I have many followers in the world and I place them all at My Feet. They come from different stories, from varied experiences and are taken out of the abyss and error by My humble Hand, placing each one of them close to My Heart.
Thus, in the world, many adore Me; but in truth I tell you, companions, that it is God Whom you adore, through the Heart of His beloved Son, Who comes to provide you with and give you the divine virtues that will make you free and you will thus be able to praise God much more.
And so, each one of you, just like each one of My followers in the world, fulfills an important role in this time, a sacred task, I would say, that comes to consolidate and to institute My Redeeming Project in this cycle.
And so, I am with all those who follow Me, because My Heart has no religion. In truth, I tell you, companions, that your only religion is the Lord, the Almighty. I would say, the religion of Love, of Compassion, and of Mercy.
Thus, on this very special afternoon, in which My merciful Heart has beaten so hard on hearing the last song, your cells and souls also participated in a special way in a mystical communion with Me, which had regularly not taken place since more than two thousand years ago.
Believe in this event, because through My Heart and My Divine Consciousness, and through My humble service to God, today I bring you the revelation of the universe, in which you will also participate someday within that universe of Love and Unity, which Our Father El Shaddai has created since the beginning of all the worlds, of all the suns, of all the stars.
I come to bring you the impulse, companions, that will lead you to experience a true adoration, a true communion, in these critical times, when it will be necessary to be able to express a greater degree of love so that this world may transform and be healed of all its wounds.
All My followers are important in this time. For this reason, I am present in many religions and beliefs; in those who have a religion and in those that do not, as well as in those that only believe in love and in the infinite Consciousness of the Father, which is an inner feeling emanated from their hearts that is also real in this end time.
With this, I want to tell you, companions, that through the door of adoration, of praise, and of the glorification of God, you open the doors to My Divine Mercy and I can reach those places in the world where, at this very moment and in this time, souls suffer because of not finding the Light, the Love, and the Unity that you can also express at this moment.
Each praise said from the heart, each adoration given from your spirits to the Divine Spirit of God, allows this Creation to be recreated, allows wonderful things to be drawn to this planet that are still unknown to the world and to all of humanity.
I speak again of those virtues and gifts which will make of souls, souls transformed in God, souls transformed by My merciful Heart.
While I speak to you, companions, may your cells be ignited on receiving the Christic codes of My Heart, may your hearts shine with love and with joy because of experiencing the opportunity of redemption and of Christification.
On this afternoon, I want to bring you something that I have never been able to give to My companions. Something that is deeply within, that will not only free you of any anxiety or any sorrow that you are going through in these times, but will also renew you.
But it will depend on you, My apostles, that this legacy I will give you, like the one I gave the apostles through the Holy Spirit, be taken care of, cultivated, and made to blossom by you so that many souls, besides your own, are able to receive this same impulse in this time of chaos and darkness.
I come to place the flame of the Holy Spirit over your spirits.
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, opens the doors of the Celestial Church so that the holy angels and archangels, by means of the giving of their hands and their unconditional service, may place the Flame of the Holy Spirit over your consciousnesses and over each body.
In this way, companions, in the coming times, in which the new Christs will flourish, you will be able to recognize your sacred task, your important mission, no matter what it is, but simply to serve God with the fullness of you heart and soul.
Are you willing to be different?
The apostles yielded to be able to receive this important Legacy. The apostles, in those times, did not understand what it was about until I reappeared to reveal this mystery to them, just as I reveal it to you today, bringing it to the whole world, to the souls that follow My Heart.
Kneel down.
Placing your hands in the sign of reception, you will say to the Almighty Father:
"I am not worthy of receiving Your Graces, but I need them to know how to survive in this end time.
I renounce what I fancy, what satisfies me, what awakens in my consciousness everything that separates me from You.
Today I confirm myself as Your apostle, Lord, of peace, service, and prayer, so that in me You may establish Your Mercies, which will cultivate in My spirit the gifts for the New Humanity.
And although I will not be present on this planet during the times that will come, I will feel bliss in my Spirit, gratitude in my Soul, and love in my Heart on celebrating together with You, Lord, the descent and the glory of Your Kingdom in this humanity. Amen."
Place your hands on your heart.
You may sit and keep your hand upon your heart, to continue in communion with the Holy Spirit and in adoration of the Divine Life that comes from the universe and from the Source, which will allow your hearts to open so as to be able to live new things.
Thus, I give these Graces to the world, even though they are inner and non-material, because My followers will need them to become worthy and deserving of the Kingdom of God and of the victory of your Master and Lord, the Christ, on His Return.
Today I expand this Grace to the five continents, and feel in your hearts the reception of the Love of God through His Third Person, the Holy Spirit.
