When hearts express gratitude to God and souls praise the Creator in their most pure joy, God also expresses His gratitude to humankind, to His little creatures, those small bits of His Being, of His infinite Heart.

When you express gratitude to God, you unite with Him, because gratitude, children, opens the doors of Heaven and unites dimensions, in spite of the indifference of humanity, in spite of the numbness and of the illusion that still permeates the hearts of so many beings on this Earth.

When some few, but sincere, express their gratitude to God, the doors open to the infinite Universe of His Mercy and of His Love, and not only those who cry out, who are grateful, and who love the Father, receive His Mercy. His Fount is poured out indiscriminately over all souls, because this is the way of the Heart of your God: infinite, infinite in His Love, infinite in His Grace, infinite in His Mercy.

Today I come here not only for you, but for a wounded continent.

I come here for those who are furthest from God, who do not know Him, and for this reason do not love Him.

I come here for those who hang on to their wounds and who, without realizing it, pin their own souls to suffering, to anguish, to emptiness, which is not a spiritual emptiness, but an emptiness of God, an absence of love.

I know that in the depths of each one of you, these wounds are also reflected. This is why I am here.

I am part of this humanity, which does not know itself. I am part of your hearts, I understand you, but I also know how much you can offer God and you do not know it or do not want to know it; because this, children, means effort, valor, courage, and above all, love.

There is no other way of knowing the Love of God except risking to love, trying to love every day, searching for the path that takes you to real love. Do not seek for it in other human beings, because you will only learn to truly love your fellow beings when you love God, because He is to be found in all creatures.

Today I come to stretch out My Hands and touch each one of your essences so that you may awaken.

For a long time, I accompanied you in a silent way, walking on this continent, bringing healing and awakening to souls, but that was not enough. For this reason, I return in the name of God, in the name of My Son, Who is the Son of the Creator, who is God Himself.

I touch your hearts so that you may remember your commitments to God, because the time has now come.

I touch your hearts so that you dare to set aside the human small-mindedness, the conflicts, the grievances, the lack of fraternity, so entrenched in your hearts, so that you may make room for a love still unknown to you.

Just as I come to the world for a wounded humanity, I want each one of you to also be in the world with the same purpose of healing the human heart, of sowing the good, of sowing the new.

We came to this place at the request of God, not because it is what He most needs, but because humanity will have need of it.

Here we came to plant a new life, sow the healing, the Grace and the Mercy of God, so that the Gifts of the Heart of your Father may spring forth here like an infinite fount, where souls will be able to quench their thirst when no other place yields Water for them, the Water of Life, Water that comes from God.

We came to sow purity here, so that you may express it.

We came here to open the door of Heaven, as from the depths of the Heart of Lys, so that you may unite Heaven and Earth, so that this very silent Kingdom may not just be a story to you, a knowledge or some information, so that it may be a reality, a living experience.

Aspire to be instruments of the Kingdom of Lys, instruments of God, instruments of the Heart of your Heavenly Mother, so that you may carry Her Virtues, Her Graces, whatever place you go, so that you may multiply what you receive and serve humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature with your actions, with your word, with your mere presence.

Aspire to transform, aspire to heal, aspire to awaken and move from the point that you are at, every day, because an instrument of God, children, is not the one who achieves perfection, but rather the one who allows themselves to be transformed every day by the Hands of their Father, recognizing the roughness of their wood, but also the potential for it to transform into something sacred in the Hands of God.

Every day more, humanity looks for comfort and all the ways in which to remain more inert.

For this reason, today, with My Heart full of the Spirit of God, I come to bring a Fire to ignite your souls, for the renewal of your spirits, so that you are not like ordinary humanity, looking for comfort in a time in which the Earth is in agony, thirsty for service, for surrender, for the giving of self.

Do not look at the goals of God as something unattainable. Raise your hands and touch that which the Father offers you. His Arms are always stretched out to the world; His offer is permanent, unchangeable. His hope does not whither and His Love never dies, but you need to lift your eyes and your arms to take that which God has for each one of you. Do not be content with the things of the world, do not be content with the knowledge you have already received. Seek an experience that makes this knowledge come alive and thus, broaden it.

