I tell you to not be scared because My Heart knows deeply the human consciousness. While some take firm steps towards Me others regress to previous stages.

For this I return for those who go backwards, as for those who bravely walk forwards, receiving the new time in the heart.

Everything must change in the consciousness of a being for them to be able to be a partaker of My Kingdom.

The way of feeling must be as peaceful as the waters and as beautiful as a flower. The way of thinking must be simple but at the same time, united to the supreme wisdom. The way of seeing things must be based on the vision that the spirit provides and, most important, the heart must be pure so that it may be the receptacle of My Heart, the New Sanctuary that will guard the life of the new laws that My Kingdom will bring again.

For this I ask you to not fear for what you see or feel of yourselves, it all forms part of the old humanity that must strongly wake up at the moment of My Return. The brave ones already listen to My Steps, they feel the approximation of My Heart towards this worldly reality.

May no one separate themselves from Me so that at the right moment you may be able to recognize your True Master of the Stars.

Under the Good and the Peace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.