Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"You must know that, after your feet cross the desert, you will find the secure door to your redemption.
Remain in the inner joy of knowing that you will no longer carry your own traumas and that you will always be shown the horizon so that everything may be healed.
Contemplate, then, how wonderful it is to serve God and the Grace represented by being part of His Celestial Kingdom on Earth.
Therefore, allow your heart to be pierced by God's Love, by a Love that can make you surrender at the Feet of the Lord, so that you may recognize that, regardless of any circumstance or painful experience, there is something greater that blesses and purifies you, just like the rain water; that there is something that gives you the dignity of being a Son or a Daughter of God, just as the Most Holy Mother experienced within Herself when She entered the Temple."
Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, I come to give you My time because you need it, because you need to find the truth, which goes beyond forms and appearances.
You and many other human beings belonged to the ancient people of Israel, who with Moses traveled the path of freedom from spiritual and material slavery.
But the task was not finished. You, just like your brothers and sisters of the path, returned to the Earth to finish what was missing, and each one of you, and each one of the groups, were assigned a spiritual and material task, which, in the face of the Lords of Law, you were to fulfill, as dictated within the Heart of My Father.
Today I come to bring you the clarity of My Words, because the Hierarchy no longer has time, and that meaning is not symbolic.
The Plan of God was given out among beings and all creatures that, over the course of time, and even after the Ascension of your Master and Lord, were to accomplish this Project, thought of by the Father.
You who are here are to accomplish a part of this Plan, beyond your human, mental or spiritual condition; and God's appeal is that this should be concretized, that each of you should make your effort, with your surrender and your dedication, knowing that this whole Plan does not end only in what is material, but also in the concretization of that which comes from what is spiritual, and gives you the impulse to experience great changes.
I know that sometimes, or in many cases, you do not understand why brothers and sisters of the path have suddenly left.
The Will of God is happiness for all beings; it is not a condemnation or a punishment. God accepts the offerings of those who inwardly and silently surrender to God through the giving of self and through truth, and of these offerings, He makes miracles. And if it were necessary to take them with Him, to His Kingdom, is that something sad?
The joy of your hearts must be in the triumph of your brothers and sisters, and the victory of Love over evil. But you must appease your hearts, placate your spirits and, in this moment, receive the Love of God, Who wishes to lift you up to a Greater Life, toward an understanding of His Purpose and toward everything that the Father still must fulfill through you and your brothers and sisters, as long as you follow His Law and His Commandments.
You know that humanity is perverted and the planet suffers more each day through the Kingdoms of Nature.
Who will carry this heavy wood of the Cross on their backs that I today want to share with My companions?
Who will risk overcoming themselves in order to live a cosmic life and be able to embody the Gifts of God, which must urgently descend to Earth and to the human consciousness so that, as it was, much more than two thousand years ago, the people of Israel, who once walked in the desert, may finish what they came to fulfill at this time?
God will not ask the impossible of you. God will ask each one of you what you can truly give Him, this offering of your hearts and lives for a Greater Life, which cannot disappear from the consciousness of the men and women of the Earth; for if in this time spiritual life were to become disconnected from the human being, everything would be lost.
But even though many situations occur in the world, which are completely unknown to you, we still have time to build that which the Hierarchy needs and elevate to the Heavens the aspirations of each human heart, which, with compassion and fraternity, trustingly surrenders into the Hands of God.
Today, I come to bring you this message of the Father, because I made a commitment to Him, to tell you the truth and so that I can forge a spiritual and physical maturity within you that is necessary in these times, and which will help you to move forward with the Plan, without setbacks or delays; because what each one can give in this moment will help another brother or sisters in the world who is in darkness and who must achieve the Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens in order to live redemption and find peace, the peace that I bring you today, which is unchangeable.
Think of the possibility of this Grace. Meditate upon the opportunity that God gives you. Your paths can be full of many blessings and Graces, but you must be maturely responsive.
This is the time of planetary emergency. This is the time to fill everything with Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I do not wish you to someday feel frustration, discomfort or despair because of being tired, for I reached the cross being more exhausted and destroyed than all of you; that is why, on this day, you have the opportunity of suffering for Me.
I know that for your inner nuclei, it is sometimes too demanding, but it is time for you to see that you lack nothing, absolutely nothing, and that My Father Himself, through your Heavenly Mother, takes care of even those details.