Do not have knowledge of the Kingdom of God; live in the Kingdom of God.

Do not have knowledge of the Kingdom of Lys, be the Kingdom of Lys; be part of this Sacred Kingdom and let it no longer be a mystery to humanity, because when those who do not know it ask you "what is the Kingdom of Lys?", you will be able to respond "I am the Kingdom of Lys." And you can be the Kingdom of Lys when you open wholeheartedly so that it may enter and transform you into an instrument of the purity and the peace that dwells there.

I asked for a Reliquary of My Heart here, so that you may definitely awaken, so that you may contemplate it and seek for assistance, so that you may contemplate it and recognize your own imperfection. But know that, even with this imperfection, the Lord performs miracles. This Heart that is before your eyes is not perfect, but Its surrender is absolute.

I never experienced perfection on Earth. On the contrary, every day I had to surrender many miseries to God, but it was the constant surrender itself that drew Me close to the Heart of the Father.

Come stand before this Reliquary to recognize your miseries and surrender them to God so that you may be beyond them, crying out for the world. Contemplate it for those that cannot come here.

Imagine that Its Rays and Its Grace, which do not come from Me but rather from He Who sends Me to the world, are able to reach each soul most in need.

Today I show you My Chaste Heart and I offer It.

Accept this Grace, this offer, and dare, dear companions of Christ, to make the same offer before God.

In each Reliquary, I leave a little piece of My Being, just like in the Kingdom of Lys, which is also My house.

Sing to this Reliquary, so that I can bless it and so that this Heart, which I expose today to your eyes, is able to be reflected in this wood, as imperfect as a human heart, but which fills with graces, with mercies, with love, when it offers itself to God.

Let all the Gifts and Virtues that are born of My Chaste Heart enter into this Reliquary so that not only that which I achieved in My life on Earth is kept there. Let everything that I learned from the origin of My Being to My meeting with God be spiritually deposited in this little Heart so that, in this way, each one that contemplates Me learns to travel that path from origin to origin, from the Heart of God to the Heart of God.

In this way, understand that the Graces of the Lord are infinite and mysterious, for they will never fit in the human mind. But the heart that has faith does not need to understand with the mind that which is in the certainty of its heart.

Now sing and allow everything I told you to become life.

Your heart, My child, represents the heart of all of Europe. That is why I called you here, I asked you to make the dwelling of My Reliquary so that it could go to Europe by means of you sheltering and safeguarding My Chaste Heart. And while your hands worked, not only your heart was healing, but also the heart of Europe so that, in this way, each being could understand that they are not separate from their people and their story and that in a small act, even if unconscious, it can slowly go transforming the story of this humanity.

I called you here not only to grant you a Grace, but so that through you I could grant Graces to this continent, to this planet. This is what the Mystery of God is like: His Heart multiplied, was shared and generated lives and creatures, but never ceased to Be One. You are part of the Heart of God and each one of your brothers and sisters are also a part of you.

Revealing this mystery, I ask all of your brothers and sisters that all that they do from today on, to do in the name of humanity, in the name of Europe, in the name of their nations, and to be aware that in order to transform this world, they do not need great things, but just to expose their own heart so that God may do so.

Live the divine mystery of the Presence of God within you and do not understand His unity, be that unity, and thus, open the doors and the paths so that other brothers and sisters of yours may also return.

As My Son taught Me and taught the heart and the spirit of each priest consecrated by Him, the time has come to remember His surrender, of doing that which He asked you to do in remembrance of Him, so that His Presence might be eternal, not only spiritually, but physically, transforming the cells and the atoms of each being who shares with Him the bread and the wine consecrated and transformed into His Body and into His Blood.

In the Spiritual Presence of Christ, together with His Angels, let us lift up this offering so that He may consecrate it.

