Look now, attentively, at My Divine and Glorified Body, revealing the nine hundred seventy-seven blows and flagellations I received for each one of the sins that I assumed out of Love in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Look at each one of the marks and stigmata that all the adverse situations of the world leave in Me today; however, My Heart, which is infinite in Love and Mercy, burns and at the same time overflows in eternal and inextinguishable Graces.
With devotion and reverence, look at how the very Body, Soul and Divinity of Christ humiliated themselves to grant, to the most sinful ones, all the Graces that souls need.
Before the ardor that My Heart feels, contemplate now how the situations of the world, and mainly of souls, leave Me almost naked once again; just as it was on the top of Mount Calvary when the soldiers, in their blindness and denial, cast lots for each part of the Mantle that covered the wounded Body of the Lord.
Imagine they would do this to Me again; I would no longer be able to bear it, not for the pains caused but rather for the denial still brought about by many before the offering of My Redeeming Love.
I wish to have new wineskins in My Hands so that the codes of My Blood and My Water may once again be deposited within the hearts that offer themselves to live their time of purification, just like the little Child Jesus lived it for you in the sacred offering of the Temple.
Remember that in the face of everything, even in the face of the unknown darkness of these dark times, the Law and the Light will always prevail. Because for the Law of My Father the impossible or unattainable does not exist, as long as His sacred people and each one of His creatures upon the surface of the Earth fulfill the Law and live in it, the Law that makes the spirit sacred and ennobles the consciousness that follows the Law as a fundamental guide for the spiritual path.
Therefore, keep watch in this crucial time, for the Lord draws near again to once more gather and unite His scattered sheep and some sheep that are lost in very superficial things.
Commune of this moment with Me and receive it as a Grace and an extraordinary amnesty for all those who, in war, persecution, exile and illness, experience injustice.
I Am the Light, and this Light, which is Christ, comes to you in the name of My Father, so that this inner and eternal Light, which is imperishable, may remove the gloomy crust of confusions, disappointments and differences; because I call you to be one in Me, so that your Master may be One in each disciple and servant; as I once told you in the Gospel: “In this world it is not possible to serve two lords, because the only omnipotent Lord is your God, Who is in the Heavens.”
Do you now understand why I drew a line on the ground Myself? Did you understand the significance of this spiritual symbol?
I have come so that you may have abundant life, and this inner life, which I offer to you, is free of pretension, personal freedoms and unilateral decisions; because true freedom is granted to you in spirit, which will be the one to render its synthesis when one day it stands before the Celestial Father.
This Marathon of prayer is really different. I hope the presence of Mine may be deep, rather than passing, because I return here not only because you need it but also because all of humanity needs it, and I respond to the Great Eternal One in gratitude and obedience.
May the reencounter with inner life in each one be a reality that may emerge again, so that the life of the spirit may give you strength and renewal in the end of these times; a moment that is so necessary for each one to make their decisions with discernment and without too much haste, because the world is in the precipice for having abandoned communion with the Law and, above all, with the elevated feeling of gratitude, reverence and austerity.
I encourage you to go within the inner world and be in silence before My Truth, the Truth that I revealed to you last December.
I wish good and lasting peace to all of you.
The door of the Truth of God is open, who will recognize it?
I thank you for keeping each one of My Words within your hearts.
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Souls come to the world to serve, to grow in spirit, to experience transformation, to multiply the Love of God and learn about this Love.
Souls come to the world to experience the gift of life, to understand the reason for the manifestation of divine life among the dimensions.
Consciousnesses go through life on Earth experiencing lessons, falling and getting up, living Graces and conflicts, miseries and mercies.
Souls pass through the world many times confused, without knowing the purpose of their existence, but at the end of the life, that purpose is revealed to them.
Souls can live in ignorance, but do not leave life in ignorance.
The Creator does not allow the eyes of His children to remain closed. When their life reaches its end, everything is revealed to them. It is at this time that the heart receives the opportunity to repent of its sins, to experience a true repentance, one which they did not understand during the whole of their life. It is at this moment that souls understand what gratitude is, because they understand why they were in the world, why they were sent to the Earth.
However, children, many think that it is much too late, much too late to repent and be different, much too late to confess their sins and receive Mercy, much too late to surrender, because they have only one last breath to offer God.
