During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary announced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


To overcome mistakes and to persist, children, is a way to grow humanly and spiritually. 

Many times your personalities and even the resistances of your soul lead you to fall into deep dark abysses, from where you can only come out through humility, obedience and when you embrace and welcome the desert. 

When a consciousness makes a big mistake along the spiritual path it tends to want to give up everything, because it is easier to succumb, once and for all, into the abyss rather than to rise up with effort and courage, with humiliations and obedience, going against everything that once magnified it. 

But when this consciousness repents and embraces the path of return to the Heart of God, however painful it may seem to be, and when it places its feet upon the footsteps of humility, surrender and obedience, it is then, children, that this consciousness will truly know the Love, the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God.

It is then that you will grow as a spiritual person and forge within yourselves a fortress that is not human but divine. 

It is then that you will learn that it is better to fall and rise a thousand times than to succumb to the abysses of the world, because these abysses only bring suffering and sorrow, anguish and pain, whereas rising from them brings a growth forged by fire, which imprints upon the soul the unity with God. And though beings are always tested along their paths, this soul will already know what to do when it falls and, at every fall, it will grow more, humanly and spiritually.

Learn from your mistakes. Do not yield before human weaknesses but affirm yourselves in humility and obedience and thus, you will continue in ascension to the Heart of God.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Welcome the tests your Lord sends you with love and gratitude and, through each one of them, discover the perfect path for your healing, your awakening and your redemption.

Child, sometimes God allows you to experience an illness so that, through it, you may experience a profound spiritual healing. The illness shows you the fragility of your human being when it is only supported by human forces and the laws of this world.

When you surrender from the heart and place your life in the Hands of He Who created it, and Who is the only One capable of leading it perfectly, you will then understand that the illness comes to heal you of yourself, to defeat your deepest resistances, to place you before God, just like a fragile lamb in the Arms of its Shepherd.

Perceive the illness as a warning coming from Heaven, that is calling you to go deeper into your surrender and resignation to God, in your yielding in the face of His Will, so that you may understand that He is the only One capable of guiding your steps.

While you have strength, He has Power.

While you have knowledge, He has Wisdom.

While you seek truth, He is the Truth.

For this reason, child, remain standing before God within yourself, to give thanks while He seeks to open your eyes, revealing to you your fragility.

Go deeper into the sense of surrender, of yielding and of obedience. Go deeper into the sense of faith, of gratitude and of humility in the light of God. Because, in this way, your illness will be for you a healer and your spirit will be freed.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


If your heart is tired within, if your mind is tired of resisting, if your bodies are tired of sustaining themselves and this world, child, the time has come to surrender to God.

If your spirit is tempted, if your soul is in agony, if loneliness approaches, even while surrounded by friends, and silence is what speaks loudest within you, child, it is because the time has come to surrender to God.

The planetary Passion begins with temptation.

Before surrendering all for love, your Lord had already spiritually carried the weight of the world and, defeating inner temptations with the revelation of His unbreakable Faith, He then overcame His most human resistances by sweating Blood and, in that, He overcame the fear of all humanity, of experiencing surrender and sacrifice for a love without rewards.

But once again, I tell you, My child, meditate upon the Cross of your Lord, and create a deep connection with Him.

Because when the Divine Word becomes silent, when the stars hide in the sky and even your inner universe is dark, like a night without the moon, it is only the power of the memory of the Passion of Christ that will inspire your soul. It is your profound union with Him and the goal of imitating His footsteps that will allow you to continue moving forward.

It is so little, My child, that you suffer grief magnified by the temptations of the world, the assaults of these times. But I tell you that much greater is the Love and the Power of God within you.

Risk discovering it; surrender yourself to live it.

Do not remain in weariness or agony, but rather drink from the divine Chalice that seems to offer you pain but, in reality, offers you infinite Love.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Be in the desert like Mother Teresa of Calcutta who, in spite of being in the void and in solitude, knew how to find the Lord in her neighbors.

