In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Unfathomable and Loving Heart that never repents from what it has done for souls.

Behold the Patient and Merciful Heart that gives it all for His. This is the Eternal and Infinite Heart that waits for His companions to take their steps.

Brave are those who have trusted in My Call. Graced are those who have been faithful to My Precepts and My Will, because this is the time for the spiritual and inner reconstruction of souls.

Great is the thirst I still feel for those who do not recognize Me or serve Me, who do not find Me in the gaze of the sick, the prisoner or the poor.

How much Mercy is held in simple hearts, in those who are capable of coming out of themselves to be blessed by the Law of Grace!

Today I Am here for a France that needs Me, for a world that invokes Me through the strength of the prayer of the heart. Although wars worsen and conflicts expand, I Am here as the unfathomable Light that comes to dispel darkness, first from yourselves to then dispel the darkness of the world.

Be reborn within the life of this Heart that gives itself and serves God; that tirelessly continues to do so after Its Death on the Cross, when Water and Blood flowed out from My Side, as they continue to flow out today from My Side in pale and red rays of Light to justify and save the most sinful souls and especially the souls that, being on My Way, have rejected My Call and offended Me.

You know that I do not come here as a judge, nor as an executioner. I come as this Heart that silently suffers and endures the ignorance of souls and hearts and, mainly, of those who have doubted My Call in these recent times. But the Truth, which comes from the Heavens, is greater than all miseries and errors. The Truth, which comes and emerges from the Love of the Father's Heart, is greater than all incomprehension and ignorance.

I demonstrated the Way to you through the Way of the Calvary. However, I do not want to see you as victims of this world or victims of yourselves but rather, I want that, through your repentance, penance and prayer, you may one day be victims of My Love; a Love that is capable of accepting, a Love that is capable of recognizing and a Love that is capable of living what God establishes.

This is why souls suffer; this is why souls endure and some agonize; because they resist living the Will of God, which goes beyond all human or mental understanding.

I want you to remember and I want you to know that I have something special for each one. I have a treasure held in My Merciful Heart, which is still waiting to be given to My companions.

I have walked by your side in these last eleven years. Now is the time and now is the moment for you to live My Words and, as I once told you, for you to be My own Gospel, written on Earth through the souls that love and serve Me.

My Work, founded through this Work, could not continue to be as it was. This is why the time has come for the withdrawal of Our Sacred Hearts so that, as I have told you and I tell you again today, each one may walk with their own feet. Because you lack nothing and you will lack nothing when you are in harmony and balance with the Law of Love.

All Our manifestation throughout time has been greatly merciful and patient. Now is the time for this Plan, which God has foreseen for each soul and heart, to be fulfilled.

This is the time for you to be the Plan manifested and concretized on Earth, even while living your human lives; your spirits and above all your hearts can be truly united to God, receive from God His Divine Impulses, and hear the Voice of the Creator within your own hearts.

Woe to those who have not understood the change in this Work, which is the Work of the Hierarchy! Nothing is static in this universe, not even in the Spiritual Universe. When you see that this is happening, know that a great impulse and a great change will come, as it is happening now.

Happy will be those who will be reborn through this moment. Happy will be those who adhere without questioning. Blessed will be those who embrace this moment without leaving any door open to doubt. Because the one who has truly trusted in Me, as they claim to have, will go very far. And everything they have experienced with Me, throughout the last eleven years, will not have been something purely emotional or transitory; because I do not come to this world for this, I come through an unknown Law of Grace so that you may be aware of the emergency of the planet and the imperious need of the souls that suffer in this crucial time, without seeing the light, without finding peace, without being able to feel the Love of My Merciful Heart, as you can feel and experience today.

The calvary of the planet is here, before your eyes.

Who will accompany the Master while He carries the Cross, without being a victim of themselves to be a victim of Higher Love?

Who will not step back when the final moment arrives, when the Coming of Christ is announced at dusk and the stars bear witnesses to this moment?

Who, at the end of times, will recognize their own Inner Christ to no longer recognize their ego and their human identity?

Because I come to make the miserable the most perfect. I come to make the humble the most glorified. I come to remove power from those who are blind, from the ambitious and from those who have not repented from the heart.

