May the Light of God penetrate Earth and all darkness be dissipated.

May the Light of God reconstruct all that was lost essentially in the souls.

May the Light of God elevate all consciousnesses and may this Light transform even the smallest.

May the Light of God transfigure the planetary life and each atom. May the living particle or cell receive the impulse of the Light of God.

May the Light of God participate in each moment of Humanity, so that the souls know that the powerful Light of God is the one that will renew and liberate all times.

May the Light of God be recognized by all the living creatures, and may this same Light brighten the wisdom in the consciousnesses.

May the Light of God reign in every space and place because the Light of God brings love and wisdom, so the souls can serve themselves from the Greater Source.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the peace of heart be unalterable.

May the peace of heart be in communion with the Divine Body of Christ.

May the peace of heart transcend the limits of matter and overcome any indifference.

May the peace of heart attract the absolute renewal and wisdom to the world in the final times.

May the peace of heart radiate to all ends of the Earth and may souls be touched by the Peace of the Redeemer.

May the peace of heart generate meekness and calm in those who need it.

May the peace of heart be the permanent prayer of those who with devotion and love cry out to the Lord.

May the peace of heart grant the inner healing of the soul and the healing of the spirit.

May the peace of heart establish reconciliation among peoples and unity among nations.

May the peace of heart participate in each space of life and that this peace promotes in everyone the joy of serving the Plan of Christ.

May the peace of heart dissipate interferences and transmute obstacles.

May the peace of heart open the doors of Heavens on Earth and that the angels renew humanity with the Gifts of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the Light of the Heart of God grant servers all His Wisdom so that the designs of the Most High may be fulfilled, in spite of the difficulties.

May the Light of the Heart of God dispel interferences and, with Its Power, break all obstacles so that souls may learn to walk free of themselves.

May the Light of the Heart of God penetrate the planetary consciousness so that more souls may be captured by the powerful Love of Jesus and be removed from the great abysses of hypnotism and illusion.

May the Light of the Heart of God reveal to consciousnesses the commitment established in the Universe, so that all the phases of the Plan of Love may be accomplished.

May the Light of the Heart of God attract the divine state of Peace toward the world and, in this way, may all darkness of the Earth be dispelled.

May the Light of the Heart of God divinize the matter, the soul and the whole consciousness that in this time confirms itself as an instrument in the Hands of the Creator.

May the Light of the Heart of God be reflected in the suffering humanity and, in this way, the wounds of the spirit may be healed by the infinite balm of His Redeeming Love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In these times, strengthen the faith in your hearts, for it will be necessary that you go through many more experiences that will cause you to mature and grow inwardly.

Strengthen the faith in your hearts, for in this way you will be united with God and with His Purpose, and all will be accomplished.

Strengthen the faith in your hearts so that, in the face of each challenge, the spirit of peace that will transform all things may always blossom within you.

Strengthen the faith in your hearts, because in these times difficult situations will be seen, that will cause souls to look toward Heaven to seek and find God, for there will be no other way out.

Strengthen the faith in your hearts and everything will be renewed. The consciousness of faith will have wisdom and expand the paths that will take it to Christ.

Strengthen the faith in your hearts, for in this cycle a large part of humanity will sleep and then realize all the Grace it disregarded too late, and nothing will be able to be done.

Strengthen the faith in your hearts before the Lord returns so that He might find you strong and determined to follow His Designs.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


As in scrolls of light, God's Designs descend to the world and are delivered to the hands of men, through His Messengers.

The Creator Father told them: "Go and fulfill My Plan, without understanding, without analyzing, without resisting, go and fulfill My Plan with love, with courage, with the gratitude that is born of the spirit and manifests itself in human works and actions.”

The Creator, children, invites you, at this time, to manifest a truly fraternal Work renewed by His Spirit, where the sacred can dwell and all souls find their space, their place, unique and irreplaceable.

Contemplate the Will of God for this world, as well as for each being and you will understand that I come in this time to teach you to love and to transform this world of chaos and war.

Beloved children, with the portals open to Heaven, I come to invite you to allow this Celestial Kingdom, still hidden to the human heart today, to manifest itself on Earth.

I come to call you not only to prayer and to the awakening of a superior life that for many is still invisible; I come so that you to may learn to manifest on Earth what you seek in the highest of Heavens, and so that you thus no longer spend your lives seeking something that you will never reach, but so that you may be builders of what humanity is seeking to find, and so that you, children, may be the hands that are extended before the souls so that they may see and feel that what they have so much been looking for is palpable for them.

I come to invite you to be the ones who concretize My Plans, manifesting the superior life, and so that it may not only be spiritual but also palpable and be part of your humanity, and compose the spirit of what man manifests in matter.

In a world of wars, in a world of abysses inside and outside of beings, I come to call you to be the new, and to always be willing to be others, accompanying the flow of transformation of the Universe so that in all stages of the planet souls may find in you what they need.

I ask you, My children, to observe the celestial Designs, to understand how the Will of God moves because I won’t always be here to dictate the way to you, and for that moment your hearts should be one with the Divine Will and Wisdom, because you love it, respect and revere it, because you live and know it and experience it every day.

The time has come for the islands of salvation to fulfill their role. The world is agonizing and the life of the spirit must no longer be selective, everyone must be able to find their place and the door open to discover their way of serving God.

This cycle is a cycle of last opportunities for many spirits. Understand that your evolution and that of many of your brothers and sisters are defined at this time, in this cycle of the planet. That's why, everything that you can do for others to find God is little.

My children are lost in this world and I come to find them. For that, I must make of those, who already hear Me, My Feet that walk in the world, My Arms that guard the souls, My Hands that extend to help, My Eyes that find the lost, My Heart that welcomes those who feel abandoned and forgotten by God, and by the world.

Therefore, children, today accept ,more than the life of prayer, the life that leads you to be instruments of God in the world, and be part of My Heart and an extension of My Presence.

May this Work be the embassy of My Peace on Earth, and all of you proclaimers of My Presence.

