In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the Unfathomable and Loving Heart that never repents from what it has done for souls.
Behold the Patient and Merciful Heart that gives it all for His. This is the Eternal and Infinite Heart that waits for His companions to take their steps.
Brave are those who have trusted in My Call. Graced are those who have been faithful to My Precepts and My Will, because this is the time for the spiritual and inner reconstruction of souls.
Great is the thirst I still feel for those who do not recognize Me or serve Me, who do not find Me in the gaze of the sick, the prisoner or the poor.
How much Mercy is held in simple hearts, in those who are capable of coming out of themselves to be blessed by the Law of Grace!
Today I Am here for a France that needs Me, for a world that invokes Me through the strength of the prayer of the heart. Although wars worsen and conflicts expand, I Am here as the unfathomable Light that comes to dispel darkness, first from yourselves to then dispel the darkness of the world.
Be reborn within the life of this Heart that gives itself and serves God; that tirelessly continues to do so after Its Death on the Cross, when Water and Blood flowed out from My Side, as they continue to flow out today from My Side in pale and red rays of Light to justify and save the most sinful souls and especially the souls that, being on My Way, have rejected My Call and offended Me.
You know that I do not come here as a judge, nor as an executioner. I come as this Heart that silently suffers and endures the ignorance of souls and hearts and, mainly, of those who have doubted My Call in these recent times. But the Truth, which comes from the Heavens, is greater than all miseries and errors. The Truth, which comes and emerges from the Love of the Father's Heart, is greater than all incomprehension and ignorance.
I demonstrated the Way to you through the Way of the Calvary. However, I do not want to see you as victims of this world or victims of yourselves but rather, I want that, through your repentance, penance and prayer, you may one day be victims of My Love; a Love that is capable of accepting, a Love that is capable of recognizing and a Love that is capable of living what God establishes.
This is why souls suffer; this is why souls endure and some agonize; because they resist living the Will of God, which goes beyond all human or mental understanding.
I want you to remember and I want you to know that I have something special for each one. I have a treasure held in My Merciful Heart, which is still waiting to be given to My companions.
I have walked by your side in these last eleven years. Now is the time and now is the moment for you to live My Words and, as I once told you, for you to be My own Gospel, written on Earth through the souls that love and serve Me.
My Work, founded through this Work, could not continue to be as it was. This is why the time has come for the withdrawal of Our Sacred Hearts so that, as I have told you and I tell you again today, each one may walk with their own feet. Because you lack nothing and you will lack nothing when you are in harmony and balance with the Law of Love.
All Our manifestation throughout time has been greatly merciful and patient. Now is the time for this Plan, which God has foreseen for each soul and heart, to be fulfilled.
This is the time for you to be the Plan manifested and concretized on Earth, even while living your human lives; your spirits and above all your hearts can be truly united to God, receive from God His Divine Impulses, and hear the Voice of the Creator within your own hearts.
Woe to those who have not understood the change in this Work, which is the Work of the Hierarchy! Nothing is static in this universe, not even in the Spiritual Universe. When you see that this is happening, know that a great impulse and a great change will come, as it is happening now.
Happy will be those who will be reborn through this moment. Happy will be those who adhere without questioning. Blessed will be those who embrace this moment without leaving any door open to doubt. Because the one who has truly trusted in Me, as they claim to have, will go very far. And everything they have experienced with Me, throughout the last eleven years, will not have been something purely emotional or transitory; because I do not come to this world for this, I come through an unknown Law of Grace so that you may be aware of the emergency of the planet and the imperious need of the souls that suffer in this crucial time, without seeing the light, without finding peace, without being able to feel the Love of My Merciful Heart, as you can feel and experience today.
The calvary of the planet is here, before your eyes.
Who will accompany the Master while He carries the Cross, without being a victim of themselves to be a victim of Higher Love?
Who will not step back when the final moment arrives, when the Coming of Christ is announced at dusk and the stars bear witnesses to this moment?
Who, at the end of times, will recognize their own Inner Christ to no longer recognize their ego and their human identity?
Because I come to make the miserable the most perfect. I come to make the humble the most glorified. I come to remove power from those who are blind, from the ambitious and from those who have not repented from the heart.
Those who believe that I Am here, let them follow Me, for My hour is coming, just as My hour came in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Who will accept the Chalice, the same Chalice that the Father offered to Me in the Garden of Gethsemane?
Who will drink of the Redeeming Blood of Christ to be converted into a true apostle of Mercy?
I pray for those who still claim to be confused. The Truth has been revealed and there is no other because the Truth is one and solemn.
I find relief in seeing those who contemplate the stars of the new time, the rebirth of the principles and attributes that founded the Work of the Hierarchy on the surface.
Blessed will be those who may accompany this moment and no longer make any value judgment or criticism, because the treasure that has been entrusted to you is very great, it is a spiritual responsibility, rather than just a human responsibility.
God has opened the innermost cores of His Heart so that all of you, souls of the Earth, could see into the innermost depths of the Creator and could feel the essence of His Higher Love.
The Source of Grace must not be wasted and it will never be wasted.
Happy are those who are consistent and reverent, who recognize Adonai as their only God.
I thus come to renew the times.
I thus come to illuminate the inner dwellings.
I come to give life to that which is seemingly almost dead in spirit, in soul and heart; because the price of My Blood cannot be measured or calculated.
The Blood shed at this hour by My Heart, flagellated and outraged by the wars in the world and the suffering of the innocent and of those who have to endure, is a Blood of Love and Redemption, which comes to offer itself in an inexhaustible and inextinguishable way to save lost souls and those that have been unjustly condemned in this Work and in the world.
Behold, in My Hands, the Book of your souls, which the Lord wants to write again today, at the request of God, so that your lives may definitively be Mine.
May My Words be held within your hearts, rather than in your minds; because the mind can be deceitful and may confuse, just as it has confused many who have forgotten My Love. However, I come to spiritually resurrect those who most need it in all parts of the world, mainly the essences.
Today the mystery of the Cross presents itself before you, the mystery of each nail that pierced My Hands and Feet. Then, Love triumphed, rather than pain, although I felt it in My innermost entrails and in My Life, which, at each second of the Calvary, was fading away to save souls.
This is what brings Me here today to tell you that My Love is inexhaustible and eternal because it is the Love of God, alive through His Son and, by means of His Son, through souls.
I come to consecrate the vows of the consistent, the faithful, and those who adhere.
May the Lord God of the Universe, Adonai, cause His inner gardens to blossom with the beauty of the souls that love and honor God and His Most Holy Mother, Mary, the Mother of all, the Mother of Christ, the Savior.
May the miseries be dissolved so that the life, the healing and the forgiveness of the Heart of Jesus may be reborn.
May peace be in you and in the suffering world.
May peace rescue those who die in the violence and martyrdom of wars.
May God grant a time of peace to the world, because the scale is about to break and the honest prayer of souls will save everything.
Behold Your Inexhaustible Love, the Love that does not tire, the Love that sustains and renews all life.
May France and the world be blessed so that those who have not repented may repent.
Today, My Light shines on the mountains again and, above all, in the temple of those who adore and love Me.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold the Lord of the Desert, Who went through this experience for forty days, in the same way that you went through this experience of finding the meaning of your inner desert, without fearing spiritual aridity or emptiness.
This is why I am here, and I am the Lord of the Desert, Who, at the doors of the next Sacred Week, when the Son of God will be glorified at the entrance of Jerusalem, comes to conclude with you this first stage so that you may understand, in these times, that each process of your lives and consciousnesses has a meaning to God within this school of redemption and forgiveness.
Therefore, I invite you to keep walking along this desert because at the end of this path you will find the doorway to renewal, an experience that may enrich your consciousnesses and make them mature, and grow internally, knowing that life does not end here and that evolutionary life continues forward through your steps. I need you to take these steady steps in these times so that, before the Celestial Father, we may guarantee, together, that this Project of Mine is possible, with you and your brothers and sisters.
A Project still not understood or known, a Project that is only unveiled through those who love it, through those who make it a part of themselves so that it may be fulfilled at this crucial time of humanity.
So I come today to deliver to you the synthesis of the experience that I lived during forty days in the desert, where, just like you, in these times, I was tempted, I was persecuted, and I was sought for by the enemy.
But remember that with the keys of serenity, meekness and a peacemaking spirit, you will be able to make this synthesis that you need in order to follow, in fidelity, the Commandments of God, which He holds like promises in the Kingdom of the Heavens for each one of His children, of His creatures.
In this third impulse that prepares the next Sacred Week, I wanted to demonstrate to you, through these special meetings held at the house blessed by My Mother, at the house of Association Mary, that the Spiritual Hierarchy needs you to understand the events of these times and the duties and responsibilities of these events that each one of Mine has before God, because without My disciples of the end of times, I will not be able to do anything, and you know that the participation of My followers and companions is fundamental.
It is not that I cannot work miracles in your lives and consciousnesses, but rather that through the effort of the consequent and humble, of the responsible and conscious servers, I will justify, before the Higher Laws, all the errors of humanity, and when I physically return to this world, I will complete this Plan that is already taking place at this very moment, through your consciousnesses.
So I invite you to feel that you are a part of My Redeeming Project, so that you can be caretakers and guardians of Christ’s aspirations in these times and, especially, of those aspirations that your Master and Lord has for the peoples and nations where My Heart and My Love must reach, through the hands that give, through the feet that walk on My path, through all those who, decided, say ‘yes’.
Once more, a cycle is being fulfilled this week, previous to the Sacred Week, right before the Presence of the Son of the Sun.
I needed you to live this experience consciously, an experience that will be completed and finalized in the coming months and cycles, when you will understand and realize, on your own, all that has happened here in these last three special meetings with Me. An experience that is not only for you, but also for your brothers and sisters, for all those who cannot be physically present in the next Sacred Week, but who will have the Grace, in spite of the distance, to receive Me in their hearts and homes, in their families and spaces of prayer.
May this moment be raised to the Heavens, in the Presence of the Father’s Son. That this third preparatory impulse that I give you today may symbolize, for everyone, the opportunity to consecrate one’s life even more, and, above all, one’s consciousness, for that which God expects to cause to descend as Grace and as Will upon His children, the Christs of the New Times.