Remember all those brothers and sisters of yours who have nothing, who receive nothing and who are in worse conditions of spiritual and material life.
I have called each one of you so that you give Me something from within you, and many have not yet given it to Me.
I do not seek your material or intellectual development. What I always seek is that your hearts, fully offered for humanity, also be with Me at this time in which perhaps your cells want or aspire to do other things.
I promised you My Kingdom through sacrifices bearable to you. Now is the time to offer yourselves completely into the Hands of your Redeemer so that miracles and greater interventions may take place.
I promised to tell you the truth; I recognize the other efforts, but today I need you to individually place yourselves before Me and ask Me: "Lord, what more should I do?".
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While My Merciful Rays are being poured upon the world and many thirsty souls are finding again My Path, I search for those who have committed themselves to prepare My Return to the world. I search without rest nor loss of time for the Apostles of Love, I search for those who have united themselves to My Heart in the past.
Even if at your side the sand castles crumble, do not disturb yourselves, all that I told you once is being fulfilled. No stone will be left unturned, no problem, without being resolved, no questions without being clarified.
I need for this time to pour the ray of My Wisdom and the Holy Spirit comes though My Merciful Heart to rescue and to prepare you for the Great Judgment. Be merciful to each other. The time indicates the moment of the great planetary change.
By means of the Higher Will and of prayer, abandon the inertia that defeats you. Open the eyes and see the sacred path that My Work is building for all, to lead you to the Great Paradise. See in all subjects the need of remaining in peace and in brotherhood. All has already been said. It is time to propose achieving holiness and complete service to others. In this way you will forgive and you will not waste valuable time in worldly things.
The Lord needs you active, available. You are My Companions, those who must now push the heavy boat of humanity. The keys have already been given and the announcements as well. Decide for yourselves for the Divine, the Celestial Universe waits for you.
Under the Glory of God, be blessed.
Thank you for seeking always the Love of My Heart!
Christ Jesus
I know that by the next year of 2014 many families and hearts will have been able to guard Me in the interior of their dwellings. Before My uninterrupted Presence during a year with you is fulfilled I wish that all consecrate themselves to the eternal light of My Sacred Heart.
For this I ask that from the first day of January of 2014 until the ninth day of January of 2014 all of the hearts glorify Me by means of the Powerful Novena of Jesus Christ.
I ask that you gather in group with the aim of materializing in the spiritual levels the consecration of the Americas to the Immaculate Heart. If this novena is done with care, love and dedication I promise that on the ninth day I will realize as a closing of this cycle a last public apparition to reveal to the world the secret of conversion, of liberation and of redemption.
Those that, during the nine days in a row after the prayer to My Divine Mercy, surrender themselves like a child in the arms of its mother, will be restoring My Most Sacred Heart. In this way, before the end of the times, all of the Americas will receive a special Intercessory Grace.
I ask you to pray the powerful novena as it is a precious and spiritual complement to the Chaplet of My Divine Mercy. I promised Saint Faustina that the souls that adored and venerated Me through the Face of My Mercy would know what to do and where to be in the final times.
I wish to say of this promise, that I Am already fulfilling it through My daily Instructions. I will need that soon you give to the world the book of the 365 daily messages of Jesus Christ. It will serve as a spiritual key and of inner support to face the great spiritual crisis.
After fulfilling a year of My Presence among you I promise to return to confirm My Presence in your hearts.
I will now give thanks for the warm answer that your hearts may give Me. In this way I will be able to conduct you towards the path of the Truth and of the Good. When I ask you for something so great it is because My Divine Mercy is opening a door of opportunities for all.
May the next year of 2014 be for all the time of the great harvest. It is time to be able to see manifested the fruits of the instruction received as a precious experience of life.
I leave My special paternal blessing for all. I send a ray of love from My Sacred Heart to your hearts.
Blissful be those who in truth live in God because from them is the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Under the Infinite Mercy of God, be blessed.
Thank you for sincerely answering during a whole year to My Call!
Christ Jesus, Your Faithful Beloved
Why do you fear, My soul, to surrender yourself to the ocean of My Sacrifice?
In the Greater Kingdom there is Eternity, the sublime place that you will be able to find after the long journey through the fires of the Earth. Encourage yourself to suffer for others. My pulsating and luminous Heart will never abandon you.
