Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come to meet with a planet that suffers its own purification.

I come from the heights of Tepeyac mountain to unite what is separate in the human consciousness and within the heart of all My children.

I come this evening, dear children, to strengthen your hope, to fill you with My Light and give you My Peace, which is the Peace of the Kingdom of God.

I come here to calm the planet and this region of humanity which has still not consciously awakened to My call.

In any case, as your Mother of Guadalupe, I come to Mexico so that, through My children present here, any disruption can be stopped, all chaos can disappear from those who are experiencing it at this moment.

I pray above all the events of the planet, where God, your Celestial Father, is waiting for you with open arms so that you may receive His Heart and all the Fount of His Love.

Today I come on this evening of Vigil, dear children, to adore My Son and pray with you for all that Central America is suffering. God does not desire that, but humanity still does not listen to Him, it is more blind every day because of superficial things, because of the things of material life.

I would like many more like you to live in My maternal Heart, to be taken into My arms so that I could strengthen their faith and union with the Celestial Father.

I know that many do not yet accept Me, nor do they seek Me.

As Universal Mother and Mother of the New Humanity, I come to prepare your essences, dear children, for future events, for everything that approaches, so that from your hearts, a source of neutrality and the impulse to pray more each day may emerge for the balance of the planet and all the continents, as well as for all races.

We are, dear children, in the end times. That time is at the doorway of your lives. I invite you to accept it so that you may grow in spirit and in love, and you not lose each lesson God sends you in order that you may be a fraternal humanity and cease to be an indifferent humanity.

Through your hearts and your voices, today the doors of Heaven open here, especially so that your Mother of Guadalupe is able to come here, not only to bless you, but to pray with you on the inner planes for all those that suffer at this moment.

Offer God your sacrifices so that peace may remain in humanity, mainly in those places that experience the events of the end of times.

Today I give you the star of My Heart so that you may illuminate your paths and the paths of all your brothers and sisters of the world, of all the races and of all the peoples that must awaken to a single fellowship, a single humanity which will prepare, together with the Sacred Hearts, to be born again in a Promised Land that is not far away.

Thus it is, dear children, that today I come especially to thank you, because your hearts became as roses of light over My holy and humble hands. I will be able to take these offerings of your spirits to the Thrones of the Celestial Father so that He, in His Glory and His Grace, may open the doors of Grace even further; and souls that have not yet received this potent divine energy, who are still not deserving of it, may receive what God has hoped for a long time to pour out upon a sick humanity.

I come to remove you, as representatives of the Mexican nation, from this captivity of suffering which began from the moment of the colonization.

Today your hearts have accepted your reconciliation in Christ and that intimate communion with the Holy Spirit is established so that peace may reign not only in your hearts, but also in the world which so needs it.

Dear children, today I extend My arms to you so you may take hold of My hands and feel My faith and My strength. A Mother Who cares for you and loves you only wishes the world to be happy, that it be a victory of Jesus Christ, that it not suffer, that it not have to endure, that it not be disturbed, that it not suffer the end of this planetary transition.

Dear children, today I also give you My Rosary of Light, the Rosary that was prayed by all of you throughout time, in all the Apparitions in which I have announced My Message to the world so that it never sleeps, but rather so that it always awakens, awakens to the Light of God, awakens to the Love of the Father, which is forgotten by the majority of humankind. It is this lack of Love in the hearts of the world which makes the planet be shaken, move, try and have humanity understand that something has to be changed soon, before My beloved Son comes to the world.

I want to find you and all your brothers and sisters on the path awake and vigilant at this great moment.

The planet is going through its great birthing so that a New Humanity may be born which will no longer be materialistic, will not be indifferent, will not damage the Kingdoms of Nature, but rather will live united with the Spirit of God and with everything He created so that you could eternally glorify Him.

With love and profound gratitude, receive My Words of Light which sow codes in the new souls healed by Christ.

I suffer with Central America all that it faces today. For this reason, I have been through there before to be able to support souls in their spiritual and higher life; so that you do not lose, through the works of My enemy, the seeds of the good and the love I sowed in each of you.