In these symbolic Words that I give you today, I leave many keys to you. When you can re-read My Words, of these three preparatory meetings, at that moment you will complete the meaning of this experience and will realize that, because you have had the opportunity to go through the inner desert, together with Me, in such a quick and intensive way throughout this week, your hearts will be ready for what I will ask of you in the coming times.
And, although you will have the sensation that it is an impossible or unattainable challenge, I have absolute confidence that you will be able to do so, because if up to now and in just one week you have crossed a deep and inner spiritual desert, what would you not be able to do for Me?
Dare and be brave, Peace is with you so that you can fulfill My Will, and so that this Will may be fulfilled in your brothers and sisters of the path. Because if this moment and these meetings had not taken place, what would be of those places where there are still conflicts and wars, famine, slavery and trafficking?
Also for them I am here, and I have availed Myself of the house of Association Mary to intercede for all of them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prepared in the mystery of this desert, which you will gradually discover within yourselves, step by step, now you will enter the planetary Passion with Me, and you will understand what the planet feels, by carrying within yourselves the cross of the world, so that souls may be redeemed and consecrated.
May the merits of the Passion of Christ renew your inner forces and strengthen your decision to be with Me forever.
I bless you and encourage you to follow the path of the planetary apostolate so that all religions, beliefs and philosophies may unite on behalf of the Return of Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We will intone "Primordial Source" a few times and we will accompany Christ in His task of liberation of the planet.
We will stand.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The origin of the Earth was modified from the beginning. The Divine Purpose was not able to be accomplished and many of you already know what the reason was.
Today I do not come to remind you of the mistake, but rather the causes, something that is still to be corrected by the redemption itself of the human being, so that they may recover their filiation with the Source and live the Will of God.
The correction of the Divine Purpose has still not occurred. Humanity has gone through many experiences over the course of time and it is still not redeemed. For this reason, I must return to the Earth to finish carrying out and concretizing what is missing.
If I had not come more than two thousand years ago, the planet would not be within this solar system. The heartbreaking injustice of humanity in that time was very great, and even with the Blood that was shed up to the height of the Cross, the human being has continued to make mistakes.
Now, the situation of this time compared to that of yesterday is very different. The events have become more serious and have harmed the spirituality of the human being. The expansion of the consciousness promised by the Universe will reach the Earth to enter into the human being, to de-crystallize their resistances, and through a great blow of Light that will emerge from the Divine Source, through the Central Sun of the Galaxy, a large part of humanity will have the chance to awaken.
The events of these days are a prelude for carrying humanity into a recovery of its origin and its purpose.
Thus, humanity will have a unique opportunity and could recover the place it lost when Adam and Eve committed the first errors and left Eden. The duality itself that many of you experience today, originating in the time of the Genesis, is what each one must learn to overcome, and do so.
This will bring to the consciousness an important possibility that is not only material, but also spiritual, for humankind of the surface of the Earth to genetically recover its place, that archetype or design of God that was thought of in order to be applied in this humanity, in this race, and which was modified by perversion and disobedience.
At this moment, humanity does not know what will happen inwardly. Before Divine Justice modifies the universe, continue to modify your attitudes and habits for, in this way, you will not feel the impact of the Law at this time.
The Universal Mother has spoken to you about repentance, about penitence. These are words, attributes that cannot be forgotten; you cannot listen to them as if you did not understand what this means. The Word of the Hierarchy comes with determination at this time.
It is necessary to forge the existence of the true being so that illusion may fade away from the human consciousness. Two thousand more years cannot any longer go by for the human being to be able to change, there is no time. This is the only opportunity, an opportunity so similar and unique like that which was received by the people of Israel, with the birth of the Messiah.
After two thousand and twenty years, the situation of humanity has become worse. Humanity has distanced itself from the Purpose and it believed that it was beyond anything. But in this time, it has recognized that this is not so. The events show the contrary, and this must end.
Humanity cannot continue to move backward; it was not created for this end. Setback is part of the adversity; evolution is part of the Divine Source, and the Hierarchy has concentrated on that in these special days, in which important decisions will define the next steps on the surface of the Earth.
But those who want to forge their survival will not manage to do so. It is necessary to strive in order to be within the Law and fulfill it. Suffering is not a part of Creation nor of life. Will you continue to suffer when the assistance of the universe is here?
Humanity must understand that it is not alone and that life does not end here. The universe is in a constant great dynamism, everything is part of life, everything is part of Creation. Is it not of God? For He was Who created it.
Awaken and you will not perish. The consciousness must expand and achieve its purpose. The mirages and illusion must no longer submit your lives. How much longer will you wait for the great step to be taken?
We hope that humanity understands that a great step must be taken, and that many other situations of which humanity is ignorant of and is not aware of depends on that step. Those steps must be taken. There is no place to go or where to remain.
The consciousness will be carried into facing reality. Your irritation or intolerance will not help. You will suffer; you will only suffer if you resist the great change in consciousness.
Humanity needs to be prepared for My Return. If it does not prepare, how will I be recognized? Will the Son of God be imprisoned because He cannot be crucified again?
He will come with the Glory that the Father has given Him, with the great revelation that was experienced by some of the apostles at the Transfiguration. With Him will come not only angelic beings, but also everything that is and vibrates in the universe, called the Brotherhood.
There will be no form or movement that will stop it because when the Return occurs, the universe will tremble and the planet will enter into a time where it has never been, the eternal time of the universe, where everything is known and is lived.
At this moment, any preparation could be insufficient. For this reason, the demand is very great at this time. You will need to help your brothers and sisters in their awakening. You cannot be paralyzed when I return to the world and the universe enters the planet in a very strong way. There will be nobody who cannot see it; that moment is written and you must remember it.
That is why I have come in these end times, preparing you so that, when I return, you are not surprised, because you will be able to see the true Face of the Son of God, as nobody has ever seen It before, because the Son will come from the Source and at His Feet, the universe will accompany Him, and humanity will know it because it will be a sign without warning.
Those who have never believed, will believe. Those who denied Me, will repent. And those who abandoned Me, will beat their chest and say: My God! My God! But everything will have been accomplished, because the Graces of My Source have been endless.
I come to open the eyes of the consciousness. I come to make you feel the Truth within your hearts, and this goes beyond any religion, because the Divine Source is one and universal. It is the Source of all creatures and consciousnesses, on all levels of Creation.
That Divine Source belongs to each being, because we all come from it and the goal of this experience on Earth, as well as in the universe, is that you return someday to that Source, to renew Creation with all that you learned and experienced.
I do not want you to feel fear of My Words, but rather seriousness. The Will of God acts in this place and His Power expresses through My Words, awakening the cells of the human beings so that they achieve an elevation and an awakening.
I do not want more souls to continue to blind themselves, to lose the path of the spirit, to miss the opportunity of inwardly loving and growing.
I gave My Life for you and I continue to do so, because humanity has not understood the Message. For this reason, I still have to come from Heaven so that souls can hear and recognize Me. If I were in My Church of the Earth, humanity would not hear Me.
Many were the paths that My companions decided to take, and they slowly distanced themselves from Me. In the center of My divine and solar Heart I unite all the paths so that souls may return to Me and have eternal life.
But My coming to the world, My Return, is not far. Think about that, because at the least expected moment I will come and you must be ready to go to My encounter, just as I will go to the five continents. And all of humanity, in spite of their languages, will understand Me, for I will speak a single language that nobody has heard yet. It will be the Spirit of God that will cause you to understand My Message, just as you now understand My Words.
You must be stewards of My Legacy, living it so that your brothers and sisters may also learn to live it.
I come from Heaven with the Purpose of God, because there is little time left for humanity to correct its paths and amend its errors, so that it does not lack My Mercy. This is what I hope for, that you not lack My Mercy.
Today I carry the great Scroll of God in My Hands, which the Father wrote for humanity, His sublime and ardent Desire for each of His children.
This Scroll was presented to the Archangels in Genesis, to be applied to the first humans, in Adam and Eve.
Pray with Me for the times that will come, so that this Purpose of God that is written may be fulfilled in each one of your lives according to His thought, and I will pray for you so that you may live it.
Many souls denied this Legacy, souls with great tasks rejected this Purpose without being aware of what they did. But I will take care of them and I will position them in the place they belong, that corresponds to their choice, because now they will not have the prize of the Heavens, but rather the loving Justice.
But you will continue to pray until just before My Return to the world, so that souls may be able to correspond to My Call, which is the Call of My Father through the Voice of His Son, which hopes to echo in hearts.
Today, in light of the written Will of God at the origin of this Creation, we will offer the Sacrament of the Eucharist, so that through the Body and the Blood of Christ, souls may have the inner strength to live the Purpose.
Let us celebrate, contemplating this mystery.
Let us contemplate Christ, still present in this place for the whole world, bearing in His Hands the Scroll of God, the ardent Will of the Creator for His children at the origin of Creation.
Let us place our hands on our hearts and unite with Jesus Christ, making our offering on this afternoon of Mercy and of awareness. And in the name of humanity, let us give thanks that the Lord always leads us to Truth so that we may be guided to the Father.
We offer our imperfect hearts and we aspire to receive the coming of Christ to the Earth, in brotherhood and in light.
Knowing the purpose of Creation, in that time, and while gathered together with His companions, Jesus took the bread, raised it and offered all His Being for each one of us. And He asked of the Father that the bread He was offering be converted into His Body.
The Father heard Him and accepted His surrender.
And thus, Jesus broke it and offered it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."
And the form of Light entered into the soul of the apostles. Jesus then took the Chalice and raised it, asking the Father to convert it into His precious Blood; the Father heard Him. Then Jesus offered it to the apostles in an act of profound Love, saying to them: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by Your Lord for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."
The Body and the Blood of Christ.
With all our hearts, in the living Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we offer the prayer that He taught us:
Our Father (in Spanish and English).
May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth.
I will always give you everything that I Am and everything that I have, because I know what you need for learning to love My mystery and living My Will.
At the request of Our Lord, through the brothers and sisters of the Council, we are going to listen to an intention you may want to leave in the Heart of the Redeemer for humanity.
The Lord listens, one at a time:
"May Your Will eternally be accomplished, Lord."
"May there be peace in hearts, in spite of the suffering."
"May we be able to live compassion and unity, and be as one heart and one soul."
