The Angel of Justice holds a set of scales in their hands, and with it measures the merits and the faults of humanity so that, in this way, the fulfillment of the Laws for the coming times may be accomplished.

Chaos and evil struggle to influence beings into fulfilling their false will and manifesting their desires, placing on the scales the weight that strengthens their false laws, based upon deceit and the illusion in which humanity lives.

The Angels of Mercy and the Guardian Angels pray and inspire hearts to transform, to yield, to serve, so that, upon the scales of justice, the good may have weight, and humanity may always receive a new opportunity.

Each action of the beings are weighed on those divine scales. Each small or large act sketches the future of humanity. For this reason, children, way beyond Love and Divine Grace, each being must be responsible for humanity.

We no longer speak of the choices for your own lives, but rather, of the responsibility in front of God that each being has with regards to the destiny of this world. To be awake is therefore to be aware of each action, thought and feeling. Allow your lives to be instruments of peace and Mercy for all beings.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Messages

When a new cycle comes into your life, in the conjuncture of the stars, beloved soul, contemplate the celestial message that your Creator sends to you.

Receive the impulses that He generated in the manifestation of your essence and, through a deep communication with God, understand His Sacred Geometry and, through that, the designs of the Father for the cycles that will come.

When you become another year older on this Earth, know that your evolution is renewed and your commitment with God expands. The depths of maturity of your human spiritual being will lead you into ever greater responsibilities for God and His Plan.

So then, renew your spirit in this new cycle, letting His Love close the deepest and most hidden wounds that are still open from the experiences of life.

Surrender your most inner sorrows to your Creator, your silent feeling of helplessness when facing that which you cannot offer to God.

For an instant, allow the pain that you share with the Creator, for what He sees of the world, to be eased and healed because to begin a new cycle it is necessary to restore and ease the heart.

Reacquire the impulses lost in the battles of this life, rebuild the hope wounded by the cunning actions of the enemy upon souls and trust, little soul, that each prayer recited by those who were once lost on the path will be the merit that will open the Doors of a new Heaven to them at the last instant of their lives.

Breathe for a moment and receive the Breath of God. His Divine Love renews your consciousness and, in a profound and silent dialogue, everything is made new. This is your birthday with God.

Receive My blessing for the cycle that will come.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


To begin searching for the illumination of the consciousness, you must love God, His Plan and His Will above all things; you must develop the perception of His Presence in all kinds of life and know that all beings need to express their potential as creatures that come from God, so that they may then find peace and express peace in the world.

Without knowing the truth about themselves, beings walk in the darkness of ignorance, confused among miseries, desires and skills, and do not express what they came to the world to express.

That is why sometimes it becomes so difficult to love and to accept a neighbor as they are. I say "as they are" because they still are not what they were really created to be, because it still hides within them. But before you can see the truth expressed in your brothers and sisters, you must first know that it exists and you must love it, feel the need for it to become alive in yourselves and in your neighbor. In this way, your search will be real and your pure aspiration will lead you to the correct path, to the path of the Will of God.

Why do I tell you this?

Because many times, your attention is on the things of the world and in human endeavors when, in reality, the human being only becomes realized when they are capable of expressing Divine Will and participating in His Celestial Truth. Then, you will be able to discern, take action and even make use of human skills in order to turn them into instruments of the manifestation of the Divine Work.

While assuming your responsibilities, deepen into the way in which you carry them out.

Look to your neighbor, seeking to feel the love and the aspiration that they find. Live life with the aspiration that its meaning may be found.

Find inspiration in the manifestation of nature, in the accomplishment of the flowers and the beauty of that percentage of life that, yes, fulfills Divine Will and has found its realization, its wholeness.

You have My blessing for that.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Weekly Messages


When the spirit of the planet cries out, do not forget to offer some time to listen to it.

How little it is to dedicate a prayer to that wounded heart, which, in spite of its wounds, sustains and protects you so that you can grow and evolve.

Never forget that this world has a spirit that animates it and a Purpose that impels it to go forward.

This planet is a living part of the Heart of God and, as His part, all suffering lived in it is felt by the Heart of the Father. Therefore, do not see, with indifference, wars, the outrages of the Kingdoms of Nature, the abandonment of human beings toward themselves and toward their fellow beings, the ignorance of the human hearts concerning Superior Life.

Feel life as a part of a Whole, of a Unique and Creative Heart. And, for all that happens in this world, pray and repair that wounded heart. Pray as part of God, so that your prayer may be a balm that heals the Heart of the Father.

Do not cease to hear Him when He calls you, not only to console you or to grant you something. Listen to God and to His clamor that emerges from the entrails of this wounded world and offer the Father a repair for this world.