But I tell you that it will never be too late for true repentance, never too late for sincere gratitude, never too late for a request for Mercy which comes from the very core, from the deepest part of the consciousness, from what is called your essence.
Souls referred to as dying, who are in the last cycles of their existence, who depend on others, who have lost their autonomy and everything that humanity believes is most precious in this life, independence, false freedom, false power, self-love, pride, all this fades away when the body has become frail and the conscience awakens.
Yet, children, it is then that souls learn the meaning of surrender and grant others the opportunity to learn to serve, to reflect on the fragility of life, to reflect on the suffering, the loneliness, the emptiness and true faith.
At the end of their life, souls provide a great service, and also experience a great lesson. For this reason, revere this moment and do not seek to end it in human time; let it take place in God's Time. Everything has its reason and a motive; everything has a purpose, a lesson and an experience that makes you grow.
Revere life up to its last instant. Revere the Grace of living, because the time will come, the last breath, the last second, in which you will be able to understand all things. Until then, just trust, love one another, mutually serve each other, learn patience, persistence, surrender, humility.
Divine gifts do not have a time span for growing in the heart. There is no limit to the expansion of consciousness; it can occur in all situations in life. For this reason, do not yourselves limit this experience on Earth.
Let your path always be permeated by prayer, by patience and by love.
Let your souls not tire of serving or of living; it does not matter if you do or do not understand this life.
The time will come, the last breath and the last second in which you will be able to understand it.
Until then, walk untiringly to multiply the Love of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Have faith, My child, that the hands that pray draw closer to God, and your soul is led to the Creator Kingdom through the correct portal.
Trust, My child, that the hands that pray unite to the Greater Purpose, and your heart lives the alliance with My Heart of Mother and Protectress.
Rejoice, My child, because the hands that pray receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit, and the angelic universe becomes activated to help your life, your whole being.
Give reverence, My child, because the hands that pray unite to the Love of God and, making contact with Divine Love, your soul finds peace and strength to move forward, beyond what you learn in material life.
Rejoice, My child, because the hands that pray find the direct path to the Heart of the Redeemer.
Keep on praying, because, at the end of all, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and protects you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twelfth Poem
Guardian and Protector of faith,
free us from the darkness of these times,
distance us from the path of perdition.
May the Sacred Flame of Your Immaculate Heart
be the guide of our lives.
Celestial Mother,
may our steps be accompanied
until we are able to meet Christ.
May the power of Your luminous and loving Heart
lead us to the House of the Celestial Father,
because we recognize ourselves as children of God,
expressions of His Redeeming Project,
fundamental parts of His Work of Mercy.
May we never tire of seeking
union with the Kingdom of the Heavens.
May gratitude and reverence
help us perceive the divine reality
that lies before our eyes, day by day.
With Your divine help, Mother of God,
may we comply with that which the
Holy Will of God establishes.
Thus, we will learn,
just like You, dear Mother,
to remain in the emptiness of ourselves,
without expecting anything in return.
Awaken Your unconditional Love within us
so that we may also be unconditional,
and, thus, our lives will belong to God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Third Poem
Most Holy Mother,
may we be able to imitate Christ
in His gestures of Charity and Love.
May we be capable, with Your celestial help,
of representing Christ on Earth
so that He may trust in us,
and, thus, through Your impulse of Love,
we may be faithful to the Divine Plan
that has been entrusted to us.
Therefore, dear Mother,
Mirror of Divine Justice,
banish from our consciousnesses
everything that separates us from God.
Free us
from this long captivity of the consciousness
so that, with gratitude, reverence and love,
we may recognize the existence of God in all life.
Most Pure and Most Holy Heart of Mary,
we ask You to pour out upon us
Your Rays of Purity and Grace
so that, being transformed by Your immaculate Love,
we may someday reach redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
At three thousand four hundred meters in altitude, in the surroundings of the sacred lagoon of Guatavita, a civilization previous to the current one existed that knew the essence of contact.
This contact reflected in love and reverence for the sacred, which made of that civilization a spiritually advanced humanity.
But, at that time, the cosmology and the deep knowledge of nature of that native people made it similar to other humanities that also live and evolve in other parts of the Solar System.