Those who believe that I Am here, let them follow Me, for My hour is coming, just as My hour came in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Who will accept the Chalice, the same Chalice that the Father offered to Me in the Garden of Gethsemane?

Who will drink of the Redeeming Blood of Christ to be converted into a true apostle of Mercy?

I pray for those who still claim to be confused. The Truth has been revealed and there is no other because the Truth is one and solemn.

I find relief in seeing those who contemplate the stars of the new time, the rebirth of the principles and attributes that founded the Work of the Hierarchy on the surface.

Blessed will be those who may accompany this moment and no longer make any value judgment or criticism, because the treasure that has been entrusted to you is very great, it is a spiritual responsibility, rather than just a human responsibility.

God has opened the innermost cores of His Heart so that all of you, souls of the Earth, could see into the innermost depths of the Creator and could feel the essence of His Higher Love.

The Source of Grace must not be wasted and it will never be wasted.

Happy are those who are consistent and reverent, who recognize Adonai as their only God.

I thus come to renew the times.

I thus come to illuminate the inner dwellings.

I come to give life to that which is seemingly almost dead in spirit, in soul and heart; because the price of My Blood cannot be measured or calculated.

The Blood shed at this hour by My Heart, flagellated and outraged by the wars in the world and the suffering of the innocent and of those who have to endure, is a Blood of Love and Redemption, which comes to offer itself in an inexhaustible and inextinguishable way to save lost souls and those that have been unjustly condemned in this Work and in the world.

Behold, in My Hands, the Book of your souls, which the Lord wants to write again today, at the request of God, so that your lives may definitively be Mine.

Father, forgive those who do not know what they do,
just as You forgave the prisoner
who was nailed on the cross by My side
on Mount Calvary,
and You let him enter Your Paradise.
Receive the offering of Your Beloved Son
for those who are not consistent so that they may be consistent,
for those who do not believe so that they may believe,
for those who no longer feel so that they may feel My Love,
My consoling Love.
Resurrect from the miseries of the world
 those who truly suffer.
Anoint with Your Light, Lord,
those who need it the most.
Blood and Water of My Heart
are offered for the conversion
of souls and nations.
My Heart is empty
and wants to be filled with your love,
with the love of those who hear Me,
with the love of those who believe in Me,
with the love of those who serve Me.
Adonai, hear My offering,
the offering of Your Servant and Firstborn Son.
May Your spiritual treasures
be shared with souls,
just as today the Kingdom of the Heavens is shared
with those who are present here,
although they do not understand it.


May My Words be held within your hearts, rather than in your minds; because the mind can be deceitful and may confuse, just as it has confused many who have forgotten My Love. However, I come to spiritually resurrect those who most need it in all parts of the world, mainly the essences.

Today the mystery of the Cross presents itself before you, the mystery of each nail that pierced My Hands and Feet. Then, Love triumphed, rather than pain, although I felt it in My innermost entrails and in My Life, which, at each second of the Calvary, was fading away to save souls.

This is what brings Me here today to tell you that My Love is inexhaustible and eternal because it is the Love of God, alive through His Son and, by means of His Son, through souls.

I come to consecrate the vows of the consistent, the faithful, and those who adhere.

May the Lord God of the Universe, Adonai, cause His inner gardens to blossom with the beauty of the souls that love and honor God and His Most Holy Mother, Mary, the Mother of all, the Mother of Christ, the Savior.

May the miseries be dissolved so that the life, the healing and the forgiveness of the Heart of Jesus may be reborn.

May peace be in you and in the suffering world.

May peace rescue those who die in the violence and martyrdom of wars.

May God grant a time of peace to the world, because the scale is about to break and the honest prayer of souls will save everything.

Behold Your Inexhaustible Love, the Love that does not tire, the Love that sustains and renews all life.

May France and the world be blessed so that those who have not repented may repent.

Today, My Light shines on the mountains again and, above all, in the temple of those who adore and love Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Although darkness embraces a great part of the planet, I Am now returning.

Although the tribulations afflict and disturb hearts, I Am now returning.

Although attempts are made to knock down My companions, I Am now returning.

Although the dark night may seem too long, I Am now returning.

