Keep your faith firm so that it may raise you towards the Heights; thus, you will be united heart and soul to the Kingdom of God.

Keep your faith firm, because nothing and no one will be able to make you fail. All the living of experiences is transitory and nothing is forever.

Keep your faith firm so that you may continue learning about love and so that, in confidence, you may build in yourself the path of return to your true origin. 

Keep your faith firm so that the light of faith may accompany you and guide your steps towards the Divine Purpose.

Child, let your faith never disappear; continue to feed it with the fire of prayer. In this way, everything will continue to purify and to be transcended so that, one day, you may attain the infinite unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Keep your faith firm so that you may learn that everything will pass away, but the spirit will remain ignited in the joy of living God.

Your firm faith will save you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


May the flame of faith keep burning in the heart of My children of Argentina so that  the infinite Grace of the Kingdom of God may descend upon this nation.

May the flame of faith keep burning in the spirit of this homeland so that souls may recognize their affiliation with God and live under Divine Law.

May the flame of faith build the new times, and, in spite of the purification of the Earth, may hearts feel absolute trust in God.

May the flame of faith, present in the hearts of My children of Argentina, establish Sacred Unity so that more lives in this country feel encouraged to come together with God, and thus feel His Paternal Love.

May the flame of faith, present in the heart of My children of Argentina, attract the Mercy of God to the nation, so that more souls may be rescued and awaken to the path of peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

Today we meet again in this Pilgrimage for Peace, to unite and elevate our prayers to God so that many more graces can be poured over Argentina.

Yesterday I revealed to you My appeal for Brazil; today I also ask you for Argentina so that your homeland may preserve the values of Christianity, beyond the leaders of the Church and their deeds committed.

I ask you to place your trust in God so that guided by this Sacred Unity that you will have to learn to live, the presence of the Kingdom of God may be established within each soul.

With the presence of God in you, by means of your prayers, children, you will allow that Argentina may be also guided by a true justice, equality and solidarity, attributes that are so necessary to maintain the order and the harmony in the entire Argentinian nation.

But, My children, from you must be born the interest and the inner impulse so that by means of service, prayer and unity, the patronage of the Lady of Lujan may also be maintained, a patronage that some want to banish from the consciousness of the Argentinians.

For this, children, in this cycle in which you are called to consciously assume a life of true prayer for Argentina, I ask you to establish the sacred image of the Lady of Lujan in your homes and in your groups of prayers so that not only your homes may be protected and supported by Me, but also in the Argentinian families, the devotion to the Mother of God may be protected.

In this way, children, with My Presence in your homes and in your families, as Your Mother, I will be able to intercede before situations of great social injustices in your entire nation.

I wish, children, that this love which exists and is kept within each Argentinian heart, that you may offer it in good and in solidarity to the Mother of Lujan so that in Argentina the divine grace and the sacred discernment may never be lacking.

Your country and your government must continue under the protection of the Virgin of Lujan.

Do not allow, children, that the Mother and Patroness of your nation may be banished.

Unite to Me in prayer, and love will win, just as it won on the Cross.

I am beside each of My children of Argentina, waiting for the importance of keeping the Kingdom of God in all this people to awaken in your consciousnesses.

I thank you, My children, for all that has happened in this Pilgrimage for Peace, because the spirit of your homeland is being sustained by the consciousnesses of all praying beings of Argentina; this allows some events over your nation to be prevented.

Do not forget, beloved children, to carry forward the consecration of Argentina to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart every 13th, during six months, because in this alliance between your souls and God, between Heaven and Earth, we will maintain the country in the greatest possible order, in spite of all that may happen.

With an infinite love, My children, I thank you all for having concretized this Pilgrimage, I give you thanks, because it is important to Me.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Lujan

Apparition of the Virgin Mary, in the city of Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

As a response of the Celestial Universe, today I carry in My Hands a Rose of Light. It is the tribute of the Love of My children for the Mother of God, of all those who pray in Argentina who have responded to My call of love in the face of these critical times.

This Rose of Light that I carry in My Hands today is the essential testimony of each praying heart. It is the loving response of My children of Argentina to the Mother of God.

With all the tenderness of My Heart and My Soul, I will carry this offering of the souls to the Kingdom of God.

I will be able to intercede not only for all beings of the planet, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the most marginalized and sinful; I will also be able to intervene for the souls in purgatory and in hell that scream for light and for peace.

All of this is possible, dear children, when your response is true, when from your hearts is born a tenderness for My Maternal Heart.

In this way, Heaven communicates with Earth, the Mirrors of the Universe communicate with the mirrors of the hearts, and the divine energy of Peace is established through this spiritual science, which comes from the Universe to aid all beings, especially the nations most in need of Light and of Redemption.

I invite you, dear children of Argentina, to continue working through effort and service so that each human heart can be the New Kingdom of God, which will arrive with the second coming of My Son.

Today I come from the mountains of the Andes, crossing the lake Nahuel Huapi, because I also am the Mother of Divine Nature, and I want My children to learn, in these times, the importance of being able to take care of and protect the Creation of God, all that He manifested for His creatures from the beginning, thinking of each detail, so that the souls of Earth should feel welcomed and whole, and that in each place they would observe or contemplate, they could feel the Presence of God.

To value the Kingdoms of Nature will be of important significance for humanity, and the response of this protection of the Younger Kingdoms on the part of this current race will allow the continuity of a new race, with a new consciousness and a new energy, which will begin with interest in the sacred and in reverence, in the preservation and the care of all that is manifested by the Creation of God.

You here, dear children, as in all of Argentina, have great spiritual treasures held in this natural beauty, that are part of the Gifts of God. As much as you may not see them or feel them, they are present there since a long time ago.

Open your consciousness to an interest in the Universe and Greater Life will descend into your lives, to that you may recognize in these times that you are not only material beings, but also spiritual, that have come to Earth to fulfill a mission and a purpose, not only as individual beings, but also as a nation.

Each response of My children to the Mother of God is a new opportunity for intercession for souls and for the planet.

From now on, dear children, live this new inner culture of preservation of the Kingdoms of Nature, and sacred values of Light and of Love will awaken in your hearts; you will feel the compelling need to take care of the Creation, for the coming of the new generations.

That is why I come today from the mountains of the Andes, crossing the great Mirror of the lake Nahuel Huapi, radiating from here the Attributes of God to all Argentina.

This was the place chosen by the Father for the Heavenly Mother, in this new stage of the pilgrimage, to descend from the Universe to this sacred place, in order to establish again in Argentina the necessary values that will protect it spiritually and that will allow the emergence of a new consciousness based on goodness and on fraternity, on love and on brotherhood among beings, even in the Younger Kingdoms of Nature.

My wish, dear children, is that you feel God in each space present here, that you are able to discover the wonders of His Eternal Heart, lovingly manifested through the Kingdoms of Nature, because the healing of Humanity, dear children, is in the Kingdoms of Nature.

I will carry this Rose in My Hands to the Kingdom of God as the offering of each one of your hearts for this new stage that should begin in Argentina, first on the spiritual plane, and then take place on the material plane.

My Son has already given you the first impulse for this to happen. The foundations are already built in your consciousnesses. Now it is time to erect the inner temple in each human heart, so that the joy of living in God and feeling His Celestial Kingdom on Earth may again blossom in Argentina.

So, dear children, today I bring you what is most sacred in the Universe of God and is also within you, which is that Divine Essence that will cause you to understand the Mysteries of God simply through the prayer of the heart.

