The triumph of My Heart will happen in those who listen to Me…
The triumph of My Heart will happen in the children of the world who listen to Me and accept My call as something primordial for their lives; thus, little by little Your Mother of Heaven, when She is invoked in prayer, will be able to dissipate the darkness of the nations and establish the Kingdom of God in the world, a Kingdom that is awaited by the innocents.
Through the spiritual exercise of the Mystery of the Rosary for all the nations of the Americas, the one that started in these last days, the universal Divinity has placed all Its attention on the response, inner and soulish, that the hearts have given before the call for prayer that has been made by Your Heavenly Mother.
In this way, through the response of the different nations of the Americas, the adversary started to lose the power of regional and worldwide action, weakening all its malign networks, the ones that previously interfered in the consciousness and in the awakening of the peoples.
The answers manifested by all those who consider themselves in this moment children of Mary, allowed that the foreseen events in the Apocalypse of John were transformed by the intercession of Mary and by the simple prayers of the open hearts.
In this week that ends today, the angels of some of the nations of the Americas recovered the spiritual strength to be able to act, and the guardian angels of the praying people implored for the presence of fourteen of the principal choirs of the ultraterrestrial Heaven, thus Your Heavenly Mother, being in charge and in command of this whole divine summoning, received celestial permission to expel certain malign creations that would compromise even more the debts of the consciousness of the nations.
Due to the prompt response of the self-summoned to this task of prayer for the different nations of the Americas, from this day on, the praying people will obtain the celestial merit of becoming mediators together with the voice of Mary by means of the unbreakable column of prayer of the Holy Rosary.
In this biweekly recitation and entreaty, proposed for the next six months, the Americas in total will receive the Grace of rethinking in time, of being able to change some habits and customs and to welcome in the spirit of each nation, an unexplainable atonement in face of the committed faults. This will lead, dear children, certain people, nations and regions of the Americas to be relieved during the process of planetary purification.
If this channel of prayer for the nations, as it is being activated, would include more consciousnesses in this impulse and in the planetary network for peace, it will be so, dear children, that through the prayer of the Holy Rosary and through the means of communication, I will be founding a network of planetary prayer. A network in which all the pilgrims, devotees, praying people and children of Mary will have the opportunity to pray united for the same aim, that will be to cause the triumph the Immaculate Heart of Your Most Holy Mother.
If everyone fulfills these requisites of participation and of compromise for the expansion of this network, the results that will obtained in less than six months will be gradual; this means that all the Americas will be praying united as one heart and by the same aim together with the visionaries to whom I have confided all these souls for them to reencounter God and His blessed Path of love.
It will be in this way, dear children, as everyone prays the Mystery of the Rosary, that the possibility of intercession of the angels of nations for certain decisions that unfortunately would compromise each individual in each country, will increase.
The formation of this planetary network, through its members and devotees of Mary in the different nations, will allow to create a bridge of light with the Universe, the recovery of the spiritual principles for many consciousnesses and, most of all, the integration among cultures and the inner filiation with God.
This purpose of the network of the planetary prayer will receive an impulse for each praying person on Earth. This will be the way that each praying being will come to know the talents that Christ deposited in their heart and will be able to embrace this call as something real and necessary in these times.
The triumph of My Immaculate Heart will happen through the response of all.
I thank you for responding to My call!
I great you on this birthday of Mother María Shimani,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Just as My Son, I renew all things.
Just as the dawn renews the day, the cycles of life and the very life of all beings, I renew you at each new meeting, at each new appeal of true prayer.
Just as fire revives the embers and gives new meaning to that which was dead, turning degenerate matter into fertilizing ash, so the Divine Messengers come to this world to transform it.
Many are dead in life and have not realized it, but if you let yourselves be burned by the Divine Fire that descends on Earth, first you will become glowing embers, then ash and dust, and you will seem to be good for nothing; but He who knows ash and knows dust - as a great celestial farmer - will use this powder to fertilize new trees, new flowers, new life. And you will see before your eyes how you are reborn from the nothing you have become and how, from that moment, you will truly know what life is, because only after being fruitful matter in the hands of God, children, you will know the essence of human existence.
When the embers that burned in you goes out, do not worry and do not fear; let the heart and the spirit become humble ash and dust, delivered at the feet of God, so that He may collect them and revive them at the right time.
With all the diverted paths of humanity, My beloveds, the time will come for everyone to be nothing, then to be in everything and to be everything.