Although division is seen in families, I Am now returning.

Although many already live their spiritual desert, I Am now returning; for there is nothing that can deter the Coming of the Lord.

Behold your Master and Friend. Behold the Lord of Peace and Mercy who has the Grace, once again, to gather you in this garden in Aljustrel. A place that is a favorite for Me and for My Most Holy Mother, where the souls that for such a long time have been seeking peace, can find it here time and again.

Just as I was so close to My apostles, today I Am close to you to give you, once again, My Life, the strength of My Spirit, the Love of My Heart, which comes to place meekness and serenity where they are most needed.

Now accompany the path that the Master is showing you. This is the path of the next steps in this month of August. Because I expect, in this culminating time, that My companions will finish preparing for the Coming of the Redeemer.

While the world agonizes, I Am now returning.

While innocent people die, I Am now returning.

While impunity is news in all parts of the world, I Am now returning.

The Lord will re-appear as a Humble Servant, just as He appeared on the shores of the Sea of Galilee to call the disciples by their names, just as I call you today, to follow Me and serve the Lord.

Just as the holy women did in that time, today My holy women of the end of times are called to accompany the Lord in this agony of the planet, so that each act, each gesture and each prayer may be an offering of reparation and healing of humanity, mainly of those who today are still prisoners of their own lives.

Thus, I come to dissolve, with My own Hands, the shackles of perdition. I come to remove from the hells of the planet, the many who are submerged in them, because I Am now returning. And just as it was written by Our God, it will be fulfilled by the intercession of the holy prophets and patriarchs.

Behold, once more before you, the Lord of Israel, who not only sees blood being shed in His holy land, but also sees slavery in many parts of the world, the impunity and agony that many consciousnesses now live for being imprisoned through the jails of society; however, I come to liberate you from the spiritual and material prisons.

There is no darkness that can oppose My Love, there is no fear that can oppose My Light, there is no suffering that cannot be dissolved by My Mercy. Because I gave you My Life on the Cross, just as today I give you My Life eternally so that you may have life in abundance through Me.

Companions, this is the time of the apostolate, just as it has been announced many times. It is time for each one to assume their part with Me, just as the apostles and the holy women did in that time.

The history that has already been written by the Hand of God, is being fulfilled again. The moment is different, but the circumstances are the same, because the Omnipresence of the Lord is uninterrupted and irrefutable, because it is an Eternal and inexhaustible Presence that, time and again, and from cycle to cycle, comes to give His Life, His Love and His Mercy for those who say ‘yes’ and respond to Him.

With a gaze of hope, see internally, before you and on your spiritual path, the Purpose being fulfilled, that Purpose that was thought from the origin of your existence in the ponds of the Love of God in the Universe.

Now, dare to walk on your own feet; and you and your brothers and sisters, do not fear. I Am the Lord of the next goal, the Lord of the Burning Aspiration of God for each one of the souls, for each one of the hearts.

Thus, tonight, when you receive Me and when you prepare for the last Marathon of Mercy with the Redeemer, receive again My Spiritual Anointment through the powerful Sign of the Cross, which liberates souls, dissolves suffering, liberates from prisons, heals hearts, makes life and the consciousness of each being be reborn.

Receive My powerful Sign of the Cross, the one upon which I was raised on the top of Mount Calvary as the Tree of Life, which surrendered Its own Blood and Its own Water at each moment of the Calvary, for the remission of all sins, for the liberation of humanity.

I want you to quench My thirst.

The Lord is thirsty for all those who suffer in this world, mainly those who are forgotten and discarded, those who are imprisoned in jails.

The Lord is thirsty for the women who sell their bodies in the streets, for the mothers who abort their children in the clinics, transgressing the law of life and maternal love.

I Am thirsty for those who are lost in wars, for the soldiers that fight, deceived to conquer an illusion that does not exist and which is unreal.

The Lord is thirsty for those who are sick in their homes and hospitals, for those who are moribund.

The Lord is thirsty for the forgotten elderly, for the disabled who are offended and kept at a distance.

The Lord is thirsty for the little orphaned children, for those who have lost their families, for those who fight and seek an opportunity in other nations of the world, crossing deserts, seas and oceans, and many of them losing their lives.

