Awaken Peace in your hearts. Commune daily of the redeeming presence of My Son. Await in peace His return from the clouds. Offer to God all givings that the heart may radiate. Find strength in prayer so that it may illuminate your path.

Dear children,

In the alliance with Christ which is an emblem of love that springs up from your hearts, there exists the love that you must seek so that the spirit may be permeated by the Mercy of My Son. Elevate your pleas to the throne of God, dear children, so that the celestial ears of the Father may listen to the call of all of His children. In this way, each one of your hearts will be working out of love for the true conversion of life, and in these moments you will be forgiving the guilt that perhaps some hearts may feel. The fault towards God is not the serious matter, the important thing for the soul that has made a mistake is the return to His Heart. All the life of the world is a learning experience, the time to redeem the past has come.

My dear ones, love God. He waits for you every day as His worthy children. The Universal Love of Our Father opens the doors to the light that will come. So that My Immaculate Heart may triumph in the world and in souls, the adoration to My Glorified Son will permit you to dissolve the suffering in many lost hearts. Every rescue begins in the inner opening of the heart. In this way, dear children, the Lord will contemplate each one of you as souls.

Your hearts and the heart of all My children must reconcile themselves with God. His Wonders of Peace and conversion await to be poured from My hands of Love. I will help you to find the path.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

In His Grace, the Lord summons you to work for all your brothers and sisters in the world, under the spirit of peace.

In these times in which the world does not rest from its suffering, I call you to the perpetual prayer for peace in all hearts. Through this path you will be able to build solid columns of My Peace so that they may radiate to the whole world. Know, My little ones, that the Lord awaits the redemption and the conversion of the world. Therefore I come from Heaven towards you in order to teach you how to forgive and love, despite the human differences between hearts.

Dear children, true Peace is a state of Grace. Peace is divine and immaculate. I come to the world to remind you that humanity has a door through which you can find My Maternal Light. Each day that passes, the world fades away. Therefore, My dear children, the act of prayer must be constant to the point of feeling it as a part of each one of your cells.

In this way, My little ones, many Graces will be able to be poured in order to open the hearts that still remain closed. You, little children, just remember and live each moment of prayer. In this way your little hearts will shine within the night that will come to all. See the Light of My Immaculate Heart so that your souls may have strength and may feel the Peace that I am radiating from the Heavens to you month after month, apparition after apparition.

Rejoice your hearts through the path that you are currently traveling. It will be important to sow unity so that the state of My Divine Peace may be a burning fire in each one of you.

Live in peace and feel My Immaculate Peace. Love one another as My Son has said. It is time to live these mysteries.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Who contemplates you with the Heart,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

In the great battles, prayer wins through the love that each soul pours, from within, for the other souls.

My little ones, today I invite you to pray with sincerity for the restoration of all souls that were immersed in the path of festivities through the impulses of the earthly life. I call you today to the reparative prayer for all hearts that, without knowing, have lost the brightness of the flame that united them with the Creator God.

Therefore, My little ones, to relieve the pain of the souls that have distanced themselves from their true Father of Love, I call you to collaborate in humility with all these souls through your union with the Heavens in the daily exercise of prayer.

Many hearts on this day will feel distanced from everything and they will not be able to understand why. For this reason, My little children, I call you, who by Grace have known the power of prayer, to exercise the love in the heart for all brothers and sisters who through these worldly festivities are deceived by the false love.

To come to know the Divine Love, we must pray and thus tepid souls will be able to strengthen themselves in this last hour in the world. My Blessed Mercy is being poured over all hearts, but now My Immaculate Heart needs true missionaries of prayer.

With the praying beings in the world, the planet will be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, after everything that will happen with humankind and the peoples. But if there are not true hearts donated to prayer, it will cost much to the world to surrender itself at the feet of the Supreme God. Humanity in each little heart is being called by My Immaculate Heart to consecrate itself to God in the redeeming prayer.

Still there is much to learn in this world, but My Heart prepares the hearts for the final time. I am in each one of you, perceiving and loving you as the Mother of Peace. It is necessary, My little ones, that all come to know the Kingdom of Peace in order to recognize thus that the Light of God is close to each soul that seeks it.

God loves you. God wants to redeem you. God awaits each heart to surrender itself before His Merciful Love. There is still time for all hearts to convert themselves. Heaven is opening its doors for those who, even without understanding, may aspire for their own rehabilitation. The Divine Lord awaits you for the supper of communion with His Most Holy Heart.

Who contemplates you from the Heart,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My Heart awaits your pure prayers, those that are born from the hearts consecrated to Me. May the blessed fruit that was born from the Holy Spirit, Christ, be the eternal aspiration of working together with Him for the worldwide Redemption of the souls.