I love and thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Shelter your spirit and heart in the Temple of My Being because there you will find clarity and wisdom.

The consolation I can grant you is inextinguishable since it is a divine consolation, free of human conditions and full of Love, of the greatest Superior Love.

By sheltering your spirit and your heart in the Temple of My Being you will feel no fear, dread or emptiness; all will be under My most precious care and so you will always find the heavenly Peace.

By seeking shelter for your spirit and your heart in the Temple of My Being you will always be in communion with the divine existence and you will be able, little by little, to deepen the mysteries kept in the Heart of God.

Whoever takes refuge in the Master takes refuge in God and will not lack inner meaning to their life, but, on the contrary, will be guided by the spiritual Light of My Heart.

So the doors of Heaven will remain open and all will be renewed in order to establish the Kingdom of God on this planet, within the hearts of mankind.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Jesus Christ


I am the Light that at night illuminates the inner worlds that commune with Me.

I am that spiritual and powerful Light that dissipates darkness and brings wisdom to all things.

I am that invincible Light that comes from the Heart of God and descends to Earth, in Divine Consciousness, to awaken those who sleep.

I am that infinite and unknown Light that is invoked and cries out in the Eucharist, as well as in the prayer of the simple of heart.

Whoever passes through this Light will have eternal life, but first they will purify their beings to be clean before entering the Kingdom of Heaven.

Whoever submerges into the ocean of My Light will see in themselves the living God and they will fully enjoy the spiritual affiliation.

Whoever enters into the Light of Christ will not lose anything, on the contrary, they will win the treasures that My Heart has especially guarded for each being.

May My spiritual Light be a refugee for the helpless, comfort for those who suffer, support for those who fall, warmth for those who are cold, nourishment for those who feel hungry, healing for those who are sick and redemption for those who are lost.

I thank you for penetrating the mystery of My spiritual Light!   

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Open your inner hearing in order to be able to hear My Words and, within your heart, feel their vibrations.

These are words that are born of the Divine Word, because life and all existence manifested from the Word.

Therefore, may the Word take shape within you, so that the promise, that the Kingdom of God is to descend to Earth, may be fulfilled. Be a part of this Greater Kingdom.

Hear My Words and make them a part of you, so that they may continue to sow codes of love and redemption.

Let the Word be a part of this world, so that souls may recognize that everything emerged from the Divine Word and that we should thank It, for It allowed us to exist and become aware of life.

Let the Word be the reason for every being, so that the Words of your Redeemer may continue to be retransmitted from generation to generation.

From the Word, may the flame of fire be born, that which will bring wisdom to consciousnesses, and may everything be renewed in perfect offering, especially in those that live through the Word of God.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


May your soul never give up seeking to find the universe of the Humility of God because thus, you will acquire discernment and wisdom.

Seek to join to humility at each moment and before any person.

Be part of that Sacred Humility of God which makes the biggest thing with something very small, that which hides in the most simple to someday become powerful.

Within the Humility of God is the entire existence.

It is thus, that you, seeking that humility, will learn to walk through it towards the destiny of total surrender and of resignation before forms.

Seek, from humility, the healthy joy of serving and of being something wonderful for God through it; and thus you will conquer, with freedom, the grades of love that will one day make this race free of itself and of great obstacles, since peace will have been achieved.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I come from a place in the Universe where peace reigns, love and good exist, where all understand one another, where everything is comprehended, where there are no obstacles or incomprehension.

From that place, I come, and I bring the Kingdom of God to the world so that more children may enter into It and feel themselves to be participants in the Communion with Christ.

I come from that place to demonstrate to the world that it is possible to live in a new state, to live within a real consciousness that includes all things, that understands all things and that pacifies all things.

I come to bring to the world the spiritual reality that many still do not want to see and that, through My Heart, I demonstrate every day, so that you may be in the truth, so that you may be submerged in love, and above all, in brotherhood.

In this place, there is wisdom and understanding, science and all that is created.

I come to bring you, from this place, what you need to see and understand, not with the mind, but with the feeling of the deep heart, with the heart that beats in God and knows all things.

Dear children, I need you to know that it is necessary to enter into this state for these times that will come. There is still much to do, and it is still necessary to continue to work in an unbreakable unity among beings; this will allow the Work to be carried out. This will allow for everything to be carried forward and for the steps of the disciples to be taken toward the path of the Purpose.

I do not need you to understand things in a material way, rather, I need you to understand what God wants in a spiritual way. This will make you more real each day, and, by means of Grace, you will be able to receive the wisdom to understand everything.

The times that are coming will require many changes, and souls do not yet know how to live the changes because they were never in this time.

This is the first school that you are experiencing, this is the first reality that you are going through in this cycle; that is why I need you within this state of unity, so that you may understand everything and so that there may be no obstacles.

Open the doors to the new times because they will arrive with great intensity and power.

The new times will come to change everything, inside and outside of beings.

The new times will come to modify everything, inside and outside of beings, and nothing will be left unaffected. For this reason, experience the times that will come with bravery and you will be within the Purpose of the part that is necessary for you to fulfill in this cycle, in this humanity and on this planet.

I come to reinforce Sacred Unity in you, which is the true principle that must never be lacking in your hearts nor in your lives; this will someday make you free, you will be able to walk free, you will not feel resistances or ties, because the divine Unity Itself will liberate you, the divine Unity Itself will guide you to the path of realization of the Plan.

Thus, dear children, receive this fundamental key for these times, even though we have already repeated it many times, you must remember it. The Lord needs it to not ever be erased within you or among your siblings on the path.

The Sacred Unity of God will allow evil to be defeated, it will allow the hells on Earth to be banished, especially all those that live within some consciousnesses in a permanent way.

The Sacred Unity of God will bring you healing, understanding, and above all, reconciliation among your beings.

Embrace this Unity, for it will strengthen you.

Live Unity all of the time, and in this way, all will be fulfilled as is written. Nothing will be altered by anyone.

Open your eyes and observe the firmament, the new time is arriving before the Return of My Son.