If you are in My Heart and allow each cycle to be fulfilled according to the celestial laws, you will live in peace each one of these steps and even when you seem to be dying, you will know that it is like this so that one day you may be reborn in the celestial garden, giving life to many trees that will bear fruit and new seeds. This is how the Kingdom of God is established in this world.
When you, My beloveds, surrender to God, many others will be able to eat the of fruits of your surrender and also leave the new seeds of life for those who come after and who will not need to live what you have lived, because the soil will be already fertile and fruitful .
My dear children of Brazil and of the whole world, with simplicity and love I call you to trust your Celestial Mother, and in this humble way and without many secrets, I bring you close to the Heart of God, so that you will recognize your own mission and feel you are participants in the Plan of the Creator in this world.
Children, as of now, give up the old life , the old man, and allow the fire of My love to burn you and change you forever.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Sun
Establish the Kingdom of God within you, this space of peace where the universal Laws find their manifestation.
Establish in you the union with the Father and let yourself be similar to Him, giving Him the authority to transform you, according to His Will.
The Kingdom of God is not like the kingdoms of this world, where some enjoy their own riches and the majority suffers and works to serve the latter.
In the Kingdom of God everything is permeated by the Divine Consciousness. The Creator is in all of His servants. He Himself is the essence of humility, living in the smallest of all as in none of the others.
In the Kingdom of God only triumphs peace, goodness, love and unity, principles that become laws manifested in the lives of all creatures that share this state of consciousness that is the Kingdom of the Creator.
Live these principles in yourself and become worthy of being the bearer of the Kingdom of God, which first emerges in the interior of the beings from the union with the Father, and then establishes itself outside, in the material life of this world.
Every principle, law or manifestation of the Divine Consciousness, before settling externally in planetary life, first meets its dwelling in the heart of each being. The heart is the bridge to God, it is the door to Heaven, it is the great manifester of the divine will. Everyone who has a mission first knows it within the heart: feels it, understands it and accepts it, to then, afterwards, live it.
Christ will first come to the hearts in Spirit and Divinity; afterwards, He will manifest Himself in Body and Soul, when His Dwelling has already been established in the hearts of those who have recognized His presence within their own hearts. They will recognize Him when He returns, and, with Him, they will fulfill the end of this redeeming Work. Therefore, bring the Kingdom of God into yourself; do it being consequential with it, living peace, love, unity and humility as premises.
Let, child, that the higher Laws act in your heart and, from you, reach the whole world. Let yourself be shaped, transformed, corrected. Prepare yourself and consolidate in yourself the Kingdom of God, a secure dwelling for the Redeemer.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph,
The One who prepares the return of Christ in the interior of the beings
Dear children:
With joy and gratitude in the heart, today remember the Resurrection of the Lord and the great victory that He achieved, in His Holy Humility, for each one of you.
It is time that you keep peace in your hearts and that you live the principles of brotherhood that He taught everyone since the beginning.
Let us celebrate, with chants of hallelujah, the Resurrection of the Redeemer in the hearts that, in this Sacred Week, opened themselves to receive the balm of peace and mercy.
My children, let us see the Sepulcher of the Lord glowing in light, awakening love and truth in the hearts that have never experienced it. Let us see the essence of this great mystery of transcending and overcoming death for love and for the salvation of humanity.
Be as the holy women were, waiting for the great moment in which Your Lord reappeared to show the infinite Love of God and to bring the Good News of redemption to everyone.
Have your hearts open to receive the mystery of love that has surrendered everything for you until today, and that will come again among the clouds to release the world from captivity and to liberate it from all evil.
Be apostles of Christ, be followers and examples of His holy word.
Be witnesses of His Mercy so that those who still sleep may have the fortune of knowing the glory of My Son.
I thank you for responding My call!
Who elevates you to the Kingdom of God in celebration and peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Glory
Dear children,
Through the humanitarian missions, the pain of the world is taken away from hearts offended by their own brothers and sisters of this humanity.
At this time, when the blood of the innocent continues to be poured over the world, the victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus promises those who trust in Him to give them His Infinite Mercy. Children, there will be no other remedy able to appease such enormous human pain.
After the First World War, I announced in Fatima that if the world did not change in time, a second war worse than the first one would come, and it happened. The massacre of millions of souls taken to the hells of this world made the innocence of the terrestrial human being disappear.
Once again, your Heavenly Mother announces Herself to the world, declaring that this is the last time, because the world did not learn to forgive nor establish peace.