Within yourselves find the memory of the Supper of Christ, because in this spirit of unity, everything that was experienced by a human heart is kept within everybody. Remember when He lifted up the bread, blessed it, and shared it with His companions and each human heart. Remember when He lifted up the Chalice, blessed it, and placed His Blood there, His first offering, which would be spilled out for the forgiveness of sins, for the redemption of souls.

Today the Blood of Christ is shed again in this consecrated juice, in this fruit that is offered in the name of all life and all the Kingdoms of Nature so that it may transform in Christ. Just as the wheat and the grapes are offered as a symbol of surrender of nature to the Heart of God, offer yourselves as well so that, when these consecrated elements enter your bodies, you transform them into the Body and the Blood of Christ so that a new life may begin to be gestated, little by little, in you and in each human being.

Together let us pray that prayer that He taught you, which unites Heaven and Earth, which again unites the heart of humankind with the Heart of God.

[The Our Father in Aramaic]

Lets sound the bell for seven times.

My Heart will wait in the room of prayer of this humble house. Let the Marian Center manifest so that it may dwell there and, from there, be radiated to the world.

On this night, I bless you and I thank you for coming here, for that is the symbol that your souls are thirsty to awaken.

May the blessings of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be a reality in your spirits.

I thank you.

Continue singing so that I may say goodbye and, with the same joy, sing so that you may receive your Lord and your Lady, because the Grace of God is infinite.

Private Apparition of Saint Joseph in Fatima, Portugal, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

I come from a Temple where the priestly life is deepened. I come from a Temple where the Presence of God exists in each element, in the air breathed as well as within creatures, in each candle lit as well as in each spirit in adoration.

I come from a Temple where purity exists as a divine and original principle, not only within beings, but between them, in their word, in their actions, in their feelings and thoughts, in their least intentions.

I come from a Temple where there is not only communion with the Body and the Blood of Christ, but also His eternal Presence, His living wisdom, His sacrifice and His surrender.

I come from a Temple where time does not exist, where only Divine Presence, Truth, Essence, unity with the All exist.

I come from a Temple that sustains the planet, where souls constantly contemplate and adore so that this world will not disappear.

I come from a Temple where Divine Thought is living, within and outside of beings, like a flame that is fed by devotion, but also by actions.

Like that Temple, many more exist in different places of the planet, in its interior, hidden from most human eyes, although alive and so palpable for those who seek them and that, with faith, aspire to enter them. Those that are pure in their intentions will enter and know them, and will live in them.

The inner world of the planet, children, holds many mysteries from where the support of life on Earth truly comes. If those Temples of eternal truth did not exist, life in this world would no longer exist.

The Codes left by Jesus in His Passion entered the soil of the Earth and became fertile within it, inside it, in dimensions that were created without the knowledge of common humanity, for few were those who looked inward, within themselves, within the Earth. And like the soil that feeds the roots of trees, that generates life, those inner dimensions feed the spirit and the human heart with that which is true and allow them not be lost through the futilities of this world.

Today I come from a Temple that you aspire to know, a Temple where  you all find a place when you are sincere, when you can be what you really are. I would like to lift the human consciousness so that you could know the truth, the true life that dwells in this Earth and which should not be separate from surface life, but which exists to walk together with human evolution.

That Temple, from where I come today, belongs to a Kingdom, as perfect and as sublime as the Celestial Kingdom, because it responds to it,  unites to it, because from that it is nurtured, in that it comes to fullness. Like that Kingdom, many more exist, just as sacred as the Universe.

I come from the Kingdom of Lys, that very few know, but I would also like to present you to the Kingdom of Mirna Jad, the Kingdom of Aurora, where Sacred Life is hidden, because human eyes do not open to see it.

In each of those Kingdoms, the Sacred manifests, a healing is available, a path is kept so that you may return to the Origin. And to enter them, children, it is enough that you be simple, in mind and in heart, that you question less and surrender more, that you doubt less, love more, judge less, understand more, think less about what you have not achieved and more about the doors that are open so that you may enter; that you desire the things of the world less and aspire more to those of Heaven; that you are less imprisoned by the past and more alive to the present, that you be less attached to structures, to institutions, and more available to the new, to that which is renewed with the universe, to that which evolves with the Heart of Christ, to that which is renewed with God, that changes and transforms to return, return to the Origin.