Today I ask, My little ones, that you live the presence of the Sacred Master of Love so that your hearts may inhale the aroma of His Merciful Love. In this work of Peace and Redemption, My dear ones, we are together sharing the hope of the heart and the peace of the soul, for the salvation of hearts.

A cycle in this entire path of pilgrimage is ending. From the East to the West your hearts are bringing, in My Name, the Good News of the work of the Kingdom of God.

For this reason, little ones, the time has come to lift all hearts to the Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart so that all My children may be touched by the Light of My Eternal Mantle of Peace.

When the works of the Lord are realized in the souls that are on the Earth, the Kingdom of the Heavens celebrates and praises the Most High for His wonders and Love for all creatures.

I adore you.

Be well received in the fourth Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart: Aurora, after Fatima-Lourdes, Medjugorje and Guadalupe. I shelter you all in My Being.

Who guides you in Light,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity



Special Apparitions

On the eighth day of the Apparitions of the Celestial Mother in Aurora, the group present continued to grow.

In silence, everybody arrived at the tree of Apparitions to begin with the prayer. At a certain moment, while everybody prayed, the sisters of the Monastery of Eternal Faith, a female monastery, intoned the song "Celestial Mother".

Friar Elías and Mother Shimani stood up, contemplating the crown of the orange tree, and shortly thereafter, Friar Elías, Mother Shimani and one other sister approached the tree, to then return to the group.

Later, Friar Elías spoke about what he had perceived.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When the sisters intoned the song, several celestial doors opened over the whole area where the group stood.

The Divine Mother appeared, holding in Her right Hand a golden Christic cross. From each end of the horizontal arm (called PATIBULUM) a golden plate was hanging, forming a scale.

At that moment, in the Heavens, choirs of angels could be seen singing and praising the Divine Mother.

Then, from the Heavens, She effected an expansion and radiation of energy over all of us. Our souls rapidly rose up to where the Celestial Mother was, and She placed them close to Her Heart. She then had them descend back to our beings.

A few moments later, She manifested two great silver-colored medals, one in each Hand. Each one of those medals had the image of Christ the Redeemer; He had His Arms open, radiating a lot of Light. At that moment, the Divine Mother repeated several times:

"Redemption, Redemption, Redemption."

Afterwards, behind Her, another much deeper Heaven opened, where there were more angelic beings very far away. At a higher point in Heaven, above the Divine Mother, Christ in His aspect of Christ the Redeemer appeared, and over Him, at an even higher place, a white dove manifested, which beat its wings as if flying, but remained always in the same place. This image emanated a lot of Light, coming from those Three Presences.

After a few minutes, the image changed. She descended to the orange tree over which a crown of roses and other flowers formed, which had the shape of an arcade, it was very beautiful and with many flowers.

At that moment, the Divine Mother, on Her Breast, manifested a great red rose, which She supported with both Hands, and She said to us:

I Am the Mystic Rose, come to Me, touch My Mantle.

I Am the Mystic Rose, come to Me, touch My Mantle.

Afterwards, the Divine Mother asked us, the two brothers and sister who were present at Her Apparitions during 2007, to come close to the tree. When we approached, She descended a little more and stretched out Her Left Foot, placing it on an orange. She asked us to touch Her Foot and that we feel Her energy. She transmitted some Words to us, and in the end, told us not to fear, for She would protect us.

After this account, Friar Elías transmitted to us that the Mother asked that we all pray the prayer of the Universal Mother.

After a few beads, Friar Elías began the transmission of the Words of the Divine Mother.


Today, I come to ask that you carry My Mystic Rose in your hearts, a Spiritual Rose that was born in Nazareth.

Between the prayer and Joseph's carpentry, devotion emerged when we accepted the chalice as parents and children; something far from our comprehension. But the light of the angels guided Us in the Purpose of fulfilling the unknown.

The Archangel Gabriel appeared to me thirty-three times after the elevation of My Son, and there, My task as the prophet of the new times began, as the Mother Who was to begin to embrace all Her children to take them toward the Father.

When I rose up, My task expanded on all levels and in all senses, levels that today you will not understand, but which are divine lights that all can welcome into their hearts.

Today, My Mystic Rose manifests before you so you may receive My Peace and My Redemption.

I Am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Higher Spirit that is descending into hearts at this end time.

Carry My Message of Peace with you, so that in your hearts My Immaculate Heart may emerge. Find refuge in Me, over My roses and under My Mantle, so you may walk far from the pathways of darkness which are settling first in minds and then in hearts.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now the Divine Mother is lifting up a scepter, which has a golden cross at the top.


This is the redemption of humanity, the coming of the New Christ, of a Christ even more merciful than we can understand with our intellect.

