Today I come together with My little beloved Son, as the Lady of the Dagger, so that I can cut, within the spiritual level, everything that causes pain and suffering to the souls that faithfully follow Christ.
Today I come as the Lady of the Dagger, so that my children may find the path of relief and leave the path of suffering.
Therefore, as the Lady of the Dagger, I present Myself to be able to open the paths of those who have them closed, of those who are disturbed and lost by the forces of chaos.
I am the Lady of the Dagger and together with My Son, we bring the essence of God's Justice without ceasing, to assist those in most need of The Lord's help.
Today I present Myself, along with My Son, as the Lady of the Dagger to give testimony to all the power of divine protection reflected in the presence of the Celestial Armies and the host warriors of the Archangel Saint Michael.
Today I arrive, as the Lady of the Dagger, and I leave for my children the emblematic trust of God, that science which always protects and shelters you from any danger.
Within My Dagger of Light, is the redemption of evil.
I Thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Let prayer be like a flower that opens over your heart and allow the subtle fragrances that it emanates flood your spirit and your whole being.
Let the very light of the flower of prayer sublimate the innermost spaces of your consciousness. Trust in the power of the Word and in the amplitude of its creative energy.
Let the flower of prayer work in you, according to its time and not according to your expectations.
The flower of prayer shows you the hidden inner beauty, beyond a delayed purification or a delayed test.
Let the flower of prayer, over your heart, enkindle your soul with love, and may it regain a sense of purpose, whenever it is necessary.
Let the flower of prayer perform the miracle of love and redemption in your life. Feel the peace radiated by the beautiful flowers and the devotion they express in all Creation.
Because, someday, your soul may be like a flower that, having been born, grown and matured in the petals of love, forgiveness and redemption, will express what God so much expected of your essence.
Trust and continue to turn your life into a flower in adoration and devotion to God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who Blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The first step to concretize a request from God is faith.
The second is love.
The third is unity with your brothers and sisters and of everybody with God.
The fourth is perseverance when facing the first tests.
And the fifth is overcoming, in the face of each inner resistance and each external challenge.
Trust and have faith in the Divine Will. Love the Plan of God, even though you do not understand it. Allow yourself to be surprised by the magnitude of the Will of the Creator, and how he traces the path of human redemption.
Those who know how to obey the Father fulfill their souls in the concretization of His Plans.
For this cycle, children, invoke the protection and the support of Saint Teresa of Jesus, because her pioneering spirit knew how to respond to Divine Will in each instant of her life. And the difficulties and the challenges did not matter: her adventurous soul always continued forward. In this way, the inner steps taken by her spirit opened the doors for humanity to continue having an opportunity to live and experience Christic Love.
In this cycle, the Creator asks great things of you, because the time has come to forge in you not only an experience of love, but also the manifestation of the Christs of the New Time. This begins by loving the Plan of God and unconditionally obeying His Will.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
Just as the light of Aurora must emerge again on the surface to carry its purpose forward and to fulfill its mission, in the same way the light of Mirna Jad must emerge on the surface to fulfill its purpose and to carry forward the essence of its existence.
This is the time of the integration and the union of the inner bases among brothers and sisters so that the planetary need may be attended to, given the emergency of these times.
It is this sacred union between the Centers of Love that will allow the task to expand and respond to all needs.
The time has come to open to changes so that everyone may experience the transformation and redemption that is offered to you by the Universe in these times.
It will be in this exercise of integration that everything will be accomplished according to Divine Thought, and that the immaterial treasures will come to light to fill hearts and heal wounded souls.
Watch over this fraternal union among brothers and sisters and become this pillar that the Spiritual Hierarchy needs to carry forward the Divine Plan of the Creator.
Receive this announcement with joy. It is time to confirm this inner brotherhood among beings so that you may be capable of placing the love for the Plan first, before the love for yourselves.
You have the keys to be guided towards this goal. In this inner union, you will build the bridges of light for the coming of the Great Brotherhood.
You have My maternal blessing for this.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children:
The time of the purification of each soul, of each consciousness, refers to the moment of being consciously able to be freed from many past spiritual experiences that compromised the walk and the evolution in degrees of love.
For that reason, to get rid of that past history means to open up without fear and leave behind any resistance that may interfere.
This is the time to make a synthesis of your life in order to close many inner doors that only lead to states of consciousness of suffering and pain.