And everything she sought in inner compensation faded away. Her faith became stronger and was consolidated in simply fulfilling the Will of God and comforting the poor, in body and spirit.

It was in this way that Mother Teresa found God and merged into Him, even though she did not entirely perceive Him.

Be in the desert like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, strengthening yourself inwardly, neither in the sensory world nor in a mystical union with God, but rather in a palpable faith and a constant overcoming, proving and experiencing the Presence of God in those most in need, being nothing to the world and to the self, and everything to God, everything to the Heart of the Redeemer, Who tiredly beat in the poor and the oppressed, in the lonely and the lost.

Seek, child, to live your desert, consolidating your faith. Know that each desert brings a leap into infinity and this happens in many ways.

If you thirst for sensations and inner experiences, thirst for self-realization and seeing God, and yet He keeps you in the void, discover that maybe the Will of God will be revealed to you where you least expect, in that space where it is hard for your love to reach, where your resistances block your steps and do not allow you to enter, where your weaknesses prevent you from discovering the need for love. There is God, waiting for you.

In the desert, leave your desires and aspiration, your needs, your deepest anxieties. And when you have nothing, the Creator will show you where He is hidden, calling for you, seeking your gaze, your faith, your heart.

Who knows, child, maybe your desert will be the desert of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, where God is revealed from the outside inward and from within your fellow being to your inner being.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Surrender your heart and your life into the Hands of God so that your inner suffering may end.

Allow the rays which descend from Heaven for the definition of beings not to cause pain within you, but rather to free you from your resistances, from the walls of stone which separate you from that which you are, which prevent you from reaching God.

Let the barriers of resistance be broken; allow your forces and your love for the Plan of God to be renewed.

All opportunities for the ascension and enlightenment of consciousness are to be found in your daily life; the key lies upon your posture before the events, trials and needs which lead you to overcoming.

Your feet are now upon the calvary of this world; therefore, do not delay your steps, but embrace the cross which was given to you, with peace in your heart.

Remember the embrace of your Lord on the wood, when the cross of your redemption weighed upon Him; and today, when you are called to imitate His steps and give all of yourself out of love, do the same: embrace the cross, for the redemption of the blind of spirit and hard of heart, for the indifferent and ignorant, for those who have not received Mercy because they believed their state of miseries to be the treasure of their lives.

When you embrace the cross, from Heaven will come the help for you to carry it.

When you embrace the cross, you will experience the revelation of the Love of God in Christ.

When you consummate your surrender on the cross of these times, you shall see the Love of God become renewed within you.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Sometimes, in order to carry peace into the world, you lose the peace within you, because constant sacrifice and surrender cause your most hidden resistances to emerge, your most retrograde condition to come to the light and be freed from your inner unconscious world. This, child, is also part of the service you provide to humanity and to this planet, in the name of Christ.

Inner peace must be gained every day. Union with God must be built and rebuilt in each instant. In these times, in which humanity is in the center of a battle that defines evolution of all of Divine Creation, every day consciousnesses are targets of the untiring stimuli of the life of illusion so that they do not move forward in their awakening, so that they do not deepen their union with God, but rather that they retreat or at least stand still in the point they are in.

Thus, child, calmly observe this moment, be aware that the tests of this time are unknown to all of Creation and, every day, as long as you can, remember the purpose of your life and of your consecration; gradually rebuild your connection with God and do not stop trying to reach the Father. Build a dialogue with Him within you, a sincere confession of your weaknesses, not to re-affirm them, but rather to transform them and release them from your heart.

Feel how confession to God cleans your heart and you begin to return to the Father, feeling yourself to be worthy of His Presence. Do this every day. Do this every time you remember to.

Think of the mirror of your heart and unite it with the Mirrors of the Cosmos, with a simple thought. Think of the Essence of God and feel that it is within you. Think of higher life, of universal life, and feel how it is waiting for you.

