Remove all anguish and sorrow from your heart, and do not think you will not manage to do so.
Although it may seem unknown, dare to say 'yes' to the Universe in complete trust.
Take your steps toward Christ. Even in the moments of greatest tribulation, let My motherly Hand draw close to you so as to guide you.
Let that which is oldest in you gradually die while in your essence what you really are and what you came to fulfill on this blue planet awakens.
Trust that you will be able to carry on walking. Let the Sacred Flame of My Heart illumine your path and thus you may carry forward the inner purpose that the Father entrusted to you.
Meanwhile, my child, recover your hope from the beginning of your awakening, from the moment in which your heart had the feeling to follow this sacred but unknown path. From there, you must gain courage and inner strength to learn to transcend yourself, to learn to be uplifted and to find the justifiable sense of having to be here.
Now your life is like that moment in which Peter, the Apostle, had to confirm whether or not he was with Jesus, since, in spite of his denial, within the essence of Peter there existed that trust hidden by fear.
Open your heart and go through that threshold of fear that does not exist and say 'yes' to the Sacred Heart. Always say 'yes' even though you do not understand.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
On the eve of this Nativity of the Lord, I would like all My children to work, every day, under the spirit of joy and love for serving God.
I would like your smile for receiving this next Nativity as something special and unique to be reflected on your faces, so that the spirit of the families may also continue to be helped.
For this, children, I daily invite you to renew yourselves, to be in Christ and for Christ, living each moment as something primordial, knowing that everything you do will have repercussions in the world.
I would like your lips to not tire of praising the Lord, because great are His Glory and His Mercy towards the world; a world that at this time needs infinite interventions and graces.
Celebrate every day and do not tire of doing so; celebrate from the heart and do it for your brothers and sisters of the world who lose the sense of living and the opportunity to love, just as I teach you every day.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
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Dear children,
When unity is established among hearts, the Purpose can then be manifested and, even more, when true love is present, this purpose or this mission can be fulfilled effectively.
It is so, My children, that I call upon you, so that every day, and beyond, the unity of the purpose prevails because this will allow the human race to continue being worked on and helped so that, above all, the Plan of the Creator is established.
In these times, this unity and this unbreakable love among the beings of the nations of the world will be that which will allow for generating within humanity a source of new and important possibilities of redemption and forgiveness.
For some reason, when the sight of the Purpose and of its unity is lost, remember what I tell you today because this way you will know that you must always be renewed, through each new invitation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The arrival of the Aspects of God from the Universe
I would like humanity to understand the inner, universal and cosmic meaning that in certain places of the planet the Aspects of God descend, brought by the angels within great celestial spheres and placed in the most sacred places so that the spiritual consciousness of humanity may be helped, liberated and transmuted from the precarious conditions of its own spirituality and life.
Therefore, children, the descent of the Sacred Names of God, to the interior of the planet, generates a space of luminous, atomic and cellular renewal of humanity. In this way, the spiritual meaning of humanity is protected and the great spheres of the Consciousness of God bring to humanity a sense of rescue and salvation that it also needs.
In these times, the descent of the Aspects of God to the planet generates an immediate possibility of being and remaining in communion with Creation and with Life, thus being able to repair the serious mistakes that the present race makes, distancing itself from the Law and from the essence of Creation.
The Father, who is fair and merciful, comes to the world in search of union with the essential life of His children; thus helping, in every way, the unconsciousness of humanity that is deteriorated by all of the actions committed.
The Aspects of God allow the creation, within the sacred and spiritual spaces, of this new bridge that will help the creatures in the inner world to recover their affiliation with the universe and with all existence, with their true inner origin.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May your cross not be heavy today, the cross that God has given you to learn how to free yourselves from matter.
May your cross be light today, may it be like the wings of angels that elevate you to a state of constant redemption.
Feel that I am here in the name of My beloved Son to renew all things, reaching the depths of the essence of Life so that all may be redeemed soon.