Who will quench this thirst of the Lord through their good acts of mercy, through works of charity and forgiveness?

Who will repent for those who do not repent?

Who will confess for those who do not confess but lie?

Who will be capable of protecting My Work from themselves, through the truth, transparency and justice?

The Lord of the Universe sees everything, nothing is hidden to God through His Most Beloved Son.

For this reason, you are in time to mend your acts, for those who do not mend them; you are in time to mend your thoughts, for those who do not mend them; you are in time to mend your feelings and all your intentions, for those who do not mend them; because My burning and deep desire is that all may be in the Law again.

For this reason, I remind you that I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one comes to the Father if not through Me. This will always be so, because it is a Divine Law.

For this reason, in this month of August, may your hearts and lives be mended before God so that humanity may be repaired, healed and redeemed some day.

Happy are those who are true to themselves and to their brothers and sisters, because they will never lack spiritual happiness.

Happy are those who recognize their own faults and do not hide them, because they will be called children of the Redeemer.

Happy are those who try every day, although they fall and get up again, because they will be called servants of the Lord.

Happy are those who, in this hour of the recollection of Christ and of all Hierarchies, recognize the Graces and spiritual treasures they have received throughout the times and place them into practice through the example of a dignified life, because they will be called collaborators of the Plan.

Happy are those who draw near the Sacrament of Confession and do not resist, because they will be blessed by My Spirit and there will be no stain nor sin that may afflict them or disturb them, because by the universal priestly authority their sins and faults will be forgiven, and they will be called blessed of the Lord.

May this Marathon of Mercy not be just one more Marathon of prayer, but rather that each one of you may place, upon your table, just as the Hierarchy does, the difficult and grave situations of the planet so that they may be illuminated and filled by the light of prayer, and in this way also your lives and the lives of your families may be filled by the light of prayer.

I will be attentive once again to the voice of your supplications, because the world needs them and everyone needs them.

Feel My spiritual embrace. Feel the beating of My Heart, the Presence of My Soul and Divinity, and the power of the Love of My Spirit.

In profoundness, I thank you; receive My Peace, the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens and of the angels present here in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I have you cover your heads, just as I am doing at this moment, and I invite all those who can, to do so as well so that your souls and especially your consciousnesses withdraw into the Heart of God, the safe and the favorite dwelling of the children of the Father.

I ask you to do this exercise, at this time, to accompany your Master and Lord in this spiritual and also planetary task that today I carry out, together with you, and you carry it out together with Me, in withdrawal and reflection.

Today, on the eve of Pentecost, I gather you together as My apostles of the past so that the Holy Spirit and all His divine Gifts, prepare you in this time for what is to come.

I do not come to impart fear to the world, because the world itself already lives many fears, I come to ask the Holy Spirit to lead each one of Mine towards reflection about the importance of maturing and growing internally, the importance of humbling oneself and of surrendering outwardly so that adversity will not cause My companions defeat at this time, but rather that their spirits may be brave warriors of peace, who firmly follow the steps of the Redeemer.

Also, on this day, when the inner Aurora shines in the heart of each being, through the Presence of the Celestial Mother, a cycle is closing in this month of May. And, today, your Master and Lord humbly deigns to come to meet you in order to close this cycle.

The times of the Hierarchy before were longer, they were more prolonged and lasting cycles. When this twenty-first century began for you, those cycles shortened and they were quickly presented to all of humanity in a more decisive and rapid way.

The cycles that the Hierarchy live today and the cycles that your internal worlds can live today are daily impulses, second by second, before those cycles were throughout the years, or even throughout decades.

I abruptly stop so that you are concentrated and drink from My Words that lovingly only want to give you impulses for your spirits, for all your souls; because these impulses that I bring you today are the last of this cycle that I have lived with you in the last seven years of My Apparitions.

You accompanied Me for some time in the daily cycles, then you accompanied Me in weekly cycles, after, you accompanied me in monthly cycles, as it is up to now, and finally, for the coming time, you will accompany me in annual cycles. These cycles, which will be the last to come, Christic cycles for all humanity, will consist of seven cycles.