My Immaculate Heart guides each one of the missions, because it will be humanitarian service that will achieve victory and will comfort all those who lost themselves in the hands of the adversary.
Heaven promises divine help to the world, and spiritual intersession on the part of the Archangel Gabriel, something that will be completely understood when everything has happened in humanity.
Today My Maternal Heart places the pain of the world over some hearts, which must gain relief through the prayer, faith, and devotion of those who truly aspire to find the Kingdom of God, which is fervently waiting to impregnate them with His fire of mercy and piety.
Dear children, at this time I ask you all to open your consciousness to recognize the humanitarian missions as one of the redeeming pillars of the Heavenly Hierarchy.
It is in this way that this consciousness will be given through the power of prayer, which will always fill hearts and planetary life.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who unites you to the One Love of the Universe,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Learn to find in the indigenous consciousness not the decadence of a people that once lived in the plenitude of this world, but rather contemplate before them the persistence of a people that resisted the colonizations and the persecutions and held on to their own culture even when the world sought to "educate" them and institute another way of life for them.
Contemplate the part of the consciousness of those peoples that is not corrupted, that is kept pure, simple and true. Perceive that something higher sustains them until today. Do not just see how modern life tries to reach into the different communities. Look for what you must learn and bring a different lesson to ordinary humanity, for human beings that call themselves civilized, in their majority, only see the native peoples as something lower and with certain indifference observe that they are disappearing in the world.
It is the forces of chaos that, little by little, manage to remove from the planet the principles that sustain it.
The few that knew how to love the original peoples many times fed the resentment and pain in their hearts for not being understood by the current civilization of the world, without perceiving that the true help that must be given to these peoples is to strengthen their purity and encourage them to be true.
In the mission to Chaco, you will find many lacks, poverty, hunger, abandonment. But besides providing them with the basic needs, you must fulfill a spiritual mission: strengthen the spirit of purity of these brothers and sisters and announce to the world the importance of living in fraternity and unity with the different expressions of God on the Earth.
I would like many others to feel encouraged to go on this mission, to continue carrying out services in other places of the world where the indigenous consciousness is in need of assistance.
To help maintain the native peoples on this planet is to help the planet itself to keep its balance.
If all nations awakened to serve the native peoples that is theirs to care for, many imbalances could be adjusted on the Earth.
The simple act of fraternallly and lovingly sharing assistance, will gradually heal the so wounded and forgotten group consciousness of the indigenous peoples.
It is for this reason that I invite all beings to a spiritual mission: to sustain, with service and prayer, the indigenous peoples and offer the Father your own service as an attempt to maintain the balance of the planet.
In a time of such great atrocities, all efforts on the part of the few that are awake will be like a lifeline for humanity.
If you do what I tell you, you will soon understand the importance of the indigenous consciousness for the planet and, crossing through the portals to the Kingdom of the Spirit, in the Sublime Worlds, perhaps you will see that the one pointing to the entryway of the path is that brother or sister that you once clothed, fed and healed in an indigenous village.
For the discovery of the value of each people and the expression of the different cultures of the Earth,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
Do not give up and fight with Me for the victory of My Immaculate Heart! For the triumph of the Plan of God!
Dear children, despite all the onslaughts of the adversary, do not lose faith. I allow you to learn so that you get to know how to rise from the ground by yourselves.
Determination and effort will be you master keys, love and mercy will be your eternal solace.
Today I cut with My swords the bonds that the souls establish with evil so that your consciousnesses resurrect in spirit of truth and be promptly removed from the path of the illusions of the world.
There is nothing truer than the very Living God that dwells in your hearts. Find the inner strength in the Eternal Father, do not permit that the falls or the disagreements generate division between the Hearts and the Purpose.
Place yourselves under My Light and do not observe around you, search the elevation of consciousness through your true steps.
Today I help you to undo the unknown knots of perdition, knots that tie many hearts that do not want to live in God.
Dear children, there is no greater beauty than that of the whole Creation of this and other universes. Do not be disturbed, do not detain yourselves, the Kingdom of God comes to you to show you the reality.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who raises you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The times ahead will be times of purification, although also in an extraordinary way, they will be times of Grace. I hope that each one of you, after coming to know the work of My Immaculate Heart, will feel encouraged to fully trust in this Mystery born from My Motherly Spirit.
The Grace of God will be the strength; Divine Grace will be what will help this humanity to take the steps so awaited by My Son.