“Father, listen to those who serve Me,
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To close this meeting and this transmission, carrying the impulse of the Love of Christ within the heart, let us listen to a song requested by Him:
Today, I come as the Lord of Israel so that, through My Mercy, the material forces of chaos calm down and Peace reigns, the Peace I bring from Heaven and from the Universe.
Do not believe that everything is lost, but rather that the triumph of My Heart is close.
Let the banner of My Mercy be placed at the four corners of the Earth and may souls drink from that Source that will well up from the soil, because it will be the very spring of My renewal that I will give you so you may learn to overcome the times and the difficulties.
With this announcement, I come as the Lord of Israel to bring Peace to the place where I was once born; to reactivate the codes of Christianity in those who are still awake.
But the Lord of Israel will not fight against the materialistic forces nor be submerged in the conflicts. The strategy of the Eternal Father is different. Thus, one who is always vigilant will know what to do and where to be, and what stance to take at the right time so as to not be surprised by anything.
My first aspiration was to reach the Middle East in a direct way, carrying this practice of peace that I teach you and which I encourage you to do daily; knowing that, in spite of conflicts, peace cannot be dispelled from the planet nor from its humanity.
My Sword will not battle another sword. The Lord of Israel always triumphed through His Silence and His loving surrender. In the withdrawal is the victory. In the silencing is the triumph, and in the surrender is the defeat of the enemy, because it does not know sacrifice, but only destruction.
In any case, My Consciousness still encompasses many more things than those that were foreseen. This time I will not be able to come to My origins or to the places where I once resided. My Consciousness will encompass other spheres so that, in some way, the Plan will be able to be fulfilled.
In this battle, we must act intelligently, and above all, with wisdom; without losing the vision of the Purpose, the essence, even if the events should change from one day to another. It is in this way that I encourage you to experience the strategies of the Plan, which humanity has no interest in knowing in this life.
These strategies are operations for the triumph of the Plan and for the development of the same on the surface of the Earth. For this reason, adherence is the key which protects the fulfillment of the Plan, although it may constantly change.
What you must always learn to safeguard is the aspiration of the Hierarchy that, even though it is not fulfilled in matter, is indeed accomplished in spirit, uniting spirit with the Source.
The Lord of Israel must broaden His Consciousness so the planet is contained, and above all, its humanity.
What is important is that the mission should move forward. What is important is that souls pray with their heart and ask the Highest for forgiveness and Mercy. That is enough for Me, for then I will be able to continue laboring, for then I will be able to continue building and moving forward with the Designs of God that, as much as they are not completely understood, they can be loved, which is what the Father needs so that His Plan can be built in souls, rather than in matter or in the concrete.
In this way, I come to place you in the school of rescue operations that the Hierarchy is carrying out and which always must watch for the establishment and continuance of peace, in spite of conflicts and confrontations.
Brotherhood is peace, and that brotherhood cannot be disturbed, because it is the brotherhood that protects the essence of the Purpose for this planet; and it is the brotherhood which adapts to the changes, to the different moments and the current events.
In this brotherhood you will always find wisdom, you will find a clear and precise answer. But if that brotherhood is not maintained, there will be no discernment, and in this way, you could enter into the coordinate of chaos.
At the most decisive moment, you must be in this brotherhood so that everything can continue on. The changes that are present today are part of the protection of that purpose of the brotherhood, for it is still necessary that the designs be accomplished.
From another part of the planet, I will carry a greater impulse. I will give that impulse with precision. It will be a measured impulse of Light to be fulfilled in the place it will touch, which is the Middle East.
I will not place My Feet in the Middle East, but I will do so with My Mercy. And I will allow that Mercy to emanate from the Source I have opened in Poland, through the consciousness I have chosen so as to reveal it to the world.
The Source will reach the Middle East because you must go and drink of the Source. You will go to the origin and to the beginning so that My impulse of Light has even more strength and resolve where it will be projected and placed.
But I will not cease to aspire to reach Egypt or Israel someday, for that is still pending for My companions, for all those who follow My Work and help Me to accomplish It with their donations and contributions, with their prayers and pleadings.
The Lord of Israel will show Himself as the Lord of Mercy, Who emanates Rays from His Heart to the whole world and to souls.
He will show Himself as That Lord Who once died on the Cross for you and Who, through the piercing of the lance, poured out that Water and Blood, divine elements that will be able to rectify the errors of humanity in this time and in light of all the universe. They will be the lifeline in this last part of the emanation of My Divine Mercy to the whole world.
I will open that Source in Poland and will expand it, not only in Europe, but also in the Middle East; and from there, I will be able to labor with greater safety and protection.
My apostles of these times do not touch the wounds of conflicts with their hands; on the contrary, they try to heal them with their prayers and their withdrawal. In this strategy of war, everything must be thought of to the nearest millimeter so that there not be any failures, frustrations nor frights.
Although I know that the sensitivity of those of Mine is very great, even though you have said 'yes' to Me, I must protect what I am building, not only in your persons, but also in your souls, which, in the end, on the last day of your lives, you must fully surrender to Me.
The world must know that it is still possible to truly love.
And in spite of the fact that My Roman and Apostolic Church is decaying through its own members, I will not allow My Celestial Church to be dispelled in those who seek to find it one day, with their most ardent aspiration to be a part of My Kingdom.
With this testimonial, I invite you to continue working for the Plan, to continue supporting it and building it, wherever and whenever.
I thank you for sincerely accompanying Me in these decisive moments; knowing that, above all else, God must reign on this planet.
I give you Peace so Peace may be in the world, and that Peace may be multiplied.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today your hearts will be forgiven and your lives will be renewed, because the Almighty is coming after His Son, to liberate the world from darkness and perdition.
He comes to assemble the spirits that have loved Him and have honored Him, who have given praises to His Name and to all of His Creation.
Today I am before your deepest miseries, but I come to seek your greatest love, that love that today you have unconditionally given Me and gifted Me, so that I might be here, among My own, to give you communion of My Body and of My Blood, of My Spirit and of My Divinity.
Today, the Father comes with His Kingdom, His angels and archangels, with His celestial choirs, to bless the first Blue Cross. And the Breath of the Spirit will come to souls and will ignite hearts with an unknown joy they have never lived before.
Just as the Gifts of God descended in the Cenacle over the apostles and Mary, today the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit assemble here to descend into your hearts and essences.
So, companions, it is a great moment of renewal and of joy, in which the past must be erased from your consciousnesses and minds, because yes, now I will be able to walk with those who are firm, with those who have learned to step out of tepidness and of lack of love.
Now I will be able to walk with those who are to be just, with those who learn to carry My Work forward, with those who have said yes to My Sacred Heart. In them I will not lay the cross of bitterness and of suffering, but rather the Cross of Emmanuel, which is the Cross of victory and of the upliftment of the human consciousness to the Kingdom of God.
Thus, your spirits will be uplifted and must believe, My companions, that your griefs will dissolve completely, as long as you give permission for this.
For this reason, with this tenderness that now flows out from My Heart, today I do not come to see the sinners but those who redeem themselves and those who tread the path of inner transformation every day.
Do not believe, companions, that you will gain Heaven while you are on Earth.
You have come here, as humanity, to learn to love and to forgive, to learn to live compassion and justice in each detail.
When this is achieved, all of humanity will be free from adversity and from sin, and the doors of the hells will close as many times as God has closed them through His Son and His Faithful Servant, as well as Saint Joseph.
Drink of this moment as a unique moment that will never be repeated again. To unite Heaven and Earth, the Universe and humanity is something grand that does not happen every day.
The Father does not descend to the world since I ascended to the Heavens. Imagine, companions, how much time has passed for this moment to come in which the merits of My Passion and of My Cross may be engraved in the radiance of the Blue Cross.
For this reason, today I have halted darkness and My adversary. Here present before your eyes is the manifestation of the Will of God and of His divine Purpose. And you, at this moment, companions, are being led to enter the spirit of Emmanuel, in which are to be found peace, harmony, healing, and the forgiveness of all of your mistakes.
To this is added the Light of Aurora and its divine Ray of Liberation, which today works silently without moving so many laws nor energies, except within consciousnesses and the hearts that open in order to find it.
See therefore, companions, how at this moment, the time of illusion is halted in a part of this planet and the Real Time of God enters, to make you feel in Its silence a unity with all of the Cosmos and with all of Universal Life.
For this, the Shining Ones, the Elohim, are the ones that open the doors between the planes, so that the Father may descend here with His Spirit.
The wind comes to clean the bad thoughts of the ungrateful, so that they do not affect you, but rather that the Breath of the Spirit of God may prevail over your consciousnesses in this moment.
In introspection and prayer, let us move to meet the Father and the blessing of the Blue Cross.
Follow Me.
Hear, Lord, the voice of Your people. Hear the voice of all this race, which today prostrates itself at Your Feet to praise You and glorify You.
Hear, Emmanuel, the voice of Your children and come to this world with all of Your Power and Splendor, so that the most impenetrable darkness may be dispelled, so that hearts may be liberated from the chains of perdition and of illusion and the Christs of the New Time may be established; those who will come from different parts of the world and will place themselves at the foot of Your Cross to await the coming of Your Son.
Let us listen to the Voice of the Father, who today is not only in the Heavens, but also here over Aurora, as the Wise Creator of all that exists, as the Father of Mercy and of Goodness, Who in His divine aspect of Emmanuel comes to His children to bless them with His redeeming and cosmic Light.
While the Heavens open before You, Beloved Lord, descend with Your Rays the power of Creation and of all divine manifestation, so that Your divine Thought may be fulfilled on this planet and souls may finally find the path of love and of reconciliation.
The Voice of the Eternal Father:
Beloved children, listen to Your Father.
I Am the beginning and I Am the end.
I Am that I Am and I come from the spiritual Universe to assemble you in My Love and in My Justice.
The seven Regent Angels who were convened, may they now descend and let the Cross be lit.
Today, the Father of Love blesses this symbol, which will unite the peoples and the nations; which will bring hope to the unredeemed and which will bring redemption to all evil, so that the Love of the Source may triumph; so that Truth and Justice may reign.
Beloved children, I love you and I wait for you with My Arms open so that My Beloved Son may bring you toward Me and you may be seated at the foot of My Throne together with the angels, so that we may sing Glory and Hallelujah.
