each new prayer that I utter for the world, I elevate each one of My children to the Kingdom of God, so that each one may fulfill the mission they have come to accomplish.
All are children of Mary without distinction, all are precious faces before the Throne of the Father, pure souls that were born of the Higher Source. Seek the unity that exists among your hearts, do not allow the enemy to deceive you.
I come to open your eyes and teach you the path of Christification. I need the apostles of Christ to prepare the fertile soil and sow the new seeds in their hearts; because the Shepherd is coming to the world and will seek your inner fruits, the talents He left with you long ago.
A true fraternal being is one who loves without separations, lives what they proclaim, is an example of charity and humility for all.
Dear children, once again I invite you to the holiness of the heart. I have precious promises for your souls; it is My wish that My rays of Grace may be among all of you. For this reason, on this sacred night, I bless this pilgrim image, which will open the doors to new hearts, and all will find peace, the peace that is lacking within many.
I need you to be firm and brave, so that you may be one heart and one soul.
I come to announce My mission to all My children; however, know, My little ones, that those who say ‘yes’ to Me commit themselves to Me for a time. For this reason, think about what you decide. You have the great inner freedom to choose. God has made you free and pure, you are as pure as the great prairies of these lands, your essences are as pure as crystalline water.
I want you to be flowers in the Kingdom of the Creator, and that many may cease to be thorns in the Heart of God. He needs to pour out His Mercy upon everyone. Be honest and charitable. Unite to this evolutionary proposal. Unite to My Marian call. I need you, as you also need My Heart.
I open the doors to those who have them closed. The moment has come, dear children, to offer yourselves to God with your hearts and souls. There are many paths of service on Earth, God loves you all equally. God taught both My Son and My Immaculate Heart to love you all.
At this time, We want to proclaim to all the greatness of the Kingdom of the Father. May your hearts open to the Great Call. Everything is where it is supposed to be.
Dear children, meditate upon what I am telling you. I need you to love more from the heart, until this love becomes a holy madness, overflows from your souls and pours out upon your brothers and sisters; thus, the Plan will be fulfilled.
Now, I will bless the image for you, for all groups of prayer that will receive it with love and also for the homes that will open to receive My sacred image.
I Am for everyone. My Love belongs to everyone, because I love you profoundly.
May My hope illuminate you and may the doors to redemption open before you.
Accept My Hand, I will sustain you firmly. A Good Mother will not let you fall. I will bring you, among the angels and archangels, toward the true Kingdom of Peace; an infinite promise for your hearts, after this world.
Thank you, dear children, for sharing this moment with Heaven.
And before you bid farewell to Me until tomorrow, when I will liberate many consciousnesses, I invite you, before you leave this room, to touch this image to receive the codes of Fatima and carry in your hearts My Most Holy Presence, which promises to heal you every day when you open yourselves to the Higher Source with absolute trust and faith, because everything will always be well.
God protects the servants who serve Him and loves all creatures, above all things.
The Universe calls you to serve, the Universe pours itself out upon your consciousness.
My Immaculate Heart offers itself to you, to help you.
I thank you!
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more