The time of purification is to be able to move towards a new stage that will place each consciousness on another step of awakening and redemption.
However, the moment for coming to know the reality of each being is like facing something that would have no solution. But through Grace and Mercy, consciousnesses can heal the past, daring to take more steps in love and in compassion.
By following in the steps of the Hierarchy, souls will achieve the peace of knowing that they are already in another school.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Aurora is a superior current of energy that supports, and, at the same time, transmutes the processes of redemption.
For this to be possible, Aurora acts through the key of gratitude since, by means of this attribute, the whole process of spiritual healing can occur.
Through the healing current of Aurora, souls liberate themselves from all the prisons that jeopardize their steps in awakening and in the degrees of love.
Aurora reveals to us the existence and the reality of our beings. It supplies the inner needs that souls have for being able to break the shackles and, thus, reach the freedom of the spirit.
Aurora is a current that unblocks the ways of the warrior so that the victory of the battle lies in the fiery heart of those who unite with the Hierarchy.
Aurora shows the truth and does not repel it, no matter how hard of a truth it may be, since the reason for all evil is in the absence of love, and in the absence of goodness within souls.
Aurora transmutes the precarious and dissociated conditions of the being, it takes the consciousness out of illusion when the consciousness opens itself to leave this planetary space.
Aurora elevates us while it loves us. Its permanence in the universal space is indestructible.
Aurora is like the Guiding Star that appears in the firmament of the night to instruct the poor and humble heart.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Cry out to God so that the flow of healing that comes from the Source of His Heart may descend upon the Earth and permeate the beings.
Cry out so that the Heart of the Archangel Raphael may be ignited as a sublime mirror of light, awakening and activating the emerald mirrors that pulsate throughout the center of the universe.
Cry out so that this cosmic net of healing may concentrate its emanations on the Earth and reach those who need it the most.
May the heart of the Inner Aurora prepare itself so that, once again, the planet may feel its love and its power. May the heart of the Inner Aurora prepare itself so that its core may be the eternal dwelling of your Celestial Mother.
Cry out, child, with love, so that the doors and the portals may open, in Heaven as on Earth, and the souls may finally cross the threshold of their redemption.
May the sick of body and of spirit not lose the opportunity of again finding peace. May the Kingdoms of Nature also be worthy of restoring themselves and of within re-establishing the unity with the purpose of life.
May this divine aspiration be a part of your most intimate inner aspiration. Thus, child, cry out so that when the sun is setting at dawn, it may always illuminate this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The light of Aurora is an active and occult light. It announces the new time because the light of Aurora will renew all things.
It is the Light of God that untiringly gives of itself and only leaves signs registered in the sky of its eternal gratitude.
This light prevails throughout time. It cannot be defeated nor dispelled because it is light, and the light of Aurora blazes like a flame throughout the day, and, above all, througout the night.
The light of Aurora is active in healing and promises hearts redemption so that the doors toward rehabilitation may open.
This light embraces a large part of the Universe because its origin is not from Earth.
The light of Aurora pours out its gifts and supports those who invoke it.
It is a light that erases pain and suffering and elevates the consciousness, just so that it may experience an encounter with God.
The light of Aurora will reappear and hearts will sing its victory.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Be merciful with those who most need redemption and who become lost in their arrogance, pride and vanity. Remember that perfection dwells in God and that everything that exists on this Earth is in the process of evolution.
Love the growth of your brothers and sisters so that they may find in you an impulse for transformation and not a wall of where to stop.
Be merciful with those that least deserve it, for this is the essence of Divine Mercy.
Be merciful with yourself, not in order to indulge in your faults and miseries, but so that you, as a miserable being, may also receive Divine Mercy, and be a bearer of that grace toward the Earth.
Mercy is the essence of life. God created humankind with an act of Mercy and, by the same action, He makes them walk the path of return to His Heart.
In this life, in order to reach God, it is enough to open oneself to receive Mercy, to allow oneself to give Mercy and, above all, to become an instrument of this Divine Source.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray, and while you pray, discover who you are and what you came to do in this world. Seek, child, the essence of your origin in God and, through the Heart of the Father, trace the path of your story until reaching this planet, within this soul that you are.
Understand that the Earth is a school of love and of redemption, and humbly embrace this opportunity, letting those divine Gifts be expressed within you.
