Place your heart in the Heart of God and be grateful, child, for another cycle that is beginning. Let your spirit find renewal and peace in the impulses that descend from Heaven to guide souls into the new time.
Each day brings with itself the Graces and blessings to overcome the tests and challenges that come forward. Open your heart to perceive and receive these gifts, and understand how the Creator guides your steps and supports you so that by means of your life, other souls may find peace.
Love the path of awakening and of return to the Origin; let it be the priority of your heart.
A cycle has begun for humanity, child, in which the planetary tests will become even greater, the assaults and the temptations will grow, and you will see fall those who were not firm in Christ. But in spite of everything, calm your heart and find peace. Affirm the basis of your faith on prayer and on permanent surrender so that many may be supported in this rescue ship, which is the faith in the hearts of the children of God.
The impulses that will descend to the Earth will also be infinite, coming from the Universe of God and from His Heart. Many that have been asleep will awaken under a great impulse, and everything will have its balance.
Pray and keep your heart in God. See the tests of these times pass by with your heart firm in Christ and, in this way, you will not only find peace, but you will also be an instrument of peace for this world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Rest your heart in the love of God. Renew your strength in His Cross, growing every day in your surrender.
Restore your spirit in prayer, in union with the Hierarchy, in silence and in peace, so that after each accomplished Mission your spirit may be ready for a new ascending step, more intense and profound than the previous ones.
In this way, child, you will open your heart to the Temple of God and you will prepare not only your spirit, but also your body, mind and emotions to go through the thresholds of a new life.
Thank God for everything in your life, because gratitude attracts renovation and peace from the Universe.
Unite your heart with the Divine Purpose, always saying "yes" to God, thus He will renew you and help you so that everything you are may be overcome, more each day; so that the fruits of love, the tree of the new life, may emerge from your effort.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
On this day, companions, your Master prepares Himself, in introspection and in prayer, to be able to carry forward the important moment of liberation of the Netherlands.
For this reason, the great angelic hosts also prepare themselves to take forward the Will of their Master and Lord in order to generate a spiritual renovation and path of redemption for all the souls that are miserable, in urgent need My Divine Mercy.
Therefore, this is the time in which the Universe of Love and Wisdom approaches humanity to grant the consciousnesses a time of reflection, of penance and of redemption.
It is this Universe of Love, very unknown by humankind, which will allow spiritual miracles to happen within the souls that most need help and forgiveness.
However, this Christic work which will happen in the Netherlands will bear its inner fruits over time, when the souls manage to reconcile themselves with God and to see the Light of the Heart of the Father again.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
O soul that has wedded the Lord, surrender to Him your being, body, soul, mind, spirit and heart so that, in this way, you may be in your Spouse, and He in you.
Be faithful to the One Who called you by your name and Who, among so many beings of the Earth, allowed you to hear His sweet Voice, His firm call.
Seek to be, soul of the Lord, an eternal companion of your Spouse, faithful in the graces as well as in the cross, giving Him all virtues and miseries, everything you achieved and also that which you have not even tried for. Place everything in the arms of the Lord and surrender your heart before His greatness.
Do not wait any longer to experience an alliance with your God. Renew your union with the Creator in each instant of your life. Understand the union with God, not like the marriages of the Earth, but like a spiritual marriage, an alliance that is made between your soul and God, representing that everything you are and what you have experienced, up until now, is placed in the Hands of the Most High, so that He may dispose of your consciousness and of your spirit to accomplish His Will.
Learn to love God more each day.
Learn to be faithful and dedicated.
Learn to always offer all of yourself, so that His Will may be accomplished.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
I come on this special day when your dear people of Croatia remember the Mother of God of the Stone Gate, so that your hearts and souls may now feel this moment of forgiveness of all the past and of all that has happened.
Today, your sweet Mother meets you to profoundly awaken you to the Love of God, so that your footprints of pain and of suffering may be erased by the balm of Light of My Heart.