In this way, you will open the doors so that the secrets may be unveiled that are to be found in sacred places such as this one and which come to assist humanity, so in need of light and love, in a silent and imperceptible way.

I place you, dear children, before the sacred Flame of the Love of God, before the burning Fire of His Heart, which gave impulse to the Creation of the worlds and of the stars and of all Universal Life.

I place you before this Divine Sacred Fire so that you may recognize your spiritual filiation with the Celestial Father and discover your origin within yourselves, which will make you be born again and find meaning in your lives.

That is why I have come here, dear children, not only to take to Heaven the Rose of Love that you have given Me, but also to give you the Flame of Love of God, that Flame that vivifies the spirit and the consciousness, that brings understanding and wisdom, wholeness and trust in the Will of God.

As from now, My children, feel different, feel yourselves to be other people, souls renewed by the Love of the Father, that have rediscovered the path you had lost to your spiritual trajectory.

In light of the invisible Sacred Kingdoms of Creation, held in the natural landscapes of the Earth, I come to testify to My children of Argentina on the Love of God through His Divine Sacred Flame, so that souls may re-encounter the sense of purpose and of life, without the need of changing evolution or of modifying Universal Laws, which are a part of your planet and your humanity.

In respecting the Law of Hierarchy, you will be worthy of the Grace of God as consciousnesses and as a people, and you will be able to embrace the call of God as you have done at this moment, as much as you do not comprehend or understand it, feeling the truthfulness of the Love of God in your hearts, which comes to guide the world toward the path of the great awakening.

May the advent of the Purpose of God be accomplished in Argentina; may souls be participants in this advent, and taking refuge in the Love of God, they may participate in the coming of Christ, being worthy of His Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, to represent the new Christs on Earth.

Today, in light of My Celestial Presence, souls are being consecrated that are as special as so many others that have heard My call, to continue living it and fulfilling it in the end of these times.

I want those who today will be consecrated as Children of Mary to come here, because in a few words, My children, I have told you all that God needed you to hear for the spiritual growth of your inner worlds and the awakening of your consciousnesses to Divine Life.

You may kneel.

This "yes" means an important response to the Universe. That response is welcomed by My Immaculate Heart, not only yours, but rather of all the souls that are part of Argentina and that one day will receive the awakening of consciousness, to realize that life does not end here, but rather that it is eternal.

Through this consecration, enter into the new Laws of the Universe, so that your lives may be governed by new principles and your spirits may always be entrusted to the magnificent Work of the Holy Spirit of God, so that His divine gifts may be accomplished in you and you may find the path of service, so as to concretize on the Earth the second coming of the Redeemer.

Placing your hands in a sign of reception, dear children, receive this spiritual consecration for all the souls of the world, as from now vivifying the sacred commitment to prayer, so that your souls may be healed of all that you have experienced in the past, so that your consciousnesses may be embraced by the Fire of the Love of God, and thus the Promises of Christ may be fulfilled in you.

Listening to the Hymn of your Consecration, lifting up the flame of your heart to Heaven, receive this blessing directly from My Immaculate Heart, for you and for Argentina, for the favorite love that I have for this people and because here a great missionary of God has emerged, the Pope Francisco, ambassador of Christ on Earth; a peace-bringer that learns to live the Word of Christ and have his Church survive in these critical times, so that the Celestial Church of Christ may triumph in humanity.

Let no differences exist, let no barriers exist, let no disunity exist. In the essence of each soul, may all consciousnesses be united under the same purpose, knowing that the Love of God must always prevail so that His divine Kingdom may triumph throughout the centuries. Amen.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for having responded to My call.

I new light will come to humanity and it must be born through all the Children of Mary.

Although some are no longer with Me, the commitment to the Mother of God is indelible in the Universe.

But I will gather the flock of Christ again so that you may discover that behind all that Mystery of God there exists something essential and paramount, which is Love, that triumphs over all evil.

I am listening.


When the Father revealed the Cross to His Son for the first time, Christ closed His eyes and let His Heart go beyond suffering, fear and pain; He lifted His gaze to the Universe, to His Origin, to the stars that floated in Heaven. Christ dove into the deep meaning of the Cross and contemplated the Heart of God living a revelation and a renewal of Love.

Christ contemplated the Universe and saw the doors that would open, one by one, from the Kingdom of the Father toward the hearts of men, creating a bond of unity among the dimensions.

Christ contemplated the errors made in the past during all the evolution of creatures that had been born from the Heart of God and that, throughout their development, deviated from the path.

Christ contemplated how the blood, that would spring out from His Wounds, would be poured out beyond the earth and reach the depths of the human condition, healing even the roots of unknown evils, unconscious to men.

Christ saw the Cross that His Father was offering Him and found His Divine Mother accompanying each one of His steps on Earth, as in the Infinite, renewing His human and inner strength and helping Him to renew Himself in Love and surrender. 

Christ saw the Cross that His Father was offering Him and knew that he would endure it, throughout the centuries, imprinted in the spiritual wound that He would carry in His Heart until the day of His return to the world.

Christ recognized Himself as part of God and, placing His Eyes upon the Divine Essence of the Creator that dwelled within His Chest, He knew that it would be God Himself Who would live this offering of Love for His creatures.

Today, son, God offers a cross to the planet, as well as to each creature. Look at the situation of the nations and the chaos on Earth and find this cross there, but go beyond it and know that, far beyond suffering, surrender, inner confusion, there is Love that will arise from your heart if, like the Son of God, you overcome these appearances and speak your “yes” to the Heart of the Father: “yes” to the sacrifice lived for love, “yes” to forgiveness that overcomes all errors, “yes” to hope that transcends chaos and makes apparent defeats, a divine victory.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Even knowing about His Cross and about His Surrender, your Lord never lost His joy and hope.

Even knowing about His Cross and about His Surrender, your Lord never stopped placing Peace and Love in the hearts of His Own. He taught them how to establish a new life and to draw the Kingdom of God into the world, even if persecutions and shadows came upon them. Christ taught them to never lose the hope and the joy that the Kingdom of God, living within themselves, brought them.

Today, child, God announces a cross, a purification, and an absolute surrender to you; He announces a Passion that stretches beyond the hearts of humankind and reaches the consciousnesses of nations, reaches the most profound core of the peoples and religions.

God announces a difficult cycle to you, unknown, because it is different from everything you have experienced and from everything that humanity and the Divine Creation have experienced throughout their evolution; different from the Passion of Christ, which in reality was a preparation and an announcement of what you will experience in these times as beings, and as humanity.

However, child, God also speaks directly to your heart, so that you do not lose hope, do not lose faith, do not lose joy and the spirit of announcing and proclaiming, until the end of your life, that a new time and a new human being are about to come.

Announce to the world that it is enough to open to Love and not resist the transformation; it is enough to live obedience and not to give way to tiredness and loneliness; it is enough to cry out to God and know how to find Him in everybody and in all life situations, because Love triumphs beyond human fears, Love triumphs beyond your pride and vanities, Love triumphs beyond suffering and lack of hope.

Love makes the Cross a fount of Mercy, it makes sacrifice a surpassing of the Love of God, and makes the surrender of the old human the emergence of the new human being and the new life, that will finally express the likeness to the Heart and the Kingdom of God.

Listen with attention to My words and do not let them go by like the wind, because in their simplicity I give you the keys to overcome all evil and to find God again.