But the intuitive and inner development that this original people of Guatavita achieved kept it united with Superior Laws, until before the colonizing white man made the worst and greatest error, which was not only the extraction of the mineral resources, but also the plan to have the deepest traditions disappear in order to implant Christianity.
In that sense, the white man of that time used the image of God and of Christ so as to gain the most retrograde benefits that were ever known.
But the memory of this experience of love for the sacred is held, as a spiritual treasure, within the most inaccessible spaces of Lake Guatavita.
Now, humankind of the surface was helped so that it does not continue to make mistakes in its evolution, and at the same time, the treasures have become nonmaterial so that they may emanate their rays of love and wisdom, not only to the region of Guatavita, but also to all those who visit this Sacred Enclosure and imperatively need redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The story of a pilgrim of peace from Aurora
His devotion had always touched My Heart because his fidelity was prayer itself, that which expressed his pilgrim heart.
His reverence, while sounding the bells, called upon all souls to awaken and, often without anybody knowing it, his love for the Most Holy Virgin made the most lost souls become saved.
Prayer was his spiritual nourishment and allowed him to fly to the high spheres of consciousness where he received the Love of the Eternal Father to share it with his brothers and sisters along the journey.
He arrived as a silent pilgrim. His love for Aurora was so strong that it allowed him to remain near and wait for the doors to open for him.
But in truth, his humbleness, resignation and service led him to consecrate his soul, mind and body to his Master and Lord.
Aurora not only had a brother and companion of Christ, Aurora had a pilgrim of peace who walked side by side with many throughout years and, in his life of simplicity, of joy and of renewal, he helped express the Light of the Kingdom of Aurora.
Today, not only did a devoted brother and pilgrim leave to Heaven; today rose to the Kingdom of Heavens the guardian of the bells of Aurora, an unerasable memory that will continue sounding within the hearts and memory of those who, someday, heard the sound of the bell of Aurora.
With joy, rejoice and be grateful, the Order founded by your Master today receives, on the Altars of Heaven, the first saint, man and pilgrim who witnessed, in his own life, that it is possible to experience Christ and be part of Christ for all of eternity.
Today, Heaven receives the triumph of a life of simplicity, of selflessness and of service, which will give an impulse to all those who stayed to fulfill and carry out the same aspiration.
Hail, Aurora! Today a star of redemption was lit in your sublime firmament, and peace reached everybody.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
The Kingdom of God is within you. The Kingdom of God is among you.
When you love and forgive; when you serve and are fraternal; when you smile with the spirit; when you speak with wisdom; when you are reverently silent, the Kingdom of God is within you; the Kingdom of God is among you.
When you pray and open up the Heavens, uniting your hearts with the Heart of the Father; when you cry out for a fellow being and seek peace; when you are glad about the progress of your brothers and sisters; when you do not covet the evolution of others but rather seek the Will of God in yourselves; when you understand and perceive the Presence of the Father in all life; when you are grateful for the gift of living and of renewing Divine Creation, the Kingdom of God is within you; the Kingdom of God is among you. Remain in it.
Let It be revealed to your brothers and sisters. Let the children of God discover the gift of living and being the Kingdom.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Offer God all the fruits that this next Marathon of Mercy may yield so that such fruits may be used as an offering of reverence and of love, so that your Master and Lord may give them as a testimony of love and of devotion to the Eternal Father.
Offer the best of yourselves so that your Master may continue to intervene in the spiritual situation of humanity, so that hundreds of records may continue to be dissolved by the descent of the Christic Light.
Do not fail to offer the most of yourselves so that in this offering the Kingdoms of Nature, which are outraged, may also receive a new opportunity of learning and of evolving in other spheres of consciousness.
Offer this Marathon as a lifeline for the most lost, but also offer your prayers for the serious situations unknown to all, situations that only your Master and Lord sees.
Offer each moment as if it were the last so that the triumph and the victory of Christ may continue to be given to the human heart, so that the talents may awaken and all the gifts that dwell in each soul of the Earth may be given to God.
Offer your hearts, because there is still time to cry out for Mercy, before the time of Justice comes.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Wherever you go, try to rescue the spiritual principles with your heart so that, litlle by little, the sacred may awaken and reveal its mysteries.
Allow peace to dwell within you and for reverence to live in your consciousness so that you can recognize the presence of the Hierarchy in sacred places, beyond human appearances.