No longer feel the weight of this cross as a punishment or a defeat, please the Lord by carrying it with valor, courage, and resignation.
Avail yourself of this cross to make every moment a victory of Christ, not only in the surrender, but also in service, in prayer, as well as in each act of love that your heart can offer humanity.
Feel that you can take the steps and that you no longer stop on the path.
Move forward with your cross, just as Christ moved forward until the end for each one of you.
Experience each stage as if it were the last and use each test in order to be able to realize the Plan.
May this sacred cross of life which you carry on your back, today be the symbol of the triumph of love and of infinite charity for this wounded planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
Today I take you all to the very important and luminous moment of the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan, an event that, through the Savior, led the whole world, during that time, to regain the spiritual dignity and the merit the Love of the Creator.
The Baptism of Jesus instituted the divine and spiritual purpose of that sacred Sacrament so that souls, through the Sacrament of Baptism, would recover the inner dignity of being children of God.
Fort this reason, the sacred Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan not only signified the initiation of the Divine Son in His public task, from this moment on and for the next three years, but it also opened the doors so that the Holy Spirit could work in the world until after His Ascension.
The power of the Sacrament of Baptism and the profound humility of the Divine Son represented, at that time, the possibility of reintegrating the human consciousness into the universal Laws through experiencing the Commandments given to Moses, but with the fundamental key Christ revealed during His public life: “You shall love God above all things, as well as love your neighbor as yourself.”
At that planetary moment, this closed the cycle of acute perdition in which the whole planet through ignorance. found itself
The Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan also represented the reintegration of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which humanity once lived in the beginning, through Adam and Eve.
The Sacrament of Baptism, instituted through the Baptism of Jesus, brought to the world the opportunity of learning every day to love the life of the spirit and to not be separate from it in spite of what may happen.
Christ represents the Sacrament of Renewal through the Sacrament of Baptism. He is the beginning of our spiritual path and, at the same time, He is the end of our trajectory on this planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Look into My Eyes and discover My Peace.
Look into My Eyes and envision My Light, the Light of God.
Look into My Eyes and find My Maternal Love.
Look into My Eyes and regard My Face.
Look into My Eyes so that evil may dissolve.
Look into My Eyes so that love may be born in you.
Look into My Eyes so that everything may be transformed.
Look into My Eyes and feel the divine protection.
Look into My Eyes so that you may follow My steps.
Look into My Eyes so that everything may be renewed.
Look into My Eyes so that everything may become calm.
Look into My Eyes so that you may feel My Heart.
Look into My Eyes so that the new being may emerge.
Look into My Eyes so that everything may be redeemed.
Look into My Eyes so that peace may flourish.
Look into My Eyes and feel Me everywhere.
Look into My Eyes and all will be in God.
Look into My Eyes because I Am already here.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear child:
Silence, prayer, and perseverance will make of your life a new being, because your being will receive the Gifts from Heaven that it need to live in the Will of God.
Receive then, everything that will make of your consciousness a new consciousness, which will be given the impulse to overcome barriers, transcend obstacles, and reach the Infinite.
That in this time, everything be transformed, from the most inner to the most outer, in order to attract to the world the Graces that the planet and its humanity need.
Have courage, valour, and determination, the Lord, Who is your God, and Our Sacred Hearts, will help you to take the great step, a step that will influence all other brothers and sisters who at some moment will be animated to take the step for all of humanity.