Renew your strength in the little things, because it is also there where the enemy is looking at your evolution and at your union with God.

Pray and find peace again every day.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Learning to surrender the heart

Humanity, children, is still learning to surrender to the heart to God. Some surrender because they have no other path or other choices; others surrender because of all that they have already suffered; and few surrender for love because they were not defeated by their inertia nor by the suffering in life, but rather by the Love of God. This surrender is what the Lord asks for us to experience.

When Christ says: "Surrender to me", He is not talking about following his path because there is no other choice, because of fear or through insecurity; He is not talking about choosing His path because you have suffered enough that you do not want to look for anything else but peace. Christ is talking about understanding the real meaning of life; about knowing that you are on Earth for a higher purpose, which is the renewal of the Love of God.

It is knowing and having faith in this Love, which ousts all human authority from your life, that you will begin to truly and spiritually surrender to Christ.

Surrender is an inner decision that is born of the discovery of the Love of God and of the eagerness to live in that Love and for that love forever.

When a being is surrendered to the Love of God, they understand all things to be vehicles to reach him: the difficulties, the tests, the humiliations, the overcoming of resistance, the constant deepening of the surrender, everything becomes a vehicle to renew the Love of the Father because all of that partakes in His Plan and comes into the lives of His children and servers, to guide them to the greater purpose, the Divine Will.

Therefore children, in these times, surrender to God wholeheartedly and without fear, trusting in His Grace and in His immeasurable Love. Allow the Father to show you this Love before which everything becomes small, everything loses its value and its meaning. And surrender to it. You will thus discover that there is nothing more wonderful within the evolution of beings than that of being flooded and filled by God because you were created for that, you were created to love. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



When the soul agonizes and stirs from within, seeking something that it does not find, give thanks to God and just let His renewal reach your spirit.

Do not resist, do not give up and do not be sad for something that, in fact, should bring you peace because it means that your interior is willing to go through a transformation.

When the soul cries out within the heart of someone who is trying to follow the Will of God and gives their life to it, it is a sign that a change and renewal is necessary. And this change comes from the Divine Will itself; it will be for you to not resist, to not give up and to not be sad for something that, in truth, should bring you peace.

In truth, what you feel as an inner agony is your soul, elevating its voice beyond the aspects of your body, of your mind and of your feelings.

Listen, then, to this voice that wants to make itself heard, and let it express itself before your soul gets exhausted from screaming inside of your inner world for a new step, a new cycle, a new being.

Listen to the voice that elevates from your soul and let it express as it feels, may it be a chant, a prayer or even a cry that expresses the freedom of the soul to manifest itself, and that all of this, your singing, your prayer, and your cry, be the impulses for a new cycle and a new step in your life.

May your soul not shout without being heard. May your mind not close the window to the soul, again hiding what is removed from your inner world.

Just as the soul of the planet screams to be heard by the hearts of humanity, their own souls also scream and stir within.

Life is a mirror of itself in different proportions. So today, I say to you: listen to the voice of your soul to know, one day, how to listen to the soul of this planet, and that no inner voice will elevate in vain.

God speaks through the souls and spirits of beings and it is He who calls you to a new cycle, that does not have to be great, but that needs to be new, bringing what you already know you must be and that you know you are not yet, not because it is impossible, but because you turn a deaf ear to the voice that screams within you.

Without fear, listen to what brings you to this new time. Thus, you may be one, in the multitude of this world, capable of listening to the soul of the planet and guiding your brothers and sisters according to what God speaks through the voice of the heart of the Earth.

Do not feel like what I am telling you is a mystery because it is not anymore. Just listen to that voice within your interior and follow it.

You have My blessing for that.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Art of Being Humble to Reach God and His Mysteries

To be humble, children, in spite of it being a simple thing, is not something easy for the human condition.

Humanity has learned, throughout its evolution on Earth, to always desire something: knowledge, material goods and gifts that magnify the personal consciousness and affirm the self.