Your Father and Friend,

The most Chaste Saint Joseph

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus at the Marathon of the Divine Mercy in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

At last I have come to the place where I have been waiting for so long.

Carry on your breast the sign of My Return, because this sign will come from the Universe and nobody will be able to say they will not see it.

I will come for the just and for those who have been unjust, and from there I will reconfigure the Earth, I will repopulate the planet with new gifts, with something that has still not descended from the Universe and will come when I return to the world for the second time.

But so you may see Me again in Glory, first you must feel Me in your divinity.

I must build the new in you, I must sow the new in you, so that in this way, you will be prepared to receive Me for the second time.

Today I am here with the joy of the Spirit of God because of the receptivity of your souls and hearts, because even though you do not understand My Mystery, many of you have adhered to it and that is what makes it possible to expand the Work of My Mercy in the world.

While I speak to you, I purify you. While you feel, I consecrate you and elevate your spirits to the Kingdom of God so I can withdraw you from the superficiality of these times and enter you fully into the Kingdom of My Heart.

Everything you have done today, companions, has been of use so that I may be here among you, accompanying you.

Remember what I told you the last time when I was in Mendoza: that Argentina would live a great test of faith. This test is already happening, but I invite you to not ally with the test itself, but rather with its teaching, so that you may grow inwardly and demonstrate to the Celestial Father that you are understanding the definitive times, beyond the events and the experiences.

I need you to cultivate within yourselves the perfect balm of My Love, which will lead you to Divine Mercy and Peace, so that you may be free of any agitation and agony, and learn to go through the times in this final transition.

In this way, you will be true instruments of the Spiritual Hierarchy, present on Earth; thus you will be able to help your brothers and sisters on the path and all those unknown to you, so that they too may learn to live this final transition.

That is why you must remember your commitment to Me. Although you may have believed you never made it, your souls brought you here today to remind you of that commitment to My Eternal Heart; to fulfill at this time, what is written in the Heart of the Father, within the Universe of His Divine Will.

While My Grace descends to Earth, your spirits are uplifted to the Kingdom of God so that they may awaken in you the sacred talents that I brought you more than two thousand years ago; talents that I will need in these times to carry My Work to the four corners of the Earth.

May your spirits be able to feel the joy of this sacred reunion, of being able to participate in the Cenacle of My Love, in Communion with My Spirit and with My Essence; an Essence that dissolves errors and blame, fears and failures; an Essence that dissolves doubts and misunderstandings.

Feel part of a new spiritual family, the one that lives in the celestial Universe, because even though you are still on Earth, you can be part of it in the communion of your souls with the Spirit of God, where the Sacred Unity is built.

Argentina must be repopulated with brave armies of the Light, unconditional collaborators in the Plan of evolution, who are encouraged to awaken the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood within themselves, so that all of their consciousness is present in these times and participates together with the commands of the spiritual Hierarchy in this rescue plan of the end of times, that operates silently, working in an invisible way in the very depths of the inner worlds of beings.

May your consciousnesses on this afternoon continue to be uplifted.

Raise the Consciousness of Argentina so that the spiritual plane is purified, not only in this city, but also in your whole country, in all of your brothers and sisters, who are also worthy of Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because they suffer just like you suffer, because they wait, as do you, for hope.

In this communion, where your spirits are uplifted in plane and consciousness, may a great circle of fraternity that unites the origins and times be created, the essences and the souls with the great sidereal Government, which has given impulse to the manifestation on this material plane and in life throughout time.

May the love for life be constituted again in the spirit of Argentina, so that those who will be born in the coming times may have a place of rest and of love, of gladness and of hope, just as you have had.

This will allow the suffering in Argentina to be alleviated, the social crisis and the uncertainties in hearts.

The new Mercy brings new hope.

The sheep of God are called to follow the Great Shepherd of the end of times, who in His second coming to the world will, reveal His real Countenance, as it was revealed in the height of Mount Tabor, to some of My apostles.

The time of the greatest tribulation will pass, but you must persist, live in faith and practice hope, so that all may be transcended and the most difficult spaces of the planet may be filled by the Christic Light.

I also come for those who most need Me, for those that have this as their only and last opportunity.

Perhaps you will not understand what I say to you with this, but have trust in My Merciful Heart, because the door of My Divine Mercy is still open for those who have condemned themselves in spirit and in soul.

I do not come to seek from you what is imperfect. I come to awaken in you the virtues of God, so that your higher beings may fulfill their mission on Earth and learn to purify and to transform themselves day by day, knowing that the sublimation and the elevation of the consciousness is an tireless work of the true apostle of Christ.

If your lives are converted through My Love, if Argentina accepts My Call, more places of the world will transform, many catastrophes will be avoided, and it will not be necessary for souls to learn through suffering.

My Mercy is inexhaustible and unquenchable.

Sometimes I do not know where to place so much Mercy of My Heart in souls, because the majority does not cry out for it, nor live it.

Today I can pour out My Divine Mercy, because you have cried out for it, and this will have a repercussion in your lives until the next world. Thus the Divine Will will be manifested, and you will participate in eternity after this experience on Earth.

It is your spirits that should fly to the heights while you transform your matter, purify your mind, and uplift your feelings.

Continue onward, trusting in the tributary of My Mercy, and do not tire of calling for Me; because as much as I am not with you in the coming time, My Omnipresence is accomplished where souls call for the Lord.

The Consciousness of the Son of God rose up to the Heavens to continue in His Mission and Task, to summon all those who are self-summoned for the end of times, to carry on with the Work of the Return of Christ and the descent of His Divine and Infinite Mercy.

Believe that on the invisible planes many things happen. It is there where you must focus your attention.

You must learn to perceive, you must learn to intuit what is on the higher planes of consciousness and all the celestial treasures, which can descend not only in your lives, but also on to the planet.

Thus, do not fear to embrace your cross and follow Me, because I can bring relief for your cross, I can dissolve your suffering, transmute your agony when your hearts are sincere with Mine and truly open to My Divine Laws, so that on the surface of this planet the Divine Will may be fulfilled.

Now I invite you, companions of Argentina, and placing your hand on your chest, to feel and find in yourselves the Kingdom of God, beyond what you have lived and what you have felt, what you have suffered or experienced.

Trust in the Kingdom of God that is within you and make it a part of your lives in each moment, so that this inner Kingdom which is in the depths of your essences, may be radiated to the whole world, and especially to your country, deserving of an extraordinary Grace.

Feel this Light that can emerge from within you and feel the Love of God and His Trust.

Strengthen this moment as the one moment of your lives.

Avail yourselves of the Spirit of God that descends through the Voice of His Son to strengthen hearts, to unite souls to the powerful Kingdom of God.

While the doors of Heaven continue to open over Argentina, your spirits are filled by cosmic Laws.

Feel the descent of the Divine Light and the blessing of the Sacred Spirit of God, so like your Baptism and your First Communion.

Kneeling before the Thrones of the Father, let us cry out for Pity, Mercy, and Redemption, so that more souls may be carried to Heaven; so that more spirits live the joy of remaining in the Kingdom of God and in His Glory, forever and ever.

And now that you know what in truth is within yourselves and is eternal, remember your origin, the Source from which you come, the Source from which you emerged to live this school of love and of forgiveness on Earth.