What I give you, in this time, are the bases for that expected return; they are the fundamental and spiritual requirements for you to be ready, rather than absent, when My Son returns.

You need to receive these impulses with true transparency of the heart, knowing that you are still experiencing transformation and change in these difficult times, knowing that you are still facing truths about yourselves that are deeply unknown to you.

But I come to bring you a maternal healing for all of those things, so that you are able to submerge yourselves in the Divine Unity of God; this will cause you to completely keep up with the events, this will cause you to be within reach of the Divine Purpose and everything will cease to be a mystery, because all will be revealed.

The Treasures of God will be within the reach of souls, the sacred tools of the Father will be within the reach of souls and all will know them, so as to be able to protect this planet, to know how to safeguard it from all the attacks that it will experience in the coming cycle, as it experiences them today.

Thus, the formation of your spirits is important, the purification of your souls is important, the transparency between your hearts and lives is very important.

You cannot set anything aside without solving it.

There is no time to waste, dear children; it is time for you to open your heart to change; it is time for you to feel within the call of God 

Each one must fulfill their virtue, their gift, their talent, and their lineage.

Each one of you must be the Mirror of God on Earth, which is able to reflect what God needs for these times.

Live the foundation of prayer every day, as something indispensable.

Never forget to pray, because if you stop praying, you will lack understanding, you will lack wisdom, and will have no inner direction or guide when We are no longer among you.

You must represent the sacred sparks of the Divine Messengers on Earth.

You must be those inner Mirrors over the Marian Centers so that many more are able to feel inside of themselves what you once felt, when you awoke to Our call.

It is time to take on this Plan in a definite way.

It is time to be whole for everything that needs to be done.

It is time to come out of yourselves.

It is time to stop being in yourselves; because it is already time, children, to be in others, in those most in need, in those most in search of God and who do not know how to find Him.

I need you to be extensions of my Rosary on Earth, that you not only be flowers in My Celestial Garden but also be that bead of Light, that drop of Light, that Mirror that illumines all things.

Feel yourselves to be joined, feel unified, like Our Sacred Hearts feel all the time.

We come to bring you a celestial reality that you cannot yet understand in this life, but rather in the next.

We have come to bring you a divine state of consciousness that you still will not achieve, until the next time.

Meanwhile, dear children, it is possible to contact it through prayer and through union with Our Sacred Hearts.

We are reaching the last stage of this work, we are finalizing everything that we should do with you.

We are in the last times of the Work, before the Work can unfold into a greater state of consciousness.

I do not, dear children, need you to understand everything I say to you, because it is part of a divine and inner wisdom that has been developing from the higher planes.

The human being will still not be able to understand it all.

Life and the non-material Universe is still very unknown, but you have the possibility of drawing closer to it, of being in communion with true Existence, with the One Consciousness, with God.

In this end time, everything will be unleashed; you must not fear what will happen, but rather what you still are not doing.

Work tirelessly with that inner unity among your siblings, and in this way, you will make room for all to happen as has been written.

I do not want your hearts to be disoriented.

I do not want your feet to stray outside of the Path of Christ, but rather, that you be even further in, within His Heart of Love and of Light, receiving His Wisdom, receiving His Mercy, receiving His Understanding and His Comprehension.

And now, children, I ask you, set aside indifference and open to the unification of your beings and of your consciousnesses.

The Lord needs this path to finish being built by yourselves, through your giving of self, through your offering.

It is time that you found the path of Truth within yourselves, and thus, within yourselves, you will find the Kingdom of God.

I have waited for this Pilgrimage in Peru and Ecuador to pass so that you were strengthened in order to be able to hear My Words, which are now the last for these times; it is the last part of the Divine Word that is expressing on Earth for all souls.

It is the Source of Love that comes to hearts so that they may awaken and feel God within themselves.

I need you to be with Me unconditionally, and that is the simplest and most real testimony to demonstrate to God that the concretization of His Divine Plan in this humanity is possible.

A time will come in which you may experience doubt or a lack of understanding, but do not allow yourselves to be tormented; My enemy never rests, not even for a second. Be intelligent, dear children, defeat it with the prayer from the heart, with the ardent adoration of the Eucharistic Heart of My Son, and above all, with unity among your consciousnesses.

I wish the world to learn from your example of fraternity and of brotherhood; what happens here, dear children, does not happen in any place in the world, with any other group of souls.

I need you to understand that what you are living is unique and unrepeatable.

It is time to take a step in the maturity of the heart and of the consciousness; not seeking answers where they do not exist.

Ardently aspire to unify everything, because in this way, My Son will unify in you and the Will shall be fulfilled.

I bless you for the Meeting that you will experience in these days, in which this project must already be realized, first in your consciousnesses, to then be realized in the world.

The Grace of God must reach everybody, and it must first be conceived in you, so that it then may be conceived in the world that suffers and endures every day.

I Am the Mother of Grace, the Mother of Reconciliation, the Mother of Sacred Unity.

I thank you for responding to My call, now and always, and for the days that will come.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


With My Light I remove what causes pain and affliction from My children; I dissolve from the spaces and from consciousnesses what oppresses the heart and the spirit.

It is with My Light that I grant liberation to the world and to humanity.

With the Light of My Spirit, I attract for My children the Sacred Virtues of God, which allow love for service and charity to awaken in the hearts.

With the Light of My Heart, I establish on the planet the triumph of the Kingdom of God and the expansion of Divine Mercy in the inner worlds.

It is this Light that grants wisdom and forgiveness to the hearts that truly repent.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

I come to bring My Mercy where there is no religious or social justice.

I come to bring something that human beings do not yet have, because of the little value they give to it.

But it does not matter what education they have, it is the heart that counts with God, because it is the one that will always perpetuate, will always bear witness to the Love of God among all the men and women of the Earth.

Place your gaze, dear children, on the heart, and there you will find God, rather than humankind. If God is in you, My Son will be in you and no one will be able to change that inner union.