Until now, a human being, in spite of the examples already set, has not yet learned to love the essence of life on Earth.

I do not say that they do not know it, because indeed, they know it, and they know that the Will of God was expressed in His Son and that His example was like a boat that rowed against the current of the human condition and showed them that the efforts of humanity were going in the opposite way of its true evolution.

In spite of knowing the essence of the purpose of its existence, humanity does not love that purpose more than itself, and this is where all the roots of the resistances and difficulties for truly manifesting this purpose reside.

To love the Will of God more than oneself is to throw oneself into an abyss where personal control does not exist, where one’s own ideas and desires are always an option, but not a truth.

I Am not telling you that to be humble is to be indifferent, is to not think, to not have an opinion, to not participate in life with one’s own discernment.

Humility is to know that there is always a truth that transcends the human capacities of thinking, knowing and discerning.

There is always a truth beyond what beings can know, and the path is the constant search, the eternal attempt to find the right path, but always willing to be corrected and illuminated in order to step away from ignorance and mistakes.

Humility is the consciousness that, no matter how well you act, think and feel, there will always be something more, a reality that transcends your possibilities, and that, by yourselves, you will always have degrees of ignorance that must be replaced as you allow yourselves to be corrected, opening to learn and recognize that each being receives a part of the Divine Knowledge and, all together, you can learn and allow yourselves to be complemented.

There is nobody on Earth who has absolute wisdom.

The great mystery of God is that His Legacy was divided amongst all His children and, from the most miserable to the most saintly, all have a piece to complete the framework of fullness.

Recognize your own ignorance and let your beings enter into a new cycle of greater humility because, by being willing to learn, you may teach the world in silence, and one’s own example will be of more value than a thousand sermons and words pronounced without life.

Vanity does not hide nor is it silent, no matter how much your mouths are closed, and the lies only circulate in your thoughts.

Everything is visible.

Simply be pure in what you do, think and feel.

Seek the consciousness that you know nothing, and you will be able to be truly ready, not only to listen to the Words that come from God, but also to live them. And you will no longer keep them in your books or in your minds, but you will write them with your own lives in the history of human redemption.

I love you and I call you to a new and real cycle of emptiness of yourselves and of absolute surrender.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Human growth is often difficult and painful. To go through so many stages of physical, emotional, and mental maturing require effort and dedication from those who experience them.

Spiritual growth is similar to human growth: beings experience different evolutive cycles that demand from their consciousnesses an increasingly deep and consolidated maturity.

In physical human life, the being that grows is progressively assuming their role in society, and is responsible for sustaining it and for building its future. In the spiritual life, the being that grows and matures, gradually assumes its responsibility before the Plan of God and recognizes itself as responsible not only for its evolution but also for the evolution of all humanity, the planet, and as a result, of the universe.

This last evolutive cycle of the awakening of new suns sets the threshold between the old and the new humankind. Children, it will be the time to spiritually cross this threshold and face the changes that this will bring about in your lives; to face the resistances and obstacles imposed by yourselves for this maturing, just as a young person who is in the transition to adulthood, and often resists taking that step.

Many want to live a spiritual life; they aspire to know the truth about themselves, about this world and many others, but children, what you must understand now is that this step in the spiritual life that allows you to know the truth about all existence generates a commitment that requires certain effort and transformation.

This is what happens with many youths who want to live by themselves, have their own houses, their own jobs, but they do not understand that independent life will demand immediate mental and emotional growth from them. 

It would not reflect the reality that consciousnesses with a certain degree of instruction did not have the same degree of conscious commitment to the Plan of God. Children, this is the Law of the Universes, of life, of Creation.

So that new worlds may be revealed to your eyes, you must spiritually mature. And as the change of times is urgent right now, and the truth emerges even for those who do not want to see it, the very condition of the planet will demand from all immediate and concrete spiritual growth.