Pray and seek the truth about yourself, seek to understand and feel the universe, Divine Creation, and life as something much broader than life on Earth. Seek to understand yourself as something much broader than your body, mind, emotions and soul.
Meditate on the Sacred Scriptures so that, permeated by the knowledge that God has already given humanity, you may be worthy of receiving and experiencing new revelations in this time.
You are in likeness to the Father, Who holds an unfathomable mystery. The Body of God is life manifested throughout the different universes, the Soul of God is a subtler dimension of this life, and the Spirit of God is the non-material Source that animates all things.
In this way, understand, child, that your body must become a sacred temple of a much broader life than the one you know. Your soul holds another more subtle aspect of this life, of all the experiences of your evolution. And your spirit is that living cell of God, that beginning of the new, which was created to renew all things.
Revere Divine Creation and seek the space to come out from human superficialities, and find within yourself a universe as sacred as the one you contemplate above you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear Children,
This is the time to find Jesus within you so that He may rule and reside in your deepest abodes.
This is the time in which Jesus can work and perform wonders within more souls of the world.
This is the time in which Jesus must be present, for a longer time, in your consciousnesses; being the impulse that promotes all things and the joy that renews all things.
This is the time in which Jesus must reign in your hearts so that the promise of His return to the hearts of humankind may be fulfilled.
This is the time in which Jesus can renew all things and can bring the opportunity of redemption to the human consciousness.
This is the time in which Jesus must awaken the last apostles so that in this definitive cycle the rescue mission may be accomplished.
This is the time in which Jesus will show Himself to be active and working through His disciples.
This is the time of the revelation of the Truth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Come close to Me and I will take you to the Non-material Source of My Graces, a place in which you will wash your feet, your hands and your head to purify and re-consecrate yourself.
Stay in that Source so that your soul may be renewed and, as a result, all of humanity may be renewed because of your having achieved redemption.
Stay in My Non-material Source so that your being may be sublimated and find the sense of My Non-material Laws.
Stay in My Source so that everthing within may be healed, and what is most old and deep may be freed, so that the essence of the new being may be born.
Stay at My side after having purified yourself. Smile at life and you will experience a renewal.
Stay submerged within My Silence so that, finding within your being the Truth of God, you may participate in the communion with divine life, and also renew the path of apostolate and service to humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
If the Son of God forgave a dying prisoner on the cross, converting him into the first saint in the history of humanity, what is it that you could not forgive to convert all the thieves in the world?
Beyond all evil, deep inside these consciousnesses, there is a place in their inner worlds where they fear abandonment and poverty.
As the Commandment of Moses said: Thou shall not steal. This means that this rule represents, mainly, not to fear the lack of something or somebody, not to be tempted, in lack or in blindness, to steal it.
When your Master forgave the thief on the Cross, He absolved him directly with the very Mercy that was still shedding from the Body of the Lord through His Blood while He was alive.
This act of Mercy, granted to the thief on the Cross, happened from an inner inspiration that the same thief received when he was condemned to death; and the promise of his Master, after the repentance of the dying prisoner, was what determined the entrance of his consciousness into Paradise.
Only an act of consoling and true love could allow the salvation and the redemption of somebody who was condemned to great punishment. In this case, Mercy appeased Justice.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Before the existence of this Solar System and the group known as the Nine Galaxies, which make up the grouping of a universe of lives, God, as Creator and grand expression of Love-Wisdom, deeply wished that some of His Children, the Creators of the Material Universe, also called Archangels, the great Co-Creators of this life system, would offer each of the Nine Galaxies the opportunity to experience evolution by means of “self-knowledge” and the so-called “degrees of love”.
It was in this way that these great Co-Creator beings carried forward all the universal projects received by them as subtle spiritual impulses of light, and then offered to the created systems, known as “Milky Way”, the opportunity of deepening in “spiritual knowledge” and in the “degrees of love”.
All this happened before the fall of the adversary.
In this time, in all the Universes, the first one thousand years of peace were lived, a period in which the development of life, the inner schools of learnings and, above all, the awakening of the different "degrees of love", granted this Local Universe, in which this Solar System exists, including Earth, the opportunity that on a planet of very high spiritual characteristics, like the Earth, one of the twelve most important Projects of God's Love could be carried forward.