While your guardian angels prostrate themselves on the ground, the deepest griefs are forgiven and by means of this Blue Cross, one more Purpose of God is fulfilled on the surface of this planet.
The Voice of Christ:
My children and companions, in order for the Light of Emmanuel to become visible among consciousnesses, let us intone His sacred Name, so that the angels may pour out the codes and the merits attained during My Passion and thus the doors to opportunities and to Graces may open for all souls that seek unity with the Father and Creation.
Today, together with you, I will sing the holy Name of Emmanuel.
All intone Emmanuel.
Feel your hearts freed from the past, from the restraints and from the perversions of life.
Feel your hearts full of the Light of Emmanuel and commune of the Father, Who is here today with His divine Consciousness to bring Peace to this world and also the Fount of His Compassion.
And now, let us call out the Names of God, so that the Regent Angels, who were appointed by the Universe, may fill this Cross with the codes of the Divinity of His Beloved Son.
All intone the holy Names of God: Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba, Eli Eli, Yahve, Shekinah, Elohim, El Shaddai, Yod He Vaud He.
May this renewal bring to consciousnesses the expansion of their paths, in consecration and in faith, the entry through the doors of Mercy to the Kingdom of Emmanuel so that they may always learn to live and to fulfill His Will no matter how small it may be.
I have asked this night that a prayer be recited, which synthesizes the expression of all of the Work of the Father in this Universe and on this planet. A prayer that you will hear through uniting your hearts to God in this moment.
I bless you, under the Powerful Light of Emmanuel opening in this Sacred Center the descent of His divine Spirit so that souls may find Him within themselves.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I deliver, for those who most need it, My Sacred treasures, and by giving those treasures, I can renew all things. This is why everything that you receive in this time is unique. From that which comes from spirit, to what matter receives, everything can be blessed by God when you simply open your hearts.
My Power can expand and reach the most distant places on Earth.
With this I tell you again of the importance of My followers in this time, within the Work of Divine Mercy.
This Work is formed of the Mystical Body of the people of God, and can expand when your hearts are receptive to the summonings that comes from the Universe.
Today, the world again received great assistance, because when your hearts unite in the truth, I can do many more things than I thought; I can reach those spaces where not even a drop of light resides.
With this, I want you to understand the significance of the Work of My Mercy, which comes to embrace the world and completely transform it, just as My Father wishes.
Today you have allowed My Heart to feel something inexplicable, which emerges and is born of essence when you invoke the name of the Son of God in unity and love; this recreates Creation because the subtle vibrations reach the planet, penetrate the spiritual consciousness of humanity, and souls are freed from their oppressions and suffering.
For this reason, never fear expanding your hearts. This is what My Father asks of you through My Heart, because in the expansion of the heart is to be found freedom and it will no longer be necessary for you to seek the truth, because you will be living it when your hearts expand more each day.
The expansion of the heart is like a new sacrament that souls can live when they simply surrender in complete trust into the arms of your Creator. You cannot imagine, companions, how My rival is defeated and its most impure plans are broken, dissipate and disappear from the consciousness of humanity.
My name, which was delivered by the Archangel Gabriel, has no obstacles nor barriers. Who invokes My name is within Me, and I am able to be within them, in profound communion with Creation.
My name is blessed because it emanated from the Source. You also, within yourselves, hold your real and sacred names, those names that, in the beginning of your essences, emanated from the Source of Creation, and you became life, consciousness and energy.
Who invokes My name will find their sacred name; they will know what they have come to do in this time, what they have come to accomplish as an absolute service to God.
Your sacred names hold a story, which in this moment the veils of your consciousness do not see. But those veils will be taken away and the whole of humanity will truly know what it has been; there will be no mysteries, everything will be unveiled, but if you work with God, in a heartfelt way, everything will be fulfilled; everything has its timing, its moment and its place.
Continue to propagate faith in the world, and the blessed name of your Lord, Jesus Christ, so that the Earth may continue to be repopulated from the designs of God, which need to achieve their freedom and bring captivity to an end.
Today I have called seven of the twelve Creator Fathers so that they may be here, together with Me, in praise and adoration to our Father, Who is in the Heavens, which brings the good news through the Divine WordD and the Sacred Word of His Only Begotten.
The seven Creator Fathers represent the cycle of renewal, each one of them brings to humanity a new experience and a new mission that the world will discover in the following cycles that are to come. That is the reason for the importance of expanding your hearts, so that you do not miss these impulses that come from the Universe and that will try to make souls into a true example of redemption and of peace, sublime energies that the world needs in this time.
Each Creator Father, each Archangel of God, comes to stop something in the world. With your hearts, and even more, with the expansion of your hearts, you can change the history of this humanity, through unconditional service, through true charity, through works of mercy. Everything will be offered for everyone.
Who wishes to take the next step, should do so. My Heart, which is Merciful and Glorified, has Its doors open to embrace your aspirations in Its interior, which I will clothe in new forms so that you may learn, in this cycle, how to live My Will.
The planet, your humanity, and this time are in need of whole servers, full of an unconditional spirit that will always transform them, that will not tie them to terrestrial life nor to outdated forms.
This spirit, which is transformative, is one of the Gifts that I gave yesterday to your hearts. Remember that impulse and vivify it, so that the Work of My Mercy may continue to expand in the world.
I dedicate this message to My followers so that you may feel and know that you are following the correct path in which you can be embraced only by My Will; in this way, you would renounce your personal will so that the designs of the Father may manifest on the surface of this planet and form part of the new Essene community, the Essene community of peace, which will bring continuity to the work of mercy and of redemption that the first Essenes accomplished in ancient times.
To be an Essene of peace is to live far from terrestrial forms, from the ideals that your own will may want to build. I know that at this point you still would need to work, companions; this is why I repeat the importance of expanding your hearts, so that the Work does not stop.
Who opens their heart to God will understand what is unknown, just as the old apostles did who, in their greatest ignorance, received the wisdom of all things within themselves, although they may not have understood them.
To work for the Lord Jesus is a challenge. This is why I come to lead you into a new direction, toward a new destiny that you have never experienced, that you have never learned. Give yourselves to this new project that My Heart is tracing, so that you may participate in My Work of redemption.
Do not fear giving up, because you will discover within yourselves that you will be able to do many more things than what you do, and thus will become free of the chains of these times.
When your hearts expand, love expands; this is why the supplications, the prayers, the adoration and the praise expand the hearts of humankind, so that you may receive, in your interior, the Kingdom of God, which is what in this time and in this era will spiritually nourish you, and you will have the strength, courage and bravery, such as what you have had up to now, to follow My steps.
Do you accept forging your spirits even more for transformation?
- Yes
You do not know what you say (Jesus is smiling)
I asked My apostles the same thing, and Peter thought that he could do it all, until he realized that without Me, without being in Me, he could do nothing. This is why I gave him the key to the Heavens, because when he understood what I was talking about, I gave him My legacy, so that throughout time he would have the good news and the gospel of the Son of God come to be known.
Upon My hardest rock I built My new Church, and you, who have already been broken several times within, I have built new things; have faith in that. Do not think that life is just lamentation. I do not only call you to live sacrifice, but also the joy of serving in the work of redemption, and of expanding that love to the world, that so needs it.
In this hour, opening the doors of the Celestial Church, let us enter, My apostles, into the temple of adoration, into the temple of praise, into the greater temple of gratitude. Because God has summoned you, and His beloved Son visited you to remind you of this commitment.
Let each one fulfill their part in this Plan of Love for humanity.
Let the Christs of the new time light up within you, and may the promised land, which will be impregnated by the thousand years of peace, be able to be seen and discovered by all of humankind, under the spirit of faith, wisdom and love.
Let us thank God for this moment and for all the graces that He still pours out upon the world, in spite of the errors of human beings and of the nations. Blessed are those who expand their hearts, for they will be drawing the Kingdom of God toward themselves.
May the planet again be radiated today by the praise, adoration and gratitude to God.
May the holy name of the Son of the Father be heard in the four corners of the Earth, so that souls may awaken to redemption and love, and the Universal Sacred Family may be established.
All the praises are received in My Celestial Church, and this offering is responded to by means of the Graces of God.
May the doors of My Celestial Church open and the angels receive this offering from your hands.
May your hearts expand, so that love is able to grow and obstacles no longer exist, but rather the ties of love between human beings, nature and the planet.
Enter into My Heart and you will find your home, your origin and your principle, your path and your truth.
Enter into My Heart and you will find the new, what you most seek, what your soul and spirit most need, so that in this acute cycle you experience the Plan of God.
Enter into My Heart and empty yourself of everything, up to the point of knowing who you are and all that you should lose so that I can work in you.
Enter into my heart and calm yourself. I have already seen your tears and your weeping, because I come with My Mercy to heal the impenetrable.
Enter into my heart and be silent. Seek within Me the great refuge of God, the dwelling that many do not seek because of their preferences, desires, and their external life.
Enter into my heart and satiate me. I thirst for your love and your truth, so that you finally merge in Me.
Enter into my heart and do not worry. There, a treasure is stored that was thought for you by the Father; the principle of your essence, at the moment you were created in the womb of your mother.
I come with My Mercy to erase the past, not only in your consciousnesses, but also in Spain and beyond.
Enter into my heart and commune with Me. I already know your imperfections, your trials, your miseries and your difficulties. I smile at each one of them because you think you cannot overcome them.
Enter into My Heart and surrender, because in this way I will teach you to find meaning for life, the spiritual path, the goal of your soul and your spirit.
Enter into My Heart and you will take refuge in God, because there, in My Heart, nothing else matters but that you only unite with God, the Creator, because you will be doing it for those who do not, for those who do not experience Him and also for those who do not seek Him.
Enter into My Heart and you will find the way out, the liberation from your hell, the surrender of your fetters, the elevation of your spirit and the redemption of your whole being.
Just enter into My Heart and let Me act for a moment, because that way you will not know your life from now on.
As many times as you enter My Heart, I can be in you, I will govern your consciousness, your feelings, your thoughts and all your senses. And you will perceive in each moment what is not good for Me, and united with Me, you will transform each aspect of your being, until the point of not being able, in a short time, to recognize yourself.