Enter with Me into that Temple, that Kingdom, like so many others that open their doors for humanity, and learn here to take the path of return to the Heart of the Father, to heal the deviations, the deceits, to heal the lack of understanding and the wounds. Come to be forgiven so that you learn how to forgive; come to be healed so that you may become healers, healers in silence, that heal with the example, that heal with a look, that heal when they unite their heart with the Heart of God, that heal when they are humble in the face of pride, that heal when they are poor in the face of riches and of arrogance, that heal when they are chaste in the face of lust, of vanity.

Enter into that Temple to which I call you, so that you may aid this world. We are already, children, in the end time of illusion for the Earth, for the truth will emerge like a law that will move the spaces and the inner self of humankind, it will move the Kingdoms of Nature, will move this world, so that it may awaken.

Enter into that Temple to which I call you, so that it may build an unbreakable fortress in you, a fortress that is not overwhelmed by the wind, nor with earth tremors, that is not weakened with the assaults, that is not shaken by the threats of the enemy; a fortress that is built with the spirit of peace and that is unbreakable, not for itself, but rather because of its unity with God.

Let your consciousnesses be uplifted to a higher life, setting aside, even if for a few moments, the petty things of this world, those things that are so small they become large and take over the human mind and heart, because you are still children in the spiritual life and do not know how to set your priorities to find God.

Many still do not understand the urgency of these times, and thus they lose themselves in small things. The time has come, children, that you return to the sacred and that the Words we have given you for so many years come alive. How many times have you heard this phrase? How many times have we asked you to live Our Messages?

To respond to that request should no longer be an option, but a need, because this world is lifeless, and life comes from God. Real air comes from the Breath of Spirit, that nurtures you and supports you. One who does not breathe of this breath, even though they are standing, will die, even though they walk, they will be empty.

Help this world to awaken, help your brothers and sisters to find the truth, give a drink to those who thirst for God, show the source to those who are empty, because it is now time to grow up and prepare a path that is worthy in this world for the King of the Universe to return.

Get to know the Divine Kingdoms, that are mirrored within the Earth, in the Sacred Centers, because one day they will emerge on the surface, and those who recognize their doors will be able to enter to begin life anew on Earth, as it should be from the beginning.

If My Words are incomprehensible to you, simply feel them, let them enter within you as a truth that transforms you and, in this way, children, it will not be a burden for you to experience your transformation.

Today I leave the door open for you so that you may take a new step and enter with Me into that Kingdom, into that Temple, like in so many others that are under your feet that you do not see.

Pray from the heart and allow the Lord to reveal His Mysteries to you. Let your gardian angels lead you in each instant of your life, so that you take sure steps, anchored in Divine Will rather than in your own.

Let each beginning of a new cycle truly renew and uplift you; if you do so, when the last comes, it will find you ready to take a definitive step. Today I lead your essences to the Sacred Temples of the interior of the Earth, so that you may be renewed and allow the human strength to be substituted by the Power of God.

Today My Words are like a key that opens the door for you to that which was always unknown and that now must no longer be. Allow yourselves to be led, let yourselves be guided and thus, My children, you will be in the right place where God has need of you so that you may aid humanity, when you are ready for that.

Do not only ask where the Sacred Kingdoms of the inner Earth are or what they are. Humbly ask to know them in essence, and that they may live in you like a divine understanding, a wisdom that is born from the depths of your inner self, a healing that emerges and renews you, a water that washes and purifies you.

Do not expect that the Sacred Centers, the Kingdoms in the inner Earth will manifest like the Kingdoms of this world. They express in you like a state of consciousness, a state of spirit. Simply live and be those Divine Emanations.