For this reason, the planet Earth went through different cycles. The seas, which used to be acidic, became alkaline so that they later might become containers of mineral and crystalline components, living as a high degree of oxygenation.
The continents, which used to be desert and cold, experienced a biological re-adaptation to later become seedbeds of new species.
In this way, planet Earth, and all of its atmosphere, converted into a great womb of light, to finally gestate the consciousness of humanity, which was later known as Adam and Eve.
In this first experience of love, the Heavenly Father internally aspired that this Project, so yearned for by His Heart, would allow to correct and recreate Creation so that increasingly higher degrees of love may be lived.
Some time later the Universe began to live the first failures in evolution due to the very intense fall of the disobedient angel.
From there, the whole Universe, a place where peace, good and harmony were lived, became the sudden scenario of the first steps of duality, a current contrary to the principle of the Maximum Will; a duality that would begin to place at stake the freedom that had been granted to all creatures, with the aim that they might learn to love, just as the Heavenly Father loves them.
The planet Earth was one of the last places in which this spiritual current of duality descended to test, through Adam and Eve, the Project of a humanity essentially united to the Kingdom of God.
For various inexplicable temptations, the Project was being altered and changed, as the contrary spiritual currents gradually broke the scenery of the so-called “Eden”.
Why did the Heavenly Father allow this?
In a mysterious sense, Adam would have had the opportunity of taking his first step in the evolution of the degrees of love and of the awakening of consciousness, if he had been unconditionally obedient to God.
As for her, Eve, would have had the possibility of being the promising consciousness that would experience the Feminine Aspect of God by means of the spirit of Motherhood, a state that would concede the pure birth of the following creatures that would come after her.
At that moment, the Earth, as the first human experience, underwent its first and great test, which, had it been victoriously faced by Adam and Eve, as representatives of humanity of that time, would have allowed this race to attain a degree of love similar to that of Jesus.
This is the reason why God Himself, present in the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, that is, in the Son, decided to incarnate on Earth, after so much time, to give Himself to His Children in Love and Wisdom and to teach all about Truth.
It was during the preparatory time for the incarnation of Jesus that the Father extracted, from one of His purest Founts of the Spiritual Universe, one of His most elevated and pure Aspects, which was the spiritual basis for the Divine Conception of whom later would be known on Earth as Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Thus, the Archangels, at the request of God, were the ones who prepared this scenery for the coming of the Messiah, That One Who, having given testimony of love and of life, would demonstrate, in his maximum humility, how duality could be overcome so that every living being on Earth may finally learn to fulfill the Will that brought it to the world and to transit the school of forgiveness and redemption, inner paths that will one day again place the human consciousness where it once had been before making the mistakes.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Gathered in the Love of God so that, in this new celebration of the Nativity of the Lord your hearts may overflow with joy, for the inner Christ shall again contact each one of the souls that are willing to be open for the arrival of Christ.
My children, this is now the last time and the final cycle for being able to forgive and reconcile with the Heights.
For this reason, I invite you to enter into constant communion with My Son so that, in this inner communion, the doors to sorrow and perdition close, in this cycle in which the whole of humanity has the opportunity of celebrating the rebirth of Christ within each being; so that there may be a better planet and an elevated humanity which can represent the Plan of God on Earth through the experience of forgiveness and redemption, attributes offered by Heaven.
Dear children, tell the world there is time to reverse the planetary situation, and that the Spiritual Hierarchy shall come again to assist all, to rescue humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Do not stop rowing this boat of salvation and rescue of the end of times; there are still precious souls to rescue and to reach out your hand towards, so that they may be able to climb into the Boat of the Lord.
Do not stop navigating, because there are still places to redeem and convert for the Glory of God.
Do not stop navigating; there are inner ports that still wait for the reappearance of Christ and want to hear the words of love of His apostles.
Do not stop navigating seaward to meet the shipwrecked, those who lost themselves in the sea of despair and guilt. To all of them God wishes to give His infinite Mercy.
Continue rowing, children, there is still pain to alleviate and healing to give to solitary and sick hearts.
Take in your souls and on your lips the power of the Word of Christ so that, announced to the world, the souls may awaken to the call of the Greater Universe.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Second Message
The revelation of the mystery is approaching the human consciousness. This is the moment of knowing the Truth deeply and of being able to penetrate this mystery through the revelation of its divine and cosmic knowledge.
Today I come again from the Sun because this is the universal star that rules and illuminates you, day by day.