If you just enter My Heart, you will know your virtues; you will also know your miseries so that you can transcend them one by one.
If I achieve with certitude that many more enter into My Heart, the whole planet will not be lost. I will find instruments and servants totally surrendered to Me so that I can act through their lives and make of each stage a new path and a new opportunity that you have not experienced in this life yet.
Enter into My Heart, because there is the Door toward God.
In the Heart there is a living love, in the mind there are only empty ideas. If you enter into My Heart, I will be able to give you wisdom and fullness.
My Heart was pierced by the spear of humanity, by sin, by impunity, by false power, and My Heart poured water and blood, virtues of mercy and divinity for all souls.
When souls do not enter into My Heart, I can do nothing, only contemplate them, pray for them so that they can find the way to the temple of My Heart.
Today the flocks are scattered. Few want to know who they really are and what they came to fulfill in the name of My Father.
If you enter into My Heart, all this knowledge will be revealed and you will be free from ignorance, illusion and all that is not real. You will perceive a different life, you will find meaning in your paths and you will be able to experience the Gift of Fear of God, because you will be able to feel when you are moving away from Him and when soon you will have to return to His Divine Heart.
If you enter into My Heart and empty yourself completely, I will be able reach more hearts that are troubled, sick and that feel lost with a great lack of love and with no mercy.
Today I come to deliver, as My Holy Mother said, the last keys to the salvation of humanity, because the portals of My Divine Mercy are still open. And it will be in this Source that your sins will be dissolved, that your faults will be forgiven and that all mistakes you have made against love and unity can be liberated. And you will attain the atonement you need to take new steps in this work, which I am decreeing for the end of times.
You can enter more easily into My Heart if you are humble, if your souls resign themselves to the Will that I bring to you and that until now you never experienced.
With all of this message, today I want to tell you that once again today a cycle is over. Today the doors must be closed to the planetary difficulty, to all that is debt on the spiritual level, inside and outside the beings.
Thus today I implement a new, more demanding and more risky cycle, for the victory of My Sacred Heart in the fallen ones of humanity, in the lost stars, in the suns that have extinguished, in the spirits that have not reached the Heart of the Creator.
The souls that are here today, before My Celestial Presence, all of them are precious to me.
I want you to seek your virtues, because in truth you will need them for the times that will come. You will be very much needed and urgent for your brothers and sisters on the path and for all the beings that are around you in this life that you live today.
The virtue of strength, the virtue of faith, the virtue of unity, the virtue of wisdom, the virtue of discernment, the virtue of science and especially the virtue of love, which unites all others through My Merciful Heart.
Practice them with effort and determination, because if you enter into My Heart, you can know them one by one and they will be close to your lives in the moments when you will have to make great decisions that could change forever the course of your lives.
With these virtues, souls of My Heart, I invite you not to make hurried decisions, asking your inner world what you truly must do to be able to follow the path that My Hand is indicating in this final stretch, in this last part of the transition, in the last five years.
At the most crucial time of the world, you must remember these words and how many times I have invited you to enter into My Heart of Light. For if you do not do this now, in the next time you will regret it for yourselves, for your families and your acquaintances. Bring everyone to My Heart.
I do not want to have thorns in My Spirit anymore. The horrors of the world anguish me, the blood that falls upon the planet as well. The Sacrifice to the Kingdoms and to Creation, all this distresses My Heart.
If you enter into My Heart, despite what may happen, I will feel fulfilled to be closer to you and your brothers and sisters. Because if you are in my heart, you will realize how far you are from me, many times.
I do not come here to claim anything, I come to reestablish the covenant of your souls with My Soul, the union of your hearts with My Heart.
Do not lose the sense of what I am saying.
Enter into My Heart and you will be on the right path. You will not lose the school that I come to present to you, so that at this moment you can live it.
If many more enter into My Heart, the world should not suffer so much.
Today humanity provokes the wrath of God; from the most insignificant things to the most grave situations, such as war, refugees, the blood that flows in the world and the sacrifice of animals.
As long as the world does not change these attitudes, do penance and truly repent, peace will be lacking very much, and I will be alone in the consequences, until what I desire is fulfilled.
Times have changed very much and souls do not want to see it. Many think that everything remains the same: in society, in nations and even in religions.
When I return, as soon as My Father asks, I will have to break many structures, from human life to religions.
God is found in what is simple and not powerful.
You may have built many churches to Me, but I am in just one and it is in the hearts of My companions.
Take care of this true Church. May your feelings become more and more fraternal, your attitudes become more and more peaceful, so that I can count on you anytime, anywhere, no matter what or how much it may cost.
The Work of God, through the Sacred Hearts, is the most difficult to materialize on this surface. That is why, in this last time, we came to meet that which is in flames, which burns in the fire of friction and which is impure and unjust.
In this way, I come to deliver the last treasure I have left, the most precious for My Father: it is My Heart that suffered for you, that was pierced by you and that resurrected to demonstrate to the world the eternal life.
Repentance is born out of true honesty, of a transparency that has no limits in this material life.
I come to deliver these words to those who lovingly want to receive them, meditate on them and reflect on each decree that I have given to you today.
Now, with your meek hearts and your more open consciousnesses, on this day we celebrate Communion with My Body and with My Blood; an act of reparation, penitence and surrender to My Merciful Heart.
In these simple elements is the renewal of life, what nourishes the spirit and makes the essence of My Divinity show in you.
Today I come to renew the Church all over the Earth and all those who join it under My Heavenly Universe.
May the angels now descend and purify the elements, which will be converted into My Body and My Blood, for all beings of good will.
Find in this Sacrament what is simple, humble and pure to the eyes of the Creator.
As in Jerusalem and Emmaus, before and after I was resurrected, I met with the apostles and later with the pastors, so that they would feel and see My true Being, who was the living God in each particle of My Consciousness and in every earthy and human being that would live the Passion for you, in order to redeem humanity and liberate evil from the planet.
After two thousand years, My enemy has seized the world, but his scepter will be broken by the stroke of the sword of Saint Michael.
All that he holds in his hand, through the ages and times, will be defeated by the power of the love of the Source, when I return to the world and when I return to collect all those who belong to Me, through the centuries and ages.
Then you will see those who will resurrect from nothing. Everyone will be amazed at what they will see around them. In that hour nothing will be hidden, everything will be evident to all and there will no longer be white and dark, but when I return there will be the eternal, God.
At that time, I took the bread and thanked the Father for this sacrifice. He blessed it and I decreed to My apostles: "All take and eat of It, for this is My Body that will be delivered for you for the forgiveness of sins."
In the same way I took the cup in My Hands, I thanked God for this sacrifice, He blessed it with the light of His angels and I gave it to My apostles decreeing: "All take and drink of it, for this is My Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, the Blood that will be shed for all humanity for the remission of sins. Never forget to do this in My Memory. "
This is the Sacrament of Renewal. Happy are those called to live it. Blessed are those who receive it to experience their redemption and conversion, until My return to the world is fulfilled. Amen
So, take My Words to the heart and may the Father, through His Son and the Holy Spirit, always bless you, so that you can find in your path My Path of Light, which I show you today, inviting you to return to My Heart, and this way we can be one forever.
Spain vivifies My Mystery. May the wounded hearts of My Church be open and feel in their interior the truth that I bring to you, because what is alive is what is inside the beings and is called love of the heart. May this love emerge in those who do not have it and may many more be encouraged to attain it, healing their wounds of incomprehension.
May faith, unity and fraternity enlighten you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I thank you for being with Me and all those who have been with me through this means of communication.
Today I emit an irradiation to all my friends.
Believe that it is possible that the Kingdom of God approaches a sick humanity that needs so much love, forgiveness and reconciliation.
May your sincere hearts sing today and may they join this Work that must embrace all of humanity, all languages, all peoples and all beliefs that seek to live love and solidarity. So be it. Amen
Song: "Sincere Heart"
If you thirst for Me, find Me in the desert, because I know all hearts that give their life for Me and for the Plan of My Father.
In this defining hour, I find you again for the second time in this sacred space, in which My Spirit rejoices because the Doors of the Heavens are opening, to have His Graces descend on those who most need them.
If you thirst for Me, seek Me in the desert, because I Am the inexplicable Source, the extraordinary Spring that emerges from the depths of each being, to give them spiritual life and consciousness in these end times.
Come with Me and cross your inner desert, for I will never cease to guide you.
My Purpose is that you walk by My side every day, so that you may know My Plan, which is the Plan of the Great Brotherhood.
In this sacred place of Peru, My Father sent His Messengers, so that the world would become aware of the truth, a truth that it did not yet know, a truth that is above this Cosmos, and beyond it.
He sent His Messengers from the Universe, from Heaven, and beyond the Heavens, so that through the Truth, those who were awakening could know the reality of the Universe.
Today I come with this testimony for you, for this cannot be lost from human consciousness.
The treasures that come from the Universe are incalculable. The human being cannot measure them, nor appreciate them; but if your hearts are grateful, you may come to know them and know about the dimension they encompass when souls receive them in wholeness.
My Voice is proclaimed in the deserts of the world to testify to humanity that the Plan must continue in spite of what may happen and that you will know the Purpose when you adhere to this grand Plan, that My Father has designed since before Creation.
I Am the emanation of this Source of Love that nurtures you and gives you life, Higher Life; that gives you essence, renewal and Grace.
In this silence of the desert, the most precious mysteries are held, which once, as in this place in Peru, were shown to those who were self-summoned, as were the prophets and the Patriarchs, to live the Purpose of God.
I know that many would like to know, companions, what it is that you are to do in this life. I tell you, love the Plan even though you do not know It, and you will know It.
Each one of you is an important piece of the Great Project of God and of all the Universe.
You are stars that fell to Earth to be redeemed through the offering of My Presence in the world, of My Passion and My Resurrection.
You come here to be self-summoned, to fulfill a goal, a mission, that goes beyond your capabilities and your feelings. For the one who is in My Father is in His Law, is in His Consciousness, in His Divine Purpose, in His Divine Thought.
I bring you the possibility, companions, of taking that leap to the path of surrender, which is a path of constant renewal, deep transformation, in which all the fears of the Consciousness are set aside.