For this, My dear soul, I let you know a little more of that which I suffered so long ago for you and for the world. But many souls do not want to drink of this sacrifice that I have proposed for you from the beginning of the redeeming walk towards My Heart. I will not give you pains greater than those I suffered, but in holy suffering lies the key that will open the doors for those who have fallen from the arms of God.
O, imperishable soul! Do not be afraid to find what I propose to you for your conversion difficult. I rejoice that on your path you find difficulties because the path of holiness consists of the renunciation of self to all.
My soul, stay very close to Me and allow Me to embrace you so that in the hardest moments you may feel that the Love of My Heart will encourage you to go on. Dear soul, you must know from the beginning that whoever offers themselves to the Great Shepherd will be the sheep who will transform themselves the most and will graze through bitter meadows.
The Lord wishes to make you an empty instrument so that, upon you, dear soul, the Grace of My Inner Presence may be poured.
Do not lose sight, My soul, that I Am always by your side, showing you the direct path to My Heart.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you, My soul, for donating yourself to My Heart!
Christ Jesus
And in the end, when the time of the one hundred forty-four thousand apostles of My Divine Mercy is accomplished, I will gather the entire world for a new supper of redemption. In such a supper, in a loud voice will be pronounced the Victory of God by means of the First-Born Son, and there will be no more pain that is felt, sickness that is not healed, conflict that is not solved, and resurrection of those who hope to be in My Eternal Glory.
But before, with those who are the minority, My Heart will do great but silent works of conversion and approximation to My Celestial Kingdom in those who have been far from Me.
And the brave ones, those who will fight against impunity and will establish Divine Justice, will battle with the sword of faith and with the shield of love; and those who at some times were dead in life, will resurrect from the night to the morning. No consciousness, in all of this great and infinite universe, will remain without knowing in some way, that the Son of God has returned to seek in light and love, His own.
The mysterious words from yesterday will be revealed, and all will understand the new philosophy of My Eternal Heart. To those who have persisted beyond themselves throughout time and over the years, I promise before My Supreme Father that they will see My Merciful Face Transfigured and will recognize the law of My Love.
Alas, to those that will deny the message that I have sent to those that are unknown, to those who do not place gold nor power over things; because in the hour of the Universal Judgment, My Heart, the Temple of My Wisdom, will show the Supreme Truth to those who did not believe in My preparatory Message of the end of time.
Because a good disciple of Mine guards the words in the heart and cultivates them as wisdom, to grow in love and in inner truth.
When you see Me come, you will only feel Me in the heart, because My Return will be as a great fire that will light up from east to west, so that the world may finally see the Glory of God.
Under the Greater Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for listening and guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus
I knock on your door: may I enter?
Let Me be with you and talk to you about the wonders of God. I am here to listen to you, know that you will have all My Comfort. Be deceived no longer, take My Hands to proceed in the path of sacrifice.
Be still and in silence tell Me what you need. Disturb your heart no longer, only concentrate your gaze on My Sacred Heart and feel the beating of My celestial rhythm. Stay in Me and seek to live the great experience of redeeming love with Me.
Seek the warmth of My eternal company and see everywhere the light of My Omnipresence. Meet with your friends to talk about God and only do this in perpetual prayer. Nourish yourself with My Word of Life and before any need of help, call Me because I will listen to you.
Stay in My Kingdom, live in My Kingdom and feel yourself as a part of the infinite ocean of My Mercy. Empty your heart of the past and you will allow that the chains be liberated from you so that the light of the true being may emerge. Think of Me. Do all in My Name so that your actions may be sacred and charitable for those who need relief.
I Am here, calling at the door of your house. I Am arriving in the silence and in the Glory of God, your eternal Celestial Father.
Under the Good of God, be blessed.
Thank you for living My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Shepherd.
I contemplate the tired hearts and the hearts that rest in the other hearts.
In My Work there are the ones who sacrifice and the ones who try to live sacrifice.
In My Work there is the server and the one who is serving for a greater reason.
But all pass through the school of surrender and of sacrifice, in this way I relate Myself to My friends. To some I give My Will and to others I give My Aspirations for something good and better.
But all have the same place in My Heart because there are not two paths to get to Me, but only one, a path of renunciation and sacrifice that will permit you to achieve the state of humility.
For this those who are with Me are those that do greater part of the work, for those who are comfortable and for those who are blind without being able to encounter the life of spirit. Thus I always make use of the same ones. My Heart ennobles Itself and rejoices Itself when a disciple does an extraordinary, loving and abnegated service. In this way I am seeing the mature fruit of the merciful seeds that I have sown in each being.
