The month of May, children, could be known as the month of intercession for souls and the planet.
It is the month in which the Laws of Grace and Mercy are more intensely active on Earth, through the devotion of the souls that consecrate themselves and re-consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
May is not just a chronological period, but rather the period of a spiritual cycle in which the Mirrors of the cosmos align with the Mirrors of the depths of the Earth, as well as with those that are within the heart and essence of those who pray. In this way, a network of spiritual, divine and planetary light manifests through the simple fact that souls expressed their devotion and love for the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Queen of all the Mirrors of Creation.
Through the prayers of Her children, the Mother and Celestial Governess manifests Portals of liberation and intercession between dimensions for the most sinful and lost souls. It is in this way that an opportunity for Grace is granted to those who repent from the heart and pray for redemption and peace on the planet.
The Kingdoms of Nature, the elements and the life that dwells on the planet are also touched by the deepest Graces that come from the Heart of your Celestial Mother.
In the universe, as well as on Earth, the angels and archangels remain attentive to the pleas of those who pray in all cultures and religions, those who sincerely cry out for peace, because in spite of their lack of understanding and ignorance, the love in the hearts of those who pray is transformed into merits for healing, redemption and the awakening of all souls.
For this reason, pray, children, and re-consecrate your lives to God in each instant. You are in a cycle of Graces, of Mercy and of intercession, even during the chaotic scene of the planet. Let your souls be in the correct position for your elevation so that you may always achieve peace.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Search for the science of illumination within you, and know that it is nothing more than the living of the Purpose of human creation.
Illumination is the act of finding the Creator again within yourself and to discover the path and the doorway to Divine Consciousness within your own self.
By living union with God, you will understand His Presence in all things; you will know what the essence of life is, of learning on Earth, and the reason why each being inhabits it.
To illuminate the consciousness is to find the Creator and know yourself to be a part of Him and this, children, is achieved through experience, with the constant search to find God.
Sacred books will guide you; philosophies and true religions will help you find the path for this; but nothing has any meaning if each one of you does not search within yourself for the experience of unity with your Creator.
To pray is to seek the path of communication with God. To communicate with the Father is to create the link of your souls with Him so that you may be able to gradually enter into His Truth and receive the revelation of His Presence.
Seek for the Light of God so that He, in you, may illuminate the abysses of this world. The time has now come in which the little lamps must be on the table, and this is done, children, not with the light of humankind, but with the Light of God in human beings.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May peace reign today in all hearts and among all peoples.
May, through your prayers, love and respect for all nations and cultures be gestated in the human consciousness.
Joyfully express gratitude for the diversity of this planet, which makes it unique in the Universe for the ample possibility that beings have to learn how to love.
United with Our Lady of Guadalupe, may your hearts learn to give due importance to all peoples and may you love and cherish the pure expression of each one of them.
Each people, as well as each culture, has a higher purpose to manifest. Today, children, pray for this purpose so that nations may recover their purity and find the perfect principle of Divine Will for themselves.
Pray so that each nation may express their best in this world. Cease to judge cultures and religions but rather pray that they all find the Will of God and that this Will leads beings into expressing, experiencing and being the Love of God, constantly renewed in His creatures.
Today is a day to be thankful for the existence of peoples, cultures, and nations.
Today is a day to cry out to the Father so that, in His Heart of Love, He may unite all the paths that lead to Him.
Today is a day to place the heart within the Sacred Heart of Our Lady of Guadalupe and learn with Her to establish peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray and unite your heart with the Heart of God, because there is no longer anything to be said for the planet, other than to go deeper in your prayers and union with the Father.
Souls still have not perceived the times in which they are living, and their eyes still have not opened to see the agony of the world and, above all, the agony of the Heart of the Father in the face of everything that is experienced on Earth.
Beings continue imprisoned in their problems and needs; they still clutch to their plans, as if time flowed according to their will.
Child, I know that you do not hear, but the Earth screams and groans, and its cry is manifested in the hearts that suffer wars and conflicts and in the souls that are imprisoned in their illusions.
I know that you do not perceive it, but in the face of all that, the Heart of God becomes silent, and in His Silence, He prays so that beings may find peace in His Heart.
How little the planet needs in order to find peace! If all beings discovered that in true prayer the beginning of all transformation and all good are to be found, there would be peace.