Nobody will be able to say, My children, that God is not present in the hearts of humankind, that God is not alive in those who believe in Him above all things, beyond all events.

I come to teach you the way of love, because in the Love of God you will always find the way out; there will always be understanding and wisdom for comprehending the designs of God and above all, His highest Will.

Today I come to bring peace to those human beings who arouse uncontrollable anger.

Today I come to tame hearts, so that they may feel peace and know that everything is being fulfilled, beyond all understanding or any philosophy.

What God needs, dear children, is for humankind to learn to love and that it not forget the path of love, because whoever is not on the path of true love will not be on the path to Paradise, no matter how much they may profess the Name of My Son, no matter how much they may perform the Eucharist before the people of God.

Love is everything. It is the first science. In love you will understand life, as you will understand suffering.

Unite in love and not in the separation of your ideas or your thoughts. The Kingdom of God is for everyone, it has no religion or doctrine. The Universe of God is free and ample. And He comes to point out the children He has chosen to carry His Work of redemption forward at the end of these times.

I tell those human beings that are claimed to be wise, that they not tempt the wrath of God. That they live the Gift of the Fear of God; let them live the Gift of the Fear of God so as to not be separate from the Father and not separate the flocks of My Son from the Heart of God.

These are not times for divisions. It is the time of the great celestial unity. It will be that unity that will save the planet and humanity, especially the most miserable in spirit, which are not only found in life, but also in religions.

My Son comes to give an opportunity to all souls. His Mercy is not limited to humankind. His Mercy is universal and infinite.

I need, dear children, for you to open your hearts to the great divine understanding, not allowing yourselves to be involved in what humans say of this world, by what humans point out in their fellow humans.

Open the eyes of your heart and you will find the Truth, the Truth that rests within you, the Truth that is born of the heart, that accepts all things and understands all things; an unconditional and living heart, that is not afraid to embrace the unknown and say “yes” to the Universe every day.

I am sorry, dear children, for those who do not understand the Will of God and who claim to live it fully, but which is not true.

Seek a union between your hearts and you will be prepared to receive the second coming of Christ.

God has asked me to come and seek all the essences of the world and not only those who believe in My Son. Remember that My Son is the Lord of religions, because He is the Lord of Love. And if He is the Lord of Love, He is the Lord of Truth, of Divine Will, and of Justice, of the good He Himself would wish to profess for all the beings of the Earth.

So, dear children, do not get confused. Feel My message in your heart, more than the message of empty human beings, who are empty of love, of truth, of the true understanding that only is given by the Holy Spirit.

There will come a time, dear children, where all religions must appreciate and understand each other. Because if this does not happen, who will open the door to Christ so that He may return?

It is necessary to pray from the heart and soul, so that in these times the humans of the Earth not confuse you.

It is necessary to choose the Most Blessed Sacrament, so that the humans of the Earth do not confuse you.

It is necessary to live a life of service, so that the humans of the Earth do not confuse you.

In this way, your faith will be strengthened, which is a faith that has no investment in anyone, or in any person. It is a faith that belongs to God and intimately to your hearts.

Revive that faith with good examples and open your eyes to divine knowledge that comes from the Universe. Thus, you will take sure steps in redemption and will fully accept the call of God, without thinking what others may say.

Dear children, as Mother of God and Mother of My Son, I come to re-connect you with the path of love, because it is a path that is not being practiced by the humans of the Earth. Illusion, and all that is superfluous, separates humankind from that true path.

Live the Commandments and you will be in true spiritual freedom.

I come, dear children, to do good, to teach you the path of Love and of Truth, at the request of My Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. No one can take that away from you, the experience of your faith and of your devotion to the call of God in these times, outside of the Church of My Son.

See the importance of the awakening of hearts in these times and do not allow yourselves to be invaded by the comments of people. It is necessary to unite and become stronger. It is necessary to unite the strength of the heart with the strength of the heart of your sibling, to carry out the Plan of these times, in the face of a chaotic and difficult planetary reality.

On this night, may your hearts feel the truth of My Heart and not repent, nor abandon your consecration as children of My Immaculate Heart, because what I bring you, dear children, no one will give you, not even the highest hierarchy of the religions. Everything comes from the Heart of the Father, from His non-material and eternal Source. You must learn to nurture yourselves spiritually from that every day; not only from the Gospel, which is the basic path for your awakening and redemption.

Find meaning in your spiritual path, in what is higher and divine, and thus, you will be in the Father and the Father in you. Your hearts will feel no doubt or distrust, but rather will take a sure and firm step on the path of Love and the joy of serving God.

Remember that you must reintegrate your spiritual dignity again in the Father’s eyes.

Religions are the bridge for that, but it is not the final thing. There is something, dear children, that must begin with you, that must be born of your heart, in order to be in Christ and in His Divine Presence.

I come to evangelize with a New Word, a Word that humankind does not know, because the Word that I pronounce is a Word that comes from the Source of Love. It is a Word that is not wasted. It is a Word that serves and helps souls in their conversion.

When the times are more difficult and the rebellions of humankind are present, it is a sign, dear children, that it is the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the defeat of the beast, which confuses hearts, despite their beliefs.

I come to bear testimony of what Christ gave you when He was present on this planet. I reintegrate this testimony of love again for you so that you do not forget, dear children, that the answer is to be found in love, in wisdom, and the way out of the great obstacles.

As I will not tire, dear children, of saying that I am here, although many publicly deny it, I come to consecrate new children to reaffirm that testimony of love, that testimony of the Infinite Love of God and of the Christ that, more and more, unites consciousnesses with the Essence of the Primordial Source.

That is why I will not stop giving blessings, no matter how much talk there is, no matter how much lying and not telling the truth.

Pray for those who do not understand, because they are very miserable and sick of spirit and do not know it, just as I pray for you to heal your spiritual illness. I invite you, dear children, to pray for the miserable of spirit and soul, because they do not know it, so that they may receive the Grace of someday realizing this and asking for true mercy from God, rather than uttering vain words.