This growth is nothing more than a true transformation in the consciousness, a response to the Creator, with daily examples that you understand the times in which you live and your responsibility to the Plan of God.

Children, I tell you these things because now we are in the last time, and you will not read as many instruction pages as before, because everything has already been said and it is time to put it into practice.

For the spiritual growth of humanity,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In times of battle for the mind, for the body and for the spirit, keep your heart in peace.

Hold onto the purpose of these times and not so much to the tribulations that disturb your being, in and outside of yourself.

If you cannot pray, then simply unite your heart to God and ask for His assistance. As a soldier of His army of love, the Lord will never deny due help to you.

However, little by little, talk to your bodies, with the life which inhabits your consciousness and which expresses itself in different ways, because times have changed and the density of the planetary atmosphere itself will seek from you the spirit of the permanent transcendence.

Just do not surrender. Be a little braver and more determined to overcome yourself and the energies that are around your consciousness, because inside of you and outside of you there will be resistances not to allow you to be a triumph of Christ in the world.

Do not allow your consciousness to be an instrument of disunion. Always cherish the unity, yours with God and with your brothers and sisters and of all with the purpose of the Creator.

You will have to learn to find within yourselves pure airs to breath and nourish your soul and your spirit, because there will be days in which you will find no breath in what surrounds you. Therefore, construct today a path of union with your inner world. There are found the codes left by God on the many occasions in which He came to you. There you will find peace.

For the inner deepening of all beings,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When the Will of God is expressed to the Universe, all stars and all evolutive consciousnesses are united to this Divine Purpose. It is the Laws of Obedience and Unity, which reign among the confederate worlds, which allow the dissolution of all obstacles that are created against this Superior Will.

In order for the Will of God to manifest on Earth as It is in the Universe, those consciousnesses who respond to the Plan and love it above all things, including more than themselves, must unite to that Purpose, under the spirit of love and of fraternity. This is because the triumph of God is a Law. However, the creatures that inhabit this world, as well as all others, need to adhere to this Divine Purpose and show their adherence, not only with their verb, but also with their actions and their conscious effort to live their own transformation.

A new cycle precipitates upon the world: that is the Will of God that will manifest. The Lord has already given the ultimatum on the Plan of the Earth and asks for clear definitions of the spirits incarnated in it.

Internally, beings recognize the need of an imminent and complete change; however, recognizing this need is not enough, because concrete manifestations of evolving spirits are needed, examples that can serve as a guide for those who will awaken at the last second, before they completely lose their evolution.

The cycle that will begin in this month of December aims to give a last great impulse to the incarnated consciousnesses, to the souls lost in the planetary abysses, as well as to the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Creator will make descend His Solar Power as a sign, which He will give to the consciousnesses of all the creatures of the planet, that He is delivering the best in the universe as ruler and guide for all, so that you also be impelled to surrender everything.

This universal movement will generate resistances in its concretion inside and outside beings, but if a few affirm their commitment and adherence to the fulfillment of the Plan and of their immediate self-purification, so that It can be a reality, that will be the permission that the Creator needs to act fully in the whole planetary consciousness.

Now, more than ever, you will need to develop the spirit of Faith and put into practice fraternity and unity among beings, something you have been learning lately.

Darkness will resist, but from persistence love will be born, the beginning of the Creator’s triumph in the human heart.

Rather than counting on your own inner strengths, strengthen yourselves to unity among the spirits congregated to fulfill this mission. Remember what I tell you, because unity is paramount throughout the universe in order to fulfill a Purpose from God. Where there is unity, there will be the Divine Spirit.

I leave you My Peace and My paternal blessing for the times that have come into the world.

Your actions of today, of now, will dictate the next second steps of your lives. It is time to awaken to the present and write with the heart your own history, the history of humanity and, consequently, the history of this universe.

Your Companion and Instructor of always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Relieve the human heart, releasing your heart from all anguish that separates you from God.

Relieve the human heart, which is the Heart of God, forgiving and healing the wounds that the illusion of the world has caused in your chest.

