Keep vigil, in prayer with your Lord, so that in these times He may find His companions and apostles awake, aware of the agony and the passion of the planet, truly ready to surrender their lives for Christ, through the small and big sacrifices that bring them closer to God.
Make an effort every day to offer something more of yourself to the Father, in the name of the whole of humanity. Let your prayer, your song and your surrender deepen and each day become more sincere and unconditional because of being the instruments and the vehicles of your union with Christ, of your service to His Plan of rescue in this world.
Pray and be in vigil with the Lord, because it will be in this way that you will be accompanying His steps. It is in this way that you will be consistent with His spiritual presence in this world. It is in this way that you will prepare His path of return to Earth and will be worthy of being with Him in the institution of His Kingdom.
Let prayer be the water without which your soul cannot live, and let sacrifice be the food for your spirit. In this way, child, every day you will be closer to God, and as a result, you will elevate this world and its humanity with you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May every day be for you the day to remember the Passion of Your Lord; a day to retreat into His Arms and His Heart; a day to be in the presence of His blood and His eternal surrender; a day to learn how to love as He has loved, and loves forever.
May every day be for you the ascent to Calvary, where you should look at the obstacles as opportunities to love, the falls as opportunities to renew yourself, the humiliations as opportunities to be in emptiness, and to there be fulfilled by God.
May every day be for you the day to overcome yourself in order for your consciousness to approach the Love of Christ, more and more.
May every day be for you the day of your surrender, your yielding, your offering, because eternity will come soon if you follow in the footsteps of Christ, and your steps must never stop.
Therefore, child, remember today, and relive the Passion of your Lord, so that your consciousness understands that every day is a day to follow in the footsteps of Christ. Every day is a day to see a new Christ be born.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Each day that the commemoration of the Passion of your Lord approaches, prepare your heart.
Prepare it with songs and prayer, prepare it with silence and with awareness knowing that Christ, with His Presence, will bring a new cycle to the Earth.
Let your heart inspire others, as well as the consciousness of the Earth itself, so that all may be prepared to face the Lord.
Today He comes in Spirit; tomorrow He will come in Glory. And soon the time will come to know His true Face, for one day the prophecies will be fulfilled, one day you will see the Lord and His mysteries, face to face.
It will be in the Presence of Christ that you will truly understand His Words, kept in the Gospels. With a simple look and with the movement of His Hands, He will reveal everything that was hidden in His teaching and, at that moment, humankind will recognize its limitations and its ignorance and will humbly open to the new life.
The Presence of Christ will speak for itself. His Gaze will remove evil from within humanity and His Heart will multiply in the hearts of those who with love have waited for Him.
Prepare your hearts to experience what I tell you and do not fear.
After all the hardships of humanity, the celestial prophecies will be fulfilled and all will be as was said.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever you go, take with you the graces and the blessings that you received from God.
Whoever you meet on the path, may they receive from you a compassionate gaze and a presence that radiates peace.
Whatever you do, may there be the Gift of Divine Mercy in your actions so that within everything, you put forth love and gratitude.
In your life, child, recognize you were rescued by the Power and the Love of God and, in everything you do, give thanks to the Father for His goodness.
Fill all things with the spirit of gratitude so that, thus, more souls also receive this blessing that you, as a beloved child of God, have received.
Make your life a permanent thanksgiving action and aspire that each being can receive these same graces.
Your heart was called to be a gardener in the Gardens of God and, with the seeds of the flowers that were born within you, to generate more Life and more Good.
Go and do not be afraid to announce, give out and multiply what you have received. See each soul like a flower that thirsts for God and pour over it the water which overflows from you when you are united to the Father.
So that you could grow, a gardener of God sowed Love within you. Now, child, you too learn to be a gardener in this time.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the tests of each day help you to grow in spiritual maturity, in faith, in love to your brothers and sisters, in trust in God.
May the tests of each day forge your discernment so that, in the acute moments of the planet, you may know how to unite to the Spirit of God to think and act.
May the tests of this time demonstrate to you the presence and the accompaniment of God so that, in times when most of humanity will lose their faith, your hearts may be filled with the certainty of His Presence.
May the tests of today make you strengthened in spirit, and may this fortitude reflect in your human condition so that you may learn to be humble and know that nothing happens out of the Divine Will when the hearts live under His Laws and fulfill His Plan.