Be merciful as I Am, and the planet will have more opportunities, more souls will be healed, and hearts will become reconciled with the living God.

Let those who today consecrate themselves come before the Fountain of God's Love, so that they may be witnesses of what I ask of them, so that they may defend their consecration and are not afraid of saying that they believe in My Presence, as a precious call from God for these times.

I would like to say to all the Children of Mary that they remember their commitment with Me, because I cannot waste anything, not even a minimum amount of the energy of Grace. All that I give you is because you need it, even if you do not understand it or do not know it; everything is a reason for a special Project in your lives, in your consciousnesses, and in your spirits. I give you something that no one can give you, that must be valued and respected, revered, and you must pray that the Gift that I give you may persist in the end of these times.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, I come to bless you, dear children, so as to re-consecrate those who have already consecrated themselves as Children of Mary, to be witnesses of the Word of God and of the return of Christ, with nothing to fear, because the love that may be in your hearts is invincible.

The love that may be in your consciousnesses is indelible. No person or any being of this Earth can erase the Love of God. They will never win, because love is the one that overcomes; it is the Love of Christ that overcame death on the Cross and that comes to teach you that in love, everything is possible, until the end of days.

Beloved Father, have Your Fire descend upon simple and humble hearts. Have Your Divine Consciousness descend upon those who preach Your Word and who in the simplicity of their heart testify to Your Presence in the world.

Have Your Wisdom and Your Grace descend upon the hearts that must be converted to the Christic life of service and of love for fellow beings.

O Beloved Father!, listen to the voice of Your Faithful Servant, have Your Love descend upon the miserable, upon those who do not understand, and those who do not accept Your call, upon all those who cause the separation of Your people from Your Most Beloved and Intimate Heart.

O Dear Father!, forgive them, forgive them so that they may find a new opportunity, through Your Divine Compassion and Your Grace.

Forgive, Lord, those who offend their fellow beings. Forgive them, Lord, so that they may find the Light of Your Heart in the great Universe of Your Universal Love.

Today I bless and establish My Peace among humankind of the Earth, knowing that I will still be here, fulfilling Your Divine Will and Your Call, in union with all My Children, especially those who consecrate themselves, to be the example of Your Life in the Universe.

May the Lord bless you, redeem you, and consecrate you, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now sing, because you have been consecrated to the Mother of God.

I thank you for responding to My call, in trust.


Second Message

And the Breath of the Spirit of God will come to the Earth and illumine the souls of this world so that they may attain redemption and peace.

The strength of this Divine Spirit is unknown. It vivifies souls, fills hearts with Its Light and brings wisdom to all minds.

The Breath of the Spirit of God will come to the world at the most culminating moment of humanity, when religions will define their paths and when all peoples of the Earth will live their great and last transition.

The Divine Breath of the Spirit of God will not abandon those who believe in It, because the Spirit of God, which will fill hearts and lives, will expel darkness, will defeat the forces of chaos, because the impetus of Its fortitude is unknown, even more so when It is in the hearts that invoke Its Power and Its Divinity.

Today I come to announce the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God because some hearts already feel It, and in order to fully live It they must enter the path of humility; thus, the Breath of the Spirit of God will not distance itself and will bring much wisdom to your consciousnesses.

This Divine Breath of the Spirit of God is the same that was in Mary, My Mother, and in My companions, the Apostles.

It was the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God that allowed them to evangelize, convert the pagans and bring hope to hearts.

It was the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God that built Christianity in the essences, throughout the times and until today.

You, My companions, have internally decided to be filled by the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God, and this implies responsibility in your lives, which will never be able to be the same, as your paths will straighten and a new life will come, because the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God will make you assume responsibilities within the redeeming and spiritual Work of your Lord and Master.

Today I come to give you the blessing because the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God will come, which will manifest its talents, its virtues and gifts, and these will make of the apostles of Christ true missionaries of peace and service.

It is the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God that will prepare the coming of the New Christs and the awakening of the Christic essences, which will know how to enter, in these final times, in deep communion with God, with the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God be the reason for your joy.

May the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God be the transformation of your consciousnesses and the redemption of your beings.

Because the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God will come with strength and the darkness will fear It because Its Light is powerful and invincible.

It was the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God that conceived the Consciousness of the Firstborn Son in the Divine Source of Creation, whence I descended to come to the Earth, to incarnate as a man and give testimony of the Word of Life, just as I do today, from My state of Ascension.

May the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God guide you, and do not fear, because the greater the battle, you must know, the greater will be the victory, the celestial victory.

Take refuge, companions, in the Sacred Spirit of God so that you may become invisible before the forces of chaos that subjugate millions of consciousnesses in the world.

Be sparks of the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God and the Earth will be repopulated with new graces and mercies, even though humanity does not deserve them.

May the state of communion with the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God be a reason for your joy, because thus you will help your Master and Lord to unite souls, unite consciousnesses and all religions under the Sacred Spirit of God.

It was the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God that created the Universe.

At the beginning of everything, it was the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God that for the first time emitted the Word, and the Word emitted Vibration, and, from that, sound was born, which gave form and life to all things.

First many more Sources were created so that the new life of all humanities might be welcomed by the Creator Fathers, the so-called Archangels.

In that time, the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God brought a new consciousness, in which nothing existed, and the Essence of the Divine Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Sacred Trinity, conceived the new life in the whole Universe and in all dwellings that would receive the New Humanity.

At that time, the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God attracted to this Material Universe a very special Grace, which was the Birth and the emergence of the Essence of the Mother of the World, of the Mother of God and your Mother.

God gave you an infinite and grand Mother, pure and immaculate, who humbled Herself to incarnate on this planet and conceive, in Her sacred Womb, the Son of God, the Firstborn, the only Begotten Son, the Omnipresent.

From these facts that were kept in the whole memory of the Universe, may the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God renew your consciousnesses, erase the past and elevate your spirits to the non-material Source of the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God.

Today, My Merciful Heart brings you this Gift, inexplicable for the human mind, for all science, for any being on this planet.