My children, today I bring you the Grace of renewal for your people. This is the moment when God contemplates His people through the Divine Mother, and it is the moment when the Celestial Father will be attentive to the voice of your supplications so that, in consequence, He may pour out His Mercy and many more children may feel spiritually relieved of all that has happened.
As a Consoling Mother, I offer you the Gate of My Heart so that in this time you can feel the love of your Heavenly Mother. A love that will rejoice your wounded hearts, a love that will bring healing and redemption to your consciousnesses.
On this day, when the history of the old Yugoslavia will be piteously liberated by God, your hearts will receive the Grace of recovering faith in the Heights, and the Heights will descend upon you for the Purpose of the Father to be consummated, of recovering your spiritual dignity as children of His Eternal Heart.
Today, Heaven descends in glory through the Mother of God, and the Divine Lady places you in Her arms so that you may feel love, healing and forgiveness.
Elevate your hearts to Heaven and believe in your freedom. Everything will change, everything will transform, and what was painful in the past will no longer weigh because you, My children of Croatia, will attain Mercy.
Express your love. Unite with the Celestial Father. He waits for you with all the compassion of His Heart so that you may live peace and hope in these definitive times.
Encourage yourself to say “yes” to the new time, the time of Mercy.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloved children,
Once again in My home, in Fatima, where I poured out so many codes of love, conversion and protection for My children in the world.
Once again, in Fatima, to renew your souls with My Maternity and My Universal Love.
Once again, in Fatima, so that this Celestial Kingdom, that welcomes all of My children of the world, may receive the light and the love from the Source of the Heart of God and may prepare for what is now coming.
I observe today, with gratitude and love, some hearts that have offered to sustain the end of times and who are truly decided to faithfully follow My Son and serve him beyond what they understand and what they believe they can do.
I have these children of Mine in My Heart.
I also observe those who still need many tests to surrender to the Love of Christ, many explanations to accept the new cycle, much security to be able to trust.
I have these children of Mine in My Heart.
I also observe those who are indifferent, those who only think of themselves, those who cannot stand the faith of others and try to destroy it, those who fear so much that the world may cease to be this place that they can control.
I observe those who do not understand that transgressing the Law of the Creation is something that in an imminent way will place them before the Universal Judgment.
I have these children of Mine in My Heart.
I observe those who mock Grace and Mercy, those who raise their voice and their hand against their brothers and sisters, believing they go unpunished and are owners of the others.
All are in My Heart.
I bring to Europe good news, the last opportunity to live forgiveness, reconciliation, expiation of errors.
As an advocate for all creatures of this world, I will be arriving here soon; in a coming cycle and for a time, I will be travelling this European land that cries out for forgiveness and healing, traveling throughout its nations, reaching its peoples, so that the Light and Love of God may reach each corner.
The Kingdom of Fatima and the presence of the Divine Messengers will bring Grace and Renewal to this part of the world so that your hearts can receive the Christic codes that will prepare your beings to welcome the talents in which My Son will deliver to you, and that must be available within your essences to accompany Him and serve him in His Return to the world, during this coming time.
But today I also come with a warning.
Humanity will face itself and verify that it was indifferent, that it let itself be trapped by illusion and lost the wellbeing that the planet offered to it, a planet that it is losing because it was mistreated until it became agonized.
Thus, humanity will cry tears of blood for its foolishness, for its pride and for its lack of intelligence. This humanity which today is consciously disintegrating and annihilating this sacred place that gives them shelter, that feeds them, that heals them and that offers a majestic and safe place for their future generations, for the evolution of the race.
Where will your children, your grand-children and your grand-children’s children live? Have you ever wondered?
Where you call protected spaces or “bunkers”? How many can enter these illusory places?
Will you look for other planets? Which planets? How many of you will go to these illusory places?
My Heart fills with pain, with sorrow and agony upon seeing you so ignorant.
Children, awaken!
There is still time to balance the scales, but it must be now!
Awaken for this lethargy, from this dream that will only lead you to an internal and external state full of imbalance and suffering. Listen to the Voice and the Heart of your Celestial Mother that brings you this warning. There is no time any longer!