Each day, children, God builds within you a little of what you must become. This happens in different ways, with graces, but also with difficulties, with miracles and with human frustrations so that, gradually, you may abandon your most profound roots of the retrograde condition and express the true essence of what a human being is.
Live each day with gratitude and live each test with the consciousness of the Presence of God. Thus, you will know how to let yourselves be guided by His Holy Heart.
I bless you today and always.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today, child, express gratitude to God for all the cycles experienced, for all the graces and mercies, for all the talents and gifts, for each blessing and each test you were able to go through.
Today, thank God for His Presence, for His Words, for the awakening that day after day deepens in your heart, as in your consciousness.
Give thanks for the gift of life, with all of its difficulties and obstacles, because you know that in spite of all the chaos and all the illusion that surrounds the world, there is a spiritual purpose for all things and a higher Will that guides the souls who open themselves to it.
Give thanks for the profound Love of God and for His constant Faith and Hope. The Creator trusts in the triumph of each heart, beyond its miseries, because He knows the perfect essence with which each one was created.
Be thankful, because the Father is always searching for ways for you to find the path of Redemption. Be it through His Son, through His angels, through the Celestial Mother, or the saints and the blessed that guide souls to the Heart of God; there is always a guardian watching over you, accompanying your path, and praying for you not to become lost from it.
Fill your heart with the essence of gratitude because, today and always, this is the doorway to Heaven, the door to a new cycle full of God.
Through gratitude, you will find peace and inner renewal.
Through gratitude, you will learn to love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let your fortitude be always in God and with the eyes of observers may you always perceive your own weaknesses as a part of the human condition, that which, with His Breath, the Creator can transform and convert.
Always place your weaknesses at the Feet of God and let Him show you, in the silence of your hearts, that which you could not confess to, because you did not wish to see it, so that empty before God, you may receive the grace of beginning again.
Let true prayer uplift you and communion with the Cosmos strengthen you.
In this time, children, you will look at yourselves and you will not see more than dust and miseries. But if your gaze and your heart are supported by the power of prayer, with your attention on the Universe, you will be able to understand the temporary things of life without losing faith in the Truth, which waits for you to awaken.
Let the light, more brilliant than the sun, eclipse your eyes and remove them from the human blindness. It is time to say "yes" to God, becoming firm in His Presence and in His Grace.
You still have time to receive Mercy and to transform your destinies. Do not let the opportunities go by without their entering, filling and transforming your hearts.
Pray, children, and inwardly contemplate the Infinite. Let the hope of returning to what is real never disappear from your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Little soul of God,
With love, embrace the sacrifices and the renouncements that the Creator sends to your life. They are equivalent to the immense grace that you live everyday, with the Presence of God, calling you by the name to respond to His call.
Set your heart to surrender every day, and no longer think about the limitations of your body, about the miseries of your mind or about the uneasiness of your heart. Think, child, about the sacrifice of Christ, everyday, so that more each day you may go deeper into the surrender of the Lord, in the price He paid for your redemption and, thus, you may know that everything you live, surrender or renounce, cannot be compared to the sacrifice of He Who lived and died for you.
Have the limitations of your body be an offering of humility for the arrogance of humanity.
Have the miseries of your mind be an offering and a crying out for Mercy to descend to the world and fill the destructive thoughts of men.
Have the uneasiness of your heart be an offering so that the peace and trust in God may fill the inner world of beings and give them back peace.
You were called to be part of the Heart of Christ in this world, in a living, conscious and unconditional way.
The Lord put His eyes on you, not because you are perfect, but because He knows that your soul thirsts for His Presence. Because He is an inexhaustible Fount, He came not only to satiate you but to make you a new fount, so that other souls may drink of the Mercy that breaks out from His Divine Heart.
Between your miseries and the Mercy of Christ, let the Mercy of the Lord win and focus your heart on His call, rather than on your difficulties in fulfilling it.
Just as you are, Christ called you. He only expects you to say "yes" every day.
While humanity sleeps the sleep of ignorance, give thanks to the Father Who healed your blindness. Open up your heart to be a living miracle of the Lord, in this world and in all others. Because today I tell you, My child, that your redemption in this world is only a symbol of a greater redemption, even though it is unknown to your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With your heart, remain looking at nature and simply contemplate the Divine Presence in all that is life.
Let the Wisdom which was emanated and transmitted by God, understood by the indigenous peoples, and that is held in the elements of nature, also be able to reveal itself to your heart. This is the time for the human heart to know the Truth of God expressed through all the lines of true knowledge, coming from the Heart of the Father.