In this sacred desert, this essence is to be found, which once tried to motivate humankind of the surface, so that they would be able to carry forward what the Messengers of the Universe had announced in this goal of living the Mission of the Plan.
Now I bring all of you, who through My Words in these last three years have been prepared for this moment, to this desert, in Consciousness and in soul, where once, in this world, the truth began to be known, which many always wanted to conceal.
Universal Life, the essence of Life and of Sacred Knowledge, is a living existence that is experienced in all the Universe in real time, a time that the world has still not reached, because of its indifference and its errors.
But to those who do want to follow Me and open the eyes of the consciousness and of the heart even more in order to see what is beyond this, I will give them what they need and they will not waste time.
In the past, I taught My Apostles, as we walked through the deserts, about what this Higher, Universal Life was, in which all the consciousnesses of the world are included, despite not consciously knowing it.
That is why souls are tempted by My adversary to step out of this purpose, the purpose of their awakening.
So it was that, after two thousand years, when I had already ascended and governed a large part of the Universe, as I govern it today, I sent the Messengers of the Universe, the heralds of the Universal Message.
Many believe that between Christ and the life of the Universe there is a separation, or that it is a mix of beliefs and of philosophies.
It is not this way, My companions. Those who claim they are wiser are mistaken.
From the beginning until the end, I will be that Great Star that governs all things, being an emanation of the Love of God.
It is because of this love that I lived among you and for you, that the Universe experienced its transformation and set aside its duality, to find the new path, the path of Ascension.
When you are in the deserts, you must not fear the emptiness, that which you still have not managed to achieve.
Thus, I am here, because I Am that Source of Love that will satiate you.
Today I bring you the Principle of My Renewal, because it is time that you go through this portal. Many consciousnesses have been waiting for this moment for a long time.
Your prayer in this Marathon is heard from the deserts such as this one, in Peru. Your words reverberate and rise up, crying out to God for His Mercy for the world.
Know that today My Heart receives all your entreaties, those that you profess through the prayer of Mercy, and that your consciousnesses are here with Me, in this desert, to cross it in consciousness and without fear.
For I Am that Heart that still offers Itself for this unfaithful world, for this cruel and indifferent world.
My Heart comes here for the souls that respond and that dare to follow My steps in trust and that, little by little, enter My Christic Path, the path of complete redemption of the consciousness.
Today I have come to give you thanks for understanding My Plans, and for those who are happy for having accepted this moment with Me.
In quietness is to be found the great silence, the silence that all the deserts offer. It is the moment in which souls may unite with God in wholeness.
I give you peace and I give you My Grace so that you may receive them in love and in renewal for your consciousnesses.
I hold you all in My Heart and I pray for you and for the world in this desert of God.
I bless you,
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer of the angel of Peace
My God, I believe in You... (x3)
Commune of Me in this moment and adore the Almighty, because He is attentive to the voice of all pleas.
I have come again in My Glory to bless you, for the hour of this great meeting has come for each one of your spirits and the spirits of your brothers and sisters, that also make an appeal for this moment of being united with My Heart in this evolutionary proposal to concretize the Plan of God, in these times of Armageddon.
Today I come with the Glory of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, as the manifestation of the Firstborn Son, so that in this way, you may recover your filiation with God; and the world also recover its spirituality, which has been lost because of the wars.
Today I come to establish the second protocol of My Peace here, in union with Universal Creation, that governs all these things, of which I avail Myself to accomplish the Works of My Father; which are also your works, yours, My apostles.
Today I come in the silence, perceiving humanity and its great need for love, for these critical times. Thus, your effort must be permanent so that My Work may be realized in the world and in this humanity.
Each one has their role in this time. Each one fulfills a part of this Plan. All the pieces of this Plan are important so that the Work may be concretized.
In the depths of My Heart, I know that many pieces are still missing in order to be part of this Universal Plan, which invites us to elevate the consciousness and to get out of the superficiality in which humanity has placed itself, forgetting the Love of God.
This Plan is governed by the Love of God. Just as Love governs all Universes, so does Love govern your consciousness, governs all of Creation, all that is life and manifestation in this material Universe.
You are part of this, companions, of a greater command that you are invited to participate in; it is not a command like that of the Earth, which is governed by weak people who seek your property, war, and a separation among souls.
The command of which I speak, My friends, is the command of My Heart, from where all the Rays of Mercy blossom, where all the souls that spiritually assemble with Me are born so as to serve the end of the times.
You are part of that reality and each one of you is positioned within this Work. Each action you perform within this Work is important, just as is the discernment in it.
Everything is a part of a spiritual science that I am inviting you to live in an unknown way, because it is still not in your consciousnesses; but it can be in your hearts when they vibrate with Mine, in this Work of Redemption and of Peace in all of humanity.
The Plan is coordinated in these times according to the need of this Universe, of all the humanities that form part of this material creation. From there come all the Laws, in which all creatures are governed according to a greater principle, according to the Law of Love and of Unity with God.
Who is outside of this Principle, cannot be a part of this material Universe either in spirit, in soul, or in body, because they will be out of the Law.
Humanity is at this point, outside of the true reality for which it was created in the Beginning of Genesis to carry out the Work of God; to concretize this human project based on Love, on Truth, and on Unity, which very few live throughout time.
This led, My companions, to the determination of the Celestial Father and of His holy archangels that I, the Christ, the Firstborn Son, born from the Heart of the Celestial Father, from the Greater Source, should incarnate among you in order to save you and guide you, to remind you of the Laws of the Universe through simple parables that all hearts can understand.
Relive My Message, My Gospel, the New Testament, and also unite it with this New Testament, with this New Message that I give to the world today, and to all the messages that I have already given you, so that your lives may be redeemed under the Principle of My Merciful Love.
I came to the world and very few understood what it was I did. Only as time went by were many holy consciousnesses and souls inspired by My Christianity able to access My Principle of Love and of Unity.
They were re-transmitters of My Universal Love for the world; just as you, companions, who in this definitive hour, within this Plan that summons you, are called to radiate the Love of God to the world, not forgetting first that among you, you must be thoroughly united so that this may happen; otherwise, everything would be a failure.
That is why I come to tell you in this Marathon that you must seek your truth above all mistakes and successes, learnings and tests, challenges, calamities, or sorrows.
Above all things, I come to give you the Principle of My Truth, which is based on the Love of God, in which you can enter in consciousness to discover your true purpose, which you must accomplish in this hour, in honor of My Sacred Heart.
That is why I came in the past and came throughout the times, performing miracles and wonders, testimonies and healings, so that all could believe that I Am the Christ, the Son of God, Who prepares for His Return in this acute hour of the planet, in which souls must find the spiritual meaning of their lives, the path to reconciliation and forgiveness, which you have lost among your peers.
I come to unite the times: the time in which you live and the real time of the Universe.
I come to draw you closer to the true dimension of things, through all the Spiritual Hierarchies and all the angels that cooperate in this Work of Redemption and of Peace.
I come to open the doors to a unique and definitive opportunity that souls will have in this last hour; a chance to cross the threshold, to cross the portal toward My Heart, to recognize your own truth, your real spiritual constitution for which you were created in the image and likeness of the Creator.
Humanity will not be able to self-destruct, and although it leads to that every day, the Divine Messengers are at the service of the Plan, just as you must be at the service of God; you must banish from the world this destructive idea of taking faith away from hearts, of extinguishing love in hearts, of causing the world to suffer.
That is why I came here to show you the origin, your true filiation with God, with the Most High, that is hurt by the sins of the world, by the war and the persecution among brothers and sisters.
As My Mother said in Fatima, in this hour I come to bring you a short time of peace, so that the majority of souls may enter the Kingdom of God and not lose the Grace of being redeemed.
I bring you an awareness of the Plan, because it must be well understood; but first loved, to then be understood in each human heart that opens to this infinite Mystery of Love.
I unite consciousnesses when consciousnesses truly unite with Me, not wanting anything for themselves, but rather all the greater good for the world, for those who most need to find salvation, just as you have found it.
That is why this Meeting with Me, companions, is unique and in a short time will not be repeated again, because the world must be purified completely, within and outside of beings.
That purification will be intense, but the heart that trusts in Me will not perish.
I will give you a renewal, the strength to be able to bear your purification. For who loves Me is protected by Me when they are sincere in their thought, in their feeling and action.
This is the truth that I want you to live for those who do not live it, for those who hide it because of being blind to themselves and far from God, although believing that they are not.
That is why I show you, companions, My true Spiritual Church, that does not live in this world, but rather in the heart of those who seek it in an intimate union with god, with the Father, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
My Spiritual Church is expanded throughout the world in that Most Holy Trinity, in the inner temples of souls; because it will be your little inner church that will merge with Mine to form the new pillars of the New Race.
I will bless and consecrate the elements. Just as on this day I will bless them again at the request of My Celestial Father, through My sublime Grace.
I will pour out the Graces of My Glorified Heart for those who know to contemplate them in humility and love.
Let us praise the Father Who is in the Heavens. It is the Creator Who has sent Me to save the world from its complete ignorance and incapacity to love.
My apostles, servants of My Divine Mercy, leave this inner sanctuary loving one another. Remember that Law, for who loves in truth will not be in the claws of My adversary.
The beast fears Love and consequently, all those who follow It.
My Heart is the Power of God made manifest in each part of the Earth. Venerate My Glory, disseminate My Mercy, and everything will be accomplished.
I have come with My angels of the Universe. Solar Governors of the Celestial Universe that know your souls and the origin of your spirits, and who bring you awareness in this moment, the sacred opportunity of being able to awaken to the Science of the Universe based on the Love of God, on His infinite Unity.
As the angels sing to Adonai, proclaiming His Wisdom in this material Universe, that is how I want your voices to sing, proclaiming to the Father, to the Regent of this Creation, to the One Who loves you from the beginning.
Prayer: Most Holy Heart of Christ...
All stand.
When the Sacraments are blessed, souls win; not like the prize that the world knows, but rather like the Supreme Grace of God, which descends over consciousnesses so that they may be able to take a new step.
This is the real meaning of those who receive the Sacraments, to be renewed by the Love and the Unity of God, and to find the path, the true path of their purpose for this life, the realization of the Work of God in each human heart, in each soul that assembles in order to serve Me.
My Sacred Heart is ennobled by being here and It expands in Love for all.