If each being prayed to God, the One Creator, present in all life, even if according to the understanding of each religion and true spiritual path, they could understand and respect the schools that beings experience in order to find peace; they would know that, as each being is at a different evolutionary degree, many paths that lead to the Father are necessary. But one day, Child, all of those paths will meet at the apex of human evolution, which is Love.
When the heart prays, it enters into the Wisdom of God and understands these and many other things. Through human ignorance, there are wars, disrespect and lack of love.
Pray, and you will find wisdom. Pray, and you will find peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At these times, you will not find an answer to your questionings neither in science nor in the sacred books, nor in religions. Everything that man has manifested up until today, even if it was inspired by God in other times, will not manifest the answer and the understanding for what humanity will experience in this world and that, as a consequence, will be experienced by the whole Universe.
Just as nobody was able to explain the actions of the Son of Man, from His predication up until His Cross, in these times, child, nobody will know how to explain what you will live as humanity.
It is in the Heart of God that you will find the answer and the refuge. It is in the Heart of God that you will find encouragement and breath. It is in the Heart of God that you will live in peace, which will be incomprehensible for the majority of men. And you will transform, into love, what for many will be "divine injustice."
Those who never addressed God, and who only worshiped and proclaimed the things of the world, will late cry out, demanding Heaven for an opportunity that has always been given to them. Those who limited Divine Wisdom to the human mind will search in books, written by the hands of men, and will not know how to explain, understand or accept what they will live, and they will shout: "My God! My God!", when seeing manifested what they always denied existed.
Those who were humble of heart and only certain of their own ignorance, will not fear to cross the Portals that will open upon the world and they will marvel at the Sublime Existence that will manifest on Earth, feeling within themselves the relief and aid that they so waited for. Their heart, united to the Heart of the Father, will know how to recognize the presence of the Son of God in His return to the world, and everything that they had to live and surrender in order to be in that moment, will seem very little. Their humility will grant them the grace to recognize the greatness of Christ.,
Now clean and purify your heart, My child. Do not spend time in vanities and indifferences, but know that the greatest treasure you can have is an empty heart, available for God, and united to Him. Build this unity within you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Cry out, little soul, for your sister souls who sleep in the illusion of this world.
Cry out so that the night may be deep, but not eternal. May it forge within beings the fortitude that will help them overcome tests greater than the darkness of the Earth, but that this night not be so intense that it darkens the hearts of humanity.
Cry out for Mercy to descend on Earth in times of Justice.
Cry out so that no punishment may be eternal and so that souls condemned by their own ignorance may be able to get out of the abysses of illusion and lack of love.
Cry out, soul of God, so that your Father, Who is Eternal and is full of Love and Grace, does not tire of pouring over the world these Gifts of His Heart, so that they be an eternal bridge between His creatures and the Source of Life.
Cry out, soul of God, so that your Father, Who is in the Heavens, but Who is in all things, may listen to your prayers, and if they are sincere, they may be answered.
Cry out for those who sleep in the dream of this world and cry out for those who believe they are awake, but are lost on confused paths that do not lead them to God.
Cry out for the One Truth to reveal itself and for Unity to emerge as a need in the hearts of men.
Cry out, little soul, for the soldiers of Christ to persevere in the four corners of the world. That they proclaim Love more than a doctrine, that they proclaim Love more than a religion, and that they recognize themselves in the Love that dissolves differences and reveals souls as sisters under one and the same purpose.
Cry out so that this Plan be fulfilled. Feel yourself a living part of the human consciousness and, being part of the heart that pulsates on Earth, raise your voice to the Heavens and cry out to the Father for the establishment of His Will, for the rebirth of His Love, for the consolidation of His Word, for the institution of His Laws, for the fulfillment of His Promises and, at the end of everything, so that His image and likeness be reflected in the faces, in the hearts and in the consciousnesses of all His children. Let your cry be eternal and true.
He who blesses you and cries out with you for this world and for creation,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Children, recognize yourselves as part of an infinite, which you ignore, due to your own smallness.
The fact that the Creation is not understandable for you or that not all knowledge is inside your minds does not mean that it does not exist.
The Work of God in this time must be definitive and generate the awakening that the souls have expected so much for hundreds of years.
