Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

May peace be in this house and in those who do not possess it.

I Am your path of conversion toward Jesus, because My Heart is given to the world to generate the salvation of humanity.

Blessed are they who yield at My feet and seek the path of Light through the path of prayer.

Today, My Graces are poured out over this part of the world and I assemble you for a paramount task of peace.

The world is crazy because it cannot find peace. But there are hearts in the world that do have peace and that do not fear the hostility of My adversary, for one who is with Me is in My Immaculate Heart, and even though everything falls on the right and the left of them, they will continue to walk forward on the Path of Christ and will not waste time in accomplishing the Will of God, which is the Will of My Lord.

Today I come on this special date, also to bless you, to continue to untie the knots of the consciousness of this humanity; for as your Lady of Mount Carmel, I come to place the mantle of humility on you, which is the fundamental principle for your lives in today's times.

Do not fear, dear children; the tribulation is moving over the surface of the planet, yet many souls join in that tribulation, they submerge in the hells every day and lose sight of the Love of God.

I come to remind you of the principle of universal Peace, so that you may continue trusting, praying with Me for this maternal purpose I have for all.

On August 8, My children, a cycle will close with you and with Me. We begin to go deeper, My children, in the uplifting of your spirits to God; for matter may be  purified, it will die and become dust; but your spirit, My children, is the great treasure that will return to God, to His dwelling places in the cosmos, to unite with the Primordial Source, to the essence of Love and of Unity; bearing the fruits that I have left in your lives, as a great experience of Love for all of the universe.

Do not, My children, let evil be able to disturb you. Aurora is there in your lives so as to be able to defeat evil. For I Am that Aurora, that great Star, the great Mother Who guides wayfarers, the Lady of Mount Carmel Who comes to announce its last lifeline to the world. But My great works will be done, My children, in very few.

You, beloved children, must radiate the spirit of My Motherhood to the world. In this way, many souls in the four corners of the planet, in the last days of their lives, will find the way out to the Paradise of God and also will be aware, in light of the Father, of what they did.

I Am the Mother of the whole universe, the Mother of the world, the Lady of Mount Carmel Who comes to teach you the path of humility and of peace, through an inner divestment, so that you may walk freely toward the Heart of My beloved Son.

Today, He sends Me, and from the Greater Universe, also greets My beloved daughter, because these moments are very special for the world.

I come to teach you, My children, the true spirit of celebration of a soul, so you may see that God feels a great compassion for all the souls of the world; even though His Law will be poured out over humanity, and perverse hearts will recognize the Law of God, will feel it in their lives, in their hearts.

I come, as Mother of all, to extend My hand to you so that you may tightly take hold of it and follow the path of purification that I offer you. Perhaps, My children, after eight continuous years, you have understood very little of all I have said to you. But do not fear; My Words are placed in your heart. I come to speak to your essences and not your minds. I come to transmit My Spirit of motherhood to you, and of love for each of your hearts.

The world has greatly forgotten God, and it is not enough that just the ambassador of peace is present, Pope Francis. All of you, beloved children, to the degree and measure in your tasks, must transmit this energy of peace to the world; because if your souls are united, in spite of religions, the world will not move much; although it would deserve to move a lot after everything it has done and all it has not listened to.

I come to bring you the hope, My children, of finding a path of change and redemption. In this end time, My true miracle will be the conversion of your lives. Because throughout the centuries and times, I have already performed many miracles in the world, which are recorded in your terrestrial books.

But has the world changed after so many miracles? Where are the results of this experience of Love?

In Kibeho they did not want to listen to Me. Could it be that South America will listen to Me?

I come to prevent great things in this part of the Americas. The spirit of the New Humanity must be born here; it is already written in the books of Solomon and in the Heart of My Beloved Son.

I come to announce, in these times, the emergence of a New Humanity, experiencing a profound transition, an intense purification, but without lacking the Mercy of God. It is the Mercy of God, beloved children, that has brought Me here today, into your presence, and will bring Me many more days until your hearts become receptacles of My Divine Message for peace.

When I have achieved the result, My children, of a true change in some of you, I will cease to appear, for I will have accomplished the last part of the promise I made to God.