Pray and offer every instant of your life for something greater than your aspirations.

Pray and offer your time to something other than your tasks and your responsibilities.

All you do is for God, but prayer, child, is the healing balm that the world needs today, that God needs through your siblings, the Kingdoms, the nations, so as to keep Himself alive in His creatures.

Creatures need God, and God, to respond to His children, needs to be listened to.

Therefore, today I invite you, on this day of repair, to silence your heart for an instant and listen to the Heart of Father, listen to Him in the world, in the Kingdoms, in human beings, in the profound of the Earth and in the immensity of Heaven.

And pray to repair His pain, pray to repair His wounds, pray for Him to be known and to be God expressing Himself in all life, visible and palpable to all.

Today, child, I call you to find the Father in front of you and repair Him with the love that comes from Him, and that dwells in your heart.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Human growth is often difficult and painful. To go through so many stages of physical, emotional, and mental maturing require effort and dedication from those who experience them.

Spiritual growth is similar to human growth: beings experience different evolutive cycles that demand from their consciousnesses an increasingly deep and consolidated maturity.

In physical human life, the being that grows is progressively assuming their role in society, and is responsible for sustaining it and for building its future. In the spiritual life, the being that grows and matures, gradually assumes its responsibility before the Plan of God and recognizes itself as responsible not only for its evolution but also for the evolution of all humanity, the planet, and as a result, of the universe.

This last evolutive cycle of the awakening of new suns sets the threshold between the old and the new humankind. Children, it will be the time to spiritually cross this threshold and face the changes that this will bring about in your lives; to face the resistances and obstacles imposed by yourselves for this maturing, just as a young person who is in the transition to adulthood, and often resists taking that step.

Many want to live a spiritual life; they aspire to know the truth about themselves, about this world and many others, but children, what you must understand now is that this step in the spiritual life that allows you to know the truth about all existence generates a commitment that requires certain effort and transformation.

This is what happens with many youths who want to live by themselves, have their own houses, their own jobs, but they do not understand that independent life will demand immediate mental and emotional growth from them. 

It would not reflect the reality that consciousnesses with a certain degree of instruction did not have the same degree of conscious commitment to the Plan of God. Children, this is the Law of the Universes, of life, of Creation.

So that new worlds may be revealed to your eyes, you must spiritually mature. And as the change of times is urgent right now, and the truth emerges even for those who do not want to see it, the very condition of the planet will demand from all immediate and concrete spiritual growth.

This growth is nothing more than a true transformation in the consciousness, a response to the Creator, with daily examples that you understand the times in which you live and your responsibility to the Plan of God.

Children, I tell you these things because now we are in the last time, and you will not read as many instruction pages as before, because everything has already been said and it is time to put it into practice.

For the spiritual growth of humanity,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children, may this new cycle be the birth of new fruits in the consciousnesses of all, to see these fruits grow and mature over time, and from them, may new seeds emerge.

The fruits that were born in the consciousnesses represent the result of the action of grace in your lives. Until today, you have received much, as impulses, instructions, graces and blessings, so that with perseverance and inner peace, you may be prepared to go through the times that have come. 

This new cycle will be marked by the birth and maturing of these fruits, for which each one must be responsible. This means, children, that you must care for the garden of consciousness with your own hands and prepare, for the new time, the seeds that you will plant in the soil of the Earth.

This cycle will demand more effort and dedication from each one of you for your own maturation. It will be the moment in which the consciousness must be confirmed on this path and make its own personal effort to remain on it.

Up until now, we have been supporting and giving impulses to many of those who committed themselves to Christ, but who had still not matured, within themselves, their own potential to take steps in their evolution and stand on their own feet, in their own inner fortitude.

Therefore, the time has come for disciples to recognize the truth about themselves in every sense: may you face that which must be transformed and sustain yourselves through your own potential for inner maturation. It will be a transition between spiritual adolescence and adult life when the consciousness becomes responsible for itself.

Those that will wake up at the last minute will also be led - by grace - to take their own steps and enter the same cycles of those who, for some time, have walked on the evolutionary path. I speak to you of an inner maturity, in the consciousness, and not in the material bodies, because matter will always need to be trained to express its inner world.

Children, care for this cycle as if it were the last, taking advantage of each day and each instant to find the Truth and express it. May the conscious effort of all to be more and more in the Divine Purpose be permanent. 

After this cycle, in the cycles to come, it will be time to put into practice what you have learned, for the currents that will descend on the planet will no longer wait for you to be ready for them to act upon the planetary consciousness. These currents will sweep away those who are tepid of heart, undecided and outside the Greater Purpose.