And even though you have  the veils over your consciousness, today I remove them, so that you may remember and be nurtured by the Sacred Knowledge of the Stars; a divine impulse that in the name of Light comes to rebuild the planetary consciousness and to heal spirits wounded by the errors of the past.

And now that My Celestial Church has been presented on Earth, the true Church of God that only lives in the Celestial Universe before the Doors of Heaven, may your essences surrender and give of themselves in such an unconditional way, just as I gave myself and I surrendered for you on the Cross, suffering Wound after Wound, drop of Blood by drop of Blood, so that the Love of God could triumph.

In this Love I invite you to immerse yourselves. In this Infinite Ocean I invite you to remain and to live, because it will be this Eternal Love that comes from the Source of Creation that will help you to continue forward, in spite of what may happen or what you may live.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Beginning this ceremony of consecration before the Celestial Church of Christ and of the doors of Heaven, let us intone the names of God, so that Heaven may descend to Earth through the Love of Our Master.

We may stand up.

Each one of us at this moment, at the request of Christ, in the silence of your heart, will make your offering to God, not only for yourselves, but for Argentina, and will place at the Feet of Christ your petition so that it may be contemplated and heard by the Eternal Father.

May the elements that the Father created for this material Universe be blessed, and sublimate the energies so that the Purpose may be realized.

They sing the Names of God.

Two thousand years ago I taught something very simple: it was to wash the feet one for another, so that you would not only be purified of your suffering and pain, but so that humility would incarnate in souls, so you would be able to recognize the Sacred Countenance of God.

May those who today will wash their feet and also purify their souls be able to recognize in themselves the Merciful Countenance of God, which appeases all justice. Amen.

In the river Jordan, My Cousin John blessed you with water, but I bless you with the Spirit of God, so that your consciousnesses may be consecrated and uplifted in constant sacrifice and reparation.

May these elements be impregnated with the Light of Love, so that the soul may be sanctified, find peace again, and the relief it so much seeks. So may it be.

Christ calls up an auxiliary sister.

I have waited for this moment so that you may receive My Blessing, because for God everything has its timing.

Whoever trusts and persists, recognizes the Will of God, is part of His Divine Grace.

Today My Spirit blesses you together with the angels of Heaven because of your unconditional service to humanity.

More than two thousand years ago, I taught you to share the bread so that you could have eternal life. I taught you to share My Blood so that you could learn to purify your lives.

Today the Lord of the Universe makes this offering for Argentina, so that its purpose may be established again and  find at the end of times the joy of living in the sublime Spirit of God.

At that time, I took the bread, gave thanks to God and He blessed it. Then I gave it to My Apostles, saying to them: Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be surrendered for you for the forgiveness of sins.

I took the Chalice of Salvation and in that time I said to them: Take and all drink from It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood and the New Covenant, which will be spilled for humankind for the forgiveness of sins. Always celebrate this in Remembrance of Me, until I return to the world.

May the Body and the Blood of Christ be a reason for reparation and the healing in souls, joy and hope for the coming times.

We take each other's hands.

Our Father...

Praise be to God, Glorious is His Kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah!

Let us repeat:

Praise be to God, Glorious is His Kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah!

Also in that time, I taught you to love through a very simple but profound gesture for the life of Spirit.

Today in My Ascension to Heaven I ask you to fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


First Message

From the Great Star of the Universe, I greet you and send My Message of peace to the world.

Today My Words emanate from the heart of Andromeda, a place from where the Universes of this Universe are governed, and many more Universes that are ruled by the Law of the Hierarchy, and are under the care of the great universal Consciousnesses.

I have come to Argentina to correct it in its purpose, to again lead it towards the path of the light.

This is why I extend My Hand to the People of God, so that they may hold on to Me tightly and follow Me on the pathway of the true faith and of the new hope.

From Andromeda, I emit My Voice to the world and especially to Argentina, knowing that it is a people that needs to straighten its paths to be able to accomplish the Purpose of God, to be able to vivify it, to be able to fulfill it, in these critical times, in which everything is at stake.

What I ask you today is nothing new, companions, just only remember your commitment so that you can remember your origin, knowing that this material life does not end here and that after this life there is much more to learn.

The Universes offer themselves so that you can learn in its sacred Schools, where everything is written and where everything is accomplished.

Therefore, I invite you on these days to drink of My Mercy so that you can drink of the Source of Knowledge, a knowledge that reveals the Truth to you, a knowledge that will give you the peace and the wisdom that you need for these critical times.

But My coming to Argentina will not avoid many other things more that happen in these days and in these times.

Freedom is still in the hands of humankind.

Freedom is what can lead you to God or what can condemn you without you perceiving it.

For this reason, the choice is in each human heart, the choice of living in God or not being in God, of submerging in the Love of God or moving away from the Love of God.

Nobody will be forced to live a spirituality that they have not yet understood, nor felt inside.

But what I can promise to Argentina is just My Love and My Mercy. Streams that will lead you to find the Divine Purpose, to find the answer that you are looking for so much, for a long time.

Thus, I am gradually forming My new soldiers, the soldiers of the last times. I am gradually building the inner Christ in the dwellings of all beings, the inner Christ who will live the end of times, the one who will give testimony, in My Name, that I am here among you and with you.

For this reason, today My Voice is emitted from Andromeda, a place where the Universal Government dwells and complies the Divine Laws of this Material Universe; a place where great decisions are taken for the evolution and the awakening of the consciousnesses, for the infinite expression of more degrees of love, of a greater Love than the one I could conceive when I was on Earth among you, a long time ago.

At that moment, I had left you a key that would help you to transcend all times and all generations, all experiences and all learnings.

It is the love for life what will rebuild Argentina, beyond the mistakes and faults.

Love is what will heal, it is what will fill.

Love will concede you peace and thus you will live in justice.

It will be worthless to oppose one another, because even though inequalities exist, which are seen by all, what matters for God, companions, is the destiny of your nation and its people, as a Promised Land, that will no longer have injustices nor inequalities, which will be permeated by the Presence of God, in the perfect living of His Beloved Son, in the heart of humanity.

Do not fight for what is material, although it is unjust.

Build in you what is true and what comes from God, what will really make you free, someday, to reach the Kingdom of God, which is inside of you.

Living in the Kingdom of God you will be in communion with the High and it will be no longer a religion nor a doctrine, because your religion, companions, regardless of any other, will be love.

It is love that will lead you to live service and fraternity towards your brothers and sisters.

It is love that will allow you to build brotherhood and thus be able to live the new life that will repopulate Earth in the coming times.

But while you live your internal and external transition, do not fight, do not oppose to one another any longer. Seek this justice in the Gift of the Mercy of God and everything will pass.

Thus God will make justice, as the Great Divine Consciousness that He is, and His children will finally represent Him on Earth, as He so much has expected since the beginning.

Be capable of living My Words beyond the senses.

Be capable of risking to do a little bit more than you do or than what you have achieved in your lives, because everything will start again in love, and from love will begin. The rest will become dust and to dust will return.

In your spirits is the Sacred Reliquary of My Heart.

In your souls, the presence of My Soul can be, so that you may be in communion with the Divine Justice and in a perfect balance.

Therefore, from Andromeda, a Voice of equality is emitted and the Great Star of this Universe calls you to the elevation of the consciousness, to step out of forms and battles, to achieve the true meaning of your existence and of your mission on Earth as individuals, as a people and as a country.

