Today the lilies of Saint Joseph and the white roses of Christ open because the Paternal presence of the Chaste Instructor and the spiritual presence of Christ are celebrated on the day of the foundation of the Order.

Two important events are written in the Books of God, because Saint Joseph confirms His presence again within humble hearts and Christ becomes present again, as the Higher Priest, in the essence of the monastic Order founded by Him.

This is a reason for joy and jubilation, because the Father is again testifying the universal scope of His Grace in this world and in the most difficult times.

May today, in spirit, be celebrated the communion with the Lord and the wisdom of the Words of Saint Joseph, so that the world receives from Heaven many more Graces that can be poured out and placed in the hearts that must awaken to love and faith.

May the Sacred Instruction be revered and the Presence of Christ be adored in order to keep the doors of Mercy open in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Message of Mary, Queen of Peace and of humanity, transmitted in the city of Santo Tomé, Santa Fe, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, on the occasion of the anniversary of the monthly Messages

My dear children,

With Grace and Mercy, I raise your hearts to Heaven, to offer the Celestial Father the loveliness and the beauty of your lives.

Today, for the last time, I send My Messages of Peace to the world. Today a cycle closes in which humanity should have heeded My call and listened to My warning Message.

On this evening of Graces and redemptions, I have prayed for all of you and have received your essences upon My lap, which are truly important from an evolutionary point of view to your Celestial Father.

While the world places its attention on the things of material life, I come here with the objective and with the divine mission that you take Me into your homes as co-redeemer and Mother of all hearts. In this way, you, My dear children, will allow Me to intercede for your peers so that they too may achieve the redemption of the heart.

In the name of the blessed Love of God, I ask you to carry My sacred Word to all the places you go; in this way, I too will be able to carry out My plans in the souls that day and night become lost in this world of illusion.

As Mother of the Divine Word, I announce Myself to all of you as I once announced Myself in Fatima, in Lourdes, and recently, in Medjugorje, because God has allowed Me to appear in all the places where is a real spiritual risk.  

With this aim, on this evening I open My arms, I lift them up to Heaven, and I plead for all of humanity and for all Kingdoms of Nature, which are ravaged by this race. I come to remove the blindness from your eyes so that through My universal healing and My Motherhood, you can awaken to the Return of Christ, Our Lord.

My eyes will illumine your paths when you simply pray with Me for the priests and the consecrated, so that they are able to be the luminous mirror of the Face of My Son Jesus; because, beloved children, this humanity is closed to hearing what comes from Heaven to correct you and place you on the path of peace.

As Queen of the Holy Rosary, I ask you to pray with Me for My plans, before the enemy manages to convince you to live a life of material illusion.

My children, My desire is that here, as in the whole world, the apostles of love and redemption be born who will be able to bear faithful witness to the return of Christ.

Thus, I ask that you be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart so you may be protected and safeguarded from all evil, because when all of you manage to open the doors of your hearts, God will be able to give you His restorative and merciful Love.

You are in a time to take up the rosary and begin to pray for peace, a peace that does not exist in humankind nor in any soul. You hold the truth in your hands. Pray with devotion, ask for forgiveness, reconcile in time and you will be worthy of experiencing the redeeming supper with My Son, the Higher Priest.

Through My Immaculate Heart, I open the doors of the Kingdom of God to you so you may quickly be elevated in spirit and dispel the codes of evil from your lives.

Through your 'yes,' My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I am grateful for the great companionship of all My children during these last three years of Graces and of conversions.

Who loves you and blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and of all humanity



My children,

As the Queen and Mother of Peace, today I invite you to search in your hearts for the inner union with Jesus so that through prayer you may help My Son to carry the cross of the world.

As the Cyrene, carry, out of love, the pain of the world. May your prayer be the nourishment that may satiate all, and the water that quenches the thirst of many of My children.

Today I want to tell you that the cross of humanity must be supported in the perseverance of the groups of prayer that, united with the Most Holy Heart of Jesus, fulfill the call to alleviate the Heart of Christ.

A small part of your lives, by means of prayer and as a ser- vice, can contribute to others. Today I refer, dear children, to the inner state of giving yourself to others. This inner state will allow you to recognize the humility that is necessary to live in these times. Because of the lack of humility in the human heart, many events are unfolded, events that condition the harmonious walk of My children.

Therefore, searching in yourselves for Jesus, the Redeeming Love, you will find the essence of giving, and when this giving becomes a daily exercise together with prayer, your hearts will begin to glimpse the Light of humility.

All of My children are being called to live this path of humil- ity, of emptiness of oneself, for love of God and for the reparation of the great conflicts and the arrogance that humanity lives, in which there is so little love for one another.