The Grace of God comes from Divine Mercy and it will be full Grace that will defeat all the deadly sins in which humanity is living today in such a dissolute way and with no foundation; they are creations stimulating the perdition of souls on the path of the Purpose.
My children, surrender to the Grace of God on time so that the indomitable strength of original purity can also cause the true principles of the evolution of humanity to grow in your lives.
Do not cease defending you inner unity with Christ, because My adversary will try to destroy it; but if you call for the Grace of Your Heavenly Mother, you will be able to be protected by the invisible mantle of light of the Mother of the World.
Dear children, through the messages I always give you a little of My Grace, that which comforts and supports you in moving forward.
Do not become afraid, the Kingdom of God comes to help those who beg for it. You are not alone.
I thank you for responding My call!
Who takes you to the Source of the Grace of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
From the depths of My Heart, I aspire that you may find the path of peace, a peace that will help you to take the steps towards My Son.
On this day, when souls gather around My Son to receive His Mercy, I want you to sincerely offer your pleas for all non-believers so that the Grace of God considers them within the loving source of salvation.
Thus, dear children, the Lord needs the total and absolute inner union of each of you, so that His Work of Mercy be fulfilled in a humanity that is separated from the Kingdom of God and only seeks the realization of its own life, forgetting that the good is for all beings rather than for a few.
Thus, dear children, I invite you to charity and to the good, so that the rest of humanity be motivated to collaborate in the lacks and difficulties of others.
Dear children, work so that a more profound state of peace may be established.
I thank you for responding to My call!
United with all in prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let us pray, the world needs it.
Let us pray, because the Plan is precipitating.
Let us pray for unity to prevail.
Let us pray for the ones who are purifying themselves.
Let us pray for the ones who are being hypnotized.
Let us pray for the incredulous.
Let us pray for the selfish.
Let us pray for those who have failed.
Let us pray for those who deserve nothing.
Let us pray for the ones who have got lost.
Let us pray for the ones who commit injustices.
Let us pray for the ones who lie.
Let us pray for those who have no faith.
Let us pray for the ones who are forgotten.
Let us pray for the ones who are not loved.
Let us pray for the ones who do not have a house.
Let us pray for those who do not know where to go.
Let us pray for the ones who are living in calamity.
Let us pray for the ones who die unjustly.
Let us pray for the ones who are being crucified.
Let us pray for the ones who are living the war.
Let us pray for the innocent.
Let us pray for the ones who pay the price error.
Let us pray for the unfortunate.
Lets us pray for the idolaters and atheist.
Let us pray for the ones who are unworthy of peace.
Let us pray for the ones who reign in false power.
Let us pray for the ones who create nuclear bombs.
Let us pray for the ones who contaminate the oceans.
Let us pray for the ones who destroy life.
Let us pray for the ones who kill human gestation.
Let us pray for the women who abort.
Let us pray for the ones who are imprisoned.
Let us pray for the ones who live in the inner prison.
Let us pray for the ungrateful ones.
Let us pray for the ones who are destroying the planet.
Let us pray for the ones who violate the Laws of the Universe.
Let us pray for the ones who omit themselves.
Let us pray for the ones who instill fear.
Let us pray for the hard-hearted.
Let us pray for the ones who do not have love.
Let us pray for the ones who condemn themselves.
Let us pray for the ones who refuse to wake up.
Let us pray for the ones who do not persist.
Let us pray for all of them, day and night.
Let us pray without leaving behind the path of persistence and faith.
Let us gives thanks for all that we have.
Let us give thanks for what we are.
Let us give thanks for the Love of God.
Let us give thanks for not being unconsciousness.
Let us give thanks for always being redeemed.
Let us give thanks for the Infinite Grace that fills us.
Let us be grateful for the Presence of Christ.
Let us be grateful because He forgives us.
Let us be grateful for the inner strength that we do not lack.
Let us be grateful for everything that the Lord gives us, in this way we will establish the Kingdom of God and the New Earth will be born.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who loves you above every error and every fault,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My brothers and sisters,
Today, after what you will hear, I would like you to understand My deep aspiration for the Work of God to be carried out all over this planet and in all of this sacred humanity.
For this reason, companions, I leave My deepest feelings to each of you. I leave you this special message as a way out and a possibility of returning to the path that many souls lost on separating from the Creation of God.
Thus, My brothers and sisters, all these things are happening in the times of today, and this does not allow hearts to repent so they may return to the path which they can no longer see.
Today, offer My Heart the very warmest intention of transforming all things, for in this way, you will make the Heart of your Father happy, in the face of so many cruelties that wound the Heart of God.