When that is fulfilled, other situations will happen on the planet. And it will be at that moment, and at that time, within that cycle, that I will deliver to you, in some way or another, where your spirits will be able to live the last cycle of redemption; so that I find you ready when I return to the world and reappear to search for Mine, for those who in the surrender and resignation of their lives and their consciousnesses followed the steps of the Words of the Lord, Words that may be within you for your whole life.

In this withdrawal, but also in this synthesis, that we live today, your Master and Lord teaches you to read the events, to learn through the events and to grow through the events.

Because your lives and above all your minds can not understand what the Celestial Hierarchy is doing and carrying forward at this time.

The impulses that Divine Messengers give are unrepeatable, it is time for you to understand and also see that, in what seems to be the same, the impulses that we give you are never the same, because they come to place you upon the step of evolutionary life that each of your spirits must reach, in union with the dwelling of the Heart of God, where His whole Will, all His Principles and all His Intentions are kept.

Companions, on this day of synthesis of the impulses of the Divine Messengers for the month of May, have you asked yourselves:

Have I already taken one more step towards the Heart of God?

Have I understood how to face the transformation of my life?

Do I cling more each day to the Tunic of the Redeemer so that with His unconditional and loving support, no opposing force can take me from His path of love and redemption?

On this day of synthesis, have your consciousnesses wondered:

How can I give more of myself, from my inner world to my outer world?

How can my consciousness, but, above all, my cells and atoms transcend to illuminate life and everything that surrounds?

Have I learned how to deepen the degrees of love?

How charitable am I towards my fellow being?

How much more have I been able to learn to love, without conditions and without rules, just as I love you, even if you fall at My feet or often fail to follow My steps?

And finally, in this planetary scenario of suffering and adversity, have you asked Me:

Lord, am I ready?

Is my heart ready to experience the driest deserts for You, no matter what that means or represents?

Would I be capable of drinking the bitter gall that You drank on the Cross, feeling a deep thirst for all souls?

As never before, companions, beloved of My Father, I have given you all the tools, internal and external, so that you can move forward in this planetary transition and learn to one day surpass Me in love, as some have already learned to surpass Me in love.

For this reason, My Holy Mother, who is your beloved Mother of Heaven and Earth, yesterday invited you and called you to live in love. That is not something that can remain stationary or static.

The Love that I bring you is part of a cosmic dynamism, of a universal Law, it is the Love that has created you, in the image of the Father. Because He only needs you to love Him as He loves you so that you learn to live an invincible love and not a stingy, possessive love, or even an indifferent love.

At this moment, I need the New Christs on Earth, just as many Christs are in Heaven, in the stars, and throughout the universes, giving impulses to your inner steps as part of this humanity.

How can I reverse this chaos of the world without having My companions?

Who will walk by My side, taking with them the torch of Light and entering the deepest darkness of the world, no matter what happens?

When darkness is very great in your lives, it is when you must most ignite in My love.

How do you think you will overcome your own deserts?

How do you think you will reach the most remote places of the world to appease the suffering and sorrow of humanity?

I only ask that you continue to be part of My chain of Love, which is a universal, spiritual and divine chain.

Now that I have purified you through My Words, feel the strength and power of My Spirit. And, in this Ocean of Mercy that I show you today, through My Heart, go up to My boat so that your consciousnesses be part of My Mystical Body, so that, one day, your lives be part of My Eucharistic Body, precious instruments in the Hands of God that live the universe of virtues and that express the Gifts of the Father through service, an unconditional, permanent and tireless service.

I have entrusted to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph that, at this moment of synthesis, during the last days of May, and throughout the days to come, His Holy Heart will teach you to love humility, so that your missions may be established and fulfilled, just as it is written in the Sacred Books of Creation.

I wish that My apostles, throughout the whole world, be souls in consolation, souls in reparation for humanity and for the planet.

I have said to you at this moment all that I had thought of saying, but not with My Mind, but rather through My Heart, through the Rays of My Heart, I have given you the divine impulses that come as a flow of Graces to consecrate your more each day to My Wills and Principles.

Today I come to close, in the name of the Love of God and for the planetary situation, this cycle of impulses of the month of May by means of the Sacred Eucharistic Celebration.