May your heart glow with happiness, joy, and gratitude, because in this way, the whole Earth will transform, and, in time, evil will be defeated and dissipated from this precious race.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I still spiritually govern this world in order for the one thousand years of peace and of healing to be established, after the intense purification of the Earth.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I obey, in supreme humility, the designs of My beloved Son, and thus comply with the Sacred Promises made before our Eternal Creator.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I impel a change in human consciousness, so that this race may take part in a new cycle and in a new state of greater consideration for the planet, for its Minor Kingdoms and for all that exists on it.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I attract to the world the Principle of Renewal, in order for the New Christs to awaken and, finally, abandon the resistance of old. Thus, everything can be transformed.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I decree the Designs of the Divinity and, in this way, My Consciousness acts between the greater and smaller Universes, so that everything remains in sacred harmony.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I keep My children from the capital forces of perdition, ignorance and indifference, allowing the Kingdom of Love and of Truth to reign.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I gather the 144.000 and call them by their names, at the request of My Son, in order for them to prepare their inner dwellings for the great moment of the Return of the Lord.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I summon, in this hour, all the angels, devas and elementals of the planet so that they may unite as a single positive and spiritual force and thus help the whole world in its agony and purify humanity soon.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, your Heavenly Mother mobilizes the Light of the Mirrors of the Universes, in order for them to capture the sublime codes, and radiate to the great oceans of the planet the positive currents of purification and of peace, so that the world´s conversion may be established.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I make the Light of God descend and thus dissolve, little by little, the dark spaces of the planet where millions of souls are lost and submerge in illusion.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I remove from the hells of the Earth the fallen souls that have received the sacred atonement of being forgiven and raised to the Heavens.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I attract the power of the twelve Rays and I unite these cosmic impulses with the spirits. Thus, I establish the Gifts, missions and tasks in the souls that awaken to the infinite power of Universal Life.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I open the doors of the Heavens for the solar angels to descend and to internally announce to humanity that a change in consciousness is urgent, necessary and immediate.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I elevate the prayerful ones towards divine states of peace so that they may help Me concretize the co-redeeming Work alongside My beloved Son, the Christ.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I help consciousnesses liberate themselves from the eternal chain of their cosmic errors so that the Principle of Redemption may be born in these spirits.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I unite the consciousness of all nations and prepare the continents and races to receive the arrival of the great Solar Son.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I sanctify the imperfect, consecrate the unredeemed and vivify the spirit that was dead.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I bring My children closer to the celestial Truth.
With the Scepter of God in My Hand, I gather the Archangels to reevaluate the Plan of the Creator and do whatever it takes for His Divine Plan of Love to be fulfilled, for as long as there are two or more souls who respond to this Plan, the Plan will continue, no matter what.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you and encourages you, always, in Divine Faith,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The world will be wondering why would I have to come to a place where I had already been, where faith is alive and souls seek My Immaculate Heart?
Here I am, My children, to renew the hearts of humankind and redirect their goals, reignite their faith and bring them a healing that goes beyond the body.
My Immaculate Heart comes to institute a universal, celestial and divine healing, which reaches the depths of beings and is reflected in their souls and hearts as an awakening to higher life.
Humanity still is very imprisoned in itself, children, and the things of God only interest humankind if they bring them some benefit.
I come because France needs to wake up. The water that I brought forth here comes from God, to wash your spirits and hearts, and not only your bodies.
The greatest healing that I allowed to be born here is the healing of consciousness, of humanity that was blind to the Divine Presence. And here I return, because once again humankind have put blindfolds on their eyes and closed the doors to God.
Contemplate the God that is beyond human actions and is found within your own heart; a God that shows Himself to the eyes of His children in the strength of the mountains, in the purity of the waters, in the mirror of the heart.
Contemplate the God that speaks to your spirit and that awakens within you the potential for true love; a God that is beyond institutions and beliefs, and unites all of them when they open to the Truth and to Divine Unity.
Contemplate the God that is beyond this world and even beyond the stars; a God that is at the same time on High and within His creatures. In this way, He demonstrates that the infinity He is, is held within His children.
Contemplate the God of Truth, which is not limited to the human mind and its understanding; a God that is in the sacred books, but is not confined to them, for He encompasses all of life and what is unknown to you of it.
Contemplate an infinite God, single and powerful, that because of His goodness has made Himself small, in order to dwell within creatures; a God that rejoices with little and that is silent at the great errors of His children, without losing the hope that they will be able to return one day to His Heart.