It was this Sacred Spirit of God that decided that you would exist so that someday you might attain high degrees of love by means of the school of your Master and Lord, in the essence of Love-Wisdom.

Humanity is lost, and the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God, in the different Faces of the Father, by means of His Sacred Names, will come again to the world to fill the greatest number of souls with His Sacred Presence, with His Infinite Love, with His Unfathomable Mercy.

The Spirit of God is not venerated or recognized.

Recover your filiation with the Father, and humanity will be redeemed.

When the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God comes, many things will already be happening, but do not fear nor become desperate, because who believes in the Spirit of God will be saved and will have knowledge of where to be and what to do.

I would like your prayerful offering tomorrow to be reinforced, your inner offering to be even greater, as it was today, knowing how to respond to My call, knowing how to hear My Heart and communing with My Word.

I Am here because you want Me to be here, otherwise I would not be able to be.

For this reason, I come today with the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God to repopulate the Earth with new codes so that you may know that evil will end, that suffering will be dissipated and that healing will be achieved in the hearts.

As you live your tests, invoke the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God with the same sincerity and love that you have offered to your Master and Lord today, which has permitted to help the whole planet so that it does not suffer many more errors, nor many more transgressions to the very life that God conceived for you.

I invite you, companions, by means of the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God, to carry out an act of reconciliation with your beings and among your companions of path, as well as with your families so that the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God, in these definitive times, may be present at your homes and at each moment, and at each new step.

Seek the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God for those who do not seek It, and I promise you that in a short while you will not recognize yourselves, because you will have been transformed through your sincere offering to My Glorified Heart.

May the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God bless today those who will receive a Sacrament and have their feet washed, erasing the past, the error and the pain lived during the latest years of their lives.

May the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God renew you because it will be this Sacred Spirit that will be able to remain in your hearts when the Sacred Hearts withdraw and no longer come. You will remember this day and you must relive it so that you may not lose the inner strength to concretize the Work of God upon this planet.

While I bless the elements of the altar, may your act of reconciliation and offering to the Creator Father be elevated to the Universe, so that He may also bless you with the strength of His Divine Spirit, which will make you invincible before the forces of evil.


Father of the Universe,
Sacred Creator Heart,
Who made Life emanate from Your Divine Essence,
Who emitted the Breath of Your Spirit to manifest the Creation
and to give life to Your creatures,
those which would praise Your Sacred Name for all Eternity,
sanctify these elements,
sanctify Your children,
heal the wounds, repair the hearts,
so that they may feel the inner strength of Your Spirit,
and so that Your Spirit may be the reason for the renewal of their beings on the spiritual path.

May Your Purpose be fulfilled
and may a New Humanity be gestated in Your creatures.

So be it.

I give the simplest everything I have, because in them is gestated My Trust.

More than two thousand years ago, I left you a testimony, a divine experience that also comes from the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God, which manifested itself as one of Its greatest Gifts, through the Sacrament of Communion.

Today I tell you again, companions, just as I told My ones inside a humble house in Jerusalem, where your Lord and Master prepared for His great and last surrender.

Taking the bread in My Hands, I said to the Almighty: “Father, accept the offering of Your Son, for the conversion of the sinners and the redemption of the impious”.

He blessed the bread and at this moment, the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God spoke through My Mouth and I said to the Apostles, just as to the spirit of the holy women: “Take and eat all of you of it, because this is My Body, which will be handed over on your behalf for the forgiving of sins.”

Likewise the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God blessed the Chalice and accepted the offering of His only Begotten Son and at this moment the Divine Word expressed to all those present in that time: “Take and drink all of you of it, because this is My Blood, Blood of the new and eternal Covenant which will be poured by Your Lord and by all martyrs for the forgiving of sins and the salvation of the mortals.”

At this moment, the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God saved humanity.

May the Lord bless these elements under the powerful Light of the Cross of Emmanuel, in the name of the Father, the Son and of Holy Spirit. Amen.

May those who have not confessed today yet, do it internally, at this moment, before your Master and Lord, who comes to give you the absolution of your sins, the reparation of your hearts with the light of the Source of Eternal Life.

While you listen to the melody, confess to My Sacred Heart and do it for all sinners, especially for those who do not accept the Name of the Lord and create wars on the planet, division between nations and indifference between hearts.

Today, I Am availing Myself of all of your prayers that were pronounced this day so that the Divine Breath of the Spirit of God may also reach those who listen behind this means of communication.

The Reappearance of the Christ is taking place, and just as in the Gethsemane I stepped the bad serpent with My Feet, today I step with My Feet what causes pain, indifference and fear in hearts, and in this way, it will be dissipated.

I rise to Heaven hearing your songs that glorify even more My Sacred Heart so that It may pour Its Rays of Mercy, Grace and Redemption onto all planetary life.

I bless you, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for being with Me today in the humility of the heart, in the simplicity of prayer and in the love of your spirits.

Receive My Peace as a balm for your lives and may this non-material Peace expand wherever you go. Amen.


In ancient times, prior to the Birth of My Son, Jesus, there were great sages, scattered throughout various points of the East and the Far East, beings who also brought to humanity the expression of Love-Wisdom.

During those ancient times, the oldest human civilization took the first steps when it discovered within itself that there lies a universe or essence that is capable of allowing us to connect with the Source of Creation.

The first spiritual beings emerged from allegories or mythologies; in fact, they were born in this world and within humanity to attract wisdom as experience.

It was thus that Hindus, Persians, the Chinese and Buddhists provided humanity with knowledge of their myths or legends which, in truth, were drawn through the experience of deeply knowing the inner universe and knowing how it manifests itself.

Today I talk about the ancient sages of the planet or of mythologies because they were the means or bridges by which the human race, throughout time, could know that within the wisdom of things lies the explanation of everything.

In those times, the sages of former times prepared humanity before to the time of Jesus so that it could receive the powerful Christic energy which came to free the world and teach it the path of forgiveness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The end of September is coming, a time in which a great change will be experienced, and souls will live through a test of faith, in order that the Celestial Father can confirm where He will place and sow the last and most prized seeds of the New Humanity.