But before that, I want the impulses of My Heart to be seen by the whole world through the Blessed Sacrament and, before beginning with the Eucharistic Celebration, I invite you to adore the Most Blessed Body of Christ for peace in the world, the end of wars, the end of conflicts, the end of indifference, the end of pride and, above all, the end of the evil that I come to transmute today for you and for your brothers and sisters so that your souls may be elevated in adoration of the Creator, the One that is in the Heavens and to Whom we owe honor and reverence, loyalty and Love, above all things.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lord has knelt down at this moment, so that we may adore the Blessed Sacrament in reparation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We may bring here the Blessed Sacrament and the Altar.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thus, I bless the world so that it may fully enter My adoring Heart, the Heart that eternally adores God.


Fiar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thus, we respond at this moment to the request of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for all His intentions.

At the sound of the bell, we will begin this small adoration for the aspirations of Christ.

We surrender to You, Lord of the Universe,
so that Your Grace may descend to Earth.

 We surrender to You, Lord of the Universe,
so that Your Mercy may be fulfilled
in each one of us. 

We surrender to You, Lord of the Universe,
so that Your supreme Light may descend to the planet
and all may be renewed, within and outside of us,
throughout all of humanity.

We adore You, Lord of the Universe,
We recognize You, we love You,
and accept to live Your Will.

On this day, of Your unfathomable Mercy,
may Your Design be fulfilled
In each one of us.

Make us small, humble,
Empty our hearts of all personal will.

May our souls, Lord of the Universe,
and the souls of all our brothers and sisters of the planet,
merge into the Source of Your Creation
to return to our origins.

At this moment, at the request of Christ, before the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, everyone will carry out their inner offering so that our consciousnesses may be filled with His Faith.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You,
for by Your Holy Cross, You redeemed the world.


I am here to celebrate with you the Sacrament of Life. Of a life that surrendered for you, much more than it surrendered when this life was on the Cross so that the souls of all My companions might be a part of the redeeming Christic Legacy that I offer to you again today, in an unconditional and pure way.

Just as I gathered the twelve at the Cenacle, so that they might afterward be blessed by the Spirit of Pentecost, on the eve of this great day of the Holy Spirit for the whole world, and as it was in Emmaus, I come to share My Life with each one of you, holding the bread in thanksgiving and raising it to the Father for Him to convert it into My Body so that, in this end of cycle of the month of May, the souls, together with the Angels of Redemption, may reconfirm their inner vows to My Heart.

Thus, I break the bread again and I offer it to you, saying, “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, that was surrendered for humanity and for the forgiveness of sins.”


We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.


In the same way, before concluding this supper, which out of love I celebrate with you and for peace in the world, I take the Chalice in My Hands again, offering it to God for the redemption and forgiveness of souls so that the wine may be converted into My precious Blood and transubstantiated by the Angels of Redemption. Thus, I offer it to you again, saying, “Take it and drink of it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which was shed by Your Redeemer for the remission of all sins. Do it in remembrance of Me, because I am already returning.”


We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.


Behold, companions, children of My Father, the Body and the Blood of Your Redeemer, sensitively wounded and outraged by the sins of the world, and which, in this third eucharistic trilogy, I invite you to repair.

In union to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I invite you to consummate this Consecration together with Me through the Prayer of the Our Father:

Our Father

May My Peace, which is the Peace of God, descend to Earth.


“Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
But only say the Word, and I shall be healed.



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And we announce, in the name and in the Presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Spiritual Communion, the reparative communion today for all souls of the world, for all our brothers and sisters of the planet, through three bell sounds.


“Celestial Father, Who leads all,
 accept our offer of surrender to You,
 guide us through the path of love, so that Your Will may be done.


We commune, Lord, with Your Sacred Heart, so that You may give us strength and bravery, hope and renewal.



Today, I leave, companions, with a task concluded. I invite you to continue in faith, for the victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Before bidding farewell, I invite each one of you to elevate your intentions toward My Heart. And by means of a song that is very special for Me, which represents the elevation of your consciousnesses, I invite you to sing one of the most important hymns of the Community of Figueira, called “Breath of the Spirit.”

I thank you and you may go in Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