I have been here for centuries and in various parts of the world, safeguarding hearts until the coming of the Master. You already know, He is reappearing first in the consciousness, then in hearts, and in this way, He will descend to His old Earth. He will return renewed as a Sublime Heart of Peace and of Love for souls.

But first, Divine Justice will come, and the initial prophecy He has given: "The straw will be separated from the wheat," it needs to blossom through Me and then the fruit will be born.

Do not seek and do not wait for sublime meetings, but rather, more profound prayers in which you unite with Me and My Immaculate Heart, which must shine forth over your beings and over all My children who cry out for My Voice.

I Am the Queen of Love, the same Queen of Peace, Who brings the victorious Message to those who have fallen, to all those who cannot stand up and all those who must heal the profound sorrow that only I know.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is lifting up Her hands to Heaven and a light blue light has begun to descend.


I lift up My Hands to Heaven so you may find refuge in each part of My Being. I will thus be able to protect you as little children who must walk in this end time.

Hold My Messages in your hearts and promise to pray for My Peace, for in this way, I will trust in each one of you and in each one of My children. Teach everybody how to pray in a simple and sincere way, defeating the limitations of this reality and opening the heart to find Me.

I Am the Resplendent Flame of the Trinity, the New Holy Spirit that descends, a Spirit that all will know and which will not be far from your realities.

A Grace descends, even while this world is purified. All will go through the door of purification, but whomever withdraws into Me will find the strength to continue forward united with My Heart, which shall shine on your path, to be able to walk without rest.

These are My Messages in these times, in which higher realities, the Heavens with the Earth, are uniting, and there, you must be prepared to find Me as the Guardian of Prayer and so we may contemplate together the mysteries which took place in Jerusalem.

We are reappearing not only at the center of this world, but also in all parts of it, so My Message of Peace may be disseminated into more hearts that suffer.

Today, you are receiving a special Grace: the Mystic Rose of My Heart, which must be spread through prayer.

If you think about My rose, you will think about Me and I will be united with you, giving out Graces to the hearts that open and understand the mysteries unknown to your realities.

Heaven is descending over this place and this is beyond consciousnesses; this is part of My Ministry of Redemption and of Rescue in this end cycle.

This place will be a Center of Prayer, the same as Medjugorje has been for a few decades; because now God has asked of Me, with you, that I place My Eyes, My Hands and My Heart, together with My Light, over this place.

This is the New Aurora which is being born and in which you must trust, a Celestial Aurora that shines in the darkness. Call for this Aurora, which is My Aurora, which is the one that rises before you to ignite the hearts that are dark through incomprehension.

If you pray with Me, I will have a preference for you, inner guides that will unite with Me through prayer, in a continuous dialogue of voice to voice.

Three principles will unite for this Earth, which are being born for the second time, for the work of My Celestial Purpose, for the Light that emerges from My Hands and is born from My Immaculate Heart for all, the sick, the healthy, the awake, the sleeping, known and still to be known, I seek you all, again and again, through My preferred prayer.

Heaven is coming over you, a Heaven you will not understand. Listen to My Voice, which is emerging in this part of the world for those who need it. Embrace and accept My Inner Flame, My preferred Fire, so you may have the strength to walk where it seems dark and unknown.

Carry My torch of Peace, as an inner flame, so it may allow more springs to emerge within your hearts, hearts that must be redeemed and forgive the past.

Hear My Voice; listen to It!

I Am the Queen of Peace, the Path of Love, the Merciful Bird that pours out Its Graces over the ones who do not deserve them.

Ignite your hearts and continue to trust in Me so as to find the correct path toward the celestial universe. All of you must return to these Heavens through My Heart which is open.

I will be here until next Friday, to continue to pour out My Light over those who do not see it and do not feel it. If you are united with Me, your lives will transform so the Calvary may be alleviated and you achieve the Light in front of your eyes. I Am the Light that comes from God, I Am one of the Sources that has been born in this world to protect it and rescue it.

Listen to My Voice, so that it may echo in your hearts and pray with Me for Peace in this world.


All together we pray the Universal Mother three times.


Next Friday, at 8 pm, you will come here and each one will light a candle that will represent the coming of Christ the Redeemer in this time. When I appear, you will put them out, because My Light will illumine you.

I will reveal something to those who remain in prayer with Me.

Sow Peace in all hearts and walk in the trust of Christ, Our Lord.

I Am the Conception that once again is being born in hearts.

By the Burning Fire which is born of the Heart of Christ, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She is now slowly rising up to a part of Heaven where there is a choir of angels formed in two lines, leaving a corridor between them where She is walking.

She has turned, and opening the orandium, She extends Her Hands downward and forms a small glowing pink heart.

The Mother disappears and all the images fade away.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
