Dear children,

As Your Mother from Heaven, I am pure and worthy of living eternally in your hearts, because it will be by means of the sacred invocation of My holy name that you will be able to heal yourselves from any sorrow and suffering.

Today I am present in two sacred places of healing for the souls in need of the Mercy of God.  Today I am here with you in the Sacred House Brother Pio and I am also in the Sacred House of healing for humanity in Aurora.  I this way Your Heavenly Mother unites through the real time of God these two places, so that you may remember that Your Healing and Co-redeeming Mother has a special predilection for these sacred precincts, totally donated to the souls that seek the true reconciliation with God.

As Your Healing Mother, I approach to you many souls and essences that in these times will need the rehabilitation of heart and life.  If the heart is not rehabilitated through faith and through prayer, how, dear children, will the deep healing of the heart happen?

For this, from the beginning of this work, the Sacred House Brother Pio and the Spiritual Healing Center of Aurora have been manifestations of the Divine Will to shelter and help in the redemption of a part of humanity.  Someday thousands of people will knock on your doors, to ask for help, retreat, healing and liberation, for this your Heavenly Mother has been preparing you for when this time comes, a time that will be signed by the purification of the Earth.

In these two houses of healing I designated the presence of angels from celestials universes far from the Earth, so that they may guard and protect this sacred project. Through the instruction that you have received for over thirty years, you have been formed to, in this time, assume this sacred task, which will not only focus on procedures that may produce relief, but rather, your true medicine, My children, will always be love.

A Love of God that will rebuild lives and liberate faults.  A Love that will close the doors to evil.  A Love that will relieve the soul that may be condemned and captive for so long.  For this, Saint Pio, Your Spiritual Brother, is who will always inspire you and show you the path, here in Figueira as in Aurora.  After fifty years of stigmas and surrendering, Saint Pio, as healer of souls and hearts, has prepared himself to accompany you in this last time of transition.

Beloved children, you count on a precious spiritual help; in this way once again My Immaculate Heart will triumph in your lives and in the life of those most in need of love.  Remember, children, love will always be the master key that will heal the wounded spirit.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who unites you to the Source of Universal Healing,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, with great joy, I bring healing to all souls. My Immaculate Heart promises to accompany you on this path of purification. God has granted you the Grace of consecrating this House for your consolation, because now is the time for experiencing purification, Grace and forgiveness.

On this evening, with joy I gather you in My Immaculate Heart. May this rain echo in your hearts as a sacred blessing, a deep cleansing of your souls and hearts so that, in the coming year, born in Christ, you are able to begin a path of apostleship and of prayer.

Today, My Immaculate Heart gathers all the powers of Heaven, and in the Presences of Raphael and Michael, the Holy Creator Fathers pour Their Rays upon you.

To grant you this very spiritual and special Grace, I have had to pray a lot for you, as you have had to pray with Me for a long time.

I would like to consecrate each of the areas to My Immaculate Heart. Thus, in the coming year, in a special way, together we will be preparing the garden in My Heart, so the sublime Kingdoms of Heaven are able to express on Earth through the flowers and the gardens, which represent the spirit of your souls, the true origin to which you belong, which is in the Kingdom of the Lord.

When I visit each of the areas, you will understand, after a long time, what My true intention is for you and for each of the spaces that I will gradually prepare for the end of times, because each area will have a special task, as will the Marian Centers.

But today, My Message is centered, dear children, on the importance of the healing of your hearts; because from there, dear children, a new being can awaken and dare to live the Call of God.

Thus, I manifest, on this evening, as the Sacred Lady of Figueira. In My Hands I carry the fruits to give you, which you already have known for a long time, fruits that must nourish you to be able to live the Call of God: the fruit of Charity, the fruit of Love, the fruit of Unity, and most important, the fruit of Fraternity.

If you experience all these fruits, and through your prayers, gather up these gifts of My Great Tree, you will be able to heal your souls and begin a new path in a true and simple way, as I have always tried to teach you from the beginning of My visit to this place.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The greatest healing I bring to your lives is the healing of your spirits, the healing of your hearts, which manifests through the Ray of Redemption which I bring to the world from the Heavens.

My children, at this time, open your hearts to erase those recordings of errors done in the past, way beyond this life; because in this place I want to build a temple of healing that goes beyond the physical plane, that will heal matter as the result of the healing of the spirit. And for this, I will count on the help of each of My children, those who will work through prayer, the giving of self, in selfless service; those who will work untiringly, day and night, to accompany their brothers and sisters. In this way, My children, here I will build a school for the training of your souls, for the awaking of love, fraternity and charity, as I have already told you.

It is in this way, My dears, that as the Lady of the Fig Tree, I consecrate this place and each of your lives so that you may gift yourself to God and learn, in this end of times, to permanently change your lives. Because today I tell you that the conversion of souls must be daily, permanent and constant, because from the depths of your beings, something will always emerge that needs to be changed.

Thus, seek My Presence and My help here whenever you feel sick of heart, of body and of spirit, and after you call Me, I will come to meet with you in Spirit, accompanied by Angels and Archangels, as I do now, to radiate your souls, and through you, all of humanity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As the Archangel Gabriel announced the Birth of the Messiah, in this time I announce the Return of My Son. Thus, in a special way, today I am with you to remind you of the Good News, the Call of the Lord, the Coming of the Holy Spirit of Christ, to help those who have fallen and those who perpetually condemned themselves to the fire of hell.