May this cycle be marked by the effort of each being. May all assume their posts, and just like a young person leaves their home to take up their own life, may each one take up their own transformation, their own surrender, the building of that which you truly hope to be able to offer to Christ one day.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Welcome to a new cycle of evolution, a cycle which will charge spiritual maturity from everyone, that will allow you to live in harmony in the times that will come.

This new cycle will be marked by inner tests, in which the consciousnesses will find themselves facing great responsibilities, with little inner experience to take them on. However, it will be the adhesion that each one will present to the Will of God, and their efforts to fulfill it, that will make the grace and mercy that you need to fulfill your mission to descend from the universe.

Children, when facing the challenges to come, always say "yes", even if they seem impossible to be experienced and overcome. When you say "yes", the Creator receives permission to operate true miracles in your consciousnesses and heal all that prevents you from making the leap you need.

The challenges will make you grow and prepare you for the cycles that will come later and that will be major and definitive trials not only for you but for all humanity and for the whole universe.

Do not fear to launch yourselves into the unknown or take the steps that will lead you through paths you do not know where they end. Do not fear losing everything and, above all, losing yourselves because - though painful - this is the goal of humanity. Remember that the emptiness of yourselves leads you to the Truth, to the Archetype, to the Source.

Today I wish you a start cycle filled by God and the universal life. This new time will be marked by the awakening of humanity to this life.

All the sciences will be united spiritually in the universal science and all true religions will find the common meaning in the experience of love. Knowledge and religion will unite to unveil new worlds and universal principles, and they will discover that the greatest science, which is the experience of love, leads to new horizons, to new universes. Thus you will not fear to know the Truth and with the knowledge filled with spirituality, and religion full of wisdom, you will cross the gates towards a new life.

Your Father and Friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



So that the human indifference towards higher life not cause humanity to lose the possibility of coming to know and experience this life, those who are awake must redouble their efforts, multiply their tasks and overcome their own limits, every day, so as to respond on behalf of those who ignore the celestial call.

In addition to their own purification and their own weight that they must endure in these times, the new apostles and disciples of Christ must withstand the purification of the planet and carry on their backs those burdens that others who had committed themselves to Christ do not want to bear.

In the Universe, the responsibility of the manifestation of the Plan of God was equally shared among those who committed themselves to render this service. But when they arrived on the planet, with veils over their eyes, their souls became confused, they forgot and remained asleep or imprisoned in their personal likings and in their ways of understanding this Plan.

Children, when a soul that had to fulfill a certain mission changes this mission to adjust it to their own will and their opinion, this, for the Plan, is considered an indifference towards the Truth of the Creator, even if they believe they are serving God.

There are many souls that had committed themselves to the Lord and that, throughout their experiences on Earth, fulfilled in part what God had asked them; but now, in the culminating moment of the Divine Plan, they have become lost in the strong influences of chaos and have cast aside fidelity, exchanging it for superficiality.

I tell you these things first for you to be attentive and always be guardians of the Divine Plan, and also for you to know that the Creator will count on you to fulfill that part of His Plan that was left behind due to human indifference.

May the love to the Plan in your hearts be greater than your self-love so that you can imitate the example of Christ and not only carry your own cross, but let God place upon it the weight of the indifference and ignorance of His Children so that they not become lost but rather have an opportunity to awaken.

The Creator counts on you, children, for a response and a greater responsibility. It is time to serve, to love, and to surrender to the Divine Plan. 

Your father and companion on the Evolutionary Path, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Find the inner strength in permanent renewal before the Plan of God.

Beloved children,

In these times, the pressure of the planet will lead you to a definition of consciousness and there will  no longer be two paths on which to go.  Light and darkness will struggle before your consciousnesses to triumph in the human heart. Those who have committed themselves to the experience of peace, of love and of unity with God must seek in the Creator their permanent fortitude.

Place your own being into the Arms of the Lord and entrust the guidance of your lives to Him. There is no space for your personal will in these times. You must listen to the inner indications to be in the correct place and collaborate with the Plan of God.

Children, the Creator will shortly silence the echo of His Voice, but prayerful hearts that have built a path of unity with God will be able to feel His Will and hear It through their consciousness.

The tests that many are experiencing in these times and the challenges they are experiencing are part of a higher will that propels you into a more immediate and true transformation. Do not think that God has abandoned you or you are off His path because you are going through tests, often painful for the heart and the consciousness.

If your paths do not take you to the destination you expected, ask yourselves, children, if this is the right path and if the obstacles you encounter have been placed there by the Creator Himself so that you wake up and realize that you should not walk there.