In this time, I bring you the promise, the renewing promise of My Return.
I bring you peace, I bring you what is good, I bring you Mercy.
Now, on this altar, offer your love to My Heart. That is what I come to seek from each one.
Those who do not truly love, in this time, will not be able to transform. Love like you have never loved; in this way, your minds will be freed of all judgment. While you do not love, you will be troubled. Love every day and try this, because in this way, I will be able to help you conquer higher levels of love that are unknown to the world.
It is that love for all the things of God that will free the world from all its sins, and souls will be able to conquer the Kingdom of God again, which separated from the Earth because of the injustice of human beings, because of the lack of love.
Think about what I tell you. I do not ask you for impossible things, but rather that which is within your reach.
In the Communion, you can offer Me your love. But in your daily life, offer your King the love for your brothers and sisters so that evil may be removed from the cell of humanity.
And now, facing My Celestial Designs, bring to memory the moment before My Passion, when I met with each one of you in a Spirit of omnipresence and of truth, to bring to the world the spiritual resurrection of all fallen souls, through the glorious and positive institution of My Blood and of My Body, sacred elements that constitute the perfect union between creatures and God, between Heaven and Earth, between the dimensions and the portals. Remember this mystery and rejoice in your hearts for resurrecting the spiritual life.
In the name of the innocent blood that has flowed on this planet in today's times, offer God the institution of My precious Blood as a symbol of reparation and of justice before all sins of the world.
Offer the institution of My Body, present in the bread of Life, as the complete and absolute reparation for all the causes that have degenerated humanity throughout the times. Offer God your forgiveness and reconciliation.
I am listening.
Never forget, companions, that the Love of God will triumph.
I bless you in the name of the Kingdom of God, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace. Live peace. Be the peace in these times of purification.
Now and always, I thank you.
Continue to sing.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
So as to synthesize a little of what He wanted to tell us, the Master wants us to disseminate, as a form of reparation and balance, that which humanity is unaware of and does not fully value, which are the Mineral Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, and the Human Kingdom.
Today, the Master was telling us, through this message during the Apparition, that through the Humanitarian Federation, the Light-Network, and the Communities, He found the necessary conditions for these values to be re-transmitted to the planet.
If it were this way, He says that all that is generated against Creation would be balanced, and that fraternity, as an essence and as an attribute, if transmitted and lived by all, would stop many future events.
It was something that He clarified very well, in that moment of the Apparition. And so it is that He calls us all to work for that Plan of God and for that Creation, and that through this means of communication that is Misericordia Maria TV, these values may be disseminated to Creation, so that humanity would feel motivated to rebuild the planet. The base of all this, Christ said, is love.
We thank all those present and those that accompanied us in this meeting with Christ Jesus.
And for all these Graces: thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
On that same day, before the Apparition, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón received the following monthly message from Christ Jesus:
There is no greater service than true prayer, in which the heart does not find boundaries and does not need to go so far, neither takes so long, in order to be before those who are most in need.
If you ask God to take you to the encounter with those who are most in need, so, when the Lord places you before each prayer throughout the day, find there the answers to His requests, to His holy will of serving and of helping the most destitute in the matter, as well in the spirit.
However, if in the moments of prayer you were tepid, asleep and without much enthusiasm to encounter God, it is in truth because you have not discovered that the essence of service is found in the praying heart.
The greatest service is the one that takes the divine presence to the hearts; it is the one that places the essences before the possibility of returning to their origin, to the Most Sacred One and Only Consciousness, from which comes all the things created for an evolutionary purpose.
If it were not so, you would be doing social works, which the world has plenty of; but, however, the Kingdom of God has not manifested itself among humanity yet.
All those who accept to live the path of humility, of prayer and of surrender are, in truth, missionary hearts and spirits and they must renovate this spiritual charisma every day and in all the opportunities that they have to find God and take Him, in divine essence, to all those who most need Him.
Make of your lives the perfect work of service to humanity and to the planet. It is achieved with the awakening to the truth that is to know that in everything there is the possibility of serving and that in all of your prayers you can cross boundaries and reach those who are most in need of aid.
Today, for instance, praying before My Most Sacred Heart, you accompanied Me to the Middle East and, thus, relieved the small hearts of many children who have already lost hope to be happy in this world.
Learn, dears, every day, to transcend yourselves, so that the Light of God comes to the most lost and forgotten ones among humanity and among the Kingdoms of Nature.