May your heart always be raised to the heights, united and in tune with the Divine Purpose so that, in this way, child, you may provide a service to the world, of uniting the higher dimensions with life on Earth in order to liberate what is dark on the planet by means of harmony and of the elevation of consciousness.
Humanity must enter a new cycle to approach divine reality, and that cycle is of a deeper and more true inner contact, for this is what will allow beings to discern and to take the correct steps in the coming time. Your consciousness must learn to be kept elevated beyond chaos and appearances, laid on the Truth by means of love, of silence and of prayer. Thus, you shall not only find peace, but you shall be a vehicle of this peace for the world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I reflect Myself, widely, by means of the Sacraments.
The Sacraments and their forms are the extensions of the Attributes and of the Graces that come from Heaven.
When the soul comes into contact with some of the Sacred Sacraments, it has the opportunity of going through the divine mystery and of uniting, essentially, to the Supreme Truth.
The Sacraments and their forms are like spiritual bridges of Light that conduct the soul toward the fulfillment of its purpose and of its mission on Earth.
The Sacraments put us in contact with the diverse Designs of God and they provide wisdom, reverence and devotion to those who live them and adopt them as standards of inner conduct.
In this sense, the Sacraments are still pouring blessings and graces on the souls so that the human beings may learn, through them, to overcome the inner duality, to live their individual and group purpose and, mainly, for all to learn to share and to live the Christian ecumenism and human fraternity.
The Sacraments are gifts, but they are also a means to live redemption. Their practice in daily life and the devotional and ardent value that we place before each one of them will allow the human being to receive the necessary protection to transit the end of times, in this moment of planetary chaos.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To My dear children of the Planetary Light-Network
Now that you carry the spiritual symbol of the Confraternity, of the Brotherhood and of love among beings, stamped upon your chests, may your souls definitely dare to take this last and great step toward the path of the apostolate of Christ.
May this star that confirms in you the existence of the Mission and of its fulfillment on any part of the Earth be the impulse of light that will place you selflessly at the service of others and for the Kingdoms of Nature.
May the Sacred Heart of My Son, His Flame of Fire and His Holy Cross, impel you in this cycle to always say “yes” and to abandon any sign of tepidness.
Now is the time of the presentation of the apostles and of the missionaries that will build the Plan of God, first within themselves, by means of prayer, of service, of instruction, and of healing; and then to build it and share it with the rest of humanity.
Now is the time that more stars of light ignite in the firmament and begin to be part of the new Planetary Light-Network which, despite the circumstances or the events, will defend from itself any act of disobedience so that unity with the Divine Plan and the Supreme Hierarchy may finally be lived.
My children, the path of redemption is open by means of the service and the testimony that your hearts can live, in perfect union with the Hierarchy.
May this new symbol that today you carry on your chest be revered, valued and loved, in the same way that you would receive the presence of the Hierarchy in your homes.
In truth, children, it will be the spiritual Hierarchy Who, in this new cycle, will want to govern and guide you so that more and more consciousnesses may be removed from the world system and from the planetary illusion.
The Hierarchy hopes that the majority of souls can learn to live in a brotherhood that is divine, humble, powerful and unconditional in its surrender, in its service and in its constant and infinite donation.
All those who today carry on their chest the sacred symbol of the new Light-Network will be saying to the Universe that they accept the awakening of the consciousness, the transcendence of all suffering through love and the constant confirmation of aspiring to belong, someday, to the Divine Plan of the second coming of Christ.
This is the symbol of peace; it is the impulse that invites you to readiness and the absolute surrender of self so that, from now on, the Hand of God and the Flame of His Divine Grace may be upon you, which will enlighten you in these times of darkness.
May the sacred commitment and the fiery aspiration of being worthy children of God ignite within you.
I wish you a good beginning, to all of My missionary children of the Light-Network!
May the inner light of each being reach the whole world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Seek always the states of peace and, within them, the reverence and respect for your fellow being, for life and for the Plan of God.
Seek to transform your patterns of behavior and thus elevate them. In this way, you will be of service to this humanity, so often conflicted and unconscious before their fellow being, before life and before God.
May the peace and love achieved in your prayers remain in your days, in this way, your prayer will come alive; you will make your prayer constant and eternal.