The Lord is trying to correct the steps of His disciples and companions while there is still time to reverse the errors and return, because the time is now coming, children, when the errors will no longer be reversible as they are today, and you will not have Mercy available as the source you have now. It will be Justice that will guide humanity, and it will be other laws that will guide your lessons. For this reason, today I warn you: be attentive to the signs in your own life; meditate before taking your steps and ask yourselves inwardly what the Will of God is. Ask Him for the grace of being in the correct place and collaborate with His Plan. Ask for the grace of being guided to a definition that will lead you to Higher Will.

This coming August will seek to find you firm and mature in your spiritual life. This means that you must take on the consequences of your steps and decisions and that you can no longer count so much on the permanent intervention of the Hierarchy.

Our love and Our gaze will always be upon you; but many times, children, we can only observe you.

I tell you all this as an impulse for the growth of all. May those who still have their feet in two boats define themselves and not allow themselves to fall into the sea of illusions and ignorance of the world.

I love you and I leave you My blessing. I propel you into the new cycle that is coming.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions,

I would to remind you that the world still agonizes and suffers for the actions of humanity, but I do not tell you that in order martyrize your consciousnesses and make them suffer an ill that you do not know; I tell you these things because, with all that you receive every day, you must be a little more consistent with that in your actions, in your thoughts, in your feelings and in your aspirations.

Many frequently forget about what happens in the world and let their consciousnesses get lost in the daily distractions and in the little inner problems, which become large, such is the attention that you place on them.

The beings, in their majority, do not truly recognize that we are in apocalyptic times.  Even those who consider themselves more conscious will need a great impact in their consciousnesses in order to know that, in truth, the end of times has come for the current humanity.

God expects that those who believe in His Messengers and who follow Their instructions be more vigilante than ever and seek, over all things, to manifest in themselves the Purpose of God, in which they trust.

I have always told you that you needed to be brave, but many take these words with a merely emotional enthusiasm and believe that will be brave when they are before chaos that spreads itself throughout the world with violence.  But what I come to show you is that this same chaos dwells within the creatures of the world in their due proportions and must be purified and elevated by the transformation of the consciousness.

It will do little that My Chaste Heart may descend every day to the world and deposit, in the beings, a part of the codes that I reached as Joseph of Nazareth, if your hearts do not do anything or almost anything to develop these codes within yourselves.

I do not want to discourage you or to disregard your efforts, but you must recognize that your distraction is very big and that you often still allow yourselves to live the old human patterns, even with all the knowledge that you have of the planetary situation.

Today My paternal Heart talks to those who aspire to live the transformation and to those who will not feel hurt with what I tell you, but rather impelled to maturing, because I come in this definitive time to deliver the best that there is in God to those who will move forward.

You will no longer have thirty years more to follow with a slow and precarious change, because what you build inside of you today is what will result in the years that will come and it is what will dictate the steps that you will take as consciousnesses in the future of the planet.

I assure you that nothing will stay as it is and that, with those who accept to move forward, the Plan of God will be fulfilled.

I love you and I warn you.  I guide and I always protect you, especially from yourselves.

Your beloved Father and Instructor,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In order to understand the planetary reality, it is necessary that the soul, the spirit and the material bodies be willing to transform because the untruthful understanding of the reality of the world in which you live is something made up from the mind and sometimes even of the soul that does not want to abandon superfluous and superficial things.

Dear companions and servants of Christ,

The impossibility that many feel towards responding to the urgency of the times with real consciousness of the situation of humanity is caused by the non-adherence of certain aspects of the being to the Divine Purpose.

You must meditate from the heart on what I tell you and seek those spaces of consciousness that still aspire to live their own will and insist on responding to the material life stimuli, for the pleasure and for the convenience that it brings to the bodies.

Seek a path of true holiness, follow the examples already left for the world by those that today guide you in the inner levels of the planet.

I ask you to reflect a little deeper about yourselves and to move towards a definition for all aspects of your consciousnesses.

Find those obscure spaces of your own being that still need to be illuminated by the spirit and, without fear, anguish or preoccupations about what you will find, only move with maturity towards transformation.

You already know what you must stop doing.  If you are in doubt in relation to the steps that you must start to take, do not take those that you know that will lead you to other paths, that are not of God.

Dear ones, know that the Creator counts on very few.  With maturity, assume the responsibility of being a part of those few ones that have the possibility of responding to God and surrender yourselves, without delay, to His Divine Will that is perfect to each one of you.

With few words, I tell you what you need to listen.