Learn, with My Chaste Heart, to be eternal missionaries and to carry out on Earth this universal mission, in which the transformation itself will result in the salvation and in the evolution of the whole universe.
I love you and I encourage you to move forward, growing and maturing, as fruits of the Sacred Plans of God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the doors of the inner and celestial worlds open so that the redeemed can enter and invoke the sacred name of Emmanuel.
May the self-summoned get together to create the alliance with the Holy Spirit of God.
May the so-called children of Adam recall the principles of the ancient race so that the Laws become visible and the universal Harmony establishes itself.
May the consequent ones manifest the wise gratitude and, from now on, banish the human aspects which led them to damnation.
May the brave ones purify themselves so that, clean of all stains, they can receive the rays of the transubstantiation.
May the pilgrims and the searchers of the sacred knowledge never get tired and never stop searching for the source of Humility.
Everything is ready to take place in the new Humanity; the old acts and the old customs will be banished so that the new and sacred Sun of the Universe can shine within each soul.
May no one stop the descent of the Kingdom of God so that those who are farther away from the Truth can rediscover the meaning of being in this life.
Forge ahead disciples of Christ! Walk barefoot from your old alliances with the world, this will free you from everything and make you worthy of the divine and infinite Mercy.
I thank you for answering to My call.
Who unites you to the Principle of Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Remember each day that despite the sin or the cruelty of humanity, there exists the forgiveness of God.
Today I need you to accept My forgiveness, to feel it and experience it as an act of reparation and infinite mercy.
Today I need you to feel free from yourself, so that My powerful Light may act and keep silently transforming your little life.
Today I need you to live inside My Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of God that comes to you to sanctify your life and your consciousness.
Today I ask you, My child, not to think of your incapabilities, but to today believe in your virtues, those that My Son sowed in your heart since the first moment that you recognized the King. For this, be as free from yourself as possible so that the Laws of Heaven may transfigure your life to become an instrument of God.
You will not stop struggling within yourself, against all that you do not yet want to give up, but do not be afraid, the Kingdom of God is reached by climbing the steps of humility and trust. God created you in His likeness, and you keep in your spirit this trust that renews and transforms everything.
From today on, send this message to your consciousness:
I am a worthy child of God.
I am part of His Most Pure Source.
My soul sprang up from His Spirit
and my spirit was born from His Heart.
Nothing shall set me apart from
the greatness of the Kingdom of God.
I have come to the Earth to redeem myself
and then return to the House of My Father,
to unite with Him forever.
I find my dignity in His Full Trust,
and His Infinite Love vivifies my little spirit.
Between Myself and God, there is no evil,
because I am a part of
the eternal emanation of His Love.
And thus, dear child, confirm before the Universe your true repentance, and do it for those who do not want to see nor hear God; thus at least the majority of the consciousnesses will be touched by the Love of the Creator, which is powerful and invincible. Remain close to My Heart, I come to help you.
So that forgiveness may descend and be made life in each heart, I deliver to you the Rosary of the Forgiveness of God, so that it may be the instrument of liberation from all the faults and ingratitude through all hearts that implore it.
Rosary of the Forgiveness of God
Union bead
I ask You for forgiveness, Lord,
for all that has been committed.
Grant me the Grace of liberation.
On the five decades, we pray
For the gift of Forgiveness
that springs from the Heart of God,
Lord, open the Doors
of Your Kingdom for us.
Thus all shall reach Peace.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who unites you to the Heart of the Creator,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Peace can be a reality in the world, as well as it is in the Kingdom of God, where His Supreme Consciousness fully expresses itself. However, in order for this to be possible, it is necessary that the human beings want to be with God, as well those who live in His Kingdom want.
When a being aspires to be permanently with God, they seek Him in all things and expect to find Him in everything, in the certainty that the Creator deposited a part of His Consciousness in all that He created.
For this, in order that peace establishes itself, you must seek and find God in everything and in everyone, transcending the influences of the world and whatever people who transit through it appear to be.
Permanently remember the existence of the spirit of each being and that, to each one, the Creator has a perfect plan, an idea and a divine thought. Remember that, inside of each consciousness, in the its innermost, are the codes that it needs to fulfill its mission.
Today I want to reveal to you a mystery of the Kingdom of God, of His Plan for humanity. When He created the human beings, God deposited in each essence a divine attribute, called Universal Ray, which is a way of expression of His Divine Spirit, This one that creates all the things.