Let Mirna Jad express as a healing that frees you from the past; let the Kingdom of Lys express as a purity that emerges from within; let Aurora express as a higher will that leads you to institute a new life on Earth.

I leave you today with these impulses, which are simple and profound at the same time, as Divine Life is, that are clear and mysterious at the same time, understandable and unknown. Simply let them live in each of you.

With My Words and by the authority God granted Me, I bless you and renew you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Apparition of Saint Joseph in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today the Kingdom of Lys expands beyond the forests, expands beyond the lakes, reaching the seas, the oceans, the rivers. Today the Kingdom of Lys shows its purity through the Kingdom of the Waters, so that in this way, it can help the Kingdoms that dwell there, that they may find peace and redemption with the assistance of humanity. Today the Kingdom of Lys extends itself here to cry out for help, so that its peace may touch the hearts of humankind, that they may recognize higher life, the truth that dwells in their hearts and calls them to communion with all the Kingdoms of Nature.

As a Sacred Family, today We reveal that the Sacred Hearts also dwell in Lys, and there find the fortitude to travel this world, to help those most in need, without ever losing hope that the Plan of God be accomplished.

Today the Kingdom of Lys stretches to the seas and the oceans so the mirrors of light, which reflect the Power of God, with the light of the sun that comes from the universe, are able to transmute and free this planet, especially this part of the world, so that it may receive a little more peace and have time to awaken, before the Justice of God descends.

Today, beside the Greater Mirror of Love of the universes, your Most Holy Mother calls you to awaken the mirror of your hearts, united with the Kingdom of Lys, to radiate to the world the love that it so needs.

In the waters of the seas, contemplate the purity that many have lost from within their being. Allow the Greater Mirror of the Heart of Mary to awaken the mirrors of your hearts, so the Kingdom of Lys may be able to also stretch through your souls, may be able to find in each of you an instrument to carry peace to the world.

Today you face the seas that are in such need of help and that, at the same time, sustain the planet. The human heart must be like that: in spite of all the help it needs, may it be able to surpass itself  through the love for God so as to sustain this planet, in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Kingdom of Lys stretches here to show you how grand the mercy of the Heart of God is for the human heart. And in this way, may you be inspired to transform your lives in likeness to the gifting of the Kingdoms of Nature, in likeness to the gifting of the Kingdom of Lys and of all the beings of light that dwell there and that untiringly serve humanity.

With simple words, I seek to awaken you to a higher reality, because hearts are asleep and, even though they express devotion, they have not expressed their true commitment to God yet.

The Divine Messengers travel through Europe in this time to awaken those hearts that committed to the Plan of God in the beginning, that committed to the Kingdom of Lys for this moment, when the Earth was most in need. The hour has come, children, to carry out that true commitment, somewhat setting aside the practical needs of your lives, those small inner problems that stop you from living love, because urgent matters are waiting for you, planetary situations that depend on the 'yes' of humanity, depend on the adherence of the human heart so the Law of Mercy may act.

Thus, today I come to meet with you, together with the Kingdom of Lys, so that in this way, you may recognize a spiritual service that you must awaken and fulfill in this time. I will not ask you for anything extraordinary because the Kingdom of Lys is the expression of simplicity, of humility, and of purity.

I will only ask you to enter the doorway that I open for you today, leaving behind all mental conceptions, all human ideas that you have cultivated until today, so that, entering this Kingdom, you may recognize the truth that you distanced yourselves from so long ago.

Why is it so difficult to live in fraternity and unity with each other? Why is it so difficult, children, for hearts to provide a need to a fellow being before their own? Will it be unachievable for your hearts to love and serve? Will it be unachievable to sit before an ocean and give thanks for its existence, contemplating its sacrifice and uniting with it so it may feel a relief, encouragement, support? Will it be impossible, unachievable, to come before a brother or sister to whom you owe a debt, and ask for forgiveness?

Will it be extraordinary, impossible, to listen to those that need to be heard? Pray with those that are in need of the Presence of God? Express your own faith to the world, without fearing human judgment? Those are simple things that make the difference in the history of humanity.