My children, with the soul, contemplate the real God, your Heavenly Father, from Whom all things come, and not only this world.
See on the horizon the firmament in which He hopes that, one day, you may walk with your spirits redeemed and awake to universal life.
Contemplate God as full of mysteries as the human consciousness. What you know about Him is as little as what you know about yourselves. Uncover the Divine Presence and in It, find the truth about your own being. Allow the heart to rise up beyond the spiritual boundaries, and that in a true prayer, it may feel and know what it is unable to explain, but can experience. This truth is the healing for the world. This awakening to a union with God is what will bring you to know peace.
My children are sick in spirit, in mind and in body because they do not know God and thus, they do not know themselves, their own destiny and the true potential that is hidden within them.
Here I am, beloved children, to reveal to you that the truth is found in the simple and sincere things of the heart. I came to ask you to learn to forgive and understand others, so that they do not alienate the Creator from their lives because of being empty of love and of meaning.
I come for the youngest, who cannot find God because they came to the world to bring the new, and cannot express themselves when faith is not renewed and does not show them the door to a true path. I come to show you this path, which is not a new religion, but rather a renewal of faith in the human heart, so you may find the Truth and universal life.
My children, above all, I am here for your essences, because a nation without God is a nation without life and without spiritual meaning. Open your eyes, because the Creator has not withdrawn from your lives; it is humankind who closes their eyes in order not to see Him.
Open your hearts and discover the Divine Presence in the depths of these mountains, and in the purity of its waters, hear God Who calls you to return to His Heart.
If you listen to My Call, there will be a time of peace so that hearts may be strengthened in light of Justice.
I love you and bless you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and the Immaculate Conception
Spiritual and inner treasures were pricelessly given to hearts that opened to receive them during these last two days of merciful prayer. Uncountable fruits were given into the hands of those who were consistent in the task of merciful prayer.
Now the time has come to be vigilant and make of these spiritual gifts true jewels that come from the Spiritual Universe for the most needy. All this is the work of the Divine Source, because of the Purpose and, at the same time, because of Justice.
Who has ears to hear must hear for the Lord has invisibly given an inner legacy to the souls that said 'yes' to Him from the beginning and responded to Him. This is cause for joy because something so spiritual and important that would never have been received by souls was today perfectly placed in the essences that once again opened to the Love of the Creator.
A new phase begins; souls will no longer be the same as yesterday nor as in the past; they are now different, as of today.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When the soul is purified, it consecrates itself more and more to God, and His divine and infinite Plan is carried out on the surface.
When the soul is purified, it gains more spiritual strength to face the new changes.
When the soul is purified, it disconnects from everything that ties it to the past and to its ancient story.
When the soul is purified, it frees itself from everything that binds it to its conscious and unconscious plane.
When the soul is purified, it finds the path towards the light, and especially towards its divine essence.
When the soul is purified, it is much more able to resist the planetary transition.
When the soul is purified, it can experience more peace.
To go through purification is a school and a state that helps to place the consciousness on a higher level.
Purification, supported by prayer, opens doors to the new, to the sacred.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Star of Peace, and My Stellar Consciousness approaches the planet to try to awaken in time those who are still asleep in the dream of material life.
I am the Star of Peace, and I emit to creatures the greater impulse that My Son is bringing.
I am the Star of Peace, and those who are with Me are guided towards the dwelling places of the Celestial Father.
I am the Star of Peace, and to My children I give the Graces that allow the consciousness to be redeemed and the spirit to be liberated.
I am the Star of Peace, and I pour the Light of My Star over those who open their hearts to God so as to be able to hear Him.
I am the Star of Peace who in the night illumines the paths of those who are lost in themselves.
I am the Star of Peace who announces the new, that which no one has ever known before.
I am the Star of Peace, of renewal.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When I see you sleeping before My presence, I only remember your moment in the maternal womb.
May that dream which you live restore your consciousness, and may you always remember that you hold within you a valuable inner child that is still learning to grow in love and in charity.