In all religions, just as in all spiritual groups that have existed on Earth and that began with pure principles, the interference of the human mind many times diverted the Purpose of God, and this made souls wonder if the religions are, in truth, being guided by God or by men.
This is how faith began to be lost in the human heart and the Creator sent His Messengers, so that will be Themselves those who guide humanity.
The Divine Messengers, children, are not only here among you. We have also tried to guide and warn other groups and religions, but even so, they were not capable of listening.
The Voice of God is trying to silence humankind in order to straighten their path and remove human power and authority that some think they have over souls throughout the whole world.
The human heart has lost confidence in their fellow beings because the one who is not reliable cannot rely on the other. This is why, children, many deny the Words of God pronounced over times.
The one who is transparent and true in their faith recognizes the truth when it is before their eyes, and does not fear or doubt when listens to the Words of God, because they know they are capable of following them, even beyond themselves.
Children, if you want to recognize the truth, be true. If you want to live plenitude and launch yourselves into the Will of God without fear to deceive yourselves, then, do not deceive your neighbor, do not lie, do not manipulate, and attract for yourselves only wisdom and truth.
You will live in peace and without mistrusts when you are able to sow peace and trust in the world through your works, your feelings and your words.
You will be able to proclaim yourselves as apostles of Christ when, in truth, you follow His Words and live for Him and not for yourselves.
Humankind would not fear the destruction of the church if they did not know that it is about to collapse, due to its own actions.
You do not need to fear the destruction of the Work of God if you know that it is truly of God and not of humans and if you know that you will do everything, in obedience of the Designs of God, so that this Work may be sustained.
Today, children, I teach you to be true, because in this way you will recognize the truth. There is no other way to perpetuate a Work but with truth and the living example that you give to the world.
Do not fear the words of humans because the one who points out false lies in their neighbor is the one who tries to hide their own.
Follow the truth and work everyday so that you may be each day more transparent before God. In this way the masks of illusion will fall by themselves.
The one who warns you for you to be true and humble,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Welcome to a new cycle of evolution, a cycle which will charge spiritual maturity from everyone, that will allow you to live in harmony in the times that will come.
This new cycle will be marked by inner tests, in which the consciousnesses will find themselves facing great responsibilities, with little inner experience to take them on. However, it will be the adhesion that each one will present to the Will of God, and their efforts to fulfill it, that will make the grace and mercy that you need to fulfill your mission to descend from the universe.
Children, when facing the challenges to come, always say "yes", even if they seem impossible to be experienced and overcome. When you say "yes", the Creator receives permission to operate true miracles in your consciousnesses and heal all that prevents you from making the leap you need.
The challenges will make you grow and prepare you for the cycles that will come later and that will be major and definitive trials not only for you but for all humanity and for the whole universe.
Do not fear to launch yourselves into the unknown or take the steps that will lead you through paths you do not know where they end. Do not fear losing everything and, above all, losing yourselves because - though painful - this is the goal of humanity. Remember that the emptiness of yourselves leads you to the Truth, to the Archetype, to the Source.
Today I wish you a start cycle filled by God and the universal life. This new time will be marked by the awakening of humanity to this life.
All the sciences will be united spiritually in the universal science and all true religions will find the common meaning in the experience of love. Knowledge and religion will unite to unveil new worlds and universal principles, and they will discover that the greatest science, which is the experience of love, leads to new horizons, to new universes. Thus you will not fear to know the Truth and with the knowledge filled with spirituality, and religion full of wisdom, you will cross the gates towards a new life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While the enemy of God sows discord between nations, between religions, and between the different cultures of this world, I call you to cherish love and unity among beings.
Children, the plans of the enemy cannot be hidden from the eyes of the Father, and the Lord cannot do anything else but warn His children that, in the human consciousness, fear, discord, anger, disbelief, loss of hope, and disaffection are being sown.
The adversary of the Lord seeks every day to destroy the spirit of faith in the hearts of humankind. He is trying to confront the different religions of the world as a means for all the ways of union with God to be brought down by its cunning. It also does so with nations and cultures by encouraging confrontations among hearts to prevent human beings from developing the principle of unity.
But what the adversary of God is ignorant of, is that his cunning does not resemble the Love of God at all and that his strength can never compare to the Power that comes from the Creator. This certainty must reign again in the human heart, the certainty that God has the power to defeat any evil, darkness, and shadows.