Relieve the human heart and, this way, all of Creation, fulfilling the principles of God for you.

Heal the ills of the body with the balsam of the spirit; live in the spirit of peace.

Dear companions, do not fear the freedom of the spirit, this which you find when you no longer carry your own weight and the human loads that prevent you from walking.

I come to the world as the bearer of celestial freedom. I come to bring you the key of a new door, in order that you may cross it and leave from the old existence, of the old human. 

It would be simple for all human beings to find God and to dive into the depths of His Most Sacred Heart, if you could overcome the barriers of pride and of the fear of losing yourselves.

I am here to make you understand a superior reality, so that you may enter, in consciousness, into a true, greater life.

I ask you to heal human resentments as a way that you may learn how simple it is to let love emerge in your own heart; that you understand that this potential of love will always be latent in the heart of all beings. And, now, this love must be poured not only upon individuals, but also upon all the Creation.

To learn to love the Whole, you must learn to love all and, for this, you need to put aside the fear that prevents you from discovering the greatness of the true love that lives in all of you.

When you are willing to learn and to transform yourselves, My Chaste Heart will lead you, will show you the paths and will indicate the steps to follow.

After you take certain steps, you will understand the true essence of My teaching and you will be able to glimpse to where I am leading you in this time.

I will accompany you today and forever,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant of God


When a soul prays from the heart, it creates the conditions for the approach of the spirit.  When such a spirit is awake, this allows higher laws to permeate matter and guide the events of life according to the divine and universal principles that correspond to the Will of God.

It is only when a being opens to spiritual life and awakens faith in that which they cannot see with their physical eyes that all the realities of the Cosmos can be felt within their heart.

It is when a soul awakens that their personality may feel the imperative need of discovering what is beyond material life.  The soul is what causes the mind and the emotions to not feel satisfied with life on the surface and thus direct the three-dimensional bodies to a higher quest.

While you learn and grow in spirit, the soul struggles constantly with the human aspects that are still deeply rooted in the ways of planetary material life.  It is for this reason that, at the same time that you aspire to launch yourselves into the abyss of the Will of God and to surrender yourselves to the mystery that is living under that Will, another part of your being doubts the existence of that abyss, of this possibility of living the Will of God and, according to your own resistances, you may even doubt Divine Existence.

It is when the spirit approaches matter that the soul is strengthened and its convictions become the truth that rule life.  Doubts and questionings will not cease to exist because while you are in the world there will always be an aspect to be purified; an aspect that does not want to sacrifice itself and prefers to remain in the ordinary life of gratifications and worldly pleasures.  But it will resemble an adult that lives like a child and complains, sometimes more, sometimes less, demanding attention for their will to be done.

Why do I tell you this?

Because you need to stop giving so much attention to this child inside of you who does not want to grow, you must start to act with the consciousness of the spirit, with this spiritual adult that understands the planetary reality and that is willing to live according to higher designs, regardless of circumstances.

Many times the inner child is disguised as a great hero because they are totally willing to change the world, as long as they feature great roles in the end of times; but when one speaks of transformation in the little things of life, they do not give it so much importance and think, for example, “Why would I accept humiliations, live in obedience, silence and sacrifice, when I can do great service in Africa?”

My beloveds, know that I speak to your hearts, but today, I speak, above all, to your consciousnesses, because the time has already come for you to understand that the only way out, so that humanity does not become a dead project in the memory of the Creation, is that everyone may assume their own transformation and live the Principles of God within themselves, placing within the human consciousness the codes of a redeemed race.

If you do not rediscover the life of the spirit and let yourselves be transformed by the power of prayer, you will never discover that the salvation and redemption of the souls of the whole world depend on each one of you.

Again, I tell you, allow the priority of your lives to be prayer for the planet, service and the love that transforms everything.

I love you and guide you in the little details in order for your consciousnesses to awaken to higher life.