Close the doors to chaos. Open the doors to My Divine Mercy because thus My Presence will triumph in you and My Energy will triumph in your nation.

The time has come to perceive reality and not deceits.

The time has come, companions of Argentina, of climbing one more step to approach God and to feel His Love that fills and fills you, time and again.

Be a people that deserves Divine Justice and not human justice. Thus you will learn to be in balance and in harmony with the Universe.

Andromeda emits its voice, from the Universe to your planet, so that you can listen to it and count on its great Government that is celestial and complies with the superior commands that the Eternal Father dictates.

Join this chain of prayer for peace and prevent chaos to submerge you.

Be intelligent and activate the prayer of the heart so that your own inner Mirrors may dissolve all reigning darkness.

For this reason, Andromeda comes to bless you and consecrate you so that each human heart and each soul may listen to the Voice of the Universe and receive, from Andromeda, the spirit of peace.

May your offering for this Marathon be true as you have demonstrated on these last days.

Because the Universe is contemplating all your efforts, however small they may seem. All efforts add to the descent of Divine Mercy that allow to love the enemies and forgive the unjust ones.

Encourage yourselves to surpass Me in love and you will find the Truth.

Encourage yourselves to be My testimonials and you will be free, as you expect so much.

The Kingdom of God is inside of you and it must remain there throughout the times, for the Sacred Will to be fulfilled.

I thank you for having said “yes” to Me for this meeting, because this means much to Me, as a Divine and Universal Consciousness.

Here exists very valuable souls and very important spirits for the Creation. This is why you are in Argentina and not in another place.

Everything in the Creation has a divine meaning and a superior Purpose to be manifested.

Be part of this universal current that comes from Andromeda and recognize, in these times, your mission with humanity.

May in this Marathon of springtime, the love of your hearts flourish.

May your hands, arms and feet give the fruits of service and walk to meet those who are most in need, so that Mercy may reach all, without distinction.

May the Light of the Spirit of Andromeda bless you in the name of the Sacred Brotherhood.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Stand before the spiritual scene of the Garden of Gethsemane and now witness the Garden of Resurrection.

Contemplate the moment of the Resurrection of the Divine Son and trust that you too will resurrect in essence and in spirit.

May everything be transformed and may the chains break to give place to the expression of the spirit.

Contemplate the Sacred Garden of Resurrection and elevate yourself as consciousness, just as Christ elevated Himself to the Kingdom of God.

Live this inner transfiguration, step by step, die to the world and be born in the splendorous Primordial Source.

May your sacrifice and your effort be a part of the legacy of the transformation of humanity.

May your heart beat in the elevation of spirit and consciousness.

Contemplate the Garden of Resurrection and affirm that everything will be possible, that you will reach the goal and that you will purify the senses so that your whole being may contact and unite to the Divine Consciousness.

Contemplate the Garden of Resurrection as an opportunity of renewal and faith.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Songs of Figueira – “The Kingdom”

In this song, Jose Trigueirinho revealed, in simple words, the power of many mysteries.

The Kingdom is announced within each being. It is the first sign that, in the end times, the contact with high levels of consciousness will be the master key to the great upcoming revelations.

Also, in this song, Jose Trigueirinho, through his soul, reveals the coming of the Redeemer and Savior for the second time. He announces the coming of Christ by means of public Apparitions, which will bring the manifestation of the Kingdom in its different planes of consciousness.

The song, in its beginning, talks about the false christs, those who promise changes, benefits and material advancements and do not fulfill them.

The song warns about the attention that each spiritual being must have in order not to be confused; just as it also reveals the presence of creatures on the Earth that will announce themselves, using the name of Jesus, to promote and benefit themselves.

Thus, the Son of God returns for the second time to teach the truths of the Kingdom, based on the existence of a universal life, filled with all the saving principles of the Dwellings of the Father.

In this sense, these truths that will be revealed will demystify the false christs and will place all the consciousness of humanity before what is true and comes from the Hierarchy.

For this reason, the song also announces that Heaven and Earth shall pass, but the Kingdom will remain alive and immutable in the heart of those who believe and aspire to the reality of the stars.

According to the song, all the impulses that the Son of God will bring will awaken and will be shown in the experience of the Light-Communited and group life. And this will go beyond, it will touch the inner world of other beings and other nations, that will be attracted to drink from the same fountain.

For this reason, at the end of the song, it is announced that the Kingdom will remain, although Heaven and Earth may pass. This means that the spiritual treasures of the Universal Hierarchy will be available and present in the heart of each server and true follower of Christ.

This will renew the times and will unite the consciousnesses even more, which, regardless of their nations or of their languages, will unite in the same purpose to fulfill one mission. They will be those who, as the song says, will see the Son coming among the clouds.

Here it refers to the cycle of Apparitions of Christ, from the year 2013 to the current days. It refers to all the impulses that will come to nourish the consciousness with high evolutionary vibrations. This will shine in an evident way in the gaze and the heart of all those who adhere to the call of the Hierarchy.

The song “The Kingdom” is the synthesis of the mission that Christ, the Beloved Son, would fulfill, in the end of times, within a region of the planet and with a part of humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


In the depths of your body, in the center of your atoms, lies a hidden and silent light. This is the Spirit of Life, it is the Breath of God, which dwells within you and which is the true composition of your being.

You are a living part of the Spirit of God. Thus, the Father, Omnipresent, dwells in the essence of your being. Therefore, His All-Embracing Spirit dwells in everything that is life.

Allow your consciousness to penetrate the mysteries about yourself and discover, through love, wisdom, and humility, the matter pure and full of the Glory of God, which hides in your being.

The glorification of the body is the awakening of the Truth in the most intimate of the composition of human matter. The Glory of God is in His children from the beginning of Creation, but just as His Presence remains silent in the essence of beings, His Glory and His Spirit is also silence in the most intimate of human matter.

When a being reaches full unity with the Father and gives Him the space and permission to manifest in their body, the Glory of God begins to awaken in their physical and material atoms.

All beings, just as all Life, are parts of God, dismembered from Creation and manifested in apparently individual creatures.

Today I reveal a mystery to you: everything is part of God. Everything is a divine projection and particle. But the Creator expresses in those who awaken. His Spirit speaks and lives through the humble, who recognize their ignorance and do not limit the Greatness of God, which is still so unknown and incomprehensible to the human mind.

Meditate on the life that is in you, on the life that you are, part of God, part of His Spirit, and gradually let His Glory manifest in your being so that you may understand that to resurrect is not to die in the body and return to life; to resurrect is to die to ignorance and illusion and to discover the Truth within you.

There were those who died in the body and did not find glorification in God, and there were a few, unknown to humankind, who died to their ignorance and let God show them His Truth; living without understanding the Glory and the Magnitude of the Spirit of the Creator.

This is the time in which not only a glorified being must emerge, but rather a glorified race, which dying to the illusion of a false time and a false life, may resurrect to the Truth, dismissing the retrograde life of the surface of the Earth and opening the path so that the Kingdom of God may dwell here.

Live in Christ so that He may guide you to His Glory and glorify you in Him, awakening, in everything that you are, the living presence of the Holy Spirit of God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Walk barefoot, thinking that you will succeed and that you will be able to free yourself from the past, aspiring all the time to be able to achieve within yourself the manifestation of the Sacred Kingdom of God.

Walk barefoot, imitating me with determination and great courage, with the hope of seeing the Sacred Will of God carried out on all planes and in all consciousnesses adhered to the Plan of the Creator.