The one who gives all for Me and for the fulfillment of My Plan will receive the gifts of My Love. I will also give to you My Sacrifice, that which I lived on the Cross for all. I will also give you a similar cross so that you may know how to carry it in your back for those who abruptly are lost without leaving footprints of the presence of their most little spirits.
For this, all that you may receive in My Name will give you strength to love the power of the surrender and the sacrifice offered out of love and for the redemption of humanity. In this way you will see the fruit and the merits of your work in the salvation of those who were dead in life, separated from My Light and who by your Graces will reach Eternity and Mercy.
Guard in your hearts the hope of finding in the Kingdom of the Heavens the true treasure for your spirits because there you will rest between My Arms as good redeemed sheep.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed of soul and of heart.
Thank you for meditating on My Words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
And at the end, when the final time will be fulfilled, I will show to the world all that has been separated between the souls and My Heart.
As Reconciler between Heaven and Earth, you will see coming the strength of My Merciful Spirit, duplicated in Light that will again unite races, people and nations.
When the flight of the Spirit of God returns this will be the sign that the fruits in the hearts are already mature, and I will return to make use of the souls to again found the Celestial Kingdom upon the needy humanity.
For this, may in this time unity reign amongst you, unity that will be added to the power of the loving prayer that will be like a shield that nothing can bring down. And even if headwinds may come, never lose the hope and strength of loving one another.
Above all things, take care of your feelings. May your feelings be as clean as the breeze in the morning and may your hearts radiate love as the rays of the sun. Do not fear losing control of that which detains you, only allow yourselves to be free in order to be able to follow in faith My Victorious Path.
You will see in the morning the drawing up of the forms that will be made known in My Name. I ask you that humble prayer and confession with Me be the only things that elevate you towards the eternal temple of My Merciful Heart.
No stone will be left upon stone, but My Divine Justice will have compassion for those who have closed the doors to My Servers of prayer and of the apostleship.
It is time to clean the dust of the past from your feet so that when are all washed by the Water of Life of My Source and the new Christs may awake in silence.
May you only try to imitate My Word, may you live the flame of the instruction of the Gospel, day by day. Ignite again the life of the parables so that the example and the true testimony of the conversion of your lives to My Sacred Heart may encourage those who are lost to surrender themselves to My Savior Path.
Be kind of heart and humble of spirit so that I may be able to reside in your dwellings when the King Sun returns to seek the talents that you were given.
Live in Peace and do not lose sight of It, because peace is also prayer and love.
Under the Love of the Father, be merciful.
Thank you for living My teachings with the heart!
Christ Jesus
In My Kingdom, a Kingdom that is not from this world but from the Universe, there is neither sadness nor suffering but there is joy, peace and eternity. This will be My Promise, the one which I will accomplish with the flocks after My second visible coming to the world.
While you are learning and growing up in the world by means of tests and confirmations, affirm your lives inside of My Heart, feeling it, loving it, adoring it, reverencing it as the Most Holy Heart of Redemption.
Now, before the changes in the consciousness of the whole world, the enemy mobilizes its cunning to tempt My Flocks with other food. But facing this cycle, some mature sheep will assume the care and the protection of the other flocks because, from their humility and surrender, they will be fulfilled by the gifts of the Holy Spirit which will give them sight to be able to discern; the wisdom to be able to comprehend; the understanding to be able to have intelligence, and the peace to be able to be all the time in the Love of God and in My Sacred Heart.
Still, the definitive battle has not started, and humanity will be responsible to give an account before the universe for all that it has done. But whoever is inside love and makes an effort to be alive in the Love of the Firstborn Son, will have enough strength to sustain the helm of the boat that will take all of the flocks through a new path of consecration towards the Promised Earth.
For this may no one loose courage in following Me, even more, that for this new time that has already started, may you unite your heart with Mine, so that we may be One in My Father, without separation nor differences.
Gathered at the end of all at the table of the New Supper, the Apostles of the new time will congregate My Followers in love and for love to form those that in My Instruction will take the word of Life, the word of Healing, the word of Redemption, words that will redeem the Earth by the simple and wise examples of the Apostles that will live firmly in Me.
With them I will be and through them My Shepherd Priesthood will be recognized before My Return to the world.
Under the Love and the Grace of the Father, be blessed of heart.
Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more