Save the planet! Protect it from yourselves, because if you do not react you will soon not have any place where you can be at peace.
Unite to My Voice and to the voice of the youth, which now makes itself felt. They are trying to defend their home in order to have a destiny.
Unite with My Heart that begs you, that supplicates to you to be responsible for this Big House, this Eden that God delivered to you so that you could live the greatest experience of universal love.
Awaken, children! For the last time, awaken!
I love you and will never abandon you, but My being suffers because one day I will only be able to observe your suffering, the fruit of your indifference and of your lack of responsibility.
Always remember that you should only look to the Heights in humility and in gratitude. Everything could reverse to the good in an instant if you have the courage to change.
I love you, protect you and firmly call you toward the last reflection.
Thank you for being with Me today.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While your prayers rise up to the Heavens and touch the Heart of God, with their praise, the choirs of angels and archangels proclaim the redemption of souls, the past of the nations, the history of the continents, held within the human consciousness.
The love with which you pronounce your prayers to the Father builds the path towards Heaven, and the doors of the Kingdom of God open, not only to receive lost souls, but to pour upon the world the Grace and Mercy that it needs so much. The renewal which comes from the Grace of God touches the Earth and transforms it, making the ground on which beings walk sacred.
Each moment of prayer is unique and, for the companions of Christ, must be that which is most important in their lives, because it is there where a New Earth and a New Time begins to be instituted in this world.
Continue praying with love, continue crying out for peace.
Your prayers are being heard in Heaven by the Compassionate Heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I am the Lord of the Seven Sacred Chalices and I pour in them the principles and attributes that Europe will need, in these times, to carry forward its great moment of redemption, forgiveness and renewal.
I am the Lord of the Seven Sacred Chalices and, through them, I represent the seven powerful Wills of the Creator Father, not only for Europe but also for the whole world.
I am the Lord of the Seven Sacred Chalices and, through them, I come to place in the consciousness of Europe the opportunity to truly love God and to find me in the fellow being.
I am the Lord of the Seven Sacred Chalices and, through them, I institute the Gifts of God, the seven creative principles that will descend to the planet in this coming cycle to reverse the critical situation of humanity.
I am the Lord of the Seven Chalices and today, from the Kingdom of Fatima, I bring you this revelation: the Lord of the Seven Chalices will be coming to announce to Europe that its time of redemption and forgiveness is approaching.
The Lord of the Seven Chalices will come once again to awaken His twelve apostles of the last times.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
When you pray, God washes your heart and purifies you, renewing your soul and your essence, in purity and transparency. But it is also up to you, child, to maintain that purity within yourself and, during your days, make of your life a prayer.
Pronounce your words with the purity of your essence. Let your retrograde thoughts pass by, and only follow the flow of those that lead you to reflect upon Wisdom and Divine Love.
Fill your time with service rather than with vain things. Fill your mind with the harmony of nature and the Love that comes from God, rather than with the distractions of the world.
Every day reacquire a point of union with the Father, so that it may deepen. Nurture your essence with that which comes from God, so that it can expand and express within you.
Let your essence be the support and the dwelling place of purity, so that your soul, protected, may find the space to take steps in its evolution.
When you pray, God cleanses your heart and purifies it, therefore, pray, and give your being the chance to begin again, every day.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Holy Saturday was marked by silence and emptiness, in heaven as on Earth. The Heart of the Creator and Word went silent, and God Himself withdrew in the depths of His Heart. There the power of the Resurrection of Christ was gestated, the wisdom of eternity, the rebirth and the renewal of Love.
It would no longer be through science that the universe would know eternity and the extension of life. The spiritual resurrection was something new, never experienced in all of God's creation; and even the sages and the archangels silently followed the movement of love that, in all dimensions, made the life of Christ resurface.
His Spirit, which had given all of Itself, touched the Father with His experience and returned to Earth so that He could renew His Love.
God followed, in deep silence, the Love that was born from His Son. Even the Creator Himself learned from His surrender and from His Resurrection.