Now over your heads, see the blazing Flame of Fire, so similar to the one received by My Holy Mother and the apostles.
Let us repeat:
When you come across difficulties on your paths for living the Plan of God, recite this simple prayer that was emanated from the Heart of My Mother during the Sacred Cenacle, in Jerusalem.
Relive communion with Divine Life, with the Holy Spirit of God, erasing the past, alleviating suffering, and reconciling your beings with Love.
Now take each other's hands.
"Father, Who always renews all things, sanctify Your children, sanctify the life You created.
Glorify the essences that emanated from Your non-material Source, and with My plea, awaken the New Christs, so that this Earth, on this planet and on the five continents, love awakens in all of humanity and thus the wounds may be healed, Lord; the errors be forgiven, Lord.
Let the fire of Your Spirit impregnate everything, so that souls may shine in the Sacred Fount of Your Divine Unity."
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us place our hands on our heart.
I have also sanctified all that you have brought to My altar, because if your hearts are open, as they are today, everything is renewed, everything is healed, everything can be reconciled by the presence of the Love of God and of His Divine Unity.
From this Marian Center, may the world be radiated by the sacred Ray of Love, by the sacred Ray of Gratitude, and may the Light of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit abound on Earth. So be it.
To those who adore Me, wait for Me and love Me, I want to say that through this ecumenical song, the doors of Heaven unified East with West, thus closing the cycle and the Project of the thousand years of peace.
Although you may not understand what this means, blessed be those who already live it, for you will leave here feeling the Fire of the renewal and of the healing of your souls.
Know that I will come here while the Father asks Me to. Do not waste any opportunity, because the world must experience its transition so that it may finally learn to love, just as I untiringly love you.
I want you to lift up your hearts through the Fire of adoration and of praise, as you did in the last song, repeating those words not for Me, but rather for the One that created you, so that more than ever at this time, His Source of Light, of Grace, and of Redemption may be poured out upon the five continents. And that love, which today your hearts can emanate with this song, may reach those hearts that, in loneliness and suffering, in bitterness and in damnation, have nothing.
Let this song activate the Christs of the new time, for who praises God, pleases Him twice.
Before I leave, remember that the sacred medallions and the promises of My Glorified Heart must reach Asia, the Middle East, Venezuela, and Africa.
I thank you for being with Me today and united with My Heart. At this moment, let us praise God so that the world awakens, in glory and in praise.
I bless you, companions and apostles of My Heart, under the Grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
We may stand up.
We continue connected with Christ, because He is present.
Seeing that Flame in us, the Flame of the Holy Spirit over us, we will activate it in adoration.
Archangel Gabriel:
I am the Archangel Gabriel, the Messenger of God,
I come before Christ to announce a prophecy,
Let us pray to the First-born Son.
Thank you for listening.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
In the name of the Christ of Light...
Let us again sing "Christ, You are Love" to wait for the Master
Embrace your cross and follow me.
I come from Heaven as a Messenger of Peace, to bring hope to lost hearts, to bring peace to those who judge Me, to bring healing to those who most need it.
I Am that Great Heart of the Universe that announces itself to all souls, bringing them renewal, transcendence and the transfiguration of their consciousnesses.
This is My Message for the end of times: That all may vivify Me, no matter to what belief they belong, because if the Love of God is in you, there will be the Love of the Son of God and He will fill you, He will guide you, that love will strengthen you, and you will know which path to follow in these times.
I am calling all the souls that follow different paths of light, and even more, I call those souls that are lost on dark paths.
Including within My Church. I come to banish what is already old.
My Government is Divine rather than terrestrial.
My Church is Celestial and Universal and is not made of stone, as it is in the minds of some hearts.
I come to bring everyone the Great Spirit of My Ascension, which throbs in the heart of the Universe and that has redeemed all the existing world. Thus, I also bring you My Divine Mercy so that deep in your hearts you may know My Peace.
I do not come to create conflicts among nations, nor among religions. My sole religion, dear companions, is Love, and I know that, since the beginning, when I was among you, those first did not understand My Message. And that mistaken message has come forward today; thus, the structure of My Church is very rigid.
Time and again, through My Divine Aspects, I come to bring a renewal in order to break away from all the structures that have crystallized many hearts on Earth.
Live in My Mercy and truly profess My Divine Mercy.
My scepter is not with the impious, nor with those who think to govern through Me.
My scepter of Light is with the humble, because it is nothing material. My Government is spiritual and incalculable.
I bring the Divine Mercy of the Universe for all, something which I drew to Earth when I died on the Cross.