The more in harmony your heart is, the closer you will be to the Wisdom of God for the times of chaos.
Elevate your consciousness beyond the confusion of the human mind so as to know how to discern, define, guide and lead when the moment comes.
Wisdom and discernment will be rare attributes in the times of chaos, and in spite of this, human destiny will depend on these attributes and divine gifts because each step must be meditated upon, each decision must be made with wisdom, each definition done with discernment and with love, because beings will be writing the story of humanity and of Creation with their own lives.
Therefore, pray and be at peace.
Everything starts in states of peace and of union with God, because it is from the Celestial Father that wisdom and discernment arrive for finding His Path.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the perfection of the human body, its sciences, its systems, organs, cells and atoms, still so unknown to the mind of humankind.
Simply observe the perfection with which life was designed and open your consciousness to penetrate this mystery of love and grace.
The Spirit of God, with Its Breath, manifested the perfection of the stars in the human composition, and just as the Creator has His living Body in the Cosmos and in the different dimensions, human beings also, in likeness to their Father and God, in the mystery of their life, hold not only creative power, but also the infinite Cosmos which is reflected in each small space of the expression of humankind.
To discover the hidden and divine life manifested within yourselves, you need to learn to be reverent with your own body, mind, feelings, soul and spirit, because the key of reverence is what will open the deepest doors for you to self-knowledge, for the science of one's own body, spirit and consciousness.
To be reverent with oneself is to know that you are facing a part of the Creator, to know that your bodies are a temple that guards your soul for the learning in this world, and that they are also a divine dwelling place, a dwelling place for the essence of love and of the Spirit of God.
You respect your bodies when you live in gratitude, nourish yourselves with gratitude and stay consistent with what you carry inside of yourself each day, not exposing your minds and feelings to retrograde stimuli, trying to keep your bodies always stimulated for your origin in God, and not allowing them to be more and more lost and distant from the truth each day.
In this time, everything you are must be elevated, because human genetics are reaching the correct point for its transformation, returning to its origin of purity and, with consciousness, those who awaken must walk toward this, placing your bodies before Truth and Love, placing your thought on Divine Thought, your cells on what is pure, your feelings on what leads you to the Love of God and thus, little by little, one by one, your cells awaken and ignite in the purpose for which they were created.
I know that today I am speaking to you about a mystery, but toward these mysteries you must begin to walk, to discover the science of your own consciousness, to return to the Time of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I will not give My revelations to the greedy because, in truth I tell you, My Words will never again be despised nor will they be left in a drawer.
Everything I tell you comes from My Father and My Father must return someday through your sacrifice, your giving of self, and your surrender.
I will no longer give My pearls to swine. I will no longer let My Message cease to be experienced and practiced.
For this reason, whomever wants to avail themselves of My revelations must first value them, respect them and be grateful for them, even though they know nothing.
This is the time to assert the Words of the Hierarchy, and it is no longer the time to pretend that you did not understand nor comprehend, because everything that the Hierarchy says is clear and precise.
With your true and permanent reverence, you will be able to be guided and the Divine Word will be able to dwell in your hearts, even though this is the great cycle of transition.
Be like the flowers, seek the rays of the sun and you will feel spiritually alive. You will be nurtured by knowledge and this will give you the wisdom to testify to My presence.
In this cycle I will not come for the curious, the comfortable in spirit. I will not come for those who decided not to change, because My treasures are unique and unrepeatable.
Let humility prevail within you so that someday, you may be poor in spirit.
I thank you for receiving My impulses of Light!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Bring your prayer of the heart to the consciousness, children, and have the feelings of peace and of union with God that you feel while you pray remain in your lives, reflected in your actions, in your thoughts and in your feelings; and to your daily and constant experience bring the wisdom and the discernment that you feel when praying, and be in the constant presence of God and of His Spirit; being reverent not only in the sacred places and moments, but at all times.
Bring the prayer of the heart to the consciousness and allow your beings to be constantly elevated, seeking to draw to Earth the principles of higher life, in the certainty that in this union of the Time of God with the time of the world, this life will manifest on Earth.
Feel your hearts and your inner world during a moment of prayer, and after this try to maintain that state of alignment and of gratitude. That is bringing your prayer to the consciousness.