Nature is a source of Truth, guardian of the Wisdom of God and of the Sublime Laws that govern the life and evolution of beings.
Be silent before the expressions of nature and let them speak to your heart and teach you a way of understanding and experiencing the mysteries of the Universe and the secrets of life on Earth.
Nature fully lives a union with God and the love of the Creator; thus, it is capable of not only expressing beauty, but holds in itself the Truth of God, His Laws, and the record of the story of life, which reveals to beings the path of return to the Heart of the Father.
Thus, stand before nature, child, and let it teach you to also be a mirror of Creation so that you may learn to be in union with God and to discover, within yourself, the Divine Presence.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Perceive the life around you, the Kingdoms, the elements, the presence of your brothers and sisters, the light, the color, the sounds. Perceive what the surroundings create in your heart, what they reflect in your mind, in your emotions, in your heart.
Life, child, is permeated by the silent presence of the Spirit of God, but He is hidden, hiding like the King of the Universe, hid in the Womb of His Most Holy Mother. The Spirit of God only reveals Itself to those who are humble of heart and who open to perceive the mysteries of the divine presence among humankind, just as His Son revealed Himself to the simple in the manger of Bethlehem.
If you cannot feel the presence of the Spirit of God around you, close your eyes, breathe and become silent. Within the air that enters your being, that is where the Spirit of God dwells. In nature, in its sounds, in its colors, there dwells the Spirit of God.
Live in this presence and act, in each instant of your life, under the Eyes of your Heavenly Father. In this way, you will see, child, that you will no longer do those things that cause you to fall, again and again, into the same errors and tendencies of the past.
Live with the gaze of the Spirit of God upon you. But do not only live in fear of God; know that His Presence comes to help you to re-consecrate your life and to persevere in your consecration.
May the Eyes of the Fire of God that are upon you lead you to transformation.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Receive, in your hearts, My love, My peace and My reverence because today I revere you, Mothers and companions of Christ, spirits of love and abnegation, who, throughout your evolution, left printed on Earth the sweat of your effort for corresponding to God and for manifesting His Plan.
Today I revere you because, in spite of the human difficulties, you seek to serve and renounce until the last minute of your lives.
Today I revere you because in your consciousnesses a unique legacy is kept; in the mirror of your hearts is reflected the history of redemption of humanity, the manifestation of the Plan of God that, throughout time, has transformed you so that, as part of humanity, you would always correspond to the Divine Will.
Today I revere you, nuns, mothers, companions and spouses of Christ, because with your love you keep alive the legacy of the Hierarchy on Earth and, until the last minute, you will leave, for those who come after you, all the teachings you learned and lived throughout your lives.
Today I wanted to be here and, as an inner movement, gather you in My presence to give you thanks for your life and existence and to leave you the open door for a new time in which you will have new and eternal children and companions.
As I revered the most Holy Mary at each moment of our lives, today I revereyou and say that it does not matter if nobody sees you or if the service you do today is simple and many times silent; God contemplates your effort and knows about the eternal renouncement that you live in this time. May surrender be your eternal companion, may renouncement and humility be your service in this time.
Greater than any humanitarian mission, in the most miserable places of this world, is the service of a sincere soul who, with love, renders each moment of life to God, even if only the Creator knows about this surrender.
Today I come to renew your vows, perpetual vows of love to God, so that you understand that your mission now is between each one of you and God. By truly renouncing and being humble of heart, you will keep the doors open, which unite humanity to the Father, and this is what matters the most in this time.
I leave you My blessing of Friend and Companion, because I have been walking with you for a long time now and I will continue walking for the thousand years of peace and until the triumph of Love in the Divine Creation.
I thank you for being here and for being untiring in faith and in unity with God. Receive My love and My reverence.
Your Companion and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Love of God, although hidden and intrinsic in the interior of all men, since its creation, does not develop in your hearts alone. The Love of God needs to be cultivated, multiplied and donated to grow.
The Love of God, within the beings, needs to be known and sought to express itself, needs to be donated to multiply itself, needs to be lived, so that in this way it may be renewed and surpassed within the beings.
The Love of God is within you, child; you only need to search for it and you will find it, you only need to ask the Father and He will show it to you, you only need to enter into a praying dialog with God so that He may let you know His presence inside of you.