By the perfect power of Love, His Soul, Spirit, Divinity and human and material Body lit up and rebuilt. Love was the air that circulated once again within His cells. The code of Christification gave life to His Blood, His physical and spiritual organs. Life regained its meaning.
The Love of Christ continued to expand beyond the material layers. His surrender continued growing and penetrating unknown dimensions, in the cosmos as well as in the most obscure dimensions of material life, that which we know as earthly hells.
Like a wave that goes in all directions of the sea of Creation, the Love of Christ traversed the universes and all the manifestations of life. At the same time that it touched all creatures, the very experience of Love made His Body become revived and renewed, in a new, imperishable life, an omnipresent and all-embracing life. A life that does not have its own dimension and that at the same time lives in all dimensions: eternal life, because it is life in God, in unity with the Creator.
Just as the Father is in all things, so is the Son. His Body could manifest itself in matter as well as in the supra-dimensions. And where there is no matter, not even colors and sounds, only the silent and invisible Existence, there is also the Son of God. Everything is united to His Love.
The Resurrection of Christ cannot be explained with words or with science, because it transcends all science, all understanding and all wisdom. The Creator Himself, on Holy Saturday, was renewed, and with Him, all of Creation.
Silence is the only explanation for what happened there. In silence, you can experience this Love that embraces everything. Fullness, omnipresence, life, everything was made new on Holy Saturday and manifested on Glory Sunday.
Meditate, feel and experience the codes of this divine experience.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as the Love of Christ expanded on the Cross, and His Gaze of Mercy touched the depths of the Heart of God in order to awaken this Celestial Source on Earth, you too, in this time, child, must let love expand within you.
In spite of the difficulties, the atrocities experienced by beings in their nations, peoples and families, in spite of the chaos that tries to expand upon the Earth, let your gaze always be merciful.
Let your heart discover the potency of the Love of God, which is beyond any imperfection and difficulty, is beyond chaos and evil, and transforms all things.
The time has come to tread the path of calvary, in this time, carrying the cross of human indifference for the Plans of God, and transforming this cross into the renewal of Divine Love in each step.
Understand love as your mission, understand the cross as your path and allow your being to be an instrument of God in this time.
The Creator does not seek perfect instruments; He seeks those who, in spite of being imperfect, want to learn to love and to forgive, want to dispose their heart as an empty chalice where God can pour in His codes of Love and of Redemption.
In this time, when you recall the steps of your Lord, let Him inspire you and renew the purpose of your heart, elevating your goals and aspirations so that you will be willing to be a New Christ, a new miracle of your Creator, of His infinite Love, which changes and transforms all things.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From His birth to His adult life, Jesus had full knowledge of universal life and the deep life of each being. Knowing the purpose of humanity on Earth, His Heart was always supported by the hope of the arrival of a new life, of the manifestation of a New Humanity.
The Truth of God lived within Him and during the Calvary it was the basis of the wisdom that awakened Christic Love in His Heart and renewed the Love of God.
Today, child, let the revelations of this time be for you the wisdom that comes as a basis for the calvary of the world and, above all, for the awakening and renewal of Love.
Receive the sciences that you are taught with gratitude, the higher knowledge about which humanity has always been so ignorant to.
Let wisdom awaken the certainty in you of eternity and of the redemption of all souls so that with this Truth, alive in your heart, you are able to make the trials of this end of cycle small.
Ennoble and strengthen your heart with wisdom and knowledge. Let higher Truth draw closer and, with it, what you truly are; in this way, you will have firm foundations on which to walk toward your return to God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
See that the cross of the world is already approaching. It is not in the pain or the challenges that your eyes or your heart should be fixed on. Contemplate the renewal of the Love of God and walk toward this purpose.
Shadows come with their harassment, sowing distractions, discord among brothers and sisters, illusions, vain glories and mundane honors. Perceive the harassment, recognize the darkness, and know how to say no to the temptations.