Dear children, I am calling you to form yourselves as good instruments of God so that your High Priest, Jesus, may be able to pour His Merciful Graces upon the pure hearts and upon the fallen hearts.

It is time to be in Jesus every day. Let us pray.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Opening My merciful arms again, and with perpetual prayer between My lips, today I invite you to live My message, today I invite you to consider each one of My words, those that have been pronounced during these last months.

My children, if you do this in this way, you will be able to be instruments of God, you will be able to be the living message for each heart in the world. This will allow that each one of My words be sown in your hearts.

Dear children, know that as Intercessor for all souls, the divine message that I lovingly give to you every day is a message of Light that comes from Heaven.

My children, today I want that you not only awaken to the maternal call, but also that you remember that each one of My words reaches your lives to bring you Forgiveness, Re- conciliation, Mercy, Divine Love and Redemption in these last times.

Being the Mother of Jesus, the Great Priest of Love, I want to teach you to read the messages, I want to teach you to meditate on My messages, and I want to teach you to interiorize My words in your hearts.

Dear children, My Immaculate Heart has already spoken much to this humanity throughout these centuries. It has spoken to make you remember that God is your only and true aspiration for all eternity.

But still, My little children, a great part of humanity is blind and closes its own heart to the gift of life that My Son represents and, more so, it little accepts Mercy.

For this reason, dear children, your prayer must help to restore all these events so that your hearts, as mediators, may receive a Greater Grace of Forgiveness.

My children, when you feel My messages, your souls will be in eternal prayer. As the world changes rapidly and without pausing for reflection, My Immaculate Heart is offering Itself to each one of you so that, united in prayer, we may change the course of humanity, in the Grace of God.

Dear children, remember to feel My words with the love of your hearts, allow the light of the Holy Spirit to descend from the Infinite Heart of God upon all humanity.

Let us pray in this time of emergency! Let us pray for the presence of peace!

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My Call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Do not fear, do not fear for anything because My Heart knows your tests and your challenges well. In spite of everything, never stop looking at Jesus because His Sacred Heart will always shelter you from everything.

My children, believe in the power of His Merciful Rays, be partakers of the absolute Gift of His Redeeming Love.

Dear children, you have the Great Shepherd by your side. He is the one who can hear you and accompany you from Heart to heart. Therefore, My little ones, leaving behind the pain of the past, I invite you to renew yourselves through the loving Fire of Jesus.

Walk towards Him because He will show you the new path towards the Kingdom of the Father. Today I talk to you about the importance of living in Jesus and being in Him all the time possible.

Dear children, allow Me, as Mother, to bring you close to the Great Priest of Love and Redemption so that your lives, at the feet of My Son, can be like roses at the feet of the Creator. Venerate the Face of Light of My Son and trust that everything is in its place, because in this way you will recognize the Will of the Father, a will that many souls do not live for lack of love.

The True Love of the Heart is what is lacking in the world. Therefore, dear children, I call you to imitate the love of My Son so that each heart may find relief for its own sorrow and joy to be able to continue through the pathway of its own school.

Radiate the love of Jesus at each moment and be the carriers of hope.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


I will not tire of coming into your lives because as the Mother of Mercy, the merit for all the souls of the world is salvation.

Dear children, with your hearts open you will reach eternity, therefore today I invite you to consider the life of prayer as primordial. In this way your lives will be within the Kingdom of the Creator. My children, as the Lady of Peace today I ask you to pray, to pray with your hearts because the whole Uni- verse of God is attentive to the supplications of all My children.

My dear ones, sustain prayer with steady hands so that it, as Light in the world, may be able to aid those who need it the most. Open the Doors of the Heavens through prayer because everything is allowed when it is born in a pure way from the heart.

Today remain in Me and do not fear for anything; now is the moment to revere the One who has created you out of love and devotion. He is your Only and Omnipotent God.

Dear children, the time of Mercy is passing fast in the life of all souls. Do not delay in calling for the Divine Presence that is born in the surrendered and loving Heart of My Son. All are invited to live in this unfathomable Presence of Jesus. The Priest of Love, with His open arms towards the world, awaits you and tells you that now is the moment to prepare the Inner Temple for His return. The sacred words pronounced in the past by the Redeemer will become true in these current times.

My children, wait day by day for the silent coming of My Son. He is your Guiding Star; He is the Fount that will quench any thirst that your hearts have in these moments.

Drink from the Fount and wash your faces with the Divine Water that has sprung from My Son, because it will be in this offering from Jesus that you will find the Law of Love.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

I wait for you every day so that in groups of prayer you may pray the Rosary asking for Light for the world and peace for all My children. I wait for you in prayer so that together with Me you may contemplate the Luminous and Redeeming Face of My Son.