Pray and transform yourselves.  Imitate Christ. Follow His steps every day. The world needs it.

Your Beloved Father and Companion,

Saint Joseph


Sanctify your lives adoring the Living God that inhabits all that has been created.

In the essence of the purely interior act of adoring, you will find the true meaning of service and of charity, which is the quest for unity with the existent God in all things.

In a faraway past, the human beings recognized the sacred as something more natural and could feel it as a part of their lives.  Nowadays, teaching you to internally reverence and adore God is like offering you a great challenge.

In Jerusalem, as in all the East, many spent their whole lives seeking the Savior and waiting for the Messiah, believing that they were living and breathing only to find Him.

But when they were before Him, they did not accept Him and denied the Humility of God, that was the most pure symbol of His manifestation among humanity.

Do not run the risk of living the same that humanity from old times lived, that believed that they were seeking God and that they were living for Him and, however, never believed in the veracity of their quest and even less, of their goal.  They received the teaching as something sacred, but only to remain in the theory and organize life socially and ethically, in a way that they could live with a little more peace, in times of so many wars, conflicts and incessant quests for power.

May the Words of the Divine Messengers, that today are sacred to many, not be only beautiful theories, that make you more peaceful in face of the common society in which you live.

Banish from your interior the hidden doubt about the veracity of the teaching and do not allow that the unconscious of humanity make you believe that Christ will never return.  Because if you reflect and seek the depths of unconsciousness, you will find many aspects that deny the existence of God and His Plan, as well as the return of His Son.  These are remnants of a degenerated humanity that, over 2,000 years ago, did not believe in the incarnation of the Messiah.

Open your eyes and purify yourselves, walk truly to the transformation, so that you will not be surprised by yourselves in a near future.

I love you and guide you to the inner transparency so that you may get to know yourselves and banish the old being.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Faithful Guardian of the return of Christ


The essence of silence is really the act of silencing one’s own aspirations.  Here lies the key to the ascension of the spirit as well as of matter.

While each one of the different aspects of the being seeks its own satisfaction and achievement, you will never manage to fulfill with perfection the spiritual goal of your souls and spirits.

In these times of purification, be ready to internally and consciously purify the most profound intentions of all the aspects that shape your being.

Build with prayer a fortress that may bear, with love, serenity and patience, finding the one thousand resistances that will emerge from the unconscious.  Be ready to come to know the root of all the movements that you are not able to transform, and with great calm, illuminate, with the power of the word that elevates itself to God, these spaces of the consciousness.

Praying is the key to many doors, not only for the salvation of souls but also to prepare you for all that you must live within and outside of yourselves in the very near future.

If you pray from the heart and are disposed to transformation, everything will be possible for you.  I do not tell you it is something easy to be lived because the worst battle is the one that you live with yourself, but it will not be impossible, and with a little courage and persistence you will be able to live bigger battles and help others that have not yet begun to traverse the path of the spirit.

While you do not purify your intentions, all the virtues that you live are temporary, such as silence, humility, charity and even fraternity, because, in the depths of all that, there will always be a  personal intention that must be purified.

When you discover the roots of your own imperfections, you will always be able to act, feel and breathe for God, and based on His Plan, and it is from there that all that you do will become truthful and the seeds of a New Race, that fully obeys God, will begin to germinate throughout the world.

For this reason, I encourage you not to be alarmed with what you find out about yourselves.  On the contrary, give thanks when you discover an imperfect aspect because you will be a step closer to the manifestation of the New Race.

Learn to live your own transformation with much simplicity and without great anguish, like someone who heals a large wound, cleaning it, day by day.  And, even if you feel pain or if sometimes the wound emanates a foul scent or becomes inflammed, at some point, it will heal.  The more peace and care, the faster the body, strengthened by the power of prayer, will heal the wound itself.

I bless you and lead you to the knowledge of yourselves, and to the inner peacemaking, in face of any circumstance of life.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, patient and humble servant of God

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