Walk barefoot, trusting in the future of something better, even though humanity and the planet are intensely purified, affirming within yourself the victory of Love and the concretization of the Divine Design.

Walk barefoot, stripped of your errors and the lack of successes, free of the chains that might have kept your feet imprisoned.

Maintain the vision on the Purpose, opening all the time the door of your heart so that the Light of the Kingdom of God can be established.

Walk barefoot, trusting in the unknown, in that which is to come and in that which renews, freeing yourself from planetary captivity and the condition that ties human beings to the past.

Discover, within yourself, the eternal present and in this way, unite with the Greater Universe, allowing that, at each new step, you may carry out that which the Universe awaits to be realized.

Keep your faith in the Highest, for from the Highest will come the help for each new challenge.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


In order to enter the Heart of God and to be in His dimension of Peace in these times, you will have to fight against yourselves, against the human condition that seems to expand and grow within you, so that, surrendered to Christ, you may be more meek and humble.

When God called Me to His encounter to be part of His Plan of Redemption for the Earth, He began by breaking, inside of Me, that which was most rooted in the humanity of My time. He made Me submissive to the virginal purity of My Holy Wife, Whom I learned to love, to obey and to trust. And He made Me submissive to My little Son, born from the Holy Spirit, a part of God in a little child. 

With this, God would not only break a retrograde condition within Me but would also transform laws of a humanity that, in its time, did not know how to recognize the best of the other, but only tried to submit the neighbor and stand out. Especially a man inside of his family, even if there was love in his heart, the false power was bigger.

The Creator taught Me that without meekness, peace is not reached. It is impossible to enter His Kingdom without surrendering to humility; before learning to recognize His Presence in those who, sent by His Heart, come to the world to renew His Love.

Each child of God has been sent to Earth to renew His Love, not only in this world but in all universes. While the consciousness does not open itself to this truth and prefers to remain in the illusion of its superiority and arrogance towards the others, it will believe that it is on the path of Redemption, but, within it, neither Grace nor Mercy of God will find a place. 

If you want to communicate with the Father, children, you have the path open for this. You will be able to be eternally in the dimensions of His Kingdom, even being in this life, but for this you will have to surrender yourselves, humiliate yourselves and learn not only to love the neighbor, but also to recognize them as a treasure of God in the world, a part of His Heart.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus, transmitted on September 4, 2018, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the twilight is about to disappear and the night arrives, this will be the most culminating moment for humanity and the planet.

Everything will have been unleashed within and outside of the beings, and upon the surface of the Earth, there will be nothing more to learn nor anything to teach.

Everyone will know the truth.

Everyone will be able to see it and participate in it, because the end of times will have been consummated and the New Earth will cease to be a promise, because the old Earth will have been purified.

But before this promise is fulfilled, which God eagerly awaits, the Earth will have yet to go through its transition. Duality will also experience its definition and fate will be changed.

After the most difficult parts have taken place, the Aurora will come, causing its Light and its Consciousness to shine forth. The Son will come and then His Mother will come, and with Them, all the angels and archangels, and the great laborers of the Plan.

The trumpets will have already been played and Truth will resound in the hearts of the righteous.

The unrighteous will be set apart and sent on to their new destiny. The chaff will have been separated from the wheat, the wolves from the sheep, the pure from the impure, the turbid from the clear, the darkness from the light.

And no one will be able to complain, no one will be able to justify themselves, because they will have received everything from Heaven and from the Universe.

The Words of the Hierarchy will no longer slip by like the wind or the breeze that can caress your faces.

The Word will be fulfilled and no one will be able to omit it.

No consciousness, no nation, no government, no one will be opposed, for opposition and duality will no longer exist, there will be no past nor will there be future.

The eternal present will descend to the Earth and the planet will enter into its new dimension, the dimension from which it was separated due to learning and experiences.

It will enter into the real dimension, into Real Time, where only the eternal exists, the visible and the invisible.

Thus, the consciousnesses that will stay and remain will no longer be far from the Truth, because the Truth will be part of them for having persisted in their tests and in their learning processes, for having believed in Christ, in His Word, for living obedience and a strict adherence to His call.

When I am no longer here among you, know that everything will be unleashed.

The walls of the resistances will no longer be personal fortresses, there will be no divisions or barriers, obstacles nor challenges, because everything will fall by its own weight.

Truth will prevail in the clean and humble hearts. The lies will be seen in the hearts that became soiled through their evil words.

The true faces will be seen. Some, full of gladness and the joy of Heaven, others full of fright, encountering Truth and repenting too late.

This is why you must always be careful with what you decide about your lives and your paths.

The Plan of God is not something transitory nor is it something that can be used to one's own advantage.

If the Son of God descended to Earth, it was because of the highest Will.

If the Son of God came to meet you, it was because of the highest Will.

Do you understand?

You cannot discard the Plan of God because it is not convenient for you or you do not feel it. Assume the responsibility of your purification and soon you will be free of yourselves.

You cannot distort the story that is being written in your hearts and lives.

You cannot turn aside the pencil of God for your faults. Reconsider and you will grow.

Do not make small what is truly grand and comes from Heaven.

Do not be like the world, which insults the Plan of God, day after day, without being aware of it.

Because when the laws strike the world, all will learn, and those at the center of the Purpose will not suffer, because the Law will not be a punishment, the actions of humankind will be their own condemnation.

You must recognize within yourselves what the Kingdom of God has given you, and do not contaminate it with your way of life.

Thus, invoke, implore and appeal for a pure heart so that your minds may be pure, so that your actions may be pure, so that your paths may be full of light rather than of suffering, the suffering that you can cause and experience for yourselves.

God aspires that all be able to live in His Joy and that nobody else condemn themselves in this humanity.

Seek to be what God really needs and everything will transform.

You cannot cease to be part of My New Gospel.

You must be part of what is descending from the Universe.

This is why, in these last days, I have brought you so many keys and so much knowledge, because it is time to live the spiritual maturity that the Father of the Universe needs to be able to continue to fulfill His Plan and His Will.

You cannot consider the Plan of God and your mission as something transitory, as if nothing mattered anymore.

Repentance will come to show some the place that they have put themselves in and from where they cannot manage to get out on their own. My Mercy does not reach there, neither does My Grace nor My Light. I cannot transgress your free choice nor your will.

I taught My apostles to be true, but also simple; to be honest and transparent in Truth, because that will always protect them.

But now is the time to place your consciousness upon the decisions in life and how that influences your evolution and mainly, your spiritual life.

Everything that has been given in these last times must be testified to on the day of the Final Judgment and after this life for all.

The treasures of Heaven will never be lost.

The treasures of Heaven must be testified to by each disciple of Mine, even though they are no longer with Me.

The signature of your commitment is your salvation and to remember this every day is also your salvation.

You must learn to perceive the reality beyond yourselves and never allow yourselves to harm the Plan.

You cannot let time go by as if nothing will happen. You know, better than I, that the planet is suffering and is very wounded.

This is why it is in the most culminating moment of the tribulation that I will return, and nobody will be able to escape this event, no matter how much they have denied Me, no matter how much they said I am not here.

The true Hierarchy does not have the children of God waste time. Be aware of this and reconsider.

I express this especially to those who have distanced themselves and were confused by My enemy. I pray for their repentance and their humiliation.

Human pride can be as large as a sea and drown you without you perceiving it.