Expand the Kingdom of Lys, disseminating peace, humility, and unity with all the Kingdoms. Expand the Kingdom of Lys by being a little more fraternal, a little more human, that human being God thought of, the one in which He places His hope and from which He never desists, because He knows that truth, even though it hides from your eyes.

Let the Kingdom of Lys touch your hearts and your spirits, freeing you from evil, freeing you from illusion, so you are able to accomplish that purpose that God has had for you since the beginning.

Imagine a little mirror of light that ignites before your beings, before your hearts. Some of them need to be cleaned, purified and freed so they may become instruments of God. Feel the light that comes from the Celestial Kingdom and also from the Kingdom of Lys, and let that light purify your beings, renew you, and give you the impulse to be real servers of God, rather than of yourselves.

For an instant, yield to the unknown so it may act in your lives, and pray with Me for the Kingdom of the Waters, so that Lys may find a space in the essence of those Kingdom and is able to express itself.

Purity of the Kingdom of Lys, stretch out over the seas; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, light up the mirror of our hearts; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, make us pure and simple for the redemption of the planet; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, stretch out over the Kingdom of the seas; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, awaken the mirrors of our hearts; purity of the Kingdom of Lys, make us pure for the redemption of this planet.

Feel the Presence of Adonai, that today contemplates the world, and with His Holy Spirit, waits to descend over humankind and over the Kingdoms. Contemplate the Mercy of Adonai, contemplate His infinite Light, more brilliant than a sun or one thousand suns. Let this intense brilliance, that comes from the Kingdom of God, cleanse and purify the mirrors of your hearts, and through them, let it radiate to the world and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

With your heart united with the Heart of the Sacred Family, let us pray to God:

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
redemption, redemption, redemption
for this planet. (x4)

Now you will pray for all the Kingdoms and will ask for redemption for the Kingdoms of Nature:

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
redemption, redemption, redemption
for the Kingdoms of Nature. (x7)

Purify your lives and bring them peace through prayer. In this simple way, you will enter the Kingdom of Lys and will heal that which seems impossible to you. Today, children, I only want to make your lives simple mirrors of the Heart of God, extensions of the Kingdom of Lys for the world, for this is how your servers should be.

Perhaps you prefer what you experience in your lives over the Kingdom of Lys? Will you prefer the ignorance of humankind to living in the Wisdom and the Love of God? You must ask yourselves these things every day so that you move forward in spiritual life, and spiritual life will not be a theory to you, a book in the cupboard of your homes, but rather an experience, a living experience that uplifts humanity and allows it to return to the Kingdom of God.

In the Presence of the Holy Virgin, Who loves you and untiringly blesses you, in the Presence of the little Child Jesus, that today transmits His purity, His goodness to you, we will consecrate the elements that are the symbol of the Greater Grace and the infinite Mercy that comes from the Heart of God; may the Divine Humility of the Creator, that multiplies in the bread and the wine, enter into your hearts and invite you to experience this virtue that opens the doors of Heaven to you.

May all of humanity and also the Kingdoms of Nature spiritually commune of this great miracle of multiplication of God, and that united with Him, within Him, may you be inspired and guided to one day again live unity with the Father. Let us pray then, united with God, for the conversion of the elements, for the redemption of the planet.

Our Father (in Aramaic and in Portuguese).

Commune of the living Presence of the Heart of God and continue in peace, ready to unite with the sacred Kingdom of Lys, by the merciful Presence of God among humankind and among the Kingdoms of Nature.

We bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace.

I thank you!


At this moment, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús shared the daily Message transmitted by the Virgin Mary on this same day, May 19, 2017.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: We just wanted to add that it is very special to see all the Sacred Family, when possible, gathered together on the 19th of the month, because in some way, the divine codes that They bring us enter into our consciousnesses and also renew this spirit of fraternity and of brotherhood in all of us, making it possible through our efforts, as Saint Joseph says, for us to one day achieve the goal of being a true spiritual family.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