My Mother grants these opportunities for all, because She intercedes for each being that cries out from their heart for the Grace of Her Beloved Son.
You are graced on this special day and I thank you for accompanying Me in this eternal Communion with Me for the triumph of the Plan.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
My God, I believe in You...(x3)
You have been encouraged to be close to Me despite of what has happened and that is part of the victory of My Heart, of the triumph of the Plan of God on Earth beyond any adversity, disturbance, or deceit.
Today you have encouraged me to be here, in My Presence, in spite of the sins or the imperfections, because I do not wish you to be pure, but free from yourself, so that you may walk by My side, in the perfection of My Plan that I reveal to My fellowmen, to My friends and apostles.
You have trusted in Me and you have come to find Me, even thought everything has changed and the place is different. That is what the obedience of a good soul brings about, that follows the paths of the Lord in total trust and surrender, so that, above all, My Light may triumph, which is the Light that comes from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Today I have come as a Priest, to consecrate you and renew you.
I have come to deposit My Gifts again, which were always present, but I renew everything in your life so that you can go on and, as I have told you, walk beside Me until I reach the goal that I propose for your life and your consciousness.
Be encouraged to follow me and you will not miss My Steps, because I lead My sheep to this stable of My Heart, where I comfort them, I keep them and contemplate them through My redeeming love.
Today I am that Priest who renews your life, consciousness and spirit. I am the Priest who gives strength to your soul to not desist or lose sight of My precious Project, which is to turn your life into an instrument of peace and good for the world.
Look at your star, old pilgrim, beloved disciple and servant of My Father. Look at your origin and glimpse your brotherhood; you have never separated from it in spite of what has happened.
Find your existence again, the meaning of your life, and unify with your brothers and sisters, to survive in these difficult times.
Thus, will be My Heart among you, as It was with the apostles to guide you to the final goal of evangelizing the world and of bringing the Supreme Consciousness of God to those who were fallen and lost in darkness.
See in all My Universe the potency of My Love. that is splendorous and magnificent.
See in each step that I ask you to take, how I guide your life and your inner self with new patterns.
Do not leave My steps behind but always seek me, so that you can see in My paths My Will, which is not yours, but the Will of My Father through Me, through everything that I express for the consciences.
I have come to thank you and to encourage you, to institute a new being that must continue to be molded like clay, until the potter reaches the perfection of it and offers to God as a testimony that this Plan can be fulfilled in this world.
See around Me the twelve angels that accompany Me; supreme authorities, worshipers of My Eucharistic and Most Holy Body.
See in them how the love of adoring Me and honoring Me is emanated, because I Am the Son, Who is in the Heavens, and once descended among you to bring you peace and redemption, to show you the true path, the simple path that My Heart traversed through instruction and the word for all souls.
And so I invite you to ascend and enter My Kingdom, where there is peace and unity, just as there is peace and unity in your brothers, your companions.
Because between brothers there can only be love and unity. Blessed are those who live it and who multiply it in My Name without forgetting that all pain is cured through love and compassion.
I am that Consciousness that brought you Mercy, a mystery that is not yet very well known and that at this time I reveal to you. Because if I am the Mercy itself, it is that mystery that is being revealed to you and to the whole world, to the whole humanity, so that you may know that the great compassion of God still exists and his infinite Piety towards his creatures, similar to Him.
If this Mercy were not among you, companions, how would the world survive in this time, where actions compromise many souls and submerge hearts in the abysses?
It is in this that I need you to work, in freeing hearts, souls and the Kingdoms of Nature, because each one has a mission with Me that can not stop living, nor fulfill.
If I call you in this time, it is because I had already called you in another time, and that burning commitment is still alive in My Heart. And so I come to fulfill before My Father the promise I made Him of self-summoning My companions in this end of time, in which everything is in play, even spiritual life.
But if your prayer were strong, persevering, and loving, you will have nothing to fear, because if you pray with Me and pray with My Mother, and pray with Saint Joseph, Our Light will always be, in spite of the darkness.
Thus, I tell you, companion: do not fear purifying yourself, because if the Son of God was purified when He was surrendered in the Temple into the arms of God, all souls of this Earth must be purified because of their debts and actions; but there is a lifeline that will help you to transcend everything, and that is My Mercy.
Because of My Mercy you are here today and I am with you and with the world.
Because of My Mercy, you still walk by My side and follow My steps.
My Mercy is stronger than any sin, than any indifference and omission.
My Mercy renews all things and restores all things.
It was the Power of My Divine Mercy that helped Me to carry the cross of the world and the horrors of humanity, to be able to free souls from all the hells.
That is why I establish this bridge of light with your hearts and Mine, so that you may drink from My Fount and nurture your spirits in the power of My renewal.
So I am consecrating you at this time, in which the majority of souls have need of My Sacraments, of My Gifts, and of My Graces.
I experience so much pain through the indifference of the world or the indifference of one for another, in the face of the need that is visible before your eyes and hearts.
If you are indifferent among yourselves, you will be indifferent with Me, and I will not be able to reach you. That is why until now and in this time I wait for you, and I still keep My Arms stretched out to you so that you will take My Hands and are able to get up from this ground, from all the stones that makes you fall.
I restore you in spirit and in life when you hurt yourselves or when you wound others.
My Mercy helps you to see the truth in each heart and in each brother or sister who are by your side.
It is in this simple truth that I want you to be able to live every day. It is the truth that I taught My apostles and My followers, including those who gave Me up to the cross and to death.
If I suffered for you, companions, was so you would not had to suffer, nor caused others to suffer with any action, or ways that could alter the peace of the heart that incessantly searches for Me.
I remind you all of My legacy and the commitment to live Me every day until the last days of your lives, because you have offered yourselves for this before My Father and today I come to remind you so that you may live Me through your peers, transcending imperfection and errors, because what is perfect, companions, is love.
The imperfect heart that loves is a perfect heart, because it draws love to it, shares it, and distributes it like loaves to the poorest in spirit.
Many times, among you, I wished to show this love, and I had loaves distributed like gifts and graces for your hearts. And some of those times you were not able to see it, but My Love justifies you and saves you, redeems you and restores you, until you are able to take the great step, according to the commitment of each being.
I offer you My Priesthood as a principle of renewal for those who seek union with God all of the time, and especially so that you not forget that God is merciful and pious with all of the Creation.
I give you My Graces so that you may be purified and testify to My Love in the world, especially for those who most need it in this acute hour of the planet.
Cry, resting upon My bosom, and seek the essence of My forgiveness that will unify you and free you from the past.
Cry, and let Me deeply cleanse you.
My Mercy is like the water of the oceans, that pacifies and heals everything in the consciousnesses.
Cry, and free yourself of pain so that My love may enter your spirit and I make a new dwelling place in glory to God.
Feel My merciful Heart and carry peace to a world that urgently needs it at this crucial hour of humanity.
Tests strengthen My followers. Transformation unites you with Me and purification consecrates you to My Divinity, so that I may be in you and you in Me forever.
Before the twelve angels that accompany Me, this Friday we will celebrate the reparation of the Sacred Heart of your Lord, that deigns to show Himself to simple hearts so that they may see My truth.
While I am here, I contemplate the world and all the souls that open their hearts to receive Me.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us... In the Presence of Christ let us sing: "Come Oh Great Spirit" for the blessing of the sacraments. And let us allow that this Spirit of Christ enter into us. We place our hands in the sign of receptivity.
Once again.
Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…
In this way, companions, I have consecrated you on this day so that your spirits and souls be reborn in My heart and always find peace under the blessing of God and of all His angels.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Could the sisters that came from Menorca come up here to receive the blessing of the consecrated oil.
And in this way, I taught all My servants to love one another through the offering of My Heart, which was pierced for you also so that, beyond all error and malice, you would be able to achieve the Love of God, which is a Love that triumphs and supports souls that live it.
Let us thank the Father Who is in the Heavens, Who assembles us and gives us life, for the presence of His angels that accompany the glory of your Lord in the Sacred Celebration of the Eucharist that redeems all hearts.
Like the angels, let us praise God, so that I may elevate to heaven your pleading and the pleading of all those who listen to Me.
Thus I constitute those consecrated, in different ways, as apostles in redemption.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us sing the melodic Kodoish together with the angels.
We keep our hands in the sign of receptivity.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Well, now we are going to share a little story of the Apparition and afterwards, at the request of Our Lord, we are going to do some reflecting.
Story of Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Sometimes it is difficult to memorize everything that happens, right?, because it is a lot of impulses that the Hierarchy gives us.
I am going to try and synthesize everything that happened, because there were several things, it was what I was feeling and what each one of us was experiencing, it was as if we were going through several stages, on different planes. And each time that we went through those stages, the experience and the meeting with Him would deepen, and I don't know if everybody was able to perceive it, but this is what happened.
But when we were in one of the songs, which was "Christ, You are Love," no, excuse me, I made a mistake, it wasn't "Christ You are Love", it was "Apostles of love", He was already getting closer. That was before the last fifty beads that were missing.
When He began to descend, what really drew my attention was what He looked like. In general, when the Hierarchy descends, Christ, Mary, or Saint Joseph descends, they come in a sphere of light, and it is as if they located the place where we are gathered.
So they come from the Universe, they locate the solar system, they locate the planet, and then, they locate the continent where we are, the country where we are. That is how the Apparition happens, how it begins to happen.
And there, He located this place in Avila, where we were, but instead of directing the energy specifically toward us, He expanded it throughout the region, and suddenly, He showed the walls of Avila as if they were channels of liberation, white tunnels, something like that.
And on the streets of Avila the dead began to rise, or those who were dead on this plane; many people began to leave and He was taking them to a place, as if it was a space where He recycled them, we could say, freed them. There was a lot of people from that period, you know?
And the angels that accompanied the Master helped Him.
So, after He finished this task, that the task was ended, He began to address us. As you perceived, He was talking in the first person, because He was talking to each one of us; afterwards, at another moment, I perceived that he was talking to many inner worlds, to many inner beings, not only to us who were here, but in other places, the brothers and sisters who were connected with us and also those who are not. He was speaking to everyone and placed something within us.