The Rays of the Creator are responsible for conducting His Creation to perfection, but, in the case of the human beings, there is a secret, a particularity: the experience of perfection in humanity depends on the expression of love, and that perfection activates itself not only when a being loves, but also when it is loved.
The love of which I speak to you is not the love that you know because the human beings are used to love what is convenient to them, what pleases them and what causes them some gratification, but that is not the Love of God.
The Love of God is that one which looks at a being and transcends its imperfections, finding thus the truth of the essence of each one, and this is what it loves: it loves the Will of God for His creatures; it loves the perfection of God hidden in the beings; it loves God Himself, by means of His creatures.
This love is not impossible to be lived, but to find something that is lost in the other, you must find what is lost in yourselves, which is the possibility of truly loving.
For this I am here. For this I descend every day to the world, to make simple the spiritual life, to make simple what, for humanity, has always been so complicated. Because what difficulty there could exist in truly loving, if you were created exclusively for that?
Seek inside of you the truth about what you are. When you take the first steps, I will help you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, for the awakening of love in the human consciousness
Dear children,
While peace is so needed in the world, today you are in the Kingdom of Peace. May this peace, which is indispensable, radiate like a sun to the whole Earth so at least those in most need of peace may find comfort.
Dear children, thanks for being accomplishing the requests of prayer that My Immaculate Heart clamored to you yesterday. In these times of darkness and lies, I invite you to be My ambassadors of prayer and peace wherever you go, thus My Heart, which is full of Grace and Pity, will hope to pour those gifts in the despairing hearts.
The nonbelievers are now facing their own purification. I ask you, My beloved ones, to live the prayer for the planet and not only for yourselves.
Many of My soldiers will be keepers of the sorrow that many are living. Many of My visionaries will be receptacles to calm the suffering that drowns the world, and thus they will share with Your Heavenly Mother the sorrow of the whole humanity.
I invite you to become deeply conscious about the decisive times that humanity is crossing and to which it does not give the minimum importance before the lack of peace in the world.
My dear children, the promise is very big, for this, the effort will have to be bigger so that the Kingdom of God will be fulfilled in the hearts that must enter in the dwelling of the Celestial Father.
Dear children, remain by My side and vivify this moment, such as My Son lived on the Cross for all of you.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who guides you towards the Supreme Truth,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When I was on Earth as Joseph of Nazareth, many used to seek Me, asking for an advice about how to be united to God. My Chaste Heart was discovering, in the Child Jesus, that God was within all beings. But in a time in which people did not think about a Living God, except in the Scriptures, it would be very difficult to conceive the existence of God within each being.
Today, there are already enough knowledge and experiences, as humanity, for you to understand the things of Heaven and how they express themselves in the world. In this way you will discover in the world the potential that it has to live according to the Celestial Life.
In the same way that God is alive in each being and few can see Him, His Kingdom lives in the original idea of the creation of the Earth. In this way, the Living God must arise in the beings as much as the His Kingdom must manifest itself in the world.
To find the Lord within your own hearts and recognize yourselves as similar to God, you will have to stop knowing yourselves as imperfect individuals and merely human in the point of view of the Earth.
So that the Kingdom of God may be a reality in the world, everything that does not conform to that Kingdom must cease to exist. And it will not be God who will make all the things disappear and, thus, solve all the planetary problems. You, My beloved ones, are the ones who must make disappear, firstly from your own consciousnesses, all the concepts, the principles, the ideas and the intentions that construct all those things that separate you from God as humanity.
For instance: even though you may not be governors and may not have the power of starting or ending a war, to abolish the wars of the world, you must placate, in your own consciousnesses, wrath, competition, avarice and greed. And, in this way, you must act with everything, because it will be little by little that the Kingdom of God will descend to the world. But, for that, the harmony with which that Kingdom will install itself will depend on how prepared the human consciousness is receive it.
Many fear such mentioned planetary transition, but few are recognizing that the course of that transition will be the result of what each one can do to transform, in themselves, the human consciousnesses and, as a consequence, the planetary consciousness.
Meditate on what I tell you and on what I told in the previous days. You will find in My words the keys to achieve redemption in a peaceful and harmonious way.
I leave you My Love and My paternal advice, as well as I did in other times.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Blessed are those who will keep in themselves the Kingdom of God and make of their own consciousness the tabernacle for the new seeds of the sacred humanity.
My dears, once more I ask you that, in the unity of the human consciousness, you offer your efforts and sacrifices, your conquests and transformations for the whole planet.