When a being knows God, knows and experiences the presence of His Love within, all grief seems small, all desert becomes calm, turning into an opportunity to grow and to unite even more to the Father. The tests become small, not because they stop being difficult, but because the soul that recognizes the Love of God also recognizes its own smallness and the smallness of everything.
Therefore, child, in order to overcome these times with the heart in peace, ready for service, for surpassing yourself and, above all, for love, search inside of you for the Love of God and let your heart know the Father, as He knows you, let your heart love Him as He loves you and thus, in this divine dialog of prayer, you will serve the world and attract the Peace and Love of God to the Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
God only expects from you a heart that is turned to the High, that contemplates the stars that shine in the sky and knows that a higher purpose is being designed in life upon the Earth; a heart that honors life, the school of love and existence; that knows that all that it lives and builds on Earth has no material purpose, but rather a divine one; that knows that its triumph is not human and that its struggle is not for survival, for pleasure or for skills, but rather for divine victory, for love, for peace, for the establishment of a new life, for the redemption of humanity.
God only expects from you a heart that is fulfilled in the Truth; that knows to come out of itself to contemplate the whole; that knows to renounce to its wills and aspirations to fulfill the Greater Plan; that knows to say "yes" to the Father and "no" to itself, with the certainty that the plenitude is found in Divine Triumph and not in human achievements.
God only expects from you a heart that knows and lives the power of prayer, that multiplies and spreads Grace through the Verb; that makes known to the world the Presence of God and His Messengers.
God only expects from you a heart that trusts in His Plan; that has its goals in the stars; that overcomes the trials of the Earth asserting itself in unity with its brothers and sisters; that knows to ask for help, forgiveness, and Mercy; that knows to give thanks to your neighbor and to the Father for everything that it receives; that loves life and knows that it goes beyond the Earth; that loves humanity, for it knows that its essence is sacred; that loves the Kingdoms of Nature, since it knows that its unconditional service is worthy of eternal reverence and eternal love.
God only expects from you a heart that knows to look within and ask what is the Divine Will for itself; a heart that is interested in fulfilling the Plan of God and that is always seeking the next step to manifest it.
God only expects from you a caretaker of His Triumph in the heart of the neighbor, that creates opportunities so that others reach the goal and that is inspired by the triumphs of their brothers and sisters.
God only expects from you, child, a sincere and willing heart, that loves and says "yes" without conditions.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray, child, pray at every instant of your life, asking that the presence of the Spirit of God be alive in you. That this Holy Spirit may permeate your being, your mind, your soul and your heart, entering into your feelings and acting in the world through your actions.
It is a time of confusion and conflicts, in and out of the beings, and the enemy, very invisibly, enters into the life of people and takes hold of their hearts, even when they believe that they are on the path of good and that they do not do anything other than proceed through life, according to what their heart dictates.
The enemy lives in the hearts of many men who sow discord by enjoying evil and that, ignoring the voice of their souls and the outcry of their guardian angels, enter more deeply, each day, into the abysses of this world.
Pray for those who make mistakes and only attract Justice and despair toward themselves.
Pray for those who will regret their mistakes too late, for having ignored the Plan of God, His Work and His Will, believing that all of that was the plan, work, and will of men.
Pray for those who ignore the Law of the Hierarchy, for the unbelievers and the impious, those who judge the actions of God in men, because they will not be able to receive anything more than Divine Justice, since they did not accept His Mercy.
Pray for those who suffer for not being able to be humble and who prefer to build human works instead of recognizing their faults and allowing themselves be corrected on the path of God.
Beg the Holy Spirit to act in your heart and live in you so that you may persevere in the Will of the Father and do not judge the fulfilling of His Plan based on human actions and definitions.
Pray, child, because the world agonizes, the nations tremble, the hearts of men are confused. Only in God there will be peace, only in His Spirit there will be discernment, only in His Heart there will be true Love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the deepest Love of the Heart of God, comes humankind. Humanity is the Revelation of the Love of the Father, and throughout the centuries, He reminds you of it through the different expressions of His Presence.
God reminded you of His Love through the patriarchs and the prophets, by means of the Breath of His Spirit, of His forgiveness, and of His reconciliation with the human consciousness, through Abraham and Moses.
God reminded you of His Love through Buddha, who understood that humanity was the expression of the most profound Love of the Father and awakened compassion within himself as a symbol of the most elevated form that could be reached, of imitating this Love, in that time.