And as he said, He manifested as a Priest, dressed all in white, like a priest is dressed, and on the sleeves, on the outside part, like this part of the sleeves, He had embroidery, and he also had a stole that was all sort of embroidered, in a format very much like a Greek embroidery, as if it were something more orthodox, I don't know how to describe it because I have never seen that. He showed Him like this.
He was all in white and around Him, in His Apparition, were the twelve angels, which He said were governing angels. And so, there He began to develop this task. There were moments which He mentioned as He spoke and also of what He showed, in which He referred to moments in His life in the Holy Land, with all those who participated in those events in His passage as Jesus.
And I perceived that some of us also were in that time with Him.
He was showing what we were like in that time, and what spiritual and human condition we were in; and how in such a surprising, marvelous way He was working with each soul, according to the need that each one of us spiritually had for assistance.
He made this bridge with this moment to this present, and through this exercise, when He transmitted the message, He gave His Word, He was renewing us.
And then in an instant, He spoke of the moment of the Passion, when He falls, and if you remember, He says: "I renew all things"; He says it to His Mother, at the fourth station of the Way of the Cross, when He is with Mary.
He shows that event; He speaks of that happening when He falls and receives a hard blow, right? He shows a situation that was worse than what we know about, and how, in spite of being exhausted, the Master receives a hard blow to His Head when He falls at that fourth station. And when Mary goes to help Him get up, in the blow that He experiences, in spite it being a blow of pain and of suffering, He releases something like many Rays of Mercy, right?, of Light, of Love.
And through the expansion of those Rays of Love and of Mercy, He manages to raise many souls, many fallen beings, that were fallen in that time, and which in this time are also, in some way. According to what He said, according to what He explained, He was trying to have those beings find the path of the light again. And there we were, in all of that process, until the end.
Although He asked to do the blessing of the sisters of Menorca, He did an initiation, like a Sacrament, a renewal, like a vow of union of us with Him, in this task that He is summoning us to live the Plan. That was, more or less, what happened.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
I think that we were all able to perceive that every day the Hierarchy is closer, each day it takes another step toward us.
The Apparition of today was deeply felt, because each one could perceive how Christ was talking to your own heart, as if we were alone, He and us, and there was nobody else in the room.
This approach that He is doing with each one has to do with that link that He wants to build with the heart of each one, and it is up to us to realize it and open up so that He can build this link. Because it is with that link that we will be able to go through everything that must be gone through, that we will be able to transform, harmoniously purify ourselves, being very personally united with Him.
So we cannot lose sight of this approach that He is wanting to carry out with each one of us.
And each time that He is closer, the more codes of renewal we receive.
What is a code of renewal? It is that spiritual impulse that changes something old that is inside us for something new, and that because it is a code, can be infinitely multiplied within us, taking out the old and placing something new in us, spiritually speaking.
And each time that we lovingly connect with Him, those codes are multiplied much faster, we could say.
We have to make what He deposits in each one continue to multiply more and more, each day.
So an Apparition of Christ in this time is not just for coming to listen to beautiful words. It is something much deeper and that we have to open our consciousness, our heart, to not miss not even one second, not even one moment with Him.
So let us place this in our heart, let us treasure what we receive.
Not many people have the possibility of receiving, let us hold this as the great treasure of this time, for our lives, for our spirits, for our future, for everything that will come.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!
What do you think of when I come to meet you? Where is your heart placed before My Presence? And your spirit, where does it dwell?
Where does God reside in these moments, when His Firstborn Son descends to the world to uncover the catacombs of the Earth and free the souls that are imprisoned?
You are bearers of My Light, and My Mercy is here, for if I am within you, why am I outside of some?
My Heart is stronger than thought and allows all souls that are not deserving of the Grace of God to be awoken, but I trust in many of you in this most sacred hour, in which My Heart shows itself to the world to glorify God and all His creatures that correspond to His Greater Plan of Redemption.
Do you, by any chance, remember where you come from? What motivated you to be here at this moment?
My Path is unique; there are not two paths. My ship is unique, there are not two ships in My Project of redemption. Which will you board? The ship of the world that is submerging or the ship of the Holy Covenant that comes to save you in spirit and divinity?
I do not come to search for what you cannot give Me; I come for that which I gave you, which is called the gift of the Heart; give that gift of your heart to God; thus you will glorify the Celestial Father who is much outraged by this world because in spite of My Mercy being invincible and presented before you to give you life, spirit, and renewal, in other parts of the world, companions, the suffering is greater than the light and there are no souls in this time that can bring relief to such things.
Companions, that is called the great unpayable debt of humanity; but if your hearts trust in My Heart, someday you will be able to be merciful and whole; you will receive the Kingdom of God in your hearts and you will be within His celestial wholeness to show this civilization that a profound change is possible.
I come with the hope that you will synthesize this meeting of today with Me in your lives because I repeat, companions, it is time for the great definition. Your feet cannot walk two paths; I come to offer you one path of light that is called sacrifice for humanity, hope for fallen souls, redemption for those who have fallen, and especially for those that, in their spiritual resistance, do not allow themselves to be overcome by Me.
You, companions, have surrendered your hearts to My Heart. I spent many nights in your homes, to visit you, share My joy, console your unhappiness, bring a deep consolation to your spirits. Many times, companions, I accompanied you in your work, guided your families towards My Most Sacred Heart, and this has been possible because you opened the door for this to happen.
I would deeply wish that on this afternoon, you heard other things, things that come from the Celestial Universe, that are eternal emanations of all the Creator Fathers that assemble in My Cenacle of Light to bring a solution to this Project of humanity.
Companions, you are part of this Project of redemption and rehabilitation; never lose hope nor faith that your lives will be realized in Me, for in this way, I will be present all the time, accompanying your hearts and your families.
I would like to tell you, My beloveds, that through the Sacraments I come to give souls a unique opportunity. When a Sacrament is not carried forward, you are interfering in My Project of redemption, but you are free since your birth into life.
I come to offer you an opportunity rather than an oppression, but these matters will be understood later, after I am no longer here and some years have gone by, in which you will see, as true testimony, all that the Messengers of God carried out and where they led you for an Infinite and divine Higher Purpose for this humanity, for this part of humanity here on the planet.
I bring you confidence in what is impossible to do and believe. I know that many of you feel My Spirit, but I still will not be able to show Myself to everyone; some will see Me after this life through that Portal of Light you will cross as souls towards the meeting of My Kingdom of redemption, where I will be waiting for you, for a new divine fusion, for a new mission in the Plans of God.
Everything that is done here in My Name, such as the Sacraments, has a spiritual and inner purpose that you will not understand in this life, but the experience I provide you with through the Sacraments is indelible and you will see it in the next Earth.
Thus, in these times, on this day and in this place, I come to rebuild what I gave you in the beginning; I come to renew the teachings that I gave My apostles on washing their feet, baptizing their spirits, exorcising their bodies, consecrating souls that come to go through an experience of love in this humanity.
With this, I tell you that the Sacrament of Marriage is a primary project of God. I come to recover the spirit of the Sacred Family in many hearts because that spirit that We placed in the world is being erased from the consciousness of humanity through the suffering, the martyrdom of punishment, that is generated in these times.
Companions, you know more than I that families are disuniting, that souls are being lost because not even the spirit of My prayer dwells within them. Thus, through the Sacrament of Marriage, I come to recover and to renew your lives in that chaste union that I propose for you through a simple consecration to My Sacred Heart.
Simply through the movement and the fact of consecrating your hearts to God, you will re-open the doors so that the blessed and Sacred Family of the universe may descend with its spirit of life to the Earth, fill consecrated hearts, renew the teachings so that your lives may be an example for God, for the universe, for universal life.
And in this way, in the Presence of My Heart, through each Sacrament, you will be testifying, as it was with the peoples of the desert, that the Project of God, will be in recovery in your consciousnesses.
I know you will not understand it. I know you sometimes do not understand what I ask of you because you do not have the structure to be able to understand Me, but the heart that trusts will never fail, for it will be on the correct path, the path of My Sacred Heart.
Today My Words would have been different, but My Instruction must be well heard, not by your minds, but rather by the true feeling of the heart of light that dwells in each of you, that belongs to God and His universal infinity, by His Grace.
You are always free to walk, but I ask you not to forget Me, because all of this weights the universe, due to the atonement that I give you and My Divine Mercy.
Hearts are separating from themselves more and more, and this has repercussions in the families. Families must be the expression of My Love, of joy, of hope, and renewal. If, companions, the family is not sacred or blessed, how will the Project continue in the New Humanity?
Thus, I come to open you a door so that you, who are the first in the perfect list of My Heart, may re-open the doors for those that are lost, that hate, that separate from God the Father.
Each Sacrament is a tunic for your lives.
I will not rest until achieving what My Father asks of Me. I will not rest until My Work is completely carried out in your lives.
You must love the Plans of God to be able to understand them; many want to know them before loving them. My Science is not from this world. I bring you closer to it so that you may grow in wisdom.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Our Lord is calling the coordinators of the areas of Figueira because He wants to tell them something.
While I am waiting, trust in My Divinity; that will bring you closer to God and you will not become lost easily when things are intensified in this world.
Listen to My Voice, companions, because when I am no longer here and My Mother or Saint Joseph either, your hearts must be realized in faith, in trust, in the believability that We were always here to guide and console you, for you must testify to the laws of the Earth on all that happened here, in the coming time.
That will be the definite and important time for each one of you and confirmation to God and His Project of Love. This will allow, or not, the doors to be open for those that will need the consolation of the points of light that were founded on the perfect base of the Sacred Hearts.
This Work will not end when We are no longer here. This is the first part of the preparation; the Work will continue throughout the years, the multitudes will grow because faith will be present as a living flame at the top of this Hill. It will be the primary motivation, the invisible spirit that will call hearts to redemption and the healing of each of your lives.
Thus, the 144 thousand will assemble before I return in Glory, in Body, in Soul and Divinity. If this were so, a part of the Project will have been accomplished. If this were not so, we must pray.
For you, I bless this important Sacrament that is on My Altar, that not only unites hearts and souls but unites lives and families through the spirit of My Mercy.
I thank you for consoling My Heart for the grave sins of the world, for the thorns on My Chest hurt, and you must alleviate this through love and prayer, just as you have done up to now.
Renew yourselves every day and do not tire of working at My side for peace.
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more