This test will allow hearts to know what degree of true love they are in and how much they put into practice each one of My Messages.

Beyond the Messengers, this test of a deep faith, trust and credibility will define the next steps the Spiritual Hierarchy must develop in the end times.

Through this test, the confirmation will come as to whether the gifts from Heaven were truly received or were wasted.

It will be a test of faith because it will allow souls to realize where they are and if they have taken steps according to the Commandments we have given them in these last ten years. Each will know if they truly love their neighbors more than themselves and if they have not forgotten this first rule.

God will allow this test of worldwide faith so that new opportunities for definition can manifest, since it is urgent to be able to count on real and unconditional soldiers of the Plan.

I, as your Mother, will be praying to the Eternal Father, in order that at this hour, wisdom can predominate rather than division. I will be beside those who wholeheartedly call on Me and I promise to guide them.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Apparition of the Virgin Mary at the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I come to this world for those who do not deserve My Grace.

Today, may those who are tired come to My feet. May those who can no longer bear their miseries come to My feet; those who have not yet found the way out to experience their sacred transformation.

I cannot have near Me those who do not experience gratitude, consideration for their neighbor, nor a perfect union with the magnificent Work of God.

God asks you for simple things, but also very significant.

While the world is in agony, I come for those who really live in despair, experience the terror of these times, persecution, exile, hunger, illness and the catastrophes of the world.

I come tonight, for the United States. I come for my brave hearts of North America; for those who have had faith in My Grace and for those who persevered in prayer of the heart, in spite of what this nation was experiencing in these times.

I again wish, dear children, with your help and collaboration, to return to the United States, to again bring to My Immaculate Heart all those who have need Me, those who follow My steps and who in these times experience their unknown purification, without knowing how to step out of themselves and sometimes without finding the path of light, which can take them into the healing of their wounds, of their errors, of all their misunderstandings.

Today, I come for the regions of the world that experience the planetary turmoil, the world disorder, and the lack of fraternity and charity among human beings.

Today, My children, I come in truth for those most in need. You here have received many graces, more than you deserved. I am being sincere and fair, just as My Father and your God has requested. I have to be true, dear children, honest with all of you, so that you may grow from the love of your hearts, through an act of bravery and of courage, of releasing your resistances and forms, for all those children in the world who have no peace, who cannot find serenity, who have no home, not even a country where they can place their feet.

I invite you, dear children, with the maternal honesty of My Heart, to finally come out of yourselves, thereby greatly helping to free My Heart, and I will have a place and space to be able to endure the true planetary suffering, rather than your small and insignificant sufferings.

I invite you, dear children, to open the eyes of your soul, to look at the horizon and see around you the abysses that the planet and its humanity experience. I have invited you throughout time to accompany me in a planetary work rather than in a domestic work, so that your consciousnesses may expand through this Work and reach great spheres of consciousness, so that you may be able to understand a little more, every day, of the sacred Plan of the Creator.

Today, souls that cannot take their steps distress Me, because in truth they can take them, by means of this Sacred Center and this group and communal life. All the keys to all the doors exist for being able to transcend the human condition. 

During a full year, My beloved Son gave you the experience of Saint Joseph. And this beloved instructor of souls gave completely of Himself to you so that you could be like Him in the simple and humble example of His consciousness, and especially by means of His messages, so that your lives could be the testimony of Saint Joseph.

Where are these teachings? What repercussion have they had in your lives?

Do not lose the keys of Heaven. Do not waste the treasures of Heaven, because in the Universe nothing is wasted, everything is transformed until it reaches the true Light, conversion and redemption.

I no longer come to call the usual children. You are already adults in My Maternal Presence.

Do not use up your time in unnecessary things that may crystallize your spirits and all your consciousnesses, for the simple fact of not wanting to take the step.

Just as we thank you for everything that you have made possible for Our Sacred Hearts, for this mission of peace in the world, we must also correct you, although there may be greater resistance, because we want, we aspire and we beg Our Creator Father that you always continue on the same path, without deviating from the paths of Christ for such petty things.

The world is suffering and needs help. Souls are experiencing chaos, floods, catastrophes, the lack of hope and of faith, as the United States has experienced.

I will go to those children who do not yet accept Me, because they do not truly know love. I will go to those children who are in the United States waiting for Me with open hearts and an unknown hope, those who have opened the door so that I may return, until I conquer each sinning heart and have them change through the Love of My Son, an infinite and invincible Love.

I do not want you to feel anxious, nor that you experience any regret. I need you to truly grow, and not only inwardly but also externally. That you are able to show My beloved Son that you have understood His instructions and that you make an effort every day to be very like Saint Joseph.

Now is the test that each one of you must go through. Saint Joseph explained the details to you thoughout an entire year, about the simple path of inner transformation. If this Plan of Love, that the Sacred Hearts bring, does not bring about results within you, what will happen to humanity? Who will testify to Our Presence? Who will be a participant in their own redemption?

Meditate on the messages and live them because, in this way, you will show God that My words did not reach you in vain.

We are in a time of great demands, in which the greatest part of darkness reigns upon the planet and thousands of souls are led to perdition, minute after minute, second by second.

My Son, tonight, has asked Me to be clear with you, without any restriction, because I love you so much that I wish the good for your souls, and that this good may be achieved even in the smallest details.

Never boast again. Never seek inner self-realization again. Experience the desert that God presents to you because, in this way, Our hands will never be separated from your hands and you will be guided toward the end of the desert, towards the Portal of the Heart of God.

We need you to be what you can be, but for real; because this will free you from all of your limitations, from all your imperfections, from everything that resists and still does not want to change.

You already have enough of My Love to transform your lives in the Sacred Tabernacle, where the Heart of My Son will be placed so as to illuminate and transmute the abysses of the Earth.

That is all I want to tell you, with the sincerity of My maternal Heart, aspiring that someday you will much more greatly understand the spirit of My words, the meaning of My message, the intention of My consciousness for each one of you, without doing any harm.