That is why, when I see you sleeping before My presence, you also remind Me of the Child Jesus surrendered into My arms, after I had nursed Him with the sap of the Holy Spirit.
Remain in My arms and give Me your weariness so that I may heal and nourish you with the same essence with which My Beloved Child was nourished.
Let me bathe you with holy water, and in My arms I will cause you to sleep so that you may feel peace and consolation.
All will be recovered, because I will place you in the divine crib of My Beloved Son, so that the Laws of healing may act in each one of you.
Smile at the Mother of all the children of the Father because the time to renew yourselves has come.
I thank you for being in My arms.
Who maternally protects you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Just as My Son, I renew all things.
Just as the dawn renews the day, the cycles of life and the very life of all beings, I renew you at each new meeting, at each new appeal of true prayer.
Just as fire revives the embers and gives new meaning to that which was dead, turning degenerate matter into fertilizing ash, so the Divine Messengers come to this world to transform it.
Many are dead in life and have not realized it, but if you let yourselves be burned by the Divine Fire that descends on Earth, first you will become glowing embers, then ash and dust, and you will seem to be good for nothing; but He who knows ash and knows dust - as a great celestial farmer - will use this powder to fertilize new trees, new flowers, new life. And you will see before your eyes how you are reborn from the nothing you have become and how, from that moment, you will truly know what life is, because only after being fruitful matter in the hands of God, children, you will know the essence of human existence.
When the embers that burned in you goes out, do not worry and do not fear; let the heart and the spirit become humble ash and dust, delivered at the feet of God, so that He may collect them and revive them at the right time.
With all the diverted paths of humanity, My beloveds, the time will come for everyone to be nothing, then to be in everything and to be everything.
If you are in My Heart and allow each cycle to be fulfilled according to the celestial laws, you will live in peace each one of these steps and even when you seem to be dying, you will know that it is like this so that one day you may be reborn in the celestial garden, giving life to many trees that will bear fruit and new seeds. This is how the Kingdom of God is established in this world.
When you, My beloveds, surrender to God, many others will be able to eat the of fruits of your surrender and also leave the new seeds of life for those who come after and who will not need to live what you have lived, because the soil will be already fertile and fruitful .
My dear children of Brazil and of the whole world, with simplicity and love I call you to trust your Celestial Mother, and in this humble way and without many secrets, I bring you close to the Heart of God, so that you will recognize your own mission and feel you are participants in the Plan of the Creator in this world.
Children, as of now, give up the old life , the old man, and allow the fire of My love to burn you and change you forever.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Sun
Dear Children,
Today, when the Universe of God touches the Earth and pours Its Mercy over the whole planet, your Mother of the Most Holy Rosary, from America united to the heart of the Kingdom of Fatima will proclaim the word of life, the one that Her beloved Son Jesus requested Her to pronounce on this sacred day.
For this reason today your Celestial Mother will be united to all of the essences of this world, those that on this 13th of May declare to God and to Jesus Christ that the world accepts and recognizes the Mother of God as the Mother of all and as the Queen of Peace.
In this way the Angelic Universe will be radiating from Fatima, heart of the essential purity, a sea of Graces mainly over the hearts and souls that have remained imprisoned in the illusion and in the claws of the adversary.
Today, from the heart of the Kingdom of Fatima, it will be declared Peace for the world and this will come especially to the hearts that may commune on this day and may pray at least a mystery of the Holy Rosary.
Thus, dear children, the Church of Christ, the one that lives in eternity within the simple hearts, will be awakened again. And the Holy Father will receive an inner aid with which He will be able to keep the spiritual world balanced for some more time.
For this, children, the Queen of the Holy Rosary will descend today in South America in spirit of peace and renovation so that all of the souls of the world may collect the last fruits that the Mother of Heaven will deliver in the hands of the simple and the truthful.
Today from Fatima, the priests of the whole world and all of the favorite children of Our Lady, the ones consecrated to the sacerdotal life, will deliver to the people of God a key that will open the door to liberation of all sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. From this door, the most sinful souls will be able to direct themselves through the path of inner and spiritual rehabilitation.