May each creature unite with the Lord just as they understand Him; may they not lose faith in His Mercy, and even when being before Justice, may they have the strength to generate merits to balance their own debts.
I tell you this because I want you to understand that a mission that unites cultures and religions for the only purpose of strengthening fraternity among beings is of incalculable value in the Kingdom of the Heavens. For this reason, I ask the missionaries of My Chaste Heart – who have bravely accepted the missions entrusted to them by God – to be capable of transcending their own limitations and need for healing in order to heal, in the human consciousness, the evil that seizes its heart.
I ask that you selflessly serve all the time, that you recognize the opportunity for transcendence that God presents to you in every moment, because while your arms work in matter, Ours work in the spirit.
I know that many will feel tiredness, not only physical but also spiritual, because both in Chaco and in the Middle East, God aspires to share the sorrow of His Heart with all those willing to be with Him and for Him in the face of human suffering.
I only tell you to trust in Our guidance, in Our Grace, which bathes and renews you every new day, so that you may face those missions with love and gratitude, with humility and faith.
Each time that you transcend an aspect of resistance and open up to experience the Grace of God, We open the doors to Heaven a little more for the salvation and rescue of souls, because – by the merits generated by the effort of everyone – the Creator grants Us this act of mercy.
Give all of yourselves for those who feel incapable of giving one more step towards God. Transform yourselves for those who do not even have the bravery to persist in a worthy survival.
Never forget that the same God Who created you in perfection, today dwells within those who stand before you. All the effort and work that you do to return the Lord His possibility to be manifested in Glory in the hearts of humankind will be little. For there are many who do not know and even deny God in their essences.
Cherish unity, cherish love, cherish so that each one may find the union with God, just as you know Him, and remain in the purity of your faith, achieving the experience of love wherever you may be.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.
In the same way that the enemy tries to weaken the different religions in the Middle East and mixes economic interests and power with the religious conflicts so that humanity no longer wants to reconnect to God, the enemy also weakens the role of the indigenous consciousness in the world, placing the original peoples in the face of the so-called "technologies".
The adversary of God tries to imprint in the human consciousness the idea that the indigenous peoples are primitive and that, being so, they delay the evolution of the planet in general.
Be attentive, because this is a destructive thought that diverts you from the Plans of God!
As I have already told you previously, the original peoples who remained faithful to the pure principle of their existence are guardians of fundamental attributes of spirit for the development of humanity.
The indigenous move and act based on intuition, wisdom, on the feeling of the heart, on the union with nature, on reverence for the sacred. Imagine the human being without these spiritual attributes! They would lose their life, their essence, their bond with God.
May the mission in Chaco not only be to render a service, but that you also allow yourselves to experience a mutual exchange: protect, support, and assist those that keep you spiritually united with the Wisdom of God.
These two missions, both to the Middle East and to Chaco, must renew the principles of faith, fraternity and unity in the human heart. Every service, every prayer and every liberation must have that purpose, because with faith, fraternity and unity, the heart will be able to know love one day.
Be in a posture of great humility, because both in one mission as well as the other, in spite of having many resources to help, if you are in a posture of learning, besides helping in great processes of spiritual liberation, you will bring many codes of maturation and wisdom in your consciousnesses.
Humility is the key to service. One who serves with the intention of being a bridge between God and humanity, transcending their expectations and aspirations, will accomplish the Purpose of the Lord, not only for their goal of service but also for their own transformation and the transformation of the human consciousness as a collective.
I love you, and in omnipresence, I accompany both missions as well as all the prayerful beings that support them. May everything be for the fulfillment of the Plans of God.
May peace and love be established in the world.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Many ask themselves where the unity will come from between the different cultures, religions, races and nations. How can such diversity be united?
Few have discovered the power of the Love of God and almost no one lives the truth which is to know that if such an infinite God was capable of creating such diversity, He can be found in all things and also in the different religions inspired by Him.
The creatures are inside of the consciousness of God and God in them, but the ignorance that closed their eyes does not allow them to see that the Creator is there, in the depths. And so they live an illusion, a life apart from Him, only because they do not know that He is in all that was created. They do not see Him and do not feel Him because they have not yet opened to know He is within beings.
The Creator, in His immeasurable possibility of loving, throughout the existence of humanity, created many religions. Each one would lead a certain part of His Creation, but – if they keep His Essence alive – all would lead to one purpose.