As I am the Mother of humanity, I call you to strengthen the groups of prayer by means of the prayer of the heart and through the reading of My daily words.

Dear children, I want that, by means of prayer, you trust in the existence and power of Divine Mercy. You are invited to remain very close to My Son so that He, as the High Priest, may baptize you with His Gifts of Peace.

In these times you are contemplated from the Heavens and My rain of Graces awaits to awaken in the hearts of all My children. For this to happen, I invite you to deepen into the path of prayer, because God the Father wants to fill all souls with His Mercy.

I will accompany you as Guardian of souls and as Master of prayer. All My little children are called to the time of reparation of the spirit through the power of prayer.

Have absolute faith, and under the Holy Spirit, walk to- wards My arms; I will comfort you as I once comforted Jesus. I love you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

Live in perpetual alliance with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He loves you above all things and shelters you in His arms of Mercy.

Today I contemplate you from My Maternal Heart and with eyes of Mercy, I tell you: do not fear, I am with you! Stay in the arms of the Redeemer because He will announce Himself, alive and resplendent, in each one of your hearts.

Do not fear, do not fear, My little ones! God wants the best for your lives. This is the moment in which God the Father calls you to redemption, to the awakening of faith and love in the essence of all My children. For this reason today I invite you to surrender each one of your fears and to fully trust the Plans of God.

There must be peace in the hearts of My children. Therefore, today do not forget that My Maternal Kingdom shelters you so that each one of the souls may arrive at the Redeeming Kingdom of the Love that Jesus, as a priest and as a shepherd, has prepared for you.

When I come to your encounter in silence, as Mother and Servant of God, it is so that your hearts may recognize that I am always among you.

It is important that, in this time, you live in a state of constant prayer because prayer will lead you to recognize with absolute clarity and wisdom the next and true inner path to go through.

Dear children, come to Me with your arms open, and remain- ing in faith and love in My Maternal arms, I will be able to fill you with the essence of the Love of God, a Divine Love that I lovingly bring from Heaven.

Therefore, walk with joy towards the Purpose because in this way you will be in God.

I want to lead you each day to the Peace of the Heart. Rest your souls on My maternal lap.

Courage and Hope to all!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As I am the Mother who reconciles and protects all souls, My children, I remind you of the importance of being in the Peace of the Lord, because He knows you well from your birth, and My Maternal Heart has held each one of your souls in Its arms so that you may revere the Infinite Love of the Creator.

Dear children, for this reason today I tell you: rise from where you have fallen and walk bravely to the Source of My Son Jesus, because He will wash you and heal all your inner wounds. For this to happen, little children, your hearts must humbly say “yes” to God and with this permission, Jesus will help you.

Remember the importance of Divine Mercy because you are still in time to unite in trust to My Son Jesus. He, as Priest and King of this world, calls you to contemplate with simplicity the merciful Heart of God who, from the beginning, has created you in His image and likeness.

Therefore, dear children, do not waste more time and, as Mother of Eternal Love, I invite you to reflect about the current defining time that you are living.

Do not fear! I am here in the name of the Grace of God to conduct you as a flock to the Great Shepherd of shepherds, the Divine Heart of Jesus.

Live the spiritual principles that My Son left to you: confession in Jesus, daily communion, and constant prayer to be in the Grace of the Vigil. Each one of these principles will lead you to be in God and to live the reconciliation that My children must exercise from the essence of the pure heart.

Walk towards My Maternal Heart; it is time to elevate your- selves as souls to the feet of the Creator. Walk, My dear children, with complete trust in Jesus, Shepherd of all, and look at the new horizon.

I thank you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Dear children, with gratitude and love rejoice your little hearts so that My words of Peace and Conversion may be heard by your little heart’s ears.  My children, by the wonderful and victorious love of My Son today I invite you to remember the daily prayer and communion with Christ; these two inner exercises will help you to revert the great pain in this humanity.

A true act of communion with the Merciful Heart of Jesus starts with the absolute trust in each of you. This dear children, will strengthen you in the faith and in the love that you must live with My Son, the Supreme Priest and Savior.

Today allow that your lives will have more time under the rays of My Son, merciful rays that will help in the conversion and the surrender of your hearts to God.  If you in your lives count on the presence of My Son, in this act of love and from heart to heart you will be silently helping all My children and thus allowing the presence of My Immaculate Heart to be upon the world.

The true time of conversion starts with the complete surrender of yourselves to God; then the celestial greatness may descend over all My beloved children’s hearts. Continue in prayer My children, this is urgent for humanity which must awaken to the eyes of the One God.

You are little praying soldiers that in service form part of the Marian army on Earth.

I hope many more children come into My Immaculate Heart so that God may forgive and reconcile them.

Thank you for answering My call.

A good exercise of prayer by My little children!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