Twelve Celestial Angels of the Universe will be celebrating along with Our Lady this communion of reparation and of atonement of the whole world, an event that will happen at the same time in all of the tabernacles of the Earth.
But if there is a greater spirit of faith and of devotion to Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Mother of God, Saint Michael Archangel and Saint Gabriel Archangel will promise to the good souls, aid during the hour of death and mainly the spiritual conversion of the family. This will be so if today you pray the Rosary with heart, without asking anything in return, only that the Plan of God be fulfilled in the ungrateful souls.
From the Kingdom of Fatima, the angelic spheres will shine and entrust to all of the guardian angels of the world to celebrate along with Our Lady the universal communion for Peace.
For this, today, your Heavenly Mother comes to ask to all of Her Children to commune of the Body and of the Blood of Christ. This atonement that will be granted by the Virgin Mary will last until the 14th of May of 2015, moment in which will be closed the last door of conversion.
Dear children, today I invite you to adore Jesus and that all may feel united to the Sanctuary of Fatima, Portugal, so that this sacred task of your Mother may be fulfilled as it is planned.
I thank the groups of prayer of the Americas, of the United States and Europe for being already answering to My call!
The Work will be fulfilled because these are the last missions of the Most Holy Virgin before the return of Christ.
Who thanks and blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Get up from where you have fallen and take My sacred hands because I will set you free from pain and error.
Submerge your spirit in the Fountain of purity and of renovation so that the stones, that you have stumbled upon, may be removed from your path.
Dear child of God, I call you to reconciliation. Unite your inner ties to my Immaculate Heart and walk in silence to the Kingdom of the Redeemer.
Observe attentively the descent of My Graces, I am the Mother Star, I am the one who enlightens the spaces and universes of all consciousnesses. I am the Queen of Peace; I am the one that for love of the world helps Her little children.
Dear son, dear daughter, God the Father has encouraged you to grown from your heart, He has given you the hope to live the rebirth in Christ, given you peace to calm your concerns, given you Mercy to wash from the past, in the Fountain, your face and your hands.
Every soldier who serves the Most Holy Mother will face in prayer the great cruelties and human wars that erase love from the hearts of humans.
My soldiers are like the pearls of My eternal prayer, my soldiers are the instruments in which My Light is poured to dissolve evil from the world.
Be still in My maternal Heart and offer to God your small sacrifices. Confess your errors before God, but no longer blame yourself, for the infinite Ocean of the Mercy of Christ strikes at the margin of your life to announce the path that will lead you to redemption.
To work for God is to be in constant emptiness of oneself. To work for the love of God is to live in permanent humility. To serve God is to divest oneself, in a matter of seconds, of what might have happened.
However everything is perfect to God. He loves those who strive, He loves profoundly those who rest and loves those who at this time submerge into the darkness and into the modern aspects of the world.
Nevertheless, the prayer of the Holy Rosary intercedes before God. The Holy Rosary wholly repairs a consciousness that is wounded in the spirit. The Holy Rosary unites and strengthens the love for the Plan of God. The Holy Rosary liberates, purifies, orders, harmonizes and cultivates the hope of living sanctity. Sanctity, for human souls is a challenge that few dare to live, for sanctity first removes the veils from the consciousness and then impels hearts to live inner consecration.
And in all this path of constant purification of souls, is the regency and observation of Heaven; that the Most High God and Jesus Christ follow, step by step, the advances or delays of the children.
Heaven waits for the birth of new and humble saints, like the ones there were in the past, so that through simplicity and surrender, they offer themselves to transform the chaos of the world and the great scale of perdition in which the precious souls live.
Thus, as it was in other times, the lesser ones in the world will achieve greater things and the Celestial Universe will closely accompany the challenge that the new apostles will live. In the end, all the good and faithful servers will congregate in Heaven to share the Glory and Grace of God for having been converted into example of service and surrender to God.