When Mary says She will unite, within Her Immaculate Heart, the different religions, peoples and races, this does not mean that everybody will recognize the person of Mary as Mother of God. Mary is Unity itself, because Her mantle protects the entire Creation. As Unity, She leads the different religions to Love which is the Principle that Her Son expresses.
Many may not recognize the person of Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life, but those who believe in Love and live in Love are in Christ without knowing it.
The Love which Christ expresses transcends the existence of the person of Jesus. The Unity which Mary expresses transcends the person of Mary. They are no longer a material part of Creation. Those who came from One Spirit manifested themselves on Earth to construct a path, to express an archetype, to give a living example and now, in the different scales of evolution, they continue giving examples and leaving Their footprints within all dimensions, so that even the angels could follow Their steps.
The principles of Love and Unity are possible to be lived by all true religions, including those who do not have a religion guided by an institution but who in their hearts seek to connect themselves with God constantly, by Love and Unity. This is how Christ and Mary lead humanity.
Being a Christian is more than believing in Christ. If you want to reach the religion of the heart, in which all are brothers, children of one God, believe in Love and Unity.
Love and Unity will lead you to the Origin. This is the reason for human existence: to live these two universal attributes that once became flesh and today have returned to the Purest Heart of the Creator so that every living creature, from matter to the spirit, can return to God.
I want you to announce to the world that there is one God and He unites you in the principles of Love and of Unity. It does not matter if the path is seemingly different because some will be more open to following the steps of Muhammad; others of Buddha, others of Christ, others of Mary, but all can be united, in spirit, in the Purpose of God for humanity, which is one: Love and Unity to reach Him.
Live with this certainty in your hearts and do not doubt for an instant the possibility that God, from which comes all things, can return to Himself all that He once created.
I love you, bless you and ask you to keep praying for Peace on the planet. Remember, every day, that your spirits already live in God and that, just by being aware of His presence inside of you, you are already bearers of the greatest mystery of love and of mercy of this creation.
Pray for those who do not know the Love of God and for those who believe they love Him, but do not know the true Love and the true Unity that lead to the Creator.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While the enemy tries to strengthen the lust for material power and discord between nations and the different religions of the world, may those who are still lucid and firm in the aspiration of following the divine purpose strengthen their conviction that the only Power is the one that comes from God and that all religions that lead to the Father must be respected.
Children, understand that the spirit of this next mission to the Middle East, as also to Chaco, is the unity, the possibility of being united in love and respect to the different cultures and ways of revering God, who is the Only One.
If the souls walk to God under the spirit of love, fraternity and of unity with the neighbor, it does not matter how you go through this path, because – when the time comes – God Himself will unite all paths opened by Him throughout the human existence to merge them into a single destiny, which is love and unity with Him.
The most important thing is giving an example, to the world, of the possibility of love existing between different religions, cultures and nations. It does not matter if Christians are persecuted in the Middle East: the fact that the Christians of the West continue helping this people, with the intention of dissolving the hatred that expands in the hearts, it is a great act for God, which will balance many evils of the planet.
As the missionaries are going to the Middle East, may all the prayerful beings of the world accompany them with their hearts and unite themselves to this purpose to truly pray for the different religions, to strengthen themselves in their essences of union with the Only God, who is the God of Love and of Truth.
Children, do not allow that the enemy reach his goal of destructing, from the human heart, the Faith in your religions and the essence of all of them. May all the true religions, which are those that lead to God, keep their purity and their essence alive, so that they keep reconnecting souls to the Creator, as it is the purpose of the existence of each one of them. Also in Chaco, in Argentina, you must learn the religion of the heart, that which transcends institutions and is based only on the true meaning of the word, which is to reconnect yourself.
May, little by little, love and respect be planted in the human consciousness. This is the Will of God for this time. May, despite all differences, there be unity among the beings. May the different paths be ways of conducting different souls to only one purpose: love and unity with God.
If you learn to give your lives for your friends, to love and to forgive above all things, you will be living the Christic principles, even inside of other religions. It is this way that the consciousness reaches Christification, even though it only comes to understand the essence of its experience when it transcends the physical level of this world.
Christ is hidden in the essence of all the true religions because who lives in Love, lives in Christ.
I love you and bless you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more