Buddha sought, in the true expression of human consciousness, the object of the Love of God, and in seeking this Truth, he found not only himself, but Divine Consciousness Itself. When he came to know the truth about himself, Buddha found God within himself.
The maximum Revelation of God was through Jesus, when the Father not only loved humanity, but experienced humanity and lived the human condition. God manifested Himself in fullness, thus awakening the fullness of humankind and revealing His likeness to them. Jesus is the manifestation of the likeness between God and humankind. He is the new and eternal covenant, the Revelation of God Himself.
The likeness to God is the Love revealed in Christ. Christ is the covenant made Life. God, in fullness, creating Humankind in fullness, and all of this is only possible through Love.
From then on, Revelation was made; Truth was unveiled and now only needs to be remembered and deepened in the human consciousness.
Then, God reminded Muhammad of His Love, so that he could remind humankind, who was becoming lost at his time, of this Love. And thus, throughout the whole of human evolution, the Father has been reminding His children of His Love.
What we call Revelations in these times is the deepening of the first Revelation of God in Jesus. The truth, child, is one, and today it is brought to humankind again because the time has come for deepening into it even more, not only in the understanding of it, but in the experiencing and living of it, because in these times the Father aspires to remove the veils from your eyes and from your hearts so that, knowing yourselves, you may recognize God within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From the deepest Love of the Heart of God, comes humankind. Humanity is the Revelation of the Love of the Father, and throughout the centuries, He reminds you of it through the different expressions of His Presence.
God reminded you of His Love through the patriarchs and the prophets, by means of the Breath of His Spirit, of His forgiveness, and of His reconciliation with the human consciousness, through Abraham and Moses.
God reminded you of His Love through Buddha, who understood that humanity was the expression of the most profound Love of the Father and awakened compassion in himself as a symbol of the most elevated form that could be reached, of imitating this Love, in that time.
Buddha sought, in the true expression of human consciousness, the object of the Love of God, and in seeking this Truth, he found not only himself, but Divine Consciousness Itself. When he came to know the truth about himself, Buddha found God within himself.
The maximum Revelation of God was through Jesus, when the Father not only loved humanity, but experienced humanity and lived the human condition. God manifested Himself in fullness, thus awakening the fullness of humankind and revealing His likeness to them. Jesus is the manifestation of the likeness between God and humankind. He is the new and eternal covenant, the Revelation of God Himself.
The likeness to God is the Love revealed in Christ. Christ is the covenant made Life. God, in fullness, creating Humankind in fullness, and all of this is only possible through Love.
From then on, Revelation was made; Truth was unveiled and now only needs to be remembered and deepened in the human consciousness.
Then, God reminded Muhammad of His Love, so that he could remind humankind, who was becoming lost at his time, of this Love. And thus, throughout the whole of human evolution, the Father has been reminding His children of His Love.
What we call Revelations in these times is the deepening of the first Revelation of God in Jesus. The truth, child, is one, and today it is brought to humankind again because the time has come for deepening into it even more, not only in the understanding of it, but in the experiencing and living of it, because in these times the Father aspires to remove the veils from your eyes and from your hearts so that, knowing yourselves, you may recognize God within yourselves.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To live the Love of God publicly is simple and it is a part of the mission of the apostles of Christ at this time, and all times, because they must announce to the world the Gifts and Blessings from the Divine Presence. But today, child, I come to teach you to secretly be with God and to build the foundations of your transformation and the consolidation of your surrender because thus, your simple presence will be the announcement of the Divine Presence, it will be the testimony of the Gifts and the Blessings from the Creator.
Today, I come to teach you to love to be with God and to look for every possible space in your life to find Him, to speak with Him, to be in Him and He in the world, through you.
That being with God is not an obligation for you, but yes, a necessity.
The final test of this humanity and the last definition of the souls are approaching. Your Father and Lord aspires to build a fortress within you, to deposit within you His Wisdom and make of your heart a door through which He will arrive to the world.
Therefore, the time has come to strengthen your ties with God, to learn to love the manifestation of His Plan within you, more than outside, because if God's Plan is not fulfilled in you, you will not be able to externalize it in the manifestation of His Work.
Grow with God so that His Work also grows through you and the redemption that He manifests in your life extends to the whole world.
Love to discover and to know God deeply in the secret and in the silence of your heart. Become a fundamental stone of this construction of the new time, the new world, the new man.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Child, feel loved by God, independently of your imperfections and miseries.