May My instructions become alive by means of your hearts, your souls and your spirits.

I leave you My paternal blessing.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


       Today Saint Joseph took long to appear, and when the portals started to open in Heaven, I saw that He was coming from somewhere in the planet.  I saw a destroyed place, a grey color scenario, and Saint Joseph appeared with a young black man in his arms, fainted.  I felt much sadness in His face.  For some time, Saint Joseph showed that He was removing many souls from that place, which I did not know where it was. Until He started to deliver us His daily Message:

      Children of God and companions of My Chaste Heart, today I tell you that My Spirit of Love received from the Father the possibility of interceding for a part of humanity.

Before the Celestials Altars, I deposited at the feet of the Creator, My Heart, as a way of offering Him the purest that exists in My Consciousness, in order to balance, thus, the impurities of humanity.

As a spiritual part of the human heart, I open the doors of the Kingdom of God for all those who will follow My steps, in the hope of finding Christ and merging themselves with Him, into His Resplendent Spirit.

I tell you that, through your prayers, My offer has been accepted by the Most High and in the coming days I will be entering, in Spirit of Divinity, into the Asian and African continents, in order to remain in the inner world of the planet, in vigil and prayer for Peace in the world.

I ask you to accompany Me with your hearts, and never forget that the sorrow and the suffering that humanity causes to God are responsibility of all beings of the world.

By praying together with the Most Holy Mary, also offer the intercession of My Chaste Heart and, as humanity, elevate a request of Mercy every day.  All the offers, as small as they may be, will be accepted, because the urgency is infinite and the need of the planet transcends your understanding.

I only ask you to pray with Me and allow that My Presence make you understand that these are already the acute times of purification of the planet.

Become aware of the superior life, of the spiritual needs, beyond the physical ones.  Know that all that happens in the physical level has a spiritual counterpart, even worst to be healed.

With the consciousness in the Plan of Rescue of Christ, pray from the heart, unite to Me and help Me to intercede for the world.

Peace for all the hearts that suffer.  Forgiveness and redemption for those who have got lost from God.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dear companions and servants of God,

Today I invite you to meditate, with the essence of the heart, on all graces that you have received and that you keep receiving until the days of today.  I invite you to meditate on the true reason why you have been gathered by the Divine Messengers and on what is the potential that is hidden inside of each one and that, in this time, God aspires to reveal to you.

Know, My beloved ones, that I do not come to the world only to instruct a part of humanity, so that in this way you may become wiser and may have a life a little more peaceful to enjoy.  My Chaste Heart has a clear mission, that has been delivered to Me since the beginning of My arrival to this world.  At the request of the Most High Lord, I come to open the human consciousness and provide to it the possibility to live according to the Will of the Creator.

I come so that, little by little, drop by drop, humanity may cease to be a wound in the Heart of the Father and may become the concretization of His expected Project, a favorite one in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

The responsibility of those who listen to Me is huge and it would neither fit into your minds nor into your little hearts.  It is for this that, day by day, the Divine Messengers invite you to trust in the Words of God pronounced by the Sacred Hearts, because the true essence and reason why we come every day to this world you will hardly be able to understand.

Know that the Creator counts on a few soldiers that are willing to follow Him unconditionally; that are willing to leave behind what they have been in order to be reborn in a new humanity, completely opposite to what today expresses itself in the world.

In the midst of the ignorant and blind humanity, the few who try to keep their faith are being suffocated by the armies of darkness, and you are before the Voice of God that instructs you day by day to be simple of heart and humble, because this is the only way to balance everything that today happens in the world.

As incredible as it may seem to you and sometimes absurd, I tell you, companions, that the Creator counts on each one of those who are able to listen to His Voice and follow It.  And your daily efforts to transform yourselves, even though they may be minimal, are being placed on the scales of the Celestial Judge.

All the instructions I bring to you are brought in order to mitigate the Justice that will descend upon the world, but for that, you must not only consider the words of the Messengers of God to be beautiful, but you must also live them.  If this were not so, what value would Our coming into the world have?

I will guide you and deliver My last impulses to humanity, in the Divine Hope that at least one soul will listen and live what I have to say and teach.

I plead to God every day for the awakening of hearts, so that at least a few may discover how simple it is to follow the steps of God and how true is the celestial freedom that is found by abandoning the old and opening oneself to be a seed of the new humanity. In Portuguese when you say “uns poucos” it means “a few”. The use of “ones” is redundant because it is implied that we are talking about people. So if we say “a few ones” it sounds very strange to the reader.

I love you and I will guide you untiringly.

Saint Joseph, the Faithful Peacemaker of God

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