In spite of what may happen, and before any event, the Sun, as an essence, gives you life, regeneration and healing.
For this reason, today My Message also comes from this place, from this Sun that governs this solar system and that concentrates many universal and cosmic Laws for the evolution of life and consciousness.
The Sun will be the witness of the events of the end of times on this planet and in its humanity, and in it, all the principles will be poured so that the solar system may be regenerated again and everything may start from scratch.
The Sun that rules you is not only a physical, material or cosmic element; it is an energy that has been placed within this system of life so that all could learn from it throughout the cycles and seasons.
Each element, just as each event, has its place and its hour. The Sun that rules you will enter a new state and a new form through its divine self-purification and that of its laws that are part of this Material Universe; laws that are also part of hundreds of Suns in other regions of the vast Cosmos.
In this Sun, you will find power plants for the regeneration of human essences and of their spiritual counterparts that will still have to live their redemption, purification and, lastly, their rehabilitation.
The waves that it will emit for these times will be intense and decisive. A part of humanity will identify this as a punishment, as a global imbalance, or as part of a universal event; although this is true, the intention and purpose is another, the Universe never stops and has never stopped, it lives in a constant dynamism and a permanent acceleration.
You, as humanity and as a planet, are within this system of life and within this system of evolution that reaches the deepest of your bodies, matter, cells and atoms.
The acceleration of these times is part of the acceleration of the Universe and of this solar system that prepares to enter into a new time that, spiritually, will not be so perceptible to all but that it will be visible in the movement of the laws of material life or, even, in the hands of a clock. Time seems to run and not be enough.
The transition of humanity and the apex of its great purification are approaching in order to enter the real time of the Universe, in which only the eternal present exists.
For this reason, the Hierarchies, throughout times and generations, through all ages and decades, have prepared the preamble for the entrance of this new time; otherwise, humanity would have suffered the acceleration of time too much, within its consciousness and spirit.
Universal assistance comes to the aid of all, the approach of the Hierarchy comes to the aid of all. It will only suffice to live the rules in order to fulfill the Plan and carry it out according to the Divine Purpose.
It will be worthless to do much in humanity if the mission is not based on love and truth, on transparency and obedience, fundamental attributes for the current times, when many spiritual and human manifestations will be presented and will convince the majority that they are real and autonomous.
Following the Hierarchy has a single meaning and a single aim, a single purpose, a single goal, which is to achieve the fusion in brotherhood, unity and with faith; attributes that promote the materialization of the Plan on the surface of this planet and in others.
The humanities of this Universe are offering themselves to help this current humanity, this race that comes from the Adams and the Eves and from a continuity of mistakes and faults that have taken place throughout the times and ages; but the end of the Law of Suffering is drawing near so that the doors to healing and relief of pain may be opened.
The more you cry out for My Mercy and for the Piety of God, the more the doors will open.
The more you demonstrate that you are understanding what We say and what We speak, the more the doors to Mercy will open and each one, in spite of where or how they are, will receive what they need. Trust in what I Tell you.
The Sun, for humanity, represents this spiritual fusion between souls and God, a fundamental principle that once had to be lived in the existence of the Adams and the Eves, but that did not succeed due to many different circumstances.
Now history will be recalculated and the Plan will deepen itself in the human consciousness so that every being on the Surface of this planet may keep clearly in mind what the Will of God means.
Do not fail to open your hearts to the mysteries. Drink from this Nonmaterial Fount that I bring you today so that your lives may be renewed and you may never, never be thirsty; because communion with higher life is possible while one lives this lower life on the surface of the Earth.
The School of the New Christs will be ruled by this master, the Sun of the Local Universe; the one who imparts many more energies and principles for human life, for the planet and the Universe.
From this Solar Fount, the New Time will be born and it will fill all Hierarchies and their disciples, all their servers and collaborators.
Now it is the time to take this leap and this step towards the fulfillment of the last part of the Plan, which is a responsibility of all, which is a responsibility of each one with God and the Universe.
The signature of your spirits has been conceived, the permit has been granted and the time is approaching for this event in which all, congregated in love, will internally prepare the emergence of this New Humanity that will cease to be mental so that it may finally be spiritual and divine, just as the Father has thought it since the Origins, since before the Universe and all of its life existed.