Seek that knowledge and express that wisdom.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Love and honor the Plan of God for this world and for each heart. Deepen within yourself the true meaning of your life, and let this spiritual deepening be the foundation of your growth, let it be what pushes you to move forward, every day, despite everything that happens in the world.
Meditate upon your essence, and seek to know more about yourself, meditate on what makes you similar to God, from the beginning that originated your creation. And, from there, allow that your consciousness may enter superior realities, spiritual and divine, that will give you inner support to remain in this world, in this time.
Child, I say all these things because it will only be by establishing yourself in the spiritual levels that you will overcome these times. Otherwise, the harassment and influences of the world will confuse your mind and your heart, and you will no longer be able to distinguish between what is true from what is illusion.
Only the persevering hearts will remain in the world as seeds for a new life. In them, the Divine Will will be fulfilled, and their surrender will generate merits so that other beings from this wide Celestial Creation may receive the opportunity to continue evolving, growing and becoming closer to God, by returning to their Origin.
For this reason, in these times, before anything else, deepen into your inner world, become established in the knowledge of yourself, not as a human personality, but as a divine creature. Thus, your whole consciousness will know where the illusion ends and where truth begins, know what is the limit of the mistakes in this life, so that you will be able to overcome your own human condition and become a divine triumph.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The spiritual and interior healing shall be the means by which humanity will be redeemed.
But, in order to be able to find the healing, there must be true repentance and purity of intention; on the contrary, the healing will not be able to approach the consciousness that still has not been redeemed.
A true coexistence with the Laws and with the Kingdoms, in all their expressions, grants the arrival of that so awaited spiritual healing; healing that will fill the spirit and each part of the being so that the consciousness, free of oppression, may take the steps towards the Lord.
This is the time to return to the origin and to the essence that created us so that the sense of the sacred and of reverence may be what elevates the consciousness so that it reaches the inner transcendence.
I thank You for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.
When Heaven opens before your eyes, just give thanks and revere the Father, Who came to call you by name to respond to His call.
The Will of God is unique and unchangeable, but throughout the evolution of humanity, it finds different ways to be expressed and manifested.
The Will of God is like water flowing from a pure fountain, on the top of a mountain, and evolution is that great mountain through which the water of the Divine Will flows to reach beings. Although it finds different paths and flows with different intensities, the water is the same, and the fountain is eternally pure.
You, child, must receive this water that comes into your life with joy, so that drinking from it, you can be strong to follow the path that leads to the Source and walk back to the bosom from where this higher Will springs.
The Will of God is shaped by the obstacles of life and the possibilities of human beings. The fewer stones along the way, the more it flows, it reaches those who are thirsty in a greater intensity. You must only follow this Divine Will, without placing more stones within the river of life. But when the stones belong to the human consciousness as a whole, it is enough for your heart to keep drinking this water and to carry it to those who are thirsty, drop by drop. The river will always flow and you will find a wider way to expand its waters at the next bend.
This is a time of many obstacles for the river of Divine Will, but it will be enough to persist and always be willing to experience it, to generate merits so that a moment of greater fluidity of this Will emerges for all humanity.
Meditate on what I tell you and, with this image within your heart, climb this mountain of return to the Source and do not become tired of walking.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Drink from the Sacred Chalice of the Lord and adore His Blood, eternally poured out upon the Earth, as a Fount of Mercy for all beings.
Drink from the Sacred Chalice of the Lord and revere His surrender, every day, renewing your commitment to Christ.
In the Holy Chalice, contemplate His eternal offering of Love. Contemplate His Grace in this Cup, always full to quench the spiritual thirst of all hearts.
Revere the Holy Chalice, which within it holds the new genetics, the new patterns of life for the Earth and for all the Universes.
Commune with this Blood, so that it may change and transform your cells, your atoms, your consciousness and your spirit into a living imitation of Christ.
From the Hands of the Lord, receive His Holy Chalice and drink from it. This is the offering of eternal life, of life in Christ, where Love is renewed and multiplies within each instant.
On this day, the Lord offers His Holy Chalice to all beings and pours His Blood out upon all life. His impulses of light cross boundaries and dimensions and permeate all beings.
May this river of Mercy touch you and be able to enter into your beings, into your hearts, and find you open to be washed by Christ.
In reverence, be in communion with the principles of the new life, for through the Blood of Christ, this life is impregnated on Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more