The Queen of Heaven will always help Her children, for your Divine Mother will wait for many more to decide to serve humanity in this time, so that, in this way, the Mercy and Forgiveness of God may descend, instead of Justice descending.
However, the path to follow will be infinite. My servers will cross bridges almost broken, prairies and deserts of the world that have lost the original brightness of Creation; and everything will be accomplished through effort and love to change the consciousness of those who still sleep into the dream of the world.
Your Mother comes, Apparition after Apparition, to awaken all Her children to the supreme Truth, the consciousness that it is urgent to pray for the whole world to leave the superficiality in which it lives.
If new disciples of Mary appeared, My Immaculate Heart will triumph in America and in the whole world.
The time that you live today is a time of great changes, I only ask you to awaken to what many of my children do not want to see, which is the need to purify oneself and to consecrate oneself to the supreme Will of the Father.
I will always guide you as long as you pray the Holy Rosary for the salvation of humanity.
And whole
I bless you and thank the groups of Campinas for allowing that the Mercy of God be poured out.
Mary, Queen and Star of Peace
My children,
In My Heart, seek to rest in your lives, so that in it, you may be renewed in the face of all the tests. I am the Source of vitality, of life for the spirit and of Love for souls. Through Me, you will untiringly walk toward My Son.
I am She who gives you to drink when you cross the desert, so that you may cross the threshold of maturing and reach the Consciousness of God.
The mysteries of My Presence are held in the universe of prayer. One who prays and is silent finds in Me the keys to know the Infinity of God.
For this reason, today I tell you to try and discover the science of prayer, a science that encompasses more than simple words attentively pronounced.
Today I want you to take another step on this path of consecration to a life of prayer, and this is achieved when you allow yourselves to pray with all of your consciousness, with your heart, with your feeling, with the mind, soul and spirit. In this way, the concentration opens doors so that the words may come alive, and each verb pronounced becomes like a doorway that will take you to an unknown universe.
If you do as I tell you to today, going deeper in your prayers, you will discover that the simple act of prayer holds within it, great mysteries of salvation and of evolution for all of humanity.
As Mother of the World and Universal Mother, little by little I lead you to those universes that are held in the silence of each prayer given to you.
Many times you have probably asked yourselves why the Messengers of God give you so many spiritual practices and so many different prayers, and today, I am telling you that the spiritual reason for this fact is that each prayer, when pronounced fully, will open different doors in the consciousness, to lead you to different Universes of God. Also, each practice and each prayer connects your hearts with different divine codes that the Creator aspires to imprint in His creatures.
In this way, never miss the opportunity of praying with the heart and with the spirit. You must be more than concentrated on each word; plunge into each one of them and allow yourselves to be uplifted by the angels sent by God. In a short time, you will discover what I am telling you today if you put My instructions into practice with sincerity and purity.
Do not seek to reach any state of stupor while you pray, because what I am telling you today is a profound spiritual instruction.
If you pray with love and give your permission to go deeper into this universe that is to pray, God Himself, through His angels and Messengers, will open the door to you and will lead you to where each heart belongs.
Little by little, you will discover that praying is more than praying, and that you know very little about this divine practice.
Simply pray, always pray.
I thank you for responding to My call and for having come to My meeting.
Mary, Universal Mother and Queen of Peace
Dear children,
Once again I will be among you in the primordial Center of prayer of Brazil. I will be among you in the Center of prayer of Figueira.
Dear children, today, with the special devotion that My Heart radiates, I will transmit to you an instruction from Mother to child, from the universe to the disciple.
My children, God prodigiously manifests Himself in three ways for souls, for His creatures. God can manifest Himself through the spirit of His creatures and transmit His Wisdom; God can manifest Himself through the minds of His creatures to transmit His Ideas on the Plan of Love for the universe; and God can manifest Himself through the soul of His creatures to transmit His Love to all the spaces of Creation.