Fill My eyes with joy and no longer with sadness. Fill My face with light and no longer with dismay, because I already have enough of it with the world, which turns its back to me and does not accept My Love.

You are part of My Love and I need you free of your own resistances, of your own fears, of your constant difficulties, so that you may soon find Christ within you and thus He may be able to carry out His Work, the Work that is so expected.

Let us continue praying to God so that you may be aware of the planetary reality and less of yourselves. Because while you are here, beloved children, the children all over the world are exploited, such small children are sold and women in the world abort what God gave them with so much love.

Who will be responsible for this planetary debt? Who will present themselves before the Creator to ask for an opportunity and an incalculable Grace?

Although it does not seem so, this is My mission, and I need you to be transparent, real, sincere with one another, free of lies, of illusions and of all pride; because being free of everything, with His eyes of Mercy, God will see that His most cherished treasures of Heaven have not gone astray within their hearts, nor in their lives.

I invite you to reflect, to understand with the wisdom of the heart,  in which you are present, in which Work you are participating; because on the day of the Final Judgment, dear children, you and your guardian angels must declare everything that you have received, and what you have done with those most precious treasures.

I bring you consciousness so that you may grow and mature quickly. This Work cannot be carried out with immature consciousnesses, only with true souls, true of heart, in spite of their imperfections; because in this time I come to seek the good that dwells in your consciousnesses, rather than your obstacles. If you prevent me, even if only in a small detail, I will not be able to place My Scepter of Light upon you, and My Celestial Government, which is part of the Government of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, will have restrictions for proceeding in humanity.

Now, do you understand, dear children, the difference between being within My Heart or outside of It? A simple divergent step could change the events. Watch your walking and you will realize how your attitudes are and what your responsibility  is before the Plan of the Creator.

To be able to continue with My Work on this surface, I need you to be decided. My beloved Son can no longer accept lukewarm hearts because, otherwise, His Work would never be fulfilled.

Reflect and meditate before everything happens. The world is in flames and many are being burned without even perceiving it. 

It is time to work for a Plan of Love that is possible for all and especially for those who will be farthest from God.

This is the Law that I present to you today: "Love one another," just as My Son said, so that the Plan may be fulfilled.

Remember that your freedom is respected in this Universe. As I said to you today, the decision is in your hands.

I thank you.

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep all the divine and universal Knowledge that is still waiting to be revealed to the world.

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the principle of divine Thought and the spirit of unconditional obedience, which has caused Creation to be concretized and manifested.

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the sacred and sublime Temples of God, yet to be revealed to humanity.

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the Triune Conception, which is to say, the creator Essence of the Father, the creator Essence of the Son, and the creator Essence of the Holy Spirit.

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the fruitful principle of Life, the origin of Original Purity, the primary state of existence.

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the integration and the union among universes, those which allowed the expression of the consciousness of wisdom, that the non-material Source expressed to all which is created.

I am the Mother of the Sphere, and in it I keep the spirit of the purpose for each creature in this universe. It is in this way that, as Mother of the Sphere, I clearly know what the purpose of each being is and the conclusion of their destiny.

I thank you responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Assisi, Perugia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Light will always defeat evil, because evil is dazzled by the Light of God, which is invincible, strong and powerful.

Light is based in love, and it is love that provides the strength so that the Light is able to act with determination.

The Light of God is incomparable, neutral and precise. It acts on all the levels of the Creator Consciousness and can manifest in three ways: through the Love of the Father, through the Knowledge of the Son, and through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

Light is capable, as essence, of penetrating the deepest layers of planetary life, because it acts through equilibrium, equality and justice, principles that are born of the Primordial Source.

The Light of God can solve the impossible, bring clarity to what is confused, and dissolve what interferes in the life or the inner essence. This Light, with its principle and with the movement of its energy, dissolves and makes transitory that which is opposed to it. 

Because it is of God, it is an intimate, inner and non-material Light that fosters harmony and order in the spaces.

The Light of God is equitable and just, because it elevates and ignites what is apparently dark. It is a Gift of God that brings a revelation of the new to humanity and dispels what is static or resistant.

The Light conquers because it is neutral, and at the same time, peaceful.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When I come to ask you to pray for the oceans and seas, I also ask that you pray for the continents and nations; in this way, all of Creation will be spiritually included in this proposal for redemption and Grace for this planet.

It will be in this way that all the Kingdoms, from the Mineral Kingdom to the Angelic Kingdom, will be assisted by the powerful stream of prayer and of peace.

I would like all My praying children to be able to penetrate this mystery of the universe of prayer, because each time you activate the prayerful verb, you are allowing the Divine Source to descend and draw closer to the whole human race.

With the prayer for the oceans and for the Kingdoms of Nature, your Heavenly Mother can intercede in a broader way, and although humanity continues to commit offenses against Creation, My Grace today grants you an opportunity for more souls to awaken and feel within themselves the need for a change toward the good and peace.

While the planet and your race are spiritually congested, your Heavenly Mother comes with aid and with love to rescue you, and in this way, establish a state of greater fraternity, wisdom and love in the human race, even though the majority of My children have lost everything.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and prays for you every day,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Words of Light and Wisdom emanate from My Immaculate Heart. They are Words of Love and of Truth that come from God to illumine the paths of souls or to draw souls closer that have distanced themselves from the Father.

These Words, which emerge from My Heart, are full of Grace and of Mercy, for behind them is held an infinite and mysterious Higher Love which makes each creature worthy and venerable.

These Words seek to awaken the truth in each being, and at the same time, the Purpose that each essence is to accomplish in light of Creation and the universe.

This makes us understand that Spiritual Instruction comes to us so we are able to know how to make the most of our own life through the path of faith, charity and helping others.

The Words of Light which come from My Heart make life evolve, with each consciousness becoming a Sacred instrument of God.

The Words which come from God concretize many things, especially the Purpose and the task that each soul must experience in these times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