Remember the Universe and the Plan of God. Remember the purpose of your existence. Remember the greatness and the peace of unity and of fraternity. Make your choices according to what God has sowed in your essence, rather than what the enemy has sowed in your mind.
Clean your mind with the power of prayer and uplift your consciousness, adoring the Lord. Find refuge and protection in the Heart of God. Make of His Spirit your dwelling place and allow Him to also find rest inside of you.
The battle of this time is silent and is waged within your own heart; thus, it is much more difficult to receive the help of your brothers and sisters, and companions. The triumph of this time will occur, above all, through the persistence of your own being in God. Always lift your hands up to the Father and remember to let the Cyreneans help you when you no longer have any strength. It is in this way that, as Christ, you will renew all things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For you to carry the cross of these times, and make of your own being a triumph of God, you must first learn, children, to experience humility and anonymity, which draws you closer not to human honors, but to the Heart of the Father.
For thirty years, the Savior of your souls remained in silence, in solitude, learning from the humility of His simple life, deepening into the knowledge and wisdom that comes from the Heart of His Father so that, only in the last three years of His life, He could express, under the strength of humility, what He truly was.
For thirty years, your Lord transmuted and transformed the human condition by means of His silence and His humility. Each day more, he emptied His inner being so that the Heavenly Father and His archangels could dwell there.
It was only when His entire Consciousness was ready to renew the Love of God that He presented Himself before humanity as the Way, the Truth and the Life, for there was no distance between His humanity and God. Everything He was, was a part of the Father.
Today, children, I invite you to understand humility as the foundation for the union with God and for Christification. If you do not love the Presence of God more than the presence and honors of humanity, you will never reach where the Creator expects to you.
Love the greatness of His Plan and the majesty of His Presence, and you will understand what I tell you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the Sacred Names of God are invoked, their codes of life are poured out upon the consciousnesses that called them, and this also brings and awakens renovation.
In the Sacred Names of God is the spiritual impulse that souls need to learn to live the Divine Will.
The Sacred Names are doors of contact with high levels of the One Consciousness, and their invocation spiritually attracts the healing, light and redemption that souls need to evolve and transcend their earthly aspects.
The Sacred Names are powerful streams of divine energy, and these Names allow the soul to reconnect with God and with the whole Universe just as with the Source of Creation.
The Sacred Names of God activate in the essences the primordial remembrance of their origin and spiritual provenance.
The Sacred Names place the spirit of consciousness in the echelon of the spiritual ascension and redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Learn to let yourself be sustained and renewed by the love of your brothers and sisters, just as Christ renewed Himself on the way to Calvary by observing the presence of His Divine Mother, the holy women and some of His companions.
In this time, although each one will carry their own cross, you will only arrive to Calvary and to Christification with the help of one another, with the love and support of your fellow being. Because the Plan of God manifests through unity; this is the vehicle for the awakening of love.
Therefore, walking with your cross, let yourself be helped, besides helping. Allow yourself to be loved, besides loving. Receive the service and the surrender of your brothers and sisters, besides serving. Understand that it is together with your brothers and sisters that you will live the renewal in love.
These are the keys so that you may tread this path and also learn from the essence of humility which comes from the Heart of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Prayer will be your support and your Guide within all inner and planetary cycles.
It will be through prayer that you shall overcome temptations during agony.
It will be through prayer that you will renew your strength amid tiredness and spiritual and physical fatigue.
It will be in prayer that you will find the meaning to move forward.
It will be through prayer that you will be able to transmute and to sustain this planet.
It will be prayer what will allow you to carry the cross of these times.
It will be prayer what will cause you to die to yourself and find the void that unites you with God.
It will be prayer what will give you the strength to rise to a new life.
It will be prayer what will aid you in taking the correct steps for the awakening of Love, which will make of you a Christ of the New Time.
Prayer is the vehicle that will carry you into concretizing the Plans of God.
Therefore, pray and see My words become fulfilled.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Purify your mind, your gaze and your heart in order to find God. To be in the Father it is necessary to constantly elevate yourself and choose, again and again, to be by His side.