Today, your Mother Mary touches the ground of a very sore nation and that is hurt by the eagerness of the human power. In the levels of the spirit, Colombia still suffers the mistakes committed in the past and many souls live without peace, for the consequences of all the evil that the first colonizers caused to the original peoples.
This, My beloved ones, is the reality of the great majority of the nations of the world, that – by the lack of light and forgiveness – continues to suffer the evil actions that have been submitting the souls for centuries, without them being able to understand what they live. For this, it so important that the Divine Messengers can reach the largest number of nations possible, mostly in America, that needs to be liberated from the past, so that they may live the new future.
Today I tell you this because, as companions and servants of God in this world, you must be knowledgeable of these realities and know that not only the Middle East suffers by the cunning of the adversary, but many other nations live situations of deplorable darkness, without the human eyes realizing the seriousness of the situation in which the souls are found.
Know that the world suffers much more than the social crisis. You are transiting through a definitive spiritual crisis in which you have all the help of God so that Light will establish itself in the world and defeat the terror of chaos. You just have to be more conscious and know that the most important thing today is to pray and to work so that the Plan of God will manifest itself. To work for that, My dear ones, is to constantly transform yourselves, letting the old human in order to discover the true human archetype and, thus, be what God expects from His creation in this world.
I love you and I make you conscious of the planetary reality, in order that you will serve more and better every day of your lives.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
The times of the great and struggled sacrifices have come to this world; this is part of the Divine Justice because the imbalance of the souls and the injustice of the hearts are greater than the harmony that is required.
Dear children, the souls that have not implored to God and neither have implored for His Kingdom for having remained in the superficiality of the material and illusory life will suffer and there will not be anything that may comfort them because the message of Heaven has already been proclaimed, and few paid attention to the words of light of the Divine Messengers.
There will not be anyone who may reverse this; the blindness of humanity is great and sometimes you feel like being blind and deaf. But the victory of the Kingdom of God will happen in all of the hearts that, by being obedient and consistent, will repopulate the New Earth.
This new cycle will demand, from the hearts that are distant from God, an extreme effort in order to remain in Peace; it will be different for a soul that truly prays and without awards because from it will spring the source of Peace.
For this, there is no time to lose with little things; many of you are being trained through My Heart for the end of the times. Let us pray for those who do not want to listen to God, for the non-believers so that their hearts may open to the descent of the celestial Light.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who awakens you to the planetary reality,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the midst of a world that submerges itself each day more in the darkness of its own ignorance, I come to call you to awaken the Christic flame in your interior.
While the ordinary humanity seeks the progress in the discovery of new technologies that may hypnotize and submit the beings even more, I call you to discover the truth about what you are and for what you have come to the world.
Today I tell you, companions, that this incessant search for power and for manipulation is a fruit of a seed that you have brought from the universe, where there are also spirits that do not seek anything besides their own mental development and ways to conquer the consciousnesses through the material power and the force. But I tell you that greater than those two energies is the invincible Love of Christ.
Love is unknown for those who only seek their own material growth because, if they knew the true essence of love, they would know that there is not a greater wealth than the virtues that are consolidated in the hearts that abandon themselves. They would also know that there is no greater kingdom to be conquered than the Kingdom of God, that which is found inside of each being that opens itself to live love above all things.
Today I will answer to you a question that many do by observing the ills of the world:
“Where is God? How can He allow these things?”
Know that the ills of the world are caused by the lack of control of the forces that the planet human beings themselves have brought from the universe in order that they would be healed by the potency of love that you can live here.
Especially on the current days, those uncontrolled energies will emerge from the consciousnesses and the chaotic forces will stimulate their growth in the beings. If you have a heart pure and a strengthened by the power of prayer, you will be able to balance these forces with the light generated by your own spirit in redemption.
If you open yourselves to live love, beyond your own mental judgment and beyond all the degenerated teaching that you received hereditarily, you will be able to defeat all the darkness that inhabits your beings and that you often do not known.
This is a very solitary struggle that is assumed only by the brave because you will have to go against all the decadent human principles that are already engraved in the cells of this world’s beings.
But everything is possible, because huge is the light that is being delivered to you in order that you will illuminate the abysses of the inner world. I only ask you, beloved companions, that you trust in the leading of the Divine Messengers and do not fear to lose yourselves in order to find a new and true being.
I love you and lead you under the Celestial Blessing of Christ.
By the power given to Me by My Son, I impel you to the emergence of a new race.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more