Let the suns, from various points in the universe, be ignited in the fire of prayer and be mirrors in the times of chaos.

What I need, beloved children, is that you reflect your simplicity and love for God. I do not need your skills, although they are important for My Works of the end times. I come to make of your lives a model, a model in likeness to that of Christ, My Son.

Imagine, beloved children, when your lives, your bodies and souls will be that true model, and God has finally seen that My task, in this time, was accomplished in this part of humanity.

Think about what I tell you. These are already My last Words after so many Messages.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come on this night to knock down each of the barriers that separate you from God.

I come to show you a way, which is the path of the loss of self; because in this time, My children, I will lead you into announcing My Message in the four corners of this world; I will ask you to lose your fear of giving up even your life to announce the Return of My Son; I will ask you to surrender each space of your consciousnesses for the fulfilling of the Plans of God; that you encompass, in your hearts, the grandeur and the perfection of this Plan and how small the world is and everything that dwells therein. How little it would be to lose everything that exists in the face of the grandeur of the Purpose of God!

The time has come for the apostles of My Son to emerge, those who in other times did not fear pronouncing His Words of Life, who were moved only by faith and the hope that this Christic Heart should ignite in the greatest possible number of souls. Because in a past time, your souls knew about the urgency for preparing His Path, of preparing for the salvation of souls, so that, the time of Justice having come, you should have an opportunity for redemption.

My children, since the beginning of this human project, you were called on to help Me in the redemption and the salvation of this world, through your own salvation and your own redemption; because it is only through being living examples of the existence of God that you will be able to change the souls that live around you.

Thus, My children, in the same way that My Voice is pronounced to the world and very few were capable of hearing Me, I ask that you copy My steps and without fear, announce My Words of Life.

Even though you are not believed nor heard, know to sow a seed of awakening in souls; because when they are at the last step between the abyss and redemption, the seed will emerge from within them, planted by the love of your hearts for all of this humanity.

Do not tire of pronouncing My Words or of announcing the Return of My Son, because one day, the Heavens will open, and from the clouds will descend the King of the Universe, confirming for the incredulous the existence of the Kingdom of God, making those who never heard His Call fear.

But for those who repent from the heart, Mercy will defeat Justice, because the Lord of the Universe has an infinite Mercy and a profound Love for this Creation of God. Where there is a repentant heart, there His Mercy will be poured out.

For this reason, My beloveds, do not worry about the incredulity of beings, just do your part, fulfill your mission without expecting any result; because this is what the Christic path is about: an eternal giving of the whole self, a surrender of the life out of a pure love for God, His Plan, even knowing that very few will be able to respond.

A seed will always germinate in consciousnesses and even though many do not have the opportunity to enter into My Kingdom, they will be able to begin again from a healthy place, and in this way, at least their essences will be protected from evil.

Today I come, My children, to announce the existence of God and to leave this certainty imprinted on your hearts, because doubts about My Presence cannot exist in My soldiers.

Dispel from your consciousnesses the doubts in relation to the Plan of God. Struggle against yourselves to fully trust in Our Words, the Words of the Divine Messengers, which are the echo of the Lord of the Universe for each creature of this planet.

Defeat yourselves, My children!

Surrender before the Altar of the Creator!

When pride becomes greater than faith, place your heads on the ground and cry out for a humble, simple heart willing to fulfill the Divine Purpose.

Cry out every day, for the Higher Truth to be revealed to you and the ignorance of your hearts to be dispelled by the Grace that is to know the Universe, the Higher Reality, the Life that beats in the Heart of the Cosmos and which invites you to return to the Divine Origin, where everything is the fulfillment of the Law, where all hear the Voice of their Creator and follow it unconditionally.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As your Heavenly Mother, I want to rescue from shipwreck all those who drown in their own sea of illusions. Thus, the doors of Aurora will be open in August, so I may pour out My last spiritual healing over souls. You will be welcome in this, My House of Love, to meet again with Me in a new cycle and for a new end.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Sing to God and be thankful that He has allowed Me to visit you on this day. Remember My Words; they must be indelible in your hearts, sacred Words that will prepare the new being of the New Humanity.

Go in peace; I bless you under the luminous sign of the Cross, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Mother of God, for all that You give us!