The blindness of the unjust will be removed when they allow the Heart of the Master to touch them with His Light.

The lepers of spirit will be healed when they open from the heart to the divine healing and the reality of the Universe.

All of you have a place in My Heart, which you already know.

All of you have a commitment with Me and that is unforgettable, because the time has come for assuming the reality and not setting it aside on your paths as if it did not exist.

Learn from My Sacrifice and you will survive.

Be capable of truly and warmly loving.

Be true ambassadors of peace for these critical times, for in this way you will gladden My Heart which has many anxieties and a great many sorrows, caused by those who have not understood Me through this medium.

Now the Light will come for those that want to live it and want to participate in it.

That Light that I will propagate will protect you and you will love each step of your purification for Me.

Re-live your commitment that you once signed in the Cosmos and enter into the true dimension of the Brotherhood.

The locks of the Sacred Books have already been opened to begin to pronounce the great revelation of all times and of all eras.

Universal Life will become present in the hearts that cry out for it, for in this way the Plan will be vivified.

Do not waste time in what is transitory.

Accept carrying the planet upon your backs, for it cries out for relief.

Have the Star of loyalty and Confraternity stamped upon your chests. Re-ignite that inner Sun that must never die or go out.

Let what you truly are shine and you will be able to step out of superficial things.

Because what is small-minded will cease to be small-minded, pride will be purified, and arrogance will die so that the light of the spirit may emerge, which will always fill you and lead you toward peace.

I thank you for cooperating.

I thank you for listening and for bringing relief to the Heart of God.

May the Purpose be accomplished in you and may it always be remembered so that in the moments of greatest tribulation you do not doubt in following My Path, in this way, you will free yourselves of the confusion and the appearances that are around you.

Embrace this cross that I offer to you and, in this way, the seed of a New Humanity will be sown.

I do not ask the impossible of you. I only ask that after so many experiences in Heaven and on Earth, you learn to live Truth and, in simplicity, that which will cause you to find the great Ocean of My Love, of My infinite and expansive Love.

Re-experience all these impulses that I have given to you these days, because I know that you cannot manage to remember them.

You must pay attention to what I say to you because My Words will not be repeated.

Be good students, dedicated and disciplined, in this way you will defeat inertia.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Although no stone will be left upon another, trust in the Kingdom of God.

Although the wind cleans and removes all that is impure from its place, trust the Kingdom of God.

Although the seas will rise and embrace great cities, trust the Kingdom of God.

Although the land opens and swallows entire towns, trust the Kingdom of God.

Although the sun, by its heat and its strength, burns everything it radiates towards, and entire forests are consumed overnight, trust the Kingdom of God.

Although all nations condemn themselves by their laws and free pratices, trust the Kingdom of God.

Although the church of My Son may be judged, and the wolves that dressed as sheep are discovered and taken to prison, trust the Kingdom of God.

Although the faith of millions of souls may be at stake for the end of these times, trust the Kingdom of God.

Although God and His Messengers are removed in some nations and the human power is the god of the last times, trust the Kingdom of God.

Because all will be tested, inside and out of beings. My adversary enters into the least thought of corners of consciousnesses.

Trust the Kingdom of God, because everything you will see in a very short time will be the evidence and the result of having distanced from Truth.

Trust the Kingdom of God, because in the main moment of the purification of the Earth, the elements of nature will take over the governments of the world and more than hundreds of angels will clean the Earth from its great human and spiritual contamination.

Trust the Kingdom of God and protect yourself.

Pray for those who do not do it and for those who refuse to do it. Pray for the nations of the world, for somebody else to be saved.

Everything is about to happen and it will not be a story.

It is time to face the end, and whoever is by My side, as the angels are, will be in the safest place they can be.

Trust the Kingdom of God, because this Kingdom will triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Contemplate the Consciousness of God as a great Kingdom of infinite proportions and beauty, and each of His Aspects as a gateway to a state of consciousness of that Celestial Kingdom.

Contemplate the Aspects of God as a great path of ascension built by the Father Himself so that His children may reach Him.

Each Aspect of God is a bridge of upliftment to a higher dimension, and the gradual contact with Them causes you to return to the Source of Unity, where everything becomes One again.

Each Aspect of God, besides being a bridge, is also a Kingdom that is revealed when the heart opens to discover it.

Within the human heart lies a unique key, which opens the doors to each one of the dimensions of the Kingdom of God as this heart lives greater and higher degrees of Love.

The Kingdom of God on Earth, still unknown to humankind, is the manifestation of an Aspect of the Father that can only be revealed to hearts that love. To experience the Revelation of Life on this world and come to know what is hidden both within the Earth and in the invisible of the surface that you can see with your physical eyes, you must first learn to love that which is accessible, palpable, and visible to you.

To access a higher state and experience a Divine Revelation, you must first learn to manifest Love at the level you are on.

Manifest a Love for life, for your brothers and sisters, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the consciousness itself of the planet, and you will see how your hearts and your consciousnesses will access the dimensions of life that have always been here, but which you could never see.

You will thus find the true expression of God on Earth, a Revelation of His Kingdom and of the Sacred that Adonai manifested in material life as part of Himself, as a dimension of what He is and was given to humankind so that, in communion with the God that manifests in matter, they would be able to renew Divine Consciousness though Love.

While the world shakes, God calls upon you to wake up your consciousnesses to the true meaning of life, and through the Love that is born from your hearts, to access what is Real and transcends all knowledge, including all human wisdom.

You will be able to move beyond the times that will come only with the heart and consciousness immersed in the Truth and in the Revelation of the Kingdom of God, which lives together with life on Earth, in dimensions that hearts that do not open to Love cannot see.

All lies will come to light. Everything that seemed perfect and, however, belonged to illusion, will fall to earth and return to dust.

For the hearts that do not know how to love and that do not experience the Revelation of the Kingdom of God, there will be no life, for the foundations of their lives will crumble and they will see nothing but dust before their eyes and confusion in their inner world.

On the other hand, the hearts that awaken to Love and to the Truth and allow God to reveal His Kingdom to them and the higher life that lives in Him, will look at the dust, and behind the dust, they will see the Truth manifested.

That is why today I tell you, children, that to live, you must love, because you will only find Life when Love reveals to you that which without it, cannot be seen.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



Await, with love, the Words that God pronounces to your hearts through His Messengers.

Just as He spoke to the prophets and patriarchs, who left to the world the foundations of spiritual life, today the Creator renews His teachings and makes new Revelations to the world, because, since the patriarchs, up until now, God renewed Himself and lived Revelations that came from the awakening and from the human evolution.

Even with their imperfections and limitations, former patriarchs and prophets recognized the Presence of God and respected the echo of His Voice, which was pronounced to the peoples and was followed by them.

Today the Voice of God echoes in the desert of human consciousness because indifference took hold of hearts and only a few know how to recognize the Voice of God and follow it,

In order to hear God today, you must allow the Creator to awaken within you the commitments that remained dormant and experiences of union with the Father, that do not come from this life, but are kept in the core of your beings, so that it may help you in these times.

Give God permission to touch the depths of your hearts so that, as beings and as humanity, you may remove your consciousnesses from the influence of indifference and enter into the Laws that lead you to upliftment.

When you unite your spirits with the Father, it is possible to transcend the material laws and influences in order to belong to the Laws of the Universe and be assisted by the rays and the spiritual energies, which descend to the world to give impulse to beings towards Love and evolution.