Feel loved by God in the certainty that the Creator knows you profoundly and, just as you are, loves you unconditionally.
Feel loved by God and do not fear not corresponding to what He needs from you because if you truly love Him, everything else will be accomplished in you, according to the Celestial Will, because the love to the Father will lead you through this path.
Feel loved by God and let this love penetrate deep in your heart, awakening in you a response of love similar to the Love of the One who created you.
Feel loved by God, and welcome each moment of your life as a symbol of this Love, because the Father gives you Graces, but also tests so that you may grow in faith and confirm yourself, day by day, in this Plan of His.
Feel loved by God, and welcome in this new cycle a more profound contact with the Father, knowing His Truth, recognizing His Presence.
Feel loved by God, and may this Love heal your wounds, liberate you from the past, prepare you for the future and build, in the eternal present, a life of surrender and love for the neighbor and all Creation.
Feel loved by God, for He welcomes you, supports and forgives you every day so that you may always have the path open to restart.
Feel loved by God, and start from scratch; rewrite your history, offer the Father a blank page so that He may draw a celestial triumph through you.
Feel loved by God, and always say “yes” to Him.
The one who also loves you,
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Unite your Heart to the Heart of God, contemplating each one of His Aspects of His manifestation in life.
Begin by finding, in the smallest of the particles that composes your body, a hidden God, immense and infinite, occult in the apparent human smallness.
Go through your own body, recognizing your cells, your organs, your body itself, as living mirrors of an infinite Creation. If God did not dwell in everything that you are, you would never be able to express perfection, as you express, even in your smallest particles.
Recognize, then, the presence of God outside of you, in the invisible air that touches your face, in the breath that enters imperceptible within you and that gives you life, granting matter the possibility of expressing and living its perfection.
Contemplate, thus, God in the elements. Recognize the presence of God in water, without which life is not possible. Water and air unite in one single element, transformed by its expression and function in life, but one does not exist without the other.
Such are the Aspects of God. God is only One, that expresses in different forms to give life to the possibility of existing and, more than this, of expressing perfection.
Contemplate inside of you the presence of God in the sound of the birds and in the scent of the flowers, in the beauty of the woods, in the love and fraternity among humankind. This is God, nourishing souls with such vital things as air and water are for the body.
The singing of the birds nourishes the spirit, the scent of the flowers strengthens the heart, the beauty that enters through the eyes reaches the soul and gives it joy, gives it life.
Go expanding your consciousness and understand the presence of God.
God is not something invisible and non-material in the Celestial Heights. God is the One that Is and without whom nothing could exist. You are, child, constantly in the presence of your Creator, because He is Life itself.
In gratitude and reverence, live accordingly to the God that dwells in you and let perfection express itself not only in your cells, but in all your consciousness. Just as the cells allow themselves, be inhabited and nourished by God, let your consciousness also experiment, being an expression of God in this world. Thus everything will be fulfilled.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In order to enter the Heart of God and to be in His dimension of Peace in these times, you will have to fight against yourselves, against the human condition that seems to expand and grow within you, so that, surrendered to Christ, you may be more meek and humble.
When God called Me to His encounter to be part of His Plan of Redemption for the Earth, He began by breaking, inside of Me, that which was most rooted in the humanity of My time. He made Me submissive to the virginal purity of My Holy Wife, Whom I learned to love, to obey and to trust. And He made Me submissive to My little Son, born from the Holy Spirit, a part of God in a little child.
With this, God would not only break a retrograde condition within Me but would also transform laws of a humanity that, in its time, did not know how to recognize the best of the other, but only tried to submit the neighbor and stand out. Especially a man inside of his family, even if there was love in his heart, the false power was bigger.
The Creator taught Me that without meekness, peace is not reached. It is impossible to enter His Kingdom without surrendering to humility; before learning to recognize His Presence in those who, sent by His Heart, come to the world to renew His Love.
Each child of God has been sent to Earth to renew His Love, not only in this world but in all universes. While the consciousness does not open itself to this truth and prefers to remain in the illusion of its superiority and arrogance towards the others, it will believe that it is on the path of Redemption, but, within it, neither Grace nor Mercy of God will find a place.
If you want to communicate with the Father, children, you have the path open for this. You will be able to be eternally in the dimensions of His Kingdom, even being in this life, but for this you will have to surrender yourselves, humiliate yourselves and learn not only to love the neighbor, but also to recognize them as a treasure of God in the world, a part of His Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more