So really feel these things, transform your hearts in time and you will not remain like your fellow beings, lost in their own ideas and projects.
May all be able to hear again, just as you listened at the Mount of Beatitudes: I Am the Son of humankind. I am that pure Heart of Love that is represented through Mercy so that all souls may achieve redemption.
In this final cycle of the planet, our message is not to bring terror to hearts, but rather, consciousness and awakening.
When the impulse of our messages reaches the whole world you will see how the castles of sand will move, of those who build their own structures and say they are doing it in My Name. But things are not like this, companions.
I invite you to live the renouncement of self, the emptiness of self, so that My Church, which is celestial rather than terrestrial, may awaken in all the hearts that need it.
Therefore, I am sending My angels and archangels so that they may testify to the world that many of My apostles are mistaken.
I came to bring you the Gospel and the good news through the simple things, through prayer, charity, and poverty.
In My Celestial Church no wealth is kept, but only the treasure of the Heart of God that is not visible to all.
Open your eyes, My apostles of the whole world, priests that preach My Word.
My real church is still descending to the world and it is spiritual and sublime.
Happy are those who adore Me in the Holy Sacrament, because they will be able to understand all the mysteries that I bring today.
Do not bother your siblings any longer; live your own transformation before the door of Mercy closes. There will be no place or space where you will be able to cry.
Repent and do penitence, priests, before it is all too late.
It has already been said and written: the Son of God, together with His angels and archangels, will separate the straw from the wheat and will come with His Divine Justice to correct humanity and also all of the church's on Earth.
Nothing will escape My Universal Justice but if you repent from the heart, rather than only in appearance, you will be able to find My Celestial Kingdom.
Again, I will not cast My pearls before swine.
Help souls so they can rescue themselves and fulfill the mission they came to fulfill.
Do not defame the things of My Work and unite in charity and in ecumenism because it will be the Love of God that will triumph in all the hearts of the Earth.
It will be that infinite and inexplicable Love that will unite religions and beliefs because when I physically return to the world, I will show the world and especially all My followers, how mistaken they have been. In this way, they will open their eyes and will be able to recognize all I have done throughout the ages, through all the consciousnesses that I have self-summoned.
Do not tempt evil, because in truth you do not know it. Unite with My Heart and you will find peace.
Do not be unbelievers, do not deny My Message.
My Heart comes to those that have not reached My Church, to all those who have not managed to attract it.
Live in love and you will be in My Divine Mercy, and you will not be touched by the rod of My Justice.
Do not deny My Message.
I do not come for the world, I come for essences, for the hearts that need to find love again and live My last and Divine Mercy, for I will raise those to the Kingdom of My Father who are fallen and it will not be My priests who will first enter the Kingdom of God.
Have you ever asked yourselves whether you may go to purgatory?
Everything is allowed in these times.
Live love, because humanity needs love, thus, you will attract peace, and in this way, the conflict on the whole planet will end.
Friar Elías of the Sacred Heart:
Christ is gone
Let us enter a moment into adoration and ask for forgiveness, for us and for our brothers and sisters, for the fulfillment of the Work of the Father.
Each one will make their offer to Christ, in gratitude and love
The Archangel Gabriel has asked us for the Holy Sacrament: Can you bring it here?
Let us keep the connection with the angels.
Let us stay in silent prayer, being grateful for the presence of the Archangel Gabriel, and all that this means.
Let us keep the contact with that reality, that Angelic and Archangelic Kingdom that comes to help us and bring us peace. And in this way, we are going to prepare ourselves for adoring the Holy Sacrament for some minutes, bringing peace to us, to the planet, and to our peers, for those of whom Christ spoke to.
The Archangel Gabriel tells us to penetrate the Universe of the Holy Sacrament with the eyes of our heart.
Through this sacred symbol, may we find the Kingdom of God and all the adoring angels who bring Peace and the Mercy of God to all the Universes.
Let us adore, says the Archangel Gabriel, for all those who have been outraged and removed from the path of light.
Let us offer this adoration for these souls, trusting in the fullness of the Mercy of God for each one of them.
Let us unite our souls with the Holy Sacrament of the Altar and trust in the Lord at this same present moment, in the Eternal Present of the Creator.
Let us adore for those who are unjust and for those who hurt the Plan of God, because in their essence, they really do not know love, but only pain.
Let us have mercy and let us be merciful.
Let us revere.
Those who are present say the prayer to the Angel of Peace.
My God, I believe...
Let us thank Christ for this moment and carry His Words in our heart, to inwardly maintain this communion we had with Him.
Let us close the program of today in this way, in silence, so that we may keep what the Archangel Gabriel and Christ built inside of us.
Thank you Lord for all that you give us!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more