For this, it is necessary that, within you, there is the will to take this step and love God, His Words and His Plan, renewing the love and respect lived by the patriarchs, the prophets and the People of God, so that, in this way, the Father may find new ways to fulfill His promises and establish His Kingdom in this world, when the time comes.

The Kingdom of God will first be revealed in spirit, then in matter. Be attentive to the Voice of His Messengers, so that, in Their teaching, you may receive the new Revelations of the Creator.

His Kingdom will be revealed inside of you, and after finding the way to dwell in this Kingdom, with your spirits, you will build the bridges with the Universe so that the Kingdom of God may manifest on Earth.

Your Father and Companion always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The joy of Jesus was in the inner and spiritual miracles that souls experienced when they came out of misery and went on to be in glory.

The joy of Jesus was also in the smallest, in the humble and in all those who, in absolute and total trust, would embrace the call of the Kingdom of God.

His Joy imprinted in His fellow people the true spirit to be able to live the Kingdom of God and be part of it.

Jesus reflected His Joy and also His gratitude for the Instruction that brought forth and manifested the sacred knowledge through the parables, which throughout His preaching, formed what we know as the Gospel.

Jesus was the Gospel itself made person and spirit. His Presence would grant souls the possibility of coming out of ignorance and experiencing the first steps of awakening. 

The whole work of Joy of Jesus was based upon Love for God and His Divine Will.

That nonmaterial Love which Jesus expressed for His Eternal Father was visible by means of the momentum and strength of each word pronounced in the Gospel. And also, through the events that occurred in the healing of the sick, the leper, the blind and the paralytic; as well as in the conversion and redemption of the most hardened hearts.

It is evident that the physical events, of which Jesus was an intermediary instrument for souls to liberate themselves from their own ills, were not intended to generate fanaticism nor sensationalism.

The miracles occurred to try to awaken humanity from its profound and petty ignorance. They intended to elevate consciousnesses, from such an earthly state to a more spiritual state.

In this sense, miracles taught the true actuation of nonmaterial Laws that interceded, through Jesus, in serious and complex situations.

The fundamental message that the Messiah wanted to leave is that all material life is governed by a spiritual life, and that our foundations, actions and deeds committed start first from what is absolutely invisible and that we are led by the Source of Creation.

Jesus used all spiritual means so that, through His joy, warmth and Love, the simplest and least prepared consciousnesses would learn to find the true meaning of being in incarnate life and thus discover their personal mission.

The joy of Jesus, His smile and impersonal affection for each being could heal the most profound corner of any consciousness, where the most hidden wound existed.

Just by looking into the eyes of the miserable or the arrogant, Jesus changed their destiny and altered their evolution forever.

I thank you for imitating the joy of Jesus!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to the capital energies, believing that the meaning of life is kept in pleasures, in false joys, and in conveniences; surrender yourself to the Heart of Christ.

While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to self-sufficiency, believing that freedom is in personal will and in excessively carrying out what human impulses always dictate to them; surrender yourself to the Heart of Christ.

While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to wars and conflicts, believing that plenitude is to be found in imposing their own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs on others; surrender yourself to the Heart of Christ.

While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to fear, to depression, to sadness, believing that life on Earth, as they know it, is the only thing that God offers them as experience, not finding a way out of the darkness they have entered; surrender, yourself, to the Heart of Christ.

While so many of your brothers and sisters in the world surrender to the human condition, in a constant struggle for power and for survival, ignoring the Truth and the Kingdom of God within themselves; surrender yourself to the Heart of Christ.

Do not look at what happens around you with eyes of criticism and superiority because, unknowingly, you will be letting yourself be conducted by the same forces and impulses that move the hearts of those who get lost in their own darkness.

May everything be a reason for you to surrender yourself more to the Heart of Christ, causing your surrender to be ever more sincere.

Let compassion for the world emanate from your heart and learn to transform compassion into true Love, deepening yourself, each day, into your surrender; surrendering your heart to the Heart of Christ.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray so that the Kingdom of God may descend upon the Earth and His Celestial Church may be established and manifested in all the churches of the world, revealing the divine spirituality and renewing the spirits who persevere in the search of a true faith.

Pray to raise your consciences and hearts to the Heart of God and find there the wonders of His Kingdom, in order not to lose the love in your hearts.

Pray for the priests of this world, for those who have lost the Grace of God and who no longer attract His Presence, but who have become instruments of darkness and of perdition, destroying the celestial treasures that the Father has granted them for their redemption and salvation.

Pray for the priests who make an effort to reach the grace to stand firm in their vocation, and which, day and night, are tested not to serve God, but to fall into the temptations of the world.

Pray for the religious of this Earth, consecrated to the Plan of the Creator in the different congregations and true spiritual lineages, hoping to be a light in the darkness of the world so that it is not lost and there can be a day worthy of the presence of the Celestial Kingdom.

Pray, my children, for it is the time for the deepest  sins in the human consciousness to come to the light, and many will succumb into darkness, leaving aside the graces they once received to manifest the Kingdom of God.

It is time to wash yourselves in the pure waters of the end of times, which makes you transparent before God and before the world, so that, recognizing your weaknesses and sins, you repent and return to your paths.

The time has come for the definition of the planet, because soon there will be only two Laws acting on Earth: Justice and Mercy. Justice will be given to those who define themselves for it, and Mercy to those who open to it, surrendered in the truth of their hearts.

Pray for the souls not to be afraid or ashamed of repentance; do not be afraid or ashamed to ask for or to grant forgiveness.

Pray for all to have the courage to see themselves transparent and yet surrender before God, so that He makes you new and renews you in His Grace; so that you may be witnesses of His Piety to the world and, holding in your hearts the Divine Mercy, you multiply it in selfless service to others.

Pray for the Humanitarian Missions and for all those who will open their hearts to the missionary spirit, so that they may receive the opportunity to awaken and to redeem their faults through service. And pray for all those who will be served and who will receive the help of God through their fellow beings, so that they may see the flames of love, hope and faith awakened in their hearts again, which was disappearing from their spirits through suffering and darkness.

Pray, My children, for this planet, so that, despite all purification and all tests, these times may be the preparation of a new time.

As humanity will purify and cleanse themselves to be others, surrendered to God in His Grace, may this planet also purify and cleanse itself, and always count on firm spirits who, in prayer, will sustain it, so that one day it may be worthy to be the cradle of a new life, a life that will express the truth and resemblance to the Kingdom of God.

After all is fulfilled, the Earth will be worthy to receive a new name, reborn in Christ and under the Grace of the Spirit of God. The whole planet will enter the time of eternity, where the hours will not be counted.

When all has passed, My children, and love has triumphed in the hearts of those who persevered, being peacekeepers, this peace will expand beyond their hearts and reach the horizon of the stars, the firmament in the Universe, returning to settle where you did not even know it was lost.

Pray, then, so that souls may have this goal in their hearts and that, in the face of all the tests, do not forget it and do not lose sight of it.

You will see upon the world unbelievable accomplishments and events, but today I will tell you, My children, that even greater than all of this, there will be the triumph of the Plan of God which will succeed these events. Thus have faith, pray and persevere.

As My Voice speaks in the world, I will help you and accompany you always. And by revealing to you the celestial mysteries, I will teach you to attract the Truth to the Earth and to live it.

I bless you and thank you for carrying forward this Plan of Love and of Peace.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