Invoke My protective Mantle over all of Central America and Mexico, for I love these millennial souls that many times met with Me to receive My Love and My Peace, to allow those attributes to sprout again in this humanity, which must only redeem itself to be happy for all eternity.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Some centuries ago, I appeared in this nation to a small man, a beloved son of Mine, because at that moment, children, humanity ran the risk of losing its affiliation with God through a lack of love in the human heart.

I came to avoid the separation between human beings with each other and with God. I came to have you understand the unity which exists between all creatures, between the peoples and between all the races; so that this unity should awaken in the human heart, a true reconciliation with the Creator.

That son of Mine, to whom I appeared, trusted in My Message and disseminated it to the world, allowing you to glorify Me, glorify My Son today, and live in His faith and His devotion.

Today, My children, I appear again in this nation because once again, humanity is running the risk of losing its affiliation with God. Humankind still aspires to separate the races, the peoples and the nations; humankind still aspires to build walls, not only in the world, but also in the heart and in the consciousness.

For this reason, today, I come here, because I trust in the devotion and the faith of your spirits. I come to imprint My Divine Presence on your countenances, on your breasts, in your consciousnesses so that, without fear or apprehension, you announce My Presence in this world and allow more souls in the coming time to recover their faith, their devotion, glorify My Heart and My Son, so as to truly become reconciled with God, and do not allow the human heart, My children, to become separate from the Creator.

It is time to unite hearts, to unite consciousness with God. And today, in you I find, as I found in My son Juan Diego, the devotion I need so that My call expands through the world, beyond the nations.

Let many more hear Me and adhere to My call, because it is necessary, My children, that peace be established within and outside of humankind.

I come to strengthen you so that you may proclaim, in the time that will come, your love for the Heart of God, far beyond any event, far beyond any adversity, because humanity will be purified, and I will no longer be able to stop it. However, if I can strengthen your spirits, children, so that you remain standing, so that you rebuild this world and souls, so that the Kingdom of God is established on a soil where peace, unity and love among consciousness and the Kingdoms of Nature was sown.

I come so you may understand, children, that the Justice of God is already descending to the world, although the portals of His Divine Mercy can also remain open if you only cry out from your heart.

I need you awake, aware that you can change the events of this world if you pray with Me, if you pray fervently. Thus, today I offer My rosary into your hands so that with Me, you may turn the beads of the redemption of this world.

No longer pray, My children, in any way, only speaking some words with your mouth; you have now learned how to pray, you now know the power of prayer. Thus, each day, take up your rosaries and unite them with Mine; feel that I pray with you, and with Me pronounce the decree of the liberation of this world.

Pray together with My Son and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, so that unity may be established in the human heart, among you and with God. Pray so that humanity may understand the role of each Kingdom of Nature and has no need of suffering through the actions of these Kingdoms, because of not having understood that it must live in communion with the Earth.

This Sacred Consciousness, My children, hopes that you are able to unite with It through each of Its Kingdoms so that, in this way, you commune of Creation and establish love and redemption in your spirits.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, in the Guadalupian Mantle is all the Creation of God.

When you do not know how to find the path, venerate and observe My holy Aspect, and through My Heart, the Heart of Guadalupe, you will enter God and His infinite Kingdom.

I ask, dear children, that you no longer suffer, that you no longer continue to suffer.

I am here, I am your Mother of Guadalupe, and I am always with you when you pray with Me, when you invoke My celestial Presence, when you simply seek My Immaculate Heart, which is a refuge for all souls in the end of these times.

Just as you love My Light, you will love the Light of God. Do not love My Light, dear children, love the Light of God through My Heart, because the Light of God is present and descends over your consciousnesses.

I would like you to once again make this offering which you lovingly gave Me today. But now, while you sing, think that you will love the Light of God through My Heart, which is pure and immaculate; and in you, this is possible.

I want to tell My little son Iván of Mexico, before saying goodbye to you this evening, that I am imprinted in his small heart and that he believes this to be possible, for in this way, I will always be present; nothing is separate between Me and My children. Between My children and God, nothing is separate.

I thank you for listening to Me, for contemplating Me, for adoring God and for asking for your brothers and sisters of Central America. Let us continue in prayer, humanity needs it.

I thank you for responding to My call, and I am listening to you.