Drawing closer to God is an art in these times. While the attacks and stimuli of the world grow, the inner world of humankind, so focused upon superficial things, does not know how to struggle to be in God.
It is part of the planetary passion to know how to choose God rather than the things of the world. To choose God is to embrace your cross, to yield, to be humbled and to divest yourself of all the goods that humanity so seeks, every day.
But all that is achieved when the soul understands that there is nothing more beautiful, sublime and real than being in God, and all mundane matters lose their value within and outside of hearts. Renouncing will no longer be a burden, but rather a need. Loving will no longer be a struggle, but rather a firm and only purpose that causes you to be renewed on the path with the cross, in spite of falls, difficulties and challenges.
Let your soul be nourished by God, know God and live God, so that it may know through your souls own experience that nothing in this world can be compared with His Love and His Will. No human aspiration will be greater than His Purpose, and your heart will no longer lament for not managing to defeat the temptations of the world, because your only purpose will be Love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Today, child, Not only prepare your heart to be before your Lord, Master and King. Prepare yourself to be truly His companion; prepare yourself to assume a deeper degree of commitment to Him; prepare yourself not to be a Cyrenian, but to carry your own cross, in the name of humanity.
Prepare yourself to no longer be Mary at the Feet of the Lord or purely Martha, serving Him tirelessly. Prepare yourself to take your own steps upon the Calvary of these times and renew the sacrifice of the Lord with the offer of your own life.
Prepare yourself to be another, new, to finally allow to be born within you this love that humanity hopes to feel and receive, but needs to learn to give.
Prepare yourself to be humiliated and silenced. Prepare yourself to be judged and not fear. Prepare yourself to be flagellated and to renew yourself. Prepare yourself to walk with the cross of this time and understand with love those who you find on your path. Prepare yourself to love unconditionally and forgive the unforgivable. Prepare yourself to live a Love that does not fit within you. Prepare yourself to renew the Love of God.
Then, let the Thought of God be expressed within you. Renounce your wills and plans. Renounce your wishes and aspirations, and listen deep within your heart to the Voice of God, which will guide you to this new human.
Pray, and prayer will be your greatest strength, mainly so that you can overcome, in yourself, the temptations that come from your mind and emotions, from the old human that will shout within you in order not to lose their reign.
Pray, serve and love your brothers and sisters. There you will find your safety, your protection and, above all, there you will find the Purpose of God for you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as your Lord renewed all things in each step with the Cross, also renew yourself in the planetary passion, My child.
There is no weight that God may place on you that you are not able to bear.
There is no fall that you may experience in which you cannot get up from.
The love latent within you must awake and grow, and that will happen in your overcoming of self, each day.
Receive the graces from the Father so that your heart may be firm and anchored in the love for His Divine Purpose.
Pray, and may your prayer be sincere, because from it will come the strength that will make you rise, again and again, with cross of these times, and in each fall, love will grow within you; in each step, love will expand within you.
Experience agonies without fear; experience humiliations without fear; experience loneliness without fear; experience sacrifice without fear.
Fix your gaze and your heart on the calvary of this time, where you will not only die to yourself, but you will surrender everything that you are so that, through you, God may renew and surpass His Love.
Without fear, shame or pride, dare to be a Christ of the New Time, because for this your Lord called you by name. Let each day be lived for this Divine Purpose.
Contemplating the memory of your Lord with the Cross, imitate His steps and allow your heart to find the Love that He felt for the world and for the creatures that inhabit it; the Love He felt for the Universe and for all the life that evolves within it.
Let your heart make space for the Heart of Christ so that you may learn to be in the passion of this time, not only as an imperfect human being, but also as a spirit envisioned and manifested by God to recreate His Creation.
That is what you are. That is what this planetary moment will forge within you.
Thus, release the reins of your life and no longer walk towards what your think you should be. From the way you are now, God will make a Christ of you. Simply live that calvary and surpass yourself each day. The time will come in which God Himself will surpass Himself, within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more