I come to free the essences that have fallen; that is the promise I made to God. Thus, I have need of all My children to fulfill the great promise I made before the Throne of the Father: the salvation and the rescue of humanity.

In each moment of prayer and of communion with My Son, know, dear children, that I am there, in the silence of the heart, accompanying that great cenacle of the new apostles that unite with the Heart of Christ and who, in absolute trust, respond to the Call of God.

In this most Merciful evening, let this sacred rain deeply cleanse you and leave here completely renewed through the Grace of My Motherly Spirit and the deep Love I have for all of you.

I want to tell you that today, I am here because you committed yourselves to help Me in the end of these times, to experience the transition of this Apocalypse, to be sealed by My Immaculate Heart and by the powerful Flame of Christ, a sacred element which will prepare you in spirit to begin new tasks I am proposing for each of My children.

For this reason, each of you, My children, offer yourselves to God; He is listening to your call on this night.

Lift up your images on high and open your hearts to receive My maternal blessing in this moment.

You cannot imagine, dear children, the joy My Heart feels for being the Mother of the Fig Tree.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I consecrate these images so they may be the faithful example of the presence of My Virginal Energy.

Let the Healing Rays coming from the Holy Archangel Raphael descend over your essences so they may be deeply healed, and on the new path, find peace of the heart, joy for your souls, reconciliation with God and the victory of redemption in all of humanity.

On this evening of joy, experience the eve of the Birth of Christ with deep love and reverence.

My Son is being born once again in the world, but this time, He wants to be born in the manger of your heart. In this way, you will prepare, My beloveds, to receive the Redeemer for the second time.

May the blessing of Heaven, the Mercy and the Grace of God remain in your hearts and in all your families.

I thank you for responding to My call!

On this evening, I will listen to the song of the Lady of Figueira. Let the angels sing, and let hearts be glad. The Redeemer is coming to establish the Victory of the Father and the Thousand Years of Peace in the four corners of the Earth.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I have not left, dear children; a Good Mother always listens to Her children, especially when they sing from their heart and soul to the Kingdom of God.


Song: "Our Lady of the Fig Tree".


Heaven thanks you for this sincere response, because in the simplest of things can be found what is real and pure, when in truth the heart gifts itself into the Arms of the Creator.

I want to leave a seed of Light in this place, in the heart of the servers who will be willing to serve those who suffer most and those who will need consolation.

Dear children, while your hearts are mobilized, I will be able to speak to you to consecrate you to God in this new task that you will share closely with Saint Pío. He will be your faithful teacher, who will guide your steps on the path to the healing of souls and the joy of hearts.

The main essence of all this task is joy for those who suffer. This is the greatest remedy for hearts that need peace and liberation.

Place your hands on high to carry out an offering to My Immaculate Heart. Each knows what they can give Me; for God everything is of great value. The great mystery of Love can be found in an absolute surrender to the Father. Make your offering, I will receive it in My Maternal Heart.

And to say goodbye to this union between Heaven and Earth, let us sing.

Carry your hands now to your heart, and believe that in God all is possible.

I bless you and love you.

Thank you for responding to My call!


Song: "Luminous Bird."


Dear children:

Today a ray of healing that comes from Heaven is poured in Glory over the hearts that cry out for liberation.  Today a Divine and Repairing Grace is poured over the souls that so much seek the healing of the heart.  Today in joy and bliss the Lady of the Figueira returns to Her Holy Home to consecrate in the world the first home that will embrace the most ill of soul and of heart so that My Consecrated Ones, servers of service and of healing, may help to relieve the suffering.

The Lord has conceded the Grace of opening to the world a Source of spiritual healing that springs from this Sacred Center, and in all this work My Immaculate Heart intercedes to watch over the good hearts.

Today a new Divine Portal is opened over the Sacred Brother Pio House.  It takes this blessed name so that the servers, as well as those who will be healed, may imitate the path of humility of heart of Saint Pio; it will be humility that will permit that the spiritually sick humanity may be healed.

Heaven today gathers Its Angels and they celebrate the emergence of this Sacred Dwelling, which will fight day and night so that the hearts that suffer the most may be relieved and may feel My Peace.

For this, I deliver you to the protection, the shelter and the guidance of Saint Pio, faithful servant of God; he who amidst His hands carried engraved the signs of the Passion of My Son.

Dear children of the fruitful Figueira, it is already the moment for the ripe fruit to be harvested from the Tree of Wisdom, so that the souls that have not reached liberation of themselves may find the help that they need.

The Lady of the Figueira announces to you today this special consecration; Heaven waits that this Sacred House may heal the spirit of the ill and the wounded of heart because the world of science has forgotten that true healing starts in the soul of each being.

The Sacred Brother Pio House must be a mirror of permanent prayer, that which may permit that the Marian codes and the Christic codes silently heal all of those who may arrive there.  If this happens in a true way, the universe will concede many Graces to those who seek for them in their interior.  I Am Your Sacred Lady of the Figueira, I Am the Sun of the Universe that comes to the world to remove it from obscurity and, for My children, I will accomplish the Will of My Lord.

I thank you dear children, for having answered to My call for the healing of humanity!

I bless you, I heal you and I forgive you,

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Sacred Figueira

Prayer of Gratitude

The Mother of Heaven summons Her children,
so that they may accomplish the Sacred Mission.

The Son of God pours out His Infinite Mercy
and all the soldiers awaken in the Holy Spirit.

We thank you Lord,
for Your Presence.

We honor and praise You always.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