God is an Essence of pure, wise, and divine Love; from Him comes all the powers of Creation and manifested life. God is owed honor, glory, and praise because He achieves His greatest expression through the love and unity among creatures.
Today, dear children, I want to teach you in this time to experience a lesson of humility, because God expects your consciousnesses to mature. This lesson of humility consists in your recognizing that God has the majesty and the power to manifest Himself to His creatures in different ways, in order that souls may know Him and feel Him as the Source of Love for life on Earth.
When God recognized the offering of His faithful Servant, the Virgin Mary, there was never any intention of appropriating it, in this mystery of surrender and sacrifice. The Love of God rested in My maternal consciousness, a pure and true Love that entered My Heart to have it become immaculate.
See, My dear ones, how God acts and reveals Himself to His children with Love and Faith, because God expects humanity to attain peace through the knowledge of Divine Truth.
When a heart gives itself to the universe, God is able to manifest Himself in that creature, and then His Will is etched in that consciousness that, through faith and devotion, must accomplish it.
My little ones, I want you to see and recognize that God is Humility and Wisdom. God will never magnify His power because, if He did, it would not be God. God awakens peace for life, as a source for the spirit; faith as an essence for inner growth; unity as a principle of fraternity; and love as spiritual support for souls.
Everything is simple, dear children, who are in God will not fear to be divested of themselves to be able to be healed from the spirit. God is the Source of Love that presents itself so that all may experience this through It.
When the soul does not listen, God is unable to approach. Universal Love needs to be impregnated as light in the cells of all souls so that, in the end, you may imitate My path of surrender and trust. Because in this way, as souls, you will help in the love for God, so He may continue to manifest Himself among creatures, the Kingdoms and the world.
God is renewal, is the Spirit of life and hope. God is the concretization of inner missions for creatures. God is the Love present in the essence of all His children. God must be sought from the heart, because God is constant prayer and a refuge for the hearts that are experiencing the desert and inner thirst. God resurrects the life of the spirit in those who have lost it. God heals through His kindness and humility, because God is the Sanctified Spirit in the Celestial Universe.
God is the only Greater Good for all, because the Father of Heaven is your beginning and your end in this life. He is eternity, eternal Love.
Dear children, hold in your hearts the aspiration of the Father for being more present in them.
Thank you for responding to the Call of God!
Who thanks and blesses you, in the Light of God,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and the Love of God
Most beloved children,
This is a day that My Heart has waited for with special joy, because it is the weekly meeting with My Marian groups.
I asked that you meet on Tuesdays, My dears, so that the fire of prayer can be kept alive in your hearts, so that all My Marian groups find a space to be renewed with Me, and through this prayer, in which all can meet, may your hearts be filled and sustained by each other, creating the unity that the Lord has so hoped for from human beings.
This is a month of great impulses; for this reason, My Heart desires to be ever closer to My children.
The Lord observes you with special attention in these times. Thus, My dear ones, offer your lives to the Creator. Place in His merciful Hands all affliction, anguish and misery of all the aspects you may be experiencing in this time. The universe is waiting for this to be the time of the definitive changes in your hearts. This must be the moment in which fervent prayer begins to become flesh in your beings.
It was in this way, through faithful prayer to the Creator, that the Verb was made flesh in Jesus. So much did He rise to the Father that, at a certain moment, the Father was with Him permanently.
This is the true path of prayer, so that you may be with God all the time and thus convert your hearts and your faults.
If you sincerely fast, in a true offering to the Creator, if you are able to confess to My Son, surrendering your miseries without fear into the Hands of the Redeemer, and if you pray daily with Me, My children, you will then find a definitive transformation.
Thus, prayer and persistence are necessary; persisting in the Purpose of God and in the true aspirations of your hearts, those that lead you into the Arms of the Creator.
Be always prayerful and vigilant. In this way, you will be able to perceive My Presence and My help in the moments of need.
I am with My beloved children.
And I thank you for responding to My call to the life of prayer.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more