This Marathon means the passage into a new time and into a new spiritual energy conceded by the Hierarchy.
The past will remain in yesterday, the present will begin to be part of the future and the doors will open to a new cycle so that human consciousness may participate in the impulses that will come from the great master Sun.
May My Words be converted, in you, into a source of wisdom and clarity, into a source of discernment, healing and love; because the goal of all of this impulse is a greater goal, based on the Love of God and on the unity with the Supreme Source that rules you, since the origin of your essences in the Material Universe.
So that, finally, companions, you may be this spark of light for the world during the time of darkness and tribulation, so that more veils of the consciousness may fall from the faces of beings and the doors to knowledge and awakening may open.
Receive, then, all the assistance from this Solar Fount that will reveal itself to the world in a short while through its principles and signs, through its higher emanations and energies.
Come with Me to the Fount of the great Sun and let us commune, in essence, with the new life that will be free of errors, suffering and pain.
In the essence, the new being will be born, that will become like a Sun to illuminate the new times.
Receive My blessing and My understanding, My Grace and My Mercy for the times that will come.
Under this Sun that governs this part of the universal life, under the stars of this Universe that are witnesses of many experiences and lives, under the existence of the Material Universe and its powerful currents, attributes, rays and energies that are part of the elevation of consciousness and of the unity with God, I bless you for this new cycle, which will be sustained by your love and faith, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Like the water that falls with the rain, this afternoon, this is the way I bathe and wash you with My Mercy, for the souls to be able to purify themselves from all the wounds of the past.
Through My Mercy, I bring you to the Source of Divine Pity, so necessary for these times of definition, because it is through Piety that I guide you by your hand to live and experience the Compassion of God.
Companions, your lives, in service and love, can reach, in some time or another, this Source, so necessary for your transformation and redemption.
Day by day, while asking for the Mercy of My Heart, remember that you are not only praying for My Name, but that you are also imploring for Mercy for yourselves, for humanity and for the world.
Gather from the Source of Pity and Compassion, all the light that you need for the darkness of the world to be transmuted, even more.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Believe, My child, in the saving and redemptive power of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, since that Source is capable, not only of purifying and liberating you, but also of relieving and healing you.
Believe in the prodigies of the very powerful Source of Mercy, since It can renew you and encourage you to reach the way of rehabilitation.
Believe in the wonders that My Mercy can do, not only in your life, but also in each place and situation that presents itself.
Affirming the power of the Mercy of My Heart in your life, you will be able to rediscover the path to the fundamental principle of your essential and spiritual origin, and thus, you will be taking back the sense of having come to Earth.
The mistakes and faults do not matter; what matters is to have constancy, working every day to transcend them, so that the grace may descend.
Encourage yourself to surrender to My Divine Mercy. It is time to feel that everything can be done and everything will be achieved in peace.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear singing and instrument-playing children,
That, for this day, with this new meeting, your voices and instruments may rise to God in order to keep imploring and crying out for the redemption of the planet.
May the Heavens descend to Earth through the inner portal that today your hearts will be able to open.
May the Heavenly Father again hear all of your musical offerings so that, by means of this impulse of love from His children of the Earth, He may pour all of His Infinite Mercy over the humanity in need.
Children, that today, in a simple but profound way, this essential union of your souls with the Creator may be established so that, through this musical meeting, the attributes of peace, harmony, love and fraternity may be present in the consciousness of all human beings.
May, in this gala night, in which your spirits will be able to shine more than hundreds of stars, your souls unite in a single brotherhood, in the same love and in the same fraternity, so that everything, which will be humbly offered today, may radiate throughout the planet, and the spiritual and internal needs of the peoples, races and nations may be supplied.
Dear children, today, once again, I will be accompanying you in unity and in good so that, with the special aid of the angels, the fruits of this special musical meeting may be placed at the feet of the Heavenly Father and the whole world may receive Mercy and atonement.
Beloved children, may your voices vibrate and rise in love before this possibility of being able to sing to God, to life and to all souls that will need to awaken from the deep sleep of this time.
Beloved children, may everything be in your heart as it has been in current times.
May each new gala be an opportunity of renewal and confirmation of your faith for the Work of the Hierarchy.
Today I leave you My Peace, knowing that, from now on, you will wholeheartedly offer everything for the healing and the redemption of this race.
I bless you and wish you a most beautiful musical gala for this special night.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more